Everything sticks to a cast iron frying pan, what should I do? Cast iron frying pan sticks - what to do? If a cast iron frying pan burns

Everything sticks to a cast iron frying pan, what should I do? Cast iron frying pan sticks - what to do? If a cast iron frying pan burns

The surfaces of cast iron and aluminum frying pans and stainless steel cookware quickly rust when exposed to moisture. Therefore, manufacturers treat them with a special lubricant. This composition, if ingested, is harmful to human health, so the lubricant is washed off after purchase. As a result, the surface loses its protection and may become rusty. In this case, it will be difficult to cook anything on it.

When food hits the surface of the pan, it reacts with the atoms of the metal from which the cookware is made, forming compounds with them. This applies most of all to foods containing protein.

If a frying pan burns, you need to make a protective film on its bottom. It must be harmless to the human body. You can create such a protective film from vegetable oil.

If an aluminum frying pan burns, what should you do? Such a frying pan can be revived. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Heat a clean pan over medium heat.
  2. Cut some bread into cubes and cover the bottom evenly.
  3. Fry the crackers for 5 minutes over low heat.

Enameled cookware requires delicate handling - it should absolutely not be heated, as this will completely ruin its coating. But if you start to notice that pancakes or any other food has started to stick to the bottom, don’t rush to throw such a frying pan in the trash. Proceed as follows:

  1. Clean the bottom thoroughly with detergent.
  2. Dry the surface completely, removing moisture with a kitchen towel.
  3. Rub the pan generously with a piece of lard or any fat.

People have long dreamed of having non-stick cookware. With the advent of such dishes, it seemed that the problem would now disappear. These utensils were especially liked by those who watch their figure and prefer to cook dishes without using oil. However, even such a frying pan sometimes begins to fail. The reason for this is a number of factors:

  • poor quality non-stick coating;
  • damage to Teflon by metal objects;
  • non-compliance with operating rules.

It should be understood that if ceramic or Teflon cookware is damaged and food begins to burn, such utensils should be disposed of. Harmful components penetrate into the finished dish if the pan burns.

What to do in this situation depends on the service life of the cookware and the material of manufacture. Food, especially protein, reacts with the metal. To correct the situation, a number of resuscitation measures should be carried out.

An aluminum frying pan on which food burns can be revived. To do this you need to use this method:

  • Heat a clean frying pan over medium heat.
  • Cut some bread into cubes and evenly cover the bottom of the dish.
  • Fry the crackers for 5 minutes over low heat.

Using this method will reduce sticking to the aluminum coating.

As a rule, a frying pan burns for a reason. Certain conditions must be created. This often happens due to:

  • purchasing a low-quality frying pan. Companies that respect their reputation produce dishes that last at least 2-3 years. A second-rate fake deteriorates in the first year of use;
  • mechanical damage. This is due to the use of metal knives, spatulas, forks for stirring and sponges for cleaning, and storing pans one inside the other;
  • expiration date. Consider quality and material when calculating service life;
  • sudden temperature changes. Do not move the pan from a hot stove to the refrigerator and vice versa;
  • the use of abrasive cleaning agents that disrupt the structure of the surface on which they are applied;
  • increased porosity of metal (aluminum, cast iron and enamel).

Regardless of the material from which the frying pan is made, there are several main reasons for its deterioration:

  • low-quality frying pans - samples from trusted companies that have a non-stick coating, according to the manufacturer's recommendation, can be used for no more than 2-4 years. What can we say about fakes or cheap dishes? When consumers try to save money by buying frying pans at extremely low prices, they do not realize that their useful life is reduced significantly. Thus, a cheaply purchased non-stick frying pan will only be good for 2-3 months. After approximately this period of time, food begins to stick;
  • Improper use of the frying pan also causes mechanical damage to its surface. Whether the cookware is ceramic, Teflon coated, cast iron, or any other material, it cannot withstand abuse. It is important to follow the recommendations for use given by the manufacturer or read on the Internet, otherwise the dishes will soon become unusable.

To eliminate the causes of food burning in a frying pan, you should choose only high-quality samples and follow the rules for use, care and storage.

