How to bake rye bread at home: ingredients, recipes, cooking options. Delicious rye bread at home in the oven How to make rye bread

How to bake rye bread at home: ingredients, recipes, cooking options. Delicious rye bread at home in the oven How to make rye bread

You can bake bread in the oven in any way - yeast, unleavened, flatbread, lavash, etc. For baking, they mainly use wheat and rye, other cereals are used as additives. Our family really loves rye bread, which is baked from an equal mixture of rye and wheat. This is our family recipe, which I am happy to share with you. The process is simple and does not take much time, but the result is excellent, and delicious bread on the table.

Rye bread in the oven

There are various deviations from the main recipe, resulting in different flavors. In the basic recipe for homemade bread baked in the oven, as I have already noted, there is an equal amount of rye and wheat flour. Take these two ingredients and one and a half glasses of water. Dry yeast and vegetable oil You will need a tablespoon. Half a tablespoon of sugar and one teaspoon of salt.

Preparing dough for baking bread in the oven begins with dough. Mix sugar with yeast, add warm water, and mix well. Then set aside for 15 minutes for fermentation to begin. Meanwhile, in a separate container, mix both types of flour, add vegetable oil and salt. Gradually pour water with yeast and sugar into this mixture with continuous stirring, and finally knead the dough.

Video. How to prepare wheat-rye sourdough

To prepare bread in the oven, knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands, cover with a towel, and leave in a warm place for an hour until it rises. It should approximately double in volume. After the dough has risen, it should be kneaded well again and placed in a pre-greased baking dish. To properly bake bread in the oven, the dough should also rise slightly in the pan, so cover it with a towel and leave for half an hour.

In the meantime, preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the bread for 43-45 minutes. When the bread is ready, you need to take it out of the mold and cover it with a towel so that it leaves the hard crust faster.

By slightly changing the proportions and adding 5-6 cloves of garlic, we get a very tasty garlic bread. In this case, for 400 grams of wheat flour and water you will need 300 rye flour. Dry yeast and salt 2 teaspoons each, and sugar 5 teaspoons. Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough, and leave another one to grease the mold.

The cooking technology is also slightly different from the basic one. Here the yeast is mixed with sugar and half the volume of water. Place the mixture in a warm place for half an hour. And when the yeast begins to sparkle, add the rest of the water, vegetable oil, rye flour and salt. After you mix everything well, you can add wheat flour, chopped garlic, and knead the dough well and thoroughly. Next, cover with a towel and leave to rise for an hour and a half.

Having spread the dough into greased pans, cover it with a towel and leave to rise for another 45-50 minutes. Now you can bake bread in the oven.

Here the oven is heated to 220 degrees, and the bread is baked for 50 minutes. After baking, it is advisable to sprinkle it with plain water and wrap it in a towel to cool.

Recipe for rye bread in the oven

Baking bread in the oven according to this recipe will not take much effort and time, but you will get homemade delicious bread.


  • rye flour - 1.5 tbsp;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 tbsp;
  • warm water - 1.5 tbsp;
  • dry yeast - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.


Combine the yeast with sugar, pour warm water over it and place in a warm place for 15 minutes until the yeast begins to sparkle.

Sift both types of flour and mix them in a separate bowl, add salt and vegetable oil to them. Then, add yeast water to this mixture a little at a time and knead the dough. Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and place in a warm place for 1 hour until it increases in volume.

Sprinkle the table or other work surface with flour and place the dough on it, remember it well and transfer it to a baking dish, which must first be greased with vegetable oil. Cover the pan with cling film and leave the dough for 20 minutes. During this time, preheat the oven and cook the bread in it for 40-45 minutes at 200 degrees.

Homemade rye bread in the oven

The good thing about making bread at home in the oven is that you can add any ingredients to it, thereby making the taste more original.


  • rye flour - 300 g;
  • wheat flour - 400 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 5 teaspoons;
  • dry yeast - 2 teaspoons;
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.


Mix sugar with dry yeast and half the indicated portion of water. Place this mixture for 20-25 minutes in a warm place. After the yeast begins to sparkle and a “cap” appears, add the rest of the water, 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, salt and rye flour, which do not forget to sift before doing this.

Mix it all and gradually add pre-sifted wheat flour. Add chopped garlic here and knead the dough. When it is ready, cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and place in a warm place for 1.5 hours. When the time is up, remember the dough and place it in a greased baking dish. Leave the dough in the pan for 40-50 minutes to proof. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees and bake the bread for 50 minutes. Then, sprinkle it with water, wrap it in a towel and let it cool.

Rye-wheat bread in the oven

Bread prepared according to the following recipe, thanks to the addition of honey and coriander, acquires an unusual and very pleasant taste.


  • wheat flour - 350 g;
  • rye flour - 350 g;
  • warm kefir - 250 ml;
  • dry yeast - 1 sachet;
  • salt - ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • honey - ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • coriander beans.


In a food processor or bowl, mix kefir, honey, salt and yeast. Grind the coriander grains in your palms and then add them to kefir and other ingredients. Sift flour, both rye and wheat; if you want it to be more “black,” add a little more rye flour. Knead the dough and form it into a ball, which we place on a floured plate.

Using a knife on top of the dough ball, make a mesh, not small, and send it to a warm place for 20 minutes. You can preheat the oven to 50 degrees, turn it off and put the bread in there to let it rise.

After 20 minutes, place the bread on a greased baking sheet and place in a warm place for another 15-20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 270 degrees, sprinkle the bread with water and place on the top shelf of the oven for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat in the oven to 180 degrees and bake the bread for another 20 minutes. This way you will get delicious bread with a crispy crust.

Video. Homemade bread without yeast, eggs and sourdough

Material provided by the site "In the garden with your own hands" Tips and experience of working with your own hands in the garden.

In Russia, it has long been customary for there to be a constant presence on the table. delicious bread. No matter what kind of meal awaits you, it is almost impossible to refuse. No matter how many diets exist, an extremely small number of Russians will refuse a piece of bread.

At the moment, there are a huge number of different types of bread - wheat, yeast, even gluten-free varieties, however, it is rye that occupies its special place in the human soul. As experienced housewives say, preparing such bread is quite simple even in home oven. At the same time, it will turn out many times tastier than store-bought, with a simply amazing crispy crust.

Classic recipe

Although now you can always find rye bread in the supermarket, it is the classic bakery product that is quite rare. If it is possible to find something similar to your taste, then its price will be quite high, and the number of additives is simply amazing in its quantity.

In fact, this type of bread has the largest amount of useful substances, therefore, like whole grain bread, it can cause very little harm to health. If you want to eat bread, then rye bread should be the housewife's choice.

How to prepare rye bread at home in the oven:

Homemade sourdough rye bread

When imagining rye bread, one immediately remembers a special, dense crumb with a special, unique aroma that has a familiar sourness. It is the sourdough that gives this type of bread such unique taste. In addition, sourdough makes making bread much easier, because with its help it is quite easy to achieve a balance of flavors.


  • Rye flour– 3.5 cups;
  • sugar – 1/3 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 2.5 cups;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • rast. butter - 2 tablespoons. l.

Preparation time: about a week.

Calorie content: 134 Kcal per 100 g.

