Do strawberries contain carbohydrates? How many calories are there in fresh and frozen strawberries? Can you eat strawberries when you're losing weight? Properties of strawberries for weight loss. Contraindications to the strawberry diet

Do strawberries contain carbohydrates? How many calories are there in fresh and frozen strawberries? Can you eat strawberries when you're losing weight? Properties of strawberries for weight loss. Contraindications to the strawberry diet

Strawberry– one of the favorite delicacies of children and adults. Strawberries are native to South America, but are now cultivated with great success almost all over the world. Strawberries are very tasty fresh and are great for various types of canning. From it they get delicious jams, jam, it is baked and served in desserts.

Strawberries are very rich in vitamin C, of ​​which just 100 grams contains more than the daily requirement for an adult. The calorie content of the berry is not high. This berry contains a lot of folic acid, which helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the human immune system.

Due to the set and high concentration of some beneficial elements, strawberries have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. That is why fresh strawberries are prescribed as a medicine for a sick stomach. The antimicrobial properties of this berry are successfully used to eliminate bad breath and treat inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx. Due to the large amount of vitamin C, strawberries actively prevent the development of the influenza virus in our body. The presence of large amounts of iodine compensates for the lack of iodine in the daily diet, helping the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Due to their ability to lower blood sugar levels, strawberries are prescribed to diabetics as a concomitant medicine. Salicylic acid, which is abundant in berries, will help you with joint pain, and a large amount of iron will be a good help for anemia.

For gallstone disease, it is useful to drink 4-6 tablespoons of fresh strawberry juice on an empty stomach. For diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys, consume strawberries in an amount of at least 400 g per day throughout the entire season. A decoction of strawberry roots helps with kidney diseases.

As a natural diuretic, strawberries improve liver function and soothe the liver. As a result, if you have liver diseases and rheumatism, you can go on a strawberry diet. It consists of the fact that during the week you need to eat 1.5 kg of strawberries. This diet can be done three times a month.

IN folk medicine Strawberries are successfully used to treat eczema, small wounds, diathesis and skin rashes. In case of the listed skin diseases or wounds, you just need to apply fresh strawberry pulp on top.

A decoction of the leaves helps with insomnia, normalizes metabolism, and helps with hypertension. Strawberries should be consumed as a preventive measure against hypertension and atherosclerosis.

For all its many advantages, strawberries have several disadvantages. Firstly, strawberries are the strongest allergen. If you are allergic to this wonderful product, then you should significantly reduce the dose of consumption or completely abandon it. If the allergy is not so severe, then try drinking strawberries with any fermented milk product. Secondly, strawberries in any form are contraindicated for appendicitis, increased secretion of gastric juice, prolonged gastric and hepatic colic. Pregnant women and young children should use this berry very carefully, as well as decoctions of roots and leaves.

Cosmetology has not passed by such a useful, and most importantly fragrant product. Unfortunately, most hygiene and cosmetic products (gels, shampoos, soaps, etc.) are limited only to the smell of this wonderful berry. In pursuit of production volumes and low prices, manufacturers do not allow themselves to add natural strawberry extract. It is this that truly distinguishes high-quality goods, of which there are not many on store shelves.

If you grow strawberries in your own plot, then it is better to pick them with the tail. This way it retains its freshness longer. You can use it immediately, only after rinsing it under running water or wiping it with a paper napkin. Try to choose only ripe, undamaged berries for eating. Strawberry It is best stored in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator, otherwise it will lose some of its flavor. Strawberries lend themselves well to freezing, which allows you to enjoy freshness even in winter.

Calorie content of strawberries

The calorie content of strawberries is 26 kcal. This berry is low in calories, and in addition it is very healthy. Load up on strawberries if you're trying to shed those extra pounds. Delicious and fragrant berry will bring many benefits to your body. But be careful with this product if you have allergies!

Strawberry - delicious berry, which is associated not only with delicious breakfast, but also with a romantic dinner. It is preferred by glamorous fashionistas who want to lose excess weight.

It is used to prepare cosmetic masks and scrubs. However, are strawberries always good for the human body?

Strawberries: the benefits and harms of delicious berries

For some, strawberries are a storehouse of vitamins and youth, for others they are a provocateur of ailments and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

"Strawberry" benefits

Strawberries are an excellent dessert that many people cannot resist. It is also actively used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. It has been proven that the berry is one of the most complete sources of minerals.

