Why should you eat olives? How to store canned olives? Are olives good for children?

Why should you eat olives? How to store canned olives? Are olives good for children?

Olives have relatively recently become a frequent guest on the Russian table. They managed to win both ardent supporters and opponents. The latter say that harmful dyes are added to canned olives, and you can only eat green olives, but they are of little use.

Are they beneficial or harmful to the body? canned olives, as well as how olives and olives actually differ - this will be discussed in this article.

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To find out why olives are useful, you should take a closer look at their composition, which is a real storehouse of useful substances. It is not for nothing that this product is recommended as a preventative to absolutely all people.


The chemical composition of olives includes many useful substances. First of all, the fat content is striking - 23.9%. 100 grams of fresh olives contain 39.8% of your daily value (DV) for fat.

  • 15.1 g oleic acid;
  • 3.6 g linolenic acid.

Other acids are contained in small quantities. Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid and plays an important role in fat metabolism.

Carbohydrates in olives: 19 g (9% DV). Of this, 4 g is fiber, which is not digested in the intestines, but stimulates its peristalsis and normalizes the intestinal microflora. 4 g of fiber covers the daily requirement for it by 20%.

There is very little protein - 1.6 g or 2.1% DV.

Of the vitamins, olives contain the most vitamin E, which is very important for maintaining reproductive health in both women and men. Its content is 5 mg per 100 g of olives or 33.3% of the DV.

Olives of varying degrees of ripeness

There are also noticeable amounts of vitamin A and its provitamin, carotene (3.7% and 4% DV, respectively). Very little vitamin PP (1% DV), and very little of the rest.

There are many minerals:

  • sodium (350 mg, 26.9% DV);
  • calcium (70 mg, 7% DV);
  • magnesium (25 mg, 6.3%).

There is potassium (95 mg, 3.8% DN) and phosphorus (20 mg, 2.5% DN), iron (0.5 mg, 5% DN).

Of the microelements we note:

  • copper (0.2 mg, 10% DN);
  • zinc (0.2 mg, 2% DV);
  • selenium (0.9 µg, 4.5% DV).

Calorie content 100 grams

Calorie content of 100 grams of olives is 296 kcal (17.6% DV). This value is average. The calorie content of olives changes as the fruit ripens. Knowing how many calories are in olives is necessary and wants to lose weight, because energy value theirs is very high.

Canned pitted olives have slightly less calories. Their energy value is 140-175 kilocalories per 100 grams. But for those olives that were marinated with the pit, it is a little larger. After all, naturally ripened fruits are pickled with it, while those canned without it get their dark color artificially. It is difficult to remove seeds from ripe fruits without damaging the integrity of the fruit, which is why they are not removed.

Useful properties for women

Are there any benefits from canned olives?

The benefits of canned olives are the same as those of fresh ones. It’s just impossible to eat them fresh without soaking them for months due to their inherent bitterness. And the canned ones underwent a similar procedure quickly. To do this, they are treated with caustic soda, and if they want to get a dark color, oxygen is passed through.

In the latter case, the color is fixed with iron gluconate. Caustic soda is neutralized during the pickling process. The content of nutrients will decrease slightly. The amount of sodium, of which there is already a lot in olives, increases. Therefore, hypertensive patients should not rely heavily on them.

Oleic acid improves the lipid composition of blood cells, strengthens blood vessels and the heart, reduces the acidity of gastric juice, and normalizes intestinal function. She shows medicinal properties for gastritis, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, arthritis.

Oleic acid is not all that is good for canned olives, which contain tocopherol, iron, calcium and magnesium, zinc and copper.

People with a diseased liver or stomach should prefer green olives or olives with pits, which do not contain iron gluconate. Although in the amount contained in 50 g of olives, it is beneficial - it stimulates hematopoiesis and increases hemoglobin levels. Cereals, fresh vegetables, egg yolk slow down the absorption of iron gluconate.

How and where do they grow?

Almost everyone who has been to the Mediterranean, Crimea or Abkhazia knows how and where olives grow. Olive trees now grow throughout tropical and subtropical climates: in East Asia, Australia, Peru, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, Iran and Mexico. The olive is an amazing tree that lives up to 2000 years.

According to legends, the olive is immortal, so its fruits make people hardy and resilient.

People have been familiar with it for 5.5 thousand years. This is evidenced by stones for squeezing oil and vessels for it in the archaeological layers of those times. A dove brought an olive branch to Noah. The other was given by Athena to the city that bears her name from ancient times to the present day. It was also brought by a dove to Mary in the Gospels.

