Minced chicken meatballs recipe. Chicken cutlets - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook chicken cutlets. Minced chicken cutlets recipe with photos step by step

Minced chicken meatballs recipe. Chicken cutlets - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook chicken cutlets. Minced chicken cutlets recipe with photos step by step

Hello again!! Let's talk today about a dish that is familiar to everyone and is a frequent product of any table. These are tender and delicious cutlets. Of course, there are many types of this product and meat, and chicken, and fish, and vegetables. But today we'll talk about chicken cutlets.

This option is the simplest and my favorite. My whole family is delighted with this dish, and I also cook such juicy cutlets for the holidays. In this recipe, the chicken breast turns out very tender and, again, very juicy.

We will need:

3 pcs. chicken fillets (about 700 gr.)

2 medium eggs

1 medium onion

4 tbsp. l. potato or corn starch

4 tbsp. l. sour cream

salt, pepper to taste


1. Wash the chicken fillet, remove the bones, and cut into small pieces.

2. Peel and finely chop the onion.

3. Mix chopped chicken fillet with onion and egg, mixing well.

4. Add starch, salt and pepper.

5. Add sour cream and mix everything well.

6. Pour 3-4 tbsp into a heated frying pan. l. vegetable oil. Use a spoon to scoop up the prepared minced meat and place it in heated vegetable oil. Using the same spoon, give the cutlets a shape - slightly flatten them on top and level them on the sides. Fry over medium heat until golden brown (about 2 minutes) on each side.

7. Then cover the dish with a lid, reduce the heat and let stand for another 5 minutes, making sure that the chicken pancakes do not burn.

8. Ours chicken cutlets “Tenderness” ready. Serve them with fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. Enjoy your meal!!

Minced chicken cutlets recipe with photos step by step

This option is the most popular, fast and satisfying. To diversify the dish, you can make different breadings, interesting fillings and add spices. In the same method, I will consider the classic cooking option.

We will need:

Minced chicken - 500 gr.

loaf - 200 gr.

warm milk - 1/2 cup

butter - 6 tbsp. l

breadcrumbs - 0.5 cups

garlic - 1 clove

salt and pepper - to taste


1. Pour warm milk over the loaf until it is completely soaked.

2. Combine the minced meat with garlic, prepared loaf, salt and pepper. Mix everything well.

This is what our finished dish looks like, and if you decorate everything with herbs, it will not only be tasty, but also beautiful and healthy. By the way, you can serve any side dish: mashed potatoes, buckwheat, pasta, and rice.

Juicy chicken cutlets with cheese

Now we will prepare our meat dish with cheese inside and we will do it very simply. Take and hide a piece of hard cheese in the middle of the minced meat. During frying, the cheese will melt and become a pleasant addition to the meat component. And if you add greens, the filling will be even tastier.

We will need:

chicken (fillet) - 300 gr.

egg - 1 pc.

white bread or loaf - 50 gr.

milk - 50-80 ml

cheese - 50 gr.

salt, pepper - to taste

breadcrumbs - 30-50 gr.

vegetable oil - 50-80 ml


1. Soak bread or loaf in milk.

2. The cheese must be cut into small pieces.

3. Cut the fillet into pieces and pass through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. You can also immediately take ready-made minced meat.

4. Squeeze the bread, add to the minced meat, beat in the egg, salt, pepper, mix.

5. Pinch off a large piece from the finished minced meat, form a flat cake and place a portion of cheese in the center.

6. We fasten the edges and completely hide the filling. Generously roll the cutlet in breadcrumbs and then make more preparations.

7. Fry our preparations in heated oil until golden brown on the bottom, about 5 minutes.

9. Our aromatic and appetizing dish is ready. Serve hot!!

Chicken cutlets from chicken breast in a frying pan

If you have chicken breast and don't know what to cook, then this option is just for you. This dish is healthy and simple, and everyone likes it without exception.

