Eggplant salad vegetable madness for the winter. Eggplant salad “vegetable madness. Tomatoes marinated in slices in Portuguese style

Eggplant salad vegetable madness for the winter. Eggplant salad “vegetable madness. Tomatoes marinated in slices in Portuguese style

Housewives always really want to make homemade eggplants for the winter, so that they can enjoy the “blue” ones not only in the summer. A very popular way to prepare eggplants is canning. This salad is a real “Vegetable Madness”: delicious and very bright in appearance. I advise you to prepare it.

Cut the eggplants into pieces; you can peel them or leave them with the peel. Whatever you prefer. I cook them with or without peel, depending on my mood. Salt them well, mix and leave for about an hour.

Then rinse and squeeze a little.

Grind tomatoes, garlic and peppers through a meat grinder. Add sugar, salt, oil and vinegar. Cook for 20-30 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Add eggplants and cook for about 15 - 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. You need to try them when they are ready. As long as they haven't boiled too much, there will be porridge.

Place into jars and roll up.

The recipe was sent by Liliya Makovenko from Astrakhan, especially for

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29 reviews

I really liked the recipe: tasty and easy to prepare. I added 50 ml of vinegar per serving, as for me, the vinegar is not felt at all

Tell me at what temperature to store if there is no basement

I've cooked eggplant this way all my life. But I always chopped bell peppers and peeled tomatoes. Now I got lazy and chopped the tomatoes with skins and peppers in a blender. And I can’t eat them: the husks—the skins of tomatoes and peppers—disturb me. I used up a lot of food, but I can’t eat it.

Please tell me, does this recipe require sterilizing the filled jars?

Good afternoon. At the beginning of the recipe you said that the eggplants need to be salted, then squeezed and washed. How much salt do you need to take for this?

Evgenia, hello! You need to measure 2 tbsp. salt for the recipe. Add some of this salt (about 1/2 tablespoon) to the eggplants, and pour the rest into the salad.

How much is 7 peppers by weight? Peppers come in different sizes. I just usually always count the amount of product that has already been peeled and cut.

Tell me, is it possible to make a salad without garlic and add greens to it?

Olga, of course you can do it without garlic. You can add any greens you like. Just boil the greens along with the salad.

Thank you, Olechka, for answering so quickly.

Hello! I have doubts about vinegar. Usually vinegar is added 5 minutes before the end of cooking. How long is it right to boil it for so long? And have you tried replacing vinegar with citric acid? If “Yes”, then in what proportions. Thank you))

Lyuba, hello! I agree that vinegar is usually added 5 minutes before the end of cooking, but there are recipes when they are poured immediately. Most likely this is done to simplify the process. Unfortunately, I don’t have the proportions for how to replace vinegar with citric acid in this recipe, but instead of table vinegar 9% you can use natural apple cider vinegar 6% (or any other natural fruit vinegar). The only downside to using apple cider vinegar- its price, real vinegar is expensive.

How many 0.5 jars will you get?

Tell me, if the vinegar is 70%, how much should I add?

Olga, 70% vinegar essence for this recipe you will need 10 ml.

And instead of Bulgarian, you can’t add zucchini.

Inga, of course you can. Just maintain the proportion.

this year my hands are growing from completely the wrong place

I made a salad, but I just over-salted it

I already rolled up the jars.. I tried that salad that didn’t fit into the jars..

Is everything already lost or can it be revived?

Elina, come on! :) Of course you can revive it, but be prepared to work hard. I imagine it like this:

1. Cook another half portion of salad but without salt.

2. 10 minutes before the salad is ready, add salted salad from jars to it.

3. Bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes.

4. Place into jars and roll up.

If I add half a serving of salad without salt, then add the rest of the ingredients? sugar, vinegar, oil...

Yes, add other ingredients according to the recipe. Before packaging in jars, be sure to taste the salt; you may need to add more salt.