This is a powerful tree with a thick trunk and lush crown. Olives bloom in April-July with panicles of 10-45 fragrant white flowers. The harvest is harvested from early autumn to January. The olives are immediately taken for processing so as not to lose their presentation.

Olive Tree

Is it a fruit, vegetable or berry?

Olives are not actually fruits, although they grow on a tree or bush, not a vegetable, although they are pickled in the same way, not a berry, although they are similar. In scientific language, such fruits are called drupes, which include:

  • plums;
  • peaches;
  • cherries;
  • apricots;
  • all other fruits have one seed.

Is it possible to eat during pregnancy?

Pregnant women can and even need to eat olives in moderation, if there are no contraindications. The usefulness of olives for expectant mothers is that they improve fat metabolism. Oleic acid is a building material for cell membranes, so a growing fetus needs a lot of it.

Olives should be avoided during the first trimester of pregnancy, and for health reasons after that.

Which color is better - black or green?

The debate about which olives are healthier - black or green - has not subsided since they began to be massively imported into our country. The differences between them are much smaller than the similarities.

Let's look at the benefits of green olives. They contain slightly more fat than black ones, as well as vitamin E, 4 times more potassium and 3 times more magnesium. This composition determines the healing properties of olives and also helps fight fatigue. Their benefits are noticeable and the next morning after a stormy feast, green olives will quickly bring you back to normal.

Let us now find out why black olives are beneficial. They have fewer calories, but more calcium, iron and zinc than green ones.

Therefore, the benefits of black olives are undeniable for anemia, weakness, and sexual dysfunction.

Both olives and black olives grow on the same tree, and only in Russia are they distinguished. When asked what color the olives are, they will confidently say that they are green. Of course, because black ones are called olives, and green ones are called olives.

In the rest of the world, both are called olives.

They say that GOSTs are to blame for this. When the first batches of canned olives arrived in Russia, someone wrote down green fruits as olives, and black fruits as olives. This seems to be where the division began.

Branch with ripe olives


Despite the abundance useful properties, there are also contraindications to eating olives. This is an allergy to them, fortunately, which is quite rare. You need to be very careful with them and patients with pancreatitis and cholecystitis. Their consumption should be strictly limited, and in case of exacerbation it should be completely eliminated. For gastritis with high acidity, kidney stones and cystitis, eating large amounts of olives can also be harmful. The first time the child should be given one or two olives to make sure that there are no allergies or individual intolerances.

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Everything you need to know about olives:


  1. Olives and olive oil, when consumed in moderation, help maintain youthful skin, hair and nails, they increase immunity, protect against cancer and protect against anemia.
  2. They are also useful for expectant mothers from the second trimester of pregnancy.
  3. Caution should be exercised when handling pickled olives, especially dyed black pitted olives, those with ulcers, cholecystitis and cystitis.
  4. Olives improve both female and male reproductive health.

There is such an amazing long-lived tree that can survive up to 2000 years. Revered since ancient times and representing a symbol of maturity, wisdom and nobility, this is a beautiful, powerful olive plant. It belongs to the olive family.

The ancient Greeks wove wreaths from olive branches that were placed on the shoulders of the winners of the first Olympic Games.

Today, the cultivated type of tree is grown in many countries: North and South America, North-West Africa, Australia, East and Mediterranean.

This article will provide a description of this amazing long-liver, talk about its varieties and the benefits of olives.

But first, let’s decide what the difference is between black olives and black olives.

Olives and black olives

Oddly enough, both fruits grow on the same tree. There is simply the term “olives”, used only in Ukraine and Russia. In other countries they are called only olives.

For Russians, green fruits are olives, and black fruits are black olives. The former are mostly used in preservation, and the latter (real black olives) are used in the production of the well-known oil. That's the whole difference. You can find out what real black olives are just below.

Olives: photo, description

The color of these fruits depends only on their ripeness. Green fruits, as a rule, are not quite ripe (they are harder) and such fruits contain less oil. Ripe fruits are dark purple in color and slightly wrinkled in appearance.

In Russian stores, canned black olives, as a rule, were also picked green. Using certain chemical procedures, they are turned into dark-colored fruits.

Real ripe olives (photo below) acquire a dark purple color naturally (in nature), without adding any dyes, and they are much more expensive than their colored counterparts. It turns out that either green olives or dark but expensive ones bring the greatest benefit.

Varieties and groups of olive fruits

Varieties differ according to their use. There are only 3 groups:

  • Oilseeds used in the production of olive oil.
  • Combined (or universal) used in canning and oil production.
  • Canteens (canned), intended for consumption both in canned food and in whole form.

The most world famous olives are Greek. They are collected in Greece (Kalamata).

They are almond-shaped in shape, brownish-black in color with a tight skin.

