How and how long to cook crumbly buckwheat in water in a saucepan? How and how much to cook buckwheat so that it is tasty. How much does buckwheat increase?

How and how long to cook crumbly buckwheat in water in a saucepan? How and how much to cook buckwheat so that it is tasty. How much does buckwheat increase?

In this post I want to tell you the basics of cooking buckwheat. We are not born cooks, we cook and learn from our mistakes. So how to cook buckwheat correctly?

Total, buckwheat is cooked for 15 – 20 minutes.

Dairy buckwheat cook for 35 minutes.


  • buckwheat
  1. When buckwheat is cooked, there is no need to stir it.
  2. It is advisable to cook buckwheat in a cauldron or pan made of dense metal.
  3. So that the ready-made buckwheat evaporates well, wrap it in a blanket or towel for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Buckwheat is an excellent side dish, it is served with herbs, fried onions, butter or mushrooms.
  5. Calorie content of finished buckwheat: 335 kcal per 100 grams of product.

How much water should be added to cook buckwheat porridge?

The ideal proportion is 2.5 to 1, that is, you need to add 2.5 times more water than cereal. For example, for a glass of buckwheat, add 2.5 glasses of water.

When should you salt buckwheat porridge?

Buckwheat is salted at the beginning of cooking, that is, we pour the cereal into already salted water.

How much does buckwheat expand in volume when cooked?

The volume of buckwheat increases 2 times.

How to cook buckwheat in a bag?

We put 1.5 liters of water in a saucepan, put it on fire, boil, salt and put in a bag of cereal. Cook for 15 minutes. Then we take out the bag, cut it and pour the finished porridge onto a dish.

How and how long should you cook buckwheat in a double boiler?

For 1 cup of buckwheat, take 2 cups of water and cook for 40 minutes. Before putting buckwheat in a double boiler, salt the dish and add butter.

How and how long should you cook buckwheat in a slow cooker?

We put the buckwheat in the multicooker, add water, maintaining the proportions of 1:4, set the multicooker to the special “Buckwheat” mode, but if there is no such mode, you can select “Milk porridge”. Cook for 20 minutes.

How and how long should you cook buckwheat in a pressure cooker?

Place the buckwheat in a pressure cooker, pour water in the ratio: 2 cups of liquid per glass of buckwheat. Cook for 20 minutes.

How and how long to cook buckwheat in the microwave?

Place the buckwheat in a microwave-safe container, add water in a 1:2 ratio, cover with a lid and place in the microwave. Set the maximum power (800-1000 W) and cook for 4 minutes, then switch to medium power and cook for another 15 minutes.


A porridge loved by nutritionists, a traditional side dish familiar from childhood - buckwheat, buckwheat, buckwheat. The mountainous regions of India and Nepal are considered the birthplace of this unique culture.

Buckwheat is a record holder for the content of vitamins and minerals, but it is important to take into account the rules for preparing the product to preserve useful elements.

Buckwheat is sold in the form of whole kernels - kernels, chopped - prodel, in the form of smoothed grains peeled from the shell - Smolenskaya, green buckwheat - unroasted raw grains - is gaining popularity.

From each type of buckwheat you can prepare healthy and delicious dishes.

Useful properties of cereals

  • improves performance of cardio-vascular system, normalizes cholesterol levels, vascular elasticity;
  • removes excess fluid, relieves swelling, restores the functions of the excretory system;
  • green buckwheat is a natural antioxidant, removes toxins, free radicals, recommended for radiation sickness;
  • helps restore the body’s reproductive abilities; the presence of folic acid is crucial in the first trimester of pregnancy for the normal course of gestation, as well as fetal development;
  • has a general strengthening, immunomodulatory effect;
  • reduces weight, stimulates metabolic processes;
  • restores energy potential after severe, protracted illnesses.

Energy value - 100 g of dry buckwheat contains 310 kcal; during cooking, the calorie content decreases, and in 100 g of finished porridge it is already 110 kcal. It is recommended to consume it 2-3 times a week for breakfast or lunch; before 15:00, all useful elements are absorbed, and carbohydrates do not have time to turn into fat deposits.

Dishes made from buckwheat (preference for green) are recommended for people with infectious diseases, pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, diabetes mellitus, problems with the kidneys, liver, and obesity. The absence of gluten allows it to be included in the gluten-free diet menu. Buckwheat also has a positive effect on the nervous system, improves cognitive abilities, and increases resistance to stress.


The only contraindication can be excessive consumption, which should be limited to 2 times a week for pregnant women and patients with diseases of the digestive tract. A balanced diet also excludes a mono-diet, the basis of which is cereal.

How to cook buckwheat correctly

Buckwheat dishes will turn out tasty and nutritious if you follow the cooking technology. Preserving the healing qualities of cereals is not difficult; you need to know some cooking features.

How to cook buckwheat:

  1. To prepare 1 serving you will need 1/3 cup of cereal; you need to select particles of plant debris from the kernels.
  2. Rinse the cereal thoroughly under running water 2-3 times, it is important that the water is clear and free of impurities.
  3. Place the kernels in a thick-bottomed saucepan and add 2/3 cups of water. If 100 gr. measured using scales, the liquid will need 2 times more.
  4. As soon as the water boils, remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon, add salt, cook over medium heat under a closed lid for another 12-20 minutes, on average the whole process takes no more than 25 minutes.
  5. Buckwheat in bags does not need to be sorted and washed, pour 1.5 liters of water into the pan, wait for it to boil, add salt, lower the bag, cook for 18-20 minutes, then place in a colander; as soon as the excess liquid has drained, you can cut the bag and enjoy the excellent taste.
  6. Store the finished dish in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days, at a temperature of 2°C - 4°C, in a tightly sealed container; if the porridge is cooked in milk and other ingredients are added - honey, butter, meat, herbs - the period is reduced to a day.

How long to cook buckwheat for garnish

Preparing a salad base or side dish is very simple. To ensure that the cereal remains crumbly and retains vitamins and minerals, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions.

How to quickly cook buckwheat

A simple recipe for buckwheat porridge

A distinctive feature of the porridge is its looser consistency. Goes well with mushrooms, meat, milk, suitable for dietary nutrition, as well as for the treatment and prevention of anemia.

  • after the cereal is washed and dried, pour it with milk or water, the proportions are the same as in classic recipe, if you want to make it more viscous, you need to add another 50 ml of water;
  • As soon as the liquid boils, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, reduce the heat to low and cook with the lid closed;
  • After 20 minutes, check readiness: when completely evaporated, the porridge should slightly stick to the bottom;
  • if there is still liquid left, you need to turn off the stove, cover with a lid and wait another 15 minutes until the kernels absorb moisture and reveal all their taste;
  • V ready-made porridge add butter, chopped herbs.

Watch the video on how to prepare the very popular dish “Buckwheat in the Merchant’s Style”

Popular options for cooking buckwheat

There are many cooking methods traditional dish. The variety of recipes allows you to create a culinary masterpiece while preserving everything useful qualities plant product.

On the water

Proportions: 1 part cereal to 2 parts cold water, adding a pinch of salt, cook under a closed lid for up to 20 minutes, you can season with oil, honey, dried fruits;

With milk

There are 2 ways to cook with milk. In the first case, the dish is cooked over low heat for half an hour, in the second, the porridge is cooked in water for the first 20 minutes, and boiling milk is added 10 minutes before turning off.

After cooking, you can shade the taste with both sugar and salt.

Diet porridge

Does not require cooking, cooking begins in the evening, after clearing of debris and rinsing under running water, the cereal is poured with hot liquid in standard proportions, covered with a lid, wrapped in a towel, and by morning the porridge is ready;

To prepare crumbly buckwheat, after the water boils, add the cereal to the pan, reduce the heat and cook for 10-15 minutes without opening the lid, then remove from the stove and wrap it in a towel, after 40 minutes the crumbly porridge is ready;

Liquid buckwheat porridge

basis baby food is liquid buckwheat porridge . To prepare it for 20 gr. purified, washed, dried cereal will require half a glass of water, the same amount of milk, 5 grams. butter, sugar to taste - but not more than 10 grams.

Pour water over the cereal, cook over low heat for half an hour, when evaporating, add liquid to the desired volume, add hot milk, cook for another 15 minutes, remove from heat, add butter and sweeten.

Porridge for babies

Clean cereal premium you need to grind it into flour in a coffee grinder, 100 ml of water is needed for 1 teaspoon, pour the resulting buckwheat powder with liquid, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

A six-month-old baby can be cooked with milk, the proportions are 1 tsp. buckwheat flour, 50 ml low-fat milk, 50 ml water; closer to a year, gradually add a pinch of sugar, 5 ml of baby milk cream.

How to cook buckwheat

Today you can use new ways to prepare your favorite porridge, preserving all the valuable elements in it.

In a saucepan

The pan should be selected with a sufficiently thick bottom; the lid should be closed during cooking, this allows you to reduce the cooking time and avoid burning, cooking time is 15-20 minutes;

In the microwave

IN special dishes Pour in the cereal, add water, observing the classic proportions, cover with a lid and put in the microwave. Set the mode to boiling, after the beep, stir, cover and cook for 4 minutes.

Repeat the process again - open, stir, close and cook for 4 minutes, check for the absence of water and the opening of the kernel, if liquid remains at the bottom, send for an additional 2 minutes, add salt, add oil;

In a steamer

100 gr. pour the cereals into a container for rice, 120 ml of water is required, set it on the lower level of the steamer, turn on the timer for 40 minutes, after the beep, take out the finished dish;

In a slow cooker

It is prepared very simply, for 1 cup of cereal, take 2 cups of water, fill the multicooker pan, add salt, select the “Porridge” mode, wait for the sound signal that the porridge is ready.

Cooking features

For each dish there are subtleties of preparation:

  1. For side dishes, medium-density grains are allowed; cooking time should not exceed 20 minutes.
  2. For salads, it is preferable to pour boiling water over the kernels and cook for no more than 7-10 minutes.
  3. For cutlets, buckwheat, casseroles, the cereal is steamed for half an hour, then combined with other ingredients and heat-treated.

To obtain the desired result, it is worth considering the subtleties of preparing cereals:

  • for crumbly porridge you will need a cauldron with a thick bottom, as well as the correct ratio: 1 part cereal, 2 parts water or milk;
  • to speed up the cooking process, it is better to pour the cereal with boiling liquid rather than cold;
  • Green buckwheat cooks faster than brown buckwheat; after boiling, 10-15 minutes are enough until the dish is ready.

Typical cooking mistakes

Overcooked, burnt porridge can result if you do not take into account the following features:

  • The choice of the right cookware is important - a cast iron or glass pan with a thick bottom; it is not recommended to cook in an enamel one;
  • It is better to add oil to an already prepared dish;
  • after boiling, be sure to remove the foam, otherwise it will settle as a brown coating on the cereal;
  • if the water ratio, as well as the time, is exceeded - more than half an hour, the porridge will stick together, boil over, and the calorie content will also increase to 150 kcal per 100 grams;
  • Pre-frying the cereal in a hot frying pan will help make it crumbly and improve its taste.

Healthy, delicious buckwheat dishes will decorate the table, providing the body with additional valuable vitamins and minerals.

How long should you cook buckwheat so that it turns out completely cooked, but at the same time does not become “sloppy”? Crumbly grains are obtained when the cooking technology is followed.

First of all, the kernel is washed several times in a sieve or colander with small holes until the water is clear, then put in a saucepan and filled with water so that it covers the cereal with a layer of 2-3 cm. Now cover the dish with a lid, turn on high heat and wait until it boils . As soon as this happens, you can turn down the gas, remove the lid and salt the buckwheat, after which all you have to do is wait for all the excess water to boil away. This usually takes about 20 minutes, stirring the cereal periodically to see how much water is left in the middle of the pan. When there is absolutely none left, you can turn off the heat and let the porridge stand for 15 minutes so that it becomes crumbly.

There is an opinion that the main question is not how many minutes to cook buckwheat, but how much water to pour. It is believed that for 1 cup of dry cereal you need to add 2 cups.

Failures with a side dish or porridge do not always happen because the housewife does not know how long to cook the buckwheat; a lot depends on the grain itself. Poor-quality kernels cook unevenly: some of the grains turn into a “mush,” while the other remains hard. If you get such a dish, just change the manufacturer of the product: most likely you did not get the best product. Ask your friends and acquaintances which company they prefer, perhaps other people's experience will be useful.

Many are also interested in how long to cook buckwheat so that it does not burn. The point here is not the cooking time, but how much water is in the boiling pan. If it’s not enough, it’s better to top it up with hot water from the kettle so that the bottom layer doesn’t remain dry. Just don’t overdo it - too much water will cause the buckwheat to become overcooked, and not everyone likes it.

Great old fashioned way to do it delicious porridge is as follows. After cooking, the cereal cooked in the traditional way is placed in a warm place, for example, in bed, wrapping the pan in blankets for 20 minutes - half an hour. In this case, it is not so important how long to cook the buckwheat, because even half-raw cereal will reach the desired state during this time. In addition, when served, the core will remain hot, as if it had just been removed from the heat.

Buckwheat porridge is an extremely healthy dish. Those who cook it rarely or not at all need to reconsider their position. Firstly, this cereal has a high content of minerals and iron, and secondly, this crop cannot be genetically modified: scientists are still not able to hack buckwheat and force it to change its nature.

Is it true, quick dish you can’t call it a core. It is important to consider not only how long to cook buckwheat, but also the time spent sorting the grains. If the volume is large enough, it is quite possible to feel like Cinderella. Some manufacturers sell products that are almost perfectly clean, without foreign impurities, but even these are worth checking for small objects that have accidentally fallen in: not only uncleaned grains, but also pebbles, twigs, and other things. After this, for a special taste, rinse for several minutes in a clean frying pan without adding oil. There the cereal dries out and begins to crack - you can transfer it to a saucepan and fill it with water.

Buckwheat porridge - traditional Russian dish, in no other country is it so popular. And not many countries grow buckwheat - its yield per hectare of land is much less than that of other cereals, which reduces profitability. However, this tasty and healthy dish a lot, so the ability to cook buckwheat correctly will not be superfluous for any housewife.

In bodybuilding, to gain muscle mass, a prerequisite is good food. The problem with most beginners is their absolute ignorance of how much food they need to grow muscles. People are used to grabbing a sandwich with sausage for breakfast, and when they replace it with porridge, they already think that they have improved their nutrition.

It is known that in order to grow muscles you need to consume at least 5 grams carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight. In addition, 2-3 grams of protein and approximately 0.5 grams of fat (unsaturated) - again per 1 kg of weight.

What does it look like?

In the photo there is a pot of cooked buckwheat with the volume 1.6 liters.

If you put it in plates, it will come out 4 plates By 400 ml buckwheat Try measuring that much and you will realize that it is a decent amount. It is quite possible that you will not even be able to eat that much at one time.

Pay attention to the cup that stands in the center between the plates. The volume of this cup is standard - 200 ml. So all this dry buckwheat takes only 1.5 cups, i.e. 300 ml- this is 250 grams. Total: 155 g of carbohydrates and 30 g of protein. An athlete weighing 70 kg needed - 70x5 = 350 g carbohydrates, and this is more than 2 pans!

Now you understand that you eat very little to gain muscle mass! Is it worth showing photographs of meat and cottage cheese, which are necessary to “close” the daily protein requirement?

According to the time, the buckwheat is cooked -.

Buckwheat porridge is cooked in milk.

How to cook buckwheat correctly

You will need: a glass of buckwheat, 2 glasses of water, salt.

1. Before cooking, buckwheat must be sorted; it is important that in ready buckwheat pebbles and plant debris were not included.

2. Rinse the buckwheat under cold water and drain the water.

3. Heat a frying pan, pour in the buckwheat, heat the buckwheat in a frying pan (without oil) over low heat for a couple of minutes - then after cooking it will be crumbly.

4. Pour cold water into the pan - 2.5 times more than buckwheat: for 1 cup of buckwheat, 2.5 cups of water. Salt the water.

5. Pour buckwheat into water.

6. Place the pan over low heat, bring to a boil, add 1 teaspoon of butter.

7. Cook buckwheat over low heat, covered, for 20 minutes.

8. Serve buckwheat as a side dish with butter and herbs.

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker

2. Add cold water in the proportion of 1 cup buckwheat: 2.5 cups water, salt the water.
3. Pour buckwheat into water and close the multicooker lid.
4. Set the multicooker to the “Buckwheat” mode (or, if there is no “Buckwheat” mode, to the “Milk porridge” or “Rice” mode).
3. Cook buckwheat for 20 minutes, add a cube of butter with a side of 2 centimeters, and stir the buckwheat.
4. Close the multicooker with a lid and let the buckwheat brew for 10 minutes.

Buckwheat in a slow cooker without cooking
1. Before cooking, sort out the buckwheat, rinse it and, to make it crispy, heat it in a dry multicooker on the “fry” mode for 5 minutes.
2. Boil a kettle of water, pour boiling water over the buckwheat so that it is completely covered, add salt.
3. Set the multicooker to the “keep warm” or “warm” mode.
4. Infuse buckwheat in this mode for 1 hour.
5. Add oil to the buckwheat and close the multicooker for another 10 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat in a double boiler
1. For 1 cup of buckwheat, provide 2 cups of water.
2. For a glass of buckwheat, add 2 glasses of water, cook for 40 minutes.
3. Before cooking, you need to salt the raw washed cereal and (optional) you can add a little butter.

How to cook buckwheat in a pressure cooker?
Place the buckwheat in a pressure cooker, pour in water in the ratio: 1 cup of buckwheat to 2 cups of water. Cook buckwheat in a pressure cooker for 20 minutes.

How to properly cook buckwheat in the microwave?
Place the buckwheat in a microwave-safe pan in a 1:2 ratio with water, cover with a lid; microwave at maximum power (800-1000 W) for 4 minutes, then 15 minutes at medium power (600-700 W).

Buckwheat with stew

Can of boneless stew - 500 grams
Buckwheat - 1 glass
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Water - 3 glasses

Food preparation
1. Sort and rinse the buckwheat with running water.
2. Open the can of stew with a can opener, cut the meat into small cubes.
3. Taste the stew for salt - if it is very salty, adjust the amount of salt when cooking the buckwheat.

How to cook buckwheat with stew in a saucepan
1. Pour 3 cups of water into a saucepan, add buckwheat, add salt if necessary.
2. Cook the buckwheat for 15 minutes, add the stew (along with the liquid), mix the buckwheat with the stew.
3. Cook the buckwheat together with the stew for 10-15 minutes, then turn off the heat, wrap the pan with buckwheat and stew in a blanket and let it brew for 10 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat with stew in a slow cooker
1. Place buckwheat in a slow cooker and add water.
2. Close the multicooker lid and cook the buckwheat for 15 minutes on the “Baking” mode.
3. Place the stew and continue cooking the buckwheat and stew for another 20 minutes.
4. Infuse the buckwheat with the stew without opening the multicooker lid for 10 minutes.

Facts about cooking buckwheat

Tips for cooking buckwheat
- Before cooking, be sure to sort out the buckwheat - there may be pebbles among the grains, which are very dangerous for teeth if they get into food.
- During cooking buckwheat don't interfere.
- When cooking buckwheat, it is recommended to use a thick-walled pan or cauldron.
- It is better to wrap boiled buckwheat in a saucepan in a blanket to evaporate for 20-30 minutes.
- You can serve boiled buckwheat as a side dish with butter, stew, fried onions, herbs, and mushrooms.
- Calorie content of boiled buckwheat: 335 kcal/100 grams of buckwheat.
- Buckwheat can be boiled and with milk: This makes an excellent buckwheat porridge for children. For 1 cup of buckwheat you need 4 cups of milk, cook covered over low heat for 35 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt, sugar and butter to taste.
- From 200 grams of cereal you will get 600 grams of buckwheat.
- When cooking buckwheat, foam may form - you should remove the foam with a tablespoon or a slotted spoon.
- To quickly cook buckwheat, you need to bring the water to a boil over high heat (this is faster), and then reduce the heat to medium and continue cooking.
- The cost of buckwheat in Moscow stores is from 80 rubles/1 kilogram (Moscow average as of June 2016).
- IN boiled buckwheat deliciously add lemon or lime juice, as well as soy or tomato sauce.

What kind of water should I put buckwheat in?
Buckwheat is poured with cold water. If you pour buckwheat into hot water, nothing bad will happen, but the buckwheat will cook 3-5 minutes longer.

How much water is needed to cook buckwheat?
In a ratio of 2.5/1. You need 2.5 times more water than buckwheat. For example, for 1 glass of buckwheat - 2.5 glasses of water.

How to cook buckwheat in a bag?
Place a saucepan with 1.5 liters of water on the fire, boil, add salt and add a bag of buckwheat. Cook the buckwheat in the bag for 15 minutes, then remove the bag from the water, remove it from the saucepan using a fork, cut it and place it from the bag into a dish.

When to salt buckwheat during cooking?
Buckwheat is salted at the beginning of cooking; add buckwheat to salted water.

How does the volume of buckwheat change during cooking?
The volume of buckwheat doubles during cooking.

Buckwheat with meat

Buckwheat - 1 glass
Pork or beef meat - half a kilo
Carrots - 1 piece
Onion- 1 head

Pepper, salt, seasonings - to taste

Food preparation
1. Defrost the meat, wash it, cut out the veins, cut into cubes.
2. Finely peel and chop the onion.
3. Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater.

How to cook buckwheat with meat in a pan
1. Heat in the bottom of a thick-walled pan vegetable oil.
2. Fry the meat for 10 minutes.
3. Add onions and carrots, salt and pepper.
4. Add buckwheat and water, cook covered over low heat for 30 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker
1. Place the meat in the slow cooker, set to “Baking” mode and simmer in own juice 20 minutes.
2. Add onions and carrots to the meat, stir, continue cooking in the slow cooker for 7 minutes.
3. Rinse the buckwheat, add to the vegetables, add water, spices and salt. Set the multicooker to the “Pilaf” mode and cook for 30 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat with vegetables

Buckwheat - 1 glass
Bell pepper - 2 pieces
Tomatoes - 2 large
Onions - 2 large heads
Carrots - 1 large
Butter - cube 3 centimeters side
Parsley - half a bunch
Salt - 1 heaped tablespoon

Food preparation
1. Sort and rinse the buckwheat.
2. Peel the onion and finely chop it.
3. bell pepper Remove seeds and stems and chop finely.
4. Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater.
5. Wash the tomatoes, dry them and chop them finely (or you can puree them).
6. Wash the parsley, dry it and finely chop it.

How to cook buckwheat with vegetables in a saucepan
1. Place butter in a thick-walled saucepan, melt it and add onion.
2. Fry the onion over medium heat, uncovered, for 7 minutes until golden brown.
3. Add pepper and simmer covered for another 7 minutes.
4. Add carrots and simmer for another 5 minutes.
5. Add tomatoes, simmer for another 5 minutes.
6. Add buckwheat to the vegetables, add water so that the buckwheat is covered with water - and cook the buckwheat with vegetables, covered, for 25 minutes over moderate heat.

How to cook buckwheat with vegetables in a slow cooker
1. In a multicooker on the “Fry” mode, heat the butter and fry the onion in it.
2. Add peppers, carrots, tomatoes and buckwheat every 7 minutes.
3. Pour water over the buckwheat with vegetables and cook for 25 minutes on the “Baking” mode.

How to cook buckwheat with mushrooms

Mushrooms (fresh or frozen champignons or honey mushrooms, or fresh Forest mushrooms) - 300 grams
Buckwheat - 1 glass
Onion - 1 large head
Garlic - 1 clove
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons

Food preparation
1. Sort and rinse the buckwheat.
2. Peel the onions and finely chop them.
3. Peel the garlic and finely chop it.
4. Prepare mushrooms: if fresh ones are used, you need to boil them before cooking and chop them into small pieces; fresh champignons wash, pat dry and cut into cubes; Defrost frozen honey mushrooms.

How to cook buckwheat with mushrooms in a saucepan
1. Pour vegetable oil onto the bottom of the pan, heat it up, add the garlic, and after half a minute - the onion.
2. Fry the onion and garlic for 7 minutes until the onion is golden brown.
3. Add mushrooms and fry for another 5 minutes over medium heat.
4. Place buckwheat in a saucepan, pour 2 glasses of water, add salt and pepper, cook buckwheat with mushrooms for 20-25 minutes over low heat with the lid closed.

How to cook buckwheat with mushrooms in a slow cooker
1. Using the “Frying” or “Baking” mode, fry the garlic and onions, then add the mushrooms and fry on the same mode for 10 minutes.
2. Add buckwheat, salt and pepper, close the multicooker lid and cook for 40 minutes on the “Baking” mode.



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