Next time I'll take 50ml

Olga, if you have more experience in preservation, you “feel” the proportions, and know how the preservation will be stored, then you can safely reduce the amount of vinegar :)

Delicious, easy. But I would take a little less vinegar.

Tell me, please, what is the yield? How many jars to prepare?

Olga, the yield of this salad is approximately 4.5-4.75 liters.

Tell me, I don’t quite understand... Should I cook the tomatoes for 20 minutes, and then add the eggplants and cook for another 20 minutes?

Ekaterina, you wrote everything correctly: first, cook the tomatoes for 20 minutes, then cook the eggplants in the tomatoes for another 20 minutes.

EGGPLANT SALAD "VEGETABLE MADNESS". Ingredients: 3 kg of tomatoes for tomato puree 6 large carrots 1.5 kg of lettuce peppers 3 kg of eggplants 2 heads of garlic 250 g of sunflower oil 250 g of vinegar 0.5 l of sugar 1-2 tablespoons of salt without top Method of preparation: Preserve the eggplants according to this The recipe is easy and quick. The salad is stewed in a saucepan and placed in prepared sterile jars. To begin with, pass 3 kg of tomatoes through a meat grinder. To them add 6 large carrots, grated. We put tomato puree Bring to a boil with carrots. Meanwhile, prepare the peppers and eggplants. Peel the pepper from seeds and stalks and cut into large strips or squares, as shown in the photo. There is no need to chop, otherwise they will fall apart during cooking. Small eggplants can be cut lengthwise into 4 pieces, large ones - into cubes with a side 4-5 cm wide. First of all, pour the eggplants into the boiling tomato, then pour the pepper on top. We pour it in right away vegetable oil, salt and add half a liter of granulated sugar. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the vegetables. First, the entire vegetable mass rises above the tomato layer, as if floating on top. As they warm up, the blue ones begin to “sink”. During the process, you can stir once or twice to evenly distribute the pieces of pepper and cubes of blue peppers in the mass. The salad can be cooked until the vegetables are completely softened, but it is better when they remain whole pieces. On average, it takes me 30-40 minutes to stew; I wait until the blue ones are saturated with moisture, change color to “wet” and begin to be pierced with a fork. At the end, I pour in 250 grams of vinegar, pack the mixture into jars and roll up the lids. The yield from the norm given in the recipe is 7 liters of sweet blue ones (14 jars of 0.5 liters each).

A wonderful snack from green tomatoes chikov. In winter it goes with a bang. _________________________________________________________ The recipe is very simple, and the result is incredibly tasty)))))) 3 kg of green tomatoes (I cut into slices) 1 kg of carrots (on a coarse grater) 1 kg onions(in half rings) 100 g salt 400 g vegetable oil 300 g sugar 150 g vinegar 1 tsp. black pepper 5-6 pcs bay leaves. Boil for 5 minutes. Divide into jars. All! Bon appetit!

CABBAGE FOR THOSE WHO LOVES CABBAGED HAGGED ROLLERS. We prepare cabbage roll leaves for the WINTER!!! I just love them! In winter, cabbage is not cheap, so prepare the leaves for cabbage rolls now. Cut the stalk from the head of cabbage (you can use it grated with carrots and processed cheese, garlic for salad). Boil the whole head of cabbage over moderate heat in lightly salted water. Remove the leaves with a fork when they are ready (they will separate from the head). When they have cooled, cut off the thickening on the edge of the leaf, fold several of them (4-5 pieces each) into a roll and place them tightly in a jar. At the bottom you can put chopped horseradish root and mustard seeds, parsley - everything that cabbage “loves.” Fill these rolls with brine: at the rate of 1 liter of water - 3 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar. When preparing cabbage rolls, rinse the leaves or soak them in water overnight so that “extra” salt does not come out. And then prepare them to your taste. These cabbage rolls will last until late spring. If you prepare them, you can prepare cabbage rolls for Easter not from sour, but from almost sour! fresh cabbage. I've been doing this for years.

