Homemade kvass made from rye bread with sourdough. How to properly make sourdough for kvass at home (yeast, rye flour, hop-based, without yeast)? How to make kvass starter at home

Homemade kvass made from rye bread with sourdough. How to properly make sourdough for kvass at home (yeast, rye flour, hop-based, without yeast)? How to make kvass starter at home

Making kvass at home seems difficult only at first glance. In fact, once you make the starter, you can use it many, many times, delighting your family with a tasty and healthy cold drink all summer long.

Kvass: a long history

Kvass is the most Russian and, perhaps, the most ancient of all Slavic drinks. It is known that it appeared long before the formation of Kievan Rus. Later, kvass was part of the constant diet in the army, navy and hospitals. Everyone drank it - from aristocrats to the poor. However, sometimes they ate it: this drink, both then and now, served as an excellent basis for many dishes (botvigna), and thanks to its beneficial properties he saved people from hunger during times of war and hardship.

It’s hard to believe, but until the 12th century in Rus', kvass was not considered such an innocent drink as it is today: in terms of strength and thickness, it was much stronger than the traditional one. The strength of kvass decreased only “thanks” to the advent of vodka; at the same time, the quality of the drink also increased: now the strength was not the main thing in kvass, and people began to become more and more concerned about the taste of this summer drink.

Kvass is produced through incomplete alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation. The drink can be bread or fruit and berry. The first one is done something like this: soak the crackers overnight, then add flour, yeast and leave for another night, then filter and add raisins, honey, mint, ginger and others flavorings. The finished drink is cooled and drunk. Fruit and berry kvass is made from juices, fruit drinks or compotes, as well as fresh or dried berries and fruits.

Benefits with taste

Kvass is rich in vitamins, essential amino acids and microelements; it contains vitamins B and E, which ensure the normal functioning of the body. Lactic and acetic acid help quench thirst, carbon dioxide promotes digestion. Since kvass, like kvass, is a fermentation product, this drink is useful for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Interesting fact: typhoid and paratyphoid microorganisms die in the kvass medium. So it is also a disinfectant.

However, in addition to its benefits, kvass also has contraindications: it should not be drunk if you have cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis and hypertension. It is also worth keeping in mind that yeast kvass contains alcohol (from 0.7% vol. to 1.2% vol.), so the drink is not recommended for children and - in the light of the new legislation - for drivers. By the way, according to the Beer Judge Certification Program classification, kvass is considered a type of beer and falls under the category “Historical, traditional, local beer.”

Of course, all these kvass praises are relevant primarily for live homemade kvass. Unfortunately, recently many have forgotten how, or rather, lost the habit of making it, but everyone can make kvass.

Subtleties of cooking

1. It is better to make kvass from ready-made dry kvass, rather than preparing dry kvass yourself.

2. Everyone has their own ideal proportions of water, sugar and leaven. Try and find!

3. You can add a variety of fruits, berries, dried fruits, spices to kvass, aromatic herbs, including mint and even rhubarb. But the most popular kvass is with raisins.

5. You can use any yeast, including dry yeast.

6. If you want the kvass to be slightly carbonated, before putting the finished kvass to cool, add sugar to it (1 teaspoon per liter of kvass).

7. If you want to make the kvass sweeter, add honey (1 teaspoon per liter of kvass).

8. Black bread gives kvass a bitter taste.

9. Kvass can be poured with filtered, clean or cooled boiled water. You can even use a spring one, if you have one at your disposal. You can also replace water with Birch juice!

10. Kvass must be infused in the sun for at least a day. Do not cover fermenting kvass with a tight lid - it will explode.

11. Never throw away the leaven remaining after straining the finished drink: on its basis you can make new kvass again and again.

Kvass recipes

There are a lot of kvass recipes. Almost every family has its own signature. They differ not only in proportions, but also in ingredients: pear, apple, rhubarb, with malt and others. There are even medicinal kvass, for example, beet kvass for blood pressure or lemon kvass - tonic. If you are making kvass for the first time, then it is best to take ready-made sourdough from an experienced kvassmaker. But if there is no such valuable acquaintance in your environment, then let's try to start from scratch.


Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of dry kvass, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 10 g of yeast, rye or wheat bread crust, several raisins, 100 ml of water.


1. Mix everything.

2. Pour in water to form a thick mass, the consistency of pancake batter.

3. Leave in a warm place for about 3 days to ferment.

Classic kvass

Ingredients: 250 g of sourdough, 2 tablespoons of dry kvass, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 liters of water.


