How to thicken sour cream at home. How to make sour cream for a cake thick? Ways to make thick sour cream

How to thicken sour cream at home. How to make sour cream for a cake thick? Ways to make thick sour cream

For many cooks and simply lovers of homemade sweets, sour cream is one of the easiest to prepare and the most delicious when combined with various ingredients. It is used for different test- biscuit, honey cakes, blanks from choux pastry, it is added to desserts with berries, fruits, nuts, dried fruits, and sometimes you can just eat it with a spoon if you want something tasty. Sour cream cream turns out to be very delicate and low-calorie, which is why it is most often offered to children as a dessert. Thick sour cream Excellent substitute for heavy whipping cream. But the thickness of the cream itself largely depends on the sour cream that is used to prepare it, but there are ways to make thick sour cream for a cake without various additives.

Fat content of sour cream and thickness of cream

The thickness of the cream directly depends on the fat content of sour cream, so most often when choosing this ingredient you should pay attention to its characteristics. Experts recommend buying sour cream in the store at least 25-30%, then sour cream whipped with sugar will form dense “ridges”. Homemade sour cream will give the same result, the main thing is not to “beat” it, i.e. Do not beat until buttery.

You can also do thick cream for a cake made from low-fat sour cream, but for this you need to drain it in a colander, like cottage cheese, so that all the excess liquid flows out of it. It is best to use gauze for these purposes to make the sour cream easier to collect and use for its intended purpose.

The temperature of the sour cream matters for the final result, so before whipping it must be placed in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
The faster the sour cream is whipped, the thicker it will be, so it is best to use a mixer or blender with a broom.

Additives to sour cream

Many confectioners practice adding gelatin to cream to give it thickness and the ability to make various figures from the cream. Before adding to the future cream, gelatin must be diluted in a small amount of cream and allowed to swell. For this, 10-15 minutes are enough, depending on the quantity. Then heat the cream with gelatin in a water bath until completely dissolved and only after that add it to the already whipped sour cream and sugar. Beat everything together a little more and place in the refrigerator. The result is a gorgeous thick cream for the cake.

To make the cream thicker, you can use regular butter. It is enough to add a small piece of it to the sour cream after preliminary whipping. Together with the butter, the sour cream should be whipped for no more than 1-2 minutes. As a result, you can get a very thick and delicious cream for the cake.

The modern food industry offers a wide variety of additives, fixatives and preservatives to obtain the desired result, so you can use them according to the instructions on the packages. Most often, a cream fixative is used for this, which must be added at the end of whipping the cream. The cream with the fixative is whipped first at low speeds, and then at very high speeds for a short time. Instead of a fixative for cream, you can use corn starch, which is taken in the proportion of 2 teaspoons per 0.5 liter of sour cream and the amount of sugar required for it.

A holiday without a cake is not a holiday. And let lovers of noisy feasts with strong drinks say that if it came to the cake, then the celebration did not take place, everyone knows that this is not so. Cake is a sweet apotheosis festive table, which all guests are looking forward to, from children to ladies who are always losing weight. And if the hostess wants to surprise her guests, she will certainly take up baking the cake herself. homemade baking tastier than homemade - this is a fact that does not require proof, but it will take many times more time to put a homemade cake on the table than to buy something beautiful, but not very good tasty treat at the nearest store. Therefore, not everyone dares to bake a confectionery masterpiece at home, especially since when baking a cake, even experienced housewives can face certain difficulties, for example, too liquid cream. The cream, as a rule, is made last, so there is no time left to prepare a new portion. Therefore, if the cream turns out to be runny, you can try thickening it.

Sour cream is deservedly one of the most popular. It perfectly soaks the cakes and simply captivates with its delicate consistency and sweet and sour taste. To ensure that such a cream always turns out thick and airy, you need to use only fresh sour cream, the fat content of which should be at least 25%. It is advisable to use homemade sour cream or that store product of which you are one hundred percent sure of its quality. To rid the sour cream of excess liquid, thereby making it easier to prepare the cream, it must be wrapped in several layers of gauze and hung in the refrigerator. In this case, do not forget to place a container into which the liquid will drain. Weighed sour cream is guaranteed to produce a delicious, fluffy and thick cream. It is best to whip sour cream when chilled and the finished cream should also be placed in the refrigerator immediately.

