Ivan tea with mint added. Ivan tea with thyme: composition and beneficial properties Chemical composition of the plant

Ivan tea with mint added. Ivan tea with thyme: composition and beneficial properties Chemical composition of the plant

Maksimenko Tamara and Novikova Natalya, 2122

  • Mint and masculine power
    • 1. Collection
    • 2. Drying
  • Mint and diabetes
  • Does mint make you lose weight?
  • Other mint tea recipes
  • Ivan tea with mint
  • Useful properties of mint
  • What does this tea help with?
  • Who is contraindicated in mint tea with fireweed?
  • Is it possible for mothers - future and nursing

Today, about 25 varieties of mint are known, including catmint, lemon, Moroccan, garden, Chinese, chocolate, peppermint (white and black), horsemint and others. The titles fully correspond to the content. So, catnip especially attracts cats, lemon gives the drink citrus notes, like the zest of a real lemon, and chocolate has a slight chocolate flavor.

Lemon Balm (Melissa)
Catnip (catnip)

Curly mint
Horsemint (horehound)
Chocolate mint

Many people confuse peppermint with lemon balm, or even consider them to be the same plant. In fact, they are not very different in appearance and both have a calming effect on the body. However, mint has a much stronger menthol smell and richer color.

Women's ailments, pregnancy and breastfeeding

It’s not for nothing that mint tea is called a woman’s drink.

Drinks with mint are generally contraindicated for children until they reach the age of three.

Mint and masculine power

Mint is beneficial not only for women, but also for boys and men. It improves appetite, normalizes sleep,... However, you should limit yourself to two or three cups a day, otherwise the effect of consuming mint will be diametrically opposite.

Even more about the benefits and harms of mint tea for men

Collection, processing and storage of mint

You can buy mint at any pharmacy or specialty store, but growing it on your own plot is not so difficult. The main thing is to understand when to collect it and how to store it so that the plant does not lose most of its medicinal properties.


Collect and dry mint leaves and stems before flowering, when the flowers are just beginning to appear. As a rule, this period occurs at the end of June or beginning of July. You should not cut the leaves before buds appear on the stem, and you should also not do this in wet weather or extreme heat. The best time to collect is morning before noon or evening.

Harvested greens can be dried, fermented for tea, or frozen for the winter.


In order to dry mint leaves at home, they are hung in bunches on ropes or laid out on paper in a thin layer in a dark, dry, ventilated place. You can dry it immediately with currant or raspberry leaves, then you will get a herbal mixture. Usually mint is dried for a week, after which the workpiece is crushed and packaged in linen bags or glass jars. You can store it in this form for up to two years.

To freeze the mint, first wash it, and then wrap it in parts in foil and put it in the freezer.

To drink fresh mint tea all year round, you can grow it on your own windowsill. Two to three weeks after sowing the seeds, the first shoots hatch, and after another two weeks the first leaves appear. In order for the plant to produce lush greenery, it requires regular watering and long daylight hours without direct sunlight.

Can everyone drink mint tea? We will talk about contraindications in more detail below, but now I would like to talk about those who can drink mint tea, but with caution.

Mint and diabetes

For type 2 diabetes, mint tea has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, but it should be consumed with caution.

Take about two tablespoons of dried mint leaves per glass of water. However, it should not be added to the teapot, but boiled over a fire for 10 minutes, and then left to steep for a long time. Divide the resulting drink into three parts and drink throughout the day.

Does mint make you lose weight?

It is well known that mint tea promotes weight loss. The fact is that mint has the ability to reduce appetite. Despite the fact that the calorie content of mint is almost 50 kilocalories per 100 grams of greens, tea with it is practically calorie-free. Below are some recipes.

To brew tea with mint and ginger, the latter is poured with a couple of glasses of water and placed on the stove for 20 minutes. Then add mint leaves and brew for another ten minutes. This ginger drink is consumed in portions of one third of a glass.

You can drink during the day weak green tea with mint:

To prepare it, pour one tablespoon of green tea into a liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, add some dried mint leaves and leave to steep for another ten minutes.

You can also prepare a mixture for weight loss, which includes mint, rose hips, senna (cassia) and other herbs. It reduces bloating, removes toxins from the body, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, helps with gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Other mint tea recipes


Rose hip

Senna St. John's wort

Cranberry Chamomile

Making delicious mint tea is easy. There are a lot of recipes that describe how to make a tea preparation, how much and what kind of herb to take, in what proportions, with or without milk, and so on.

