Strawberry jam is bitter, what should I do? The Mystery of the Silver Spoon. How to remove bitterness from strawberry jam. How to make strawberry jam

Strawberry jam is bitter, what should I do? The Mystery of the Silver Spoon. How to remove bitterness from strawberry jam. How to make strawberry jam

Everyone is waiting for the onset of summer in anticipation of fragrant strawberries, which are one of the first to appear in gardens and delight with their sweet taste. Ripe berries enchant with their red dress, and the delicate aroma makes your appetite work in earnest.

Largely for the amazing smell and rich taste Most people love strawberry jam so much. The delicacy will plunge you into summer during the winter period and will give you not only a good mood, but also a large storehouse of vitamins. It’s worth thinking about making strawberry jam; recipes with step-by-step photos can be found using the links describing the preparation process.

How to make strawberry jam?

How to make delicious strawberry jam is not an easy question. When preparing jam classic recipe Several steps must be followed, including:

  • preparing berries;
  • preparing dishes;
  • cooking process.

The strawberry jam recipe with photos will tell you step by step how to make the dessert correctly and what you should pay attention to.

How to prepare berries?

Strawberries need to be poured onto the table and sorted. For jam, you can use small fruits, then you will get a dessert that is uniform in consistency. In order to have whole berries in the delicacy, it is better to use medium-sized fruits, as they will retain their shape. Unripe, rotten and overripe berries must be removed, and leaves should be removed from the remaining strawberries. Now the prepared fruits can be washed.

There is a misconception that it is enough to wipe the fruits with a damp towel. Under no circumstances should this be done. Firstly, this can mash the berry, and secondly, the dirt from the strawberry will not be completely removed. It is also not recommended to wash fruits under running water; the correct way to do this is in a basin in cool water. The washed berries are carefully taken out in handfuls and laid out on a towel. It is better to dry the fruits; this process can take up to five hours.

How to prepare dishes?

Before preparing strawberry jam, you need to sterilize the jars in which the delicacy will be stored. To do this, they are washed with warm water and soda or laundry soap, turned upside down and calcined in an oven heated to 150 degrees. It is necessary to calcinate gradually, starting from 100 degrees and reaching the extreme mark. The maximum temperature is 160 degrees. In this thermal mode, jars should stand for 15 minutes, three-liter jars - 25 minutes. The lids, as well as the dishes that will be involved in cooking (ladle, funnel and wooden spatula), must be boiled for 5 minutes.

How to cook classic jam from strawberries?

For strawberry jam, the proportions are equal, that is, per kilogram of fruit you will need a kilogram of sugar. Strawberries must be covered with sugar and left for 5-6 hours. This time is enough for the fruits to release juice. Place the pan with berries over medium heat and bring to a boil. Many people are concerned with the question of how long to cook strawberry jam after boiling. It's simple: you need to cook the future jam no more than 5 minutes from the moment it boils. It is important to constantly remove the foam that forms on top.

After 5 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and cover with a clean cloth. Now the dessert needs to cool to room temperature, which will take several hours. After cooling completely, the jam is put back on the fire and allowed to boil for another 5 minutes. The foam should be skimmed off again.

The above procedure is repeated a third time, but the jam should be cooled for no more than an hour, after which it is packed into jars and rolled up. Hence, the question of how to cover strawberry jam, hot or cold, disappears by itself, since it still remains hot before rolling. There is no need to fill the jam to the very top, leave a couple of centimeters from the top, this way it will be better preserved.

How to make strawberry jam for the winter?

To prepare strawberry jam for the winter, recipes with photos will help you do everything correctly, you will need to slightly change the above recipe. To do this, you need additional ingredients in the form of a tablespoon of 9% vinegar or citric acid and a pinch of salt. Vinegar and citric acid are natural preservatives that help preserve food for a long time, prevent the formation of mold and inhibit the fermentation process.

