What can you make pizza from at home? How to quickly make pizza at home. The most delicious Margherita pizza at home

What can you make pizza from at home? How to quickly make pizza at home. The most delicious Margherita pizza at home

What could be better than homemade pizza prepared according to an original Italian recipe? Crispy crust, delicate sauce, viscous cheese and fresh vegetables - all this cannot be compared with a store-bought product. Traditionally, pizza is cooked in the oven, but culinary experts have also come up with recipes that allow you to create a dish in a frying pan. It all depends on time and imagination, the main thing is to follow practical recommendations and not violate the exposure time.

Pizza "Four cheese"


  • rye flour - 550 gr.
  • milk (fat content from 1.5%) - 280 ml.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • dry baker's yeast - 10 gr.
  • olive oil - 90 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 35 gr.
  • crushed salt - 3 pinches


  • Parmesan cheese - 90 gr.
  • Mozzarella cheese - 120 gr.
  • Emmental cheese - 100 gr.
  • cheese "Fontina" - 80 gr.
  • dried basil
  • ground black pepper
  • olive oil
  1. Sift the flour, mix it with other bulk ingredients (salt, sugar, yeast).
  2. In a separate container, beat the egg, add olive oil and milk along the side of the bowl.
  3. Carefully pour the mixture into the mixture with flour, stir with a fork so that no lumps form. Then turn on the mixer and knead the dough until smooth.
  4. Cover the container with the dough with a waffle towel or cotton napkin and place in a warm place for 1 hour. The mass should rise and thicken.
  5. When the time is up, pour a little flour onto the cutting table, grease your hands with it and place the dough on the surface. Form the mixture into a round or square cake (thickness about 5-7 mm).
  6. Line a baking sheet with foil or baking paper and carefully move the pizza base around. Brush the dough with olive oil and poke holes with a fork to ensure it bakes evenly.
  7. Grate or otherwise chop all types of cheeses, place them in the following order: place Mozzarella on the bottom, then alternately place Fontina, Emmental, Parmesan.
  8. Gently press the cheese mass with your hands, sprinkle with dried basil and pepper. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place a baking sheet there for 25 minutes.

Ideally, you should have a pizza with a delicate golden hue, crispy crust and gooey cheese.


  • wheat flour - 450 gr.
  • Dry baker's yeast (quick rise) - 10 gr.
  • corn or vegetable oil - 85 ml.
  • milk or purified water - 275 ml.


  • Cherry tomatoes - 200 gr.
  • chicken fillet - 600 gr.
  • Mozzarella cheese - 240 gr.
  • Dutch cheese - 60 gr.
  • Parmesan cheese - 110 gr.
  • Iceberg lettuce - 3 leaves
  • mayonnaise - 145 gr.
  • soy sauce - 80 ml.
  • lemon juice - 75 ml.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • rye crackers “3 crusts”
  • parsley dill
  • pepper, salt
  1. Pass the flour through a sieve, combine it with salt, add the yeast.
  2. Without ceasing to stir, add oil (vegetable, corn). Heat water or milk to 40 degrees, pour it along the edge of the wall of the dish, while stirring with a fork, knead the lumps.
  3. When the mixture is completely wet, beat it with a mixer, then knead the dough on the cutting table. The final composition should not stick to your hands.
  4. Wrap the container in a towel or wrap it in cling film and place in a warm place for 1 hour. Start preparing the pizza toppings.
  5. Cut the chicken fillet into slices or cubes, add salt and pepper, and fry in a frying pan until golden brown. Then add filtered water and simmer for another 5-7 minutes until the meat is tender.
  6. Pour the mayonnaise into a deep bowl, press the garlic through a crush and add to the bowl. Place lemon juice and soy sauce there, mix everything until smooth.
  7. Roll out the dough to the desired size, place it on a baking sheet lined with baking paper or foil. Brush with sauce and poke holes with a fork.
  8. Cut the Mozzarella into cubes and place on the dough on top of the sauce. Place fried chicken fillet and halved cherry tomatoes between pieces of cheese.
  9. Preheat the oven to 190-200 degrees, place the pizza there and bake for a quarter of an hour. When the time is up, take it out, lay out the chopped lettuce leaves and crackers, and pour the rest of the sauce over everything. Grate Parmesan cheese over all ingredients and serve immediately.


  • rye flour - 450 gr.
  • kefir or yogurt - 230 ml.
  • soda - 3 pinches
  • salt - 5 pinches


  • bell pepper - 0.5 pcs.
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • yellow onion - 1 pc.
  • pitted olives - 100 gr.
  • bacon - 125 gr.
  • Parmesan cheese - 280-300 gr.
  • mayonnaise, ketchup (tomato paste)
  • pepper, salt, spices (optional)
  1. Sift the flour. In a separate bowl, mix kefir, salt and soda, wait 10 minutes until the mixture begins to bubble. After this period, add the mixture to the flour and mix with a fork.
  2. Knead the dough, it should be soft and not stick to your hands. Then roll out into a thin cake about 7 mm thick, make holes with a fork or toothpick.
  3. Cover a baking sheet with paper or foil and lay out the dough. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, place a baking sheet, bake the cake for 10 minutes.
  4. Cut the onion into half rings, chop the tomatoes into thin slices. Peel the pepper, chop it into strips, divide the olives into 2 parts, grate one part of the cheese on a fine grater, and the second on a coarse grater. Chop the bacon into slices or squares (optional).
  5. Remove the dough from the oven, mix mayonnaise and ketchup (tomato paste) in equal proportions, brush the shortbread with sauce. Carefully process the edges so that they are not dry.
  6. Add onion half rings, bacon, olives, and bell peppers. Sprinkle cheese on top and place tomato slices. Place the pizza in the oven for 20-25 minutes. The cheese should melt and “bubble”.