As a rule, one glass of water requires 20 grams of crushed collection (one and a half tablespoons) or several whole mint leaves. You can add it to both black and green tea. The taste of black tea perfectly complements the menthol flavor, and green tea quenches thirst. They are taken as a percentage of mint, two or one to one. The herb is brewed and allowed to brew, then lemon slices and sugar are added (can be replaced with honey).

Before going to bed, it is better to drink weak tea at room temperature. In summer, iced mint tea is especially popular because it has a refreshing effect. If you drink mint tea at night, your sleep will be sound and restful.

  • Tea with mint and chamomile relieves nausea, helps with pancreatitis. His recipe is simple:

pour boiling water over a spoonful of dried chamomile flowers along with a few mint leaves.

  • Tea with mint and currants or linden relevant during the cold season. Currant leaves are rich in vitamin C, and dried linden flowers have bactericidal properties.
  • Grated ginger adds spice to tea and warms well; it is added to mint tea to treat coughs and sore throats.
  • Tea with mint and thyme used to reduce pain.
  • A adding St. John's wort, thyme (aka thyme) and rose hips to the mint, you can get a universal remedy for loss of strength.
  • Oregano taken in equal proportions with mint, it also has a healing effect on the body, however, if you have heart problems, its consumption should be limited.
  • Malina added to tea to strengthen the immune system.

Mash raspberries with sugar and a few mint leaves. Separately, brew a bag of tea and pour the resulting infusion into the raspberry-mint mixture, after which it is infused for at least an hour.

  • If add a sprig of mint to black tea and a handful strawberries, it will turn out both tasty and healthy.

To do this, the mint leaves are first crushed, and the strawberries are cut into several parts. When the drink is infused, you can add ice cubes and honey to taste.

  • Sage removes toxins from the body.

It is brewed with mint in a separate container, and in a second one - black or green tea, and after infusion, the tea is mixed.

  • Basil used for intestinal inflammation, it is placed at the very end, flavored with lemon slices to add sourness to the drink.
  • Bergamot improves memory, increases appetite, invigorates. One of the most famous recipes with bergamot and mint is traditional ice tea.

Bergamot is brewed with boiling water, infused, poured into ice trays, frozen, and then crushed in a blender. A thick syrup is boiled from lemon and sugar, cooled and poured onto crushed ice. Sprinkle chopped mint leaves on top.

  • Interesting recipe mint with cranberries.

For a glass of boiling water, take a tablespoon of black tea and mint and about 100 grams of cranberries. Cranberries are pureed and added to a pre-brewed tea infusion, after which the drink is infused, stirred and carefully filtered before drinking. You should drink tea with cranberries in case of fever and acute inflammatory processes.

Jasmine buds, calendula flowers, sea buckthorn berries, apples, oranges, lime and cinnamon form amazing combinations with mint. One supplement is healthier than another, and sea buckthorn tea holds the record for the amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements. In order for the taste of the berry to be better revealed, it must be crushed in a mortar, and the mint must be chopped with a knife. Apples should be thinly sliced. Oranges - mash and cut into slices.

Ivan tea with mint

Nature gives man herbs that have a healing effect on his body. Such herbs, among others, are fireweed (otherwise known as fireweed) and mint.

Based on the herb - fireweed, in the city of Koporye they began to produce tea, later called Koporye. This tea was produced in large quantities using a fermentation process.

The healing properties of this drink become truly invaluable when it is brewed with other herbs and berries. For example, with mint.

Useful properties of mint

Mint, in combination with Koporye Ivan tea, when brewed, has an effect on the human body soothing action. Therefore, this drink is an excellent remedy for insomnia.

In general, mint itself is a unique plant. It has a number of useful properties, among which are: soothing, strengthening and rejuvenating. This is a herb that is absolutely necessary for women - for internal use and for cosmetic purposes; peppermint decoction has such a wide spectrum. In addition, its healing properties are associated with a cleansing function, normalization of blood pressure, and activation of brain function.

Normalization of the digestive system is a distinctive feature of Koporye tea. By the way, some effective weight loss courses are based on this feature. But mint, first of all, calms the nervous system and also regulates the functioning of the digestive system, destroying pathogenic microflora in the intestines. A very good tea duet.

This is where it got its second name - fireweed.

Is it possible for mothers - expectant and lactating?

Watch the short video below and you will find out what other herbs are categorically not recommended to take? during pregnancy

If you do not belong to one of the 9 groups of people for whom it is not advisable to drink fireweed with mint, then you are in luck. Because this is an excellent remedy if you need to bring your body into complete order in a short time and regulate its functioning. At the same time, drinking an infusion of fireweed tea with mint is very pleasant, which in itself is valuable, you will agree. Plus, you won’t go broke on treatment, because herbs are inexpensive.