Unforgettable-tasting cucumbers in “Prague” filling During the Soviet era, you had to wait in a long line before the holidays to get such cucumbers. So I started looking for a recipe to make the same ones at home. Now - either because the factory technology has changed, or for other reasons - there is nowhere to buy cucumbers similar to those from the Soviet Union. But our family still eats these. And then I found another option for hot canning. Suitable for cucumbers, tomatoes, young zucchini, assorted vegetables. The whole secret is in the filling. The filling is called Prague, the recipe was taken from the Dacha Forum - I think it was in 2007, since then I haven’t used other recipes. At first the sugar-salt ratio seemed strange to me, but the cucumbers have a very mild sweet and sour taste and the brine is completely drunk. Filling (for about 3 cans of 0.8 or 1.0 liters): 1) 1 liter of water; 2) 150g (5.3 tablespoons without top) sugar; 3) 40g (5 teaspoons without top of salt); 4) 1 tea. spoon with citric acid on top. Preparation: 1. First, wash the cucumbers, cut off the tails and soak for at least 4 hours. 2. Place vegetables and the following additives in the prepared jars (per jar of 0.8-1 liters): 1-2 cloves of garlic, a sprig (10- 15 cm) tarragon, 1-2 bay leaves, 1-2 currant leaves, dill umbrella, 1 cm horseradish root or a piece of leaf, 3 black peppercorns. 3. For spiciness, you can add a small piece of hot capsicum. 4. Pour boiling liquid over the jars filled with vegetables and let sit for 10 minutes. 5. Drain the brine, boil, pour the jars again, again stand for 10 minutes. 6. Drain again, boil, fill the jars, screw them on with lids, turn them upside down, and wrap them for a day. 7. Store at room temperature. Citric acid You can replace it with a handful of red currants.

SO YOU HAVEN'T PREPARED TOMATOES YET: NO WATER, SALT AND VINEGAR! The method for preparing tomatoes for the winter is no salt, no vinegar, no water. No hint of fermentation or pickling! The tomatoes will remain firm and fresh, as if straight from the garden. Everyone will be surprised when New Year's table you will serve not greenhouse tomatoes, but those that have ripened under the summer sun! For this preparation, choose tomatoes that are dense, fleshy, small in size, without bruises or other damage. How to preserve tomatoes Ingredients for 3- liter jar: - 5–6 tbsp. l. mustard powder - tomatoes Preparation: 1. Sterilize the jars. Wash the tomatoes and dry thoroughly. 2. Using a dry and clean spoon, generously scoop up mustard powder and pour into the bottom of a dry jar. 3. Trying not to press them against each other, lay out the tomatoes in 1 layer, placing the place where the stem was up. Sprinkle with mustard again. 4. Repeat layers until the jar is full. At the end, add another portion of powder and close the lid (sterile and dry). 5. After this, tilt the jar and carefully roll it on the table so that the mustard is evenly distributed. 6. Store the workpiece in a cool, dark place. The essential oils contained in mustard inhibit the growth of putrefactive bacteria, allowing tomatoes to remain fresh. Try preparing a portion of tomatoes this way, rest assured: the method will not let you down! Tell your friends about a completely new approach to preparations!