Cooking rye bread sourdough in the oven:

  1. To make this type of bread, you need to prepare a starter. It won't use yeast, so you can even freeze some of it. For sourdough, mix 4 tbsp. l. flour, as well as sugar and warm water, so that you end up with a mixture with a consistency similar to sour cream. The mixture in a closed container should mature for 5 days in a warm place. Fermentation here appears in the form of bubbles;
  2. When the starter is ready, you can start preparing the dough. Pour the remaining flour into a large bowl. This is where the mixture will be kneaded. Honey, salt and water are added to the flour. The dough is thoroughly kneaded until smooth, you can use a spatula. The starter is added to the dough and mixed again. The last ingredient will be oil, this will help the dough not stick. The dough is brought to the desired consistency, adding flour or water if necessary;
  3. The dough is placed in a greased pan, which is covered so that the dough rests in a warm place. This will take about 24 hours, after which the bread is baked in an oven heated to 200 degrees for about 5 minutes. In order for the bread to be completely cooked, it should be baked for another hour at 150 degrees. After checking for doneness, remove from the pan and leave to soften for about half an hour.

Rye bread with kefir in the oven

There is only one ingredient that will give rye bread an amazing sour taste. Such a characteristic aroma should be diluted with a teaspoon of sugar, however, you can do without it.


  • wheat flour – 150 gr;
  • rye flour – 250 gr;
  • kefir – 200 ml;
  • warm water – 150 ml;
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon. l.;
  • salt and sugar - 1 teaspoon each. l.;
  • olive oil – 1 table. l.

Cooking time: 4 hours.

Calorie content: 200 Kcal per 100 g.

Recipe for bread made from rye flour with kefir in the oven step by step:

  1. Kefir is mixed together with kefir. Salt and sugar are added to this mixture, the ingredients are stirred until dissolved;
  2. The flour is thoroughly sifted, after which the two types are mixed together. Yeast is added, which should be evenly distributed throughout the flour mixture;
  3. A depression is made in the flour slide. It is into this that kefir is gradually poured. The dough should be kneaded slowly until smooth and elastic. The covered dough takes about half an hour to rise. After this, it is covered with oil using a spoon so that the dough completely absorbs it. The dough will rise for another couple of hours until it increases in size;
  4. The dough is placed in a mold and baked for about 40 minutes, after which it rests for another 30. Oven temperature is 200 degrees.

How to bake wheat-rye bread

At the moment, in the most classic of all existing recipes, a fairly large variety of deviations have appeared that add their own flavors to the harmony of the recipe. However, one thing remains almost unchanged - a uniform amount of flour used, both wheat and rye.


  • rye flour - one and a half glasses;
  • wheat flour - one and a half cups;
  • warm water – 1.5 cups;
  • dry yeast – 1 tbsp. l;
  • raises oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 0.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon. l.

Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes.

Calorie content: 222 Kcal per 100 g.

  1. The first step is to start by preparing the dough. To do this, mix sugar and yeast, which are diluted with water. Everything should be mixed and left to ferment for a quarter of an hour;
  2. In a separate bowl, mix two types of flour, to which butter and salt are then added. The fermented mixture is slowly poured into the flour mixture, stirring constantly until it stops sticking to your hands;
  3. The dough is covered with a towel and left for an hour to rise. The volume will increase approximately 2 times, after which it is kneaded again and laid out in the mold, after which it takes another half an hour;
  4. The oven is preheated to 200 degrees, after which the bread is baked for approximately 45 minutes. The prepared bread is taken out of the mold and wrapped in a towel.

Cooking secrets

  1. If you don't want to prepare a sourdough starter each time, you can use part of the previous one to make a new one. The taste of such bread will be more intense;
  2. The aroma of rye bread can be simply enhanced with seasonings such as kvass or malt. You can also add coriander, cumin, raisins and other flavors;
  3. Rye flour contains a much smaller amount of gluten, so to properly knead the dough you need to put in much less effort than when preparing wheat;
  4. Rye bread is truly a storehouse of useful substances, because it contains a large amount of dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, calcium and many other vitamins. All this makes the final product extremely useful for consumption, since all this helps to normalize intestinal function. There is only one serious contraindication for consumption - rye bread is harmful if a person has serious diseases of the digestive tract such as gastritis or ulcers.

Baking rye bread at home in the oven can easily become a regular household activity, because the resulting taste cannot but be remembered for a lifetime. Your loved ones will obviously like the result.

  • Rye bread recipes
    • By leaps and bounds
    • With flax seeds
    • On soda
    • Sourdough
    • On beer
    • With cheese and nuts
  • Rye bread is a collection of all black breads that are baked on the basis of rye flour. Now in the countries of the former USSR, the consumption of this product accounts for 50% of all bakery products. This type of baking is very healthy, as it contains a lot of fiber, vitamins and microelements. It contains one and a half times more iron than products made from wheat flour.

    You can bake bread from rye flour at home. You can use yeast or sourdough for this. The product is baked in the oven, slow cooker or bread maker. It all depends on the availability of household appliances. But bread cooked in the oven also turns out very tasty. The only difference is the time savings.

    How to make rye bread in a bread machine

    In a bread machine, the dough is not only baked, but also kneaded. This device allows you not to get your hands dirty when kneading the dough, so bake delicious pastries It's much easier than in the oven. In addition, the time spent on washing dishes is significantly reduced.

    To prepare a fragrant rye loaf, you need to add the following products to the bread machine bowl:

      1.5 cups rye flour;

    a teaspoon of yeast;

    spoon olive oil or melted margarine;

    a teaspoon of cumin;

  • salt and sugar.
  • Load all the ingredients into the bread machine, close the lid and set the “Rye bread” mode. You don't need to do anything else. The technology will do everything for you. The preparation and baking time for the dough is 3 hours. During this time you will receive a tasty and aromatic loaf.

    Baking rye bread at home in a slow cooker

    Now many people have a multicooker at home. Housewives use this device for preparing not only soups and main courses, but also for baking.

    To bake rye bread in a slow cooker, prepare the following products:

      350 g rye flour;

    a tablespoon of wheat flour;

    a teaspoon of dry yeast;

    a teaspoon of salt and sugar;

    50 g vegetable oil;

  • coriander.
  • This bread turns out dark and rich spicy taste. To prepare it, make a dough. Pour salt and sugar into warm milk, pour in butter. Let the liquid sit for 30 minutes. Pour the dough into the pre-sifted flour mixture. Chop a clove of garlic and a teaspoon of coriander seeds with a knife.

    Pour vegetable oil onto the table and knead the dough on a slippery surface. Preheat the multicooker bowl and turn off the appliance. Leave the bread to proof for 30 minutes. The product needs to be baked in the “Baking” mode for 1 hour.

    How to cook bread from rye flour in the oven

    If you want to bake rye bread for the first time, prepare the dough with the addition of wheat flour. Rye dough is very capricious and does not rise well; wheat flour will help speed up the process. Mix it with rye in a 1:1 ratio.

    Despite the simplicity of the dish, it is not always possible to bake delicious and fluffy bread at home. To prevent your first loaf from coming out lumpy, you need to know a few secrets:

      Be sure to prepare the dough.

    Knead the dough thoroughly.

    Place the bread in hot oven.

    If you want a crispy crust, drizzle over hot bread after baking. cold water and cover with a towel.

  • Prepare a dish in a good mood.
  • Rye bread recipes

    There are many ways to prepare rye bread. A mixture of rye and wheat flour is usually used as a base. Wheat flour makes the dough softer and more pliable. Ideally, bread made from rye flour should be prepared with sourdough, but in order to prepare the dish faster, yeast is used.

    Recipe for bread made from rye flour with yeast

    To prepare a fragrant loaf of bread you need to prepare the following products:

      300 g rye flour;

    300 g wheat flour;

    400 ml warm water;

    10 g dry yeast;

    1 tablespoon sugar;

  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Pour the yeast from the bag into warm water, add sugar and salt. Leave the container with liquid for 15 minutes. During this time, a high, foamy “cap” should appear on the surface of the water. Pour sunflower oil into the liquid and stir.