Important: before each use, you need to brew fresh tea and drink it without sugar or honey.

Listen to your body, do not forget about preventive measures and be healthy.

Composition of the product: Fermented leaves of fireweed angustifolia with the addition of wild mint leaves.

When brewed, the drink has a complex velvety mint-floral aroma with fruity notes. Prepared according to the classic ancient technology of processing in linden barrels with soft drying in a Russian wood-burning oven. Increases performance, improves blood composition and calms when excited. Increases immunity. The drink is complemented by the soothing and antimicrobial properties of fragrant mint leaves, and their aroma creates a truly homely mood. Mint is known not only for its refreshing aroma, but also for its beneficial properties. Mint helps with indigestion, fever or extreme heat during a cold or flu and has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. It will relieve irritation and reduce cough even with bronchitis. Mint calms, pacifies and gives healthy sleep; it was not for nothing that in the old days girls put mint under their pillow to see their future spouse in their dreams. Mint drink is valued not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. It is believed that the aroma of mint stimulates the mind, which is why the Roman historian Pliny the Elder constantly wore a wreath of fresh mint on his head. Recommended as a sedative, antispasmodic, choleretic agent.

Cooking method: 1-2 tsp. for 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for at least 10-15 minutes. During this time, the drink blooms with a fragrant floral-herbal aroma and gives its pleasant, rich taste. Increasing the infusion time makes it even more intense, enhancing its taste and aroma. You can brew more than 3 times until all its beneficial substances are completely extracted.

Information about delivery: We will carefully prepare and send your order to any region of Russia, CIS countries and neighboring countries, by mail or transport company. Buying high-quality fermented Koporye tea means healing your body by nourishing it with natural minerals and vitamins. A tasty and tonic drink that will give you strength and fill you with vital energy!

Product packaging: Packaged in branded eco-friendly packaging with a colorful label and an additional inner layer of cling film or foil.

This is interesting: The great benefit of mint is its calming and relaxing effect. It helps in treating depression and easily eliminates insomnia. In Rus', not a single good bathhouse could do without healing mint procedures. It is believed that mint in the wallet attracts money. And she dreams of a fun life and stormy events. Man has been using mint since before our era. Mint is mentioned on Assyrian cuneiform tablets and was found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs. She is also mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew.

Ivan tea has a beneficial effect on the human body on its own, but when other herbs or berries are added to it, the drink from such mixtures becomes many times more beneficial. And one of the popular and favorite combinations is the addition of mint to Ivan tea.

Brewed together, fireweed and mint have a calming effect and also help with insomnia. In addition, a drink made from these ingredients can:

  • Help with pneumonia and bronchitis.
  • Treat cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Disinfect the oral cavity.
  • Relieve pain syndrome.
  • Dilate blood vessels.
  • Improve digestion and relieve nausea.
  • Accelerate recovery from runny nose, sore throats and colds.
  • Help with seasickness.
  • Cleanse the liver.
  • Ease the course of menopause.

The drink, which contains mint and fireweed, should not be taken if you have low blood pressure, varicose veins, heartburn, drowsiness or infertility. It is also not recommended to give this tea to small children, and men should limit its use, since mint reduces libido.

The mixture of mint and fireweed is rich in essential substances, flavonoids, beneficial acids, phytosterol, carotene, betaine and many other substances. Among the micro- and macroelements in tea from these plants there is a lot of sodium, manganese, calcium, iron, potassium, copper, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus.

Collection of fireweed tea begins at the end of May, but most often the leaves from the middle part of the plant are removed in July and August. After preparation, which includes drying or freezing and grinding in a meat grinder, the plants are fermented until a pleasant fruity aroma appears, and then dried in an oven, electric dryer or in a ventilated room.

You can collect mint at any time, but most often it is done before flowering. It is recommended to dry the collected stems and leaves of mint in a ventilated area out of direct sunlight. The mixture of mint and fireweed should be stored in glass jars or paper bags.

To brew an aromatic, delicious drink, for each teaspoon of a mixture of mint and fermented fireweed, take a glass of water brought to a boil. Infuse the tea for at least 10-15 minutes. You can brew the raw material again up to three times, and the benefits of the drink will be preserved.

The healing power of representatives of the kingdom of Flora was highly valued by our ancestors. Among the original Russian plants used for treatment, Ivan tea was of greatest importance. Modern research has confirmed the beneficial qualities of the raw material, noting high anti-inflammatory, cytostatic and antiviral activity. The article will tell you about the Ivan tea plant, its benefits and harm to the body, its chemical composition, and types of the drink. You will learn how to properly brew healing tea, learn about the beneficial qualities and contraindications of angustifolia fireweed.

