Homemade alcoholic drinks from berries and fruits. Fruit drinks: how to prepare Berry drink

Homemade alcoholic drinks from berries and fruits. Fruit drinks: how to prepare Berry drink

The last month of winter is a good reason to remember the frozen fruits and berries carefully stored from the summer. Bright, invigorating drinks prepared from them will lift your spirits and remind you of the imminent arrival of spring.

Lingonberry solo

Fruit drink made from whole frozen lingonberries is a drink that is literally bursting with vitamins. But it is also incredibly tasty! Defrost 500 g of berries at room temperature, drain the liquid and pass through a meat grinder. Add sugar to taste and mix the resulting berry puree. Place it in a saucepan, add 3 liters of purified water and cook over low heat for no longer than 5 minutes from the moment it boils. Strain the finished drink through cheesecloth and cool slightly. We decorate glasses with fruit drink with fresh mint and treat our guests.

Fragrant coolness

What drinks can be made from frozen ones, besides fruit drinks? Of course, compotes, because the whole family likes them. Pour 150 g of dried mint into 3 liters of hot water at a temperature of 80–85 °C and leave for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, place 500 g of any frozen berries in a bowl and let them thaw. Then, together with the released juice, we place them in a pan with mint infusion. Pour a glass of sugar here, add ground cinnamon to taste, bring to a boil and cook the compote for 10 minutes over moderate heat. At the end, you just have to strain it thoroughly. A drink with such a seductive aroma will gather many people who want to try it. Add ice, beautiful cocktail straws - and great option The festive drink is ready.

Echoes of summer

If you have frozen plums and apricots among your supplies, they will find a worthy use. Compote with these fruits will bring back the warmest memories of summer. It is best and tastiest when cooked in a slow cooker. Without defrosting, place 300 g of plums and apricots in slices into a bowl. Add 300 g of fresh apple slices to them, sprinkle with 2-3 tbsp. l. sugar and fill completely with filtered water. Select the “Extinguishing” mode and set the timer for 2 hours. Cool the finished compote directly in the slow cooker. Then we pass it through cheesecloth and put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Such fresh compote- a storehouse of health and good mood.

Smoothie for optimists

Hearty drinks made from frozen berries in a blender are in no way inferior to light vitamin mixes. Take 1 cup each of black and red currants. If you have previously peeled and washed the berries, they will not require any preparation. You don't even have to defrost them. Mix the berries in a blender bowl, sprinkle with 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and flavor with honey to taste. Pour 200 ml here natural yogurt room temperature and beat the ingredients into a homogeneous mass. If the smoothie seems too thick, add a little milk. Prepare it for breakfast for the whole family - a boost of energy and Have a good mood guaranteed for the whole day.

Milk medley

Dairy drinks made from berries at home are drinks that children adore. Cut 2 bananas into circles and put them in the freezer for 30 minutes. There they will freeze slightly and give the cocktail the desired consistency. On the contrary, we defrost the berries, in our case 200 g each of strawberries and raspberries. First, beat the bananas in a blender into a thick paste. Then lay out the thawed berries and turn them slightly. Add 100 g of ice cream and beat everything into a smooth mass. Pour in ½ cup of milk and mix thoroughly. Pour the cocktail into tall glasses, sprinkle with grated chocolate and decorate fresh berries. People with a sweet tooth will be absolutely delighted with this delicacy.

Do you keep frozen fruits in reserve? Which one does your family love the most? And what delicious drinks from berries and fruits do you prepare for your family? Share your signature recipes with all readers.

Almost every person at any age wants to look young and beautiful. But this requires a lot of effort. One of the most important components of health and youth is proper nutrition. It plays a big role in a person’s life. But in order to achieve maximum effect, you need not only to eat right, but also to drink fruit drinks. They contain a lot of vitamins. Perhaps no food can achieve the same effect that fruit drinks can achieve.