  • wheat flour - 400 gr.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • butter - 50 gr.
  • full fat milk - 200 ml.
  • salt pepper


  • champignons - 225 gr.
  • lard - 65 gr.
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Parmesan or Dutch cheese - 300 gr.
  • minced meat (pork, beef) - 275 gr.
  • white onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • dill, parsley
  • ketchup, mayonnaise
  1. Heat the milk to 50 degrees, cut the butter into pieces and add to a bowl. Stir until the mixture is homogeneous. Cool the mixture, break the egg and beat with a mixer for 5 minutes.
  2. Sift the flour, combine it with salt and pepper, then slowly add it to the previous mixture, stirring at the same time.
  3. Knead the dough on a flat surface so that it stops sticking to your hands. Roll out the cake to a thickness of 6-10 mm.
  4. Take a frying pan with a thick bottom, grease it with oil and lay out the dough. Combine ketchup and mayonnaise, apply it to the crust, and make holes with a fork. Important! If you don't have a thick-bottomed frying pan, use regular non-stick cookware. The main thing is to first cover it with foil and grease it with oil so that the dough does not stick.
  5. Cut the bacon and champignons into thin slices and place them on the base. Add tomato slices, onion half rings, minced meat (you can pre-fry it).
  6. Cover with a lid, place the pan on low heat, and simmer for 10 minutes. After this period, cover the ingredients with grated cheese, chop the herbs, wait another quarter of an hour.


  • sour cream with fat content from 20% - 280 gr.
  • chicken/quail egg - 2/5 pcs., respectively
  • premium flour - 200 gr.
  • baking powder for dough - 7 gr.
  • black pepper, salt


  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • sweet pepper - 0.5 pcs.
  • pitted olives - 50 gr.
  • chicken breast - 200 gr.
  • ham - 100 gr.
  • smoked sausage or servelat - 70 gr.
  • sausages (optional) - 1 pc.
  • hard cheese (any) - 250 gr.
  • dill
  1. Beat the eggs with sour cream until the mixture doubles in size. Mix flour, salt, pepper, baking powder into one loose mixture, add to the whipped mixture.
  2. Sift the flour over a bowl, stir at the same time with two forks, a mixer or a whisk, avoiding the formation of lumps. Knead the dough on the kitchen table, roll it out to the desired thickness (1 cm is enough).
  3. Cut the tomatoes into thin half rings, chop the pepper, ham, smoked sausage and sausages. Braise the chicken breast, then cut it into slices with a sharp knife. Cut the olives and dill, grate the cheese.
  4. Line the pan with foil or grease with butter. Place the dough and filling and set the stove to low heat. Cover with a lid, simmer for 15 minutes, then sprinkle with cheese, garnish with dill and bring the pizza until cooked (another 5-10 minutes).


  • flour (rye, oatmeal) - 200 gr.
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • sour cream (fat content from 20%) - 130 gr.
  • baking powder for dough - 10 gr.
  • salt, sugar


  • canned pineapple - 50 gr.
  • pickled cucumber - 0.5 pcs.
  • canned corn - 50 gr.
  • ham - 140 gr.
  • boiled sausage - 60 gr.
  • tomato - 2 pcs.
  • hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • parsley, dill, basil
  • mayonnaise, tomato paste
  1. Grind sour cream with salt, sugar and baking powder, add eggs to the mixture, beat with a whisk for 10 minutes. Sift the flour and slowly add it to the remaining ingredients, continue stirring. The dough should turn out creamy; if necessary, dilute it with milk.
  2. Drain the syrup from the pineapples and place the fruits on a waffle or paper towel to absorb excess moisture. Cut half the cucumber into very thin (translucent) slices and prepare the corn.
  3. Grind the boiled sausage and ham into strips, cut the tomatoes into rings. Chop the dill, basil and parsley, mix the herbs with pre-grated cheese.
  4. Grease a cold frying pan with a thick bottom with butter or vegetable oil, pour in the dough, close the lid, and fry over low heat for 5 minutes.
  5. After the expiration date, combine tomato paste with mayonnaise, grate the cake, place sausage, ham, and cucumber in the first row. Place pineapples and tomatoes on top in a checkerboard pattern, sprinkle with cheese and herbs. Bake for 10-15 minutes, constantly monitor readiness.

There are many options for making pizza at home; we have looked at the most delicious and popular ones. You can cook the product both in the oven and in a frying pan. If you don’t have yeast on hand, don’t worry, knead the dough using kefir or yogurt. Change the proportions of the filling at your discretion, add additional components.

Video: top 5 ways to make delicious pizza

In this article I will present a variety of recipes on how to make pizza simply and quickly.

From this it already becomes clear that light pizza is prepared with a minimum of ingredients, and also provides for a simplified dough preparation process.

The secret to preparing the dish is simple. Cooking does not hide it from its loyal fans who want to bake pizza. Instead of preparing dough, you should use a baguette, plain bread, pita bread or loaf.

You can even buy puff pastry at the store or cook pizza in 5 minutes using the aspic method. In fact, there are many recipes.

You just need to choose one to have a large instant pizza appear on your table.

Why are many people interested in how to make pizza easily? Of course, homemade products are always tastier than those that you can taste in a nearby cafe or buy in a store.

I will present the recipe below. As for the filling, a simple pizza can be with tomatoes, onions, meat, sausage, peppers, olives, cheeses, mushrooms.

I’ll probably stop here, since the list could go on for too long.

It all depends on your personal preferences. All recipes can be modified at your discretion. I suggest you find out the simplest recipe right now.

And to make it clearer, I accompanied a simple algorithm of actions with a photo. Cooking will really be quick if you prepare everything correctly.

Below you will find useful recipes.

The fastest homemade pizza on pita bread in the oven

It's very easy to prepare.


2 pcs. cr. tomato; 1 PC. pita; piece of smoked meat sausages; 2 pcs. float cheesecakes; 30 gr. homemade mayonnaise and ketchup.

Let's prepare it like this:

  1. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into mugs. I chop the sausage into strips and grate the cheese to create large teeth. I mix mayonnaise and ketchup. I process the cheeses without adding any additives. The thing is that additives can spoil the taste and aroma of a future snack. The pizza will be very original and you will like it if you rely on your taste preferences. It won't be difficult to prepare it.
  2. I place lavash on a baking sheet. It's worth making homemade pita bread, but to speed up the pizza-making process, I recommend buying it from your local store.
  3. I grease the pita bread with ketchup and mayonnaise, put tomatoes, sausage, and sprinkle cheese on top. Then I cover it with herbs, ground pepper, and salt (but this should be done at will, if any step can be omitted). It turns out delicious!
  4. I send the sheet to bake in the oven at a temperature of 10 minutes. I cool the pizza and cut it into pieces. Treat all your guests to delicious pizza, which is easy to prepare.