Ivan tea - description, photo of the plant

Kirei angustifolia is a powerful herbaceous perennial up to one and a half meters tall. The strong, rounded, erect stems are densely crowned with foliage. The leaves are sessile, simple lanceolate in shape with a pointed tip. The length of the blades reaches 5-12 cm, width 1-2 cm. The top of the leaf is dark green, the bottom of the leaf is bluish or reddish. Under the ground there is a thick, powerful creeping rhizome. The side roots are dotted with a large number of renewal buds.

The inflorescence is a loose raceme up to half a meter long, strewn with pink flowers. The corolla reaches a diameter of 2-3 cm and consists of four petals. Flowering from mid-summer, lasting about a month. Small oblong seeds with a pubescent crown ripen in the fall inside a pod-shaped capsule. The fluff is easily transported by the wind over long distances, so the plant has spread widely in the Northern Hemisphere. You can find bright candles in forests, in places of fires, clearings, near reservoirs, in fields, and embankments.

This is interesting! Our ancestors gave fireweed more than 50 synonymous names, one way or another related to the properties of this amazing plant.

In addition to being a surprisingly pleasant and healthy drink, fireweed was used to feed livestock, weave ropes, and stuffed pillows with fluff from the seeds. All parts of the plant were eaten - the roots were ground into flour, the leaves were added to soups and salads, and the flowers supplied the bees with a large amount of nectar.

Another common name for this representative of the flora is Koporye tea (koporka). The name is given in honor of the Koporye area, located near St. Petersburg. This Russian village was a center for the production of raw materials for brewing a drink that replaced expensive overseas black tea.

Chemical composition of the plant

The beneficial properties of narrow-leaved fireweed tea are due to the rich chemical composition of the plant. The leaf mass and rhizomes contain the following substances:

  1. Mucus (up to 15%) – have enveloping properties, help in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Plant fibers have a beneficial effect on intestinal function.
  3. Pectins – help remove harmful substances, waste, toxins, radionuclides.
  4. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that help strengthen the immune system and fight free radicals.
  5. Organic acids – normalize metabolism.
  6. Tannins and tannins have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and are antioxidants.
  7. Sugars and proteins participate in metabolic processes and are building materials for cells.
  8. Vitamin C – strengthens the immune functions of the body, reduces the fragility of the walls of blood vessels. In terms of the amount of ascorbic acid, the green mass of fireweed leaves citruses and rose hips far behind.
  9. B vitamins and magnesium – protect the nervous system from stress, normalize sleep, hormonal balance, eliminate headaches, and muscle tension.
  10. Iron – participates in hematopoietic function and effectively fights anemia.
  11. Manganese is an antioxidant, participates in hematopoiesis, metabolic processes, normalizes hormonal levels, and participates in the production of insulin.

In addition, the green mass contains potassium and calcium, which help normalize the acid-base balance of the body.

Remember! Unlike black tea and coffee, copkorka does not contain caffeine, which is addictive. In terms of the amount of tannins, fireweed has surpassed high-quality varieties of green tea.

The benefits and harms of Ivan tea for the body

Since ancient times, herbalists have used fireweed to treat various ailments - headaches, fever, infertility, disorders of the nervous system, and intestinal disorders. Our ancestors noted the life-giving power of drinking, which increases vitality.

Modern scientists have confirmed that raw materials based on fireweed angustifolia can suppress any inflammatory process, overcome viral diseases (herpes, tonsillitis, ARVI), and quickly heal ulcerated tissues. High cytostatic (anti-cancer) properties were also noted. Based on the flowers, the drug Hanerol is made, which helps suppress the growth of cancer cells. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated based on multiple studies.

The plant is used in cosmetic preparations - anti-aging creams, wound-healing ointments, various masks for hair and face. In the old days, fireweed infusion and decoctions were drunk to treat various ailments, they were used to gargle sore throats, apply lotions to wounds, and heal skin diseases.

By the way! The sedative effect of the drink is similar to the effect of tincture of valerian root. Preparations based on fireweed tea successfully treat neuroses, epilepsy, insomnia, stress, and migraines.

The benefits of the drink after 50 years

The human body undergoes significant changes over time. Scientists say that the process of cell aging largely depends on the food consumed. Animal products and poor nutrition disrupt the acid-base balance of the blood, which causes the human body to “corrode” over time. If we add to this the constant exposure to poor ecology, pathogenic microorganisms, free radicals, and hormonal imbalance, then the human biological clock will speed up.