The cooking process itself will also change. So, how to make strawberry jam for the winter? We leave the proportions the same. After the berries are soaked in the syrup, they must be gradually brought to a vigorous boil and left until ready, lastly add vinegar and salt. After this, the jam is poured into jars, leaving a centimeter from the top, and rolled up with lids. Now you need to sterilize the jars again for 10 minutes and wait until winter for tasting. For a complete understanding, you can follow the link about strawberry jam (recipe with photos for the winter).

How to make strawberry jam so that vitamins remain?

Many people are concerned about how to make strawberry jam at home so that it is rich in healthy vitamins and microelements. Strawberry jam is valued for its large amount of vitamins, but in order to preserve them, the dessert must be subjected to heat treatment as little as possible. For this reason, the “five-minute” is considered the most useful option. So, how to make strawberry jam at home?

You need to take no more than two kilograms of berries and one and a half times more sugar. For a kilogram of sugar you will need a glass of water. Boil the syrup in a saucepan over high heat, add strawberries and let simmer for 5 minutes. All this time you should carefully stir the future jam. After 5 minutes, remove the pan, allow the contents to cool, pour the dessert into jars and close the neck with paper or nylon lids.

How to make strawberry jam in the microwave?

With the development of technology, the process of preparing familiar products has also changed. This also affected strawberry jam. By using microwave oven you can make a thick delicacy with a slight sourness, while saving sugar and spending less time. Per kilogram of berries you will need 400 grams of sugar and a pinch of citric acid.

The washed berries are placed in a glass container for the microwave, covered with sugar and left for 3 hours so that the fruits release juice. During this time, you need to shake the cup periodically so that the sugar dissolves better. At the same time, the jars are sterilized using a microwave. Pour 2 tablespoons of water into two half-liter jars, place the container in the microwave and heat at 800 W for 6 minutes. After three hours, the strawberries are cooked in the microwave for 8 minutes at full power of 800 watts. Then citric acid is added, everything is carefully mixed and put back into the oven for 8 minutes. The hot jam is placed in jars and again placed in the microwave for 5 minutes. After this, the jam is ready, all that remains is to roll up the jars.

How to properly cook strawberry jam so that it is not liquid?

To prevent strawberry jam from being runny, you should stick to recipes with equal proportions. Another secret is vinegar or citric acid. Both ingredients help thicken the treat and also preserve it for a long period of time, up to three years.

In addition, the thickness of strawberry jam depends on the number of cooking cycles. Most recipes are limited to 1-3 cycles, but to add thickness you can go through 5 or more cycles, however, there will be less and less useful substances with each heat treatment.

How do you know when strawberry jam is ready?

Experienced chefs can tell by eye when strawberry jam is ready. The following tips are suitable for beginners. First, you should put a few bowls in the freezer before cooking. If you drop a spoonful of jam onto an ice surface and after a couple of minutes it becomes covered with a film, then the jam is ready.

You can also put a drop of jam on your thumbnail. If the drop curls up and does not flow, then the treat can be packaged in jars.

Why does strawberry jam turn dark or runny?

The most delicious jam from strawberries - viscous consistency with a pronounced taste and dense berries. But sometimes it happens that the prepared product begins to darken, and this only means one thing - the jam is not ready yet, it has not been boiled enough. For the same reason, the jam may be runny - the syrup does not thicken enough, making the dessert watery.

Why is strawberry jam bitter?

Depending on the chosen strawberry, the jam may have a pronounced bitterness. It comes from berry seeds. To make the bitterness less pronounced, you can choose a recipe for strawberry jam with a higher concentration of sugar.

All about the properties of strawberry jam for humans

Strawberry jam is a delicious delicacy, but often what tastes good turns out to be not the most useful product. Is this the case with strawberry dessert? Is strawberry jam healthy or not?

What are the benefits of strawberry jam?

Strawberry jam strengthens the immune system, so it simply needs to be included in the diet in the winter and spring. By adding one or two teaspoons to tea, you can protect yourself from flu and colds. This type of delicacy increases the iodine content in the blood, activates brain activity, and also has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Strawberry jam is an excellent remedy for insomnia. If you eat a couple of tablespoons of the treat after dinner, healthy sleep is simply guaranteed. In addition, strawberry jam is recommended for anemia and atherosclerosis.