1. Pour the starter into a jar, add sugar and dry kvass, add water.

Homemade kvass is very tasty and healthy drink

Hot summer is the time for cooling drinks. Everyone who cares about their health prefers to cook on their own and from natural products. Homemade kvass is the richest source of B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, lactic acid; The drink normalizes digestion, perfectly quenches thirst and gives strength. Let's take a closer look at how to make sourdough for homemade kvass, what ingredients can be used, and whether it is possible to do without sourdough.

How to make kvass starter at home

One of the most popular is the recipe for making kvass with yeast.


  • 15-20 g of fresh dry baker's or compressed yeast;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • half a loaf of dried black or Borodino bread, cut into cubes;
  • 5 liters of water.

Cooking process

Add boiling water to a jar of dried bread and stir until a homogeneous paste is obtained. The same can be done in a deep plate, and then poured into a jar. The taste of kvass depends on the quality of the bread; take this into account when preparing it.

After this, sugar is added, its amount can vary depending on taste preferences from 50 to 200 grams per jar. With a minimum amount, kvass will turn out to be sour, but many people love this drink precisely for its sourness.

Cover the jar with a cloth and leave to cool. When the water has cooled slightly, to approximately room temperature, you can add yeast.

To add flavor at this stage, you can add mint or oregano leaves. Stir and leave to ferment for three days in a warm place. A window sill is best. In hot weather, kvass can ferment faster, and if it is not removed in time, it will ferment.

You can determine that the kvass is ready by the following signs:

  • The raisins rise to the neck;
  • The bread crumbs settle at the bottom of the jar;
  • A small foam layer forms on the surface of the kvass.

Additives to sourdough

To make kvass perfectly tasty, add the following additives:

  • To speed up fermentation, raisins are added to the starter, but they must be changed each time, pouring the starter again.
  • To change the taste, various dried fruits are added to the starter, such as prunes, dried apricots, figs, and you can also experiment with mild spices.

You cannot close the jar tightly, as the carbon dioxide released needs an outlet. Before use, strain through cheesecloth and pour into bottles, preferably refrigerate. The first kvass made with yeast sourdough sometimes tastes strongly of yeast and has a sour taste, but the second time it will be more pleasant and odorless.

Additives to ready-made kvass

  • To add flavor after cooking, you can add a spoonful of salt, or a little more sugar to sweeten it.
  • There is a folk method for carbonating kvass. It is necessary to extend the fermentation process, but without sourdough. To do this, you can use raisins, which are added to bottles when bottling kvass, 4-6 berries each. After which the kvass is left in a warm place for an hour or two - depending on the desired degree of carbonation.

Method for making kvass without starter

A lighter, but tasty and refreshing drink is obtained if you make homemade kvass without sourdough. There are two methods of preparation.

Bread drink recipe without yeast

An invigorating and tasty, light drink is called bread or berry. According to the method of preparation, it is kvass - despite the fact that it is prepared without yeast, the fermentation process occurs due to the natural yeast contained in bread or flour.

Take rye flour or dried black bread crushed to crumbs, fill 0.5 liter jar, add warm water and 3 teaspoons of sugar. Shake it until you get a homogeneous dough-like mass.

For a better taste, you can add up to 15 pcs. raisins, which also makes kvass carbonated. Add 3 teaspoons honey and fresh berries- this will give the drink a pleasant sweetness and aroma.

After this, the jar is covered with gauze or a napkin, and then placed in a warm place for fermentation. Before drinking, the drink is cooled and filtered through cheesecloth.

Recipe for kvass with dry concentrate

You will need 5 tbsp. dry ready-made store-bought concentrate with the addition of wort, 5 tbsp. sugar, 2-3 g of dry or 10 g of pressed yeast and 3 liters of water.

  • Pour boiling water into a three-liter jar and pour out the concentrate.
  • Leave for 2 hours, then add sugar and cool to 40 degrees.
  • Pour some water and dilute the yeast, which we then pour back into the jar.
  • You can add dried fruits to add flavor.
  • After thorough mixing, the drink is placed in a warm place for fermentation for 2 days.

Recipe for kvass with birch sap

This recipe is especially relevant during the period of collecting and storing birch sap, during the beginning of sap flow and swelling of buds on the birch. This method of preparing kvass can be called the fastest, but at the same time the most environmentally friendly.