In general, in this country there are about 10 types of table olives, associated with their place of origin. Many varieties here are also collected in an unripe green form. The Kalamata variety is harvested a little later, at the moment the color begins to change, but there are also those that remain on the tree until they are fully ripe, before the skin begins to wrinkle.

Large round brown and wrinkled black olives, native to Halkidiki and Thassos, respectively, are salted.

Green olives are often seasoned with lemon, wild fennel, garlic, hot pepper seeds, etc.

More noble olives (Kalamata variety) and other dark types are stored in vinegar.


Green olives are removed from the trees by hand and placed in special baskets. Falling ripe berries are collected in small nets located under each

After harvesting, all fruits are sorted by size and placed in large containers with a prepared solution necessary to eliminate the bitterness characteristic of olives.

In order to give black color to some olives, certain chemical treatments are performed. To do this, the berries are poured into containers and oxygen is supplied to them, causing oxidation of the fruit. This entire process lasts approximately 7-10 days. Blackened olives acquire a soft texture and a specific taste.

When processing green olives, they do not undergo this oxidation procedure. They are simply placed in a brine seasoned with various spices and seasonings. Subsequently, the product is stored in special plastic barrels (capacity 10 tons) located underground.

Composition of olives, nutritional value

Below we will find out why olives are useful, and now we will look at the composition of the fruits of this plant. In addition to being quite tasty, these fruits are also very nutritious. Due to their fibrous structure, olives are quite easily absorbed by the body.

The nutritional value of these fruits is undoubtedly great. Ripe olives contain more oil than green ones. For example, 30 g of the former contains approximately 30 calories, 2 g of carbohydrates, 3 g of fat, 1 g of dietary fiber, and 0.3 g of protein.

Benefits of olives

What are the benefits of olives? According to the beliefs of the Mediterranean peoples, the olive never dies, and people who consume its fruits become resilient and hardy. Berries help prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, stomach and liver ulcers. And olive pits are edible, as they are completely and well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Pectins, which are part of the berries, help remove waste and toxins from the body, as well as salts of various heavy metals. These fruits improve the microflora of the entire intestine. Such berries are vital, especially for people living in places with poor ecology.

Eating several olives a day helps calm the nervous system, improve energy levels, improve mood and improve the condition of hair and skin.

What else are olives good for? Research in recent years has proven that olives can prevent the development of cancer.

Statistics show that residents of Mediterranean countries are less likely to develop breast cancer, and all this is thanks to oleic acid, which is the main component of olives and olive oil.

The oil from these fruits is absorbed better than others, and therefore it is very popular in many diets.

Olive fruits, as noted above, perfectly neutralize toxins, which is why they are often added to various alcoholic cocktails.

In conclusion, a little about the harm

Olives can also cause some harm to health due to certain health problems. For example, with cholecystitis (strong choleretic effect on the body).

Olives also have a mild laxative property, due to their high oil content, which is contraindicated for diarrhea.

Olives are one of the oldest foods that was eaten by different peoples of the world. That is why the olive tree is considered the personification of life, and its fruits are valued and protected. Olives and olives came to us along with the peoples of the Mediterranean and began to be grown on the Crimean shores, where the climate is less harsh and warm, and, therefore, more suitable for this plant.

There are two types of olives: black and green, both of which are equally healthy and valuable for the body. The only difference between them is the processing method. Black olives, which we often call olives, are treated with chemical mixtures during preservation, as a result of which they acquire such a specific color. Green olives are unripe fruits that do not change color because they are processed differently. Processing of olives is necessary to eliminate the bitterness of unripe fruits, but they fully retain all their properties. Canning olives in sea water is less common. They are of great value and differ in taste from the olives we are used to.

Whatever type of olives you choose for yourself, they will certainly have a positive effect on your body, because it was not for nothing that in Ancient Greece olive oil was compared to gold and was valued no less than gold bars. In addition, the benefits of olives were discovered long ago by the Caucasian peoples, who included them in their diet and, thanks to this, are famous for their incredible longevity. Russian chefs, who appreciate not only the properties, but also the taste of these fruits, add them to the composition various dishes. Olives are found in both first and second courses, appetizers, sauces and salads. Their spicy and unusual taste will make it exquisite and add zest to any dish you prepare. But we should not forget that even the most healthy foods may become dangerous if consumed in excess. This also applies to olives. The benefits of olives depend entirely on the quantity eaten. That is why it is recommended to consume no more than 7-10 pieces of both fresh and canned olives daily.