Cast iron frying pan

Metal frying pans go on sale using some kind of protective coating in the form of grease. This protects the pan from external damage.

Under the influence of external factors, a cast iron vessel becomes corroded. Therefore, before use, it must be washed and calcined, otherwise:

  • After some time, the food will burn and a thick layer of soot will form, and removing the soot is quite a task.
  • All protective lubricants are chemicals and a layer of this chemical will constantly be absorbed into your food.
  • Under the influence of the above factors, your vessel will become unusable ahead of time, and you will be wondering what to do if a cast-iron frying pan burns.

As everyone probably knows, the most delicious pancakes are obtained precisely on cast iron frying pans. But this is only possible if the dough does not stick to the bottom. Such dishes can be protected from burning as follows:

  1. Wash the new dishes thoroughly in hot water and wipe dry with a towel.
  2. Cover the bottom with a centimeter layer of table salt and keep it on the stove or in the oven for 60 minutes, stirring the salt occasionally.
  3. Then remove the salt and grease the inside of the bottom with any vegetable oil.

Good quality cast iron frying pans are sure to be found in every family. They are the ones that produce the most delicious pancakes And stews. Cast iron has excellent thermal conductivity and high resistance to mechanical damage. However, even such utensils can become problematic.

If a cast iron pan burns, it can be repaired. To do this you need to do the following.

  1. Wash the dishes thoroughly with detergent in hot water.
  2. Wipe dry with a towel.
  3. Pour a layer of salt about a centimeter onto the bottom and heat it, stirring occasionally, for about half an hour.
  4. After this, the salt is removed and the bottom is coated with sunflower oil.

IN in this case the fat will provide a non-stick coating and even heat distribution. To maintain the performance properties of a cast iron frying pan, you should lubricate the bottom with a thin layer of oil after each use.

As you know, the most delicious pancakes are made in a cast iron frying pan. But this is only possible if batter will not stick to the bottom. This frying pan can be protected from burning as follows:

  • New dishes must be washed with hot water and wiped with a towel until dry.
  • Cover the bottom of the pan with a centimeter layer of salt and keep in the oven or on the stove for 1 hour. The salt should be stirred periodically.
  • After this, remove the salt from the dish and grease the inside of the bottom with vegetable oil.

Fat and oil provide such a frying pan with non-stick properties. Due to the uniform distribution of heat over the surface of a cast iron frying pan, it turns out very delicious food. Cooking pancakes in such a pan is simply a pleasure.

Be that as it may, no matter what super-non-stick Teflon frying pans Kulibin engineers create, the old cast iron frying pan is truly a classic. Heating the oil in the pan creates a natural non-stick coating. Cast iron kitchenware has absorbed all the best qualities - ease of maintenance and durability.

But sometimes, for reasons unknown to us, our favorite frying pan “fails.” If you are not going to send it to a well-deserved rest for this reason, but do not intend to put up with the fact that a cast iron frying pan burns, we will tell you what to do in this article.

We have put together several methods for you to care for and treat cast iron cookware - both to correct the problem and to prevent it from happening in the future.

Today, the choice of cookware is huge: there are frying pans made of Teflon, stainless steel, aluminum, with enamel, ceramic coatings, and yet, cast iron is still very popular.

This metal lasts for decades and is inexpensive, however, users sometimes face the following question: a cast iron frying pan burns, what should I do?

Most housewives love to cook in a cast iron frying pan due to the characteristics of the material. Thanks to its porous structure, the dishes can retain heat for a long time, which means you can simmer the dish. But at the same time, you can quickly fry the product on it. Such dishes will also last a long time.

If you notice that food has started to burn, then do not rush to buy a new frying container. Try cleaning it first. The site "KnowKak.ru" knows several effective ways to do this correctly.

Burns can occur for two reasons. The first is incorrect initial preparation for using cast iron cookware. It must go through a special procedure before you start frying on it. Detailed instructions. The second reason is improper cleaning after use. This situation can be corrected in just a few steps.

Step 1. Clean the inside of the pan from any visible burnt marks. To do this, wash it thoroughly with dishwashing detergent. Do not use a wire brush or scraper. Even metal can be damaged.

