How to can green peas. Canning green peas at home. Ingredients for home canned green peas

How to can green peas. Canning green peas at home. Ingredients for home canned green peas

"Buy green pea“- such an entry is probably found in the list of necessary products for every housewife on the eve of any holiday or home celebration, unthinkable without preparing the traditional Olivier salad, so beloved by household members. Fortunately, nowadays buying it is not a problem at all. True, the choice is so great that sometimes in front of shelves with an abundance of canned green peas we stop in bewilderment. How to choose a tasty one, healthy peas so that it is certainly soft, from brain varieties and does not spoil the taste of your favorite salad? This is where another question arises: “Wouldn’t canning peas at home be more profitable?” Moreover, it is not only simple, but also very convenient: harvested green peas can be added to salads, used as a side dish for fish, meat, eaten with potatoes, pasta, or, for example, made into soup with it. This will also help reduce costs a little and, most importantly, make your favorite Olivier salad even more homemade. Perhaps, for this alone, it’s worth starting canning green peas and providing yourself with valuable supplies of this product for the whole winter.

Not every type of pea is suitable for canning. When buying or growing peas for canning, you need to be sure that you have chosen the right variety. For preservation, only fresh green pea pods with young tender grains (so-called brain ripeness) are used. But ripe and overripe pods are absolutely unsuitable for canning due to the presence of a large amount of starch in the grains, which gives a cloudy sediment in the finished product. And the taste and texture of overripe peas are completely different...

After sorting, the pods suitable for preservation are peeled, removing damaged or speckled grains, and conservation begins. Canning peas in classic version looks like this: peas removed from the pods are washed in cold water, placed in enamel pan and pour cold water. Bring to a boil over medium heat and, depending on the degree of ripeness of the grains, boil for 5 to 20 minutes. Hot peas are placed in sterile jars, filled with prepared boiling stock, covered with a lid, sterilized and sealed. The filling can be different, just as each recipe can differ from the other with its little cooking tricks. You just have to choose what is more acceptable to you, our dear housewives.

Natural green peas

green peas of milky ripeness.
For filling (per 1 liter of water):
30-40 g salt,
15 g sugar,
100 ml 9% vinegar.

Remove the peas from their pods, rinse them and cook for 30 minutes. Then drain in a colander. When the water has drained, transfer the peas to jars and fill with hot filling. Close the jars with prepared peas with plastic lids and store in the refrigerator.

Pickled green peas (method No. 1)

Ingredients for marinade:
1 liter of water,
1 tbsp. l. salt,
100 ml table vinegar.

Dip the prepared peas into boiling water for 3 minutes, then cool them, let the water drain and place them in sterilized jars. Pour boiling marinade and sterilize: 0.5 liter jars - 30 minutes, 1 liter jars - 60 minutes. Roll up.

Pickled green peas (method No. 2)

Ingredients for marinade:
1 liter of water,
20 g salt,
1 partial tbsp. 70% vinegar.

Blanch peeled green peas in boiling salted water, then pour the broth into steamed hot jars and immerse in boiling water for sterilization for 30-40 minutes. Before rolling, add vinegar essence. Turn jars upside down until completely cool. It is advisable not to store the finished product for a long time.

Canned green peas

Brine ingredients:
1 liter of water,
1 dessert l. with a pile of salt,
1 tsp sugar with a slide,
1 dessert l. 6% vinegar - in each jar.

Rinse milk-ripe peas in cold water, place them in a saucepan, fill with cold water so that it only slightly covers the peas, and place over medium heat. Cook the peas for 15-20 minutes, by which time the water will almost boil away. Then place hot peas in prepared sterilized jars, leaving 1 cm to the edges, add vinegar to each jar and fill with hot brine. Cover the jars with pieces of thick plastic film, secure it with rubber bands and wrap the jars, and when they have cooled, put them in the refrigerator. You can determine whether the jars are closed correctly by the film: it should be pulled inside.

Canned green peas without vinegar

Ingredients for filling:
1 liter of water,
1 tsp salt,
1 tbsp. Sahara.