Every child, and adults too, loves to drink juices. Fruit drinks are very healthy, so parents often teach their children to drink them from a very young age. But are the juices sold in the store healthy?

A small number of people think about this question, the rest mindlessly go and buy the most expensive and, in their opinion, high-quality juice. It is not right. In those juices that are sold in stores, only one name remains. They are actually nectars. They contain a very large number food additives and dyes that are harmful to the human body. Therefore, the best option would be to prepare the juice at home.

Method for preparing fruit drink

There are so many different delicious and healthy recipes drink They are all prepared according to one similar principle, regardless of the components, but some elements sometimes require special processing.

First you need to take a glass and the fruit itself. They need to be finely chopped, but so that all the juice does not flow out of them. Next, all the chopped fruits should be placed in a cup and thoroughly beaten with a mixer or crushed in a blender until this mixture becomes homogeneous.

There are various models of blenders with a ready-made plastic fruit bowl. All you have to do is cut and pour them in, and in a few minutes the drink will be ready.

Very tasty and healthy fruit drinks are made from a mixture of strawberries, lingonberries, banana and mint. They don't have to be fresh - you can also use frozen products to make juice.

Fruit and berry drinks

Berries are also very healthy and tasty. They can be included in a fruit drink because they are also high in vitamins.

To prepare a fruit and berry drink, you don’t need anything extra - just fruits, berries and a blender.

The principle of operation is still simple: you just need to finely chop the fruits and berries and grind them in the device. You can beat the mixture with a mixer. If you don’t have an electric appliance in the kitchen, you can use a regular fork and try to chop and beat the fruits and berries with it, but this will take much longer. Large and hard fruits (for example, apples) can be grated.

Drinks made from fruits and vegetables

Mixing fruits and vegetables in one smoothie is quite common. Such drinks are popular among raw foodists and vegetarians. They use them to maintain health and also to replenish the necessary supply of nutrients.

All fruit drinks with added vegetables are very simple to prepare. Here is the recipe for one of them.

To prepare such a drink from vegetables and fruits, you need to take an apple, lemon and cucumber. It may seem that the cucumber is superfluous here, but it is not. It’s not for nothing that women use these vegetables to rejuvenate their facial skin!

To prepare the cocktail you need the juice of one large lemon, one apple and two cucumbers. The main thing is not to overdo it. All these components need to be mixed in a blender. This drink promotes weight loss and also strengthens the immune system to various colds.

Juices and fruit drinks are an integral part of the diet of all people who care about their health. Juices are great!

Berries provide extensive opportunities for culinary experiments - in particular, they can be used to prepare a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. In addition to fresh fruits, frozen fruits are used, which avoids being tied to the warm summer season.

Berry fruit drinks

Berry compotes and jelly

Compotes and jelly are prepared using fresh and frozen berries (fruits) and sugar syrup. Drinks are also brewed from dry berries. For maximum preservation of nutrients and to avoid fruit loss of shape heat treatment reduced to a minimum (tender berries - grapes, strawberries, raspberries, etc., simply pour boiling syrup over them and let it brew). Compotes are consumed chilled or canned, jelly is used both as a drink and as a dessert (or an addition to it) - they are thickened with starch to the desired consistency. A beautiful compote (jelly) is obtained using richly colored berries (cherries, currants, raspberries).

Compote has practically no contraindications, since the content of organic acids in it is very moderate (for diabetes mellitus, sweeteners are used instead of sugar). The same applies to jelly (this drink is especially useful for stomach problems, since it envelops the walls with a film). Additional beneficial features are determined by the characteristics of the ingredients included (cranberry improves immunity, raspberries are beneficial for colds, currants are useful for anemia, etc.). A drink made from frozen berries contains fewer nutrients, but it also deserves attention. You will find recipes for drinks made from berries.

