Pancake omelet. Japanese omelette or egg pancakes. Spring rolls - recipes with photos

Pancake omelet. Japanese omelette or egg pancakes. Spring rolls - recipes with photos

Hi all! Ewww!!! Maslenitsa week starts! 😀 I love making pancakes! So today’s post is with a current recipe: pancakes with ham, cheese and omelette. Your men and children will kiss you for such delicious pancakes! And they are very easy to prepare

I've already posted my favorite recipe before. thin pancakes, () - according to which pancakes really always turn out. Today we will prepare pancakes according to the same recipe, and as filling we have ham, cheddar cheese (you can replace it with your favorite) and omelette. Hearty protein breakfast!

You can also prepare pancakes in advance, but do not fry them, but put them in the freezer. A good “lifesaver” in case you don’t have time, but you need to feed your family breakfast. Get it stuffed pancakes out of the freezer and fry! Great breakfast is ready!
These pancakes have only one small drawback: it is better to eat them “hot, hot” while the cheese is still hot and sticky.

The photo shows the ingredients for the filling: 10 eggs. But this is too much, 5 - 6 eggs are enough for 8 servings.

How to make pancakes with ham, cheese and omelette:

x1. First let's prepare the pancakes. Melt the butter in the microwave for 15 seconds.

2. Place all ingredients for pancakes in a blender. Blend everything together until smooth.

3. Heat a frying pan and grease it with vegetable oil. Start baking pancakes. Add the batter to the pan and, using quick, circular motions, spread it evenly throughout the pan. Fry until golden brown and turn over. Fry for another 15 seconds and remove. On one side they will be golden in color, on the other they will be paler. And so on until the dough runs out.

4. Now let's prepare the filling. To do this, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the ham into strips.

5. Prepare an omelet. To do this, beat the eggs with a whisk with cream or milk and add a pinch of salt.

6. Heat a frying pan and prepare an omelette.

7. Everything is ready! Now we begin to assemble our pancakes. Nothing complicated. Place the pancake pale side up, spread with Dijon mustard, cheese, ham and omelette on top. Roll as shown in the photo. And so on until all the filling ingredients are gone.

  • Cheddar cheese - 240 gr.
  • A pinch of salt
  • Cooking Instructions

    1. First let's prepare the pancakes. Melt the butter in the microwave for 15 seconds.
    2. Place all pancake ingredients in a blender. Blend everything together until smooth.
    3. Heat a frying pan and grease it with vegetable oil. Start baking pancakes. Add the batter to the pan and, using quick, circular motions, spread it evenly throughout the pan. Fry until golden brown and turn over. Fry for another 15 seconds and remove. On one side they will be golden in color, on the other they will be paler. And so on until the dough runs out.
    4. Now let's prepare the filling. To do this, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the ham into strips.
    5. Prepare an omelet. To do this, beat the eggs with a whisk with cream or milk and add a pinch of salt.
    6. Heat a frying pan and prepare an omelette.
    7. All is ready! Now we begin to assemble our pancakes. Nothing complicated. Place the pancake pale side up, spread with Dijon mustard, cheese, ham and omelette on top. Roll as shown in the photo. And so on until all the filling ingredients are gone.
    8. Heat a frying pan, add some vegetable oil and start frying the pancakes until golden brown. Ready! Bon appetit!

    How to cook an omelet pancake recipe - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

    Omelette pancakes They are prepared from a minimum set of ingredients and come in several types. They can be prepared from eggs only, baked or baked in the oven. These pancakes can also be prepared with various fillings. As a filling for omelet pancakes, you can take any food, for example: cheese with garlic, boiled eggs, boiled meat and fish. In this case, the filling should not be liquid and should not leak out of the pancakes, and you can choose the products for it to your taste. And so, let’s immediately begin to consider the recipe for preparing this simple but unusually tasty dish. They are as unusual as pancakes from whole grain flour. Therefore, you need to try everything and then draw conclusions about your preferences.

    To make these pancakes you will need the following simple ingredients:

    • chicken egg - four pieces;
    • boiled water (a little);
    • salt, ground pepper (to your taste).

    These pancakes are prepared in a very simple way:

    First you need to make the omelette mixture. To do this, break the eggs in a cup, add a little boiled water, salt, ground pepper and beat everything well until the mixture foams. That's all, the omelette dough is ready, you can start baking.