Benefits of olives

Let's talk more specifically about the benefits of olives. They will be especially useful for those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system. Regular consumption of olives can relieve ulcers and gastritis, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, speed up metabolism, reduce the risk of kidney stones, increase the body’s production of bile, as well as the functioning of the gallbladder. Under the influence of the oil contained in olives, the production of gastric juice is reduced, fats and salts are absorbed faster and are not deposited in the body. Olives also have a positive effect on the kidneys. The substances included in their composition help get rid of waste and toxins, removing them from the body in a natural, painless way. The fruits of the olive tree are a natural remedy that lowers blood pressure, so they will be a salvation for people suffering from high blood pressure and having problems with cardiovascular system. In addition, olives can restore the nervous system and improve vision. But the main advantage of olives is their ability to fight tumors, both benign and malignant. They will protect people with intestinal tumors from their further development and prevent the formation of breast cancer in women.

Useful composition of olives

Despite the fact that olive at first glance is a rather ordinary and unremarkable product, it is rich in various vitamins and minerals that have a healing effect on the body. These fruits contain vitamins A, C, D, E, F and K, calcium, manganese, linolenic, linoleic and oleic acid. Thanks to this, you can be calm about your skeletal system, since regular consumption of olives will quickly restore it and return it to normal. You can forget about arthritis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The production of connective tissues, as well as articular cartilage cells, will be restored and normalized, which will relieve you of joint pain. The condition of muscle tissue will improve, and they will always be in good shape. Thanks to linoleic acid, coordination of movements will improve, which is very important both for the elderly and for young children, for whom olives will also be very useful. The vitamins contained in olives will help solve the problem of conception, filling the body with missing microelements and normalizing the functioning of almost all internal organs. For pregnant women, eating olives will help restore the loss of sodium salts that intensively occur in the body at this time. For men, olives can act as an aphrodisiac and have a positive effect on potency.

Olives for beauty

Don’t forget about the effect olives and olive oil have on your appearance, and in particular on the condition of your skin, hair and nails. That is why olive oil is one of the main components of healing and restorative cosmetics. It slows down skin aging, intensively smooths out fine wrinkles, makes the skin soft, elastic and elastic, giving it a fresh and blooming appearance. Additionally, olive oil protects your skin from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays, so don't neglect using olive-based cosmetics during the summer. If you are not sure of the quality of ready-made cosmetics, you can make them yourself at home, using only high-quality products. One such remedy could be a fairly simple mask based on olive oil. Mix equal proportions of freshly squeezed lemon juice and olive oil and apply the mask to your face several times a week for 20 minutes. In just a couple of weeks you will see a magnificent result that will not fail to please you.

As for hair, the vitamins contained in olives make it several times thicker, stronger and healthier. In addition, hair growth accelerates, making it shiny and manageable. Special cosmetics or homemade hair poppies will help you achieve this effect. The most basic mask will be slightly heated olive oil, which must be applied to the hair from roots to ends and left there for 30-40 minutes, then rinse the hair thoroughly with warm water without using shampoo. For another recipe you will need olive oil, liquid flower honey, egg yolk and cognac. Take each of the ingredients in equal proportions, mix thoroughly until smooth and apply the mask to damp hair, spreading over its entire length. After 40 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water. By regularly making such masks, you can forget about hair fragility and loss and enjoy luxurious hair.

Olives will also help cope with the problem of brittle nails. By doing special nail baths just once a week, you will save yourself from this annoying phenomenon. So, for a bath, ordinary warm olive oil may be enough, in which you need to soak your nails for 10 minutes, then wipe with iodized alcohol. But for greater effect, it is recommended to combine the oil with additional ingredients such as milk. Mix equal amounts of olive oil with warm milk and soak your hands in it for 30 minutes. After such procedures, you will not only get rid of brittle nails, but also restore elasticity and smoothness to the skin of your hands.

Harm of olives

Despite the huge number of advantages, olives still have their disadvantages. One of them, the most significant and significant, is their high calorie content, so people who want to lose weight are advised to limit the consumption of these fruits. Fresh olives contain a large amount of oil, which, in fact, makes them high in calories, so pay attention to how much and in what form you consume them. Remember that with intense heating, olive oil loses most of its properties, so you should not use it when cooking hot dishes in a frying pan. Better fill it up olive oil salads. Olives do not combine well and are much less digestible when combined with dairy products. If you plan to consume any dairy or fermented milk products, then exclude olives from your daily diet. Please note that olives are contraindicated for people suffering from cholecystitis, as they have a choleretic effect. In addition, canned olives can cause allergies in the form of skin rashes. When consumed fresh fruits such a reaction is less likely, because the cause of the allergy is most often the marinade in which they are preserved. No matter how healthy olives are, always remember that any product is beneficial only if consumed in moderation and following all recommendations.