Due to the high content of antioxidants, the medicinal drink reduces harmful external influences, normalizes metabolism, supports the coordinated functioning of all body systems, and removes harmful substances. The aging process slows down, which is especially noticeable in the condition of the skin. The former radiance and elasticity returns, wrinkles are smoothed out. With regular use, the “elixir of longevity” restores vigor, normalizes blood pressure and sleep.

Healing properties for men

Infertility, sexual dysfunction, weakened erection - often the cause of these unpleasant phenomena is inflammation of the prostate gland. Men rarely immediately go to the doctor with such a delicate problem, and the inflammatory process intensifies over time and can lead to the development of oncology.

Koporye tea contains a large amount of flavonoids and tannins. The herb can suppress inflammation and eliminate its common cause - the activity of microorganisms. The adaptogenic, tonic properties of the healing drink also help improve potency, metabolism, and immunity.

Know! In terms of anti-inflammatory activity, no representative of the domestic flora can compete with fireweed.

The benefits of fireweed for women

Benefits of Ivan tea for the female body:

  • eliminates inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • cope with diseases caused by bacteria and viruses - thrush, cystitis, genital herpes (apply externally and drink medicinal infusions)
  • helps relieve symptoms of menopause;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, and slows down aging;
  • helps fight excess weight, removes excess fluid, waste, toxins;
  • improves the menstrual cycle, is effective for heavy and painful menstruation, helps stop bleeding;
  • helps improve lactation, enriches breast milk with minerals;
  • normalizes hormonal levels, fights infertility.

Remember! The analgesic properties of coporka will help relieve menstrual pain, overcome migraines, and insomnia.

Ivan tea for children's health

Healing fireweed can help even the little ones. Mother's milk will be replenished with vitamins and minerals if you drink a glass of warm fireweed tea before feeding. Thanks to the beneficial qualities of the herb, gas formation, which causes painful colic, will be significantly reduced. During teething, some pediatricians recommend giving a weak drink to strengthen the immune system, reduce pain and moodiness. An herbal infusion will help eliminate skin rashes.

Stress and weakened immunity are a common occurrence when a child finds himself in a new environment (kindergarten, school). Ivan tea can strengthen the body's protective functions, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep. You should consult your pediatrician about the possibility of using the drink and the recommended dosage.

Fermented fireweed tea: benefits and harms

Ancient recipes for preparing fireweed tea necessarily included a fermentation process. The beneficial properties were enhanced, since the released cell sap enveloped each leaf, giving it all the healing powers hidden inside. The fermented product is subject to general contraindications; if consumed in moderation, it will not cause harm to the body.

Remember! If you want to collect a healthy product yourself, choose healthy bushes with clean foliage. To prevent raw materials from harming your health, collect only in environmentally safe areas.

The harvest of leaves from healthy plants is first dried for 24 hours, and then rubbed manually between the palms to release the cell sap. The resulting blanks are placed in a glass container for a day, covered with a damp cloth. The optimal temperature for fermentation is 25-27⁰C. Fermentation of the juice gives the raw material a unique floral and fruity aroma. Afterwards, the leaves are dried in the oven with the door ajar at a temperature of 60-80⁰C and constant stirring.

The finished product is similar to regular loose leaf black tea. The tea leaves have a pleasant aroma and break when pressed, but do not crumble. Fermented fireweed angustifolia is stored in a glass container with a tight lid, protected from moisture and direct sunlight. The finished tea leaves retain its useful qualities for 2-3 years.

Granulated fireweed tea - differences from leaf tea, how to prepare

Granulated fireweed tea is an industrial product. The raw materials are also subjected to preliminary fermentation, and then, for convenience, they are ground in industrial grinders, turning them into granules.

Consumer opinions vary greatly about the benefits and harms of fireweed tea in the form of granules. Most people think that the granular product is of poor quality. This is due to the oxidation of the leaves during processing and the loss of beneficial properties.

Unscrupulous manufacturers may even replace the raw materials or introduce non-recommended additives, such as flavorings. If the manufacturer values ​​his reputation, he will take care of the quality of the product, preserving all the benefits of the plant for you.

The drink made from granules differs from the whole leaf drink in aroma and taste. This is due to production technology and the shape of the product. The granules have a larger area of ​​contact with the aqueous medium during brewing, so they release extractive substances faster. You will need a little less granulated tea for brewing, because it will immediately release all the valuable substances into the solution. It is better to use the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Know! Granulated Koporye tea is convenient because it brews very quickly. If you purchase it from a trusted manufacturer, it will differ little from its leaf counterpart in quality and usefulness.