    Sift the wheat and rye flour and mix them together. Pour the yeast water into the flour mixture and stir. Knead a stiff dough. Cover it with film and place in a warm place for 60 minutes.

    After this, knead again and put in the mold for 40 minutes. Wrap the mold with cling film. This will allow the bread to rise. Place the bread in the oven.
    Approximate baking time is 40 minutes. There is no need to grease the pan; there is no need to cover the bread with the egg mixture.

    Homemade rye bread recipe with flax seeds

    Very aromatic and tasty rye bread can be prepared at home without using a bread machine or multicooker. To do this, you need to mix rye and wheat flour in a 2:1 ratio. The mixture will need 600 g.

    Pour a spoonful of water into an empty jar and add sugar, crumble 40 g of yeast into the resulting syrup. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes. After a while, you will find a viscous air mass in the jar. Pour a glass of water into it and add a spoonful of salt. Add 50 g margarine. Add 150 g of flax seeds to the flour mixture.

    Mix liquid and dry mass. Knead a stiff dough. Leave it for 1.5 hours. Knead the lump again and place it in the mold. Let rise for 40 minutes and bake in a hot oven for 50 minutes. You can use metal or Silicone forms. They do not need to be greased, since the rye dough does not stick to the surface during baking.

    The loaf can be sprinkled with flax seeds or sesame seeds. To ensure a crispy crust, spray the bread with cold water before putting it in the oven.

    Recipe for yeast-free rye bread with soda

    There are several options for making rye bread without yeast. Sourdough or soda is used as a “lifting mechanism”. Sourdough bread takes a long time to prepare, since the nutrient mixture for raising the flour requires 3 days.

    If you urgently need bread, then use the recipe with soda. For the loaf you will need a glass of kefir or sour milk. Mix rye flour with soda and nuts. Take 500 g of flour, and 100 g of nuts, ? teaspoon of soda. Pour a little vegetable oil into kefir.

    Mix the liquid with flour. Knead a stiff dough. Try to do everything quickly, as the dough will long storage may settle. Place the resulting loaf in a hot oven for 30 minutes. Cover the form with foil. After the time has elapsed, remove the foil and brown the bread for another 15 minutes.

    Sourdough rye bread recipe

    This old recipe, in which malt or a special starter is used instead of yeast. To prepare the starter you need to take 100 g of flour and water. Rye flour is required. The result should be a mass whose viscosity resembles pancake dough.

    Pour this mixture into a jar and place in a warm place for 2 days. During this time, bubbles appear on the surface of the dough and it makes noise. Add another 100 g of flour and 100 g of water to the mixture. Leave the mixture for another day. Now put the starter in the refrigerator.

    It can be used all at once. In this case, you will need 500 g of flour or flour mixture (rye and wheat flour in equal quantities). Pour 50 ml of melted butter into the starter butter. Pour the viscous mass into the flour and knead into a stiff dough. Don't forget about sugar and salt.

    Form the dough into a loaf and leave it for 3-4 hours. When the bread is well done, sprinkle it with water and sprinkle with flax seeds or cumin. Bake in the oven for one and a half hours.

    The sourdough recipe requires more time, but the bread turns out very flavorful. In addition, it does not become moldy for a very long time. There is no harm from it, like from baking with yeast.

    Recipe for Lithuanian beer bread

    This unique recipe savory bread. The taste is slightly sweet. A mixture of yeast and beer is used as a leavening agent. To prepare the dough, take a mixture of rye and wheat flour in equal proportions.

      500 g flour mixture (rye flour + wheat);

    a teaspoon of yeast;

    a glass of dark beer;

    a tablespoon of honey;

    2 tablespoons sunflower oil;

  • egg.
  • Place all the ingredients in the bowl of the bread machine, and if there is a “Rye bread” mode, turn it on. Some bread makers do not have this feature. Then knead the dough in the “Pizza” or “Bread” mode. Leave to proof for 2 hours. Bake for 50 minutes.

    Recipe for rye bread with cheese and nuts

    To bake savory nut bread, prepare 500 g of a mixture of rye and wheat flour for the dough. The dough is prepared from 200 ml of milk, 20 g of compressed yeast and a spoon of honey. After a “cap” of liquid appears on top, add 50 g of vegetable oil and a spoonful of salt to it.

    Grate the cheese and grind the nuts in a meat grinder. For one loaf you will need 50 g of cheese and nuts. Add these ingredients to the flour mixture.

    Mix the dry mass and dough. Knead soft dough. Leave it alone for 2 hours. Knead the dough and form it into bread. Place the products in a warm place for an hour. Bake in the oven for 50 minutes.

    How to make rye bread at home - see below:

    Simple recipe for baking black bread at home in the oven

    Rye bread is certainly one of the most interesting products both in terms of taste and preparation.

    It is very difficult to prepare, and many professional chefs consider rye loaves a masterpiece among their baked goods.

    However, it’s definitely worth trying your hand.

    If you scrupulously follow the recipes and adhere to all the nuances of the technology, the result promises to be truly impressive.

    Freshly baked bread has magical properties - rarely does anything disappear from the table with such speed, but if the loaves are hot from rye flour, then, as a rule, not a crumb remains.

    Rye bread at home in the oven - basic cooking principles

    There are quite a few technologies and recipes that allow you to bake fragrant “black” bread right in your own kitchen. Dough made from rye flour is kneaded with yeast, kefir with or without added yeast, with specially prepared sourdough, or brewed.

    All this diversity is united by two basic rules: the quality of flour and the exact observance of all proportions specified in the recipe.

    High-quality flour is always dry and soft. When you squeeze such flour into a fist, the resulting lump does not crumble immediately, but when you press your finger on the surface, a print pattern should remain on it.

    Before kneading the dough, the flour must be sifted. Bread made from sifted flour turns out fluffy with uniform porosity.

    At home, rye bread is baked with the addition of wheat flour in strictly designated proportions according to the recipe, which are not advisable to change.

    Also, unless specifically stated in the recipe, do not change the temperature. When baking rye bread at home in the oven, you should strictly follow the instructions, this is due to different dough recipes, there is no universal rule here, be careful!

    "Borodinsky" rye bread at home in the oven

    420 gr. quality rye flour;

    50 ml non-fragrant, plant. oils;

    150 ml low-fat milk;

    130 gr. white flour;

    1.25 liters of purified water;

    Table. spoon of white sugar;

    One table. spoon of maltose molasses;

    Three table. spoons of rye (red) malt;

    10 g of fine, evaporated salt;

    Coriander seeds – 3 tsp;

    Dried cumin, seeds.

    1. Crush and grind 2/3 of the aromatic seeds in a mortar. Then mix them with malt and pour in half a glass of slightly cooled boiling water, set aside for half an hour, infuse and cool.

    2. After this, immediately begin preparing the dough. To do this, dissolve instant yeast in warm, but not hot, milk. Add all the sugar at once, 2 full tablespoons of white flour and, stirring well, leave for a quarter of an hour.

    3. In a wide bowl for kneading the dough, sift two types of flour on a fine sieve: rye and white baking flour, mixing them as you go.

    4. Add salt and stir it evenly into the flour.

    5. Then pour in the increased volume of the dough, the cooled malt mass, molasses and, pouring in the remaining water heated to 38 degrees, knead the dough.

    6. The dough should be soft and very sticky, so lightly moisten your hands with vegetable oil during the process.

    7. Cover the bowl with the dough with a cotton or linen towel and set aside to rise in a warm place.

    8. The readiness of the dough for further processing is determined by doubling the volume, or even a little more. Lightly knead the dough and, dividing into portions, place in prepared pans.