The uniqueness of this drink lies in the variety of flavors that depend on the bread. You can use absolutely any bread, as long as it is tasty and aromatic. The taste also depends on the form in which the product is added: breadcrumbs, dried, fresh, blackened (charred for bitterness).

To prepare you will need 3 liters of juice, half a loaf of bread, fresh or breadcrumbs, some raisins and 3-5 tablespoons of sugar.

  • Birch sap can be used already fermented, or left in a warm place for a day before cooking, after adding 3-5 raisins and a tablespoon of sugar.
  • You can add bread to the already fermented juice, crumble it as finely as possible and leave for another day in a warm place.
  • After straining, add sugar to taste and enjoy the drink after cooling.

Any starter can be used 3-4 times; between uses it should be stored in the refrigerator. On average, its shelf life is about 14 days. For a better aroma when fermenting, you can add a little cumin, lemon zest, vanilla or cinnamon.

  • To make kvass starter at home correctly, you need to use only glass or enamel containers. Aluminum will oxidize;
  • Bread for sourdough should be taken dry black or Borodino. To add flavor, the bread can be toasted until golden brown in the oven. The more dried the crackers are, the darker the kvass and the more bitterness is felt;
  • It is better to take filtered boiled water. Fresh birch sap will also work;
  • Ready strained kvass should be stored in a cool place;
  • It is advisable to consume fresh kvass within 3 days, otherwise it will begin to deteriorate and acquire an unpleasant taste and smell;
  • To prepare berry kvass, you need to choose only intact berries.

Bottom line

In the heat it's hard to find something better than cold kvass homemade. It can be drunk as a drink or used as an ingredient in cooking. There are many recipes and variations for making homemade kvass, so every gourmet will find something to suit their taste.

Very often, having become acquainted with a recipe for a dish and starting to implement it at home, we have new questions. We have prepared a cheat sheet for making homemade kvass - its types and calorie content, which is better, how long it should ferment and infuse, as well as answers to other questions. It’s not for nothing that they say that “if you own the information, you own the world,” so we will try to equip you with the knowledge of true masters - for a magical result!

Kvass is the most popular drink of the Slavs. It gained its fame for its pleasant taste, ability to quench thirst and add energy, as well as high medicinal properties. Therefore, always having a couple of bottles of elixir in the refrigerator is a good goal and quite feasible.

The most healthy food- homemade! It's hard to argue with that, right? When the cook prepares the leaven with his own hands, sets it for fermentation, controls its taste, acidity and alcohol percentage, then the leaven will turn out better than any medicine! After all, homemade drinks are 100% natural, they are free of artificial ingredients and are absolutely safe for health.

If you are forced to purchase an industrially produced product, then it is better to buy one where the label lists only natural ingredients: malt, rye flour, sugar, baker’s yeast and purified water.

The product must also be labeled with the following inscriptions: “unfiltered”, “unclarified”. It is advisable to indicate the technology for obtaining the drink. The best and healthiest is natural fermentation, which the manufacturer proudly writes about on every bottle.

If the list of ingredients contains unclear names of additives, then such a drink can hardly be called healthy and safe and it is better not to buy such a product.

Types of kvass

In Russia, in past centuries, there was even a profession called “kvasnik”. Each kvass brewer specialized in certain types of kvass drinks. Kvass can be of a pure variety, for example, bread, berry or beet, and there are also mixed types.

For example, fruit and berry kvass is made either from bread, or from pure or diluted juice. If a drink is prepared to quench thirst, then it will be one taste, and if it is for health improvement or, for example, for okroshka, then it will be different.

The calorie content also depends on the recipe. We have summarized how many calories are in various types of kvass in a table for you, where you can see whether the type of product you like is high in calories:

Kvass: calorie content

Subtleties of kvass preparation technology

The technology for preparing homemade kvass elixir can be divided into 3 stages:

Stage I: preparing sourdough with or without yeast.

Stage II: fermentation of the starter.

Stage III: infusion and storage of the product.

Each stage has its own technology and subtleties, about which we will try to deepen your knowledge.

I. Types of starter cultures for homemade kvass

Kvass at home can be prepared using your own starter, or you can prepare it using wort or dry concentrate.

Homemade sourdough

Homemade sourdough is prepared on oven-toasted rye bread, rye flour or bran, with or without the addition of yeast.