Kvass from berries

Besides bread kvass cook and . The process is not too complicated - mashed berries (lingonberries, blackberries, raspberries, currants) are mixed with sugar syrup(100 g of sugar/1 liter of water), first infused under gauze for a day, then filtered, bottled, a few raisins added, corked, tied with twine, sent to the basement for a couple of weeks. The drink, created on the basis of berries, has an original taste (not only gin is made from them). Kvass is useful for people with digestive problems. Due to the lack of heat treatment, it is rich in useful elements (serves as a source of vitamins). Kvass is very refreshing. It is contraindicated in cases of exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, as well as in diabetes mellitus.

Berry cocktails

Berry ones (not to be confused with smoothies) are prepared on the basis of milk, ice cream and syrup. The fruits are added whole or crushed. This delicious drink provides a boost of energy - children love it very much. You should not abuse it if you are prone to obesity and diabetes (due to the presence of sugar).

Hot berry drinks

In addition to the cold drinks listed above, teas are also prepared from berries (teas based on juice, fruit drinks, jam and puree from raspberries, cranberries, currants, cherries and other berries). You can also prepare a drink from wild berries and berries. Hot drinks actually have no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance.

You can cook from berries:

Wine with a strength of 9...16% or 16-22% (traditionally grapes are used, less often other berries are used - blackberries, pomegranates, cherries, blueberries, gooseberries, raspberries, cherry plums, currants, strawberries);
- a drink, the strength of which can be any (from 15% to 45-70%), the sugar content varies between 25-60% (any berries are used, as well as aromatic herbs and spices);
— the drink is prepared by infusing berries (cherries, raspberries, strawberries, currants, cranberries, etc.) in alcohol, the alcohol/sugar content is usually in the range of 20-60%/18-30%, preparation time is 2-6 weeks;
liqueurs are also made on the basis of an alcoholic drink and berries, but their strength is lower than that of tinctures (on average 20%), and the sugar content is higher (28-40%), they are prepared for a month or more.

Alcoholic drinks should be consumed in moderation; they are contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and persons under 18 years of age. Drivers should not use them. Sugary drinks are contraindicated for diabetes. You can find recipes for alcoholic drinks made from berries here.

Berries give us rich possibilities for preparing cold and hot, thick and thin drinks. They all have their own unique taste.

When copying site materials, keep an active link to the source. Do you want your everyday lunch or special dinner to surprise your loved ones and friends?! Prepare delicious alcoholic and non-alcoholic alcoholic drinks! And so that the process of preparing them and searching for recipes does not take up a lot of your time, we present to your attention the section “Cook” - “Homemade Drinks”!

Here you will find recipes for all kinds of alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails, popular alcoholic drinks, vitamin juices, invigorating coffee and warming tea drinks that will delight you with an amazing aroma and excellent taste characteristics.

Using the recipes collected in this section, you can easily prepare popular alcoholic cocktails and their non-alcoholic analogues, such as: Mojito, Pina Colada, Daiquiri, Margarita and many others. Here you will also find recipes for making popular liqueurs at home: homemade Baileys, Amaretto, Limoncello. For connoisseurs of strong drinks - horseradish, pepper, moonshine, various tinctures and liqueurs. Just imagine how many positive emotions homemade liqueurs or liqueurs, prepared according to special recipes and with the right mood, will bring to your loved ones!

Freshly squeezed juices, compotes, lemonades, all kinds of cocktails and other non-alcoholic drinks will delight children and adherents of a healthy lifestyle. They will not only help improve your health, but also get rid of the chemicals that are part of store-bought analogues and cause irreparable harm to the body! And most importantly, such drinks are easy to prepare and can be prepared by the whole family. This simple and interesting process will appeal to even the smallest member of the family. And rest assured, even a simple stage of preparing a certain drink, for example, washing fruits and berries, will bring children happiness and pleasant emotions that will be remembered for a long time.

Preparing drinks at home will save a lot of money and get maximum pleasure, quality and benefits. After all, when preparing a drink at home, you are 100% sure of the naturalness of the ingredients used, which cannot be said about purchased options.

Happy experimenting!



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