    9. Turn on the oven and warm it up a little (up to 30 degrees), put the molds with the dough in it for half an hour for the second proofing.

    10. Then grease the surface of the risen bread with warm, never cold water, and sprinkle with the remaining seeds.

    11. Bake this bread first for a quarter of an hour at 200 degrees, then for twenty-five minutes at 180 and finally for 19 minutes at 160 degrees.

    Homemade rye bread in the oven

    30 grams of ordinary bread yeast;

    200 gr. coarse rye flour;

    Refined sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;

    350 grams of baking flour;

    Good rye (dry) malt – 2 tbsp. spoons.

    1. Mix white flour (150 g) with malt and pour three hundred milliliters of boiling water over the mixture.

    2. While pouring boiling water, stir the mixture well with a fork so that there are no lumps.

    3. In a separate bowl, dissolve the yeast in 270 ml of slightly warmed water. Stirring until completely dissolved, add sugar and salt.

    4. Combine the flour brewed with malt and dissolved yeast and stir everything until smooth. The result will be a liquid flour mass of dark brown color.

    5. Pour all the remaining flour into the liquid flour mixture and knead into a stiff, non-stick dough.

    6. Cover the container with the dough with a cloth towel and leave for three and a half hours.

    7. Turn on the oven, place a metal saucer with water on the bottom shelf, and preheat to 220 degrees.

    8. Punch down the increased dough with your hands, sprinkle with flour and transfer it to a baking dish. Cover with a towel and leave again for 20–25 minutes.

    9. When the dough has risen, place the broiler in the oven and bake for 45 minutes.

    10. Then take out the mold and remove the loaf from it, wrap it in a towel and leave for three hours, during which time the loaf will “ripen”.

    Sourdough recipe for baking rye bread at home in the oven

    The sourdough prepared according to this recipe can be used not only for baking rye bread, you can use it to make good homemade kvass.

    Ten st. spoons of coarse rye flour;

    10 grams of sugar;

    A two hundred gram glass of water.

    1. Dilute part of the flour (full four tablespoons) with one hundred milliliters of cold water, achieving a consistency similar to thick sour cream.

    2. Add granulated sugar, stir several times, with short breaks, and cover with a cloth and leave for a day.

    3. After the time has passed, stir in 2 more tablespoons of flour and dilute with water to the same thickness. Leave it for another day under a napkin.

    4. Please note that the leaven should not be thick, so when adding flour, always dilute it with cold boiled water to the consistency of sour cream.

    5. On the third day, the starter acquires the characteristic smell of sour bread, this is normal, this is exactly the result you need.

    6. Add flour again, dilute with water if necessary and leave again for a day. The starter will be completely ready on the fourth day.

    7. Add flour and water again, stir. Take the required amount for making bread, and cover the rest tightly and store it in the refrigerator.

    8. The stored starter must be “fed” with flour once a week, otherwise it will “die”.

    Rye bread at home in the oven with sourdough

    Purified water, boiled, cooled – 300 ml;

    Frozen sunflower oil;

    4 cups rye (peeled) flour;

    300 ml of starter according to the above recipe;

    A small pinch of coriander;

    50 grams of white granulated sugar;

    Good malt (replaceable with dry rye kvass) – 2 tbsp. spoons;

    60 gr. sunflower seeds (without husks).

    1. Combine half of the rye flour specified in the recipe with the starter and cooled boiled water. Stir so that there are no lumps and leave to rise for 5 hours. During the process, the dough will increase approximately three times.

    2. Brew malt or kvass in 90 ml of boiling water, cool and add to the prepared dough.

    3. Add spices, sugar and salt, pour in oil and knead the dough.

    4. Transfer it into greased molds and leave, covering the top of the molds with cotton or linen cloth (towels), for 3 hours. It is recommended to fill the molds one-third full with dough.

    5. Sprinkle the risen dough with peeled seeds and bake in a warm oven.

    6. Bake for 45 minutes to an hour, at 180 degrees. The duration depends on the size of the resulting loaf.

    Rye bread at home in the oven, kefir-yeast

    150 gr. white and 250 gr. rye, coarse flour;

    Refined, unflavored oil - 1 tbsp. l.

    200 ml curdled milk, or sour kefir, low-calorie;

    1 tsp. dry yeast;

    Salt and granulated sugar - 1 tsp each.

    1. Warm fermented milk products to room temperature in advance.

    2. Then mix with 150 ml of boiled water heated to thirty degrees and dissolve salt and granulated sugar in the resulting mixture.

    3. Sift the rye and baking wheat flour into a mixing bowl, add the yeast little by little and mix well, stirring the yeast evenly into the flour.

    4. Make a small depression and, gradually pouring in the fermented milk mixture, knead the dough. If during the kneading process you feel that it is becoming too tight, add a little water.

    5. Properly kneaded dough turns out elastic, smooth and soft.

    6. Cover the bowl with the dough with a cloth and let it rest for half an hour.

    7. Pour in the oil little by little and evenly, knead with your hands until completely absorbed.

    8. Then transfer the dough into a slightly heated form and leave, covered with a towel to “proof” for two hours.

    9. Sprinkle the table with white flour, place the risen dough (noticeable by doubling in volume) on it, and form it into a round loaf.

    10. Place it on parchment in a roasting pan and leave, covered with a towel, for half an hour for the final “proofing”.

    11. Bake at 200 degrees for about forty minutes.

    12. Before placing the baking sheet with dough in the oven, generously spray its walls with water.

    Quick, yeast-free rye bread at home in the oven with kefir

    Curdled milk from “factory” milk, or medium-fat kefir – 200 ml;

    White wheat flour - two glasses;

    One glass of “coarse” rye flour;

    0.5 tsp. baking soda;

    A little mixture of aromatic “Provençal” herbs;

    1 tsp. refined sugar.

    1. Mix slightly warmed kefir (yogurt) with soda and leave on the table for a quarter of an hour. Do not do this on the stove or in microwave oven, best on a battery or by placing a container with sour milk in warm water.

    2. Then mix salt, granulated sugar and a mixture of Provencal herbs in a separate bowl. Pour in the increased volume of kefir and knead the dough, adding sifted flour very little.

    3. Take the entire portion of rye flour, and first take one glass of wheat flour and then use it to adjust the thickness of the dough while kneading. It should be quite soft and non-liquid.

    4. Cover a mold or roasting pan with parchment, transfer the kneaded dough into it and let it “rest” for a quarter of an hour, covered with a towel. It is advisable to do this on a warm radiator or on top of the stove, while turning on the oven to warm up.

    5. Then make a longitudinal cut and a few more across the future loaf and place the pan with the dough in a preheated oven.

    6. Bake the bread for half an hour to forty-five minutes, then turn off the oven heat and leave the bread with the door closed for another fifteen minutes.

    7. Remove the baked bread from the oven and wrap it in a towel until completely cooled.

    "Karelian" rye bread at home in the oven

    100 grams of flour, rye;

    A mixture of anise with cumin and coriander, approximately 8 g;

    50 grams of malt;

    300 ml water (in tea leaves);

    Baker's flour – 650 grams;

    10 grams of fresh (bread) or 5 grams of “dry” yeast;

    250 ml water (in the dough);

    50 grams of mixture of raisins and dried apricots;

    45 grams of honey;

    1.5 tsp. evaporated (fine) salt;

    200 ml water (in dough);

    80 grams of molasses.

    1. First, prepare the dough for the dough. Grind the seasonings in a mortar. Add all the rye flour, water and mix well, heat on low heat, or best of all in a water bath to 70 degrees. Then cover the container with the tea leaves with foil and place it in an oven preheated to 70 degrees for two hours. The finished brew will look like melted chocolate.