Pour the base of the yeast-free starter with very hot water (almost boiling water), add a little sugar (1 tsp per 0.5 liter of water) and set it to ferment for 4-5 hours.

If we use yeast, then add it to the already cooled bread slurry. As soon as sourness appears and the mixture becomes cloudy, the starter is ready!

The composition of dry kvass (concentrate) includes the following ingredients: rye wallpaper crumbs, wheat crumbs and malt. Typically fermented rye malt .

Dry kvass, which consists of 100% natural ingredients, greatly facilitates the preparation of kvass drink. The whole difficulty is to wait for the kvass to ripen!

Sourdough on wort

It can be purchased in retail chains. Wort is a liquid, viscous, dark-colored liquid, which contains rye and barley malt and rye flour. Cooking kvass with wort is a pleasure!

Yeast for homemade kvass

Inexperienced cooks often have difficulty choosing yeast for sourdough. Which yeast is better to use - pressed or dry?

Experienced fermenters advise using only pressed ones, and before adding them to the starter, they must be tested for activity.

To do this, dilute a small piece of yeast in 2 tbsp. warm water, add a pinch of sugar, stir and place in a warm corner. If the composition begins to produce bubbles within 10-15 minutes, then the yeast is fresh and can be used.

What to do if kvass does not ferment, although we have done everything according to the recipe

Experienced masters say that sourdough without yeast does not ferment in boiled water, and therefore they recommend using spring (forest) water. If there is none, then filtered tap water. The problem is quickly resolved if you add a new portion of starter to the unfermented mixture. Please note that starters without yeast begin to ferment later than those with yeast.

Another common cause is stale yeast. If your yeast has failed you, then add a fresh portion, but not more than 10 g per 3 liters of starter.

II. Fermentation of kvass

The main difficulties at this stage relate to the fermentation time and determining the readiness of the drink. How long kvass should ferment depends on the starter.

With yeast-free starter it ferments longer (2-4 days), but with yeast the fermentation speeds up. How long it needs to sit during yeast fermentation depends on both the amount of sugar and the room temperature, but the average time is 1.5 days.

Water for kvass

Beginning starters often make the mistake of pouring too cold or too hot water into the starter. It is very important for the fermentation process what kind of water to fill the starter with.

We wrote above that boiled water slows down fermentation and it is better to use filtered or spring water. If there is neither one nor the other, then simply pour in water from the tap, allowing it to stand a little beforehand. Also adhere to the water temperature: 30-36 degrees and no more, otherwise the yeast microorganisms will die.

The fermentation process occurs thanks to lactic acid bacteria and alcohol-fermenting fungi, which are found in abundance in yeast. During the fermentation of wort (sourdough), the following substances are formed: alcohol, lactic acid, carbon dioxide, polysaccharides, acetic and formic acids, etc.

Does kvass contain alcohol?

The main question is not whether kvass contains alcohol, but how much alcohol it contains. Alcohol fermentation fungi in yeast convert sugar into alcohol.

How much alcohol is contained in kvass depends on the amount of sugar in it and on the method of its preparation, but the average is 1.2 degrees.

For example, a homemade drink made with yeast-free sourdough contains 0.5%, but if we use yeast and add a lot of sugar, then the levels in the sourdough increase - up to 2.7%.

The amount of alcohol increases with the age of the drink. In order not to increase the temperature, it is better to add the main amount of sugar or honey to the infusion before putting it in the refrigerator, where the fermentation processes slow down and the sugars are more slowly converted into alcohol.

Is kvass an alcoholic drink or not?

There are often disputes between drivers of vehicles, kvass - alcoholic drink or not? Yes, this is a low-alcohol drink that should be drunk carefully before a trip, but drinking it while driving is generally contraindicated!

A long-standing drink can increase the percentage of alcohol in your blood, so you can get behind the wheel no earlier than 15-20 minutes after taking the cool elixir.

How to determine the readiness of kvass

How to determine the readiness of kvass if your experience does not yet allow you to determine it by taste?

To know that the kvass is ready, just open the container and look at the surface of the starter. If there is foam, then the “young” kvass is already ready. The drink should taste sour, smell a little like alcohol, and bubbles should rise from the bottom of the container.

How to make kvass dark

Often, beginning sourdough starters cannot achieve a rich, dark color in their sourdough starter. To make kvass dark, you need to thoroughly fry the bread pieces for both the starter and the bread infusion until slightly burnt.