Olives are a relatively new product for our country, but in recent years they have gained popularity among gourmets. Olives are valued for their exquisite taste and nutritional value, - after all, 80 percent of olive fruits consist of high-quality oil. The benefits of eating olives are enormous, but in some cases they can be harmful. Let's consider these situations in detail.


What benefits can these small fruits provide to the human body?

  1. For those who suffer from digestive diseases, olives will be especially useful. Constant consumption of 5-7 olives a day helps get rid of gastritis, peptic ulcers, and regulates the function of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Olives speed up the metabolic process, minimize the risk of kidney stones, and stimulate the production of bile.
  3. Olive oil contained in the fruit can reduce the production of gastric juice and prevent the deposition of salts and fats in the body's cells.
  4. They help remove waste and toxins from the body as much as possible in a natural way, which is why they are very useful for people living in environmental conditions that are dangerous to the body.
  5. Olives are an alternative to medications that lower blood pressure.
  6. Eating fruits restores the nervous system and improves vision.
  7. The undeniable advantage of olives is their high ability to fight all types of tumors: benign and malignant. Prevents the development of breast cancer in women.
  8. They support male temperament, strengthening potency, for which 10-12 fruits per day are enough.
  9. They are beneficial for gout, arthrosis, arthritis, and spinal diseases.
  10. They have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, reducing pain and swelling.
  11. Have a beneficial effect on reproductive function.
  12. Strengthens the vestibular apparatus.
  13. Olives perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger, and a diet based on the fruit is popular all over the world because it normalizes body weight without causing harm to health.
  14. It has a positive effect on the appearance of skin and hair, which is why olive extract is included in cosmetic products.


Despite the wide range of positive effects of olives, under certain circumstances and conditions they can cause harm to the body. What are these cases?

  1. Canned olives contain many chemicals for their long-term storage.
  2. Because of high calorie content Olives can affect changes in body weight, so you should not overuse the fruits.
  3. Pickled and canned olives can cause allergies.


Composition (vitamins and minerals)

The unique composition of olive fruits contains most of the elements of the famous periodic table, which have a positive effect on human systems and organs. What beneficial substances are included in the product in question?

  1. Pectins. Participates in the removal of heavy metal salts and stabilizes the intestinal microflora.
  2. Unsaturated acids. They remove cholesterol, which is involved in the development of atherosclerosis.
  3. Linoleic acid. Regenerates cells, allowing wounds and cuts to heal quickly.
  4. Squalene. This substance can protect body cells from skin cancer.
No. vitamins and minerals quantitative content per 100 grams what effect do they have on the human body
1 vitamin C 0.94 mg is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals
2 vitamin E 0.013 mg Prolongs youth by filling the body with energy
3 vitamin D 0.87 mg slows down skin aging, smoothes out fine wrinkles, makes the skin silky, soft and elastic
4 Calcium 4.3 mg participates in education bone tissue, strengthens it
5 Magnesium 1.2 mg Responsible for the formation of connective tissue, restores articular cartilage
6 Iron 0.66 mg stabilizes blood composition, increasing hemoglobin

How to cook

At home, olives can be pickled and salted; let’s look at the recipes in more detail.

  1. Pickling. First, take a head of garlic, simmer it in vegetable oil, and strain the garlic. Pour about 500 grams of vinegar into the resulting oil-garlic mixture, adding a couple of tablespoons tomato paste, salt, pepper and seasonings to taste. The mixture is boiled for about 10-12 minutes, after which 500 grams of olives are added and simmered for 10 minutes. The cooled olives are transferred to a clean jar and left for 3-4 days. The olives are ready.
  2. Salting. Olives are washed in cold water, then placed in a clean enamel pan, sprinkling with salt at the rate of 1 kg of salt per 3 kg of fruit. Stir and cover with a lid or thick cloth. Maintain in this form for about 27-30 days, stirring periodically.


Olives are a product that, when canned, can be stored for quite a long time - from a year to several years, but after opening the jar, this period is significantly reduced to 3-4 days.

How to choose

To choose high-quality olives, you must immediately pay attention to the packaging jar: it should not be rusty or deformed. It is also recommended to carefully study the composition; it is believed that the ideal composition is olives, salt, water. The content of chemical compounds (preservatives, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, etc.) will indicate a harmful effect on the body.

What goes with it?

Olives are considered a universal fruit, because they are combined with various hot dishes, snacks, they are added to many salads, made into sandwiches, decorated with dishes, etc. Olives go well with meat and fish.

Olives are very closely included in the diet; fruits are especially often purchased for ceremonial table, however, they should be used very carefully so as not to harm the body.



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