This product contains substances that promote the removal of toxins and antioxidants that reverse the aging process.

In folk medicine, strawberries are widely used if it is necessary to quickly stop uterine bleeding, reduce blood pressure, increase hemoglobin and cure atherosclerosis. It is also indispensable for vitamin deficiency.

Excellent fight against pneumococcus, intestinal infections, herpes virus and staphylococcus. What is important is that the berry contains a substance that neutralizes the cancerous effects of smoking.

Medicinal infusions made from strawberries

Strawberry infusions can be prepared from fresh berries, as well as leaves. In the first case, you need to pour two tablespoons of the product with one glass of boiling water. The broth should be infused in a thermos for at least thirty minutes. Then you need to strain it and drink it, as an effective diuretic/diaphoretic and immunomodulating agent, half a cup before eating. The described recipe also helps to heal a sore throat. You just need to gargle with strawberry water.

As for fresh and dried leaves of the plant, they can help heal from bleeding, including hemorrhoids. To prepare the medicine, pour two tablespoons of chopped leaves with boiling water and leave for forty minutes. Then strain through cheesecloth and drink half a glass three times a day.

Who are strawberries contraindicated for?

  • Suffering from stomach ulcers or gastritis (strawberry seeds are very irritating to the lining of the gastrointestinal tract).
  • Suffering from joint diseases (the plant aggravates the problem of gouty pain syndrome).
  • Those taking enapril or similar medications that help lower blood pressure (strawberries in combination with these medications place a greater burden on the kidneys).
  • Allergy sufferers. Perhaps this is the most important reason why people of all ages refuse strawberries. The surface of the product contains pores. They, like a sponge, accumulate pollen, which provokes allergic reactions.

Beneficial properties of strawberries

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C. 100 grams of berries contain more than the daily requirement required to fully provide the human body. In terms of the content of this vitamin, the plant is second only to black currant.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the described plant is recommended for regular use by people with pathologies of cardio-vascular system and reduced immunity, prone to frequent colds.

Strawberries are comparable to a quality antimicrobial. Therefore, it is prescribed for inflammation of the nasopharynx and bad breath. Included in delicious product and iodine, so berry lovers may not take iodine-containing medications for preventive purposes.

If you have diseases of the genitourinary system, you must eat strawberries all season long. Eczema, skin rashes, non-healing wounds, skin inflammations - all these are indications for the use of a natural medicinal product.

Calorie content of strawberries

8-12% percent of the composition of strawberries is apple and lemon acid, carbohydrates (fiber, pectin, glucose, sucrose, fructose), tannins and phenolic compounds. The caloric content of one hundred grams of the product is approximately 30 kilocalories, which is very little. Also contained here 0.4 gr. fats, 7 gr. carbohydrates and 0.6 gr. proteins.

The benefits of strawberries for weight loss. Its energy value in fresh and frozen form.

Summer is in full swing. This means it’s time for fresh berries, fruits and herbs. It seems that what else is needed to maintain the beauty and health of the body.

Especially when it's time for homemade strawberries from the garden. It is tasty, healthy, aromatic, and helps you lose weight.

This South American beauty has firmly entered our lives and culture. You can use it and pamper yourself with peelings, and also at the same time rejuvenate yourself and fill your organs and systems with health.

Continuing the theme, her useful properties and qualities, today we’ll talk about the features of taking it during periods of weight loss.

How many calories are there in fresh and frozen strawberries?

a fresh handful of strawberries picked from the garden and placed in a plate

Frozen strawberries are high in carbohydrates. In terms of calorie content, it is classified as a low-energy food. So a cup of frozen berries contains only 45-75 Kcal.

Fresh strawberries are even lighter in energy value. 100 grams of it contain 35 kcal.

How many calories are in a kilogram of strawberries?

a girl's hand reaches out to a mountain of fresh strawberries

Based on the data in the previous section, it turns out that 1 kg of fresh strawberries will contain 350 Kcal, and frozen strawberries will contain about 500 Kcal.

Properties of strawberries for weight loss

girl eats strawberries with appetite for weight loss

The fragrant summer berry is useful for maintaining and preserving the beauty and harmony of our body. Plus, it helps to significantly reduce the manifestations of many diseases and prevent their development.