Bread that is too burnt will give off an unpleasant aftertaste - don't overdo it! Choose black bread like Borodinsky.

Features of okroshka kvass

Many families often prepare okroshka in the summer, and industrial kvass drinks are not always suitable for okroshka because of their sweetness or dubious quality. Then housewives who care about the health of their family are looking for tiny recipes.

Which kvass is best for okroshka is not an idle question, since okroshka is cold soup, which means that the kvass base must be sour and sharp!

The preparation of sour kvass is almost no different from classic recipe– it’s just that almost no sugar is added to the okroshka filling (the minimum required to start fermentation).

Okroshechny kvass is often served on whey or rye and wheat bread, with the addition of raisins and horseradish. It all depends on the taste preferences of okroshka lovers. The main thing is that it is sour and sharp, then okroshka will become an event on your table.

How to make sour kvass

  • Roasted rye and wheat bread(500 g) pour 1 liter of boiling water, let stand for 3-5 hours.
  • Next, filter the bread infusion into enamel pan, add yeast (10 g), sugar (3 tsp), pour 3 liters of warm water, cover with gauze and leave to ferment for 5-6 hours.
  • When the starter starts to foam, filter it again and bottle it.
  • To make the kvass sharp, put several raisins in each bottle (preferably white raisins), close tightly and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Such a drink will be sour and sharp - just right for okroshka. It is the raisins that contribute to its better carbonation and sharpness.

Before pouring okroshka into okroshka kvass, to improve the taste of summer soup, it is often added egg yolks, ground with horseradish, mustard, salt and sugar, and left in a tightly closed jar for 2-3 hours.

III. Infusing kvass

After we have strained and drained the “young” leaven from the starter, it must infuse in the refrigerator. At this stage, it acquires taste, color and sharpness.

How to make ready-made kvass dark

We said above that well-toasted Borodino bread is suitable for dark kvass. But there is another way to make dark kvass - add toasted sugar at the infusion stage. For this, 1 tbsp. Place sugar in a frying pan or small saucepan, turn on the heat and wait until it melts and darkens to a dark brown tone.

Turn off the heat and begin adding hot water to the burnt mixture using tablespoons (a total of 100 g of water). We wait for the sugar to completely dissolve, and then add it to the bottles with the finished drink. Place the natural product in the refrigerator to infuse.

Before refrigerating the drink, we can improve its taste and aroma. You can add herbs, leaves of berry and fruit crops, whole berries and fruits, their juice or jam, dried fruits and honey.

How long to infuse kvass

The question immediately arises: how long to infuse kvass? Experienced craftsmen say that it is infused for about a couple of days - for carbonation and a brighter taste. Usually at this stage the kvass becomes effervescent, and for this purpose the brewers add several raisins to each bottle (it is better to take white raisins). At the same stage, kvass products acquire alcohol.

And the last question we will consider , How long does a homemade product last? It should be noted here that its beneficial properties also depend on the shelf life.

Homemade kvass retains all its medicinal qualities for the first 3 days after putting it in the refrigerator. IN next days it loses its qualities, slowly turning into an alcoholic drink.

This process is accompanied by a stop in fermented milk fermentation - with a predominance of alcoholic fermentation. It turns out that there is no point in storing it!

We tried to reveal for you all the secrets of preparing a delicious homemade drink - from choosing the best kvass to the subtleties of choosing the main ingredients - water, yeast and sourdough.

For true adherents of healthy eating, their home kvass factory operates 24 hours a day, and the recipe is constantly being improved. We wish you to build your own small laboratory in the kitchen and enjoy experiments!

Great discoveries are often made by accident or along the way. For example, Columbus was looking for a new route to India, but found an entire continent.

So kvass appeared thanks to trouble:water got into the grain trough , the baker did not want to incur losses and tried to dry the grain, grind it into flour, and bake bread, but nothing worked.

When the owner was ready to accept the inevitable, his workers tried the strange liquid and it turned out to be suitable for consumption. This is how the Russian national drink appeared, and kvass from dry kvass is its advanced descendant.

What is dry kvass?

A homemade drink can be prepared from any fermentable products. The raw materials are fruits, berries, oats and other grains, but most recipes containRye bread , giving a characteristic taste and aroma.