Step 2. If you have a large amount of burnt food, then pour it into water, add baking soda and boil the liquid in a container for about 5-10 minutes. Then wash as usual.

Step 3. Rinse the pan well with clean water. This way you will wash away all the remnants of dishwashing gels. Use only warm water.

Step 4. Place the container on the stove and heat it to maximum temperature. Pour in a large amount of table salt and heat the pan for 15-20 minutes.

Step 5. Turn off the heat and leave the dishes and salt to cool.

Step 6. After the container has cooled completely, pour out the salt and grease the inner surface with vegetable oil. Use a cotton pad for this and do not leave a lot of oil at the bottom. To do this, after 10 minutes, remove the remaining oil with paper towels.

You can use any vegetable oil For lubrication, even sunflower oil will do. It will fill the pores of the material and cover the cast iron with a thin film, which will prevent food from burning in the future.

Another important tip - cook in cast iron cookware as often as possible. If you have not used the container for a long time, then you should first calcinate it, as described above.

This point is familiar to everyone who has at least once tried to fry cutlets, pancakes, fish, chops or anything else in a frying pan without a non-stick coating. At first everything goes according to plan - you heat the pan, add oil, then start frying, and at the moment when it is time to turn the food over to the other side, you realize that it is stuck tightly. At best, you still manage to turn your chicken breast, a cutlet or whatever you fried, having significantly spoiled its presentation; at worst, you go into panic while your failed dinner, stuck to the frying pan, is rapidly turning into coals...

Yes, as always, I exaggerated things a little, but anyone who has encountered such a situation knows that this is not funny at all. Well, in this case, you should be encouraged by the thought that there is a completely rational explanation for what happened, which means that next time it can be avoided. In this article, we will look at why food may stick to the pan, and what to do if this happens to you. So,

Why does she stick...

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A disclaimer needs to be made at the outset: not all pans are created equal. Modern frying pans with a non-stick coating, for example, are completely unheard of about the problem of sticking, because they were invented precisely for this purpose - so that you could fry cutlets, scrambled eggs and fish without thinking about how to finally tear them off the bottom of the pan. Cast iron frying pans are a different matter: they are calcined in a special way with the addition of oil, which fills the microscopic pores in the metal, forming a smooth coating to which, if done correctly, food no longer sticks. Thus, the main record holders for food sticking are stainless steel frying pans.

A steel frying pan is a great item. It is grippy, not too heavy, its material does not react with acidic foods (as, for example, copper does), it heats up relatively quickly, and with the right skill, absolutely any dish on it will turn out absolutely perfect. A stainless steel frying pan, however, does not always heat up evenly, but this problem has already been solved by making multilayer frying pans with the addition of various alloys. Thus, its only drawback remains excessive stickiness.

So why does food stick to the pan?

This is where chemistry (in the science sense, not the science that everyone thinks) comes into play. You may not have studied or have completely forgotten what van der Waals forces are, but you are sure to remember that high temperature accelerates all chemical processes occurring around us. The cutlet could stick to a cold frying pan (if both of them lived long enough), but hot frying pan this happens almost instantly. Quite strong bonds are formed between the molecules on the surfaces of the food and the frying pan, whack - and your cutlet stays on as if glued! Products with a high protein content stick especially tightly to the pan, since proteins form compounds with iron atoms on the surface of the pan, and due to the structural features of fish in general and its protein structure in particular, it is fish that sticks to the pan most strongly.

…and what to do with it?

The easiest and most logical way to prevent food from sticking to the pan is to place something between them that can separate them. There is one ingenious and simple method that I use if I want to get fried fish with crispy skin that won't have to be pulled off the bottom of the pan. Take a sheet of parchment, fold it in half, then again, then fold the paper in half 2-3 more times so that the fold line each time passes through the corner marking the center of the large sheet. Attach this corner to the center of the frying pan and cut the paper a little earlier than the walls of the frying pan begin, unfold it - and you will get a piece of parchment of a conditionally round shape with a diameter slightly smaller than the bottom of the frying pan, which is called the word “cartouche”. Place it in a frying pan, add oil and fry the fish, pressing it to the bottom with a spatula.

