How to store milk mushrooms after cold salting. Cold salted milk mushrooms. How to pickle milk mushrooms in jars - a recipe for a delicious preparation for the winter Pickling and storing milk mushrooms

How to store milk mushrooms after cold salting. Cold salted milk mushrooms. How to pickle milk mushrooms in jars - a recipe for a delicious preparation for the winter Pickling and storing milk mushrooms

Many people are interested in collecting and preparing mushrooms. White milk mushroom- the best prey for a mushroom picker. However, not everyone knows how to store salted milk mushrooms. These mushrooms have long been popular in Russian cuisine. They are used both as an independent snack and as an additive to other dishes.

Milk mushrooms belong to the category conditionally edible mushrooms, like all lamellar ones. The reason is that they secrete toxic juice, which gives them their characteristic bitter taste. Therefore, it is very important to know exactly how to properly pickle and how to store milk mushrooms. This will help protect yourself and your loved ones from food poisoning and botulism.

Preliminary preparation for salting

All mushrooms love cleanliness, so before you pickle them at home, you need to thoroughly clean them:

  1. The collected mushrooms must be washed in several waters.
  2. Remove all foreign objects, paying special attention to the spaces between the plates in the cap. Insects can often hide there.
  3. Clean the outer surface of the mushrooms using a knife or a new foam sponge for washing dishes.
  4. Remove all rotten parts. Experts advise cutting off the legs as well, storing only the caps of the milk mushrooms.
  5. If necessary, especially large caps can be carefully cut into segments convenient for storage in jars.

Prepared mushrooms are poured with cold salted and acidified (2 g of citric acid, 10 g of salt per 1 liter) water for 2 days. Long soaking helps get rid of bitterness and toxic juice. Before starting harvesting, it is good to change the water several times.

Salting cold and hot

At home, milk mushrooms are most often preferred to be salted and pickled.

Cold pickling

To prepare cold-salted milk mushrooms, the raw caps are placed in containers and spices and salt are added. It is important to choose the right container:

  • for salting a large number of milk mushrooms, you can use oak barrels, tubs, as well as enamel tanks; the finished mushrooms are still stored in this container, but it must be put away in a cold place (cellar, basement) a few days after storage;
  • It is convenient to salt small quantities of mushrooms in enamel pans, the main thing is that it is possible to put a load on top;
  • salting in jars is not recommended; mushrooms are only marinated in such containers;
  • All containers must be clean and dry.

To enrich the taste, when preparing salted milk mushrooms, you need to add spices and also choose the right salt. It should be without additives, not iodized and not marine. It is better to use a large stone one.

A large amount of chopped garlic, currant leaves, horseradish, dill sprigs, and young cherry shoots are perfect as spices. All greens should be thoroughly washed and chopped if necessary.

The order of stacking mushrooms:

  1. A layer of salt - at least 1 cm - and a layer of spices are poured onto the bottom of the container.
  2. The milk mushrooms are placed on the salt with their caps down, each layer (6-8 cm) sprinkled with salt and a mixture of spices. The optimal salt consumption per 1 kg of mushrooms is 40-50 g.
  3. Fill the container to the top and cover with a layer of salt and herbs.
  4. Cover the contents with a suitable diameter wooden lid (smaller than the diameter of the container itself, so that the lid sinks into it) or a plate and place pressure on them. The top can be covered with a clean cotton cloth.

A few days after pickling, when the mushrooms give juice, you need to take them out into the cold. You can try the preparation after 7-10 days, but the full taste will appear only after 2 months.

Experts advise maintaining a temperature of +5-6°C for storing salted milk mushrooms. If they are lower, the milk mushrooms will freeze and lose both their crispy structure and taste. If they were stored at a higher temperature, they can sour, mold and become a source of dangerous diseases.

The shelf life of cold-salted milk mushrooms, if the necessary conditions are met, can be 2 years.

If you salt mushrooms in small containers, you can transfer them to glass jars, being careful not to disturb the structure of the caps. When transferring, be sure to pour all the brine, trying to ensure that it completely covers the mushrooms - they should not dry out. If there is not enough brine, you can prepare fresh one and add it to the top of the jar.

