Similar to mozzarella for pizza. How to replace exotic cheeses in recipes with more accessible ones. Famous cheeses of Italy

Similar to mozzarella for pizza. How to replace exotic cheeses in recipes with more accessible ones. Famous cheeses of Italy

Mozzarella- a constant component of many popular dishes, for example, Caprese salad, Margherita pizza. However, find mozzarella It's getting more and more difficult in stores. Recent economic events have led to suppliers reducing the volume of mozzarella they supply and significantly increasing its cost. In such a situation, what can you replace your favorite cheese with? We will try to answer this question.

So if Mozzarella you need it for a salad and your goal is not to melt it, that is, there are four replacement options.

Cheese cheese comes first. Before use, it must be soaked in milk - this will help draw out excess salt and make the taste more delicate.

In second place - Adyghe cheese. In terms of taste, it is quite close to mozzarella.

On the third - Suluguni. Suluguni cheese is a hard cheese pickled cheeses made from buffalo or goat milk.

On the fourth - grain cheese.

If mozzarella is needed to make pizza, then a melting type of cheese is needed as a replacement. The best choice in this case is Tilsiter.
If this option does not suit you, there is only one thing left to do - do mozzarella yourself.

How to make your own mozzarella

For a beginner, the process will not be quick, but strict adherence to the recommendations will give the necessary result - you will have your own mozzarella.

You will need: a liter of full-fat cow's milk, a glass of kefir, a tablespoon of salt, a tablespoon of vinegar (25%), gauze, a saucepan and a colander.

1) Pour the milk into a saucepan and place on the fire, heat until hot, but do not boil.
2) Remove the pan with milk from the heat and add 1 tablespoon of salt and a glass of kefir, mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon.
3) Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and leave to stand for 30 minutes. After half an hour, the milk should curdle. It will turn out that the translucent serum will begin to separate from the lumps curd mass. If this does not happen, it means that you used unnatural milk or not fat enough. In this case, bring this mixture to a boil, the curds will begin to separate from the whey.
4) Take another pan, place a colander on top, and line it with a waffle towel or gauze folded in several layers. Place the curd mixture in a colander and let the whey drain completely.
5) Squeeze the curd mass thoroughly directly into the towel, as the quality of the squeeze significantly affects the taste and structure of the mozzarella.
6) When the whey is no longer squeezed out of the cheese, wrap the mozzarella in cheesecloth (so that it does not dry out), leave it in a colander with a saucepan and put it in the refrigerator overnight so that the remaining whey finally drains into the saucepan.
7) In the morning, unwrap the mozzarella ball, place it in a bowl and pour in the separated whey. Place the cheese in the refrigerator for another day. Yours homemade mozzarella ready.

Now you know what you can replace mozzarella. By the way, in the articles you will find several more recipes for homemade cheeses.

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Mozzarella is a constant component of many popular dishes, for example, Caprese salad, Margherita pizza. However, finding mozzarella in stores is becoming increasingly difficult. Recent economic events have led to suppliers reducing the supply of mozzarella and significantly increasing its cost.

In such a situation, what can you replace your favorite cheese with? We will try to answer this question.

So if Mozzarella you need it for a salad and your goal is not to melt it, that is, there are four replacement options.

Cheese cheese comes first. Before using it, you need to soak it in milk - this will help draw out excess salt and make the taste more delicate.

In second place is Adyghe cheese. In terms of taste, it is quite close to mozzarella.

On the third - Suluguni. Suluguni cheese is a hard brine cheese made from buffalo or goat milk.

On the fourth - grain cheese.

If mozzarella is needed to make pizza, then a melting type of cheese is needed as a replacement. The best choice in this case is Tilsiter.
If this option does not suit you, there is only one thing left to do: mozzarella yourself.

How to make your own mozzarella

For a beginner, the process will not be quick, but strict adherence to the recommendations will give the necessary result - you will have your own mozzarella.

You will need: a liter of full-fat cow's milk, a glass of kefir, a tablespoon of salt, a tablespoon of vinegar (25%), gauze, a saucepan and a colander.