Everything ingenious is simple, isn't it? This technique can be used not only for frying fish, but also in other cases when you are afraid that your food will burn, but frying should not be too long.

But stop! In fact, we always put something between the food and the bottom of the pan that is quite capable of preventing it from sticking. This thing is called "butter".

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Indeed, the correct use of oil when frying can, if not completely eliminate, then significantly reduce the risk of food burning, and the key to this, again, lies in selecting the correct temperature. The fact is that cold oil has a higher viscosity than hot oil. As it heats up, it becomes more fluid, which is easily noticeable even to the naked eye, and penetrates those microscopic pores at the bottom of the pan, filling them and thereby reducing the area of ​​contact between food and metal. But the main trick here is that oil can heat up to a temperature much higher than the boiling point of water.

Oil is your friend and helper

What happens to food - that same cutlet or piece of chicken - after it is added to a frying pan with hot oil? High temperature instantly evaporates moisture from its surface, turning it into steam. But since the piece of chicken is lying in the frying pan, the steam cannot simply escape, and it lifts the product a little - it turns out to be something like an air cushion that forms a layer between the food and the metal, and prevents their interaction. The problem is that both the food itself and this steam are at a much lower temperature than the oil, cooling it, and if there was not enough oil (or you did not let it heat up properly), its temperature will drop below what is necessary for the water to evaporate, coming out of the product - and that’s all, good news.

Thus, the oil must always be heated properly, almost to the smoking point, but still without allowing it to smoke - and the amount of oil must be sufficient to maintain its temperature at the required level.

Worried about using too much oil? You are right to be afraid - but there are tricks here too, knowing which you can reduce the amount of oil.

First, use a frying pan with a thick bottom - this holds heat well and will heat the oil that the treacherous food is trying to cool.

Secondly, whenever possible, fry foods in batches - even if it takes a little longer, but this way they will not crowd in the pan and fry correctly.

Finally, before frying, blot your food with paper towels to remove moisture from the surface: less water means less energy needed to evaporate it, which means less oil.

If the food still sticks

This is also possible. Yes, I know, you did everything exactly as written above, but there are too many variables in the equation, and your eye is not a precision instrument, and you just want to cook dinner without claiming a Nobel Prize in physics (at least not in this moment).

The process of cooking is quite an exciting experience. But it can be overshadowed if low-quality cookware is chosen. Burnt food becomes a big problem for housewives. The culinary masterpiece is ruined, and you will need to spend time and effort cleaning the utensils if the pan burns. What should I do to correct the situation? The question worries many cooks. Methods to solve the problem vary depending on the material from which the dishes are made.

Causes of the problem

People have long dreamed of having non-stick cookware. With the advent of such dishes, it seemed that the problem would now disappear. These utensils were especially liked by those who watch their figure and prefer to cook dishes without using oil. However, even such a frying pan sometimes begins to fail. The reason for this is a number of factors:

  • poor quality non-stick coating;
  • damage to Teflon by metal objects;
  • non-compliance with operating rules.

It should be understood that if ceramic or Teflon cookware is damaged and food begins to burn, such utensils should be disposed of. Harmful components penetrate into the finished dish if the pan burns.

What to do in this situation depends on the service life of the cookware and the material of manufacture. Food, especially protein, reacts with the metal. To correct the situation, a number of resuscitation measures should be carried out.

Cast iron frying pan

Good quality cast iron frying pans are sure to be found in every family. They make the most delicious pancakes and stews. Cast iron has excellent thermal conductivity and high resistance to mechanical damage. However, even such utensils can become problematic.

If a cast iron pan burns, it can be repaired. To do this you need to do the following.

  1. Wash the dishes thoroughly with detergent in hot water.
  2. Wipe dry with a towel.
  3. Pour a layer of salt about a centimeter onto the bottom and heat it, stirring occasionally, for about half an hour.
  4. After this, the salt is removed and the bottom is coated with sunflower oil.

In this case, the fat will provide a non-stick coating and uniform heat distribution. To maintain the performance properties of a cast iron frying pan, you should lubricate the bottom with a thin layer of oil after each use.