Still, I’ll tell you how to prepare pita bread like the one in the photo at home: boil water in a metal cup, add 1 tbsp. salt and let the mixture cool. There should be sifted flour in another bowl.

Add salted water and knead using a mixer. If the lavash mixture turns out to be very thick, work the dough with the mixer a little longer.

It will become elastic and bunch up. 5 minutes will be enough to finish the kneading. As you can see, preparing it is not at all difficult. Afterwards, I knead the dough by hand.

Divide it into pieces and roll out thinner. Fry each layer on both sides in a frying pan. Place on a towel soaked in water. This will prevent the pita bread from drying out.

That's all, as you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparation, but the result of a delicious snack in the oven will really please you and your loved ones. Quick homemade pizza in the oven is ready, eat to your health!

Homemade pizza whipped up in the oven

Ingredients for filling: 1 onion (use red); 1 PC. tomato; 150 gr. cheese; 30 gr. ketchup.

You will also need about 30 ml of solution. oils for lubricating the mold.


  1. I'm whipping chickens. egg and mix with mayonnaise.
  2. I sift the flour and add it to the chicken mixture. eggs The mixture will be like liquid sour cream. I don’t add salt to the mixture, since mayonnaise is already salty.
  3. I grease the baking sheet, pour in the dough and level it so that the mass is distributed evenly. You can take a spoon for this purpose.
  4. I cover the dough with ketchup. I wash the tomato, cut it into mugs, and turn the red onion into layers like straws. I cut ham in the same way. I grate the cheese.
  5. I cover ham and other above-mentioned products with ketchup.
  6. Bake at moderate temperature for about 30 minutes in the oven. I serve the appetizer warm to the table for the family. Bon appetit everyone! It will be very tasty! Pizza will be the perfect complement to tea, which is what every housewife wants to achieve.

Quick mushroom pizza with kefir in the oven at home

Test components:

a little soda; 30 ml olives oils; 200 ml kefir (medium fat content); 1 PC. chickens egg; 12 tbsp flour.

Ingredients for the sauce: 1 pc. tomato; 15 gr. chopped basil; 40 gr. tomato paste.

Ingredients for filling: 3 pcs. champignons; 1 piece each pepper and onion; a little bit of cheese.

You can use olives to decorate pizza, but it is better if they are pitted. In general, I leave this point to your discretion.

It will turn out very tasty, without a doubt, please your family more often!

Cooking at home:

  1. I make chicken dough. beaten egg, warm kefir and olives. oils I add soda. You can use baking powder instead. I stir the mass. I sow the flour and add it to the mixture as well. You need to constantly stir the mixture so that there are no lumps.
  2. The dough will be thick. Cover a baking sheet with parchment and grease it with baking paper. oil and pour out the mixture.
  3. Pour hot water over the tomato for 5 minutes. Cool and remove the peel. I chop the pulp and put it in a bowl with tomato paste. Cook on fire until boiling. The delicious mixture is complemented with basil. Cook for another 1 minute and let the mixture cool.
  4. I cover the dough with sauce. The end result will be very tasty.
  5. I cut the onion into strips. I put it on top of the sauce.
  6. I cut the pepper into cubes and place it on top of the onion.
  7. I wash the mushrooms, clean them, add water and cook them. The water needs to be salted. Cook the mixture for 15 minutes. Drain the water and let the mixture cool. Slice the mushrooms into slices and cover the onions with a layer.
  8. I grate the cheese and sprinkle it on top. The cheese needs to be tasty. I cut the olives into pieces and put them on the cheese. I send the cake to bake for 30 minutes in the oven.
  9. I let the pizza cool a little and serve it with fresh coffee or herbal tea. That's it, the recipe has come to an end. It's time to try it in action.

And below is another interesting quick snack. Don't forget to try a slice of delicious homemade pizza in person, prepared in your own kitchen!

Layered delicious pizza

Test components:

750 gr. flour; 2 packs sl. oils; 130 ml milk; 40 ml water; 1 PC. chickens egg; 20 gr. sah. sand; half pack yeast (take instant); salt.

Ingredients for filling: 150 gr. sausages; 50 gr. ketchup; 100 gr. TV cheese.

Prepare as indicated in the algorithm:

  1. I make puff pastry from yeast. Pour warm water into the bowl and add yeast, half the specified portion of sugar. I stir and leave in a warm place. 30 minutes under a towel will be enough.
  2. I'm whipping chickens. egg, you can use a fork for this. Mix with milk, add the yeast mixture. I stir again.
  3. Mix flour with salt and sugar. I pour it on the table. Sl. The butter needs to be given a little time to melt. I cut it into cubes and put it on the table. I chop with a knife. At the same time I mix with flour.
  4. I don’t knead the dough with my hands, because if you knead by hand, it won’t be flaky. I make a hole in the flour mixture and pour in a lot of yeast. I'm making a batch. I make the dough smooth, but don’t stir it for long so that it doesn’t stop being flaky. I form a ball and wrap it in food. film. I leave it in a cool place for several hours.
  5. I use the dough defrosted. At this time I cut the sausage into slices and grate the cheese. I do everything quickly and carefully.
  6. I roll out the sl. Form the dough into a layer and place it on a sheet lined with parchment. I form the sides.
  7. I grease the dough with tomato paste or ketchup - decide for yourself. I cover it with ham, then cheese. I send it to bake for 15 minutes in the oven. Prepare a delicious snack very quickly in your own kitchen.