    Place the frying pan on the stove, heat it up, grease it with sunflower oil. Pour the omelette mixture into the frying pan, as soon as bubbles begin to appear on the pancake, turn it over with a spatula and fry until cooked on the other side. After the omelet pancakes are all fried, you can make them with baking or wrap some kind of filling in them. Also, these pancakes can be served without filling, just place them in a pile on a plate.

    You can serve omelet pancakes with cocoa or ginger tea. If you invite friends to your home and feed them these pancakes, they will be very surprised by such a simple and tasty recipe. egg pancakes and they will definitely ask for more. We also recommend trying millet pancakes. you'll love them too!

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    All sorts of recipes for making omelettes. We already have a lot, but we haven’t had one where we can make pancakes out of an omelette. The filling for omelet pancakes can be anything - in the photo you see sausage and cheese, but you can also use asparagus, meat, vegetables, etc.

    Ingredients for 4 servings:
    3 eggs
    250 ml milk
    50 g butter
    150 g flour salt

    How to cook:
    Sift the flour into a mound and make a well on top.
    Beat eggs with a pinch of salt and pour into flour.
    Gradually add enough milk to form a thick dough.
    Leave the dough for 30 minutes.
    Melt some butter in a frying pan. Pour the batter into the pan in portions and fry the omelette pancakes on both sides over low heat.

    Try it and compare it with my recipe, it’s much simpler and it’s always in your memory because it’s simple! 1 tbsp mayonnaise and 1 egg. I make three by three on one wheel. Filling to your taste

    Yes, the breakfast is super, my husband often spoils me with similar pancakes)

    No, asparagus is clearly unnecessary. But regular dill (chopped) in melted cheese would be nice. Overall, a great breakfast!

    Sugar kelp, aka seaweed, contains iodine and trace elements that help avoid problems with the thyroid gland.

    Green beans in an omelet are an excellent choice for breakfast. You can supplement the omelette with fresh herbs: dill and parsley; they will not only add additional flavor to the dish, but also make it more delicious.

    Valuable properties beet tops as tall as her root crops. The only negative: the tops, unlike the roots, cannot be stored for long periods of time.

    In Chinese medicine, nutrition is the basis for the prevention of various diseases and even the basis for treatment. According to their beliefs, various kinds of diseases in humans arise when the connection between the human body and nature is lost.

    Sorrel soup is a seasonal dish. The peak of its popularity occurs in spring and summer. It was at this time that sorrel became an easily accessible product for every housewife.

    These delicious omelet pancakes can help you out when you need to make a quick snack, delicious salad or serve an interesting and delicious breakfast. They are prepared very simply, quickly, and even a novice housewife can handle it. It is best to make them in a small-diameter (15 - 17 cm) frying pan, so they will be easier to turn over. My favorite way to serve these pancakes is omelet rolls. You can use any filling for them, everything is at the discretion of your culinary imagination and the products that are on hand.

    • 6 large eggs
    • 3 tbsp mayonnaise
    • salt, pepper to taste
    • vegetable oil for frying

    We knead the omelette dough for pancakes in the traditional way, for this we combine raw eggs, mayonnaise, salt and pepper, beat everything well with a fork as for an omelet. Then fry the pancakes in a preheated frying pan on both sides for a few minutes until cooked and golden brown. Their thickness depends on how much dough you pour into the pan.

    While they are cooling, we make the fillings: mash the milk cheese with a fork, chop the ham finely and mix separately with chopped tomato and herbs. Fill the cooled pancakes and form them into thick rolls; we do the same with the bacon - just lay it out, sprinkle with herbs and roll it up. Slice before serving stuffed pancakes small pieces and serve on a large flat plate. Bon appetit.

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    Today is Monday, a very difficult day for some. But not for me! Because Monday is the time omelet pancakes . It just so happens in my family that there is no point in thinking about what to cook for breakfast on Monday. The most tasty dish, from which my darling is thrilled, and my stomach is ready to dance with pleasure - these are my mother’s omelet pancakes . They are so tender, delicious, they just melt in your mouth... how can you resist this temptation? Try it and you will understand me!

    For cooking omelet pancakes you will need:

    2 eggs,
    -2 tablespoons of flour,
    -250 grams of milk,
    -1/4 teaspoon salt.