We will need:

chicken breast, fillet - 1 medium

onions - 2 pcs.

bread - half a loaf

low-fat milk - 1 tbsp. 1.5%

flour - 50 gr.

egg - 1 pc.

a couple of cloves of garlic

greens to taste

vegetable oil


  1. We wash the breast, remove the skin, remove it from the bones, and cut it into cubes.
  2. Chop the onion, squeeze out the garlic, add to the chicken fillet. Salt and pepper.
  3. Grind the bread, add milk, let stand for a while.
  4. Add the egg to the minced meat, squeeze out the bread and add it too. Mix everything well.
  5. Add the chopped herbs, let the minced meat brew for 15 minutes and start frying.

The finished dish can be served both hot and cold.

Chicken cutlets made from chicken fillet are tender. Video recipe

This recipe is similar to the previous ones, but the meat dish will have a creamy taste.

You will need: 1 kg. minced chicken, 1 pc. onion, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. milk, 3 slices of white bread, 100 gr. butter, salt, black pepper, breadcrumbs.

And look at the cooking method recipe video:

Chicken cutlets with zucchini in the oven

If you want to diversify your diet a little, then make a universal and summer option for any feast, it turns out to be a very good snack.

We will need:

zucchini - 200 gr.

minced chicken - 800 gr.

dill, cilantro, parsley - to taste

onion - 1 pc.

egg - 1 pc.

pepper, salt - to taste

vegetable oil


1. Grate the onion and zucchini on a fine grater.

2. Take ready-made minced meat or prepare it yourself, better from chicken fillet, passing it through a meat grinder.

3. Add an egg to the minced meat.

4. Cut the greens as finely as possible, add to the meat, salt and pepper.

5. Mix all ingredients together with zucchini and onions. Forming cutlets. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and lay out our preparations. Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees and cook for 20-25 minutes.

6. Decorate the dish with lettuce leaves and fresh vegetables and serve.

Minced chicken cutlets with semolina recipe with photo

In previous versions we used bread, in this recipe we will do without it, but add semolina. The pancakes will turn out juicy and crispy.

We will need:

Minced chicken - 500 gr.

Semolina - 3 tbsp. l.

Onion - 1 pc.

Greens - 2-3 branches

Egg - 1 pc.

Mustard - 1 tbsp. l.

Butter - 30 gr.

Flour - for breading

Salt, pepper - to taste

Vegetable oil - for frying


1. Chop onion, butter, herbs. Add to the minced meat, break the egg there, add salt, add mustard, mix everything well. Add semolina with spices and mix again.

2. With wet hands we form our pieces, bread them in wheat flour on all sides, shake off the excess.

3. Fry in hot refined oil until crusty on both sides.

4. Serve with any side dish and pickles.

Minced chicken cutlets with oatmeal in a slow cooker

This option is ideal for breakfast or lunch, as well as for people who are in a hurry to workout. 😎 This dish can be made with any combination of your favorite vegetables.

We will need:

Chicken breast fillet – 700 gr.

Long-cooked oat flakes – 200 gr.

Carrots – 1 pc.

Onions – 1 pc.

Chicken eggs – 1 pc.

Spices, garlic - to taste

Salt - to taste


1. Grind chicken fillet into mince.

2. Grind the onions and carrots in a blender. Add all ingredients to the minced meat.

3. Mix everything well.

4. Form balls with wet hands and place on the multicooker rack.

5. Cook in the “Steam” mode for about 30 minutes. Serve with any sauce.

Minced chicken cutlets in the oven with gravy

Now let's make a real culinary masterpiece in a creamy sauce with mushrooms.

We will need:

Chicken fillet - 1/2 kg

Selected chicken eggs- 1 egg

Fresh mushrooms - 300 gr.

Sour cream is 20-30% fat- 60 gr.

Mayonnaise - 1 pack

Cheese "Russian"- 180 gr.

Salt - 2/3 tsp.

Black pepper powder- 1/2 tsp.