An original way to whip up oven-baked pizza


1 baguette; 50 ml tomato paste (preferably homemade); 200 gr. TV cheese; 1 PC. pepper; 140 gr. smoked sausage; 8 pcs. olives; half can cons. pineapple; 2 pcs. boiled sausages.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I cut the baguette into 2 parts. I grease it with tomato paste or ketchup, this is at your personal discretion.
  2. I cut the pepper into 2 parts, wash it and chop it into strips. I cover the baguette.
  3. I cut the sausage into cubes and place it on the pepper, covering 1 layer of baguette.
  4. I cut the olives into rings, remove the pits and put them on a baguette with smoked sausage.
  5. On another baguette I put sausages in the form of cubes and pineapples.
  6. I divide the cheese into pieces and grate it. I sprinkle it on the baguette. Place the pizzas on a baking sheet and bake until the cheese melts. This will take 5 minutes at most, at moderate temperatures.
  7. I take out the pizza and cool it. I advise you to cut the pizza into pieces to treat everyone in the household. But serving the whole pizza is also possible.

Hawaiian pizza that cooks very quickly

Ingredients: ready-made dough; tomato sauce with herbs; Parmesan cheese, olives; a pineapple; sausage.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I preheat the oven to 250 gr.
  2. I roll out the dough and make a round cake. I sprinkle it with flour. I apply the sauce.
  3. I cover it with pineapple and olives. They should be cut into slices. Sprinkle with chopped sausage and cheese. I switch the oven to 200 gr. I bake a delicious pizza in 10 minutes.
  4. I decorate with greenery. That's all, a delicious snack prepared really very quickly.

By the way, sausage can be replaced with chicken.

Chicken pizza with mushrooms


any ready-made dough; ketchup; mozzarella cheese; chicken fillet; mushrooms; Cherry tomatoes; olives; basil; mushrooms.

I don’t indicate the number of components, since you need to vary them in equal parts, relying on the size of the pizza.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I cut the pickled champignons into slices. I cook the meat and separate it into fibers. I cut the tomatoes into two parts, the olives into rings, and the cheese into parts.
  2. I assemble the pizza and send it to bake at 200 degrees. for 15 minutes. During this time, the pizza will be ready.

Oven pizza with sour cream

Ingredients for the dough: 30 gr. flour; 20 gr. sour cream (take low-fat); 3 pcs. chickens eggs

Ingredients for filling: 160 gr. salami; 1 PC. tomato; 100 gr. TV cheese; half pcs. pepper; 60 gr. ketchup; half a bunch of parsley.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I kill chickens. eggs in a bowl. I add sour cream. I beat the mass so that it is fluffy.
  2. I sift the flour and add it to the chicken mixture. eggs and sour cream. I mix using Art. spoons. The mixture will be liquid and uniform.
  3. I cut the tomato into cubes, like the pepper, but the sausage should be in the form of circles.
  4. I wash my parsley and chop it.
  5. I take the mold, grease the grease. oil and pour in the dough.
  6. I spread the ketchup over the layer and put the rest of the ingredients, but the greens and cheese last.
  7. I bake in the oven until done. It should be cooked at moderate temperature. My pizza is ready in 30 minutes.

The recipe has come to an end, but the article has not yet.

  • To make instant pizza dough, you don't need to make any special efforts, and the number of ingredients varies. Everything will depend on how much pizza will be eaten at one time.
  • Baking baked in a piping hot oven and served on the table is always tastier than heated in a microwave. I advise you to prepare small pizzas so that the pizza is completely eaten at one time.
  • The secret of Italian pizza dough is that you can knead it and, if necessary, defrost it for cooking.
  • Pizzas should be baked in different sizes and flavors. Don't be afraid to experiment in the kitchen, rely on your own preferences.
  • There are a lot of fillings, and you have the right to create your own original one!
  • You need to take all ready-made ingredients for making pizza. They must be heat treatable.
  • It's worth making the raw pizza dough ahead of time. The option of freezing the finished pizza is also possible. It should be well packaged and placed in a container, wrapped in film.
  • The basis of pizza has been known since the times of Ancient Egypt, and therefore the recipe is difficult to spoil, feel free to change the ingredients and add something of your own to it.
  • When making fillings and sauces, you should rely on your personal preferences. A dish can have the most unexpected compositions.

Well, choose a recipe and delight your family with delicious dishes. Don't forget to read other recipes on my website.

I constantly post new recipes not only for salty snacks, but also for sweet baked goods.

My video recipe

Hello my dear and beloved readers and guests of my blog. Today I will tell you how to make homemade pizza. I think many will support me in the fact that everything cooked at home always tastes better. And not only because we choose the products and recipes for cooking ourselves.

And most importantly, homemade food tastes better because we cook for ourselves with soul and love. And of course, the Italian pie, beloved in Russia, is no exception.

I don’t like it when my family buys it or orders it to their home, so I cook it quite often. In addition, it is much cheaper than overpaying for a ready-made one. And, in principle, it doesn’t take much time to bake it.

I like it when there is a lot of cheese on the pizza and the base is not very thin. But this is all for everyone, so I will describe in detail several cooking options. I wrote a previous article about the dough. So you can look at the methods of preparing it or use those suggested in this article.

And you can use my recipes or, based on them, create your own masterpieces in a hurry. Because there are no specific canons for preparing this pastry, you can use your imagination or just put whatever you have on hand.

Before sharing recipes about baking, I always remind you that always sift the flour before starting to knead. Your product will only get better from it.

Before we start making pizza, let's look at one of the simplest pizza dough recipes. This recipe is the easiest to prepare. Minimum cost of products and time.


  • Flour - 2 -3 cups
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups
  • Water - 0.5 cups
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - salt to taste

Method of its preparation:

1. Pour half a glass of vegetable oil, salt and half a glass of hot boiled water into a bowl. Mix everything together.

2. Then add sifted flour portionwise. Pour baking powder in there.

3. And start kneading the dough. At first it is convenient to stir with a spatula or spoon. Then knead with your hands. It should become elastic.

Look at the dough to see how much flour you actually need. It should not stick to your hands. It should be soft and elastic. When you achieve this effect, it’s ready.

4. Transfer it to a bowl, cover with film or a lid and leave it to rest for half an hour, and then you can start rolling out.

Now let's start preparing the pizza itself.

Homemade baked goods with sausage, cheese and tomatoes

This recipe is my favorite. I love this combination of products. I really prefer to do it in smaller portions. I’ll just make several of these pies from the same quantity. Well, it depends on who you like, or depending on the baking sheet.


  • Dough - 0.5 kg (see recipe above)
  • Boiled sausage - 250 gr.
  • Cervelat - 250 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.
  • Cheese - 200 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and cut the pepper into cubes. Then cut into cubes the tomato, pickles and two types of sausage.