But sometimes, for various reasons, the cream still turns out not as thick as we would like, and if you try to assemble a cake with too thin sour cream cream, alas, the delicacy will be spoiled. But we will tell you what to add to the sour cream to thicken it, so don’t get upset prematurely.

To make sour cream thicker, you can prepare sugar syrup, cool it to a temperature of 30-40 degrees and add it to the failed cream. Then beat the softened butter with a mixer and, without stopping whipping, add the future cake decoration one tablespoon at a time. In this case, you will get a creamy sour cream - it is higher in calories, but no less tasty. In addition, it holds its shape perfectly and does not spread.
Another option for “reanimating” liquid sour cream cream is sour cream soufflé. For this, in addition to the cream itself, you will need instant gelatin and a little milk or cream. Pour milk over the gelatin, let it swell and heat over low heat until completely dissolved. Do not bring to a boil. After this, cool the gelatin-milk mass until room temperature, add to the cream and mix with a mixer at the lowest speed. Then put the soufflé in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. When the mass thickens to the desired consistency, you can safely apply it to the cakes and even decorate the cake with it using a pastry bag or syringe.

Also, many housewives know that they can add a cream fixer or corn starch to the cream to thicken it. To do this, you need to remove the sour cream from the refrigerator, add cream fixative or starch, beat with a mixer at low speed and put it back in the refrigerator. The cream will definitely turn out thick and tender.

What to do, if custard did it turn out liquid?

What to do with custard that is too runny? First, you need to find out the reason why the custard does not want to be the way you intended. Perhaps the cream gave in too little heat treatment, and if it turns out watery, then you just need to finish cooking it. It is also possible that there is too much liquid in the custard. What should I add to the cream for thickness in this case? The answer is clear - a little flour. To do this, you need to add flour in small portions through a sieve, constantly stirring the cream (without removing it from the heat) so that lumps do not form.

In general, in order not to worry about density, you need to know a good and proven one, which you can read on our website.

Also, custard that is too thin can be saved by butter. But the cream with the addition of oil will turn out to be “heavier”. Beat the softened butter with a mixer. While whipping, add the cooled custard in a thin stream and immediately place the mixture in the refrigerator. As the cream hardens in the refrigerator, it must be stirred several times to make it smooth and smooth.

It will also be useful for many novice housewives to know that you can also add a mixture of flour and eggs to the cream to thicken it. You need to mix 2 tbsp. l. flour and 2 chicken eggs. Bring the liquid custard to a boil, pour out a third of the total amount and mix with the egg-flour mixture. Then pour the mixture into the remaining cream and simmer for a few more minutes over low heat. You will see how the seemingly hopelessly spoiled kerm thickens right before your eyes. With this cream you can cook not only delicious cakes, but also a variety of homemade cakes, such as eclairs.

By the way, we suggest you familiarize yourself with

The recipe itself delicious dessert already lies on the table in front of the hostess. There is everything necessary ingredients for preparing sweet food. But, as luck would have it, there is no thickener in the house for branded cream from sour cream. It's a shame, but the neighboring supermarket also doesn't have a thickener for sour cream. Let’s use our wits and figure out how to replace the thickener without leaving home.

What is a thickener for sour cream? Often in dessert recipes sour cream is used for picturesque and tasty layers. For its perfect consistency, it is necessary to thicken the main ingredient. A special thickener is sold in the store. This is a powder packaged in a moisture-proof paper bag. The thickener for sour cream contains a modified potato starch and powdered sugar.

Adding a thickener to sour cream gives it extraordinary airiness, while providing sufficient elasticity and strength. The question immediately arises: is it possible to prepare a thickener yourself using a mixture of potato starch and powdered sugar?