    2. Next, start preparing the dough. Dilute the prepared tea leaves with a glass of cold water. Add the yeast, stir until it dissolves, and add the entire portion of wheat flour. Having finally mixed everything, let it sit and rise for four hours.

    3. Before kneading the dough, soak the seedless raisins and dried apricots in boiling water for ten minutes. Drain the water, dry the dried fruits well, chop with a heavy sharp knife into about 5 mm pieces and roll in white wheat flour.

    4. Dissolve honey, molasses, salt in boiling water and, after cooling slightly, add the mixture to the suitable dough.

    5. Gradually adding wheat flour, knead into a loose, elastic dough. At the end of kneading, add the prepared dried fruits. Let the dough rise.

    6. After two hours, move the dough onto the table and press it down a little with your hands to form a pancake. Then roll it into a tight log, pinching the edges with each turn.

    7. Transfer the dough into a mold or simply onto a baking sheet, on parchment, to proof for one hour.

    8. After the dough has risen and become a little softer, bake the loaves at 180 degrees. Time – 1 hour.

    Rye bread at home in the oven - tricks and useful tips

    Do not over-proof the dough, otherwise it will tear during baking and tears will appear on the surface of the baked bread.

    The softer the kneaded dough, the more porous the structure of the bread itself.

    To ensure that the bread rises evenly when baking, insert pasta into the dough in several places.

    Rye bread will bake better if there is a container of water in the oven. Also, before placing the frying pan with dough, the walls oven Sprinkle generously with water.

    “Karelian” bread is very popular with children, you can experiment with the recipe to please your playful little ones. So, raisins and dried apricots can be easily replaced with candied citrus fruits, unless you need to slightly reduce their quantity. Rye bread with the addition of small pieces of hard marmalade is simply delicious.

    If you have a talent for baking, try baking bread from two different types of dough at once - rye and wheat. The loaf is formed by rolling two flat pieces of different colors into a roll. This bread is also very tasty with the addition of raisins, marmalade, fried nuts, or sunflower seeds.

    A simple recipe for rye bread in the oven with step-by-step photos

    Hello, dear readers. I, like most people, am starting to think about healthy food. Today in this series there will be a simple recipe for rye bread. I'll bake it in the oven, we don't have a bread machine or a slow cooker, but maybe it will appear soon. We did not come to this decision to bake bread ourselves right away. It started gradually, we could eat one loaf in a day, or we could eat it in a week. Our children don't really like bread. And recently, in a supermarket, we bought gray bread with seeds. So, both the children and I liked it so much that we could eat it in one sitting.

    We started taking this bread every day. But it’s too fluffy and airy, so we thought, maybe we could bake rye bread ourselves. The next day, instead of bread, I bought rye flour.

    Simple rye bread recipe

    My parents bake bread at home all the time, but their recipes are too clever, and also made from white flour, and we wanted to start with something simple that everyone could repeat. Searching the Internet, we found many recipes. Even barley has already been sprouted for malt. But today I wanted to bake rye bread, but the malt is not ready yet. So we found a simple recipe for delicious bread.

    Rye bread composition

    • Rye flour 200 grams (1.5 cups)
    • Wheat flour 200 grams (1.5 cups)
    • Warm boiled water 370 grams (1.5 cups)
    • Dry yeast 1 tablespoon
    • Sugar 1.5 tablespoons
    • Salt 1 teaspoon
    • Vegetable oil 1.5 tablespoons
    • If desired, cumin, coriander, sunflower seeds...

    Let's start making bread with yeast. To do this, take sugar and yeast, mix them in a bowl, pour warm water. I added 1.5 cups of water. Cover with a towel and place in a warm place for 20 minutes.

    While our yeast is rising, we sift the flour. When sifting rye flour, I had large particles, but the white flour was clean. Add a teaspoon of salt to the sifted flour and mix.

    Why do we need to take two types of flour? Because if you take only white flour, you won’t get rye bread. Well, if you use only rye flour, the bread will turn out sticky and will not bake well. Typically the proportions used are 50/50 and 60/40. And some take 60% rye flour, and some white. It all depends on your taste.

    After 20 minutes, the yeast has risen, and we add vegetable oil to it. Pour the yeast water into the prepared flour and mix well with a spoon.

    It turns out to be a rather sticky dough. Cover with a towel and put it in a warm place for three hours. I ask the specialists not to judge us harshly; this is my first time baking bread with my own hands. I have baked a lot of things in my life, but I have never baked bread.

    While the bread is rising, I prepare the pan. I grease the mold with vegetable oil and sprinkle with flour. Although I think that one vegetable oil was enough. Now I put the dough into the mold. Since our children love bread with seeds, I sprinkle seeds on top.

    Cover with a towel and let it melt for 20 - 30 minutes in a warm place. The dough should double in size. I put it in the microwave, although before that I put a saucepan with hot milk, and the microwave was warm and humid. This is what experienced bakers recommend, although my parents don’t do it, and their bread turns out fluffy and tasty.

    After the rye bread doubled in size, it even came out earlier than three hours later, but I still set it after three hours so as not to violate the recipe. The bread was baked for about 40 minutes, at a temperature of about 200 degrees. My oven is gas, so the temperature is approximate. After baking, I left the bread in the oven for another 15 - 20 minutes.

    The bread was baked well and turned out very tasty. The weight of our bread turned out to be 450 grams. Next time I will make more, I really liked the taste of the bread. And the children began to collect the seeds while it was still hot; they barely managed to take a photo with the seeds.

    But my baking didn't end there. I liked the taste, but didn't like the look. And I continued baking bread, and of course I recorded the results.

    Above in the photo, these are samples with ground coriander inside, and not ground on top. It turned out very tasty, but the bread shrunk. I used less dry yeast. The bread came out very well, but shrunk in the oven.

    But I already tried it from below fresh yeast. The bread came up very well, and as you can see in the photo, it was even a little fluffy, although I only used 30 grams of yeast for double the amount of flour. I also added half a glass of seeds to the dough, next time I will add more. We just don’t store the seeds at home; they quickly disappear. What else we noticed is that this bread crumbles, which is made with raw yeast.

    We also tried to make the dough not so sticky, but it didn’t work. And they added flour and butter to the dough, it was still a sticky dough.

    And now my turn will be yeast-free bread, living bread, so to speak. The starter is already being made. So come visit, it's coming soon step by step recipe, live, without yeast, real rye bread in the oven.

    How to bake rye bread at home in the oven

    In Russia, it has long been customary to always have delicious bread on the table. No matter what kind of meal awaits you, it is almost impossible to refuse. No matter how many diets exist, an extremely small number of Russians will refuse a piece of bread.

    At the moment, there are a huge number of different types of bread - wheat, yeast, even gluten-free varieties, however, it is rye that occupies its special place in the human soul. As experienced housewives say, preparing such bread is quite simple even in a home oven. At the same time, it will turn out many times tastier than store-bought, with a simply amazing crispy crust.

    In fact, this type of bread has the largest amount of useful substances, therefore, like whole grain bread, it can cause very little harm to health. If you want to eat bread, then rye bread should be the housewife's choice.

    How to prepare rye bread at home in the oven:

    Homemade sourdough rye bread

    When imagining rye bread, one immediately remembers a special, dense crumb with a special, unique aroma that has a familiar sourness. It is the sourdough that gives this type of bread such a unique taste. In addition, sourdough makes making bread much easier, because with its help it is quite easy to achieve a balance of flavors.