Place green peas in boiling brine and cook for 3 minutes. Then place it in sterilized 0.5 liter jars, leaving 2 cm to the edge of the jar. Sterilize the jars for 30 minutes. Then cool them and put them in the refrigerator, covering them with nylon lids. The next day, place the jars of peas in warm water, bring to a boil, sterilize in boiling water for 20 minutes and roll up.

Green peas “Wonderful”

500 g green peas.
For filling (per 1 liter of water):
50 g salt,
50 g sugar,
2 tbsp. 9% vinegar.

Blanch the washed and shelled peas for 5-10 minutes in boiling water. Then drain the water and place the peas in half-liter jars. Pour boiling marinade made from salt, sugar and vinegar. Sterilize jars of peas for 30-40 minutes and seal.

Green peas with citric acid

1 kg of green peas,
1.5 liters of water,
3 tbsp. salt,
3 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tsp. citric acid in a 0.5 liter jar.

Rinse the peeled peas. Boil 1 liter of water, add 2 tbsp. salt and 2 tbsp. sugar and pour the peas into the boiling brine so that they are completely covered with water. Cook the peas for 15-20 minutes until soft. Then drain the brine, put the peas in jars and fill them with new hot brine prepared from 500 ml of water, 1 tbsp. salt and 1 tbsp. Sahara. Before rolling up the jars, add citric acid to each of them. Roll it up, wrap it up. There is no need to sterilize peas prepared in this way; it is better to store them in the refrigerator and preferably for a short time.

Salted green peas

2 kg of green peas,
600 g salt.

Boil the prepared peas in lightly salted water for no longer than 10 minutes and drain in a colander. Then mix green peas with salt, put them in jars, pour boiling water over them and cover with plastic lids. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.

Green peas with allspice

1 kg green pot,
5 peas of allspice.
For filling (per 1 liter of water):
1.5 tbsp. salt,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp 70% vinegar.

Place the peeled peas in boiling water and cook until they shrivel (to check, scoop some peas into a spoon without water). Place in a colander, let the water drain, and place in jars, pour in the marinade prepared in the following way: boil water, adding salt, sugar, allspice and vinegar essence. Sterilize the jars for 30 minutes and seal.

Green peas for Olivier

green pea,
for 1 liter of water - 1.5 tsp. salt,
per 1 liter of product - 3 g of citric acid.

Hatch the peas immediately into cold water and leave for a while. Prepare the brine: add salt to the water and bring to a boil. Then drain the peas and pour them into boiling water. Boil for 10-15 minutes, then pour the peas and brine into sterilized jars and add citric acid. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize for 30 minutes. Then cap and wrap. When the product has cooled, transfer it to a cool place.

Pickled green peas

young green pea pods,
2 black peppercorns and cloves - in each jar,
citric acid - on the tip of a knife.
For the marinade (per 1 liter of water):
40 g sugar,
3 tbsp. 9% vinegar.

Soak the pods in cold water for 2 hours, then blanch them in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, adding a little citric acid to the water. Place the finished pods in jars, adding black peppercorns and cloves. Pour in marinade made from water, sugar and vinegar. Sterilize the jars for 15-30 minutes (depending on volume) and roll up.

If you have a large amount of green peas, then some of them can be dried or frozen and, if necessary, tasty and useful product will always be at hand.

Drying green peas
Blanch the peeled green pea grains in water for no more than 2-3 minutes, cool, pour onto a baking sheet and dry in an open oven at a temperature of 40-50°C at the beginning of drying and 55-60°C at the end. Dry in 2-3 steps at intervals of 1-2 hours.
Ready peas should be dark green in color, with a pleasant sweet taste and an evenly wrinkled surface. Drying green peas can be done in an electric dryer by setting the required temperature and timer - this will save you from the need to constantly monitor the process.

Freezing green peas
Blanch the peeled peas for 1.5 minutes in boiling water, cool in cold, preferably ice water (to do this, add ice cubes to the water), dry, place in plastic bags or cardboard boxes and freeze. Before eating, place green peas in boiling water and cook for 6-8 minutes.

