Buckwheat porridge with raisins. Buckwheat porridge with raisins and cinnamon. Salad with buckwheat, carrots and chicken

Buckwheat porridge with raisins. Buckwheat porridge with raisins and cinnamon. Salad with buckwheat, carrots and chicken

A plant such as buckwheat is known all over the world, but it has become widespread only in the vast expanses of Russia. This is the most popular and very useful product, which, moreover, is very fond of nutritionists. Buckwheat has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and liver, helps eliminate harmful toxins, waste and excess cholesterol from the body. Buckwheat is recommended for diabetics and overweight people. In addition, it goes well with many other products.

Buckwheat dishes are prepared quite quickly and easily. Traditional crumbly buckwheat porridge can be varied by adding various fillers, such as raisins (seedless). This incredibly tasty and healthy dried fruit will give the porridge a unique taste and a special festive aroma.

Here is one of the many original recipes for preparing buckwheat with raisins.

Recipe No. 1 Buckwheat with raisins in pots


– buckwheat (2 cups);

– egg (2 pcs.);

– butter (100 grams);

– raisins (1 cup);

– water/milk (two and a half glasses);

– granulated sugar (4-5 tablespoons);

– cinnamon (1 teaspoon of ground powder);

– salt as desired.


  1. Wash the cereal well, remove excess impurities and debris, then thoroughly grind with beaten egg. After this, dry the mass and sift through a sieve or fine colander so that the grains of buckwheat do not stick together.
  2. Prepare several portioned pots. Pour water (milk) into them, wait until it boils and add about 50 grams of butter. Then add salt and add buckwheat, stirring the porridge vigorously.
  3. Cook for about five minutes. After this, reduce the heat, cover the pots tightly and wait about 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse the raisins, pour over boiling water and dry with a towel.
  5. Stir the buckwheat, add the prepared raisins, granulated sugar (you don’t have to add it), cinnamon and the remaining 50 grams of butter into the pots. Mix everything well and place in the oven for 20-30 minutes. Bake at low temperature, it is advisable to stir occasionally.
  6. You can serve it with cream, sweet syrup or sugar.

Recipe No. 2

The following recipe may well be suitable for a complete children's breakfast. This buckwheat porridge, cooked in water and then adding milk and raisins, is very easy to make.

  1. Pour sorted and washed buckwheat with water at a ratio of 1:2 (for example, one glass of cereal to two glasses of water), add salt to taste and cook until the water has completely evaporated. Then the buckwheat must be covered with a lid and left to simmer for 15 minutes.
  2. Boil the milk, rinse the raisins and steam if necessary.
  3. Pour the prepared buckwheat into a deep plate, add a piece of butter and pour hot milk.
  4. Add raisins to the porridge and stir. If desired, you can add sugar.

Recipe No. 3 for weight loss

Boiled buckwheat with raisins is an ideal dish for those who want to lose weight. Surprisingly, the rather considerable calorie content of both products (307 kcal in buckwheat and from 260 to 290 kcal in raisins) does not interfere with weight loss at all, even when consumed together. The fact is that buckwheat contains a lot of fiber, and a lot of energy is spent on its digestion. As a result, metabolism accelerates and a weight loss effect is achieved. In addition, some of the fiber is not absorbed, and the body strives to quickly get rid of excess ballast, speeding up the removal of toxins.

The protein and carbohydrates contained in buckwheat take a long time to digest, giving the body a feeling of fullness for quite a long time. At the same time, extra pounds are not deposited, because energy replenishment occurs gradually. Adding raisins in small quantities will help a person who is losing weight maintain a diet, and relieve him of the loss of strength and depression associated with the need to comply with restrictions. For weight loss, it is recommended not to boil buckwheat, but to steam it. To do this, take a glass of prepared cereal, pour two glasses of boiling water and leave overnight. Do not add any salt or sugar. Before use, add washed raisins to the porridge, but not more than 50 grams per day.

Dishes made from buckwheat and raisins are quite filling and healthy. They saturate the body with vitamins, “good” carbohydrates for a long time to maintain strength and promote proper digestion.

Buckwheat porridge with raisins and cinnamon is a wonderful breakfast not only for buckwheat lovers, but also for those who are or want to lose excess weight.

Buckwheat contains polyunsaturated fats, which help reduce cholesterol in the blood and also help speed up metabolism. That is why it is very important to include buckwheat porridge in your diet if you want to lose weight or strive to improve your body health. Buckwheat porridge will not only provide a feeling of satiety, but will also help cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

As for such a spicy and aromatic spice as cinnamon, it contains minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorus. Cinnamon is also rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, A and PP. It contains tannins, essential oils, and fiber.