So, let's start with the chemical analysis of strawberries. They contain:

  • water - 87 g
  • proteins - 0.4 g
  • fat - 0.2 g
  • carbohydrates – 7 g
  • organic acids, namely nicotinic and ascorbic
  • fiber
  • vitamins A, group B (B1, B3, B2, B6) , E, P
  • antioxidants
  • macro- and microelements - boron, iodine, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus
  • vitamin C, the concentration of which in 5 berries is equal to 1 orange

Benefits for the following diseases:

  • gout
  • arthritis
  • anemia
  • hypertension
  • weak immunity
  • colds
  • infectious lesions
  • atherosclerosis
  • coronary heart disease
  • obesity
  • diabetes mellitus
  • cholelithiasis

It prevents:

  • diseases of the eyes, nervous system, brain
  • the appearance of bad breath
  • yellow plaque formation on teeth

Basic medicinal properties strawberries:

  • prevents inflammatory processes
  • lowers blood sugar levels
  • stimulates the sweat glands
  • regulates the normal functioning of the urinary system

Can you eat strawberries when you're losing weight?

the girl grabbed the fold of her stomach - it’s time to go on a strawberry diet

The clear answer is yes, you can, if you are not allergic to strawberries.

Evidence of this:

  • its low calorie content
  • rich chemical composition
  • Benefit for health
  • unique properties that definitely contribute to the burning of excess fat

However, remember that excessive consumption can provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, do not cross the threshold of 1.5 kg per day.

Is it possible to eat strawberries on a diet?

a handful of fresh strawberries in a bowl on the table and strawberry smoothie in a glass

Yes, you can. Moreover, during a diet you crave sweets. And strawberries have a unique juicy taste and a minimum of calories.

Talk to your nutritionist about organizing fasting days on strawberries. This way you will enhance the effect of losing excess fat and nourish your body with healthy vitamins.

Can you lose weight by eating strawberries?

a girl measures her waist circumference after a strawberry diet

The clear answer is yes.

There is an express diet based on strawberries, designed for 3-4 days.

Please note that with every meal there are always strawberries for dessert. And yet, according to Ayurveda, the ideal time to eat berries is the first half of the day. And it’s better to completely avoid aromatic dessert at night.

However, if you have never restricted yourself in food, try one diet day once every 14 days. Gradually increase the number of days you restrict your food intake with the goal of losing weight. Look at your feelings, health and goals.

So, we looked at the benefits of strawberries for burning excess fat, as well as their energy value in small and large doses.

Be attentive to your body's reactions. If you have any allergy to strawberries, avoid eating them.

Be healthy and moderate in your diet!

Video: strawberry diet for weight loss

Perhaps everyone knows about red, juicy, aromatic strawberries. Surely, every summer resident can boast that this berry grows in his garden plot. But not every gardener knows how many carbohydrates it contains.

Types of strawberries

Here we need to make a small digression. In reality, those cultivars, which we meet at dachas, are nothing more than strawberries. Large species are often confused by gardeners themselves and called “Victoria”, after the name of one of its types.

In addition to cultivated varieties, wild varieties are also very popular. In the forest you can enjoy wild strawberries. It is very small and easily separated from the stalk.

There are also wild strawberries. She is no less popular. This berry is slightly larger in size than wild strawberries, but comes off the stem along with the calyx. Some people don’t like it solely because they then have to spend a lot of time sorting and separating these same cups.

But nevertheless, every year many people go to the meadows to pick wild strawberries. During the season, it can be seen in huge quantities at markets and stalls along roads. Of course, wild strawberries are much more expensive than wild strawberries (this is explained by the difficulty of harvesting them), but in terms of vitamins they are even more useful.

What are the benefits of strawberries?

Strawberries are unusually rich in nutrients. It contains a lot of vitamin C and folic acid. If you consume only 100-150 grams of it per day during the season, you can significantly strengthen your immunity and increase the body’s overall resistance to viruses.

Strawberries are also famous for their diuretic properties. It is very useful to add this berry to your diet for people with diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system, urolithiasis. It also helps normalize blood pressure, in particular, helps prevent hypertension. This will be especially important for older people.

And, of course, it helps to cope with excessive mental tension and stress. And in love relationships that are beginning to fade, it can rekindle passion.

How many carbohydrates and calories are in strawberries?

A huge advantage for those who like to eat strawberries is the fact that they contain very few calories. So, 100 grams of berries contain only 33 kcal, 0.6 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat and 7 grams of carbohydrates. For comparison, cherries (also a low-calorie product) contain 50 kcal, 1.1 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat.

