What can you cook with frozen berries? Recipes from frozen berries. Healthy recipes from fresh and frozen berries

What can you cook with frozen berries? Recipes from frozen berries. Healthy recipes from fresh and frozen berries

No doubt, there is nothing better than fresh vegetables and fruits. And they contain vitamins, microelements, and micronutrients. But then the season ends, and we either make jam, prepare salads and other preparations for the winter, or go to the vegetable department of the supermarket for vitamins... Jams and pickles, of course, are good, but, unfortunately, there are few useful things left there. And those fruits and vegetables that are on the shelves all year round also raise doubts - who knows where and how they are grown... But there is one way out - home freezing.

Freezing is perhaps the most profitable and convenient way of canning. Judge for yourself - with this method you do not use vinegar, salt, or high temperatures, which destroy almost all vitamins. True, when freezing, a certain amount of vitamins is also lost, but these losses are incomparable with cooking and pickling. There is one more disadvantage - the color and shape of the products, unfortunately, are lost. But if you don’t care what the berries from your garden will look like, then this article is for you.

Of course, those who have a huge freezer are lucky. But even a regular refrigerator can accommodate a lot of healthy greens, mushrooms and other goodies from the dacha.

There are several rules for freezing:
. Fresh and ripe, firm, undeformed products are suitable for freezing;
. Vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed and dried before freezing - if this is not done, all your frozen food will stick together into an unappetizing lump;
. Most vegetables need to be blanched before freezing. Blanching is short-term cooking in boiling water or steam followed by rapid cooling. Blanching destroys oxidative enzymes that lead to off-flavors and loss of color.
. Frozen foods should be packed tightly into containers with lids or plastic bags. The denser the products are packed, the less moisture will evaporate during storage.
. Containers and bags must be sealed.
. It is advisable to freeze products in small batches so that they can be used at once. So, instead of a huge bag of vegetables or berries, it is better to make several small ones at a time. There is no point in re-freezing your frozen food, it will simply transfer the product.
. The temperature in the freezer should not exceed -18ºС, in which case the products can be stored for up to a year. You can store frozen food at temperatures from 0 to -8ºС for no more than three months.

You can freeze almost everything - from greens to mushrooms. Only turnips, radishes, and radishes are not frozen. When using frozen greens, there is no need to defrost them, and other products require half the cooking time. The ideal way to cook frozen vegetables is in a steamer.

Greenery. Dill, parsley, sorrel, onions, cilantro, celery, etc. Before freezing, thoroughly wash, dry (this is important!) and cut. The prepared greens are placed in bags, squeezed so that the air comes out, and the bags are tied tightly. Another way to freeze greens is to freeze them in small portions in water. To do this, wet greens are tightly compacted into ice molds, filled with water and frozen. The resulting ice cubes are poured into a bag and stored in the freezer. Use without defrosting, throwing 1-3 cubes into the finished dish.

Cucumbers. Cut into circles or slices, place tightly in small molds, seal tightly and freeze. Frozen cucumbers can be stored for no more than six months when used for salads.

Tomatoes. Small cherry tomatoes can be frozen whole, but large tomatoes are cut into slices and treated in the same way as with cucumbers. You can freeze tomato puree.

Bell pepper. Peppers for stuffing are frozen whole, cutting off the “lids” and removing the seeds. The prepared peppers are placed one inside the other and frozen. True, with this method they take up a lot of space. Peppers can also be frozen in another way by cutting them into cubes or strips and placing them tightly in plastic bags. In this case, the pepper must be blanched for 10-15 minutes and dried.

Eggplant. Before freezing, blanch the eggplants for 5-10 minutes, drain, cut and freeze.

Green beans wash, peel, dry, cut into pieces 2-3 cm in size and freeze.

Green pea frozen in bulk, after washing and drying. The peas are poured onto a tray, frozen and poured into a bag, tying tightly.

Corn Milk ripeness is husked from the cob and frozen in the same way as peas.

White cabbage frozen in the form of straws, they are laid out in bags, the air is removed and tied tightly.

Cauliflower. The top leaves of fresh cauliflower are removed and the head is divided into inflorescences. Blanch with the addition of a small amount of citric acid for 3 minutes, cool and dry on a towel. Place into bags and freeze.

Broccoli- very tender, so there is no need to blanch it. Broccoli is divided into inflorescences, washed, dried and placed in bags.