Use home-harvested green peas to prepare your favorite salads, first courses and as a side dish and get real pleasure from a wonderful delicious dishes, prepared with your own hands.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

By consuming green peas, the body is filled with energy, thereby increasing performance. Thanks to this, a person is able to endure heavy loads and overcome long distances. In general, everyone who is energetic and active is recommended to eat peas. Some varieties of this fruit contain natural sugar, which stimulates brain activity and memory.

The same peas will help solve intestinal problems. Its beneficial microelements relieve heartburn, normalizing the functioning of the digestive system. Antioxidants contained in the fruit have a positive effect on improving skin and hair.

Like all edible plants, peas are a seasonal fruit. Therefore, it is logical to stock up on them for the winter. Recipes for preparing peas for the winter will help you figure out the order in which to preserve this type of legume family for the cold season. There are several recipes for sealing peas, but each of these options will either sterilize or without sterilizing the jars with the contents.

Young, soft peas are selected for canning. Overripe peas will give the finished food an unsightly cloudy hue and will taste too starchy.

Green peas without sterilization

For the preparation you should prepare 3 half liter jars. To do this, they should be washed with soda and sterilized for about 7 minutes using a kettle. It is not beneficial to sterilize such a small number of jars in the oven. This recipe for canned peas will use 1 liter of regular cold water. The taste of canned food will be very similar to store-bought, and all thanks to the correct proportions of bulk ingredients: 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of citric acid, 3 teaspoons of salt.

Canning procedure:

You cannot cook peas for more than the time specified in the recipe, otherwise they will lose their shape and turn into mush.

Green peas with sterilization

Those who want to learn how to preserve x with sterilization should stock up on 600 grams of peas without pods. For the preparation you will need a 1.5 liter jar or 3 pieces of 0.5 liter jars. For which the marinade will be used, consisting of 1 liter of ordinary water, 1 tbsp. spoons of salt, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar and citric acid, in the amount of 3 grams.

Canning procedure:

If the liquid in the jar does not become cloudy after sealing within 3 days, it means that the peas are closed in compliance with the rules and can be safely put in the pantry, storing for a maximum of 1 year. If the marinade becomes cloudy, it is better to get rid of such preservation immediately.

Sterilized pickled green peas

Housewives interested in how to pickle peas at home can pay attention to the recipe below. The marinating procedure is quite long, but it does not require much effort.

Marinating procedure:

Prepared provisions should preferably be stored in a cellar or cool place.

The listed recipes for canning peas are basic ones that can be supplemented with your own innovations.

Canned peas are one of the most popular canned vegetables, which are often used in cooking for preparing all kinds of dishes. Soups are cooked from it, various salads and seasonings are made, and also used in in kind as a simple side dish. Thanks to the rich complex of useful substances, the value of this product is undeniable. Nevertheless, experts are often interested in the calorie content of canned green peas. It is worth understanding this indicator in more detail.

Calorie content of peas

Peas are ancient culture, which humanity knew about back in the 4th century BC. Its fruits are a fairly valuable food product, containing a huge amount of vegetable protein. In addition, it contains many vitamins, minerals and various beneficial acids. The energy value of such a product is a little more than 80 kilocalories.

For a long time, the only way to harvest peas was drying. Later, people learned to preserve it.

The Dutch were the first to do this in the 16th century. Today, canned peas can be found in any grocery store.

Many people have a question: what is the difference between products that have undergone these types of processing? The most important difference is that the calorie content of canned green peas is several times lower than that of dried ones. There may be two reasons for this. Firstly, removing moisture increases the concentration of basic elements in it (fats, proteins and carbohydrates), which determine its energy value. By the way, the calorie content of dried peas is about 300 kilocalories. Secondly, exclusively young grains of special varieties are used for preservation. Moreover, their processing is carried out precisely when fresh fruits reach the so-called stage of milk maturity. Nevertheless, there are quite a lot of vitamins and sugars. The calorie content of canned green peas is only 55 kilocalories. This is much less than that of a natural or dried product.