    • rye flour – 3.5 cups;
    • sugar – 1/3 tbsp. l.;
    • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • water – 2.5 cups;
    • salt – 1 tsp;
    • rast. butter - 2 tablespoons. l.

    Preparation time: about a week.

    Calorie content: 134 Kcal per 100 g.

    Cooking sourdough rye bread in the oven:

    1. To make this type of bread, you need to prepare a starter. It won't use yeast, so you can even freeze some of it. For sourdough, mix 4 tbsp. l. flour, as well as sugar and warm water, so that you end up with a mixture with a consistency similar to sour cream. The mixture in a closed container should mature for 5 days in a warm place. Fermentation here appears in the form of bubbles;
    2. When the starter is ready, you can start preparing the dough. Pour the remaining flour into a large bowl. This is where the mixture will be kneaded. Honey, salt and water are added to the flour. The dough is thoroughly kneaded until smooth, you can use a spatula. The starter is added to the dough and mixed again. The last ingredient will be oil, this will help the dough not stick. The dough is brought to the desired consistency, adding flour or water if necessary;
    3. The dough is placed in a greased pan, which is covered so that the dough rests in a warm place. This will take about 24 hours, after which the bread is baked in an oven heated to 200 degrees for about 5 minutes. In order for the bread to be completely cooked, it should be baked for another hour at 150 degrees. After checking for doneness, remove from the pan and leave to soften for about half an hour.

    Rye bread with kefir in the oven

    There is only one ingredient that will give rye bread an amazing sour taste. Such a characteristic aroma should be diluted with a teaspoon of sugar, however, you can do without it.

    • wheat flour – 150 gr;
    • rye flour – 250 gr;
    • kefir – 200 ml;
    • warm water – 150 ml;
    • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon. l.;
    • salt and sugar - 1 teaspoon each. l.;
    • olive oil – 1 table. l.

    Cooking time: 4 hours.

    Calorie content: 200 Kcal per 100 g.

    Recipe for bread made from rye flour with kefir in the oven step by step:

    1. Kefir is mixed together with kefir. Salt and sugar are added to this mixture, the ingredients are stirred until dissolved;
    2. The flour is thoroughly sifted, after which the two types are mixed together. Yeast is added, which should be evenly distributed throughout the flour mixture;
    3. A depression is made in the flour slide. It is into this that kefir is gradually poured. The dough should be kneaded slowly until smooth and elastic. The covered dough takes about half an hour to rise. After this, it is covered with oil using a spoon so that the dough completely absorbs it. The dough will rise for another couple of hours until it increases in size;
    4. The dough is placed in a mold and baked for about 40 minutes, after which it rests for another 30. Oven temperature is 200 degrees.

    How to cook delicious dough for pizza made from kefir or yeast sourdough.

    The recipe for sorrel salad is best dish for a spring feast.

    How to cook delicious chicken breast in a frying pan. Delicious recipes Here.

    How to bake wheat-rye bread

    At the moment, in the most classic of all existing recipes, a fairly large variety of deviations have appeared that add their own flavors to the harmony of the recipe. However, one thing remains almost unchanged - a uniform amount of flour used, both wheat and rye.

    • rye flour - one and a half glasses;
    • wheat flour - one and a half cups;
    • warm water – 1.5 cups;
    • dry yeast – 1 tbsp. l;
    • raises oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
    • sugar – 0.5 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt – 1 teaspoon. l.

    Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes.

    Calorie content: 222 Kcal per 100 g.

    1. The first step is to start by preparing the dough. To do this, mix sugar and yeast, which are diluted with water. Everything should be mixed and left to ferment for a quarter of an hour;
    2. In a separate bowl, mix two types of flour, to which butter and salt are then added. The fermented mixture is slowly poured into the flour mixture, stirring constantly until it stops sticking to your hands;
    3. The dough is covered with a towel and left for an hour to rise. The volume will increase approximately 2 times, after which it is kneaded again and laid out in the mold, after which it takes another half an hour;
    4. The oven is preheated to 200 degrees, after which the bread is baked for approximately 45 minutes. The prepared bread is taken out of the mold and wrapped in a towel.

    Cooking secrets

    1. If you don't want to prepare a sourdough starter each time, you can use part of the previous one to make a new one. The taste of such bread will be more intense;
    2. The aroma of rye bread can be simply enhanced with seasonings such as kvass or malt. You can also add coriander, cumin, raisins and other flavors;
    3. Rye flour contains a much smaller amount of gluten, so to properly knead the dough you need to put in much less effort than when preparing wheat;
    4. Rye bread is truly a storehouse of useful substances, because it contains a large amount of dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, calcium and many other vitamins. All this makes the final product extremely useful for consumption, since all this helps to normalize intestinal function. There is only one serious contraindication for consumption - rye bread is harmful if a person has serious diseases of the digestive tract such as gastritis or ulcers.

    Baking rye bread at home in the oven can easily become a regular household activity, because the resulting taste cannot but be remembered for a lifetime. Your loved ones will obviously like the result.

    Flour lovers will undoubtedly appreciate the taste of homemade rye bread. But the process of baking such bread is considered quite complex, since the product contains many ingredients with nuances of application.

    Therefore, we advise you not to experiment, but to use ready-made recipes: we will tell you how to bake rye bread at home in the oven with the addition of various ingredients.

    Baking Features

    Before you start cooking, familiarize yourself with the basic principles and technologies that allow you to get the most delicious flour product.

    Below we will tell you how to bake unleavened rye bread and bread with yeast at home in the oven, but both the first and second cooking processes have common features that are identical to the conditions for baking white wheat bread:

    • The flour itself will play a huge role in the quality and taste of rye bread. Therefore, do not skimp on ingredients and use flour strictly in the amount corresponding to the chosen recipe. The flour should be soft and dry and form a non-disintegrating lump when squeezed in your hand;
    • Before you start kneading the dough, be sure to sift the flour. Then the bread will turn out soft, porous and fluffy;
    • Follow the recommendations for baking temperatures indicated in the recipes. Dough for rye bread from whole grain flour very susceptible to different temperatures and will not always behave as planned;
    • During proofing, you should not overexpose the dough if you do not want it to burst in the oven;
    • To raise the kneaded dough evenly, stick a few noodles into it;
    • For better baking of the dough, place a container filled with water in the oven, and also sprinkle the inner walls of the equipment with it before starting cooking.

    Advice: If you already have some experience in making such bread, you can try making it with the simultaneous addition of rye and wheat flour.

    Wheat-rye bread in the oven is kneaded according to any of the recipes; both types of flour are used for the dough - both wheat and rye - they are mixed in a 1:1 ratio.

    That's all you need to know to make delicious baked goods according to recipes. Now let's find out a few proven simple recipes rye bread at home in the oven with photo.

    Recipe for Borodino bread

    The first recipe for rye bread with yeast at home in the oven is “Borodinsky”. You will need 420g rye flour and 130g white flour, 50ml unflavoured butter, 150ml low fat milk, one and a half teaspoons of potent yeast, a large spoonful of sugar, a large spoonful of maltose molasses, and 1.25 liters of filtered water.

    You also need to prepare three large spoons of red malt, about 10 grams of fine salt, three small spoons of coriander seeds, as well as dried cumin for seasonings

    Start preparing by grinding 2/3 of the seeds. They should be mixed with malt and add half a glass of slightly cooled boiling water to the mixture for 30 minutes. After infusion, you can make the dough and cook yeast dough: yeast is diluted in warm milk, sugar and a couple of large spoons of wheat flour are added to it. All this is left for 15 minutes.

    The next step is to sift the white and rye flour into a wide container. Mix the flour, salt, add the dough, cooled malt, molasses and the rest of the water, preheated to 38 degrees. Start kneading the dough until it has a soft texture. Ready dough covered and placed in a warm place.

    When the size of the workpiece has doubled, you can knead the dough and divide it into separate portions for special forms that will fit in the oven. The form with the future bread is placed in the oven at a temperature of 30 degrees for 30 minutes. After this, the surface of the bread is treated with warm water and seasoned with seeds.

    How long does it take to bake rye bread in the oven?

    The bread is baked in stages at different temperatures:

    • 15 minutes – 200 degrees;
    • 25 minutes – 180 degrees;
    • 19 minutes – 160 degrees.

    Borodino rye bread is ready!

    Another recipe with malt

    In order to bake this recipe for rye bread in the oven with malt, you will need 230 grams of rye and 250 grams of white flour, from 5 to 15 grams of dry malt, two small spoons of salt, two large spoons of sugar, a packet of yeast, about 350 a gram of water heated to a warm temperature and two large spoons of refined oil.

    Start by mixing the two types of flour. Malt, salt, sugar and yeast are added to them. After mixing, warm water is added to the mixture and the dough is kneaded until smooth. Next, oil is added to the mixture.

    The dough is covered with film and left for one and a half to two hours to double in size. Next, lubricate the table and hands with sunflower oil - and begin to sculpt a ball from the workpiece. Lightly press the dough on top to form a loaf shape and make a few light cuts on the surface.

    Now the future bread should be transferred to the prepared baking sheet, sprinkled with a small amount of rye flour and covered with a towel for 30 minutes. After this, you can put the dough into baking and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees.

    Attention! The dough is baked on the upper level of the oven for 50 minutes, after which the temperature is increased to 250 degrees, and the bread itself is brushed with sunflower oil for extra shine.

    After such manipulations, all that remains is to keep the bread inside for about three more minutes and remove it from the oven. Malt bread will turn out tasty and fluffy, but to obtain a soft crust, it will have to be covered with a towel during the cooling process.

    How to make sourdough bread

    To prepare custard rye bread, use 30 g of yeast, 200 g of rye and 250 g of wheat flour, two tablespoons of refined sugar, 10 g of “Extra” evaporated salt, two tbsp. spoons of rye malt.

    150 g of white flour is mixed with malt and 300 ml of boiling water is poured in while stirring with a fork. Separately, yeast is prepared, which is poured with 270 ml of warm water, mixed, salted and combined with sugar.

    Flour brewed with malt must be combined with yeast and mixed. You will get a dark brown liquid. Add the remaining flour here and knead the dough. Leave it for 3.5 hours under a warm towel.

    Preheat the oven to 220 C. For the best effect, place a bowl of water on the lower level. Remember that the dough has already risen, sprinkle it with flour and place it in a special form. Place under the towel again and wait approximately 25 minutes. After this, you can put the workpiece in the oven for 45 minutes.

    Sourdough recipe

    How to bake yeast-free rye bread at home in the oven? One option is to use a special starter. It can also be prepared at home.

    So, to create this ingredient in a recipe for rye bread in the oven without yeast at home, you will need about 10 large spoons of peeled rye flour, 10 g of sugar and 200 g of water. Prepare four large spoons of flour and pour about 100 ml of cold water into them to obtain a creamy mixture. Add sugar and mix thoroughly. Then cover the mixture with a napkin and leave for 24 hours.

    After 24 hours, add two more tablespoons of flour and water to the starter to regain its original thickness. Cover again with a napkin for the same time. On the 3rd day, the starter will have a sour smell.

    Add flour and water again and leave the mixture to stand for another 24 hours as before. On the 4th day, all that remains is to add flour and water again, stir until it reaches the consistency of sour cream - and use the required amount of leaven for baking.

    Advice: Store this starter in the refrigerator, but add flour once every 7 days, otherwise it will lose its properties.

    How to bake sourdough rye bread at home in the oven? In addition to this preparation, in the recipe for rye bread in the oven at home with sourdough, you will need 300 ml of cold filtered water, previously brought to a boil, frozen vegetable oil, 4 cups of rye flour, about 300 ml of prepared sourdough, a little coriander, 10 g of salt, 50 g of sugar, two large spoons of malt and 60 g of peeled sunflower seeds.

    Please note that this is a recipe for rye bread in the oven at home - without wheat flour.

    Mix 1/2 rye flour with sourdough and cold water. Leave to rise for 5 hours: this will triple the volume of the workpiece. Brew the malt (you can use kvass instead) in 90 ml of boiling water, let it cool and pour into the dough, which has already brewed. Add the mixture with spices, salt, sugar and butter and start kneading the dough.

    Grease the baking molds with oil and fill them with dough, which is covered with a towel for 3 hours. Since the dough will rise in the oven, fill the molds about 1/3 full. Add the seeds and place the dough in the oven at 180 degrees for 45-60 minutes.

    Rye bread with kefir and yeast

    Another option is how to bake bread from rye flour at home in the oven: this time we use kefir. For the dough you need to take 150 g of wheat and 250 g of wholemeal rye flour or with bran, tbsp. a spoonful of refined oil, 200 ml of kefir, a teaspoon each of dry yeast, sugar and salt.

    Kefir (or curdled milk) should be heated until room temperature. To this ingredient add 150 ml of boiled water at a temperature of 30 degrees, as well as sugar and salt. Next, add flour, yeast and stir.

    Make a hole and pour in the milk mixture, then knead the dough. To get rid of excess thickness, add water. Cover it with a napkin for 30 minutes. After half an hour, add the oil and start kneading until it is absorbed.

    Ordinary rye bread with additives will turn out very tasty: you can use seeds, finely chopped dried apricots, prunes, other dried fruits and even garlic - in each individual case, improving the taste of the finished product will depend on these components. They are added to the dough at the kneading stage, before placing it in a baking dish.

    Place the preparations in slightly heated molds and leave for a couple of hours to “proof”. After this, on a flat surface strewn with wheat flour, begin to make a round shape for the future bread.

    Place it on parchment paper in the roasting pan for 30 minutes, covered with a towel. After this, cook for 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Don't forget to rinse your oven with water before baking.

    The described recipes for making rye bread at home in the oven will help you get flour products of the desired fluffiness, softness and taste. Bon appetit!


    To better prepare for the process of baking rye bread without wheat flour, to avoid mistakes and make a good and fluffy loaf, watch the video of the process of baking rye bread in the oven at home:

    Another story about the peculiarities of baking rye-wheat sourdough bread in the oven:

    Rye bread is a collection of all black breads that are baked on the basis of rye flour. This type of baking is very healthy, as it contains a lot of fiber, vitamins and microelements. It contains one and a half times more iron than products made from wheat flour.

    1. How to make rye bread in a bread machine

    In a bread machine, the dough is not only baked, but also kneaded. This device allows you not to get your hands dirty when kneading the dough, so baking delicious pastries in it is much easier than in the oven. In addition, the time spent on washing dishes is significantly reduced.

    To prepare a fragrant rye loaf, you need to add the following products to the bread machine bowl:

    • 1.5 cups rye flour;
    • a teaspoon of yeast;
    • a spoonful of olive oil or melted margarine;
    • a glass of whey;
    • a teaspoon of cumin;
    • salt and sugar.

    Load all the ingredients into the bread machine, close the lid and set the “Rye bread” mode. You don't need to do anything else. The technology will do everything for you. The preparation and baking time for the dough is 3 hours. During this time you will receive a tasty and aromatic loaf.

    2. We bake rye bread at home in a slow cooker

    Now many people have a multicooker at home. Housewives use this device for preparing not only soups and main courses, but also for baking.

    To bake rye bread in a slow cooker, prepare the following products:

    • 350 g rye flour;
    • a tablespoon of wheat flour;
    • a teaspoon of dry yeast;
    • a glass of milk;
    • a teaspoon of salt and sugar;
    • 50 g vegetable oil;
    • garlic;
    • coriander.

    This bread is dark with a rich, spicy flavor. To prepare it, make a dough. Pour salt and sugar into warm milk, pour in butter. Let the liquid sit for 30 minutes. Pour the dough into the pre-sifted flour mixture. Chop a clove of garlic and a teaspoon of coriander seeds with a knife.

    Pour vegetable oil onto the table and knead the dough on a slippery surface. Preheat the multicooker bowl and turn off the appliance. Leave the bread to proof for 30 minutes. The product needs to be baked in the “Baking” mode for 1 hour.

    The dough turns out stiff and difficult to knead. Don't add too much flour as this will make the lump even tougher.

    3. How to cook bread from rye flour in the oven

    If you want to bake rye bread for the first time, prepare the dough with the addition of wheat flour. Rye dough is very capricious and does not rise well; wheat flour will help speed up the process. Mix it with rye in a 1:1 ratio.

    For the dough, take a glass of whey, 20 g of pressed yeast, a tablespoon of sugar. Leave the dough in a warm place for 2 hours. Pour the liquid into 500 g of flour mixture and add a tablespoon of margarine and vegetable oil. Add a teaspoon of salt and chopped garlic. Leave the dough to “rest” for 2 hours. Knead the mixture and roll it into a ball. Flatten the ball, trying to make a thick cake. Leave to proof for 40 minutes. Bake in a hot oven for 40-50 minutes.

    Despite the simplicity of the dish, it is not always possible to bake delicious and fluffy bread at home. To prevent your first loaf from coming out lumpy, you need to know a few secrets:

    1. Be sure to prepare the dough.
    2. Knead the dough thoroughly.
    3. Place the bread in the hot oven.
    4. If you want a crispy crust, after baking, sprinkle the hot bread with cold water and cover with a towel.
    5. Prepare a dish in a good mood.

    Rye bread recipes

    There are many ways to prepare rye bread. A mixture of rye and wheat flour is usually used as a base. Wheat flour makes the dough softer and more pliable. Ideally, bread made from rye flour should be prepared with sourdough, but in order to prepare the dish faster, yeast is used.

    1. Recipe for bread made from rye flour with yeast

    To prepare a fragrant loaf of bread you need to prepare the following products:

    • 300 g rye flour;
    • 300 g wheat flour;
    • 400 ml warm water;
    • 10 g dry yeast;
    • 1 tablespoon sugar;
    • spoon of salt;
    • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

    Pour the yeast from the bag into warm water, add sugar and salt. Leave the container with liquid for 15 minutes. During this time, a high, foamy “cap” should appear on the surface of the water. Pour sunflower oil into the liquid and stir.

    Sift the wheat and rye flour and mix them together. Pour the yeast water into the flour mixture and stir. Knead a stiff dough. Cover it with film and place in a warm place for 60 minutes.

    After this, knead again and put in the mold for 40 minutes. Wrap the mold with cling film. This will allow the bread to rise. Place the bread in the oven.
    Approximate baking time is 40 minutes. There is no need to grease the pan; there is no need to cover the bread with the egg mixture.

    2. Recipe for rye bread with flax seeds

    Very aromatic and tasty rye bread can be prepared at home without using a bread machine or multicooker. To do this, you need to mix rye and wheat flour in a 2:1 ratio. The mixture will need 600 g.

    Pour a spoonful of water into an empty jar and add sugar, crumble 40 g of yeast into the resulting syrup. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes. After a while, you will find a viscous air mass in the jar. Pour a glass of water into it and add a spoonful of salt. Add 50 g margarine. Add 150 g of flax seeds to the flour mixture.

    Mix liquid and dry mass. Knead a stiff dough. Leave it for 1.5 hours. Knead the lump again and place it in the mold. Let rise for 40 minutes and bake in a hot oven for 50 minutes. You can use metal or silicone molds for baking. They do not need to be greased, since the rye dough does not stick to the surface during baking.

    The loaf can be sprinkled with flax seeds or sesame seeds. To ensure a crispy crust, spray the bread with cold water before putting it in the oven.

    3. Recipe for yeast-free rye bread with soda

    There are several options for making rye bread without yeast. Sourdough or soda is used as a “lifting mechanism”. Sourdough bread takes a long time to prepare, since the nutrient mixture for raising the flour requires 3 days.

    If you urgently need bread, then use the recipe with soda. For the loaf you will need a glass of kefir or sour milk. Mix rye flour with soda and nuts. Take 500 g of flour, 100 g of nuts, ½ teaspoon of soda. Pour a little vegetable oil into kefir.

    Mix the liquid with flour. Knead a stiff dough. Try to do everything quickly, as the dough may settle from long-term storage. Place the resulting loaf in a hot oven for 30 minutes. Cover the form with foil. After the time has elapsed, remove the foil and brown the bread for another 15 minutes.

    4. Sourdough rye bread recipe

    This is an old recipe in which malt or a special starter is used instead of yeast. To prepare the starter you need to take 100 g of flour and water. Rye flour is required. The result should be a mass whose viscosity resembles pancake dough.

    Pour this mixture into a jar and place in a warm place for 2 days. During this time, bubbles appear on the surface of the dough and it makes noise. Add another 100 g of flour and 100 g of water to the mixture. Leave the mixture for another day. Now put the starter in the refrigerator.

    It can be used all at once. In this case, you will need 500 g of flour or flour mixture (rye and wheat flour in equal quantities). Pour 50 ml of melted butter into the starter. Pour the viscous mass into the flour and knead into a stiff dough. Don't forget about sugar and salt.

    Form the dough into a loaf and leave it for 3-4 hours. When the bread is well done, sprinkle it with water and sprinkle with flax seeds or cumin. Bake in the oven for one and a half hours.

    The sourdough recipe requires more time, but the bread turns out very flavorful. In addition, it does not become moldy for a very long time. There is no harm from it, like from baking with yeast.

    5. Recipe for Lithuanian beer bread

    This is a unique savory bread recipe. The taste is slightly sweet. A mixture of yeast and beer is used as a leavening agent. To prepare the dough, take a mixture of rye and wheat flour in equal proportions.


    • 500 g flour mixture (rye flour + wheat);
    • a teaspoon of yeast;
    • half a glass of kefir;
    • a glass of dark beer;
    • a tablespoon of honey;
    • salt;
    • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil;
    • egg.

    Place all the ingredients in the bowl of the bread machine, and if there is a “Rye bread” mode, turn it on. Some bread makers do not have this feature. Then knead the dough in the “Pizza” or “Bread” mode. Leave to proof for 2 hours. Bake for 50 minutes.

    6. Recipe for rye bread with cheese and nuts

    To bake savory nut bread, prepare 500 g of a mixture of rye and wheat flour for the dough. The dough is prepared from 200 ml of milk, 20 g of compressed yeast and a spoon of honey. After a “cap” of liquid appears on top, add 50 g of vegetable oil and a spoonful of salt to it.

    Grate the cheese and grind the nuts in a meat grinder. For one loaf you will need 50 g of cheese and nuts. Add these ingredients to the flour mixture.

    Mix the dry mass and dough. Knead soft dough. Leave it alone for 2 hours. Knead the dough and form it into bread. Place the products in a warm place for an hour. Bake in the oven for 50 minutes.

    How to make rye bread at home - see below:

    As you can see, there are a lot of recipes. Experiment and choose the option that suits you best.



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