If you decide to cook from scratch, it will take you several weeks/months - that's how long it takes to prepare the grain and malt, make the wort, etc.Dry concentrate - the fastest alternative , the manufacturers have already done all the hard stuff and all you have to do is follow the simple steps.

The dry mixture in packs is available in all grocery stores and this indicates the popularity of the drink. There are two versions of the semi-finished product on sale:bread and cracker . In addition to the dry matter, the recipe includes the obligatory sugar and yeast, which will have to be purchased separately. To improve the taste, you can add raisins, mint, dried fruits and other ingredients.

Composition of mixtures:

  • Rusk - rye malt, crushed rye crackers.
  • Bread - rye flour and rye or barley malt.

Rusks are cooked at high temperature. The bread is then ground to a powder consistency and dried. Both types of semi-finished product are dark brown in color and smell of malt, which is especially noticeable after brewing. A regular package contains 400 g of concentrate, which must be poured with boiling water, according to the instructions found on each package.

Interesting! The brown color and aroma in rusk kvass appears as a result of caramelization of dextrins when heated.

Sometimes manufacturers offer a concentrate with citric acid, sweeteners and yeast, you can also find boxes with a packet of yeast, but there are also packages without these additions.


There is evidence of the positive effects of fermentation products on memory, immunity and appearance.


Dry kvass, as well as those made from homemade sourdough, can cause harm in case of gastritis with high acidity and gluten intolerance.

The drink is also contraindicated for nursing mothers and children under three years of age.

The yeast involved in preparing the drink from the package should cause concern. Homemade kvass can be prepared without this component, butin the dry version you can’t do without them .

Important! Purines in yeast stop the excretion of uric acid, which can lead to joint inflammation. These substances are contraindicated for gout and chronic renal failure.

How to make kvass from dry kvass?

Preparation from concentrate does not require any special skills, time or effort. If you want to refresh yourself with something sour, choose a recipe.

Classic recipe (15 liters)

This information is on the packaging, but we will duplicate it with some details.

  • Boil 5 liters of water, pour in 500 g of dry concentrate, cover loosely and leave for a couple of hours.
  • Dissolve a 50-gram briquette of pressed yeast or a standard bag of dry yeast in a glass of warm water.
  • After 2 hours, strain the concentrate, add yeast, about 0.5 kg of sugar and 50 grams of unwashed white raisins. There is no need to wash dried grapes, as their skins are covered with natural yeast.
  • Place the container in a warm place, cover with gauze to prevent flies and wait about three days.
  • Pour into bottles and place in the refrigerator.

With added raisins (3 liters)

Ingredients :

  • Water - 3 l.
  • Kvass concentrate - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  • A teaspoon of citric acid.
  • 2 teaspoons dry yeast.
  • About 100 g of light raisins.

Preparation :

  • Pour the concentrate into a large saucepan and pour 1 liter of boiling water over it. Stir.
  • After 20-25 minutes, when the mass has cooled to room temperature, add sugar, citric acid and 2 liters of cold boiled water.
  • Sprinkle dry yeast over the mixture and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Add raisins, stir, cover with gauze and keep warm.
  • After 12 hours, pour into bottles and refrigerate for another 12 hours.

This kvass can be poured okroshka , but in this case the portion of sugar needs to be halved.

With malt or rye bread crusts (3 liters)

Quick recipe with rich taste. The starter can be reused for new portions. The recipe requires rye malt, which is sold in packs. If you don’t have this product, you can use dry rye crusts without compromising quality.


  • 3 tablespoons of concentrate.
  • 2 tablespoons rye malt.
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • 2-3 rye crackers.
  • A packet of dry yeast.


  • Pour the concentrate, sugar and malt into a three-liter jar.
  • Fill the shoulders with boiled warm water. Add yeast, stir.
  • Place croutons on top.
  • Cover the neck of the jar with gauze and leave for a day.
  • Strain.
  • To drink, add a little more sugar or honey to the finished drink. For okroshka, it is better to add a little unwashed raisins - the taste will be sour and sharper.

Recipe for dried fruits with raisins (without yeast)

The recipe will require additional ingredients, but the taste of the drink will be very rich.


  • A kilogram of raisins.
  • 100 grams of dried fruits.
  • 400 grams of honey.
  • One egg white.
  • Liter of water.
  • 20 g wine yeast.