In folk medicine, cinnamon is used as an antiseptic, antimicrobial agent, and it also helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The beneficial properties of cinnamon include cleansing the choleretic system, removing excess salt and fluid from the body.

Today, we offer you a recipe for making delicious and aromatic buckwheat porridge with the addition of raisins and cinnamon. Let your breakfast be not only tasty, but also very healthy!

Buckwheat porridge: recipe with raisins and cinnamon


  • Buckwheat – 250 g.,
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • Cinnamon - a pinch
  • Raisins - a handful to taste
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • Water - 2 glasses,
  • Salt.

How to cook:

Bon appetit!

A very simple recipe for homemade milk buckwheat porridge with raisins, step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in under 30 minutes. Contains only 137 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 7 minutes
  • Cooking time: up to 30 minutes
  • Calorie Amount: 137 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 3 servings
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Second courses

Ingredients for three servings

  • Buckwheat 1 cup.
  • Milk 2.5 cups.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Table salt 0.1 teaspoon
  • Kishmish raisins 50 g.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. To prepare milk buckwheat porridge, I use buckwheat, it is from this that the porridge turns out to be very tender, “downy”. Pour the buckwheat mixture into a deep bowl and sort through.
  2. Then pour warm water over the cereal and let it sit like this for a few minutes.
  3. We take two and a half times more milk in volume than cereal, that is, for one glass of cereal – two and a half glasses of milk. With this amount of milk, the porridge will not be viscous; if you want just that, you need to add milk. Well, if the milk is high in fat, feel free to dilute it with water. Not by half, but by a third it is possible. Let the milk boil.
  4. Wash the buckwheat thoroughly. Several times I have seen in recipes that there is no need to wash buckwheat, if you also think so, then try rinsing it once and it is unlikely that you will want to use it in the future without first washing it. The exception is cereal in bags for cooking.
  5. Pour a handful of raisins with water and rinse.
  6. When the milk boils, pour the prepared buckwheat into it.
  7. Add washed raisins.
  8. Bring the porridge to a boil, add a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of sugar. Stir, then reduce the heat to low and cook the porridge under the lid for seven to ten minutes. During this time, I don’t open the lid and don’t stir the porridge, nothing burns.
  9. The porridge is ready, although if you wish, you can turn off the heat, wrap the pan with the porridge and simmer for half an hour, it will only taste better.
  10. Place the porridge on plates, you can add a little butter, but it’s delicious without it. Bon appetit!
Gluten free. Without milk. No eggs

This is a regular porridge, suitable for breakfast, lunch or dinner. I rarely cook porridge in its pure form; as a rule, I try to diversify it with something - vegetables or fruits or even dried fruits. Since childhood, I like buckwheat with onions - the smell, the taste. I can add dried or fresh fruits to this porridge if desired. Today it's raisins. And don’t let the fact that buckwheat contains onions scare you. In my opinion, the overall taste of the porridge is quite organic.

Ingredients n and 2-3 servings:
. Buckwheat - 120-150 gr.;
. Onions - 1 pc.;
. Raisins (seedless) - 50-100 g;
. Vegetable oil suitable for frying - 2-3 tbsp;
. Salt, sugar to taste.

If desired, you can add an apple or even apricot slices. In addition, ready-made porridge can be varied with the berries and fruits that you eat, from cherries to bananas.

A little about raisins. I have already written that dried fruits dried in the sun are inconspicuous and, frankly, ugly. But buying them has become more and more difficult lately. So when you buy dried fruits in a store, carefully read the ingredients so that they do not contain at least preservatives.

Preparation :
Pour boiling water over the raisins and leave for 15-30 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly, you can even rub each berry with your fingers. Yes, it is labor-intensive, but sometimes it is simply necessary to wash off the remains of the chemical industry from them.

Rinse the buckwheat. If you have green buckwheat, you can soak it in advance for 1-2 hours. Then rinse.

Chop the onion. Heat vegetable oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan and fry the onion. Fry until you find it acceptable. I fry until light brown, stirring constantly. You can simply fry lightly until translucent or until a pleasant smell of fried onions appears.

Add buckwheat and raisins. Mix.

Pour in boiling water at the rate of 1 to 2.5, that is, if you have one glass of buckwheat, then you need to pour two and a half glasses of water. It will turn out to be boiled porridge. If you want the porridge to be crumbly, then you need water at the rate of 1 to 2. That is, for a glass of buckwheat, two glasses of water.

Add salt to taste. Cook over low heat until the water has completely boiled away, about 20-30 minutes. At this stage you can add chopped apples.

If you want the porridge to be more or less crumbly, then you do not need to stir it during cooking. If you stir the porridge periodically, it will turn out boiled like a mess. After cooking, you can add sugar or honey to taste.



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