Is there any harm from strawberry jam?

Jams, as such, including strawberry jam, are not allowed for diabetes and obesity. A large amount of strawberry jam has a destructive effect on tooth enamel. In addition, strawberries are among the allergens, therefore, taking more than 200 grams of jam per day can provoke a reaction in the body to the product.

Is it possible to have strawberry jam on a diet?

Due to the abundance of sugar, strawberry jam has a high calorie content, so if you want to lose weight, it is not recommended to include it in your diet. For information, the calorie content of strawberry jam per 100 grams is 285 kcal. For those who are wondering how many calories are in strawberry jam in a teaspoon, it is 19.95 kcal.

Is it possible to have strawberry jam if you have diarrhea? Is it possible to have strawberry jam for gastritis?

With gastritis, doctors impose strict restrictions on sweets, so eating strawberry jam is not recommended. In addition to the abundance of sugar, it contains a lot of vitamin C, which will significantly delay recovery.

Secrets of storing strawberry jam

Strawberry jam, when properly stored, can remain suitable for three years, but it is important to follow many rules both during the preparation process and to preserve the product.

How to properly store strawberry jam?

If you need to preserve strawberry jam for a long time, the recipe for the winter is best suited. The jars must be stored in a cool place with low humidity. The temperature should be from 10 to 15 degrees. At the same time, it is strictly not recommended to expose the jam to temperature changes.

The room should be dry so that excess moisture does not contribute to the formation of rust on the lids. Deformed lids will allow air to pass through, causing the jam to spoil.

Is strawberry jam spoiled?

The main signs of spoiled jam are an unpleasant odor when opening the jar, the presence of bubbles indicating the fermentation process, and mold. As a rule, such jam is no longer suitable for consumption. You can try boiling it again with sugar, but in advanced cases the unpleasant taste will remain. This jam can no longer be eaten.

What to do if strawberry jam has fermented?

Just because strawberry jam has fermented does not mean that it needs to be thrown away immediately. Of course, you are unlikely to make jam from this type delicious filling, but it is perfect for baking. If the jam has just begun to ferment, you can boil it again with sugar for 7-10 minutes; per liter of jam you will need half a kilogram of sugar.

Is it possible to cover strawberry jam with paper?

How to properly make strawberry jam for the winter is already known, but many people are concerned about whether it will be preserved if you close the jar with paper. Yes, it will be preserved, but even here it is important to properly package the finished product. To do this, the jar is covered with parchment paper, cardboard is placed on top, and once again it is necessary to cover it with a layer of parchment. After this, you need to tightly tighten the paper at the neck with twine. To eliminate the possibility of air getting in, it is recommended to first moisten the twine in warm water and wrap it around the neck. After drying, the material will shrink, making it impossible for air to get inside. True, such jars need to be stored in a dry place so that the paper cannot get wet or damp.

Is it possible not to roll strawberry jam?

The strawberry jam recipe allows for the use of parchment paper as lids. Otherwise, if the jam is not rolled up, the shelf life of the dessert will be significantly reduced, and you will have to keep it in the refrigerator with the lid closed.

Why does strawberry jam become moldy?

Mold in strawberry jam forms when air gets inside the jar. This may be due to the fact that storage rules were incorrectly followed or the preparation process was disrupted. It is not uncommon for cans to be dropped or hit, causing the lid to become deformed. Sometimes it is not obvious at first glance that the lid allows air to pass through, but when the jar is opened, such jam can no longer be eaten.

Strawberry jam and special conditions: pregnancy, lactation, small children

Strawberry jam - delicious treat, but it belongs to the group of allergens, so it’s worth considering whether it is possible under certain conditions and in what quantity.

Is it possible to have strawberry jam during pregnancy?