  • Wash the raisins and dried fruits, pour a liter of water over them and cook over low heat until softened.
  • Remove the dried fruits with a slotted spoon and rub through a sieve or grind with a blender.
  • Add honey, add 500 ml of water, bring to a boil with constant stirring. If foam floats, skim it off.
  • Cool to room temperature.
  • Whisk the egg white and pour it into the broth to clarify the drink.
  • After a couple of hours, pour the kvass into another container, add wine yeast, cover with gauze and leave to ferment.
  • When the process is complete, drain the kvass again, close the lid and leave in a cool place for three days to ripen.

Whatever recipe you choose, the drink should be drunk chilled and not stored for more than a few days. Dry concentrate saves time; even a teenager can prepare kvass using it.

We will be grateful if you share your secrets of the foamy drink with us.Like and subscribe to the channel!

Kvass without yeast has a significant advantage - the absence of the distinctive smell that baker's yeast gives. Recipes for bread kvass without yeast are not much more complicated.

Yeast-free kvass quenches thirst well in hot weather, improves body tone, and increases performance. Appetite increases, the functioning of the digestive tract improves - kvass promotes the digestion of fatty foods and normalizes the balance of salts and liquids.

Kvass strengthens a person’s physical strength and supplies the body with microelements. The composition of ingredients and special cooking technology contribute to this.

Yeast-free kvass helps to get rid of excess weight: it is low-calorie, helps restore metabolism, improves food absorption and metabolism, and supplies the body with essential nutrients during a diet.

Naturally, yeast-free kvass is not a means for weight loss, however, as an auxiliary component, it accelerates weight loss when low calorie diets and reduces the feeling of hunger.

Homemade kvass starter

The entire process of preparing yeast-free homemade kvass consists of two stages: preparing the wort, and then making the homemade drink itself based on the starter.

Sourdough can be prepared from 2 pieces of black bread with crusts, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 glasses of warm boiled water.

Dry the sliced ​​pieces of bread in the oven until a golden-dark hue appears, cool and pour into a half-liter jar, add water and sugar. Cover with gauze and keep in a warm place for fermentation.

The starter will be ready in a day or two, the taste will be sharply sour and cloudy in color.

Simply prepare a starter for homemade kvass from hops. Pour 3 tablespoons of hops into half a liter of boiling water. Place the pan on low heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Cool the mixture to 40° and strain.

Add a tablespoon of honey and mix, add flour until a creamy mass is obtained. Leave in a warm place for a day or two.


Recipes for homemade yeast-free kvass

Recipe 1: classic

classic yeast-free kvass - ingredients:

  • Yeast-free rye bread – 400 g;
  • Raisins - a handful;
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Water – 2.5 l.

Cut the rye bread into cubes and air dry. Dry the resulting crackers in the oven until a golden-dark crust appears, put them in a 3-liter jar and add chilled boiled water.

Add sugar and raisins, cover with gauze and place in a warm place. In a few days, the homemade drink will be ready.

Recipe 2: with wheat and honey

Yeast-free kvass with wheat and honey - homemade kvass is very rich and tasty. It contains a lot of useful substances, enzymes, bifidobacteria.

  • Wheat – 3 cups;
  • Boiled water – 4 liters;
  • Honey - one and a half glasses;
  • Sourdough – 8 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method. Place the wheat in a bowl, rinse and soak for 10 minutes. cold water. Drain the water and rinse again. Cover the container with wheat with a cloth and leave for two days for germination. Periodically change the water and rinse the wheat so that the grains do not sour.

After 2-3 mm of wheat sprouts appear on the grains, dry and grind in a coffee grinder. Pour 4 liters of water into a five-liter container, place wheat, honey, and sourdough in it. Cover the container with a napkin and keep it warm for two days.

The appearance of bubbles on the surface and a carbonated taste are a sign that the homemade drink is ready.

Recipe 3: bread

Yeast-free bread kvass.

For sourdough:

  • Rye bread – 1 piece;
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon.
  • For kvass:
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • Rye bread – 2 pieces;
  • Sourdough – 0.5 l;
  • Water – 1.5 l.

Cooking method. For the starter: place sliced ​​bread, sugar and a glass of boiled water in a one and a half liter jar. Leave the jar covered with gauze to ferment for two days in a warm place. When ready, the starter becomes cloudy with a strong taste. Pour the starter into a two-liter jar, add sugar and two crushed pieces rye bread.

Add cold boiled water to the brim. Cover with a cloth and leave for a day. After a day or two, carefully pour, without shaking, three-quarters of the kvass volume into another container. Add 2 slices of bread to the remaining starter, add water and let it brew.