Aluminum utensils

Many inconveniences arise during cooking if a frying pan burns. What to do if the utensils are aluminum? The material is quite capricious, but dishes made from it are light, durable and look aesthetically pleasing. To revive it, you can take a number of measures:

  1. Wash the dishes and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Heat a dry frying pan over low heat.
  3. Place small cubes of fresh bread on the bottom.
  4. Fry the crackers for about 5 minutes.

According to experienced housewives, this unusual method helps reduce sticking to the aluminum bottom of the frying pan.

Stainless steel frying pan

Any metal is susceptible to scratches and gouges. If the frying pan (stainless steel) burns, then it is necessary to use oil when frying. Fat fills all damage and prevents food from sticking. To maintain the integrity of your stainless steel pan, avoid abrasive cleaners and use a wooden spatula when stirring.

Enameled Dutch oven

The enamel coating is quite strong, but requires delicate handling. Enameled frying pans look very beautiful, but it is strictly forbidden to heat them. This method will completely damage the coating. If food begins to stick to the bottom, you can do the following:

  1. Clean the pan thoroughly using a soft sponge and detergent.
  2. Dry the utensils with a paper towel.
  3. Generously coat the entire inner surface with fat or lard.

To prevent food from sticking to the enamel frying pan, you should carry out the above procedure before each cooking. At the same time, using oil will avoid burning.

Ceramic utensils

These frying pans are attractive due to their appearance and claimed non-stick properties. However, over time, food begins to stick. If a ceramic frying pan burns, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. A new frying pan should be washed with a soft sponge with detergent and lubricated with a thin layer of fat.
  2. The frying pan is sensitive to temperature changes, so do not pour it into a hot frying pan. cold water and, conversely, heated dishes are not washed in cold water.
  3. The use of abrasive powders will cause scratches and microcracks. The use of salt and soda for cleaning is also prohibited.
  4. You can't heat the frying pan. It is recommended to cook over medium heat.
  5. The use of metal spoons is prohibited. It is recommended to use wooden or silicone spatulas.

Non-stick pans

Non-stick frying pans often burn. This means that the protective layer is damaged. You can use a folk remedy. Warm water is poured into the container, laundry soap is grated and citric acid and a little vinegar are added.

The resulting solution is poured into a frying pan and boiled for 15 minutes. After this, the bottom is thoroughly wiped and greased. If food continues to stick, the utensil should be replaced.

Competent operation

What can I do to ensure that the pan does not burn and retains its performance properties for a long time? Experienced housewives reveal small tricks:

  1. Regardless of the material from which the cookware is made, fat should be used. After each use, the utensils are washed and coated with a thin layer of oil.
  2. If the frying pan is made of aluminum, then apple cider vinegar will come in handy. New dishes should be coated with oil and heated. Then vinegar is poured in a thin stream. It evaporates quickly and forms a protective layer.
  3. Cast iron pans are durable and have excellent thermal conductivity. The material is “friendly” with oil. It is not recommended to cook on cast iron without using fat. Salt is used to restore the inner layer. It is calcined, and then the inner walls are wiped with a napkin.
  4. Regardless of the material used to make the utensils, it is better not to use metal spoons. The best choice would be wooden and silicone spatulas.
  5. Pans should only be stored completely dry. Moisture can damage the non-stick coating.
  6. Teflon-coated utensils should not come into contact with other utensils. It is especially dangerous to store pans inside each other.

Choosing a frying pan

When choosing new cookware, many people are concerned about which pans do not stick. Unfortunately, universal cookware cannot be found on sale. Pans with a Teflon layer really prevent food from sticking. But over time, the coating wears out, so it is recommended to change the utensils every 3-4 years.

Every housewife should have a set of different frying pans. They all have their advantages, disadvantages and are intended for different purposes. Thus, a cast iron frying pan is great for stewing vegetables, meat and cooking pilaf. The downside is that it is too heavy.

To cook meat or fish with a characteristic relief pattern, you need to use a grill pan.