2. To finish preparing the filling, grate the cheese.

3. Pre-grease the baking sheet with oil or place parchment paper in it. Roll out the finished dough and place it on a baking sheet. Apply ketchup and mayonnaise sauce to it.

4. Then place the filling there in any random order, but it is better to alternate juicy with dry. Compact the filling with your hand and sprinkle with herbs. Sprinkle everything on top with plenty of cheese.

5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet with pizza there for 25 minutes.

We take out the fragrant beauty and enjoy. Cover it with baking paper or a towel to make it softer.

Cooking Italian pie quickly and easily

Here's another recipe for pizza toppings. In general, the combination of “sausage and cheese” is present quite often in the preparation of this dish. All that remains is to choose your favorite varieties or even use several.


  • Ready dough - 400-500 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 1-2 pcs.
  • Mozzarella cheese - 150-200 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 150-200 gr.
  • Sausage (any) - 250 gr.
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise - to taste
  • Greens - to taste

1. Cut the sausage into strips or semicircles as you like. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the mozzarella into slices. And finally, cut the tomato into rounds too.

2. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet. Roll out the yeast-free base to the thickness you need and place it on a baking sheet. Then place sausage, mozzarella, and tomatoes on it one by one.

3. Cover with grated cheese on top and place in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

4. After 15-20 minutes, the pizza is ready. If you wish, you can sprinkle with green leaves.

Just like that. You'll have great homemade pizza in less than an hour. Agree, when ordering it by phone or online with delivery, you may wait longer and pay more.

Puff pastry for pizza on water

It turns out very tasty on a puff base. You can buy it ready-made directly in the store, or you can prepare it yourself. I prefer to buy it, since the preparation process takes a fair amount of time, but sometimes I still make it at home.

If you chose the second method, I have attached a good recipe for you. It is made from two different types - one with butter, the second - with water, using vinegar.


For test #1:

  • Butter - 250 gr.
  • Flour - 150 gr.

For test #2:

  • Flour - 350-400 gr.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Cold water - 160 ml.
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - half a teaspoon

Cooking method:

1. First we make the first base. Mix the butter with flour, chop it into small pieces and knead until you get an elastic lump.

2. Now we make the second base. Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt and stir.

3. Pour cold water into a glass (you can keep it in the freezer to cool it in advance), break an egg into it and stir. And then add one spoon of vinegar and stir again.

4. Make a hole in the flour and add water and egg there in several additions and mix.

5. Start kneading the dough. At first it is convenient to mix a little with a spatula, then with your hands. During the kneading process, sprinkle flour on the table and knead it on the table. It should become elastic and not stick to your hands. Both bases should feel the same to the touch.

6. Roll out the vinegar base and place the butter base in the middle, then wrap it in an envelope. Wrap in film and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

7. After 30 minutes, sprinkle the table with flour and place it seam side down. Roll it out so that the two doughs are evenly distributed. Then place it back in the envelope, seam side down, put it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

8. Then roll it out again, put it in an envelope and again in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. And roll it out one last time and fold it into a roll.

The dough is ready to use. We specially rolled it out three times so that there were more layers. You can repeat this procedure several more times.

Mini pizza made from ready-made puff pastry

Amazing recipe. No matter how much I made pizza, it never even occurred to me to make it this way. I'll definitely try it.


  • Ready puff pastry - 500 gr.
  • Boiled sausage - 250 gr.
  • Cheese - 200 gr.
  • Ketchup - 100 gr.

Description of preparation: Sprinkle parchment paper with flour and roll out the dough on it. Spread ketchup on top (I usually like to mix it with mayonnaise). Cut the sausage into cubes and place on the base, grate the cheese and sprinkle on top.

Wrap it all in a roll and cut into pieces of about 2 cm. Place the cut rolls on a baking sheet, sprinkle a little more cheese on top and bake in the oven. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake for approximately 20 minutes.

Such cute mini pizzas. And they look delicious. No, you definitely need to try this. When the finished dough is already stored in the refrigerator, the cooking process itself takes no more than half an hour. Fast and easy.

Quick recipe for baking with mushrooms

Mushrooms with cheese are also one of the most common combinations in pizza toppings. In summer and autumn there is a larger selection of mushrooms than in winter and spring. And so, you can take champignons, you can always buy them in the store.


  • Puff pastry - 400 gr.
  • Mushrooms (champignons) - 350 gr.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Cheese - 100 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


1. Grate the cheese and cut the tomatoes into round slices. Cut the onion into a semicircle, then fry it.

2. Slice the champignons and fry them in a frying pan.

3. Lay out the finished puff base and give it the desired shape. Place all the ingredients there in random order, and sprinkle generously with grated cheese on top.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the pizza for 20 minutes.

The rosy and aromatic yummy is ready. It's best served while it's hot. However, this also applies to others.

In addition to your pizza toppings, you can add chopped olives, garlic, any fresh herbs, as well as dry seasonings. You can also get creative with the sauce, mix it separately, and then brush the dough.

The most successful and common sauce contains ketchup or tomato paste. You can mix it with mayonnaise and add various seasonings and herbs.

Well, that's all I have for today. Share your opinion in the comments. I hope the suggested recipes are useful to you. All the best to you.

Today's article will be about pizza. This Italian product, like pasta, has long taken root with us.

But it’s one thing to have a thin pancake on which lie several pieces of meat, sausage and vegetables, lightly covered with melted cheese on top, and another thing homemade pizzapie, in which you select all the ingredients and their quantities at your discretion. You can feed several adults enough to eat this pizza., with little finances. Compare for yourself:

I will say right away that the quantity of products will be given based on one and a half baking sheets, since we usually use a small baking sheet for those who have not eaten enough, and you have already themselves As you cook, you will select the amount of products that you consider optimal.

We will need:

1. Boiled sausage - 500 grams (take “Doctorskaya”);
2. Hard cheese - about 300 grams (usually we take “Dutch”);
3. Sunflower oil;
4. Flour;
5. Yeast (dry);
6. Tomatoes - 4 pcs;
7. Onions - 2 heads;
8. Fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs;
9. Greens;
10. Mayonnaise.