How to brew and drink fireweed tea at home

Koporye tea can be brewed from fresh, fermented and granulated raw materials. It is best to use filtered water. To prepare a healing drink you will need:

  • fermented fireweed tea - 2 tablespoons or fresh leaves with fireweed flowers - the same amount;
  • boiled water at a temperature of 80-90⁰C – 600 ml;
  • enamel or glassware.

If you are preparing a drink from fresh leaves, they must first be washed and placed on the bottom of an enamel saucepan. Fill the green mass with hot water and place on the stove. Heat the liquid until the first bubbles appear, remove from the stove. Cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. Pour three glasses of hot water over the fermented leaves and leave for 5-10 minutes.

The resulting liquid is used as a regular tea brew, that is, the required amount of hot water is added, bringing the drink to the required strength. Instead of sugar, it is better to flavor the infusion with a teaspoon of honey. You can use the leafy mass for brewing 2-3 times, and the release of beneficial substances will only increase.

On a note! You don’t have to brew fireweed tea, but make a cold infusion. Take a teaspoon of tea leaves for a glass of cold water and leave for 12 hours. This drink is more healthy because vitamins and minerals are not destroyed due to the lack of heat treatment.

Contraindications to the use of the drink

Ivan tea is a medicinal plant, so there are a number of contraindications to drinking the drink. Children can drink it from the age of two and only after consultation with a pediatrician. The same applies to pregnant and lactating women. Taking fireweed is contraindicated in case of increased blood clotting, risk of thrombosis, varicose veins, arrhythmia, glomerulonephritis. You should not drink it every time, as gastrointestinal dysfunction may develop. When you stop taking it, the activity of the digestive system will quickly recover. Allergies and individual intolerances may occur.

Benefits and harms of Ivan tea

Manufacturers of fireweed tea offer a wide range of raw materials with the addition of other components. At the same time, the beneficial properties of fireweed are completely preserved and complemented by the qualities of another ingredient, and the list of contraindications is also expanded. Let's look at the most popular varieties of the drink.

With oregano

Oregano is an excellent component that complements the delicate taste of fireweed tea with the thick aroma of essential oils. When added, the drink will help improve brain activity, improve memory, and relieve depression. The miraculous herb will give women health, as it helps regulate the menstrual cycle and helps treat infertility and inflammatory processes in the pelvis. It is better to take the infusion at night, because it has a pronounced sedative effect. Oregano will eliminate problems with the functioning of the digestive system, help you quickly recover from a cold and remove phlegm from the bronchi.

The list of contraindications will be expanded during pregnancy. It is better for men to limit the consumption of herbal tea, as it adversely affects potency. For brewing, use 300 ml of hot water and 1 teaspoon of tea leaves. Infusion time is 10 minutes.

With mint

Mint will give Koporye tea the ability to heal pathologies of the cardiovascular system, eliminate the unpleasant feeling of nausea, and dilate blood vessels. Colds and pain of various etiologies will subside much faster. Inflammation in the lungs and bronchi will quickly pass, and difficult-to-separate sputum will leave the body. Tea with mint helps awaken appetite, disinfect the mouth and cleanse the liver. Coporka with mint will help women ease the course of menopause.
A number of contraindications include:

  • hypotension;
  • childhood;
  • heartburn;
  • infertility;
  • drowsiness.

Important! Mint also helps reduce libido in the stronger sex, so men should drink tea in limited quantities.

Brew medicinal herbal tea at the rate of a teaspoon per glass of hot water. Leave for at least 10-15 minutes.

With milk

Ivan tea has a very low calorie content; 100 g of dried herb contains only 103 kcal. If you consider that only 3-5 g of raw materials are taken for brewing, the drink will be practically calorie-free. Adding milk increases the nutritional value of the product by up to 10 kcal.

If you use milk instead of water for brewing, the finished tea can easily replace breakfast or a snack, since it will contain 80-120 kcal. In this case, all the beneficial properties of milk will be transferred to the infusion. The product of animal origin is an irreplaceable source of calcium and trace elements. Brew fireweed with hot milk, using a teaspoon of tea leaves per glass of liquid.

With thyme

Thyme has a unique spicy aroma, so it has long been used as a universal seasoning. It successfully copes with inflammation, stress, insomnia, and reduces swelling. Herbs increase lactation and eliminate fermentation processes in the intestines, contain antioxidants, and strengthen the immune system.

When adding thyme, herbal tea will be contraindicated for persons with pathologies of the cardiovascular system, especially atrial fibrillation. Pyelonephritis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, hepatitis, thyroid dysfunction, pregnancy are strict contraindications to taking medicinal tea. You need to brew it 2 teaspoons per 600 ml of hot water.

Know! Thanks to essential oils and flavonoids, the tea leaves can be used up to four times without losing its beneficial properties.

With sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn contains a large amount of antioxidants and youth vitamins - A and E. Adding this component to the sea buckthorn will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and blood composition. Severe menopause and prostate problems will be left behind. Of the contraindications to use, only individual intolerance was noted. Brew the mixture as usual, but increase the infusion time to 20-30 minutes. An excellent solution is to use a thermos for brewing.

With linden

Linden is famous for its anti-cold properties, and together with fireweed, it will help you recover faster after a serious illness and strengthen your immune system. Linden increases the tone of the body, has a mild diuretic and choleretic effect, promotes weight loss and restoration of normal metabolism.

This wonderful plant will not add any contraindications to the main list. Even children and pregnant women, after consulting a doctor, can drink healing tea made from linden and fireweed. For brewing, use 15 g of the collection per glass of hot water, leave for 15 minutes.

With rosehip

Rose hips greatly enhance the benefits of herbal tea, since in many ways its composition is similar to fireweed. Rosehip will eliminate hypovitaminosis, help improve liver function, lower cholesterol, and improve memory. Colds and inflammatory diseases, depression, stress, anemia will recede under the onslaught of two natural healers. The collection is contraindicated for hypotension and a tendency to thrombosis, heart pathologies, and stomach ulcers.

Advice! It is better to use a thermos for brewing. For 200 ml of water, take a teaspoon of dried herbal mixture.

With raspberries

The chemical composition of raspberry leaves contains natural aspirin, so the forest guest has long been known as an excellent remedy for colds and inflammatory processes. Raspberries strengthen blood vessels, stimulate digestion, slow down aging, improve metabolism, remove excess fluid and toxins.


Ivan tea is a natural medicine, so before using it it is important to weigh the benefits and harm to the body. With the right approach, a herbal healer can prolong longevity and improve health.

© 2018 Health by Nature · Information is provided for informational purposes.

The chemical composition of this tea is rich in essential substances (mint oil), tannins, betaine, beneficial acids (ascorbic, oleanolic) and flavonoids, which have an antioxidant, bactericidal, wound-healing effect. Ivan tea and mint have a positive effect on the body.

How can this blend of Russian tea be useful?

Calming effect: a tea drink made from Ivan tea and mint normalizes sleep and has a relaxing effect. This tea will also be useful for nervous disorders. Ivan tea with mint is useful to drink after a working day, before a night's rest. Then we can say with a high probability that the body will recover and fully rest after a working day.

Analgesic effect: fireweed and mint help with heartburn and nausea. Tannin, which is found in both angustifolia fireweed and mint itself, helps protect the intestines from irritation.

Mint also has a positive and healing effect on diseases of the cardiovascular system. Ivan tea with mint reduces increased heart rate, dilates blood vessels and generally has a stimulating effect on the activity of the heart.

Buy Russian Ivan tea fermented with mint

Tall grass with bright pink or purple tassels of inflorescences grows literally under our feet. Scientists call it “fireweed,” herbalists call it “fireweed tea.” The benefits and harms of the plant, which is often removed from vegetable gardens and front gardens like an ordinary weed, are appreciated not only by domestic herbalists. Even Europeans have been brewing aromatic and healthy “Russian tea” from fireweed since the 17th century.

What is rich in Ivan tea?

The health benefits and harms of fireweed, like any other herb, are associated with the action of substances contained in the leaves, roots, stems and flowers. The narrow leaves of fireweed contain so many valuable substances that it would be enough to compile an entire table!

Chemical composition of fireweed tea:

  • alimentary fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • tannins;
  • organic compounds;
  • phenols;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • pectin derivatives;
  • vitamins A, B and C;
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • starch;
  • carotene.

Medicinal properties of “Russian tea”

If you are not a chemist, it is difficult to judge by the composition of a product how useful it is. Experts say that the components of the plant, on the basis of which “Russian tea” is prepared, endowed it with medicinal properties.

Healing properties of fireweed tea:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • relieving inflammation and pain;
  • destruction of pathogenic bacteria;
  • improved vision;
  • combating nausea and vomiting;
  • treatment of seizures;
  • beneficial effects on stress and emotional instability;
  • restoration of normal sleep;
  • decreased tendency to bleed;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • counteracting the aging process;
  • treatment of hyperthermia;
  • wound healing;
  • removal of toxins from the body;
  • prevention of increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • preventing the formation of stones in the urinary and gall bladder;
  • normalization of metabolism and peripheral circulation;
  • normalization of heart rate, central nervous system and blood pressure;
  • promoting intestinal motility and proper functioning of the digestive system;
  • getting rid of “male” and “female” problems;
  • preventing the development of cancer and atherosclerosis.