1) Pour the milk into a saucepan and place on the fire, heat until hot, but do not boil.
2) Remove the pan with milk from the heat and add 1 tablespoon of salt and a glass of kefir, mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon.
3) Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and leave to stand for 30 minutes. After half an hour, the milk should curdle. It will turn out that the translucent whey will begin to separate from the lumps of curd mass. If this does not happen, it means that you used unnatural milk or not fat enough. In this case, bring this mixture to a boil, the curds will begin to separate from the whey.
4) Take another pan, place a colander on top, and line it with a waffle towel or gauze folded in several layers. Place the curd mixture in a colander and let the whey drain completely.
5) Squeeze the curd mass thoroughly directly into the towel, as the quality of the squeeze significantly affects the taste and structure of the mozzarella.
6) When the whey is no longer squeezed out of the cheese, wrap the mozzarella in cheesecloth (so that it does not dry out), leave it in a colander with a saucepan and put it in the refrigerator overnight so that the remaining whey finally drains into the saucepan.
7) In the morning, unwrap the mozzarella ball, place it in a bowl and pour in the separated whey. Place the cheese in the refrigerator for another day. Yours homemade mozzarella ready.

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It is impossible to imagine Italian cuisine without this popular product. Durum varieties melts well and is suitable for making lasagna and pizza
and various casseroles. Small balls are used for salads and cold appetizers. What is included in mozzarella?


The product is rich in B vitamins, especially B12 and folic acid (B9). In addition, it contains vitamin A, K, large amounts of calcium, sodium and phosphorus. It contains virtually no carbohydrates and a fairly low percentage of fat.

Mozzarella calories

It is considered a low-calorie cheese and can easily be used for dietary nutrition. One hundred grams of product contains only 240 calories and a large amount of protein.

How to make mozzarella at home?

The benefits and harms of a product depend on its composition. If you use high-quality ingredients, the product will be high-quality and healthy. We invite you to try making mozzarella at home. To do this you will need:

  • Milk (3.5% fat) – 2 liters
  • Purified water – 1.5 liters
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Pepsin - on the tip of a knife


  1. If you manage to find black buffalo milk, you are lucky. We didn’t have such exotic stuff, so we used ordinary cow’s milk. And the fatter the better. The priority is homemade, which has not been pasteurized. It's easier to ferment. We need to heat the milk to seventy degrees.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, dilute the rennet in a glass cold water. Pepsin is extracted from the stomachs of calves. It is absolutely harmless and you only need to add a little bit of it.
  3. Mix the juice and diluted pepsin with milk. We start stirring the mixture. After some time, the whey will begin to separate. We don’t remove the milk from the stove, but we also don’t bring it to a boil. There must be constant heating.
  4. Then drain the whey and squeeze out the protein mass. It's better to wear gloves, otherwise it's hot.
  5. Next, boil water in another saucepan and add salt. Let's turn down the gas and throw in our cheese. It begins to change shape and becomes viscous. We stretch it, mix it and dip it into the water again.
  6. After that, put it on cling film, level it with your fingers, put it in an envelope and lower it into the water again.
  7. Having done similar manipulations several times, roll the mass into a sausage, wrap it in cling film and tie it in several places with threads. Let the cheese cool completely. You don't have to bother with small balls and make one big one.

Mozzarella is an Italian cheese made from buffalo milk, but in most cases the product sold is made from cow's milk. Many famous Italian dishes It’s impossible to imagine without this cheese. However, it cannot always be found in retail outlets. So what can you replace mozzarella with if it’s not on the shelves of your nearest stores?

Cheeses identical in composition and manufacturing process are the only thing that can replace mozzarella. Suitable for these purposes: unsalted feta cheese, Adyghe cheese, Suluguni cheese, Tilsiter cheese.

First on the list of replacement options is feta cheese. Before using it, you need to soak it in milk - this will help draw out excess salt and make the taste more delicate.

The next one is Adyghe cheese, made from goat or sheep milk. In terms of taste, it is quite close to mozzarella.

When you are faced with the task of replacing mozzarella cheese, you can take Georgian suluguni. Suluguni cheese is a hard brine cheese made from buffalo or goat milk. The technology for creating cheese is similar to the production of Italian Provolone cheeses.

The question of how to replace this famous cheese arises especially often when it comes to making Margherita pizza at home. In this case, you can replace mozzarella in pizza with any easy-melting yellow cheese or Tilsiter cheese.

In case you are not satisfied with the substitution method, you can try making your own mozzarella.

To make your own mozzarella at home, you will need:

  • liter of full-fat cow's milk,
  • a glass of kefir,
  • a tablespoon of salt,
  • a tablespoon of vinegar (25%).

Equipment: gauze, saucepan and colander.