Strawberry jam is allowed during pregnancy if the mother has not previously experienced an allergic reaction to the fruit. The sweet product contains substances that are useful for fetal hypoxia and lack of vitamins. It also reduces the risk of bleeding and fights problems such as hemorrhoids. True, if a pregnant woman suffers from an upset stomach or has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is worth temporarily refraining from strawberry jam. In addition, you should not eat a lot of treats at once, as this can provoke allergies in the unborn baby.

Is it possible to have strawberry jam while breastfeeding?

Usually, young mothers wonder whether strawberry jam can be given to a nursing mother in the first month. There are two opinions. Some experts base their judgments on the fact that strawberries are a strong allergen, so in the first days after birth, while the baby is in the adaptation stage, you should not overload him with strong products. This may cause allergies. The second group of pediatricians is inclined to argue that a small child needs to be gradually prepared for a varied diet, so the mother during the period breastfeeding gotta try different products, including those that cause allergies.

It is best to introduce jam in small portions 1-2 months after the baby is born, for example, a spoon a day, then wait a couple of days and monitor the baby’s reaction. If the allergy does not manifest itself, then the mother can safely enjoy strawberry jam, but in moderation and, preferably, at intervals of a couple of days.

At what age can you give your child strawberry jam?

Strawberries often cause an allergic reaction, so jam from the aromatic fruit is not recommended for inclusion in the diet of a child under one year old. Many pediatricians, due to the abundance of sugar, prohibit the use of jam up to 3 years. Some doctors tend to reduce the restrictive period, but only to 7 months. At an early age, you can try a small spoon of jam in the morning and monitor the child’s well-being. Under no circumstances should strawberry jam be introduced as the main complementary food, as this will cause an undesirable reaction.

Strawberries are good fresh - no doubt about it. But still, many people often need to preserve it. In this case, serious mistakes can be made, due to which the quality of the stored product is lost.

Causes of bitterness in jam

This problem especially often occurs to people when making wild berry jam. Judging by reviews, the most bitter are strawberry fruits grown in a pine forest. Even cooking alone does not cope with the unpleasant aftertaste. For some consumers this is a property associated with chemical composition seeds, does not pose a problem. But others would still like to make strawberry jam without bitterness.

How to get rid of an unpleasant taste?

The most simple option It turns out that a combination of strawberries and fruits from other shrubs is used. In terms of aroma and taste, it is difficult to find a better solution. Both blueberries and red currants are allowed. The latter is introduced in small quantities and added directly during the cooking process. Of the older methods, using a silver spoon is suitable (it is placed during cooking).

There is another ancient method: put peeled carrots in each bowl with a capacity of 2 kg or a little more. Then the vegetable will also need to be pulled out. Cooking with carrots continues until the berries become dark and the foam disappears completely. In this case, there will be no recipes that can be implemented in 5 minutes. Processing usually takes about half an hour.

But even with strict adherence to all principles, a bitter taste may still appear. And this happens regardless of the variety used. Whatever variety of strawberries is used, they can be overcooked. In such cases, they usually find out what happened bitter jam. Preventing this from happening is quite simple:

  • in the absence of proper experience, you must act carefully and monitor the dish;
  • strictly follow proven recipes rather than try to improvise;
  • try to cook everything in one go.

In order to be less likely to wonder how to remove a bad taste, you must strictly follow the standard requirements. To begin with, the berries are collected and prepared with the utmost care. The collection is carried out on a sunny day, and it should be dry. Storing fruits in open containers is allowed only at a temperature of about 20 degrees. The collected berries must be used within the next 24 hours.

Before cooking, the berries must be thoroughly sorted. All unripe and overly ripe fruits are discarded. They get rid of the deformed part of the crop, throw away all the tails and other waste. Even this is not the end of the processing: the strawberries are washed under running tap water and placed in a colander. Only after this is it cooked sugar syrup.