Tomatoes in own juice I’m sharing a recipe for tomatoes in their own juice, which my grandmother passed down to me through a generation! Easy to prepare and the taste is simply divine! The whole family constantly asks to make these, and friends ask for the recipe! A very simple and practical recipe that can be used for large, soft, and slightly crushed tomatoes. What you will need for preparation Large, ripe tomatoes for juice Small tomatoes Salt and sugar Allspice peas Bay leaves Cloves and cinnamon (optional, this is not for everyone) Preparation Sort the tomatoes - large, crumpled, soft tomatoes will go for juice, smaller tomatoes - for banks. Grind the tomatoes selected for juice through a meat grinder, pour the juice into a saucepan and place on low heat. For three liters of juice, add five tablespoons of salt, six tablespoons of sugar, five allspice peas, six bay leaves. After the juice boils, skim off the foam and boil the juice until foam stops forming (12-15 minutes). At the same time, boil water in another saucepan. Place the tomatoes in prepared jars, pour boiling water over them and cover with lids. Place a thick towel on top. Let the tomatoes sit while they cook tomato juice. Then drain the water, pour boiling juice over the tomatoes and roll up immediately. Turn over, cover with a blanket and leave until completely cool. A 3-liter jar requires two kilograms of tomatoes and a liter of tomato juice. Below you can subscribe to recipes completely free of charge.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Eggplant is one of the most popular vegetables in many cuisines around the world. Badrijan, brinjella, little blue ones, these are not all the names of our favorite vegetable. There are many recipes for preparing eggplant dishes to suit every taste; they can be combined with almost all products, except cereals and milk. Eggplant on the table is always a crazy celebration of taste, and we can easily afford it by preparing an eggplant salad for the winter “Vegetable Madness”.
It's hard to say why the salad is called that way, but the taste of this salad is truly amazing. The secret is in the combination of flavors of ingredients and perfectly selected proportions.
By the way, you can prepare a similar one.
The technology for preparing the salad is, in principle, simple, but you will have to tinker with it a little. Eggplants prepared in this way have a very bright open taste, since we will cook them in an amazing delicious sauce from ripe fleshy tomatoes, bright aromatic sweet peppers and young garlic with added spices.
To prepare the eggplant salad “Vegetable Madness” for the winter, we will choose the most best vegetables. Let's take the blue ones of medium size, with a dark skin, be sure to be ripe and elastic, then they will have fewer seeds. For eggplant salad, we use only red tomatoes, ripe, fleshy, without dents or wormholes. Bulgarian Bell pepper You can take different colors, the main thing is that it is strong and fresh, because wilted vegetables have a sharp change in taste, and this is unacceptable for us.
Such a great snack can be... holiday dish, and as a simple everyday thing. Whatever you serve it with, it will only highlight the taste of the main dish. It can also be used as a semi-finished product for cooking different dishes. For example, potatoes baked with eggplant under cheese crust. To do this, place peeled and coarsely chopped potatoes in a deep saucepan, put a few spoons of eggplant salad on top, bake in the oven for 30 minutes, then sprinkle with grated cheese and continue cooking for another 10 minutes until golden brown.
You will also get very tasty chicken if you add a little of this salad to the sauce in which it is stewed.
We will put the eggplant salad in pre-sterilized jars.


- ripe blue fruits - 2 kg,
- tomatoes - 1.5 kg,
- bell pepper fruits - 6 pcs.,
- fresh garlic - 1 head (to your taste),
- table salt - 2 tbsp. l.,
- granulated sugar - 250 g,
- refined sunflower oil- 150 ml,
- table vinegar 9% - 80 g.

Step by step recipe with photo:

We will prepare vegetable madness like this. Peel the eggplants at your discretion, cut into small cubes, add table salt, mix well and leave for 60 minutes to remove excess bitterness.

Then we rinse the blue ones from salt, squeeze them out of the water and dry them with a towel.
We peel the tomatoes and, together with bell pepper and pass the garlic through a meat grinder, or grind it in a blender.

Add to vegetable puree granulated sugar, salt, sunflower oil and table vinegar.
Pour the sauce into a large saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 25-30 minutes, periodically removing the foam from the surface of the sauce.

Add the eggplants to the sauce and continue cooking for another 15 minutes.

It is important not to overcook our eggplant salad.

Place the salad in prepared jars and immediately roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket, and leave them for a day.

This is how you prepare an eggplant salad for the winter “Vegetable Madness”. We hope the recipe interests you and you will definitely use it. Bon appetit!
Starinskaya Lesya
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