Take good quality mayonnaise and sausage, because we make what we love for ourselves. Bell peppers are not for everyone, but keep in mind that they add piquancy and flavor to the pizza.

Let's start with yeast dough, which is prepared in the same way as for cooking.
Take 400 grams of warm milk, one egg, half a teaspoon of salt, and mix everything.

Pour about 300 grams of flour on top of the milk - do not mix. Pour a packet of dry yeast on top of the flour, and now the whole thing can be mixed.

While kneading the dough, add flour little by little. Don't make the dough too dense. In many recipes they write that you need to add flour until the dough stops taking it and so that it does not stick to your hands. This case does not suit us, the dough should be soft and elastic. The denser the dough, the heavier the cake, and we need a light, porous cake. The dough will stick to your hands, but do not add flour, but rather grease your hands with sunflower oil.

This is what the dough should look like, now cover it with a towel and put it in a warm place for an hour and a half. You can fill the bathtub with warm water and place a cup of dough in it.

While the dough is rising, let's start cutting the products. Usually we carry out the cutting procedure with the whole family, it is quick, and everyone can say that they participated in the preparation of the pizza. Let's start, for example, with onions. Cut the onion into half rings.

We cut the tomatoes into rings; if that doesn’t work, then you can use half rings. There is no fundamental difference here.

The next step is to cut the bell pepper; if you don’t like it, you can add, for example, fried mushrooms. In a word - improvise.

It is advisable to cut cucumbers for pizza into thin slices - they are softer, and if the skin is hard, then cut it off.

Cut the sausage into small cubes. I repeat once again, don't skimp on sausage, you'll have to eat it yourself.

All that remains is to grate the cheese on a coarse grater and wait for our dough to rise.

When the dough is ready, you will see that it has increased several times.

Grease the pan with sunflower oil, separate a piece of approximately two-thirds of the dough from the main mass and distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the pan so that you get something like a large pancake.

Turn on the oven and set the regulator to 200 degrees. While you are forming the pizza, during this time your oven will heat up.
The final stage has begun. Take three teaspoons of tomato paste and dilute them in water to make a thick tomato juice, and spread it with a spoon over the surface of the pancake. Reserve some tomato for the remaining piece of dough. Place sausage on top in one layer.

Place cucumbers on the sausage and apply a little mayonnaise on top. Adjust the amount of mayonnaise according to your discretion and taste. Maybe someone likes it a lot, and someone likes it a little, again, use any mayonnaise, from classic varieties to light ones. Who likes it how?

Now we add bell pepper, but since not everyone in our family likes it, so only half of the pizza is covered with pepper. Instead of pepper, you can put, for example, mushrooms. Sprinkle the whole thing with onions on top, and to make the onions juicier and softer, lightly crush them in your hand until the juice appears, and again apply a little mayonnaise to the top layer.

We put tomatoes in one row, lightly apply mayonnaise and cover the whole thing with grated cheese.

Now we put the pizza in the oven for about twenty to twenty-five minutes. But periodically lift the edges of the cake and check its baking so that it does not burn. The time depends on how your oven bakes..

You can also watch a video about making homemade pizza pie.

Bon appetit!
Good luck!

Pizza is one of the most popular and favorite dishes all over the world. And many of us periodically want to please our loved ones with this delicious dish. But how to cook pizza? In this subcategory you will find the simplest and most delicious pizza recipes. This includes pizza without yeast, thin pizza, pizza in the oven and even pizza in a slow cooker.
In addition to the variety of dough and cooking methods, pizza also amazes with the variety of toppings. The most popular are pizzas with sausage, mushrooms, seafood and various types of cheese. But today, due to their boundless imagination, many housewives add onions, tomatoes, chicken eggs, pickled cucumbers, boiled meat and vegetable mixtures to pizza. And even during fasting you can enjoy your favorite dish. To do this, you just need to pay attention to the recipe for homemade pizza - lean pizza. Delicious pizza can also be an excellent symbol of the holiday. For example, Halloween pizza “Spider's Web” is an excellent dish option if you unexpectedly have guests visiting you on the eve of the holiday.
Preparing pizza will take you a minimum of time, and the taste and aroma are simply unforgettable. Every housewife should always have a quick pizza, namely its recipe, on hand, because sometimes there is sorely not enough time for cooking. Is not it? It’s very convenient that pizza recipes with photos are also given here. Now you don't have to wonder how to make homemade pizza. After all, thanks to such recipes, you will be able to cope with the preparation of the dish without any problems.
And remember, pizza at home is much healthier, tastier and more aromatic. Choose the most delicious recipe for how to cook pizza and start cooking. What could be better than flavorful pizza? Recipes at home in the oven made especially for you. Give your household a holiday!


Lenten pizza

Ingredients: tomato, mushroom, onion, tomato paste, flour, water, yeast, oil, salt, sugar, onion, dill

I love pizza very much, which is why I can’t give it up even during Lent. I described the recipe for Lenten pizza in detail for you.


- 1 tomato,
- 200 grams of mushrooms,
- 1 onion,
- 3 tbsp. tomato paste,
- 200 grams of flour,
- 125 ml. water,
- 1 tsp. yeast,
- 1 tbsp. olive oil,
- salt,
- sugar,
- a bunch of green onions,
- a bunch of dill.


Lazy pancake pizza

Ingredients: kefir, egg, sour cream, baking powder, flour, salt, boiled sausage, cheese, tomatoes, sweet pepper, vegetable oil

Today we will prepare a very tasty and simple snack - lazy pizza in the form of pancakes. The dish turns out very tasty and cooks very quickly.


- a glass of kefir;
- 1 egg;
- 2 tbsp. sour cream;
- 1 tsp. baking powder;
- 2 cups of flour;
- salt;
- 150 grams of boiled sausage;
- 100 grams of hard cheese;
- 1 tomato;
- half a sweet pepper;
- 4-5 tbsp. vegetable oil.


Quick pizza in a frying pan in 10 minutes

Ingredients: egg, mayonnaise, sour cream, flour, ham, mushroom, pepper, tomato, sauce, mayonnaise, butter, salt, garlic, onion, cheese

For lunch or dinner, prepare a very tasty and quick pizza. I have described the cooking recipe in detail for you.