    1. Sift flour through a sieve.

    2. Mix flour with milk and salt.

    3. Stir well and add eggs. Lightly beat the omelette mixture with a fork.

    4. Pour a small portion of dough onto a hot, oiled frying pan.

    5. Bake thin omelettes until a beautiful golden brown crust appears, like pancakes.

    6. Serve omelet pancakes with cocoa or ginger tea. Delicious breakfast is ready!

    If you have problems with excess weight, but you don’t want to limit yourself to sweets, we recommend that you try amazingly delicious weight loss candies. If you follow all the rules, the result will be impressive.

    Fried eggs or “Delicious breakfast” Omelette with green peas Syrniki Lazy dumplings(curd)

    Pancakes are close in composition to pancakes, cheesecakes and omelettes - they are all made with the addition of eggs, flour, in fact they are all pancakes, only the proportions of the initial products are different. Omelette wins over all pancakes due to taste. It can’t be sweet, but if salted, it can make delicious omelet rolls in which you can wrap various ingredients and even salad. This dish is easy to display and also convenient to eat. Therefore, omelet pancakes can be a simple breakfast, and those prepared with herbs and complex fillings can become a decoration for the holiday table.

    The ingredients for the dish are very simple:

    • 5 eggs
    • 3 tablespoons mayonnaise
    • a pinch of salt
    • pinch of pepper
    • sunflower oil for frying.

    You can make homemade mayonnaise - just one egg yolk, half a teaspoon of salt, the same amount of sugar and mustard, mix with a blender at low speed and gradually pour in vegetable oil (100 grams) in a thin stream. When the mayonnaise thickens, pour in a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice and mix again.

    • 3 tablespoons of soft milk cheese (cottage cheese mixed in a blender will also work)
    • 100 grams of ham
    • 100 grams bacon, cut into plastic pieces
    • one tomato
    • greenery.

    It is better to fry omelette pancakes in a small frying pan, this will make the omelette easier to fry and turn over; the optimal diameter is up to 20 centimeters, but in principle any other frying pan will do.

    Prepare omelette pancakes:

    1. Salt the eggs, add sugar, beat with a fork.
    2. Add mayonnaise and mix again.
    3. Fry in a frying pan.
    1. Mash soft milk cheese or cottage cheese with a fork.
    2. Cut the ham into small pieces and mix with finely chopped tomato and herbs.
    3. We put bacon on the pancake, cut the greens inside, add the filling and make rolls.
    4. We cut the rolls into pieces in this form and serve them on the table in a wide plate.

    You can experiment with the filling - it can be made from caviar, red fish, and other ingredients to taste.

    Eggs contain cholesterol, its excess can harm the body, but this substance in small doses strengthens the immune system. A contraindication could be an allergy or excess cholesterol in the body. Eggs contain a lot of protein, which is easily digestible, calcium and other useful microelements and vitamins. Due to the fact that eggs are easy to store and quick to cook, they have become part of our daily menu. This product is not only delicious a separate dish, but is also the most important additive in baked goods, salads, and, of course, various omelettes.

    There are many ways to prepare an omelet. It can consist of only eggs, or it can be fried or baked in the oven. In addition, the omelet can be prepared in the form of tender pancakes, which will serve as an excellent “shell” for delicious rolls. As a rule, the filling for omelet pancakes is based on cheese, to which you can add garlic, eggs, boiled meat or fish. The main thing is that the filling has a “sticky” consistency and stays tightly inside, and the components for it can be chosen in accordance with your taste preferences. The recipes for stuffed omelet pancakes presented below will serve as an example.

    Omelet pancakes with mushrooms and cheese.

    For the test:

    4 eggs
    2 tsp. milk or cream
    A pinch of salt.

    For filling:

    200-250 g hard cheese
    3 tbsp. l. olive oil

    1. Beat eggs with salt, add cream to them, beat again. Bake several thin pancakes in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil (you need to fry them on both sides, like any other pancakes). Place the omelette pancakes on a plate and cool slightly.
    2. Fry finely chopped champignons, sprinkled with salt and pepper, in a well-heated frying pan until they acquire a golden hue. Add coarsely grated cheese to the mushrooms and continue frying until the cheese melts.
    3. Place 1-2 tablespoons of cheese and mushroom filling on each pancake and form into rolls. Best served hot.