But, having found out how many carbohydrates are in strawberries, do not rush to pounce and consume kilograms of them. Unfortunately, this healthy berries There are also certain contraindications.

It contains a lot of fruit acids, which can have an irritating effect on the digestive system. To soften or completely neutralize their effect, it is enough to consume it with dairy products: milk, sour cream, cream, yogurt, etc.

Only people with excess body weight should not get carried away with them, because... in this case, the calorie content of the dish increases significantly. In addition, dairy products often contain a lot of fat.

People with an overly sensitive gastrointestinal tract should not eat too many strawberries at one meal, because... its small hard grains can have a mechanical effect on the intestinal walls and even cause microdamage to it - scratches.

Do not forget that strawberries are among the strongest allergens. Therefore, if you have previously had an allergy to anything, then the amount of these berries should not exceed 70-100 grams per day.

The total duration of the strawberry fruiting period is approximately 4-5 weeks. The rest of the time, it is better to refrain from buying these berries. Of course, there are remontant varieties that bear fruit almost until frost, but you will not find these berries on sale in large quantities.

When choosing between fruits and berries, nutritionists advise giving preference to the second option. Strawberries are called the “Queen of Berries” because of their benefits for the figure and health, as well as their taste. Everyone loves her, young and old. Our article will tell you what the calorie content of strawberries is, whether they really won’t harm your figure, in what form it is best to eat them, and whether the strawberry diet is effective.

Calorie content and nutritional value of strawberries

For those who are watching their weight or trying to lose extra pounds, during the berry season the question of how many calories are in strawberries becomes relevant. The berry is a low-calorie product. 100 grams contain about 32 - 35 kcal, depending on the plant variety. The berries can be of different sizes, from very small, no larger than a hazelnut, to the size of egg, so 1 strawberry can contain from 5 to 25 kcal. But even for varieties with large fruits, the calorie content of 1 berry remains low, which makes this product approved for those who want to lose weight.

In addition, there is a lot of fresh berries picked in season. Strawberries hold the record for vitamin C content. A handful of berries contains more of it than a whole lemon. They also contain B vitamins, vitamin A, E, potassium, magnesium and other substances beneficial to the body. So during the berry ripening season, which lasts from late May to July, you should definitely include it in your diet. Moreover, the calorie content of fresh strawberries per 100 g is very low.

Fresh strawberries are low in protein and fat, but high in carbohydrates. BJU berries (100 grams):

  • proteins – 0.6 g;
  • fats – 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates – 7 g.

Frozen strawberries

We can't enjoy fresh strawberries for long. Gardeners grow remontant varieties that produce several harvests a year, but even they do not bear fruit in the autumn and winter. So with the onset of cold weather we can only be content frozen strawberries. You can buy it in the supermarket at any time of the year, but, of course, it cannot be compared with fresh berries either in taste or in benefits.

Strawberries are frozen using the “shock freezing” method. Thanks to this, the berry partially retains its taste and shape. But after defrosting, its taste becomes watery and not as rich as that of a fresh product. Frozen fruits retain B vitamins and ascorbic acid.

It’s not difficult to guess how many calories are in frozen strawberries. When frozen, the berries are not processed in any way; sugar, syrup or other components that affect calorie content are not added to it. All the juice also remains in the fruit. Therefore, 100 grams of frozen and fresh berries will contain the same amount of calories. The calorie content of frozen strawberries is about 30 - 35 kcal.

Note: the number of calories in frozen strawberries will be affected by the type of plant, as is the case with fresh berries.

In addition to freezing whole berries, there is another way to store them - making strawberry sorbet. Essentially this strawberry puree, mixed with sugar. Unlike whole berries, strawberries frozen with sugar have more calories. The exact figure depends on how much sugar was added. If 20 g of granulated sugar were added to 100 g of berries, then strawberries frozen with sugar (in the entire portion) will contain 112 kcal. The approximate calorie content per 100 grams of sorbet is 93 kcal.

Important! With sugar, the calorie content of the product increases significantly. For those losing weight, this product becomes less useful, but can still be “fitted” into the daily caloric intake.

It is best to freeze berries without sugar. Its shelf life will be about a year. Throughout the cold season, you can add fruits to desserts, baked goods, cottage cheese, and porridge. At heat treatment the taste of frozen berries is practically no different from fresh ones. And given low calorie content Frozen strawberries can be an excellent addition to dishes.

Dried strawberries

Strawberries retain their taste and benefits even when dried. In this case, dried berries can be stored in a dry and dark room in a glass container for up to 2 years. Dried strawberries can be used for making desserts, baking, compote, added to porridges, sauces, and brewed tea with it.

To dry berries, one of the following methods can be used:

  • drying in the open air: thin plates of fruit are laid out on sheets of paper (not newspaper) in an even layer, periodically the berries are turned over, and as they are soaked in juice, the paper is replaced with a new one; to protect dried strawberries from flies and other insects, they are covered with a layer of gauze; The slices need to dry for about 4 – 5 days;
  • in the oven: for drying, preheat the oven to 60 degrees and place slices of berries laid out on parchment paper in it for 1 - 1.5 hours; after this, the fruits are cooled and sent back to the oven; the drying and cooling cycle is repeated 6 – 7 times;

  • in an electric dryer: set the temperature on the device to 55 - 60 degrees, drying time is 8 - 10 hours; periodically the strawberry plates need to be stirred;
  • in the microwave: thin plates of berries are laid out on paper towels and covered with them on top; strawberry slices are placed in the microwave for 3 minutes, the power of the device is 600 W; then remove the top paper towel and turn on the microwave again for 3 minutes.

The calorie content of fresh strawberries is 9 times lower than dried berries. This is explained by the fact that fresh berries consist of 90% water, which evaporates when dried. Therefore, dried strawberries are much higher in calories. 100 grams of dried strawberries contain about 290 - 300 kcal. This is provided that it was prepared without sugar.

Candied strawberries and dried strawberries have a higher calorie content than dried berries. Candied fruits can contain 400 – 500 kcal or more. To prepare the delicacy, strawberry pieces are boiled in sugar syrup, and then dried, usually in ovens. The delicacy turns out very sweet. According to the recipe, from 300 to 500 g of sugar can be used per kilogram of berries. Candied fruits should be consumed in limited quantities, especially for those on a diet.

Strawberry jam

It wouldn't hurt for those with a sweet tooth to know how many calories are in strawberry jam. If this home preparation, as a rule, there is nothing in it except sugar and berries. Calculating the calorie content of strawberry jam in this case is quite simple:

  • the calorie content of the berries used in the recipe is calculated (as we said, the calorie content of fresh strawberries in 100 g is 33 kcal, that is, if a kilogram of berries is used, we get 330 kcal);
  • Similarly, we calculate the calorie content of sugar (if 400 g of granulated sugar was used, it will be 1548 kcal);
  • add the two values, we get 1878 kcal;
  • after cooking the jam, weigh its volume (it will be about a liter; the final volume is affected by the juiciness of the berries and the cooking time);
  • divide the total calorie content by the resulting volume (take 900 g for calculation) to determine the number of kcal in 100 g of product.

The calorie content of strawberry jam in our case will be 208 kcal per 100 g. A little sugar is used in the recipe. If there is more sugar, then the calorie content of the treat will increase. To make it more dietary, you can reduce the amount of granulated sugar, but it is important to make jam from sweet varieties of strawberries that are fully ripe.

Store-bought strawberry jam can contain from 200 to 350 kcal per 100 g. In addition to berries and granulated sugar, pectin can be added as a thickener, citric acid as an acidity regulator, preservatives, and flavorings.

Strawberries pureed with sugar

One of the easiest to prepare berry desserts– strawberries pureed with sugar. To prepare it, the berries are washed, dried and pureed using a blender. Then add granulated sugar to the puree, wait a few minutes until the sugar crystals dissolve completely, and eat the dessert. To calculate how many calories are in candied strawberries, you need:

  • weigh the berries used in the dessert;
  • weigh the sugar and calculate its calorie content;

  • add the resulting values;
  • Divide the total calories by the weight of the strawberry puree.

Depending on the amount of granulated sugar, the calorie content of the puree will differ. If you use 50 g of sugar per 300 g of berries, the resulting volume of puree will contain 292 kcal. It can be divided into 3 servings, each of which will have about 97 kcal.

Strawberry jelly

You can also add gelatin diluted in water to the sweet strawberry puree prepared according to the recipe described above. The puree is poured into bowls and cooled in the refrigerator. Strawberry jelly The calorie content will be almost the same as just strawberries with sugar.

Note: gelatin “steals” the sweetness of the dessert. When frozen, the puree will not be as sweet.