To store salted milk mushrooms in the refrigerator, cover the jars with plastic lids and place them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

How long can mushrooms be stored in glass? In order not to miss the deadline, you need to periodically inspect the workpieces. At the slightest sign of drying out, add fresh brine. However, it is better to treat yourself to such pickles before the new mushroom picking period.

Hot salting

Long-term storage of milk mushrooms can also be ensured thanks to hot salting. With this method, before sending the mushrooms into the saline solution, they are first boiled. Prolonged soaking is not required.

Hot salting procedure:

  1. Peeled milk mushrooms are poured with cool water with added salt (10 g of salt per 1 liter), brought to a boil and boiled for 5-6 minutes. The liquid is drained and will no longer be useful.
  2. Boiled mushrooms are poured with fresh boiling water (0.5 cups per 1 kg), salt is added in the same proportion as the first time, brought to a boil again and kept on fire for 10 minutes. Add spices 3 minutes before the end of cooking.
  3. The mushrooms are placed in jars along with the brine, placing them as tightly as possible and pouring the brine up to the shoulders of the container.
  4. Salt milk mushrooms hot for at least 30 days. They can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 months.

Milk mushrooms can also be pickled. It’s good to pamper your family with pickles until spring, provided they are stored in the refrigerator. At room temperature The shelf life will be reduced to 3-4 months.

Remember the main thing: the correct harvesting and storage technology guarantees safe consumption and a long service life of milk mushrooms.

Good afternoon friends!

What do you think about when you see fragrant, crispy cold-salted milk mushrooms on the table? I am sure that men will not mind having a glass or two of strong wine with such a snack. And women will try to find out the amazing recipe delicious preparation for the winter.

These robust mushrooms with a fleshy funnel-shaped cap, on a short thick stalk with white milky juice with a burning taste, are used exclusively for pickling, unlike other mushrooms, for example, which are only fried or dried.

These milkweeds are considered conditionally edible, so when cooking they must be boiled, and when cold, soaked. They can be salted in barrels, tubs, and enamel pans. I suggest preparing salted milk mushrooms in jars for long-term storage in a city apartment.

How to pickle milk mushrooms in a cold way so that they are tasty and crispy

We sort freshly collected lacticifers and remove dry forest debris: pine needles, stuck leaves. We cut large caps into small pieces that will easily fit in the mouth and will soak faster. Cut off the stems and rinse under running water.

We put the mushrooms in a container, fill them with water so that it slightly covers them from above, keep them under pressure so that they do not float up and are constantly in the water.

The soaking time depends on the temperature. At room temperature, the process will take place faster, at cooler temperatures it will take longer. If you don't soak them completely, they won't be bitter, but spicy.

This process should be taken with full responsibility, since it determines how tasty and crispy the mushrooms turn out.

With detailed additional information, especially for beginners, check out this video.

Interestingly, milk mushrooms do not soak in running water, but only turn black.

So, after soaking, the mushrooms should:

  • change color - black milk mushrooms from dark olive to wine red, white ones acquire a bluish tint;
  • become soft and elastic;
  • decrease in volume by almost a third.


  • milk mushrooms - how much were collected
  • salt - 40-50 g per 1 kg of soaked milkweed

We place the prepared soaked semi-finished products on the bottom of the prepared container, put salt and spices between the layers and on top.

We add spices according to our preferences, these can be: oak leaves, currants, cherries, horseradish, dill umbrellas, garlic. Some people prefer to salt without spices.

Cover the top of the mushrooms with a clean cotton cloth, then with a pressure shield, this can be a wooden circle or a pan lid.

We use a can of juice as oppression. The milk mushrooms will thicken under pressure, settle and release juice. After a week, we check if there is brine in the jars. If too much of it is released, then drain it, if not enough, increase the load or add brine. Which we prepare separately by dissolving 20 g of salt in a liter of boiled cold water.

We send the container for storage in a cool cellar. After 35-40 days we take a sample.

You can always make pickled mushrooms from salted mushrooms by adding marinade.

The roots remaining after salting are used to prepare sauces and soups. Finely chop and dry, laying it out on a canvas on a hot day in the sun or shade. Then grind it into powder and store it in a dry place.

Salted milk mushrooms in jars - a step-by-step recipe for the winter

The recipe for preparing “immediately in jars” for the winter reduces time; there is no need to once again transfer milk mushrooms from containers to jars.

If the workpiece turns out to be very salty, soak it in water, changing the water. Then cut into bite-sized pieces and serve with thinly sliced ​​onion and aromatic vegetable oil.

How to store salted mushrooms in an apartment?

The question arises for city residents - how to preserve salty crispy mushrooms in jars in an apartment? It is important not only to prepare, but also to preserve this delicious preparation for the winter. Below are tips for you:

1. For long-term storage, we use glass jars or wooden barrels.

2. Mushrooms must be in brine. Place a cotton cloth soaked in alcohol on them. After this, we push them in with chopsticks, moving them crosswise over the shoulders of the can. We also moisten the sticks and lid with alcohol. And under a nylon cover we put it in the refrigerator for storage.

3. The ideal temperature in the room or refrigerator is from +1 to +4 degrees.

4. Below 0 degrees - the pickle will freeze and lose its nutritional and taste value. Above +7 degrees it will turn sour and moldy.

The main thing is that the mushrooms do not freeze in the cold and do not peroxidize in the heat.

5. The room must be ventilated and dry.

6. From the moment the jar is opened, the contents should be consumed within 2 days; if there is any doubt about the quality of the product, resolutely throw it in the trash.

7. Another way to preserve salted mushrooms at home is in freezer. After salting, drain the brine, place the pieces in plastic bags (preferably in portions) and put them in the freezer. They are stored for a long time and well, without losing their consumer qualities. After defrosting, they are ready to eat and do not require additional processing.

Cold salted mushrooms for the winter in jars at ideal conditions can be stored until the next harvest; here they barely survive until the New Year.

Mushroom season is gaining momentum, look forward to new posts about mushrooms: where they grow, how to collect them, what dishes to cook and much more interesting things. Do not miss! See you!

Greetings, my dears!

Today we will learn how to salt milk mushrooms for the winter. After all, how nice it is to crunch on mushrooms at the festive table, especially on New Year, which is just around the corner (only four months left!).

By the way, in ancient times in Rus', milk mushrooms were called the “king of mushrooms”, since it was the only one of all that was salted. In European countries, on the contrary, to this day milk mushrooms are considered inedible, so they do not eat them even in salted form.

For pickling, mainly the white representative of this mushroom is used. When in the forest, you will recognize real white milk mushrooms by their milky or slightly yellowish cap. However, in our article you will find very delicious recipe pickles of black milk mushrooms. So get creative and enjoy the fruits of your labor! Happy cooking to you!

Mushrooms prepared according to this recipe turn out incredibly crispy and appetizing. It’s especially nice to serve them to the table with onions and vegetable oil.


  • Milk mushrooms
  • Garlic
  • Dill or fennel seeds

Clean and soak the mushrooms in a bowl of water. We insist for a day. Drain the water several times to remove the bitterness.

We place a pressure plate in the form of a plate so that the milk mushrooms are completely immersed in water.

After a day, use a brush to remove the remaining dirt from the mushrooms and transfer them to a clean container.

Fill with water so that the milk mushrooms are completely immersed in water. We put it on fire.

Immediately after boiling, check the time and boil the mushrooms for no more than five minutes! Otherwise they won't turn out crispy.

Using a slotted spoon, remove the milk mushrooms from the pan and transfer them to another container.

Sprinkle the first layer of mushrooms with salt.

Place under a press and leave for two days at room temperature, remembering to periodically check the mushrooms.

We remove the oppression.

We begin to place the milk mushrooms in the jar, not forgetting to flavor each layer with garlic and dill. We repeat the procedure until the jar is full.

We pierce the mushrooms at the walls of the jar with a knife several times so that excess air does not form and the brine penetrates downwards.

Sprinkle the remaining garlic and fennel seeds on top.

Fill the jar to the brim with boiled, salted and cold water. Close with a nylon lid. We put the milk mushrooms in the refrigerator for storage for a month. After that you can eat, bon appetit!

How to pickle raw mushrooms (milk mushrooms) in a hot way - a simple winter recipe in jars

Well, you just get very tasty mushrooms if you cook them using this technology. The main thing is not to spare salt and water for them!

Prepare 2 buckets of milk mushrooms:

  • 6 liters of water
  • 18 tablespoons salt (heaped)
  • Bay leaf
  • black peppercorns

Cooking method in stages:

Rinse the milk mushrooms thoroughly.

Place them in clean containers.

Fill with water and put on fire to cook.

Bring to a boil and immediately skim off the foam.

Reduce heat and cook for another 5 minutes.

Drain the water through a colander. While the milk mushrooms cool slightly, prepare the brine: pour water into a pan, add salt at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of liquid. Bring to a boil and turn off.

Place one bay leaf and a third of a teaspoon of black pepper in the bottom of each pre-washed jar.

Place the mushrooms loosely among the jars.

Pour hot brine and close the jars with nylon lids. Put our preparations in a cool place and after 40 days enjoy their incomparable taste.

Tip: be sure to check that the jars are filled to the brim with brine, otherwise the mushrooms will darken!

Proper hot salting of dry milk mushrooms for the winter

This recipe will provide you with delicious mushroom appetizer To festive table. The guests will be delighted, you'll see!

We will need:

  • dry milk mushrooms
  • horseradish leaf
  • raspberry leaf
  • cherry leaf
  • oak leaf
  • 2 dill umbrellas
  • Bay leaf
  • carnation
  • allspice

Cooking method in stages:

Soak for 6-7 days, changing the water three times a day.

Place on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Drain the water through a colander and leave the mushrooms to cool for 30 minutes.

Place bay leaf, allspice, cloves, garlic and a couple of pinches of salt on the bottom of the pickling container.

We will also add a couple of cherry leaves and one leaf each of raspberry, horseradish, oak, as well as a dill umbrella.

We lay out the first layer of mushrooms, sprinkle them with a pinch of salt and again lay out the same spices and seasonings as for the first layer.

After laying the last layer, cover the milk mushrooms with leaves.

Cover the container with mushrooms with gauze and put on the press. We put the container in the cellar or refrigerator for 3-4 weeks. Be sure to make sure there is brine in the mushrooms, otherwise they will spoil!

If you don’t want to store milk mushrooms in such a container for a whole month, you can put them in jars and add salted water to each of them.

How to salt milk mushrooms quickly and simply not for the winter?

I really like this recipe because you can eat these mushrooms in just 5 days. I do not like cold method pickling milk mushrooms for several reasons. Firstly, you have to wait a long time, and secondly, the risk of poisoning from them increases.

Take the following ingredients:

  • Milk mushrooms
  • Garlic
  • Black peppercorns
  • Bay leaf

Cooking method in stages:

Wash and soak the mushrooms for a day, changing the water two or three times during this time.

Place the milk mushrooms in a saucepan with slightly salted water, place on the stove, wait until it boils and then cook over the heat for 20-30 minutes.

Cool the mushrooms until warm.

Prepare garlic, black peppercorns, bay leaf and salt.

Salt each mushroom and place it in a container with the cap down.

Place garlic, bay leaf and pepper on each layer of milk mushrooms.

Place pressure and put the mushrooms in the refrigerator. After 5 days you can enjoy the ready-made salted milk mushrooms, bon appetit!

A recipe for how to pickle black milk mushrooms in a hot way (in brine)

Most often, porcini mushrooms are used for pickling. However, Black is no worse. Especially if you know how to cook them correctly. So try it, for good health!


  • Black milk mushrooms
  • Dill umbrellas
  • Bay leaf
  • Garlic
  • Peppercorns

Cooking method in stages:

Clean the mushrooms and scrape their stems. Fill with water.

Soak for 24 hours, remembering to change the water for the black milk mushrooms a couple of times.

The next day, drain the water and rinse the mushrooms.

Fill the pan with milk mushrooms with water and put on fire.

After boiling, remove the foam, add bay leaf, peppercorns, 2 tablespoons of salt for each kilogram of mushrooms and cook them over medium heat for 40-45 minutes.

Drain the water through a colander and leave the mushrooms to cool.

Place dill and garlic at the bottom of the jar.

Place a layer of mushrooms and add salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon for every kilogram of milk mushrooms.

Top each layer of mushrooms with dill and garlic.

Cover the top with gauze, place the press and leave in a cool place for 2 weeks.

How to pickle white milk mushrooms for the winter in jars in a cold way - the right recipe at home

My grandmother knows this method. Moreover, her milk mushrooms always turned out very tasty and aromatic. If you want to try it, please come to the table!


  • White milk mushrooms
  • Garlic
  • Allspice
  • Black peppercorns

Cooking method in stages:

Soak the mushrooms for 2-3 days in cold water, changing the liquid 3-4 times a day.

We thoroughly wash each mushroom with a dishwashing sponge.

At the bottom of the pan we place chopped garlic cloves, allspice and black peppercorns, as well as salt at the rate of 1 heaped tablespoon per 1 kg of mushrooms.

Place the mushrooms caps down.

Sprinkle each layer with garlic and pepper.

When the container is 2/3 full, be sure to press down so that the mushrooms release their juice. Cover it all with a clean towel and refrigerate. After 1 - 1.5 months, the salted white milk mushrooms are ready! Bon appetit!

Preparing salted milk mushrooms using cold brine

This recipe was taught to me by a mushroom picker I know, who practically never leaves the forest in the fall. After all, the end of August - beginning of September is the hottest time for collecting milk mushrooms.

Take for 1 kg of mushrooms:

  • 40 g salt
  • bunch of dill
  • 1 PC. bay leaf
  • horseradish root
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic
  • pepper - to taste

Cooking method in stages:

Clean and slice the mushrooms.

Place them in a saucepan, pores side up.

For three days, soak the milk mushrooms in a saucepan with pressure, changing the water 2-3 times a day.

Crush dry bay leaf into a cup, chop garlic cloves and horseradish root.

Add salt and dill.

Add the ground pepper mixture.

Mix everything well.

Pour the spice mixture into the bottom of the jar and add the mushrooms. Do everything in layers.

Press down the milk mushrooms to make them tighter.

In this form, the jar must be placed in the refrigerator. In 30-40 days they will be ready!

Attention: if you tightly close a jar of mushrooms, botulism may begin to develop in it. Such milk mushrooms will be dangerous to eat, so do not close the container!

Video with a recipe for salting milk mushrooms at home for the winter (very tasty!)

To make the mushrooms crispy and tasty, you need to salt them cold. However, many are afraid to do this because of the risk of contracting botulism, because milk mushrooms are considered conditionally edible mushrooms.

Therefore, if you are so worried about your health, but at the same time do not want to give up pickled milk mushrooms, prepare them according to this recipe. For it, in addition to mushrooms, you will need salt, sugar, spices and vinegar, which is known for its disinfecting and neutralizing properties. Bon appetit!

Do you have a favorite recipe for salted milk mushrooms? If yes, I will be glad if you share your experience in the comments. See you again on the blog!

Written by Nikolay Budnik and Elena Mekk.

Many mushroom pickers are faced with the question: how to store harvested mushrooms in a city apartment? Especially it concerns salted mushrooms. We will share our many years of experience.

We salt mushrooms mainly in a cold way in buckets, tanks, and pans. Place a cotton cloth on the mushrooms, then a lid or saucer (so that the distance to the walls is 0.5 - 2 centimeters), then a squeeze (usually a three-liter jar with the required amount of water). The mushroom juice should cover the mushrooms. In this form they are salted on the balcony for 30 - 40 days.

When the mushrooms are salted, we put them in jars of the required size, filling them tightly, without voids. The mushrooms should almost reach the top of the jar. A cotton cloth soaked in vodka is placed on them. VODKA IS NEEDED TO PREVENT MOLD GROWING! After this, the mushrooms are crushed with sticks placed crosswise over the shoulders of the jar. These sticks are also moistened with vodka.

Juice should appear above the mushrooms, covering them by 1 - 2 centimeters. If there is not enough juice, you can add salted water (1 tablespoon per liter of boiled water). The top of the jar is closed with a thick plastic lid with a side, also soaked in vodka. We also tried to use metal screw caps, but under them the mushrooms dried out more and were preserved worse.

In this form salted mushrooms can be stored in a cool place until the next harvest, or even longer. We usually store mushrooms in a cupboard under the window. You can use a refrigerator, a balcony floor, and a caisson - whoever has what options. The main thing is that the mushrooms do not freeze in the cold and do not become acidic in the heat.

1. Ready-made salted mushrooms are compacted tightly into glass jars so that there are no voids left.

2. Bending sticks are split off from a pine or spruce block. This manufacturing method is very productive.

3. Sticks, cloth and lid are disinfected with vodka.

4. The brine should appear above the mushrooms.

5. In this form, mushrooms can be stored for one to two years!

Small videos about storing mushrooms in a city apartment.

How to properly fill jars with mushrooms.

How to close jars for long-term storage of mushrooms

How to store a started jar of mushrooms in the refrigerator

Salted mushrooms after a year of storage

And now a big film about storing salted mushrooms.

You need to think about how to store milk mushrooms in advance, before canning the mushrooms. This article talks about how to store milk mushrooms for the winter after salting and pickling in jars. There are several ways to store salted milk mushrooms: in the cellar and basement, in the refrigerator and in the room. Storage times will depend on the conditions.

Find out how to properly store salted milk mushrooms and prevent the risk of contracting various infections, including botulism. Consider the conditions in which the canned food will be located at the stage of their preparation and adjust the strength of the brine solution or the degree of acidity of the marinade.

Please note: before storing salted milk mushrooms at home, when preparing them, you must comply with all the conditions of sterility and ensuring infectious safety specified in the material.

Before storing ready-made salted milk mushrooms, they should be placed in a cool, well-ventilated area. It is best that the temperature there is maintained at 5–6 °C. It should not fall below 0 °C, otherwise the mushrooms will freeze, crumble, lose their taste, and at temperatures above 6 °C they will sour and spoil. When storing salted mushrooms, you should regularly check whether they are covered with brine. There are no ways to preserve salted milk mushrooms without brine, since the mushrooms must always be in it, be immersed in it, and not float up. If the brine evaporates and becomes less than needed, add cooled boiled water to the bowl with mushrooms.

Do you want to know how to keep salted milk mushrooms from mold without using heroic efforts? It's simple. If mold appears, the circle and fabric are washed in hot, slightly salted water. Remove mold from the walls of the dishes with a clean cloth moistened with hot water.

Salted mushrooms should be stored in a cool place and at the same time ensure that mold does not appear. From time to time, the fabric and the circle with which they are covered must be washed in hot, slightly salted water.

Storing salted black milk mushrooms in the refrigerator

Storing salted milk mushrooms in the refrigerator significantly extends the period during which canned food remains suitable for consumption. Salted mushrooms are most often eaten as a snack. They are also used to prepare fillings for pies, cold dishes, mushroom pickles, and soups. All these various dishes are very nutritious and tasty. If you wash salted mushrooms in several waters or boil them in clean water or milk until the saltiness disappears, they taste like fresh ones. After such preliminary preparation, they are fried, used for soups, solyankas, etc.

Salted black milk mushrooms are stored at a temperature no higher than 2-10 °C. At higher temperatures they sour, become soft, even moldy, and cannot be eaten. For rural residents and owners of garden plots, the problem of storing pickled mushrooms is easily solved - a cellar is used for this. City dwellers must pickle exactly as many mushrooms as can be placed in the refrigerator. They will freeze on the balcony in winter and will have to be thrown away. Salted mushrooms in barrels are stored at a temperature of 0–2 °C for no more than 8 months, although milk mushrooms under these conditions can be stored without noticeable deterioration in quality for up to two years. During storage, check the filling of the barrels with brine at least once a week. If the top layer of mushrooms is not covered with brine, the barrel is supplemented with a 4% solution of table salt.

How to preserve milk mushrooms after salting

To save nutritional value and the taste of milk mushrooms, it is important that they are processed and stored in the most suitable container for this. Rusting knives, spoons and utensils, poorly cleaned or made of unsuitable materials, spoil mushrooms. Baths and bowls for washing mushrooms should be wide and spacious so that the mushrooms float freely in them. If the bowls are small, the mushrooms should be washed in small quantities and the water should be changed more often. Before storing milk mushrooms after salting, it is important to choose suitable containers for processing.

Mushrooms can be cooked in any container, but mushrooms should be removed from the aluminum pan immediately after cooking.

Aluminum cookware darkens from substances released from mushrooms. For cooking in own juice or fat, you should use enameled, or, in extreme cases, Teflon dishes, from which the mushrooms are immediately removed after boiling. Under no circumstances should you use cast iron, copper or tin utensils. These dishes form compounds with substances contained in mushrooms that change the color of the mushrooms (for example, cast iron cookware light mushrooms become very dark in color) or may even become poisonous. To stew mushrooms in a small amount of water or in their own juice, it is best to use fireproof glass containers.

How to store ready-made salted milk mushrooms in glass jars in the refrigerator

Salted and pickled mushrooms are stored in glass jars, enamel buckets, wooden tubs or stainless steel tanks. Before storing ready-made salted milk mushrooms, you need to prepare a container suitable for this. In enameled buckets, you should check the strength of the enamel: old buckets with damaged enamel are not suitable for storing mushrooms. Tinned and galvanized buckets are absolutely unsuitable: their top layer dissolves under the influence of acids (mushroom liquid) and forms toxic compounds. Before storing salted milk mushrooms in glass jars, it would be useful to know that canned food should be hidden from constant exposure to sunlight. You can lower them into the basement for this. So, the article further talks about how to store milk mushrooms in the refrigerator, and you can also find out about the shelf life of this preservation.

How to store salted white milk mushrooms

Before storing salted white milk mushrooms, you need to know that wooden utensils must be new or always used only for storing mushrooms. Tubs of pickled cucumbers or cabbage are not suitable, since mushrooms, when stored in them, acquire an unusual taste. Mushrooms spoil quickly in rainwater barrels. Jars and bottles for storing mushrooms must be hermetically sealed. Remaining in open banks mushrooms will spoil quickly.

Before storing salted milk mushrooms, preparation is needed: before use, the dishes should be thoroughly washed as follows: keep in warm water for at least 8-10 hours, then wash in alkaline water using soda (based on 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of soda ), pour boiling water over or boil in clean water (without additions) for 5-10 minutes, then let the water drain; Do not wipe with a towel.

Mushroom containers are immediately washed and stored covered or upside down in a clean, dry room with good air access.

How to store cold-salted black milk mushrooms

Before storing salted black milk mushrooms, a wooden container must be equipped with two lids: a small wooden circle that fits freely into the container, on which a pressure stone is placed, and a larger circle that completely covers the container. Both lids are wiped clean with sand and soda water, doused with boiling water and allowed to dry. On the mushrooms, under a circle with pressure, place a clean, thick boiled napkin, completely covering the mushrooms. Clean washed cobblestones are used as oppression.

Metal oppression worsens the taste and color of mushrooms.

Before storing black milk mushrooms cold pickling, glass jars and bottles are tightly closed with cellophane, parchment, rubber or plastic covers, corks and metal lids. Cellophane and parchment are rinsed in boiling water. Tires and plastic plugs are soaked for 10–18 minutes in a soda solution, then rinsed in boiled water. Rubber lids and plugs are thoroughly washed with soda water and boiled in clean water for 5-10 minutes, then the water is allowed to drain on a clean napkin. Metal lids are washed with soda water, left in this water for 5-10 minutes, and then, changing the water several times, rinsed with boiled water and placed on a clean napkin.

How to store fresh and boiled milk mushrooms

If it is not possible to process the mushrooms on the same day (although this is not recommended!), they are stored for one night (no more!) peeled, but not cut. Before storing fresh milk mushrooms, they are left in a basket or transferred to a flat container and, without closing, left in a cool room with plenty of air access, for example, in a basement, barn, or corridor. Of course, the best place is the refrigerator, its lower part with a temperature of +2-+4 ºС. Mushrooms to be cooked can be filled with cold water. The soaking container should be wide and low. Before further processing, the mushrooms should be sorted again and individual wormholes, spots and other damage that were not previously noticed, which have increased so much during storage that most of the mushroom will become unfit for consumption, should be removed.

Before storing boiled milk mushrooms, it is necessary to exclude contact of the mushrooms with air so that the oxidation process does not occur. You need to close the dishes as tightly as possible and put them in a dark, cool place for 12 - 24 hours, no more.

How to store pickled milk mushrooms

Before storing pickled milk mushrooms, you need to choose a suitable place for this process. Mushrooms should be stored in a clean, cool, dark room. The most favorable room temperature is from +1 to +4 ºС. Pickled mushrooms should be stored in a cool place. If mold appears, all mushrooms should be placed in a colander and washed with boiling water, then make a new marinade, boil the mushrooms in it and, putting them in clean jars, pour in vegetable oil and cover with paper. Do not cover jars with pickled and salted mushrooms with metal lids - this can lead to the development of the botulinus microbe. It is enough to cover the jar with two sheets of paper - plain and waxed, tie it tightly and put it in a cool place.

The marinade should cover the mushrooms. If the room is dry and the jars are not closed tightly enough, you will sometimes have to add marinade or water during the winter. Typically, pickled mushrooms are stored in jars with a plastic lid and other non-oxidizing containers. To protect against mold, mushrooms are poured with boiled oil on top. Instead of acetic acid, you can use citric acid, however, its effect when storing mushrooms is much weaker.

Store pickled mushrooms at a temperature of about 8 °C. They can be used for food 25-30 days after pickling. If mold appears in the jars, the mushrooms need to be thrown into a sieve or colander, rinsed with boiling water, make a new marinade according to the same recipe, digest the mushrooms in it, and then put them in clean, baked jars and fill them with marinade again. Storing mushrooms depends on how thoroughly the sterilization is carried out. Well, sterilized mushrooms can be stored even at room temperature, although it is better to place them in a cool place, because even under sterile conditions, long-term storage at high temperatures reduces the taste of the product.

How to store milk mushrooms after cold salting

Before storing milk mushrooms after salting in a cold way, cover the mushrooms with a clean linen cloth on top, and then with a free-fitting lid (wooden circle, enamel lid with the handle down, etc.), on which a pressure is placed - a stone, previously cleanly washed and scalded with boiling water or boiled. It is better to wrap the stone in clean gauze. Metal objects, bricks, limestone and easily falling apart stones should not be used for oppression. After 2-3 days, the excess brine that appears is drained and a new portion of mushrooms is added. This operation is repeated until the mushrooms stop settling and the container is filled to the maximum extent. If after 3–4 days no brine appears above the mushrooms, the pressure is increased. Pickled mushrooms are stored in a cool place, periodically (at least once every two weeks) washing the wooden oppression and changing the napkin.

Cold salting can be carried out in a slightly different way: mushrooms are placed on top of the spices with their caps up (not down) in a layer 8-10 cm thick (not 5-8), sprinkle it with salt, then the spices are placed again, and the mushrooms and salt. So fill the entire container layer by layer. After this, cold boiled water is poured into it, the container is covered with a wooden circle that fits into it, and oppression is placed on top.

When the mushrooms have settled somewhat and are compressed, the container is replenished fresh mushrooms, tightly sealed and placed in an icebox, where every week it is shaken, rocked or rolled from place to place (for example, barrels) to evenly distribute the brine. Particular care is taken to ensure that the container does not leak, and that the mushrooms do not come out of the brine and do not freeze in the cold. As you know, mushrooms without brine turn black, become moldy, and when frozen they become flabby, tasteless and quickly spoil.

Storing pickled milk mushrooms in the refrigerator

Place the boiled, cooled mushrooms in prepared jars so that their level does not exceed the shoulders of the jar. Pour the chilled marinade over the mushrooms, pour a layer on top of the marinade vegetable oil approximately 0.8 - 1 cm high, cover the jars with glassine paper, tie and store in the refrigerator.

Storing dried milk mushrooms

Dried milk mushrooms are stored in dry, well-ventilated areas, on racks, packaged or hung in bundles. Storage is not allowed dried mushrooms together with salted and pickled, fragrant herbs and wet foods. If the mushrooms are damp or moldy, they must be sorted and dried, removing the spoiled ones. Store mushrooms in closed glass containers or cloth bags. Dried mushrooms can be stored for years. But over time they lose their taste. Dry mushrooms are highly hygroscopic, quickly absorb moisture, as well as various foreign odors. They cannot be stored together with other products.

Shelf life of salted and pickled milk mushrooms in jars in the refrigerator and cellar

There are certain storage periods for salted milk mushrooms in jars; they are determined by the composition and strength of the brine, methods of preparing the preserved food and the conditions in which it is located. Look at this data in the table below.



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