These techniques allow you to get rid of acute, unpleasant bitterness. However, the natural taste characteristic of strawberries itself is not removed in this way. Additions of other berries immediately radically change the taste of the prepared jam. The classic method, which allows you to actually prepare 100% sweet jam, was found in manuals centuries ago. We are talking about using a silver spoon - but it needs to be done correctly.

This spoon is used for stirring jam heated on the stove. The earliest foam cannot be removed if its color is the same as that of the fruit being processed. They begin to remove the foam as soon as the light part of it appears, represented by extremely small bubbles. Each time the basin is shaken a little. And only after shaking the foam is collected.

Experts recommend processing berries into jam as quickly as possible. Recommended 24 hours storage experienced chefs reduced to 6 or maximum 8 hours. It is advisable to divide the strawberries into layers, each of which is sprinkled with sugar. You can further reduce the risk of bitterness by adding some strawberries.

It is very important to carefully monitor the cooking process: even when using a silver spoon and other auxiliary techniques, burnt jam will invariably taste bitter.

A few more subtleties:

  • washing strawberries before cooking is unacceptable;
  • you can fill it with water only for a short period of time;
  • Before preparing the jam, the berries are kept in sugar for several hours so that they release juice;
  • stirring during cooking should be continuous, and red currants can be added no more than 1/6 of the total volume.

You will learn more about how to properly prepare strawberry jam in the following video.

Previously, it seemed to me that making jam from wild strawberries was the most delicious and aromatic berries in the world - this is a terrible blasphemy and crime. The best thing to do is to eat handfuls of it right in the forest “without leaving the cash register,” enjoying the great taste and stocking up on vitamins for the long winter ahead. But over the years, it has become much more interesting for me to collect strawberries in a jar and bring home a rich catch, rather than eat them straight from the bush, returning empty-handed. Well, at home, part of the freshly picked berries usually goes to the daughter, and the rest goes into baking or preparations for the winter.

Wild strawberry jam, unfortunately, is quite rare in stores and is indecently expensive, and from berries collected with your own hands it comes out practically for nothing. In addition, it has a mass useful properties, namely, strengthens the immune system, prevents colds and speeds up recovery, gently cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and improves its functioning, and also improves the condition of blood vessels and helps lower blood pressure.

Today I want to show you how to make delicious and very aromatic strawberry jam using sugar syrup. This technology allows you to obtain a product with whole elastic berries and a large amount of thick, rich syrup. During the cooking process, strawberries undergo a short heat treatment, which allows them to retain more flavor and various nutrients in the berries.

Strawberry jam prepared according to this simple recipe, it turns out incredibly tasty, rich and aromatic and is ideal for tea drinking in the cold season. It can be eaten neat or with a slice white bread, and also added to cereals, yoghurts or cottage cheese as a substitute for sugar. Whatever consumption option you choose, homemade strawberry jam is sure to bring a lot of benefits and pleasure to you and your loved ones!

Useful information How to cook strawberry jam for the winter - a recipe for thick and aromatic wild strawberry jam with step-by-step photos


  • 1 kg wild strawberries
  • 1.7 kg sugar
  • 300 ml water
  • pinch of citric acid (2 g)


1. In order to make delicious strawberry jam for the winter, you must first properly collect and prepare this fragrant forest beauty. Strawberries must be collected in sunny, dry weather and stored in an open container at room temperature and use within 24 hours after collection.

2. Before making jam, strawberries should be carefully sorted, discarding unripe, overripe and damaged berries, and also removing the tails and any forest debris. Then you need to carefully rinse the strawberries under running water and drain them in a colander.

3. Now you need to boil the sugar syrup to make strawberry jam. To do this, pour sugar into a large saucepan and fill it with water.

4. Place the pan over medium heat and cook the sugar syrup for 15 - 20 minutes, stirring occasionally and skimming off any foam that forms. The syrup is considered ready when it becomes completely transparent and stops forming foam.

5. Pour hot syrup over the strawberries, bring to a boil and turn off the heat. Remove the pan from the stove to cool for 15 minutes.