The fact is that the manufacturer of the special thickening agent uses modified potato starch in production. The thickener contains very little of it. And you need to use much more ordinary starch, which can negatively affect the quality of the prepared sour cream.

How can you replace the product at home?

In order not to run around the store looking for the necessary component, you can replace it in very unexpected ways. How to replace thickener for sour cream? The list is below.

  1. Instead of a thickener you can use dry instant pudding. It is added to sour cream in the amount indicated on the package in the pudding recipe.
  2. The original product for obtaining thickness is lemon juice . In order to thicken 500 ml of sour cream, you will need ½ tsp. fresh lemon juice. It is added to sour cream 1 drop at a time while whipping sour cream with 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar.
  3. Sometimes, in order to thicken the sour cream, before whipping, cooks place it in a bowl for 20 - 30 minutes. freezer.
  4. It is considered a good thickener for sour cream. sifted flour. It needs to be added to the sour cream gradually, 1 tsp at a time, continuously whisking the mass and bringing it to the desired thickness.

The easiest way to separate excess liquid

By removing excess liquid from sour cream, you can prepare it for making a high-quality cream. There is no need to add a large amount of thickener or a thickener substitute to the dehydrated mass.

You can remove excess liquid from a fermented milk product as follows.

  1. Pick up a piece of gauze and fold it in three to four layers.
  2. Place sour cream in cheesecloth, fold its edges and tie.
  3. Leave the bag of sour cream hanging for 2 - 3 hours.

During the specified time, all the serum is removed from it, making it liquid. From such a composition you will definitely be able to prepare a cream with the necessary properties.

Natural homemade thickeners

At home, it is best to use natural and environmentally friendly products to prepare thick sour cream.

  • Natural potato starch. Added to sour cream at the rate of 1 tbsp per 250 ml of fermented milk product. l. starch.
  • Fine-grained homemade cottage cheese. It will slightly affect the taste of the cream, but will give the sour cream the necessary consistency. Thoroughly grind the cottage cheese through a fine colander and mix 150 g of the product with 250 g of sour cream. Add powdered sugar and beat well with a blender or mixer.
  • Natural gelatin. Gelatin perfectly thickens the main component. You need to dilute 10 g of gelatin in 100 ml of warm water. After dissolving it, add the cooled gelatin water to 500 g of sour cream, mix with powdered sugar and beat well. Chill in the refrigerator for 2 - 3 hours.
  • Butter. This product will help make the sour cream thicker, but will add fat to the cream and add a unique taste to it. About 40 g soft butter you need to stir in 250 g of sour cream. Beat with a blender or mixer for 2 - 3 minutes.

To prepare high-quality sour cream, you need to pay attention to the main component from which the cream is to be made. It is best to use natural homemade sour cream in the recipe. Because a store-bought product made from a powder concentrate may not be whipped to the desired consistency.

Homemade sour cream should have moderate thickness and a neutral taste. A slight sour taste is allowed. In appearance, the sour cream should be homogeneous, white in color and have a glossy surface. The matte surface and faded color indicate the unnatural origin of the fermented milk product.

What to do if the sour cream purchased at the store turns out to be liquid? Do not get upset or panic under any circumstances. Anyone can make sour cream thicker.

What should natural sour cream be like?

premium It should be moderately thick, without any foreign odors, and its taste should have a barely noticeable sourness.

If, instead of a slight sourness, a sour taste is clearly visible, this indicates that the sour cream has begun to deteriorate.

In appearance it should be white, glossy and uniform in structure. The presence of foreign inclusions, faded color and dullness of the surface will unmistakably indicate the use of thickeners in the production process.

This fermented milk product should contain cream and sour cream.

Only such a product can rightfully be called sour cream; all others containing sour cream can only claim the name “dairy product”.

The shelf life of natural sour cream in a sealed package is usually exactly a week, but if a time period of several weeks is indicated on its packaging, such a product cannot be natural.

The natural way

The most in a simple way To thicken sour cream is to separate excess liquid naturally.