- 1 egg,
- 3 tbsp. mayonnaise,
- 3 tbsp. sour cream,
- half a glass of flour,
- 80 grams of ham,
- 2-3 champignons,
- a third of sweet pepper,
- 1-2 tomatoes,
- 1 tbsp. tomato sauce,

- salt,
- spices,
- 5-6 green onions,
- 80 grams of hard cheese.


Pizza made from puff pastry without yeast

Ingredients: dough, sausage, cucumber, garlic, cheese, tomato, ketchup, onion, butter, spice

There are a lot of pizza recipes. But if you want to make pizza quickly, then you will need this simple and quick pizza recipe made from puff pastry without yeast. Today we will prepare this pizza with sausages, cucumber and hard cheese.


- 250 grams of puff pastry without yeast,
- 250-300 grams of sausages,
- 1 pickled cucumber,
- 1 clove of garlic,
- 80 grams of hard cheese,
- 1-2 tomatoes,
- 2 tbsp. ketchup or sauce
- 1 onion,
- 1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
- spices.


Lazy loaf pizza in the oven

Ingredients: loaf, sausage, cheese, pickled cucumbers, greens, mayonnaise, ketchup

Any housewife will love this recipe for a very tasty, and most importantly, quick-to-cook lazy loaf pizza with sausage and cheese.


- loaf - 7-8 pieces,
- half-smoked sausage - 150 grams,
- cheese - 70 grams,
- pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.,
- greenery,
- mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.,
- ketchup - 1 tbsp.


Fast and tasty economy pizza on pita bread

Ingredients: lavash, tomato, salami sausage, cheese, mayonnaise, ketchup, salt

Pizza can be prepared in 10 minutes if you use ordinary thin pita bread as a base rather than a flatbread made from yeast dough. It will turn out just as tasty and beautiful, but preparing such a dish is much faster and easier.


2 pieces of thin pita bread;
- 1-2 pcs tomatoes;
- 200 grams of sausage (Salami type);
- 100 grams of hard cheese;
- 2 tbsp. mayonnaise;
- 2 tbsp. ketchup;
- salt.


Hawaiian pizza with pineapple and ham

Ingredients: water, yeast, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, flour, ham, canned pineapple, ketchup, cheese

Let the sun into the house. How? Very simply, make Hawaiian pineapple pizza. Our recipe will show all the nuances of cooking.

For the test you will need:
- 150 ml water;
- 10 g yeast;
- a teaspoon of salt;
- a teaspoon of sugar;
- 60 ml vegetable oil;
- two glasses of flour;

For filling:
- 150 g ham;
- 200 g canned pineapples;
- 60 g of spicy ketchup;
- 150 g cheese.


Chicago pizza

Ingredients: chicken breast, green beans, yeast or puff pastry, tomato paste, hard cheese, spinach, salt, ground black pepper

Do you want to make delicious, juicy, crispy American-style pizza? Turn on the oven, today we are making Chicago pizza.

For the recipe you will need:

- 500g yeast or puff pastry;
- chicken fillet – 300g;
- hard cheese – 200 g;
- green beans – 200g;
- tomato paste – 100g;
- spinach – 100g;
- garlic – 3 cloves;
- vegetable oil – 1 tbsp;
- ground pepper and salt.


Pizza with sausage and mushrooms on yeast dough

Ingredients: fresh yeast, water, flour, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, sausage, mushrooms, onions, basil, oregano, black pepper, paprika, homemade adjika or thick tomato sauce, mayonnaise, hard cheese

Pizza is a favorite dish of Italians and Americans. And recently, pizza is being prepared in almost every home. I offer my recipe for making this delicious dish, which my family is delighted with. I made buns from this dough, and today I want to talk about excellent pizza made from this dough. Pizza made from yeast dough is not inferior to Italian pizza. Try it, you won't regret it!


for test:
- flour – 1.5 cups;
- warm water – 1 tbsp.;
- fresh yeast – 10 g;
- sugar – 1 teaspoon;
- vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
- salt – ½ teaspoon.
For filling:
- mushrooms (fresh champignons) – 150 gr.;
- vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
- hard cheese – 100-150 gr.;
- onions – 2-3 pcs.;
- sausage or ham – 150 gr.;
- thick tomato sauce or homemade adjika – 2 tbsp. spoons;
- mayonnaise (you can use sour cream) – 1 tbsp. spoon;
- oregano – 0.5 teaspoon;
- black pepper – 0.5 teaspoon;
- basil – 0.5 teaspoon;
- paprika – 0.5 teaspoon each.


Pizza with minced meat and cheese

Ingredients: flour, water, salt, sugar, yeast, vegetable oil, minced meat, onion, hard cheese, tomato sauce, black pepper

Many chefs have their own signature recipe for making pizza. This famous dish is known in many parts of the world. And many of our housewives have baked pizza at home at least once. Moreover, the filling can be whatever you like - meat, vegetables, fish, mushrooms, etc. We offer a not too labor-intensive recipe for pizza with minced meat. If you like thin pizza, then roll out the base thinner. The fried minced meat can be distributed in layers with other filling ingredients, or mixed.


for the base:

Wheat flour - 1 cup;
- fresh yeast – 10 g;
- warm water – 70 ml;
- salt and sugar - ½ teaspoon each;
- vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.

For filling:
- minced meat – 300 g;
- tomatoes (sauce, adjika, ketchup) – 2 tbsp. l;
- onions – 2 onions;
- hard cheese – 100-150 g;
- vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l;
- salt, ground black pepper - to taste.


Chicago pizza with mushrooms

Ingredients: puff pastry, mushrooms, hard cheese, sweet pepper, onion, tomato sauce, ground black pepper, salt

It's so nice when there is enough pizza for everyone. A large Chicago-style pizza can satisfy any appetite.

For the recipe you will need:

- 0.5 kg puff pastry;
- 0.5 kg of mushrooms;
- 1-2 sweet peppers;
- 1-2 onions;
- 1 glass of tomato sauce;
- black pepper and salt to taste.