Popular recipes for a healing drink

To get rid of various diseases, you can independently prepare infusions and decoctions of fireweed. Compliance with the recipe and rules of administration will help you quickly improve your health and avoid possible harm. Select the problem that bothers you and find the corresponding recipe.

Headache, sleep disturbances, stomach ulcer:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. dry fireweed tea pour 1 tbsp. boiling water
  2. Close the container with the liquid tightly and place it in a warm, dry room for 4-5 hours.
  3. Filter the infusion and drink 40 ml 4 times a day.

Colitis and gastritis:

  1. Finely chop the dried fireweed and add 0.3 liters of water.
  2. Place the pan with the preparation on the stove and bring to a boil.
  3. Simmer the broth over low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. Strain the product and take 20 ml three times a day.

This decoction is used to treat any damage to the skin: wounds, burns, abscesses, bedsores.

Viral infections and low hemoglobin:

  1. Dry the roots of the plant, chop and place 15 g in an enamel bowl.
  2. Fill the raw material with 0.3 liters of water.
  3. Boil the medicine and then keep it on low heat for half an hour.
  4. Cool the broth, pass through cheesecloth and drink 10 ml 4 times a day.

Inflammation of the pancreas:

  1. Dip 15 g of dry raw materials in 300 ml of boiling water.
  2. Keep the tea in a warm place for 40 minutes.
  3. Use 2 tbsp. l. medications 5 times a day.


  1. Brew 30 g of dried herb in 0.4 liters of boiled water.
  2. Leave the product for a couple of hours.
  3. Drink the infusion before breakfast and bedtime.

Bleeding, including heavy periods:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. chopped dry fireweed pour 0.3 liters of boiled water.
  2. Keep the mixture warm for 1 hour, then strain.
  3. Drink 2 tbsp. l. healing liquid 3 times a day.


  1. Collect leaves from thickets of mint, lemon balm, strawberry meadows in the forest, ordinary garden parsley, mantle and, of course, fireweed.
  2. Carefully chop and mix the greens in equal parts.
  3. Brew 1 tbsp. l. mixture in 0.4 liters of boiling water.
  4. Keep the collection warm for about a third of an hour.
  5. Drink 100 ml of the mixture four times a day.

How fireweed defeated classic tea

The benefits and harms of fireweed tea for the body will also appear if you consume it instead of the usual hot drink that we are used to pampering ourselves with during the “sweet table”. Dry or fresh leaves of the plant can be brewed in the same way and in the same proportions as classic tea.

Doctors are confident that this is the best solution for people who are afraid of the harmful effects of caffeine. There is more than enough of this substance and other alkaloids in “overseas” teas. They deplete the nervous system, depriving a person of strength, and aggravate hypertension. If you replace tea with a drink made from fireweed, you can not only avoid such troubles, but also provide the opposite effect.

Ivan-chai sometimes becomes a “bad guy”

It is impossible to abuse medicinal plants - homeopaths and herbalists often talk about this. Lovers of fireweed tea who ignored this advice had to deal with very unpleasant phenomena - decreased potency and intestinal upset.

When you brew tea from fireweed, remember that benefits and contraindications are mutually exclusive concepts.

Prohibitions on taking fireweed drinks and medicines:

  • individual intolerance to the plant;
  • simultaneous use of sedatives (disturbance of the nervous system may develop);
  • combination with antipyretic medications (you risk greatly reducing body temperature).

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Until recently I drank literally liters of it. 10 cups a day is not the limit. But then my body decided that it would not tolerate such bullying and failed. In the form of severe exacerbation of gastritis. 😧

In general, I had to forget about tea and coffee. Why, at first the water made me feel bad.

But after healing, I gradually began to miss tea, but after the next mug I felt bad. Alas.

I had to look for an alternative.

Now I really respect different herbal teas. And then I saw a new product on the shelves - packaged Ivan tea, and even with my favorite additives - mint and lemon balm. And even on promotion.

The tea turned out to be wonderful. With a light herbal taste, an unobtrusive aroma of mint and a subtle note of lemon balm.

The tea brews well and is delicious both hot and cold.

When cold it is wonderfully refreshing.

And when you read about the beneficial properties of fireweed, you immediately realize that it’s a miracle, not a drink. . It improves metabolic processes, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and fights tumors and a lot more - I wanted to insert a quote, but the list of useful properties is off the charts and it turns out to be more than my entire review ☺

The packaging is standard cardboard. It contains 20 tea bags. I liked that each bag is protected by cellophane from moisture and foreign odors.

The composition is ideal: fireweed, mint, lemon balm.



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