    Omelet pancakes with garlic.

    For the test:

    5 eggs
    5 tsp. mayonnaise
    30 ml vegetable oil
    A pinch of salt
    Vegetable oil for frying.

    For filling:

    Garlic - to taste.

    1. Beat eggs and mayonnaise with a mixer into a homogeneous mass. Add salt and vegetable oil, mix thoroughly again. Bake pancakes in a hot frying pan greased with vegetable oil.
    2. Peel the garlic and grate it on a fine grater, put it in mayonnaise, beat with a fork. Place filling on each pancake and form into a roll. If the rolls are too large, you can cut them in half diagonally.

    Omelet pancakes with cheese and saury.

    For pancakes:
    5 eggs
    5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
    0.5 tsp. dried dill
    Salt and ground black pepper - to taste
    Vegetable oil for frying

    For filling:

    150 g sausage cheese
    2 boiled eggs
    100 g mayonnaise
    3 cloves garlic
    1 can of canned saury in oil.

    1. Mix eggs with mayonnaise, add salt and spices to the mixture. In a hot frying pan, greased with sunflower oil, fry the pancakes (on one side only).
    2. Grate the cheese and boiled eggs on a fine grater. Drain the liquid from the canned food, remove the bones from the fish, mash the fillet with a fork and mix with cheese, garlic and mayonnaise. Place the filling on the prepared warm pancakes and roll them up.

    Thin pancakes with kefir

    “Fun” orange pancakes

    Pancakes with milk

    Excellent chocolate pancakes

    Pancakes lace recipe with photo

    Pancakes with condensed milk

    There are many ways to prepare an omelet. It can consist of only eggs, or it can be fried or baked in the oven. In addition, the omelet can be prepared in the form of tender pancakes, which will serve as an excellent “shell” for delicious rolls. As a rule, the filling for omelet pancakes is based on cheese, to which you can add garlic, eggs, boiled meat or fish. The main thing is that the filling has a “sticky” consistency and stays tightly inside, and the components for it can be chosen in accordance with your taste preferences. The recipes for stuffed omelet pancakes presented below will serve as an example.

    Omelet pancakes with mushrooms and cheese.

    To prepare omelet pancakes with mushrooms and cheese, you will need the following ingredients:

    For the test:

    4 eggs
    2 tsp. milk or cream
    A pinch of salt.

    0.5 kg fresh champignons(or any other mushrooms)
    200-250 g hard cheese
    3 tbsp. l. olive oil

    How to prepare omelet pancakes with mushrooms and cheese:

    1. Beat eggs with salt, add cream to them, beat again. Bake several thin pancakes in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil (you need to fry them on both sides, like any other pancakes). Place the omelette pancakes on a plate and cool slightly.
    2. Fry finely chopped champignons, sprinkled with salt and pepper, in a well-heated frying pan until they acquire a golden hue. Add coarsely grated cheese to the mushrooms and continue frying until the cheese melts.
    3. Place 1-2 tablespoons of cheese and mushroom filling on each pancake and form into rolls. Best served hot.

    Omelet pancakes with garlic.

    To make garlic omelette pancakes, you will need the following ingredients:

    For the test:

    5 eggs
    5 tsp. mayonnaise
    30 ml vegetable oil
    A pinch of salt
    Vegetable oil for frying.

    How to prepare omelette pancakes with garlic:

    1. Beat eggs and mayonnaise with a mixer into a homogeneous mass. Add salt and vegetable oil, mix thoroughly again. Bake pancakes in a hot frying pan greased with vegetable oil.
    2. Peel the garlic and grate it on a fine grater, put it in mayonnaise, beat with a fork. Place filling on each pancake and form into a roll. If the rolls are too large, you can cut them in half diagonally.

    Omelet pancakes with cheese and saury

    To prepare omelet pancakes with cheese and saury, you will need the following ingredients:

    5 eggs
    5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
    0.5 tsp. dried dill
    Salt and ground black pepper - to taste
    Vegetable oil for frying

    150 g sausage cheese
    2 boiled eggs
    100 g mayonnaise
    3 cloves garlic
    1 can of canned saury in oil.