Pizza with puff pastry

Ingredients: puff pastry, sausage, cheese, tomatoes, sweet peppers, ketchup, mayonnaise, olive oil

I suggest making pizza with puff pastry. The recipe for this pizza is very simple, because all you need is to defrost the dough itself and cut the filling.


- puff pastry - 500 grams,
- boiled sausage - 250 grams,
- hard cheese - 150 grams,
- tomatoes - 200 grams,
- sweet pepper - 150 grams,
- ketchup - one and a half tablespoons,
- mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.,
- olive oil.


Hawaiian pizza with chicken and pineapples

Ingredients: flour, yeast, olive oil, sugar, salt, water, chicken fillet, canned pineapple, cheese, tomato sauce, herbs

You can get lost among the variety of pizza recipes, but there are still options for toppings that are the most popular. Among them is Hawaiian pizza, with chicken and pineapples. Try it and you will definitely like it!
- flour - 650 gr;
- raw yeast - 15 g;
- olive oil - 3 tbsp;
- sugar - 1 tbsp;
- salt - 1 tsp;
- water - 250 gr.

For filling:

- chicken fillet - 300 g;
- canned pineapples - 200 gr;
- hard cheese - 150 g;
- tomato sauce - 100 gr;
- a little greenery - parsley.


Pizza in a frying pan in 10 minutes with kefir

Ingredients: kefir, flour, eggs, soda, salt, sausage, onion, cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise, vegetable oil

Probably, each of you has had a situation where you needed to cook something quickly in just 10-15 minutes. To avoid getting lost in such moments, save yourself this simple recipe for the most delicious and fastest pizza in a kefir pan.


- kefir - 200 grams,
- flour - one and a half cups,
- chicken egg - 1 pc.,
- soda - 1 tsp,
- salt - to taste,
- sausage - 150 grams,
- onion - 1 pc.,
- cheese - 70-100 grams,
- tomato sauce or ketchup - 2 tbsp.,
- mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.,
- vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.


Zucchini pizza in the oven

Ingredients: zucchini, flour, tomatoes, onions, eggs, cheese, baking powder, salt, sausage, mayonnaise

Who doesn't love pizza? It is unlikely that there will be such people. Do you know how delicious zucchini pizza is baked in the oven? Well, just can't tear yourself away! Our recipe with photos will help you figure out both the dough for zucchini pizza and the filling.
- zucchini - 300 gr;
- flour - 150 gr;
- tomatoes - 2 pcs;
- onion - 1 piece;
- egg - 1 pc;
- cheese - 70 gr;
- baking powder - 1 tsp;
- salt to taste;
- sausage - 200 gr;
- mayonnaise - 50 gr.


Pizza in a pan in 10 minutes

Ingredients: flour, egg, milk, sugar, baking powder, salt, tomato, ketchup, sausage, cheese, seasoning

Everyone loves pizza, right? But it is not always possible to wait for it to be prepared. In this case, a recipe for making pizza in a frying pan will come to the rescue: in just 10 minutes, without sour cream, kefir and yeast, you will get an excellent pizza!
- 175 grams of white flour;
- 1 egg;
- 50 ml of water or milk;
- 1 tsp. Sahara;
- 0.25 tsp baking powder;
- salt;
- 1-2 pcs of tomatoes;
- 2-3 tbsp. ketchup or tomato sauce;
- 200 grams of boiled or smoked sausage;
- 50 grams of hard cheese;
- seasonings as desired;
- greens if desired.


Yeast dough for pizza like in a pizzeria

Ingredients: water, flour, salt, sugar, olive oil, yeast

The key to a delicious pizza is a good dough. Of course, if you want your pizza to taste like a pizzeria, it must be yeast dough. This is exactly the recipe we offer you today.
- 1 glass of water;
- 2.5 cups flour;
- 1 tsp. salt;
- 1 tsp. Sahara;
- 2 tbsp. olive oil;
- 1.5 tsp. dry yeast.


Yeast dough pizza with sausage and cheese

Ingredients: flour, water, dry yeast, salt, sugar, sunflower oil, sausage, cheese, onion, olives, tomatoes, ketchup, basil, oregano

Perhaps all housewives know: pizza is a dish that no one ever refuses. One of the most popular recipes is with sausage and cheese, tasty and satisfying. Let's make this pizza together today?

- 220 grams of flour;
- 150 ml water;
- 1 tsp. fast acting yeast flies;
- 0.5 tsp. salt;
- 0.5 tsp. Sahara;
- 3 tbsp. sunflower oil;
- 200 grams of sausage;
- 120-150 grams of hard cheese with a fat content of at least 50%;
- 1 onion;
- 10-15 olives;
- 2 tomatoes;
- 3-4 tbsp. ketchup;
- 3-4 pinches of basil;
- 3-4 pinches of oregano.


Mini pizza on a loaf

Ingredients: white loaf, sausage, cheese, egg, tomatoes, black pepper, Provençal herbs, mayonnaise, ketchup, adjika, greens

I don’t like making dough, that’s why I cook pizza on a loaf. We will prepare mini-pizzas in the oven; you can choose any filling you like.


- 8-10 slices of white loaf;
- 150 grams of boiled sausage or ham;
- 80-100 grams of hard cheese;
- 1 egg;
- 2-3 tomatoes;
- black pepper to taste;
- Provençal herbs to taste;
- 3 tbsp. mayonnaise;
- 2 tbsp. ketchup or tomato sauce, adjika;
- greens for decoration.


Pizza with vegetables

Ingredients: water, sugar, salt, olive oil, flour, yeast, eggplant, tomatoes, sweet bell pepper, onion, basil, oregano, ground pepper, ketchup, cheese, fresh herbs

When you don’t want to load your stomach with heavy meat products, prepare a tender pizza with eggplant. An amazingly delicious dinner is guaranteed!

To prepare you will need:

- 150 ml warm water;
- 1/2 tsp. Sahara;
- 1/2 tsp. salt;
- 3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
- 250 g flour;
- 7-8 g of yeast.


- 1 eggplant;
- 3-4 tomatoes;
- 1 sweet pepper;
- 2 onions;
- a little basil, oregano, ground pepper, salt;
- 3 tbsp. l. ketchup;
- 100 g cheese;
- a little greenery.



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