  • In addition to the increased fat content of milk, it is also required that it be fresh. Pour milk into a saucepan, heat, but do not bring to a boil.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and add 1 tbsp to the milk. l. salt and a glass of kefir, stir with a wooden spoon.
  • Add vinegar and leave the milk to sit for half an hour. During this time the milk should curdle like cottage cheese. The translucent whey will rise and separate from the settled curd mass. If whey is not released, it means that the milk was not fat enough or unnatural. Then the mixture must be brought to a boil until the curd begins to separate.
  • Place a colander on another pan and place gauze folded in layers on it. Place the curd mass in a colander to drain the whey completely.
  • The curd mass must be properly squeezed in gauze, since the taste and consistency of your mozzarella directly depends on the quality of the squeeze.
  • When all the whey from the cheese has drained, wrap it in cheesecloth and leave it in a colander placed on a saucepan, then put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  • In the morning, unfold the gauze, place the resulting ball in a container, fill it with the whey that separated overnight, and put it back in the refrigerator for a day. After this, your mozzarella is ready to eat.

What is Italian cuisine primarily famous for? Of course, cheeses and dishes, the basis or important component of which is pasta, ravioli, risotto, minestrone, caprese and many, many other dishes - all of them, even if they do not contain cheese, are most often served with it. Because, to paraphrase a well-known Russian proverb, every Italian or fan of Italian cuisine will tell you that you can’t spoil a dish with cheese.

Famous cheeses of Italy

It’s impossible to list all the names - at least four hundred types of product are produced in Italy.

Perhaps the most famous cheeses that are difficult to replace with anything are mozzarella and parmesan. They quietly became frequent guests and even regulars on our menu, becoming part of already familiar dishes.

Parmesan is most popular due to its versatility. Its excellent taste and consistency make it truly irreplaceable as a independent dish, and as a decoration. That is why many manufacturers make it; it is more affordable than mozzarella.

What can you replace mozzarella with if you can’t always find it in your local store?

About mozzarella

Mozzarella is not only one of the most famous varieties Italian cheese, but also one of the oldest. The cheese, which was called “Mozza”, was made back in the 12th century.

The main features of mozzarella are its consistency, taste and shape of a small ball.


To find out what cheese can replace mozzarella, you need to understand what its composition is. Cheese with a similar composition, appearance and taste will become its analogue in some dishes.

Initially, mozzarella (like the aforementioned mozza) was made from the milk of free-grazing buffalo. And not simple, but black. Over the years, the recipe was abandoned, and cheese prepared this way became rare. More affordable and popular types of mozzarella are made from a mixture of cow and buffalo milk or even from cow's milk.

Classic mozzarella made from buffalo milk is rich in proteins and calcium, and contains a huge amount of vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Due to the very low salt content (less than 1 g per 100 g of product), the taste has a lean, sweetish taste.


Mozzarella is a small ball, about 200 g, or several small balls, which are stored in cheese brine. Otherwise, the shelf life is reduced to one or two days.

The color of the cheese is pure white, not transparent. Consistency - elastic, not dense, watery, slightly creamy, with noticeable layers. When you cut into a cheese ball, you can see a milky liquid oozing out. The top layer is like a thin skin, a little denser.

What cheese can replace mozzarella?

Now, having understood the qualities that are characteristic of this cheese, you can select similar varieties.

  1. Of the Russian ones, Adyghe is very similar in taste. It also contains little salt, and it looks very similar to mozzarella.
  2. Another popular type of cheese is feta cheese. It is a little saltier than mozzarella, but you can get rid of excess salt by using pre-soaking feta cheese in milk. After this, it will acquire a softer taste.
  3. What else can you replace mozzarella with? Perhaps the most suitable variety is Georgian Suluguni cheese. It is also made from buffalo milk, which is often replaced with goat milk.

DIY mozzarella

When looking for an answer to the question of what to replace mozzarella with, there is another answer - making it yourself. What will you need for this? Of course, it’s harder to find than mozzarella, so let’s look at a recipe using available ingredients:

  • Cow's milk, full-fat and as fresh as possible - 1 liter.
  • Ready kefir - a glass.
  • Salt - a tablespoon.
  • Vinegar 25% - tablespoon
  1. Heat the milk (do not bring to a boil!), turn off the heat.
  2. Add salt and kefir to the milk and mix. Add vinegar, cover, leave to infuse for half an hour
  3. After this time, the whey should separate from the curdled mass that has settled to the bottom. If it happens that this does not happen, then you need to heat the milk mass until the whey separates.
  4. Place a colander in a saucepan and line it with gauze. We put the future cheese there so that the whey drains. We will still need it.
  5. Squeeze the thickened milk mass well, make sure that the liquid has completely separated, wrap the cottage cheese in gauze, leave in a colander and put in the refrigerator until the morning.
  6. In the morning, take out the mozzarella, put it in a bowl, fill it with whey and put it in the refrigerator for another day. The cheese is ready.

That's all. Now you know what to replace mozzarella with and how to prepare this cheese if you don’t want to replace it with anything.



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