Brussels sprouts frozen after a short blanching (2-3 minutes), in bulk on a tray.

Zucchini and squash Before freezing, cut into cubes, remove the seeds, boil for 10-15 minutes, drain in a colander, and cool. Place into bags, remove air from them, and tie tightly.

Carrots and beets washed, peeled, cut into small cubes or grated on a coarse grater and frozen in small batches in bags.

pumpkin Freeze in the same way as zucchini. It is cut into cubes, removing the seeds, blanched for 10-15 minutes, cooled and put into bags. Pumpkin can be grated on a coarse grater and frozen in small batches.

Apples. Sweet and sour varieties of apples are suitable for freezing. The apples are thoroughly washed, peeled, and cored. Cut into circles or slices and immerse in acidified or salted water so as not to darken, but for no more than 20 minutes. Place the prepared apples on a tray and put in the freezer. When the apples are slightly frozen, remove the tray, quickly separate the slices from each other and put them back in the freezer for final freezing. Place frozen apples in plastic bags and tie tightly.

Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries. These berries are thoroughly washed, dried and frozen in bulk on trays. The berries are poured onto a tray in one layer. Frozen berries are best stored in containers - this way they will not get wrinkled and will retain their shape when defrosted.

Currants, gooseberries, etc. The berries are washed, dried and frozen, scattered on a tray. The finished berries are poured into plastic bags and tied tightly. Any berries can be frozen in the form of puree.

Apricots, peaches, cherries, plums. Be sure to remove the seeds and freeze them in flat containers along with the juice that has been released. The resulting briquettes are placed in bags.

Mushrooms. Suitable for freezing are strong, non-wormy porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletuses, champignons, honey mushrooms, chanterelles. Mushrooms should be stored on the same day they were collected. Before freezing, the mushrooms are carefully sorted, cutting off damaged parts, and washed in several waters. The prepared mushrooms are dried on a towel. Mushrooms can be frozen raw, fried, boiled or in the form of ready-made soup. For the “raw” method, large mushrooms are cut into several parts, small ones are left whole, placed on a baking sheet and frozen. Frozen mushrooms are transferred to a container or bag. If you are afraid to freeze raw mushrooms, you can first boil, fry or stew them. The boiled mushrooms are drained in a colander, cooled and placed in containers. Do the same with fried mushrooms. Stewed mushrooms can be frozen along with the aromatic liquid in which they were cooked. Or you can prepare semi-finished mushroom soup: boil light mushrooms, pour the cooled broth along with the mushrooms into containers containing food bags, and freeze. After this, remove the bags from the containers and store the soup in neat briquettes.

Vegetables can be frozen individually, or you can prepare any assortment. Paprikash, Hawaiian or Mexican mixture, ratatouille, paella - you can make it all yourself. Prepare the necessary vegetables, peel, wash, cut into cubes. Blanch all vegetables. Boil rice or beans, if used, until half cooked. Here, for example, are several options for such mixtures. The most important thing is that only you can decide what and how much you put there.

Rice, green peas, corn, peppers, onions, carrots, champignons.
Paprikash: sweet peppers, zucchini, green beans, tomatoes.
Mexican blend: carrots, green beans, peppers, corn, eggplant, red beans, green peas, onions, celery.
Country-style vegetables: potatoes, corn, broccoli, peppers, carrots, onions, green beans.
Vegetables "Spring": cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green peas, carrots, potatoes, onions.
Paella: eggplants, peppers, rice, peas, corn, carrots, zucchini, onions.
Güvech: eggplants, peppers, onions, tomatoes.
Hawaiian Blend: green peas, corn, pepper, rice.
Lecho: tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, carrots, onions.
Greens for salads: cucumbers, dill, green onions, parsley.
Greens for soup and main courses: dill, parsley, basil, green onions.
Vegetable stew: cauliflower, carrots, green onions (with heads), dill, green peas.
Dressing for borscht: sweet pepper, green onion (with head), hot pepper, dill, parsley, garlic.
Mushroom soup: champignons or porcini mushrooms, carrots, potatoes, onions.
Sorrel soup: sorrel, potatoes, carrots, onions.
Borsch: beets, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, onions.
Vegetable mixtures are prepared without defrosting, steamed or stewed in a frying pan with a minimum amount of oil. Frozen soups are placed in boiling broth or water and cooked for a short time.

Frozen berries and fruits can be eaten just like that, or you can prepare interesting dishes and drinks.

New Year's shake

1 cup frozen berries
1 bottle of champagne
1 bottle of white wine
sugar to taste

Pour berries into a wide glass decanter, add sugar to taste, pour champagne, let stand for 1-2 hours. Then pour in the wine and cool. Pour into wide glasses along with berries.

Ice dessert

Preparation: Grind any berries or mixture of berries in a blender with sugar, pour into yogurt jars and freeze.

Preparation: Defrost frozen berries slightly, beat with a mixer or blender until fluffy.

If you need to defrost fruits or berries, it is best to do this gradually, placing the container or bag from the freezer into the refrigerator. This method allows you to avoid limpness.

Keep it in the refrigerator for summer and have vitamins all year round! This is why home freezing is needed.

Larisa Shuftaykina

On long winter evenings I really want to bring summer back a little. Prepare frozen berries for dessert - feel the taste of summer!

1. Yogurt cake “Klubnichka” (strawberries) without baking!
2. Baskets with berry marmalade (currants)
3. Baskets with cranberries or cherries (cranberry/cherry) - no baking!
4. Cheese brownie with raspberries (raspberries)
5. Sour cream with blueberries (blueberries) - no baking!



  • natural yogurt – 600 gr.
  • milk – 600 ml.
  • gelatin – 60 gr.
  • lemon juice (2 tbsp)
  • cocoa – 40 gr.
  • sugar - to taste (I put 100 grams, those who like sweets should add more, a sweet strawberry layer was enough for me)
  • strawberries – 400 gr.
  • water – 100 ml

Remove the yogurt from the refrigerator until it reaches room temperature.
Pour gelatin (50 g) with milk, let stand according to instructions, and then heat until completely dissolved. Cool slightly.

Beat the yogurt with a mixer, adding sugar and lemon juice. Then gradually add milk and gelatin, stirring constantly. Beat again with a mixer.

Separate ¼ of the yogurt mass and mix with cocoa. Pour into the springform pan and place in the freezer for 10 minutes until set. Pour the remaining mixture onto the frozen layer and refrigerate until completely frozen.

Prepare the strawberry layer. 10 gr. Prepare gelatin according to instructions. Prepare strawberry puree using a blender, add sugar and slightly cooled gelatin. Pour strawberry jelly onto the frozen yogurt layer and refrigerate until completely set.



For the test:
Flour - 2 cups;
Butter - 150 g;
Sugar - 3/4 cup;
Eggs - 2 pcs;
Vanillin - 1/2 sachet.

For marmalade:
500 g frozen berries (currants);
400 g sugar;
200 g berries for sprinkling (cranberries).

First we prepare the shortbread dough. To do this, grate the butter on a beetroot grater, put it in a bowl, add flour and grind until crumbly. Then add the beaten eggs and knead the dough. I would add another 1 - 2 tablespoons of sour cream to this dough to make the baskets more tender (otherwise they would turn out very hard). Roll the dough into a ball, wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
The book said how to make marmalade from apricots and apples, but since I was going to use frozen currants, I decided to make marmalade from these berries.

Marmalade: take half a kilo of frozen currants, pour into a colander and rinse under hot water. Then pour the berries into a saucepan, add a couple of tablespoons of water and put on low heat. When the berries boil a little, remove them from the heat and rub through a sieve. Place the currants back into the pan, add sugar and, stirring, cook until the jam thickens, then remove from the heat and set aside.

We take out the dough, roll it into a thin layer and cut out circles slightly larger than the molds. I cut out the circles with a cup - it turned out just right.

Place each circle of dough into a mold and press down along the edges. Bake the baskets in the oven for 10 - 12 minutes, and then shake them out of the molds while still hot. I didn’t think of getting the baskets right away, and I had to shake them out by force: turn the mold over and hit it with a chop mallet.

But then everything was simpler: I poured marmalade into the baskets with a spoon, poured a handful of thawed cranberries, and sprinkled powdered sugar on top. The marmalade began to thicken very quickly, so the housewives need to be a little more efficient than I when preparing these baskets. But the taste of the dessert turned out to be very original: a mix of sweet and sour.




- 1 cup almonds

- 1/2 cup oatmeal
- 3/4 cup dates
- a pinch of salt
- 1.5 cups frozen cranberries or cherries
- 3 table. lie Sahara
- 1/4 cup orange juice
- 1/2 glass of water
- orange zest
- vanillin or cinnamon

Grind almonds, flakes, then dates in a food processor.
Mix everything, adding a pinch of salt. If it's a little dry, add 2-3 more crushed dates. Fill muffin tins with mixture, forming baskets. Place them in the refrigerator or freezer.
Mix cranberries (cherries) with sugar, juice, water and zest. Cook until thick for 15-20 minutes. Then cool, add vanillin or cinnamon and beat with a blender.
Remove the baskets from the mold and fill with filling.



For the chocolate dough:
Flour - 100 g
Salt - 1/4 tsp.
Baking powder - 1/2 tsp.
Soda - 1/4 tsp.
Chocolate (60 - 70% cocoa) - 180 g
Butter - 110 g
Sugar - 200 g
Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.
Egg - 2 pcs.;
1 protein

For the cheese layer:
Cream cheese - 250 g (can be replaced with homogeneous cottage cheese)
Sugar - 60 g
1 yolk
100 g fresh or frozen raspberries (no need to defrost first).

First we prepare the cheese layer. To do this, intensively mix the cheese (I made it with Philadelphia cream cheese), sugar and yolk with a whisk. Set the bowl with the cheese dough aside for a while and prepare the chocolate dough. Break the chocolate into pieces, cut the butter into cubes. Place in a bowl, place on a saucepan of boiling water and melt in a water bath. Add regular and vanilla sugar, mix and set aside to let the mixture cool slightly, about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, sift the flour with salt, soda and baking powder.

Add eggs and whites to the slightly cooled chocolate mass and mix with a whisk. Gradually add the flour mixture and knead the dough. Grease a rectangular or square mold with vegetable oil and place half of the chocolate dough. Place the cheese mixture on top, cover with the remaining chocolate dough, take a wooden skewer (or turn the spoon over) and pass it over the dough several times in any direction to create a marble pattern. Then we place raspberries in rows on the dough and press them down. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 160 degrees and bake for about 50 - 60 minutes. True, after about 40 minutes such a chocolate aroma wafted through the apartment that it was impossible to resist the temptation to open the oven and check how the cake was doing.

When the cake is ready, the edges should be set and the middle should feel firm to the touch, but not hard. If you check with a match, it should come out with a small amount of wet crumbs stuck to it.

Cool the cake, cut the brownies into small pieces and serve. The kids devoured the evening!


Sour cream - 1 glass;
Blueberries - 1 glass;
Sugar - 1/2 cup;
Vanillin - 1/2 sachet;
Gelatin - 2 teaspoons;

I took a cup of frozen blueberries, added a little water and brought it to a boil in a saucepan, adding a spoonful of gelatin. As a result, I ended up with a glass of blueberry juice, and I decided not to strain it, but to leave it straight with the berries. Next, beat a glass of sour cream along with sugar, vanillin and a spoonful of gelatin (pre-soak the gelatin). Then take a bowl and pour sour cream into it in layers, alternating with blueberry juice. Place each layer in the refrigerator for a few minutes and pour in the next one. I decorated all this happiness with frozen cherries. It turned out very tasty!

Dessert with berries and champagne Place sugar, zest and 350 ml of water in a bowl. Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Let cool for about an hour. Remove the zest from the syrup. Pour 60 ml of syrup into a separate...You will need: sugar - 75 g, zest of 1 orange, gelatin - 6 leaves, champagne - 600 ml, fresh or frozen berries - 300 g

Berries with cheese sauce (2) Mix berries with powdered sugar. For the sauce, beat the cheese, yolks, sugar and liqueur in a blender. Prepare 12 baskets (see Additional recipes). Place the sauce in baskets, put berries on top, and scoops of ice cream on them. Serve immediately.You will need: sugar - 100 g, soft processed cheese - 200 g, orange or nut liqueur - 200 g, ice cream - 300 g, powdered sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons, fresh or frozen berries (mixture) - 600 g, egg yolk - 4 pcs.

Berries with cheese sauce Mix berries with powdered sugar. For the sauce, beat the cheese, yolks, sugar and liqueur in a blender. Pour the sauce onto a plate in the form of a pattern, put warm berries on top, and scoops of ice cream on them. Serve immediately.You will need: fresh or frozen berries (mixture) - 300 g, ice cream - 160 g, powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons, orange or nut liqueur - 100 g, soft processed cheese - 100 g, sugar - 50 g, egg yolk - 2 pcs.

Pancakes with fresh fruits and berries Break the eggs, pour in milk and 100 ml of water, add sugar, salt and beat everything with a mixer. Add flour and continue whisking until smooth. Let the dough rest for about 15 minutes. Remove the pit and cut the peach into slices. Also cut the strawberries into slices. ...You will need: 1 cup of flour, 2 eggs, 3-4 large strawberries, a handful of any frozen berries, a handful of blackberries, a handful of fresh raspberries, a handful of fresh blueberries, 1/2 a peach, 100 ml of milk, 1 1/2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 1/2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil...

Dessert with mascarpone and berries Add hot water to the sugar and stir thoroughly until completely dissolved. Pour the resulting sweet syrup into the cream and mix thoroughly using a blender. Add mascarpone cheese to the resulting mass, mix everything. Pour the resulting cream into molds (I took glass...You will need: 250 grams of mascarpone cheese, 250 grams of heavy cream (I used 35% fat), 1/2 cup of sugar, 2 tablespoons of hot water, 200-250 grams of various berries (frozen or fresh) I had raspberries and cranberries

Panna cotta with vanilla berries Soak gelatin in cold water. Mix milk and cream with sugar, zest and vanilla sugar. Heat without bringing to a boil (no more than 80*C). Remove from heat, add gelatin, stir until completely dissolved. Pour into molds, refrigerate for at least 4...You will need: 250 ml milk (I have Parmalat 0.5%), 250 ml cream 35% (Parmalat), 3 tbsp. sugar, 10 g gelatin, 1 tsp. vanilla sugar, a pinch of vanilla, zest of 0.5 lemon, Vanilla berries: 400 g of berries (I have frozen, assorted), 2 tbsp. sugar, 100 ml cherry juice,...

Cupcakes with berries and cocoa Beat eggs with sugar, add soda, cocoa, butter and flour, mix well. Add the berries and mix gently again. Pour the dough into molds (if not silicone, then grease them). Bake for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 C. At this time we are quickly preparing...You will need: 3 large eggs, 1 tbsp. sugar, 0.5 tsp. slaked soda, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. cocoa, 1.5 tbsp. flour, berries of your choice (I used frozen raspberries), For cream: toffee/boiled condensed milk, butter

Curd cake with frozen berries and jelly Beat the eggs, add sugar - beat some more, add cottage cheese (beating slowly), melted butter and flour (gradually) with baking powder. This is the mass of berries (do not defrost) mixed with sugar and a small amount of potato starch. Spoon into molds...You will need: Cottage cheese - 200g (not mass), Sugar - 2/3 cup, Butter - 100g, Flour - 1 cup, Eggs - 3 pcs, Baking powder - 1 teaspoon, Frozen berries (I have blackberries) - 100g, Potato starch - 1 tsp, -------------, Berries-100g, Sugar to taste, Potato starch-1 tsp

Chocolate manna with berries Boil cream and milk, add butter. Stirring constantly, add semolina and bring the mixture to a boil. Add chocolate, honey, baking powder, stir, bring to a boil, remove from heat and cool, beat the eggs until foamy, add to the cooled chocolate porridge and stir...You will need: 200 grams of cream, 200 grams of milk, 50 grams of butter, 100 grams of semolina, 100 grams of chocolate, 4 eggs, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 500 grams of berries (I have frozen red and black currants, cranberries and cowberry)

Scones with fresh berries and mascarpone Mix all the dry ingredients... Add cold butter, chop it into crumbs with a knife or rub the butter and dry ingredients together with your fingers... Add fresh berries... If the berries are frozen (like mine), then do not defrost... Separately mix all the liquid...You will need: 1 cup - 200ml, 3/4 cup whole grain flour, 1/4 cup corn flour, 1.5 cups wheat flour, 60g l. butter, 1 cup kefir (yogurt), 1/3 cup sugar, 1.5 teaspoons baking powder, 0.5 teaspoons soda, 0.5 teaspoons salt, 1 egg, 1 bag of van...

Probably, every housewife can find frozen berries in her refrigerator: strawberries, raspberries, black currants, cherries, sweet cherries and much more. Everyone knows that frozen fruits and vegetables make excellent compotes. But it's not just drinks that are popular. Recipes from frozen berries will show you how to prepare delicious desserts.

Cherry pie

Cherry pie

Cherry pie is a dessert that will not leave anyone indifferent. To prepare it, you don’t even need to run to the store, because all the specified ingredients are likely to be found in every home.

  • Wheat flour - 400 g;
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sunflower oil - 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • Vanillin - 10g;
  • Salt - on the tip of the knife;
  • Purified water - 50 ml;
  • Frozen berries - 300 g;
  • Granulated sugar - 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • Starch - 10 g.

Cooking method

  1. Sift flour through a sieve. Add baking powder, granulated sugar, salt. To stir thoroughly. Add sunflower oil and a little water. Knead the dough well, put it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  2. After this, divide the dough into two equal parts. Grease a baking dish with sunflower oil and place the first cake layer. Mix the berries with granulated sugar and place on top of the dough, then add the remaining cake layer.
  3. Pierce the cake in several places using a wooden skewer. Place in the oven for 40 minutes. Time to prepare the pie is 60 minutes.

Cheesecake in a hurry

Cheesecake in a hurry

You can't help but like this dessert. Bright appearance, indescribable taste, and the aroma reminds of summer days. It gets ready pretty quickly.

To prepare you need:

  • Crackers - 10 pcs;
  • Frozen cherries - 200 g;
  • Starch - 20 g;
  • Granulated sugar - 40 g;
  • Cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • Purified water - 200 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Crush the crackers. Heat the cherries in the microwave. Strain, add water and starch to the juice from the berries, mix.
  2. Add water and sugar to the cherries and place on low heat. When the cherries have cooled a little, add juice and starch to them.
  3. Beat cottage cheese with cream.
  4. Place crushed cookies on the bottom of each glass, then a layer of cream, and lastly berries. Repeat everything again. Serve, garnished with peanuts and a sprig of mint.

Raspberry ice cream cake

Raspberry ice cream cake

This dessert will give you a great mood for the whole day and will be memorable for the kids.

In order to prepare such a cake, you do not need to spend a lot of money, because you can find everything you need in your kitchen.

To prepare you need:

  • Raspberries -0.5 kg;
  • Cream - 500 ml;
  • Yolks - 4 pcs;
  • Granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • Jam and mint leaves for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the raspberries from the freezer and add 100 g of granulated sugar. Mix everything well. Beat the yolks with sugar. Cool. Whip the cream and add whipped yolks and 3/4 berry syrup.
  2. Prepare the ice cream mold. Pour out most of the mixture and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After this, remove from the refrigerator, add the raspberry mixture, pour the remaining mixture on top.
  3. Leave in the refrigerator overnight. When serving, garnish with jam and mint leaves.

Berry smoothie

Berry smoothie

Smoothie is a berry or vegetable cocktail to which yogurt, juice or other ingredients are added. Despite the fact that the dessert came to us several years ago from the USA, to this day not everyone knows about its existence. Please your loved ones with a delicious, vitamin-rich cocktail that will take just a few minutes to prepare.

To prepare you need:

  • Fresh banana - 1 piece;
  • Frozen strawberries - 100 g;
  • Frozen blackcurrant - 100 g;
  • Yogurt - 150 g.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the banana into small pieces. Beat: banana, strawberries, black currants, add yogurt.
  2. Pour into a glass. Vitamin cocktail is ready! When serving, you can garnish with fresh fruit or coconut flakes.
  3. Some tips:
  4. An overripe banana, the skin of which has already begun to darken, is perfect for making smoothies. Due to this fruit, the cocktail becomes so thick and pleasant to the taste.

A smoothie made with milk turns out unsweetened; if you want the dessert to be sweet, you need to immediately add granulated sugar to the blender.

Finely chopped nuts go great with fruit smoothies. They make the drink more satisfying. If you are not a supporter of dairy products, then you can add freshly squeezed juice to your smoothie.

On cold winter days, when there is much less fruit, you really want to treat yourself to some goodies. Now it's time for frozen berries. In such recipes you can use completely different berries that will just end up in your freezer this winter. Experiment and you will definitely find your perfect dessert.



This is interesting: