How to store zucchini jam. What are the benefits of zucchini? How to make amber zucchini jam with lemon and orange slices

How to store zucchini jam. What are the benefits of zucchini? How to make amber zucchini jam with lemon and orange slices

Step-by-step recipes zucchini jam with lemon and nuts, orange, dried apricots

2018-06-26 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


50 gr.

200 kcal.

Option 1: Classic zucchini jam with lemon

To make jam, it is better to use white or yellow zucchini; green ones will not turn out very beautiful. The recipe indicates the net weight without pulp and skin. IN classic version sugar and the main ingredient are added in equal proportions. There is much less lemon, the seeds need to be removed immediately.


  • 1 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 lemon.

Step-by-step recipe for a classic zucchini jam

First cut the peeled zucchini into long strips, then into neat cubes. The average size about one centimeter. You can make the pieces a little larger or smaller, sometimes they crumble into strips, which is also allowed. Pour the zucchini into a bowl for making jam. This could be a saucepan or a small basin.

Sprinkle granulated sugar on top of the zucchini, level it and leave to release the juice. Since the vegetable itself contains a lot of water, a couple of hours is enough.

After the juice has been released, the zucchini and sugar need to be mixed and placed on the stove. Let it boil, boil for a couple of minutes, set aside to cool for two hours. Let it boil again and cool, repeat again.

The lemon needs to be chopped. You can grind it, but it is better to cut it into small pieces. Add to the zucchini and set to cook on the stove one last time. Now boil for 15-20 minutes.

While the jam is being prepared for the last time, sterilize the lids with the jars. The dishes must be clean and dry, otherwise the workpiece may turn sour during storage. Pour the sweet delicacy and roll up the lids. Leave until completely cool, then put in a cool place.

If the zucchini is very young and the skin is not visible, then you can leave it, just cut it into cubes, but it is better to remove the pulp, it is too loose, loses its shape, such pieces will not look very nice in jam.

Option 2: Quick recipe for zucchini jam with lemon

This jam is prepared in one step; there is no need to cool anything and bring it to a boil several times. To grind zucchini you need a meat grinder; a blender will not work. We insert a mesh with the largest cells to get small pieces at the output.


  • 1 kg of zucchini;
  • 0.8 kg sugar;
  • 0.14 kg lemon.

How to quickly make zucchini jam

We pass the peeled squash pulp through a meat grinder. Add sugar, stir and leave for literally ten minutes, this time will be enough for the first juice to appear. Then we put it on the stove and slowly heat the zucchini jam over low heat.

After boiling, cook the zucchini for a quarter of an hour. It's time to prepare the lemon. First, rinse the citrus thoroughly. It is better to take a brush to remove plaque and other contaminants from the citrus. Then cut into pieces, remove all the bones and also twist through a meat grinder.

Add lemon to the zucchini and now cook for another 20 minutes. Let's look at the consistency. After cooling, the mixture will become slightly thicker.

We put the zucchini mass into sterile jars of any size, immediately roll them up with airtight lids, which also need to be processed, usually just pour boiling water over them or boil for a minute.

If you grind the jam in a blender and then boil until thick, you will get a wonderful squash jam. You just need to evaporate the moisture carefully and constantly monitor it; the thickening mass can easily burn.

Option 3: Zucchini jam with lemon and orange

This version of zucchini jam with lemon was very popular in the 90s of the last century, when there was a shortage of certain products. Northerners and Siberians especially loved this delicacy, since the cost of fruits and berries is high. We take juicy, fresh oranges and lemons so that the delicacy has a pronounced and bright aroma.


  • 2 kg of zucchini;
  • 1.6 kg sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2 oranges.

How to cook

Cut the zucchini pulp into small cubes. If the skin is thin, then there is no need to peel it off, you can leave it. Sprinkle the pieces with granulated sugar and let stand for exactly two hours. But you can do this in the evening so that you can start making jam in the morning. In this case, it is advisable to cover the dishes and put them in the refrigerator.

Finely chop the oranges along with the peel. If suddenly it is thick, it may taste bitter. In this case, you can add chopped zest and chopped pulp to the jam, bypassing the white dense part. We also cut the lemon and add all the citruses to the zucchini.

After combining the ingredients, you can put the jam on the stove. After boiling, cook for a quarter of an hour, then cool for five hours. After this, boil for another 15-20 minutes, put the squash jam in jars, and roll up.

If there is only one orange at home, then you can boil it with only it and lemon, or add a little extra zest, it is this that gives the desired aroma and masks the zucchini.

Option 4: Zucchini jam with lemon and nuts

Very interesting option thick zucchini jam with boiled syrup. Additionally, walnuts are added to it; there is no need to chop them, just leave large enough pieces of kernels, you can even quarter them.


  • 150 g nuts;
  • 1 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 800 g sugar.

Step by step recipe

Cut the zucchini into pieces, sprinkle with sugar and lay in layers, leave for at least four hours, almost all the sugar should melt and a lot of juice will be released. Using a slotted spoon, remove the zucchini pieces. We put the liquid with sugar on the stove and prepare the syrup for a quarter of an hour, cook over fairly high heat.

Pour the zucchini pieces into the boiling syrup and cook for another ten minutes. If the zucchini is not quite young and the pieces are a bit harsh, then increase the time to a quarter of an hour. Turn off, cool until room temperature or just leave it for four hours. The zucchini pieces should be soaked.

Now finely chop the lemon, be sure to remove the seeds, leave the skin, and prepare the walnuts. We select all the rubbish and small particles, taking only large pieces. Add together with citrus to the zucchini.

We put the jam on the stove and you can simultaneously start sterilizing the jars. Bring the zucchini to a boil over high heat, then reduce and cook for 20 minutes along with the nuts, do not let it bubble actively. If there is foam on top, carefully scoop it up with a spoon and throw it away.

All that remains is to put the boiling jam into jars and roll them up. After complete cooling, check the lid and send sweet preparation to a cool place.

This jam can be prepared not only with walnut, but also with almonds, sometimes sweet kernels are used apricot kernels It turns out very aromatic and tasty.

Option 5: Zucchini jam with lemon and dried apricots

Sunny and incredible fragrant jam with the smell of ripe apricots. Not a lot of dried apricots are added to it, but thanks to the lemon and spices, the zucchini taste is wonderfully masked.


  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 kg zucchini;
  • 150 g dried apricots;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 1 cm ginger root.

How to cook

Slice the zucchini, combine with sugar, and leave for a couple of hours. We wash the dried apricots, it is better to pour boiling water over them to ensure that the plaque and processing agents used to cover dried fruits are washed off.

Place the zucchini on the stove, boil for 10 minutes, add dried apricots, bring to a boil and leave to cool completely. Then bring it to a boil again and let it brew for 3-4 hours.

Finely chop the lemon. Add to the jam at the last stage of cooking, do not forget to remove all the seeds, they are not needed. If the citrus has a thick skin, then cut and chop the zest, chop the pulp separately, throw away the white peels, they will make the jam bitter.

Throw in a cinnamon stick, you can break it into several pieces. Prepare the zucchini jam for a quarter of an hour after boiling, pour into sterile jars.

Using this principle, you can prepare zucchini jam with the addition of other dried fruits. Raisins, prunes, even apples and pears are quite suitable and will share their taste. It is advisable not to use too soft and processed products, which will quickly lose their shape in syrup.

Zucchini is considered light vegetable, which is easily absorbed in the human body. In addition, the vegetable is rich in useful minerals and vitamins. Let's look at popular recipes for making unusual zucchini-based jam.

Zucchini jam with peach

  • medium-sized zucchini - 1 kg.
  • juicy peaches - 400 gr.
  • lemons (medium) - 2 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 800 gr.
  1. Wash the zucchini in the usual way, cut off the shell, and chop into small square pieces. Do the same with citrus fruits.
  2. Remove the seeds from the fruits and pass the pulp without zest through a food processor. Washed peaches also need to be chopped.
  3. Take a suitable pan with a thick bottom or enamel coating. Combine all ingredients in a container and mix. Soak the composition for about 4-5 hours at room temperature.
  4. Turn on the stove, place a heat-resistant container with the contents on it. Boil the future jam over low heat for about 1 hour. Stir the mixture periodically and skim off the foam if necessary.
  5. At the same time, begin sterilizing the glass containers. Pour the hot product into jars, seal with nylon or clean iron lids. Turn the containers over and insulate them with cloth. Store in a cool place.

Zucchini and dried apricot jam

  • zucchini (young) - 1.6 kg.
  • dried apricots (meaty) - 550 gr.
  • sugar - 1.4 kg.
  1. Cut the zucchini and remove the seeds. Cut the vegetable into pieces, place in a blender bowl, and grind until smooth. You can also use a meat grinder.
  2. Drain the dried apricots in a colander and rinse the product with running water. Wait for excess liquid to drain. Pass the dried fruit through a blender.
  3. Mix the ingredients in a common saucepan and leave to steep for 1 hour. After this, mix the composition and send it to the fire. Boil the mixture after boiling for about 2 hours.
  4. Do not forget to systematically mix the products. After a while, roll the jam into sterile containers. Close the lids and put them in a dark place.

Zucchini jam with bananas

  • young zucchini - 1.4 kg.
  • bananas - 4 pcs.
  • sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • purified water - 400 ml.
  1. Take the prepared pieces of zucchini and place them in a bowl with cool water. Leave the vegetable for 25-35 minutes. Pour the liquid into a saucepan, add sugar, and cook the syrup.
  2. Peel the bananas and cut the pulp into any shape. Place all ingredients into boiling syrup and stir. When the first bubbles appear, simmer the jam for about half an hour.
  3. Don’t forget to stir the ingredients and remove any foam that has formed. After preparation, package the jam in the standard way. Store the product properly.

  • carrot juice - 40 ml.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 750 gr.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • zucchini - 1 kg.
  1. Rinse all products thoroughly under the tap and dry with paper towels. Chop the citruses into pieces along with the zest. Place the fruit in a meat grinder to obtain a homogeneous pulp.
  2. Mix citrus pulp with carrot juice. Mix the ingredients and put on fire. Next, combine all the components and leave for a day.
  3. After the specified time, mix the products and place on the stove. Wait for it to boil, then simmer the mixture for 10-12 minutes. Move to the balcony and wait until it cools completely.
  4. After a while, re-boil the treat for about 30 minutes. Pour the finished product into clean, dry containers and close with lids. Insulate with a towel, and after a day, put the jars in the basement.

Zucchini and physalis jam

  • sugar - 1.6 kg.
  • physalis - 0.5 kg.
  • clove buds - 3 pcs.
  • zucchini - 1.2 kg.
  1. Chop pure physalis into 2-4 parts. Consider the size of the fruit. Peel the zucchini and cut into cubes. Place the ingredients in an iron bowl and add granulated sugar.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave overnight. You will have to prepare the delicacy in 4 steps. Take a break between each manipulation for at least 3-4 hours.
  3. The process of boiling the components will take about 50 minutes over low heat. At the end of the manipulation, you need to add clove buds within 30 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, begin sterilizing glass jars and lids. Carry out the procedure in a water bath. Distribute the treat among the containers and roll up. Store using classical technology.

  • fresh pineapple - 1 pc.
  • zucchini - 1.1 kg.
  • sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • purified water - 180 ml.
  1. Cut the pineapple, cut off the green part, remove the peel and core. Chop the pulp into small pieces. Do the same with zucchini.
  2. Place the prepared ingredients in a cup and add sugar to the ingredients. Stir, give the composition a chance to brew. Expect about 3-4 hours.
  3. Next, the products are sent to the stove in heat-resistant containers. Boil the mixture and cook for 5-7 minutes. Set the mixture aside and wait 2-3 hours.
  4. After the time has passed, place the pan on the stove and add the citrus, crushed through a meat grinder, along with the peel, to the mixture. Simmer the treat for 50 minutes.
  5. Stir the mixture, turn off the stove, distribute the zucchini jam into sterile jars, and seal with clean lids. Store in the classic way.

Zucchini jam with apples

  • zucchini - 1.2 kg.
  • apples (green variety) - 4 pcs.
  • lime - 3 pcs.
  • flower honey - 180 gr.
  • sugar - 750 gr.
  1. In the usual way, cut the zucchini and chop into pieces. Wash the apples, peel the peel, remove the core. Cut into slices. Pass the zucchini through a meat grinder, grate the apples.
  2. Combine the ingredients and mix. Add sugar and honey in a fireproof container and place on the stove. Wait for bubbles to appear, do not forget to stir the food during cooking.
  3. Boil the treat for about 25 minutes. Place the pan aside and wait for it to cool. Cut the washed lime, discarding only the seeds. Pass the citrus through a food processor and mix into the mixture.
  4. Place the container on the burner and wait for it to boil. After this, the jam needs to simmer for another 40 minutes. Next, the treat is rolled into sterile jars in the classic way. Store jam properly.

  • zucchini (small) - 1.2 kg.
  • melon - 1.4 kg.
  • drinking water - 350 ml.
  • sugar - 1.7 kg.
  • citric acid - 8 gr.
  • vanillin - 2 gr.
  1. Rinse the zucchini and grate coarse grater. Remove the pulp from the melon and cut into pieces. Pass the product through a coarse grater.
  2. Boil drinking water, add sugar. Boil the syrup and watch the process carefully. The composition should not burn. Combine grated zucchini and melon in a common cup, add vanillin to them, citric acid.
  3. Pour hot syrup over the products and mix well. Leave the composition for 5 hours to infuse. Next, the products are brought to a boil and simmered for about 40 minutes. Distribute the treat into clean jars and roll up with nylon.

Zucchini jam with cherry plum

  • sugar - 400 gr.
  • water - 1.9 l.
  • yellow cherry plum - 320 gr.
  • zucchini (small) - 950 gr.
  1. Peel the zucchini and chop into rings. Squeeze out the middle with a diameter of 1.5 cm using a suitable tool. The vegetable should resemble pineapple rings.
  2. Rinse the cherry plum in a colander and wait for the excess water to drain. Transfer the sunny fruits into jars, then add the zucchini. Bring water to a boil and pour into jars.
  3. After half an hour, drain the water, boil again and repeat the procedure. This time you need to wait until the liquid cools completely. Drain the liquid and stir in sugar.
  4. Place the pan on the fire and wait until the sugar dissolves. Wait for it to boil, after which the composition must be poured into jars of food again.
  5. Cover the jam with sterile lids. Turn the container upside down and insulate it with a jacket or suitable material. After a day, the treat should be put away in the pantry for long-term storage.

Zucchini jam turns out quite tasty. The delicacy can be consumed with tea. The treat is also often used as a filling for baked goods. Make your household happy unusual jam, try adding it to creamy ice cream.

Video: delicious amber zucchini jam

We will tell you how to make zucchini jam, and also share the best zucchini jam recipes that will delight you. One of the most common preparations, but only for amateurs and real gourmets, is zucchini jam. Every year, the number of housewives who have recipes for jam from this vegetable in their arsenal is replenished. This article contains the most common, relevant and unusual delicious recipes zucchini jam.

The process of making zucchini jam is very simple. It is enough to follow the proportions indicated in the recipe and the required amount of ingredients. Very often additional components are introduced. For example, oranges, lemons or fruits.

You can make jam from simple varieties of zucchini or zucchini. But, according to experienced chefs tender, melt-in-your-mouth jam can only be made from young zucchini with thin skin.

Zucchini jam with lemon

This recipe for making zucchini jam is the most common and popular. Wash well and remove the peel from one kilogram of zucchini, preferably young ones, with a sharp knife. Chop into small cubes, place in a large container and leave for 12 hours, during which the juice will release. Peel one, but very large, lemon, remove the seeds and cut into small cubes. Place the container with chopped zucchini on the fire, add 800 grams of sugar and, bringing to boiling temperature, boil for 20 minutes. Then add lemon and simmer for the same amount of time, but only over very low heat. Ready jam Pour into pre-sterilized jars and seal with metal lids.

Recipe for zucchini jam with citric acid

You can make zucchini jam without lemon fruit. They are replaced with citric acid, which will not worsen the taste of the final result. Peel and cut into cubes one kilogram of zucchini, remove the seeds if necessary. Place the chopped vegetable in a large bowl, add one kilogram of granulated sugar and leave for several hours to release the juice. Then put on low heat, add five to six grams of citric acid and cook until fully cooked.

Zucchini jam with lemon and spices

You can diversify zucchini jam with the addition of lemon using spices. Initially, wash well, remove the peel and seeds, a kilogram of young, small-sized zucchini. Cut them into cubes no larger than one centimeter and, after pouring boiling water over them, place in a large colander and let the liquid drain completely. In the meantime, you can start preparing the syrup. To do this, you need to prepare 250 milliliters of pre-purified water, one kilogram of granulated sugar, and a medium-sized lemon. Prepare the spices as well. This can be cloves and cinnamon, which should be added to taste. Combine all ingredients, except lemon, in a fireproof container and, stirring constantly, cook until smooth over a very low flame. Then combine the syrup with the zucchini, add chopped lemon and zest and cook until the mixture thickens. This is easy to determine. It is enough to lower and raise the spoon. If the jam flows out in a very thin stream, it is ready. It is better to store it in pre-washed, steamed glass jars under a metal lid.

Recipe for zucchini jam with orange

As in previous recipes for making jam, in which the main ingredient is zucchini, the vegetable must be peeled, seeds removed and cut. The cubes should be one centimeter each. Wash three oranges, preferably large ones, under running water, wipe and cut into half rings, not forgetting to remove the seeds. Place all ingredients in a large container, add three kilograms of granulated sugar and leave for six to seven hours. During this period of time, juice will be released. Then put the container on the fire, let it boil and cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes, remembering to stir constantly so that it does not burn. Then set aside for five to six hours and repeat cooking. This must be repeated at least three times, pour into a glass jar and roll up the lids.

Recipe for zucchini jam with lemon and orange

Zucchini jam with orange and lemon is ideal for pies or buns. Remove the seeds and peels from three kilograms of young zucchini, several kilograms of oranges and two large lemons. Grind the zucchini using a grater, but only with medium teeth, and pass the fruit through a meat grinder. Combine all ingredients in a large, preferably enamel container, add a little more than two kilograms of granulated sugar and cook for an hour over medium heat, remembering to stir. Then remove from the heat, let the jam cool completely and, bringing it back to boiling point, pour into previously prepared containers.

How to make zucchini jam with apples

Grind one medium-sized zucchini using a meat grinder, having previously cleared it of peel and seeds. Using a grater with large teeth, chop the same pre-peeled kilogram of apples of any variety, but only ripe ones. Pass the lemon along with the peel through a meat grinder. Place all ingredients in a fireproof container, add half a glass of liquid honey and, after boiling, cook until a homogeneous composition is formed.

Zucchini jam with lingonberries

Wash one kilogram of zucchini and 300 grams of lingonberries under running water, remove the peel from the vegetables. Prepare the syrup. It is enough to place granulated sugar, the amount of which is slightly more than a kilogram, and 100 milliliters of purified water in a fireproof container. Stirring constantly, cook the syrup until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Then place the zucchini and berries, cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the zucchini becomes translucent.

How to make zucchini jam, Karina told

Preparing for the winter has ceased to be a necessity, but few housewives are ready to give them up. After all, it is home canned food that often helps decorate the table or diversify the family’s diet. Learn how to make zucchini jam with lemon - surprise your loved ones with your culinary skills. Find out the secrets that will help you please your household with a delicacy with an unusual taste.

Taste and type of preparation

Surely everyone knows what dishes can be prepared from zucchini - both snacks and vegetable casseroles, however, few housewives have ever encountered preparing desserts from this vegetable. After all, in itself it does not have a sweet or even sour taste. This is true, because if the jam consists of only zucchini, then the taste of the preparation will hardly please you.

As for jam specifically, there are little tricks here that help turn preserved food into a real feast of taste. Citrus fruits cope with this task perfectly; it is their addition that transforms the zucchini and saturates the preparation with unusual, even exotic taste characteristics.

If you are not afraid of experimenting in the kitchen or just want to please your family, you should definitely try making such an original dish from zucchini.

If your relatives do not like this vegetable, this is not a reason to refuse jam. Looking at the jar, you might think that the main ingredient of the delicacy was, but not zucchini. Take this moment and prepare at least a portion of zucchini jam - we assure you that with this recipe you will again introduce this wonderful vegetable into your diet and will be able to amaze your family with the amazing taste of preserved food.

Features of product selection

The key to a pleasant taste of any dish is not only the subtleties of preparation, but also the correctly selected products.

Zucchini at different stages of ripening has different taste qualities, accordingly, this can also affect the taste of your preparation. We recommend that you select the vegetables for jam especially carefully so as not to inadvertently spoil the taste of the preparation.

So, The zucchini must be young, but at the same time large enough in size.

Important! It is not advisable to use watery vegetables for jam, as they will affect the thickness of the final product. There is also no need to take overripe ones, since their taste is different from young zucchini.

As for the choice, everything is simple - any citrus fruit will do. All other ingredients are also quite simple and affordable.

Step-by-step cooking recipe with photos and videos

We have already found out which zucchini will make the most delicious jam. Now you need to decide on the devices that will be useful during cooking, the remaining ingredients and familiarize yourself with the recipe itself.

What you need in the kitchen: appliances and utensils

To make zucchini jam, you need to arm yourself with containers for ingredients, a kitchen board, a knife and a spatula or spoon. You can also prepare jars in advance, in which you will later seal your preserves.

Required Ingredients

The recipe is quite simple and only requires three ingredients. It is designed for a small portion, so the quantity of products indicated is for 1 kg of vegetables.

To prepare the treat, take:

  • young zucchini -1 kg;
  • lemons or -1 large or 2 medium;
  • sugar - 800-900 grams.

Detailed cooking process

The method of preparing delicacies consists of the following stages:

Important! Do not under any circumstances add liquid to this mixture. It is simply not needed in this recipe, because both citrus fruits and zucchini have enough of their own juice.

After this time, place the workpiece on the stove. Bring the mixture to a boil, leave it on the stove for several hours. During this time, the ingredients should be saturated with syrup. As a rule, the preparation of such preservation takes about 48 hours, since the workpiece must first be boiled, then set aside for several hours and boiled again.

We offer you two options for preparing preserves.

The first method will suit you if you are not a fan of sourness in jams. To remove this slight aftertaste, you will need to spend more time cooking.

So, to rid the treat of the sour taste, you need to:

  1. Boil the zucchini in the evening of the first day, then leave it to cool until the morning.
  2. On the morning of the second day, boil again and leave the jam until evening.
  3. In the evening of the second day, put the delicacy back on the stove, boil and set aside until the morning of the third day.
  4. Only on the third day can you pour the preserved food into jars and close it.

If you want the jam to resemble canned pineapple and remain slightly sour, we recommend using the second preparation method.

For this you will need only one day. Simply boil the squash in the morning, then cool and boil again in the evening. Immediately after the second temperature treatment, you can close the treat.

What can you add besides lemon?

Did you find out classic recipe zucchini jam. However, the kitchen is one of the best places to experiment, with which you will get perfect recipe delicacies - the one that you and your family will like. There is an option for making spicy jam, as well as dishes using two citrus fruits.

Recipe with spices

For spice lovers, we suggest using the following canning recipe, the taste of which is rich in spices.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 kg of zucchini without skin;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • spices - cinnamon and cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the vegetables, peel them, and then cut them into cubes with sides of about 1 cm.
  2. Then place the cubes in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then remove them from there and place them in the syrup. To prepare it you need 200-250 ml of water and 1 kg of sugar. It is in this syrup that the main product is placed.
  3. The citrus must be chopped, then poured into the syrup with the vegetable.
  4. After this, spices are added, in our case cinnamon and cloves.
  5. Boil the mixture until it thickens, after which you can pour it into previously sterilized jars.

Recipe with lemon and oranges

You don't need a lot of ingredients to make this treat either. The following ingredients must be present:

  • zucchini - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • orange - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

  1. The main ingredient is thoroughly washed under running water, after which it should be removed from the skin.
  2. The next step is chopping the zucchini, cut it finely into cubes, and then cover the vegetable on top with 500 grams of sugar.
  3. Leave the zucchini with sugar overnight so that they have time to release enough juice.
  4. As for processing citrus fruits, you will need to remove the peel from them and grate it on a fine grater.
  5. The fruit itself needs to be processed into juice, and then the grated zest and freshly squeezed juice should be added to the container where the zucchini is infused, and another 500 grams of sugar should be added.
  6. Place the container with this mixture on the stove and cook until the sugar dissolves.
  7. After this, you need to boil the jam a little more, bring it to a boil and keep it on the stove in this state for about 10 minutes.
  8. After 10 minutes, remove the treat from the stove to cool slightly.
  9. When the preparation for preservation has steeped a little, carry out the procedure again, and then put the zucchini back to cool.
It is advisable to boil the jam about 4 times. The thickness of the mixture should serve as a guide for you - when the deliciousness becomes thick enough, you can start pouring it into jars and rolling it up.

Rules for storing workpieces

There are no special requirements for storing jam. Simply keep the jars in a cool place, protected from light. Both the cellar and the refrigerator are suitable for these purposes.

What to serve with zucchini jam

You can consume the treat as an independent product. It goes great with tea, and can also be added to ice cream or for baking.

Try making zucchini jam according to one of the above recipes and surprise your loved ones with an unexpected taste familiar products. Experiment with spices and seasonings for delicacies, because zucchini is a versatile product; you can use it to prepare many interesting, tasty treats. Bon appetit!

Good afternoon Today I bring to your attention a very interesting jam - made from zucchini. It sounds strange: “vegetable jam”! But, if anyone has already tried this amber dessert with transparent, elastic pieces, he will want to eat it again and again.

Why zucchini? Because it has a neutral taste, and in combination with the additional ingredients that we will use, this fruit completely takes on all their tastes and aromas. It will be difficult to distinguish the pulp of a zucchini from the pulp of an orange, lemon, etc.

It is very pleasant to eat jam in winter, and it is doubly pleasant to know that this dish contains only natural vegetables and fruits with a lot of useful substances. And no dyes or flavors, much less preservatives!

Since ancient times, people have prepared jam for future use, storing it in wooden barrels in cellars. Since production glass jars the process of storing workpieces has become much easier.

General principles for making zucchini jam:

  • All ingredients will pass heat treatment, seal hot under the lid. At the same time, conditions are created in the jar that do not allow bacteria to multiply and spoil our dessert.
  • The sugar that we will add is a natural preservative; it is what extends the shelf life of the preservation. The more sour the fruit we add to the zucchini, the more sugar we will need to add.
  • It is advisable to store jam at one temperature; it “does not like” changes. If you don't have a cellar, you can put the jars in a pantry or closet, in a cool, dark place.
  • Since zucchini is a very watery vegetable, it releases juice quickly, we do not need to boil the syrup additionally. We can safely say that the jam was prepared in its “own” juice.

We also need containers with a capacity of 0.5 and 1 liter. The cooking process may take 1-2 days depending on the boiling mode of the mass.

You can make jam in a slow cooker, which greatly simplifies the process, read about it below.

The recipe is very delicious jam zucchini with lemon for those who like sourness. In addition to being delicious, it is also healthy. Lemon is a storehouse of vitamin C and a preventative against flu and colds, which is very important in winter. Especially if you work outside or have children who get sick often! In winter, you will thank yourself for making this jam.

  • Zucchini – 3 kg.
  • Lemons – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 2 kg.
  • Ground cinnamon – 5 g.

1. Peel the skin of the zucchini, cut the fruit in half and remove the center with the seeds. We dissolve the vegetable lengthwise into cubes, and then cut these cubes into thin slices of 2-3 mm. Weigh the cuttings (if possible), the total mass should be 2 kg. 300 grams, if you get less, take another zucchini.

2. Pour the sugar into the pan with the zucchini, mix gently, leave overnight so that the vegetable releases its juice.

3. In the morning, chop the lemons together with the skin into small pieces and add to the zucchini. Sprinkle cinnamon onto the tip of a knife into the jam.

4. Place the pan on the fire, cook over low heat for 1.5 hours, the sugar should completely melt. The longer the jam boils, the thicker and more transparent it will become, the slices will be translucent.

5. jar and lid, transfer the jam to the jar, close the lid tightly. Turn the container upside down and cover with a warm blanket. Let our dessert cool.

Zucchini jam with lemon and orange is to die for

This royal recipe zucchini jam. Its taste is worthy of decorating holiday desserts on your table.

The recipe contains both lemon and orange. These bright fruits will color transparent slices zucchini in amber color. The smell of citrus will lift your mood throughout the day. Be sure to prepare it, you won’t regret it.

To prepare we will need:

  • Zucchini – 1.5 kg. (1 kg peeled zucchini)
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Orange – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 2 kg.

1. Wash the zucchini under running water, peel the skin, remove the middle with the seeds. Cut into cubes.

2. Pour boiling water over the oranges and lemon, be sure to remove the seeds so that they do not add bitterness to our dessert. Cut the fruits into small pieces.

3. Pour all the ingredients into a saucepan, add granulated sugar, and mix. Place on the stove, and after it boils, boil for 1 hour.

4. Pour the hot mass into sterilized jars.

Close the lid. Place it upside down and wrap it in a warm blanket for 12 hours until it cools completely.

Zucchini jam with oranges

This is delicious with the smell of New Year! In a cold, snowy winter, what could be better than the smell and taste of this orange fruit?

During the process of making jam, our vegetable will be completely saturated with the taste and smell of citrus, as a result, it will be impossible to distinguish which is the fruit and which is the vegetable, everything will be deliciously orange.

To prepare we will need:

  • Zucchini – 1 kg.
  • Orange – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 700-800 g.

1. Peel the zucchini and remove seeds; just wash the orange; there is no need to peel it. Cut the ingredients into small cubes or bars. Place in a saucepan.

2. Pour sugar into the jam, stir, cover and leave in the refrigerator overnight.

3. The process of making jam will consist of several stages:

  • Stage 1: put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes. Turn off the gas, cover the jam with a kitchen towel and place a lid on top. Set aside to infuse until evening;
  • Stage 2: repeat the procedure in the evening and leave overnight in a secluded place;
  • Stage 3: do the same thing in the morning - boil and cook for two minutes.

4. Sterilize the jars: to do this, you need to put them together with the lids in a pan with cold water and boil.

Pour the jam into the container, close the lid, turn it over and wait for it to cool. Store in a cool, dark place.

Video recipe for making zucchini jam with ginger and lime

In this recipe we will add ginger and lime to the zucchini.

An important point: although they say that there is never too much of a good thing, do not add a lot of ginger, it is very hot, this can greatly distort the taste of the dessert.

Ginger is a warming agent and is often used for preventive purposes, but do not forget that today we are preparing jam, not a medicine.

To prepare we will need:

  • Zucchini – 1 kg.
  • Lime – 1 pc.
  • Sugar – 800 g.
  • Ginger root – 50 g.

Below you can watch a video from step by step instructions making zucchini jam with ginger and lime.

Making zucchini jam with mint in a slow cooker

The consistency of the jam according to this recipe will be similar to jam. Soft in taste and somewhat reminiscent of pear jam. Try this cooking option, because mint has a calming and analgesic effect. So, on a cold winter evening, after a hard day, it will be nice to enjoy this jam and, drinking tea, relieve stress with your loved ones.

To prepare we will need:

  • Zucchini – 1 kg.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Mint – 10 leaves
  • Sugar – 0.5 kg.

1. As in previous recipes, wash the zucchini and remove the peel and seeds. Pour boiling water over the lemon. We cut the ingredients into arbitrary shapes, since the jam will have a puree-like consistency. Finely chop the mint.

2. Pour everything into the multicooker bowl, add sugar, leave for 10 minutes to release the juice from the zucchini and lemon.

3. Set the “Jam” function on the multicooker, cooking time – 1 hour.

4. After an hour, directly in the multicooker, or in a separate container, beat the jam with a blender until smooth.

5. Set the “Jam” mode again for 30 minutes.

6. Pour the finished zucchini puree with mint into a sterilized container, close it tightly with a lid or roll it with a key. Place the lid down, cover with a blanket and wait for it to cool completely.



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