Strawberries in chocolate

Another popular dessert is chocolate covered strawberries. The calorie content of the dessert will not be so high, since its base is berries. If the berries are completely dipped in the glaze, the calorie content will be higher than if the chocolate is poured onto the fruit in a thin stream. If you decide to prepare dessert yourself, to calculate its calorie content:

  • weigh the strawberries, multiply the resulting value in grams by 33 (average calorie content of fresh strawberries in 100 g);
  • calculate the calorie content of the glaze (in 100 g of dark chocolate about 520 kcal, in 100 g of cream 10% fat - about 120 kcal, in 100 g butter– about 720 kcal);
  • add up the resulting numbers and divide them by the final weight of the dessert to understand how many calories there are in chocolate-covered strawberries.

Take 200 g of strawberries (8 large berries). Their calorie content will be 66 kcal (we calculate that there are 33 kcal in 100 grams of strawberries). For the glaze, take 20 g of dark chocolate (104 kcal), 10 g of butter (72 kcal), 20 ml of cream (24 kcal). The calorie content of the glaze is 200 kcal. The total calorie content of the dish is 266 kcal.

Take a plastic bag, pour the glaze into it, cut off the tip of the bag and, using this improvised pastry bag, pour chocolate over the berries. Let's calculate how many calories are in strawberries (1 piece). Divide the total value (266) into 8 servings, we get 33 kcal.

Strawberries and cream

Knowing how many calories are in strawberries, it is easy to calculate the calorie content of any dessert based on it. For example, strawberries with cream: calorie content of berries is 33 kcal per 100 g, calorie content of whipped cream is about 250 kcal per 100 g.

To find out the exact caloric value for a serving of dessert, just weigh each of the ingredients and add the 2 indicators together. If you mix strawberries with sugar, you need to remember to count it too.

Note: a serving of dessert (100 g of berries and 50 g of cream) will contain about 158 ​​kcal.

Strawberry compote

During the berry picking season, you can not only eat them fresh, but also make strawberry compote. Add a couple of lemon balm branches to it when cooking. After cooling, this drink will perfectly quench your thirst.

Strawberry compote has a pleasant taste, and at the same time contains few calories. But if you add sugar to a drink, its calorie content can increase significantly. Compote cooked without adding granulated sugar will contain about 15 - 20 kcal per 100 ml, and sweetened - about 50 kcal.

Frozen strawberries can be used to make compote. The calorie content per 100 g of drink will not change, since it is almost the same for frozen and fresh berries. Sugar affects the number of calories in a drink.

Strawberries for weight loss

Strawberries are a favorite of nutritionists not only because they are a low-calorie product. The vitamins and microelements in its composition have a beneficial effect on the body, speed up metabolism, and fiber has a positive effect on digestion. The berries have a slight diuretic effect, which helps remove excess water from the body and prevents swelling.

For these properties, strawberries can be called an assistant in weight loss. It is not only possible, but also necessary to be included in the diet.

Tip: if you have a sweet tooth and find it difficult to tolerate restrictions on sweets during a diet, replace them with berries with low-fat sour cream or a strawberry milkshake. This dessert will be an excellent alternative to cakes with rich cream or chocolates.

Glycemic index of the product

For those watching their figure, it is important to know not only how many calories are in strawberries, but also what the glycemic index of the product is. Strawberries have a low GI, it is 40 units. The body easily converts carbohydrates from food into energy and does not store them in fat reserves. The blood sugar level does not jump sharply after eating berries, and the feeling of fullness after eating remains for a long time.

Strawberry diets

There are many variations of strawberry diets based on the low calorie content of the product. However, not all of them are equally useful. Strawberry mono-diets, which exclude the consumption of any other foods for a certain period of time (usually 3–5 days), are called unsafe by nutritionists. They are unbalanced; while following them, the body does not receive the proteins and fats necessary to build new tissues and maintain hormonal balance. Any mono diet is stressful for the body.

But diets whose diet is based on the principles proper nutrition and eating strawberries as a dessert or one of the meals is approved by nutritionists. Moreover, they can really help you lose weight. If you replace one of your meals with strawberries, you can see positive changes on the scales and in the mirror within a few days. And if you completely eliminate harmful sweets from your diet and eat berries instead, the result will not be long in coming.

100 grams of strawberries contain not only 33 calories, but also a portion of vital vitamins and microelements, so they must be present in every person’s diet. Of course, if there are no contraindications to its use.



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