Having covered the bottom of the colander with gauze, folded in half or four (depending on the degree of viscosity of the sour cream), insert the colander into the pan, pour into it liquid sour cream and place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

After the specified time, the whey will drain into the pan, and thick, very thick sour cream will remain in the colander. The method, although not fast, is quite simple and safe.

Natural homemade thickeners

By adding 1 sifted and dried flour to the sour cream and stirring it constantly, you can achieve the desired consistency.

You can thicken the sour cream to the required degree of viscosity by gradually adding freshly squeezed lemon to it. Be careful with lemon juice!

Before adding a few more drops of juice to the sour cream, stir it thoroughly and wait 1-2 minutes, since lemon juice does not immediately thicken the sour cream.

There is also a way to thicken sour cream and cream from milkwomen who sell these products on the market. It consists of mixing starch diluted in water with sour cream.

Due to starch, the taste of sour cream changes noticeably; the situation can be corrected by adding powdered or vanilla sugar to the product.

In addition to homemade ones, there are store-bought thickeners for sour cream and cream from different manufacturers and with different names.

They do their job effectively and the sour cream becomes thicker. But does this make it any more useful?

Let the sour cream you buy always be natural and thick!

Enjoy your meal!

In this article we will try to figure out how to thicken sour cream if it still turns out liquid and consider the three basic recipes the perfect filling for your dessert.

So, first of all, pay special attention to the choice of sour cream itself. Its fat content should be at least 25%. However, even in this case, not everyone achieves good results. You can use a proven method: place the sour cream on a piece of gauze folded in four, tie its edges and hang it over a container in the refrigerator, preferably overnight. This procedure will remove excess serum from the product and make the cream thicker.

If you don’t have time to strain the sour cream, we offer very simple ways to make the cream thick, using very simple techniques and ingredients.

How to thicken sour cream for a cake with gelatin?


  • full-fat sour cream, at least 25% – 270 g;
  • granulated gelatin – 3 teaspoons;
  • sugar (fine) – 145 g;
  • vanilla;
  • water – 45 ml.


Gradually add sugar (you can use powder) into the thick sour cream, whisking constantly with a mixer. When you see that bubbles have formed in the mixture, add vanilla and beat everything again for another minute.

Before you thicken the cream with gelatin, you need to know how to add it correctly!

Pour the gelatin into a metal container, fill it with warm water, stir and set aside until it swells. Now put it on the stove at the lowest heat possible, and heat the gelatin until it is completely dissolved in water, without leaving it, constantly stirring vigorously.

Cool the dissolved gelatin until warm and then pour it into a container with whipped sour cream. Turn the mixer back on and, while whisking, combine the gelatin with the cream, thus making it fluffy and as homogeneous as possible. Before using the cream, refrigerate it for at least 1.5 hours.

How to thicken sour cream with starch?


  • full fat sour cream 25% (or homemade) – 470 g;
  • – 90 g;
  • starch – 25 g;
  • vanilla essence – 1-2 drops or vanillin.


Place the sour cream in a deep bowl and beat with a mixer for fifteen minutes (no less). Then add powder in small portions, add essence or vanillin and beat for another 5-7 minutes. Next, add starch, beat a little more and leave the mixture in the cold for 35 minutes.

How to make sour cream for a cake thick?

You can make sour cream thicker by adding soft butter to the composition. In this case, the consistency of the cream, density and taste will change. To prepare it, take about 100 g of soft butter per 500 g of sour cream. First, beat the butter with powder (the amount is determined solely by personal preference) and only then add sour cream.

You can also make a thick cream by combining different fermented milk products. To sour cream you can add cream cheese, which is already an excellent base for cream, as well as cottage cheese, ground to a paste-like consistency.

Thick curd and sour cream for cake



Mash the cream cheese well with the cottage cheese. Add sugar and vanilla to sour cream and beat with a mixer until the crystals dissolve. Add all the soft cheese and curd mass, switch the mixer to maximum speed and bring the cream until fluffy.

The cream cheese makes the filling incredibly airy and quite elastic. It's easy to work with and has amazing delicate taste, perfectly combined with any type of cake.



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