Garlic - 1-2 cloves

Onion - 1/2 head


  1. We cut the peeled and washed mushrooms and onions into very small pieces, or finely chop them using a vegetable cutter or blender, but not in puree, but in pieces.
  2. We also cut the chicken fillet into small pieces by hand, trying to cut it as small as possible.
  3. Mix mushrooms, onions and meat in a common bowl and beat in an egg, and also add salt, pepper and crushed garlic.
  4. Mix the minced meat well and add rich sour cream to it to make the dish juicy.
  5. From the resulting mass we form small and plump oval balls, lay them out in rows on a greased baking sheet and then coat them generously with mayonnaise.
  6. You need to bake the meatballs for 20 minutes at 190 o C, and then sprinkle them with grated cheese and cook the dish for another 5 minutes.
  7. While the dish is preparing, mix a thick sauce from sour cream (140 g) and meat broth (1 tbsp). If necessary, add salt to the gravy and add herbs to it.
  8. Place the finished meatballs on a plate and pour in the gravy. Bon appetit!!

Dietary minced chicken cutlets steamed in a steamer

If you steam our meatballs, the dish will turn out healthy and dietary. And this option is very good for children, so mothers take note.

We will need:

Chicken breasts - 700 grams

Sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon

Milk - 100 milliliters

Egg - 1 piece

White bread crackers - 100 grams

Onion - 1 piece

Garlic - 1 clove

Salt - to taste

Pepper - to taste


1. Prepare minced chicken. Soak the bread in milk, squeeze it out, add it to the minced meat.

2. Grate the onions and garlic on a fine grater. Add to meat.

4. Form pancakes from the meat mass and place them in a double boiler. To prevent the meat from sticking to your hands, soak them in cold water. Close the steamer with a lid and cook the meatballs for 25-30 minutes. After which they can be served on the table.

Tips and tricks for making chicken cutlets

And in conclusion of the article, I would like to give a couple of tips on preparing this delicious meat dish:

  1. Minced meat is best prepared by hand using a knife. You need to cut the chicken fillet into strips lengthwise and then cut them crosswise into cubes. The cubes should be as small as possible, about a centimeter by centimeter. If you have a food processor in your kitchen, you can make chopped minced meat mechanically.
  2. If you like the flavor of the chicken in the finished dish, don't cut the fillet too finely. But keep in mind that chicken cut too large will not be cooked through.
  3. If the minced meat turns out to be very liquid, don’t worry, add a couple of tablespoons of flour and the situation will be corrected.
  4. Add onions or garlic and various spices to the minced meat, this will make your meatballs truly tasty and juicy.

Sincerely, Tatyana Kashitsina.

Step-by-step recipes for cooking minced chicken cutlets in a frying pan with potatoes, oatmeal and wine sauce

2019-03-19 Rida Khasanova and Alena Kameneva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

14 gr.

11 gr.


10 gr.

202 kcal.

Option 1: Minced chicken cutlets in a frying pan - classic recipe

Minced chicken cutlets in a frying pan are delicious and quick to prepare cutlets that will help out when you don’t have enough time for long cooking. The most delicious cutlets are made exclusively from meat and onions, with the addition of a minimal amount of spices - salt, pepper.

If you still like to use additives in the form of loaves and potatoes for cutlets, you can use them in small quantities. Cutlets are a universal dish; they simply taste perfectly with any side dish - porridge, potatoes, pasta, vegetables, etc. Such cutlets are even delicious to use for sandwiches; they are an excellent alternative to sausages. Well, let’s quickly prepare fresh, delicious cutlets for lunch or dinner.


  • Chicken fillet - 250 g
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Chicken eggs 1 pc.
  • Garlic - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Breadcrumbs or flour - optional

Cooking process

Prepare all necessary products. Peel a large onion, rinse and dry. Cut the onion into medium-sized pieces.

Rinse and dry the chicken fillet, cut into pieces as desired.

Prepare a meat grinder or a bowl of a kitchen blender - add chicken and onions, add garlic if desired. Grind all ingredients until minced.

Transfer the minced meat into a bowl, add salt and pepper, if desired, you can add spices - paprika, dry garlic, etc.

Beat one chicken egg into the minced meat.

Mix the minced meat thoroughly, first with a spoon, then beat it with your hands on a work surface or a larger bowl so that excess air escapes and the minced meat becomes denser.

Form minced meat into cutlets, breaded as desired.

And fry in vegetable oil for three minutes on each side.

Bon appetit!

Option 2: Quick recipe for minced chicken cutlets in a frying pan

A very quick method of cooking chicken cutlets will allow you to prepare a delicious and satisfying lunch or dinner in a short time. If you take ready-made minced meat, then things will go even faster, especially if you take it out of the refrigerator in advance and defrost it.


  • one chicken breast;
  • large egg;
  • a tablespoon of starch;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.

How to quickly cook minced chicken cutlets in a frying pan

Separate the chicken breast from the bones, remove the skin and cut off the membranes. Pass the fillet through a meat grinder. Salt the resulting minced meat and sprinkle with your favorite spices for meat or chicken. If you don’t have a meat grinder, you can use a blender, or chop the fillet very finely with a sharp knife.

Add starch to the minced chicken and mix thoroughly. Add a raw chicken egg and mix the mixture with your hands. It is necessary that the minced meat becomes tender and homogeneous.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan with high sides. Once hot, use a wooden spoon to scoop out the minced meat into pancake shapes. When one side turns golden brown, turn over to the other side and cook for the same amount of time.

Place the finished cutlets on lettuce leaves and serve to the dinner table. The dish goes well with sour cream and garlic sauce.

Option 3: Minced chicken cutlets with potatoes in a frying pan

Chicken cutlets with potatoes are very filling and suitable for lunch or dinner. And for cooking, the simplest products that are found in any home are used.


  • half a kilogram of minced chicken;
  • four potatoes;
  • three chicken eggs;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • a mixture of Provencal herbs;
  • wheat flour or breadcrumbs for breading;
  • a piece of cheese.

How to cook

Remove the minced chicken from the freezer and defrost.

Boil potatoes in their skins. When it has cooled, remove the peel. Mash the root vegetables into a puree with a fork or a special masher.

Combine minced chicken with mashed potatoes, beat in a raw egg, add salt and pepper, add a mixture of Provençal herbs and mix thoroughly with your hands. The minced meat must be passed through your fingers so that the salt and spices saturate the meat as best as possible and completely dissolve.

Beat the remaining two eggs in a separate bowl with a fork. Grind the cheese and mix with flour or breadcrumbs in a separate bowl.

Use your hands to form oval, elongated cutlets. To prevent the minced meat from sticking to your hands, you need to moisten them in cool water before each cutlet.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. When it starts to “crackle”, you can start frying. First dip each cutlet in the egg mixture, then in flour and cheese, and then place in a frying pan. Fry until golden brown on both sides.

These cutlets are best combined with a salad of fresh vegetables. You can also make a cold sandwich from them by placing the cutlet on a slice of bread.

Option 4: Minced chicken cutlets with wine sauce in a frying pan

To make the cutlets more juicy, you can prepare a sauce for them. This dish can be served on its own or with any side dish of cereals or potatoes.


  • 800 gr. chicken fillet;
  • 150 gr. of bread;
  • 200-240 ml. milk;
  • a couple of tablespoons of flour;
  • a pinch of salt and seasoning;
  • seven chicken eggs;
  • three medium-sized onions;
  • 50 gr. vegetable oil;
  • 200 gr. butter;
  • chopped parsley root;
  • a tablespoon of vinegar;
  • two tablespoons of white wine;
  • one small lemon;
  • three tomatoes.

Step by step recipe

Place the bread in a shallow bowl and pour in the milk until the bread becomes soft. After this, drain the milk and squeeze out the excess liquid from the pulp.

Rinse the chicken fillet under running water, remove skin and films, remove bones. Cut into small cubes and pass them through a meat grinder along with soaked white bread. Minced meat can also be made using a blender.

Add chopped parsley root, finely chopped onion and 2 raw chicken eggs to the skipped chicken meat. Sprinkle with salt and ground pepper. Knead the minced meat thoroughly with your hands so that all the ingredients mix together.

Pour a small portion of vegetable oil into a frying pan and place on medium heat. Form cutlets of small thickness. To make this easier, wet your hands in cold water.

Fry the cutlets on each side until golden brown.

Prepare the sauce: combine vinegar and wine in a cup. Add ground pepper and mix. Lightly heat the resulting mixture over low heat.

Separate the yolks from the remaining eggs (no whites are needed) and beat them vigorously with a fork, then pour into a cup with vinegar and wine. Cook, stirring all the time, until the mixture begins to thicken.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon, wash the tomatoes and cut into small squares. Add juice and tomatoes to the yolks with wine, mix. Melt the butter and add a tablespoon to the sauce, stirring constantly.

Place the finished cutlets on a plate and pour the resulting sauce on top. These cutlets are very tasty when combined with mashed potatoes.

Option 5: Minced chicken cutlets with oatmeal in a frying pan

To make cutlets less caloric, it is not necessary to cook them in the oven or steam them. You can add healthy oatmeal to the composition, and traditionally fry them in a frying pan. The dish will be light and appetizing.


  • four spoons of oatmeal;
  • half a kilogram of minced chicken;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • onion head;
  • paprika;
  • one chicken egg;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • 100-120 ml. milk;
  • salt and favorite chicken seasonings.

How to cook

First of all, pour the cereal into a cup and pour milk over it. Beat in one raw egg, stir and set aside so that the oatmeal swells while the rest of the ingredients are prepared.

Combine minced chicken with oatmeal, add salt, paprika and other spices. It is best to add special chicken seasonings or ground paprika to these cutlets.

Peel the onion, wash and finely chop. Add it to the minced meat and mix. If you don’t want to feel onion pieces in the cutlets, you can puree it in a blender or grate it on a fine grater.

Stir the minced meat thoroughly with your hands so that the salt and spices successfully dissolve in the meat and release their aroma.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Using a spoon, place the cutlets into the pan and fry on each side for three minutes, depending on the size.

Place the cutlets on a flat dish lined with paper napkins so that they absorb the oil.

Serve the finished cutlets to the table, complementing them with a side dish of salad. Bon appetit!

Option 6: Original recipe for minced chicken cutlets in a frying pan

Juicy and tender chicken cutlets are considered dietary dishes. They are very easy to prepare, and the necessary ingredients for cutlets can always be found in any housewife’s kitchen, especially since there are so many variations of this dish.


  • half a kilogram of minced chicken;
  • a couple of slices of white bread;
  • one egg;
  • three spoons of milk;
  • 50 ml. vegetable oil;
  • one onion;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt and regular dried herbs.

Step-by-step recipe for minced chicken cutlets in a frying pan

Pour milk over pieces of white bread and leave to soak.

Peel the onion. Together with the milk-squeezed bread, pass through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Combine the resulting pulp with minced chicken and mix.

Add the raw egg to the minced meat, add salt and sprinkle with ground pepper, mix the whole mass so that it becomes homogeneous.

Wet your hands in cool water and form small cutlets. If desired, you can roll them a little in flour or breadcrumbs to give them a crispy crust.

Heat a frying pan over a fire, then pour in a little vegetable oil and bring to a heat. When the oil begins to sizzle, place the chicken cutlets in the frying pan and fry them for a few minutes on each side.

Then add some water to the pan. Cover tightly with a lid and reduce heat to low. Simmer the cutlets for about 10 more minutes.

Serve with a side dish of cereals: rice, buckwheat, as well as mashed potatoes and fresh vegetables.

Everyone loves minced chicken cutlets - from young to old. This dish is suitable for both diet and children's meals. You can prepare minced chicken cutlets in different ways, the main thing is that it is better to make the minced meat yourself rather than buy it store-bought. Only in this case will you get truly delicious minced chicken cutlets.

Minced chicken cutlets recipe

The most delicious cutlets are homemade. They prepare very quickly, and the ingredients for them can always be found on hand.


  • minced chicken – 500 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • white bread - 3 slices;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt pepper.


To make your cutlets juicy and tasty, prepare the minced meat yourself. You don’t have to choose just fillet; any chicken will do. Soak the pulp of white bread with milk. Squeeze and add to the minced meat. Peel the onion and grate it on a fine grater, or immediately grind it with the minced meat through a meat grinder. Add egg, pepper, and salt to the minced meat. Stir well to ensure all ingredients are well combined. Wet your hands in water, form medium-sized cutlets and place on a hot frying pan. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

Chicken cutlets stuffed with breadcrumbs


  • minced chicken – 1 kg;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • cheese – 300 g;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • salt pepper;
  • vegetable oil.


Grate the onion on a fine grater, add it along with the eggs to the minced meat. Season with salt and pepper. Grate the cheese and set aside. Take the minced meat into your hand, form it into a flat cake and place a little grated cheese in the middle. Fold over the edges of your tortilla and make a patty. Roll each cutlet in breadcrumbs and place on a hot frying pan. Fry well on both sides until fully cooked. These cutlets can be served with vegetables or green peas.

Chicken cutlets in the oven - recipe


  • minced chicken -600 g;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • pepper, salt;
  • sour cream – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp. spoons;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • sugar – 1/2 teaspoon.


Chop the onion and potatoes and pass through a meat grinder, and then place in a blender. Add the egg, salt, pepper and beat the mixture well. You should end up with a mass similar to pancake batter. Add the potato mixture to the ground chicken and mix well. Form small cutlets and fry them on both sides over high heat until fully cooked. Prepare the sauce: mix sour cream, paste (you can use ketchup), water, sugar and a little salt. Place the cutlets in a deep frying pan and pour the sauce over them. Bake in a well-heated oven for about 7 minutes.

Chicken cutlets with mushrooms


  • minced chicken – 1 kg;
  • mushrooms – 450 g;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • milk – 150 ml;
  • butter – 250 g;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • salt pepper.


Wash the mushrooms, chop finely and fry in butter until cooked. Mix the minced meat with milk and one egg. Salt, pepper and mix the dough thoroughly. Take some dough in your hand, make a flat cake and place fried mushrooms on it. Form an oblong cutlet, roll it in breadcrumbs, then in beaten eggs and fry in a frying pan in melted butter.

Cutlets with minced chicken go well with any side dish - fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, pasta, buckwheat and other cereals. Even just with a vegetable salad, they will look like an exquisite restaurant dish. Your family or guests will never be left disappointed with dinner if you choose the recipes we offer as one of the main courses.

Today we will talk about how to cook delicious cutlets. Usually, when we mention cutlets, we imagine them made from beef or pork. However, most often many people prefer to make them from chicken meat, since they are easier and faster to prepare. And if you diversify these cutlets with various fillings, spices or herbs, you can get a very wonderful dish.

After reading this article, you will learn how to prepare tender and tasty minced chicken cutlets using various ingredients. Here are a few recipes for incredibly delicious cutlets.

The photo shows minced chicken cutlets prepared according to the article's recipe

The first recipe we will look at is cooking cutlets in the oven. Usually we are used to frying them in a frying pan. But in the oven, the meat is fried on all sides at once, as a result the cutlet “suns” evenly, without the formation of an overcooked crust.