    How to prepare omelet pancakes with cheese and saury:

    1. Mix eggs with mayonnaise, add salt and spices to the mixture. In a hot frying pan, greased with sunflower oil, fry the pancakes (on one side only).
    2. Grate the cheese and boiled eggs on a fine grater. Drain the liquid from the canned food, remove the bones from the fish, mash the fillet with a fork and mix with cheese, garlic and mayonnaise. Place the filling on the prepared warm pancakes and roll them up.

    1. Mix eggs, flour, sugar, water, milk, salt and a little vegetable oil.

    2. Beat everything with a whisk until smooth.

    3. Bake like regular pancakes with one condition - be sure to knead the dough thoroughly each time before pouring it into the pan, since the dough is very liquid and the flour quickly settles to the bottom. Turn over carefully, as the pancakes are very delicate and tear easily. It is advisable to make several sharp movements with the frying pan before turning it over to make sure that the pancake has come off the surface of the frying pan.

    An omelet is a quick and tasty breakfast, familiar to every person with a permanent lack of time. But if you prepare the omelette differently, then this dish can truly surprise you!

    We suggest spending a little more time in the morning and preparing a delicious pancake omelet using one of the 3 recipes presented below!

    Spanish omelette

    What you will need:

    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • milk - 1 glass;
    • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • mushrooms - 100 g;
    • ham - 100 g;
    • hard cheese - 50 g;
    • salt, pepper and other spices - to taste.


    1. Wash the mushrooms and cut into small cubes. Heat a frying pan and fry the mushrooms.
    2. Pour the eggs into the milk. Without beating, add flour and spices. To make the pancake flat, carefully mix the ingredients, but in no case beat too hard.
    3. Grate the cheese and cut the ham into thin strips.
    4. Place the dough onto the melted butter. It should set over high heat, then reduce it.
    5. Place the filling of mushrooms, ham and cheese on one half of the pancake, and cover the filling with the other half.
    6. Fry over low heat until fully cooked.

    Japanese omelette

    What you will need:

    • eggs - 4 pcs.;
    • milk - 120 ml;
    • hard cheese - 50 g;
    • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • greenery.


    1. Heat olive oil in a frying pan.
    2. Pour the eggs into the milk, add salt and stir (do not beat!).
    3. Now place the mixture in a heated frying pan. Fry over high heat for 30-40 seconds, covered. Then over low heat.
    4. Turn the pancake over to the other side. Place the finely grated cheese.
    5. Place a lid on top and wait until the cheese begins to melt.
    6. Roll the finished pancake into a roll, then make several rolls out of it.
    7. Serve the rolls sprinkled with herbs.

    Sweet pancake omelet

    What you will need:

    • eggs - 4 pcs.;
    • apple - 1 pc.;
    • starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • sugar - 1 tsp;
    • butter - 15 g;
    • a pinch of cinnamon.


    1. Grate the apple and cut it into thin strips.
    2. Separate the whites from the yolks.
    3. In a bowl, mix the yolks, apple and starch.
    4. Beat the whites with sugar until thick foam.
    5. Mix the whites with the yolks.
    6. Grease the baking dish butter and spoon the pancake mixture onto it.
    7. Bake the omelette in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

    For the culinary competition "Full Set"

    Products(for 3 pancakes):
    3 eggs
    40 g sour cream (I used 20%)
    200 g minced meat (I used pork and beef)
    ½ onion
    150 ml water
    40 g cheese
    ½ tsp. salt (the amount is total, i.e. it is calculated for the entire dish, and not for each addition)
    A pinch of freshly ground black pepper
    1.5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

    Chop the onion. Mix with minced meat, salt and pepper (thoroughly).
    Ultimately, onions retain some of their flavor (i.e. they don't get completely cooked), so if you don't really like them, don't use them.

    Beat the egg with 10 g of sour cream and a pinch of salt.
    Fry in a hot frying pan (with 0.5 tbsp. vegetable oil) on both sides.
    Make 3 pancakes this way. Turn them over very carefully, they are thin.

    Place 1/3 of the minced meat on 1 pancake in the form of a block (the shape of the rolled envelope will ultimately depend on the shape of the formed block, in my photo there is 2 different shapes). Wrap as you usually wrap pancakes with filling (some call it a tube, some call it an envelope).
    Roll 3 pancakes like this. Place them in a mold (I have a glass one).
    Add the remaining sour cream (10 g), salt to the water and mix. Pour the mixture into the roll pan.

    Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for 15 minutes (the pan is covered with foil at this time), and then another 10 minutes (but without foil).
    Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for another 5 minutes.
    Serve our straws with meat filling while they are still hot.

    The rolls are filling and tasty. Meat and omelette flavors are simply great in combination, and even under the sticky molten cheese crust- simply delicious.

    Bon appetit! :)

    The familiar omelet can be served in the form of omelet pancakes, which will make the dish unusual. The pancakes turn out to be somewhat unusual in appearance, but at the same time retain the classic taste.

    Not only is the dish very quick and tasty, it is also very healthy. This great option for breakfast. And if you get creative and add a variety of fillings to the recipe, the pancakes will turn out even more delicious. This will be great

    Egg pancakes

    In this article, we invite you not only to master a simple recipe for omelet pancakes, proven by many housewives, but also to add a few to your cookbook interesting recipes salads with omelettes. And we will start with the base, that is, with pancakes. To prepare, you will need only 3 ingredients, which even a novice housewife will probably have in her kitchen.

    List of necessary products and cooking features

    So, you will need:

    • chicken eggs(from 5 pieces or more);
    • milk (at the rate of: a tablespoon per egg);
    • a pinch of salt.

    Let's start cooking:

    1. Pour milk into a cup.
    2. Break the required number of eggs there.
    3. Lightly salt.
    4. Beat well with a whisk or fork.
    5. If you are preparing omelet pancakes for one person, then pour all the prepared egg mixture immediately into the frying pan. If you need a larger number of pancakes, then pour in the egg batter using a ladle.
    6. Do not turn the dish over! Just cover the omelette with a lid and leave for 2 minutes. After this, carefully place it on a plate, let it cool and roll it into a tube.

    Salad of omelet pancakes with sausage

    For this dish you will need:

    The salad is prepared like this:

    1. First you need to prepare the main component of the salad - egg pancakes. This is done according to the recipe described above. The pancakes should be quite thin, so carefully control the amount of dough.
    2. Cooled pancakes, wrapped in a roll, are cut into very thin strips. You need to chop the apple in exactly the same way. If you want the salad to be more piquant and spicy, then instead of an apple you can put Korean carrots in it. If, on the contrary, you want a more delicate and even sweetish taste, then we recommend using canned corn. The cucumber and apple just make the salad fresh and add extra crunch.
    3. Onion fry in a frying pan in small quantities sunflower oil.
    4. As soon as it is browned, add cubes or strips of smoked sausage. It is advisable to fry the sausage until a stable crispy crust appears.
    5. All that remains is to combine all the ingredients: omelet pancakes, apple, onion - and add a little mayonnaise.
    6. For more piquancy, you can season the salad with a small amount of green onions, parsley or dill.

    Diet chicken salad

    Perhaps you simply cannot imagine a more delicious, satisfying and at the same time low-calorie protein dinner.

    If you diet for a very long time or follow the rules too diligently proper nutrition, then sooner or later there will come a time when a boiled chicken breast simply won’t fit into your mouth. It is for such cases that this recipe comes in handy. Thanks to the presence of additional components with a bright taste, boring chicken will appear in a different gastronomic light.

    How to make a salad

    You will need:

    • 280 g chicken fillet;
    • 4 eggs;
    • 2 onions;
    • canned corn;
    • a couple of cloves of garlic;
    • milk;
    • salt;
    • (low-fat yogurt, sour cream or any other low-calorie salad dressing).

    Let's get started:

    1. We prepare omelet pancakes from milk, eggs, and a pinch of salt.
    2. Cool them, roll them up, and cut them into thin strips.
    3. Lightly sauté the onion in a small amount of oil. If frying foods is not allowed on your menu, you can replace onion fried onion green feathers.
    4. Chicken breast can be steamed, baked, boiled or fried. Any cooking method will do. The main thing is that it does not conflict with your nutrition program.
    5. Place an omelette pancake cut into thin strips into a container, add canned corn, grated garlic, onion and chicken.
    6. Put a few spoons lean mayonnaise. Mix thoroughly. Place in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

    When serving, you can add fresh herbs or a little pickled cucumber to the salad.



    This is interesting: