Crazy Cake is a vegan chocolate cake. Crazy Cake - chocolate vegan cake Crazy cake pie reviews

Crazy Cake is a vegan chocolate cake. Crazy Cake - chocolate vegan cake Crazy cake pie reviews


Karinochka, thank you for telling us about this recipe!

Step by step photos I didn’t (I’m still sick). But here everything is simple: mix the dry products, add the rest, mix with a spoon and pour into the mold.

I took the recipe
She also has an interesting fill there. I wanted to cook it, but then I changed my mind...
Bake in a 20 cm mold for about an hour (until a dry match)

Crazy cake- this is a gorgeous and oh-so-chocolate pie, which owes its appearance to the American depression of the thirties, when they tried to save on everything... but still wanted something delicious... In addition, the recipe is extremely simple!

For making a crazy cake we need:
3 cups flour;
2 cups sugar;
1 teaspoon salt; (I made it without salt)
2 teaspoons of soda;
half a glass of cocoa powder;
1 glass of vegetable oil;
2 tablespoons vinegar;
a packet of vanillin;
1.5 cups of cold water.

Crazy cake recipe:
Pour all dry ingredients into a bowl. Add vinegar, water and vegetable oil to the mixture. Stir until smooth, place in a greased pan and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about half an hour.
Cool the finished pie and place on a plate. You can serve it this way, you can layer it with your favorite cream, or you can just fill it with something. I have a third option... I filled the pie with chocolate jelly... it's done like this: pour water and milk in half into a saucepan (a total of 1.5 cups), add sugar to taste, add 3 tablespoons of cocoa and stir. Dilute 2 tablespoons of starch in a small amount of water, pour the mixture into the jelly, stir, let it boil, and cool. You can pour this over the pie. Bon appetit!

In my photo here he is still hot. The cooled biscuit has a slightly different structure...

Well, there is another photo...

It didn't turn out bad, it's worth trying at least once... I was missing some kind of filling - chocolate or boiled condensed milk...
Enjoy your tea!

Dear friends! Today there will be a wonderful pastry - the well-known “crazy pie”, prepared in the form of a “Pincher” - it turned out amazingly tasty, my family really liked such a simple, light cake for a home-made family tea party. Who doesn’t know, the recipe for this pie was supposedly invented in America during times of crisis; the pie itself is prepared without eggs and milk, which does not prevent it from being very tasty. But I didn’t just bake a pie, I turned it into a delicious cake. You probably already guessed from the photo what I did with it, but I’ll tell you anyway and show you in a short video below. Cream for the “crazy” cake – your choice: sour cream or custard. Perhaps you need other cream recipes, then take a look at ““ and remember.

RECIPE Crazy cake: for shape 20-22 cm

330 ml cold plain water

220 g sugar

1\2 tsp. salt

2\3 tsp. soda without a slide

1 tbsp. l. vinegar

1/2 cup vegetable oil

2-3 tbsp. l. cocoa

2 cups of flour


300 ml sour cream

4 tbsp. l. powdered sugar or sugar

150 g cream cheese

You can have cream without cheese, then more sour cream

Can custard(recipe just above)

How to cook Crazy cake:

You will need two dishes for liquid and bulk ingredients.

1. Mix all the “dry” products: flour, salt, soda, sugar, cocoa.

2. In another container - everything that pours, namely: water, vinegar (by the way, you can use apple), and vegetable oil (you can use corn), lightly crush with a spoon, pour slowly into the dry mixture, mix, it is better to do this with a whisk, it breaks up all the lumps well and quickly. The result is a pleasant mixture, not thick, but not too runny.

3. Pour the resulting dough into the mold, cover the bottom with parchment, there is no need to grease the sides. I baked it in a springform pan, but you can also bake it in a regular pan, any non-split pan, the cake can be easily removed from any pan. Bake for 45-50 minutes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees until ready for a dry match. I repeat that the recipe is given for a 20-22 cm mold.

4. Remove the baked pie from the oven, let it cool slightly in the mold for about 10 minutes, then release it from the mold, let it cool, and only then cut it. I didn’t wait for it to cool down, I cut it into two parts after 40 minutes, the pie was still warm and even smoking, and it cooled for another 10 minutes while I quickly prepared a simple cream for it. The pie turns out very loose and moist, but it also crumbles, probably due to the lack of eggs.

5. As I wrote above, my cream was sour cream, with the addition of soft cream cheese, but you can do it without it, just don’t forget to increase the amount of sour cream. Try and adjust for sweetness yourself, the pie turns out quite sweet, maybe the cream shouldn’t be too sweet either.

So let's just mix the cheese, powdered sugar and sour cream, fine sugar too. If you make it without cheese, then simply mix the sour cream with sugar and let it stand for 5-10 minutes, the sugar will melt and you can use the cream.

Apply 6.1\4 of the cream to the bottom layer of the pie.

7.Cut or break the top layer into pieces. Mix with cream, leaving a little of the cake for sprinkling on the sides and you should also leave a little cream for the top of the cake. Pieces of the pie literally melted into the cream, probably because they were still warm or because the pie was eggless and crumbled a lot. But it turned out very tasty and juicy. We apply this juicy mixture to the bottom layer of the cake, form a mound with a spatula, wetting it all the time in water, otherwise it will stick. This is clearly shown in the video below.

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And I brought you a piece of American Crazy Cake or American crazy pie. They say that his recipe appeared in the 30s - during the Great Depression, when food was in short supply and there was not much to cook with. As you know, you want sweets and tasty things most when you don’t have them. Or when you can't. So American housewives figured out how to make an awesome dessert out of practically nothing. Crazy delicious! In fact, you really need nothing - nothing butter, there are no eggs or milk in the dough. The main difficulty is that the cake turns out to be very tiny and crumbly. It’s delicious, but it’s a little problematic when transferring the pie to a dish, and then from the dish to a plate. As for the rest, it couldn’t be simpler: one bowl, mix everything without a mixer, once or twice, and you’re done! Unreal and crazy pie ready. In general, of course, it is difficult to believe that in the absence of butter and eggs in the dough - the basic elements of baking - something edible can turn out. Don't believe it! Just take it and do it. And be surprised.

I'm not as crazy as everyone thinks, I'm much worse!
Ozzy Osbourne

In general, there are many recipes for American crazy pie - English-language blogs are full of stories about how one grandmother left a recipe as an inheritance to her granddaughter... how family baking recipes are passed down from generation to generation... how guests flocked to someone's aunt's crazy pie from all over the street... In general, they all have the same essence, only the proportions vary. I present to you my version.

Ingredients for the dough:

1.5 cups flour (glass - 220 ml);

1 cup of sugar;

2/3 cup cold water;

1 tsp. soda;

1 tbsp. l. table vinegar 9%;

0.5 tsp. salt;

0.5 cups refined vegetable oil;

3 tbsp. l. cocoa.

Ingredients for fudge:

3 tbsp. l. Sahara;

3 tbsp. l. cocoa;

1 tbsp. l. starch;

1/3 glass of water.

Mix all the dry ingredients for the dough.

Add oil, vinegar, water.

Stir well, pour the dough into a greased pan, bake at 170 degrees for about 50 minutes, check for readiness with a wooden stick.

The story goes that Crazy Cake (which translated from English is Crazy Pie) came to us from the 30s from the USA.

Vegan Chocolate Crazy Cake

From 1929 to 1939, the global economic crisis lasted, which in the states was nicknamed the Great Depression. During these difficult times, we had to save on everything, even on the cheapest products.

Perhaps the description of the period of economic crisis is somewhat reminiscent of the 90s, which our compatriots also endured with difficulty.

But be that as it may, tasty food, and especially sweets - this is the main recipe for curing a bad mood and even depression! Maybe that's why the Crazy Cake chocolate pie turned out so delicious?

Why was the Crazy Cake cake called that way? It is unlikely that anyone will be able to remember the origins of this original name. But we can assume that the cake is called crazy due to its incredible taste. After all, if you try a piece chocolate pie, and then find out that there are no eggs or dairy among the ingredients, you will most likely confirm that this is crazy tasty pie! Insanely delicious or crazy delicious - it doesn’t matter! The main thing is that even in difficult times, those with a sweet tooth always had the opportunity to treat themselves to a piece of chocolate pie.

So, to make Crazy Cake you will need:

  • 1 1/2 tbsp. flour
  • 1 tbsp. sugar (it will be very sweet)
  • 4 tbsp. l. with a heap of cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp. soda
  • 1 tsp. vinegar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2 tsp. vanilla sugar
  • 1 tbsp. water
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil without a strong taste (refined sunflower, olive). It will be very tasty with coconut oil, but... original recipe He was absent.
  • banana for cream (optional)

Step-by-step recipe for making Vegan Chocolate Crazy Cake

Turn on the oven, and while it is preheating, mix all the dry ingredients in a deep bowl (or baking dish). Then add vegetable oil and vinegar, mix thoroughly.

Pour water into the dough and mix everything again with a whisk, breaking up all the lumps. You should get a homogeneous, thick mass. Pour the chocolate batter into the baking pan. There is no need to beat the dough too much, the main thing is to break up the lumps.

Place the pan in the oven and bake until fully cooked - 40 minutes at 180C. You can check readiness in the usual way: stick a match (with the side without sulfur) or a toothpick into the dough - if nothing sticks to the wooden stick, then the cake is ready. If the cake has risen well and turned out to be tall, then it can be cut into two layers and soaked in cream. American recipe Crazy Cake does not provide this option. But you will only benefit if you grease the shortcakes with whipped banana cream and cocoa!

So, at this stage the pie can already be eaten. But if you still decide to continue and improve the recipe a little, then beat 1 ripe banana with 0.5 tsp. cocoa and brush the shortbread with a thin layer. You can decorate the top of the pie in the same way. Important: before applying cream to the cakes, let them cool slightly.

Vegan chocolate cake is ready! Now you can put it in the refrigerator or any cool place so that the cake soaks and cools. Or immediately cut into portions and serve to guests.

Bon appetit!

Crazy cake Crazy cake – recipe with photo:

Since the dough for lean chocolate pie is prepared very simply and quickly: there is no need to beat anything or knead for a long time, first of all we turn on the oven to preheat, set the temperature to 170-180 C. We also prepare the mold (take the mold diameter to be 18-20 cm): We line its bottom with paper, but the sides can be left as is, the pie easily comes away from them, but, if desired, they can also be covered with a strip of baking paper or greased with butter.

Now let's get down to the process itself. First, sift the flour, cocoa and soda.

Next, add vanilla and regular sugar, and, if desired, a small pinch of salt. Stir all dry ingredients with a whisk to obtain a homogeneous mixture.

Pour vinegar, oil and water into the mixture of dry ingredients.

Stir until a homogeneous dough without lumps is obtained.

Immediately pour it into the mold and send it to a hot oven.

Bake Crazy cake for 30-40 minutes or until a skewer comes out of the center dry and clean. Let it cool down. To do this, without removing it from the mold, move the cake onto a wire rack, and after cooling, release it from the sides and bottom of the mold.

Before serving, cover the pie with glaze (for the Lenten version, melt the chocolate with vegetable oil, and in all other cases you can prepare chocolate ganache or just melt the chocolate with a piece of butter) or sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Crazy cake or Crazy pie is ready! As you can see, the recipe is very simple.

Cut into portions and serve!



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