6. Bring the strawberry jam to a boil 4 more times, turning off the heat each time and leaving the jam for 15 minutes. During the cooking process, the jam should be stirred lightly and any foam that forms must be skimmed off.
7. During the last cooking, add citric acid and stir.

8. Pour strawberry jam into sterilized jars and roll up. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a warm cloth and leave them like that until they cool completely, then store the jam in a dark place at room temperature.

Strawberry jam made from wild berries is an incomparable delicacy.

It is much more flavorful than jam from garden strawberries, but has a characteristic feature: wild strawberries are bitter.

Moreover, a specific bitterness can be felt in both fresh berries and those cooked with sugar. Why is this happening?

Why are wild strawberries bitter?

Experts say that it’s all about the small seeds that are found in the scarlet sweet berries. Moreover, strawberries collected from pine forests are most often bitter. Whether there is any connection here with the bitter resin of beautiful pine trees is not clear. But the fact remains a fact.

Moreover, the bitterness remains during cooking. Why are wild strawberries and wild strawberry jam bitter? It's all about the hard, small strawberry seeds again. Unfortunately, they do not lose their characteristic bitter taste when the berries are heat treated.

Some people don’t pay any attention to this feature, but others are seriously concerned about it. Experienced housewives, fortunately, have long been using tricks that allow them to make the bitterness of strawberries invisible or get rid of it altogether.

However, you need to understand that there is another explanation for the specific taste. If it’s not the seeds, then why are wild strawberries and wild strawberry jam bitter? The fact is that it is not the berries that are bitter, but the sugar burned as a result of inept cooking. If it burns during caramelization, then the jam will definitely taste bitter.

How to remove bitterness from wild strawberry jam

There are several ways to get rid of forest bitterness and make “normal” jam with a traditional taste. Some methods may seem strange, but they really work! Despite the fact that wild strawberries are bitter because of the seeds, you can remove this taste like this:

When cooking, add a handful of red or black currants to the syrup;

Boil strawberries with a small amount of blueberries or lingonberries;

While cooking the jam, place a silver thing (spoon, fork) directly into a bowl of boiling berry syrup;

Cook the jam together with a large peeled carrot.

A mix with other berries gives strawberry jam an additional hint of taste and aroma. But the specific bitterness goes away.

The easiest way for those who want to preserve the natural strawberry taste is to put carrots in a bowl while cooking. The taste of the orange root vegetable will not affect the aroma of the final dish. One vegetable is enough if the volume of jam is no more than 2.5 liters. When the berries darken during cooking and the foam disappears, remove the carrots and throw them away. This usually happens half an hour after the start of cooking.

It is important not to overcook the jam: in this case, you will not be able to get rid of the bitterness. To avoid burning, it is better to cook the strawberries in one batch.

If the housewife is concerned about the question of why wild strawberries and wild strawberry jam are bitter, she can do without cooking. An excellent way to prepare it is to simply sprinkle the berries with sugar and refrigerate.

You can also try five-minute jam: bring the berries with sugar to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes, pour into sterilized jars and roll up. Cool as usual, that is, upside down, and taste.

Another unusual way to make strawberry jam is to repeat five-minute cooking for several days until the delicacy acquires the usual thickness for any strawberry jam. The scheme is like this:

Start cooking in the morning, bring to a boil, cook for five minutes;

Take the jam out into the air under the sun's rays, tying the container with gauze;

Bring it indoors in the evening;

In the morning, repeat the process;

Repeat cooking until the jam reaches the desired consistency.

During cooking, stir the contents of the bowl several times to avoid sugaring.

Recipes for wild strawberry jam without bitterness

To prepare traditional five-minute jam, you need to take the following ingredients:

Three glasses of wild strawberries;

Half a glass of red currants;

A glass of white sugar.

Sort the berries, rinse (very carefully) cold water. Sprinkle the strawberries and currants with granulated sugar and leave for a while. When the berries give juice, bring to a boil, stirring slightly so as not to burn, and skimming off the foam. When the syrup boils, cook for exactly five minutes and immediately pour into jars.

The second recipe allows you to avoid sugaring (this is a common problem that housewives face when cooking wild strawberries). Ingredients:

A liter jar of strawberries;

One and a half glasses of sugar;

Half an orange.

Sort through the berries, cover them with sugar and set aside for a day. The strawberries should give juice. You need to cook it in three steps. Bring the syrup to a boil, simmer for five minutes, remove from heat. If foam appears, remove it.

After 15 minutes, turn on the heat again, repeat cooking for five minutes, turn off the heat. Squeeze the juice from the orange, pour into the jam and boil the mixture a third time. Place in jars, roll up and cool under a thick old blanket. It is better to store such jam in the cold so that it does not spoil.

Despite the specific slight bitterness, it is wild strawberries that have a fantastic, unusual aroma. In addition, getting rid of bitterness is quite simple if you use proven methods.

Good day to all!
My grandmother also taught me that jam should be jam, there should be whole berries or fruits, and everything else is just jam. She also taught me how to make jam.
Today we bring you strawberry jam.
I understand that the season for this berry has already passed, but perhaps someone will find it useful next summer.
So, we have collected a certain amount of strawberries.
This berry is not only tasty, but also healthy. During collection, do not forget to pick branches with flowers and berries. In winter, such bouquets are perfect for herbal tea, and the aroma of strawberries will remind you of summer days.

Let's start preparing the berries.
Pour the strawberries onto the table surface and sort them out very carefully so that the berries do not get wrinkled or lose their presentation.
I usually roll the berries into a bowl, simultaneously removing twigs and insects that got into the bucket during picking.
After sorting, wash the berries. Pour the berries into a bowl of water and add water, then carefully remove them from the water with a colander, allowing as much water as possible to drain.

Pour the berries into a container in which we will cook the jam. I usually use a large enamel basin.
It is not necessary to weigh them, we take the sugar consumption approximately - five hundred grams of sugar per kilogram of berries, plus or minus one hundred grams in both directions will not spoil the jam.
Next, cover the entire surface of the berries with the required amount of sugar.
At this point, all work on making jam for that day is completed.
Cover the bowl with berries with gauze or loose material and leave until the next day.
Overnight the berries will release juice and you can start making jam.
And for this we will need two more days.

The next step is to carefully lift the berries up from the edge of the basin so that the undissolved sugar crust ends up in the berry juice.

Turn on low heat and leave until boiling.
I can’t indicate the time, it all depends on the vessel you will cook in, its thickness and, of course, the fire.
Without stirring the berries, carefully remove all the foam that will collect in the middle of the boiling berries.

We removed the foam and carefully “bathe” the berries in the syrup with a slotted spoon.
That's it, on the second day we'll finish with jam. Let it all cool down.
Over the course of a day, the berries will be saturated with syrup and decrease in size.

The next day we repeat everything.
Place on low heat and cook. Stir the jam with a wooden spoon or spatula, but very carefully and only a few times.
During the second cooking, bring the contents to a boil and cook for about five minutes, no more.
Turn off the gas and leave for a day.
I understand the process is long, but it's worth it.
Many people blame the nature - dry or rainy summers, even the fact that the berries are sometimes picked not quite ripe and therefore the strawberry jam turns out bitter. Nothing like this. Strawberry jam is indeed bitter, but only if it is cooked incorrectly.
In our case, the jam will turn out exceptionally sweet and aromatic.
The third day of cooking begins, and again we do it all over low heat.
Bring to a boil and cook for ten minutes.
This is the jam you should end up with.
Rich black and burgundy syrup in which whole berries float.

For example I show ready-made jam on a light plate.

Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and leave until completely cool.
Roll up with tin or screw lids when cold.
This jam does not become moldy and, if desired, you can make a delicious marshmallow from it, you just need to spread the jam on food paper greased with sunflower oil.

Good luck to everyone in making jam and enjoy your tea with the scent of summer!

Cooking time: PT00H01M 1 min.



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