To prepare such cutlets, you can use any products, but for example, we will take the following components:

  • Minced chicken - 800 gr
  • onions - 2 pcs
  • milk - 100 ml
  • white bread - 100 gr
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. l
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l
  • hops-suneli - 2 pinches
  • ground paprika - 2 pinches

First of all, soak the bread in milk, then pass it through a meat grinder and squeeze. After that, take the onion, peel it and also pass it through a meat grinder. Now put everything that has been grated into a bowl, add salt and pepper. Now you need to thoroughly mix the whole mass and beat it with force, either in the bowl itself, or on a cutting board on the table.

After the cutlet mass is ready, take out a baking sheet and grease it with oil. Let's start forming cutlets from the mass. To prevent the minced meat from sticking to your hands, moisten them with either water or oil. Place the finished cutlets on a baking sheet with a small gap between them.

Place the baking sheet in the oven for 20-25 minutes. While our cutlets are frying, let's start preparing the sauce for them. Mix tomato paste and sour cream, add spices. Prepare the sauce not too thick; if so, dilute it with a little water.

Remove the baking sheet from the oven, pour the sauce over it and put it back in the oven for 20 minutes.

After this time, we will get delicious cutlets with a golden crust.

Fluffy minced chicken cutlets with oat flakes

Another recipe for delicious cutlets with the addition of oatmeal to the minced chicken. For this we need:

  • Minced chicken - 500 gr
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • instant oatmeal - 1/2 cup
  • milk (water) - 1/2 cup
  • onion - 1 piece
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • vegetable oil - for frying
  • paprika - a pinch
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Pour milk into oatmeal in a plate, add egg and mix everything well. Leave the resulting mass for 20-30 minutes so that the flakes swell a little.

Finely chop the peeled onion, grate the garlic or crush it with a press. Add them to the minced chicken, add salt and spices, and swollen oatmeal.

Mix the finished mixture well and thoroughly until smooth.

Heat the frying pan by adding vegetable oil first. When the frying pan is hot, place the cutlets prepared from minced meat into it.

Over high heat, fry the cutlets on both sides until golden brown. When the crust has formed, reduce the heat, cover the frying pan with a lid and cook the cutlets over low heat until fully cooked.

Minced chicken cutlets in the oven with potatoes

In this recipe we will try adding potatoes to chicken cutlets. To prepare this dish we will take the following ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet - 1 kg
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • sour cream - 100 gr
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • onion - 1 piece
  • black bread - 2 slices
  • sunflower oil - for frying
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Scroll the chicken fillet through a meat grinder, adding onion pieces. Further. Take peeled, washed potatoes and grate them on a coarse grater. Squeeze the garlic into this mass through a press (garlic press).

Take black bread, separate it from the crust and soak it in sour cream. Add this bread mass to the minced meat. Now beat the eggs and add them to the minced meat. Salt, pepper and mix well.

Now let's start preparing the cutlets themselves. The size and shape depends on taste - make it as you like and place it on a baking sheet. After this, put the pan in the oven and cook for about 50 minutes. After the specified time has passed, we take out the finished cutlets and eat them with appetite.

Minced chicken cutlets with cheese inside in a frying pan. Step by step recipe:

And in this recipe we will add cheese to the minced meat. Fans of this product should like cutlets made in this way. So, we take the following products:

  • Chicken breast - 500 gr
  • loaf - 200 gr
  • warm milk - 1/2 cup
  • butter - 6 tbsp. l
  • breadcrumbs - 0.5 cups
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Let's start cooking. First, soak the loaf in milk

While it is soaking, grind the chicken meat with garlic in a meat grinder, add the soaked loaf, salt, pepper and mix.

Of course, you can also grate cheese and add it to the minced meat. But we will do it differently - a little more original. Cut the cheese into pieces, as if making a sandwich. We take the required amount of minced meat, knead it and put a piece of cheese into it, after which we make a round or oval cutlet - as you like.

After this, you need to sprinkle the cutlets with breadcrumbs and place them in a frying pan. Fry our cutlets on each side for about three minutes.

The cutlets are ready, bon appetit.