Ceramic cookware can replace Teflon cookware. It is environmentally friendly and has an aesthetic appearance. The advantage is uniform heating of food and slow cooling of the walls. Food will not burn if you use a little oil.

Aluminum pans are very lightweight. The non-stick coating makes cooking easy, but be careful when handling the cookware. It is susceptible to mechanical damage.

Teflon cookware is considered the best choice when cooking without oil is required. The polymer coating prevents food from sticking, but does not tolerate overheating or contact with metal objects. Unfortunately, if the layer is damaged, harmful substances are released. Therefore, it is not recommended to reanimate the dishes.


Many housewives are faced with the fact that the frying pan burns. What should be done to ensure that the dishes retain their properties for a long time and have the declared characteristics? The operating conditions must be observed. The non-stick coating makes cooking much easier. But the layer requires careful handling. Therefore, it must be protected.

To prevent the frying pan from burning, when choosing, you should pay attention to the thickness of the walls. 4 mm is considered optimal. The heavier and thicker the utensils, the less susceptible they are to mechanical damage.

A frying pan is one of the main cooking tools. But it often happens that food burns on the pan when frying. How to avoid this and prepare a delicious fried dish?

Reasons why food burns on dishes

As a rule, a frying pan burns for a reason. Certain conditions must be created. This often happens due to:

  • purchasing a low-quality frying pan. Companies that respect their reputation produce dishes that last at least 2-3 years. A second-rate fake deteriorates in the first year of use;
  • mechanical damage. This is due to the use of metal knives, spatulas, forks for stirring and sponges for cleaning, and storing pans one inside the other;
  • expiration date. Consider quality and material when calculating service life;
  • sudden temperature changes. Do not move the pan from a hot stove to the refrigerator and vice versa;
  • the use of abrasive cleaning agents that disrupt the structure of the surface on which they are applied;
  • increased porosity of metal (aluminum, cast iron and enamel).

What to do?

There is no universal means for removing burnt marks from the surface of a frying pan. It is important, first of all, to consider what material it is made of. Only then, having studied all its features, you can start cleaning.

Cast iron

It is durable. The following tips can help in the fight against burning:

  • Initially, when purchasing, rinse it thoroughly, dry it, pour salt 1 cm high, place it on a heated stove, stirring the salt for an hour.
  • If it has already been in use, remove the burnt marks, wash, dry and bake it on the stove. Next, you need to coat it with oil both on the outside and on the inside and place it in the oven, after turning it upside down and placing foil under it (provided that the handle is not made of wood). Set the temperature regulator to 180 degrees, let it stand in the oven for an hour, turn it off and, without removing it, wait until the utensil has cooled down. Take it out and try not to use it for a while (3 days - a week).


Similar care is required after purchase. If the dishes start to burn over time, you can revive them as follows:

  • wash, heat over medium heat;
  • cut the bread into cubes and distribute it over the entire inner surface;
  • reduce the heat and fry it for 5 minutes.

Non-stick coating

It seems that it should be the most protected, but food also burns to it. The reason for this is the thinning of the protective layer. Unfortunately, it cannot be restored. The frying pan is sent to a well-deserved rest, especially if it has served for a very long time. If it becomes unusable quickly, the reason for this may be an initially very thin layer of non-stick protection or improper operation.

Try boiling water with grated laundry soap in it for 15 minutes. You should drain this liquid, wipe the bottom with a sponge, dry it, rub it with oil and try to fry the food. If it doesn’t help, then you’ll have to say goodbye 100% to the utensils.


It is prone to burning, as it has a porous structure and is one of the most problematic in terms of the fact that it cannot be heated. The only way to save utensils is by using cleaning products and lubricating its surface with a piece of lard or fat.


This is the most harmless option for the human body, but despite this advantage, it does not last long. At ideal conditions serves from 2 to 4 years.

If it burns, you should:

  • Wash thoroughly without using metal sponges or deforming cleaning agents;
  • For stubborn stains, pour soapy water over the stains or sprinkle moistened baking soda on the stains and let stand for about 20 minutes. After time has passed, clean with a melamine sponge.

For preventive purposes, every month, wipe the utensils with oil 1-2 times using a napkin and let them stand like that for a day.