Recipe 4: Rye sourdough

Homemade yeast-free rye kvass with sourdough from rye flour. The starter from the bottom of the container is suitable for the next use after the kvass has been poured into another container.

  • Rye flour – 2 handfuls;
  • Sourdough – 0.5 l;
  • Water – 3 l;
  • Sugar - a glass.

Cooking method. Place flour and sugar in a 3-liter container and completely dissolve in 1 liter of warm boiled water. Pour in the starter and add water to the brim. Wrap the container and leave for a couple of days.

After fermentation, kvass can be poured into other containers and stored in the refrigerator. You can make a new homemade drink from the starter from the bottom of the jar.

Recipe 5: rye for making okroshka

Yeast-free rye kvass for making okroshka:

  • Rye flour – 1 kg;
  • Water – 10 l.

Cooking method. Stir flour in 1 liter of warm boiled water until smooth. Cover the container with gauze and wrap it with cloth. Keep warm for 2-3 days. Dilute the fermented dough with water and leave for room temperature. Strain the homemade drink through cheesecloth.

Recipe 6: with beets

Homemade yeast-free bread kvass with beets. The kvass turns out very rich.

  • Beetroot - 1 kg;
  • Yeast-free rye bread – crust;
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Water – 2 l.

Cooking method. Grind the peeled beets or finely chop them. Cut the bread crust into pieces and dry in the oven for 5 minutes.

Place beets, dried bread crust in a 3-liter jar, add sugar and pour cooled boiled water. Cover the jar with gauze and leave in a warm place for 3-4 days. Strain and bottle the homemade drink. Refrigerate before use.

Recipe 7: rice kvass

Yeast-free rice kvass:

  • Rice – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Raisins – 5 pcs.
  • Water – 1 l.

Place the ingredients in cooled boiled water. Let it sit for 3-4 days in a warm place. Pour the strained drink into bottles and store in the refrigerator. This homemade kvass is useful for preventing osteochondrosis and.

Recipe 8: oat kvass


  • Oats – 0.5 kg;
  • Sugar – 100 g;
  • Water – 3 l.

Place the washed oats in a 3-liter jar and add boiled water. Add 100 g of sugar. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and keep in a warm place for 2 days.

The appearance of a film on the surface of kvass is a sign that the drink is ready. This homemade kvass is noticeable and is used in weight loss diets.

Recipe 9: Russian kvass

An old yeast-free recipe:

Thoroughly stir malt and flour in 3 liters of warm boiled water. Cover the bowl with the dough with gauze and leave for 1 hour. Then transfer the dough to cast iron cookware with a lid and put in the oven to evaporate. After mixing the reduced dough, add boiling water.

After a day, transfer the dough to a large container where the kvass will infuse. Add 16 liters of warm water, crackers and bread. Mix everything and leave to infuse for 10 hours. After clarification, drain the fermented wort into a clean barrel. Add 15 liters of hot water to the remaining grounds.

After 3 hours, pour the wort into a barrel, add mint infusion and leave to ferment for a day. Place the barrel in the basement. After fermentation has decreased, add molasses at the rate of 1 kg per 30 liters of drink. Seal the barrel. Kvass is ready in 3-4 days. In a cold place, the homemade drink will last for several months.

Recipe 10: Homemade White

Homemade yeast-free white kvass:

  • Crushed rye malt – 1 kg;
  • Barley malt – 0.3 kg;
  • Wheat flour – 0.3 kg;
  • Buckwheat flour – 0.3 kg;
  • Rye flour – 0.5 kg;
  • Mint – 20 g;
  • Raisins – 10 g;
  • Water – 5 l.

Mix the bread products thoroughly, add boiled hot water, and knead the dough. Transfer the dough to a separate container and pour 5 liters of boiling water.

After stirring the dough, add 8 tablespoons of starter, mint infusion, cover with gauze and place in a warm place. After settling, drain the kvass from the grounds, pour into bottles, throwing a few raisins into each. Store sealed bottles in the refrigerator.

Homemade Supplements

Various additives can be used to flavor kvass. Depending on individual preferences, you can use mint, sage, St. John's wort, hops, berries, and lemon zest.

You should not prepare yeast-free kvass in containers that contained dairy products. Before preparing a homemade drink, the dishes should be thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water to kill pathogens.



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