Dietary steamed chicken cutlets in a slow cooker or double boiler (photo recipe)

To prepare dietary cutlets we will need the following products:

  • Chicken fillet - 2 pcs.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • milk - 1/2 cup
  • white loaf - 3 pieces
  • greens - to taste
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

And we will cook the cutlets not in a frying pan or in the oven, but in a slow cooker. First of all, we will prepare the minced meat ourselves. To do this, take frozen chicken fillet. cut it into cubes

We prepare onions for the meat grinder in the same way: peel and cut them into small pieces.

Soak the white loaf in milk, you can mash it.

At the next stage, chop the greens.

All ingredients for making minced meat are ready. We run it all through a meat grinder. Break the egg into the minced meat, salt and pepper to taste.

Mix everything well and make cutlets from the minced meat. Pour hot water into the multicooker, place the cutlets, set the “Steam” mode for 25 minutes.

As soon as the multicooker reports that the cutlets are ready, take them out and you can start eating. You can have any side dish for the cutlets.

This recipe can also be prepared in a double boiler. It turns out the same - tasty and healthy!

Chicken cutlets with semolina at home - recipe with step-by-step photos

In this recipe we will add semolina to the cutlets. This cereal will make our cutlets soft, tender, and therefore tastier. In order to prepare such cutlets, we will need the following products:

  • Minced chicken - 400 gr
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. l
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • mustard - 1 tsp
  • parsley and dill - 3-4 sprigs
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

You can buy minced chicken at the store or make it yourself. Put it in a bowl, add two tablespoons of semolina, one egg, a tablespoon of sour cream, a little sugar and mustard. Add salt and pepper to taste. You can also immediately add finely chopped greens. Now mix the whole mass until smooth.

After you have prepared the cutlet mince, you can begin to form the cutlets themselves. Their volume and shape depends on personal taste. Then place the cutlets in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil.

At the first stage, fry the cutlets for about three minutes on each side.

Then add a little water to the frying pan, cover it with a lid and leave to simmer for another five minutes. Don't forget to turn the cutlets over after five minutes.

The cutlets are ready, bon appetit!

Our menu today includes chicken breast cutlets. The main problem with chicken breasts is that they often turn out quite dry when cooked. The fact is that fillet fibers do not contain fat, which could seep through and soften during heat treatment, as is the case with fatty meats such as pork neck. Therefore, if you decide to fry a chicken fillet cutlet, you need to soften it somehow: you can add some of the fattier meat, finely chopped lard to the minced meat, or, as in my recipe, add grated frozen butter, which, in addition to softness, gives the cutlets an incomparable taste and aroma .
For juiciness, it is very important to add not melted butter to the minced meat, but rather small pieces of it, then during the frying process, the butter will gradually melt while remaining inside, giving the chicken cutlets juiciness and tenderness.


  • 2 chicken breasts (500 g)
  • 2 dried pieces of loaf
  • 1 medium onion
  • 50 g butter (1/4 pack)
  • 1 raw egg
  • 1 cup flour (for breading)
  • refined oil for frying
  • salt (1 tsp without top)
  • black pepper to taste

Wrap butter (50 grams = 1/4 pack) in cling film and put in the freezer for 20...30 minutes.

Pour cold water over the bread crumb (without crusts) to soak.

Using a meat grinder or chopper, make minced chicken breasts. (If you come across watery breasts and the minced meat is a bit runny, you don’t need to add 4 tablespoons of water in step No. 6).

Chop the onion very finely, the finer the better. You can grate it.

Preparing minced meat for cutlets.
Combine minced chicken breasts with soaked bread (squeeze a little), egg, and onion.

Mix the minced meat thoroughly, add salt (1 tsp without top), pepper (less than 1/3 tsp), add 4 tbsp for juiciness. water, in the cutlets it will turn into a broth and will be held in the bread crumbs inside. The minced meat may turn out runny - stir it with a spoon for 5 minutes. or beat by tearing off pieces of minced meat with your hand and throwing it back into the bowl, the water will be absorbed into the meat and you can work with the minced meat.



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