Stainless steel

The material is distinguished by its reliability and durability, so any problems that arise are associated with violation of the rules of use. Stainless steel cookware lasts for decades, given that the ratio of chromium to nickel in steel is 18 to 10.

  • clean and rinse (any items and types of cleaning products are acceptable) until shiny;
  • remember the rules for further operation (heating should be strong until drops of water “dance” and the oil poured before frying should have time to heat up).


Has a grooved bottom. It is made from the same materials as conventional ones, therefore, in order to choose the most suitable anti-stick option described above, you need to find out what metal it consists of.

If only the middle burns

The phenomenon in which burns form only in the middle is associated with heating devices. This problem most often occurs among those who use gas burners. The heat is distributed unevenly along the bottom, and the greatest heat occurs in the center of the pan. The heat from the flame does not dissipate and is directed directly. With large cookware, the food in the middle cooks much faster during the cooking process, which contributes to the formation of soot. You can solve the problem by purchasing a frying pan with a smaller diameter. It is also effective to use a special device that cuts through the fire and distributes heat over the entire bottom area.

How to avoid burning?

Before use, prepare the frying pan: wash it thoroughly and wipe it with oil or fat. Those utensils made of cast iron require calcination of 1 cm of poured salt for an hour.

  1. Lubricate with plenty of oil, lard or fat before each use.
  2. After distributing it evenly, pour a little salt on the bottom and heat the frying pan.
  3. Those made of porous metals (cast iron, aluminum) pour apple cider vinegar and wait until it evaporates over low heat.
  4. After the described procedures, start cooking.
  5. Stirring food should not be done with spoons, iron spatulas, knives or anything that has a hard surface. This can leave scratches that compromise the protective layer and damage the pan. The most optimal are items made of wood or plastic.
  6. When washing, avoid hard sponges and brushes. Cleaning agents are not recommended. The best option is good old baking soda diluted with water.
  7. The dishes should be wiped dry. This will prevent mold and rust from forming, which can reduce the non-stick properties.
  8. Pans should be stored separately from each other, without stacking them. This ensures the safety of their surface.

Caring for frying pans

Tips for caring for a frying pan depending on the material from which it is made.

Teflon coated

It does not require special care. Thanks to Teflon, it independently prevents the formation of soot both inside and outside. If it does appear, then you need to fill the frying pan with hot water for half an hour. For greater effect, you can add a drop of detergent or add 3 tbsp. spoons of baking soda. The carbon deposits will dissolve without the use of prohibited abrasives. Wipe it with a soft sponge.

It is important to remember that the Teflon coating is easily damaged.

Stainless steel

Steel is the most finicky metal from which cookware is made. A minor defect is immediately visible, and food easily burns to the surface.

You can clean stainless steel from carbon deposits using table salt, soda or vinegar with citric acid.

Cast iron

They are practically eternal, unpretentious and harmless. Cast iron frying pans can be called eternal. They are absolutely easy to care for and do not release harmful substances into food. In addition, they do not lose their appearance even over the years. All you have to do is clean off the carbon deposits in a timely manner. There are several recipes the best ways getting rid of it.

For cast iron frying pans, care recipes intended for steel ones are suitable. You can also use both baking soda and citric acid vinegar. In addition, cast iron is not afraid of contact with abrasives, so you can safely clean them with brushes and metal sponges.


They are becoming more and more popular. Its surface is smooth and uniform. They are one of the easiest to care for. Any scratch can make the frying pan unusable, so you need to purchase special products for ceramics to dissolve carbon deposits.

Service life of pans

Which pans are the least likely to cause food to burn?

Without a doubt, the leader in this rating is a frying pan with a special protective non-stick coating. But don’t be mistaken about the fact that you can cook with it without oil. It is necessary, only much less is required. A drop is enough. An additional advantage: you do not need to closely monitor the heating process.

At the end of the list are frying pans that have a porous surface. For example, cast iron. It requires a large amount of oil for coating and frying, so that it forms a layer that protects against the formation of burning.

The most difficult case is steel cookware. Metal is finicky: it heats up unevenly and quickly, requiring more oil and thorough heating.



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