Fruit puree for children. Tips for making peach puree for the winter Applesauce with peaches for the winter

Fruit puree for children. Tips for making peach puree for the winter Applesauce with peaches for the winter

Unlike other fruits, peaches cook very quickly - if you are not preparing the dish for the winter, then five to seven minutes will be enough to cook it. For puree preparations, it is necessary to sterilize, so you will need to prepare clean jars in advance and rinse them well with water and soda.

Ripe peaches need to be washed well, placed in a saucepan and covered with hot water. Bring the fruit to readiness and immediately remove from the water.

Cool and carefully remove the skin and cut off the flesh with a knife.

You can cut the peaches with a knife, mince them or grind them in a blender.

The pulp can be rubbed through a regular sieve or grated on a fine grater. To serve the puree immediately, just beat it well with a whisk or mixer. To make it sweeter, you can add sugar or powdered sugar.

To prepare puree for the winter, you will need to simmer it over low heat for about 20 minutes.

To prevent the fruit mixture from burning and thickening too much, add a little water.

Sterilize jars of puree for the winter for 20 minutes. After that, roll it up, turn it upside down and wrap it in a warm blanket.

Once the jars have cooled, they can be turned upside down and placed in a cool place for storage.

If you add water and sugar to the puree, it is best to add a few crystals as well. citric acid.

Peach puree is ready. Bon appetit!

In stores you can find a wide variety baby food: multi-grain porridges, juices in fancy packages and fruit purees mixed with cottage cheese. But, nevertheless, self-prepared meals for complementary feeding are a guarantee of freshness, a combination of your favorite products and, of course, mother’s love, “packed” into each serving.

I offer you the perfect peach puree for the winter, which you can prepare for your child at home. It will turn out sweet without a single gram of sugar!


  • peaches – 1 kg,
  • water – 50 ml.

In addition to the peaches, you will need a container for the finished puree. The most convenient jars for this role are jars of factory-made baby purees with a capacity of 170-200 g. In addition to them, you will already have screw caps that can be used for home canning.

How many cans will you need? The calculation is simple: each jar will take two peaches. So if you have, for example, 8 peaches, prepare 4 jars with lids.

How to prepare peach puree for the winter for babies

First, the peaches need to be properly processed. If you boil the fruits together with the skins, you will not be able to grind them perfectly into a puree: to do this, you will first need to remove all the skins from the pan. In addition, because of them, the puree will be sour, and then you will have to add sugar. To avoid these inconveniences, remove the skins from the peaches with a knife at the initial stage of cooking. Then cut the fruit into 4 pieces.

Place the pieces in a saucepan. Add prepared drinking water, cover the vessel with a lid and place on low heat. Let the peaches simmer for 10 minutes and soften thoroughly.

Place the cooked peaches in the bowl of a food processor and puree them until smooth. Pour this mixture back into the pan, place on low heat and boil for another 5 minutes.

Sterilize the jars and lids: boil them in a large saucepan of water for 10 minutes. At the same time, the lids must be unscrewed: water and hot steam must get inside the cans. Then put it in jars peach puree and screw on the hot lids.

Sugar-free peach puree for children is ready! Turn the jars over so that they are upside down: in this position they will need to cool completely.

If the introduction of complementary foods comes during the summer season, mothers want to introduce the child to as many fruits and berries as possible so that the child’s body is stocked with vitamins and nutrients for the whole year. In this article we will tell you when and how you can give peach to a baby, and also share recipes for making peach puree for babies.

Useful properties of peach

Peaches improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, help prevent constipation, help get rid of heartburn and reduce the symptoms of early toxicosis during pregnancy. Peaches are also known for their diuretic properties, so it is sometimes used for urolithiasis.

Due to its valuable vitamin composition, peach is recommended to be consumed to increase hemoglobin in the blood, normalize heart function, and strengthen the heart muscle.

Peach contains many vitamins C, A, E, which have a general strengthening effect.

When can you give peach to your baby?

Of course, mothers are interested in how many months can a peach be given to a baby, and whether it can even be introduced into the complementary feeding of a child up to one year old. To the question whether a baby can have a peach, the answer is yes. Peaches can be given to babies from 7-8 months. It is especially recommended to introduce peaches (as well as apricots) into infant feeding for children who are prone to constipation.

1.How to give a peach to a baby

Prepare peach puree for your baby or buy ready-made fruit puree. To begin with, it is enough to give your child 0.5-1 teaspoon of peach puree. Offer it to your baby during one of the feedings or between them.

2. Observe the child throughout the day. If you experience redness or rashes on the skin, restlessness, bloating, or loose stools (often with greens), refrain from feeding peach foods for a while. Try offering it to your baby again in 1-2 months.

3. If no unpleasant symptoms were noted, the next day you can give the baby 2-3 spoons of peach puree. If everything goes well in the future, then within next days you can gradually increase the dose.

5. After introducing a new dish, do not offer your child other new foods for 5-7 days. Otherwise, with negative reactions, it will be difficult for you to understand what exactly the child’s body is reacting to.

6. After a year, a child can no longer be given peach puree, but pieces of fruit. Please note: raw fruits can only be given if the child has good digestion.

7. Give your child only ripe fruits, it is better to remove the peel to remove the chemicals that were sprayed on the fruit trees.

Peach puree for babies (Recipe)

Select ripe, whole peaches (they should not have any dents or scratches), wash them, cut them in half and remove the pits. Place the halves, cut side down, in a single layer in a steamer or fine sieve set over a pan of gently simmering water. Cover with a lid and cook for 5-7 minutes. Press the finished peaches through a sieve to remove any tough skin. Peach puree for babies is ready!

After you introduce your child to other fruits and vegetables, you can offer him multi-component purees, that is, purees made from several fruits, vegetables, berries and even herbs. We offer you 3 recipes for peach puree for babies in an unexpected combination.

Peach, nectarine, apricot, plum and thyme puree for babies

Ingredients: Peach + Nectarine + Plums + Apricot + Thyme

Peach, fennel and pea puree for babies

Ingredients: Fennel + Peach + Peas

Peach, mango, carrot and mint puree for babies

Ingredients: Peach + Mango + Carrot + Mint

You can prepare fruit puree from a wide variety of fruits: apples, pears, apricots, peaches, plums, as well as exotic fruits - bananas, avocados, mangoes and many others.

If puree is being prepared for a child, it is better to choose apples, pears, apricots, peaches and nectarines - these fruits are least likely to cause allergic reactions in a child.

Any fruit puree is prepared simply: first, the fruit is baked in the oven or boiled until soft, then the puree is separated from the skin and seeds (if the fruit was baked in the oven) or simply kneaded (if the fruit was boiled). But there are some peculiarities in matters of canning: the prepared puree must be prepared so that it does not go to waste. To do this, the jars and lids are properly sterilized, and the puree is also sterilized after placing it in the jars. The process of preparing puree for the winter is described in more detail in the recipes.

Recipe for making applesauce for the winter

You will need: apples.

How to make applesauce for the winter. Peel the apples, remove the seeds, cut into slices, place in a pan (enamel) and, adding a little water, simmer for about 5 minutes until soft. Rub the cooled apples through a sieve or puree with a blender, then bring the puree to a boil, pour into sterilized jars and seal.

It is best to prepare puree from sour varieties of apples; you can add sugar and various spices to this preparation, but only if it is not made for an infant.

Pear puree recipe

You will need: pears, citric acid.

How to make pear puree. Peel the pears, remove the seeds, place in enamel pan and with the addition of a small amount of water simmer until soft. Puree, bring the mixture to a boil. To prevent the puree from becoming cloying, add just a little citric acid to it - on the tip of a knife, or you can mix such a puree with another more sour one - plum, apple, etc.

Peach puree and plums are prepared in exactly the same way as described above. If the preparations are not made for a small child, then they can be diversified.

Apple Pumpkin Puree Recipe

You will need: 1 kg of apples and pumpkins, 1 tsp. grated lemon/orange zest, sugar to taste.

How to make apple and pumpkin puree. Cut the peeled apples and pumpkin into pieces, place in a saucepan and steam for 10-15 minutes (you can cook in a double boiler or pressure cooker) until the products soften. While hot, rub the softened products through a sieve or puree with a blender until smooth, add zest, add sugar to taste. Warm the puree, stirring, to 90 degrees, then put it hot into jars and sterilize for 10-12 minutes, roll up.

If the puree turns out watery, it needs to be boiled to a thicker consistency.

Homemade fruit puree is a real treat, tasty and healthy, both children and adults will love it!

How to make apricot puree at home

Wash the apricots, remove the pits and place them in a saucepan. Add 50-100 grams of water (so as not to burn), put on low heat and simmer until soft.

During this time, we wash and sterilize the jars. I take small jars (170-200 g) of baby puree, mustard, sauce, etc.


For sterilization, I came up with a high-tech special device: I cut out a corresponding hole in a regular preservation lid. Like this.


I place each jar on my super sterilizer and sterilize for no more than 2 minutes.


I also put the jar lids in boiling water for sterilization.


When the apricots become soft (depending on the degree of ripeness of the berries, this can take from 10 minutes to half an hour), they need to be cooled.


Blend the cooled apricots in a blender until pureed. Then bring to a boil, put into jars and close the lids tightly.

I'm cooking apricot puree without sugar, since I have been giving it to my daughter since she was 6 months old, and feeding an infant excludes the presence of sugar. If you like a sweeter puree, you can add sugar to the blender to taste when blending the apricots. The sugar will completely dissolve when you bring the puree to a boil.

Be careful: when the puree is on the fire, it “shoots”, so you need to cover the pan with a lid, periodically lifting it and stirring the puree so that it does not burn.

If you are preparing fruit puree from pears or apples, it is better to rub them through a sieve rather than beat them in a blender, since after the blender you get an uneven puree-like mass.

In the end it turned out like this fruit puree for babies for the winter.

Looks amazing!

Two kilograms of peeled apricots yielded 10 jars of ready-made apricot puree (1.7-1.8 l).

Useful and delicious puree for a baby, made with your own hands is a source of joy and pride for any mother. In addition, it is a source of minerals necessary for the development of the child. Today you will learn proven recipes for fruit and vegetable purees, which your baby will certainly like.

Applesauce for the winter

One of the most popular and healthy treats that can be prepared for the winter for babies is applesauce. His recipe is completely simple and does not require great culinary skills. It will be loved not only by children, but also by adults as a filling for pies.


  • fresh ripe apples - 3-4 kg;
  • brown sugar - 100 g;
  • water - up to 1 liter;
  • a little lemon juice.

It is better to use local varieties of apples, grown at home, with green skin, as they are less likely to cause allergic reactions.

Step by step recipe

Pumpkin puree for the winter

For babies it is considered one of the most delicious and healthy complementary foods. In addition, it is very bright and attracts children with its appearance, making them want to try this orange miracle.

And the recipe pumpkin puree for the winter - quite quick and easy to implement. It is best to use a slow cooker to preserve as much as possible. beneficial features this wonderful vegetable.


  • 1 medium-sized ripe pumpkin;
  • 1 glass of water.
Salt and sugar do not need to be added; they can be used immediately before serving.

Important!You can use jars of store-bought puree, mustard or sauces as containers for homemade purees; you just need to thoroughly wash them with baking soda and sterilize them first.

Step by step recipe

  1. Wash the pumpkin, peel it, remove the inside with seeds and all damaged areas, cut the pulp into small cubes.
  2. Place the pumpkin in the attachment for steaming vegetables and fruits in a multicooker.
  3. Pour water into the multicooker bowl and set the “steam” mode for 15 minutes.
  4. Once ready, mash well or beat with a blender until smooth and place in pre-sterilized containers.
  5. Place the jars in a saucepan with water, covering them 3/4 of the way up, cover with lids and sterilize for 10 minutes.
  6. Roll up the jars, turn them over and leave them under a warm blanket until they cool completely.

One of the first vegetable purees that kids try is zucchini puree. It is hypoallergenic, has a mild taste and is very healthy for babies; it is good to use not only in the warm season, but also to prepare for the winter. This is especially important if the period of introducing complementary foods occurs during the cold season.


  • 1.5 kg of small thin-skinned young zucchini;
  • 0.5-1 glass of water.

Step by step recipe

  1. Wash, peel, remove the seeds and cut the zucchini into small pieces.
  2. Place the pieces in a colander, place in boiling water and cook for about 10 minutes.
  3. Take out a colander, wait until the water drains, mash well or beat with a blender until smooth.
  4. Cook for another 3-5 minutes, place in pre-sterilized containers, cover with lids and sterilize for 10 minutes.
  5. Roll up and turn over the jars, leave them under a warm blanket until they cool completely.

Instead of cooking the zucchini in a colander, you can simmer it for 10 minutes in a saucepan with a little water. Then the puree will be lighter.

Carrot puree contains a lot of elements that are beneficial for babies, but, like other brightly colored fruits and vegetables, it can cause an allergic reaction. You should not start introducing complementary foods with this puree, however, this is a very important and necessary product, and below is its recipe for the winter.


  • 1.5 kg of fresh ripe root vegetables;
  • 1 glass of water.

Step by step recipe

  • Should not be given to infants raw vegetables and fruits, this is too heavy a product for him and can cause gastrointestinal upset. Wait until the baby is a little older.
  • Follow the rules for introducing complementary foods - any new product should be started with half a teaspoon. If an allergic or other negative reaction does not occur, the amount of product can be increased slightly at the next feeding.
  • You should not eat any one vegetable or fruit all the time; try to take breaks or alternate.
  • The water from which vegetables were boiled can be used to prepare children's soups and purees.
  • Older kids can start combining different vegetables and fruits, make multi-component purees, eating them with cereals or meat.

These wonderful baby puree recipes, prepared for the winter from pumpkin, apples and other vegetables and fruits, will definitely come in handy for mothers of infants as complementary foods for their babies.

Did you know?Studies have shown that certain food dyes widely used in the production of children's food products can cause the development of diarrhea in children. Most often, these are red and yellow dyes.

Don't doubt your abilities, this simple preservation accessible to everyone. And the prepared purees will diversify your diet and delight your kids with new colors and tastes!



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