Practical use

For proper nutrition, as is known, it is necessary to take into account not only quantity, compatibility, but also nutritional value each individual product. Low calorie Canned green peas allow you to use them as the main component in various diets. This product is useful for those who care about their figure or want to lose weight. The point is that the fruits legumes you can safely eat without fear of gaining extra pounds.

In addition, peas help cleanse the body, removing unnecessary toxins and various harmful substances from it. By the way, the pea diet is the simplest. It does not contain a strict list of products indicating the amount of their consumption. It is necessary to include at least one dish made from peas in your menu every day. The main thing is that the remaining components in it are not high-calorie. By the way, this could be a few spoons of canned peas as a side dish. The main disadvantage of such a diet is the unpleasant side effects in the form of flatulence. But this problem is not so global.

Calorie calculation

Many people like canned green peas. The calorie content per 100 grams of the finished product is 53-55 kilocalories. And here we mean the edible part of it, excluding liquid. This is the number that is usually indicated on the labels. After all, peas are sold in containers of different sizes. The energy value of the entire package can be calculated independently by drawing up a simple proportion. But as a rule, this is not necessary. Most often, the caloric content of a unit of product is needed to calculate energy value ready dish.

For example, to prepare an omelet with green peas you will need the following products:

2 eggs, 200 grams of canned peas, 50 milliliters of milk and 2 grams of table salt.

As a result of culinary processing, the finished omelet will have the following characteristics:

Having this calculation before your eyes, you can decide how much food to use to prepare a given dish so that its consumption does not have undesirable negative consequences.

Official standard

Since the times of the USSR, there has been a certain GOST for any food products produced in the country. “Canned green peas” is a product that meets certain requirements.

Until recently, GOST 15842-90 still existed for it. He represented technical specifications for the production of food pea products for export and the needs of the national economy. This document detailed the following indicators:

  • characteristics of the raw materials used;
  • rules for packaging, labeling and acceptance of finished products;
  • description of testing methods for basic quality indicators;
  • conditions of transportation and storage.

After the collapse of the Union in Russia, many documents were revised. Over time, a new national standard of the Russian Federation was introduced: GOST R 54050-2010 entitled “Natural canned food. Green peas". Today, this document is the main one for determining the compliance of a given type of product with the standards established in the state.

Product benefits

It's no secret that it is proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are responsible for the calories in canned green peas. When they decay, energy is formed that is transferred to the body to maintain its vital functions. Despite the small value of this indicator, canned peas are considered a fairly healthy product.

For example, the selenium it contains is an excellent anticarcinogen, and vitamin PP has a positive effect on cardiovascular system person. In addition, canned peas contain a lot of starch and dietary fiber, which are practically not digested. Due to these components, you can use peas to get rid of constipation and solve many other problems associated with digestion. Don't forget about fiber too. It not only removes harmful waste and toxins from the body. With its help, you can improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, as well as normalize cholesterol levels. In addition, frequent consumption of such peas strengthens bone tissue and improves immunity. It also improves blood circulation, resulting in increased mental activity in a person. This is just a small part of the benefits that a seemingly simple and unremarkable product brings to the human body.

Possible harm

To properly plan your diet, you need to know not only how many calories are in canned green peas. It must be remembered that this product, like many others, has in addition to positive aspects also negative aspects. For example, it is strictly contraindicated for people prone to flatulence and suffering from colitis. This can not only create some discomfort, but also lead to quite serious consequences.

In addition, those who have been diagnosed by doctors with urolithiasis. Being a strong diuretic, this product can easily provoke spontaneous movement of sand and cause severe renal colic. In principle, canned peas can no longer threaten the human body. The danger will only arise if the product is stale.

It is also necessary to carefully study the composition of the product, which is usually indicated on the label. It is advisable that it does not contain any additives or preservatives that are harmful to health.

Green peas are one of the most important products in the kitchen of almost any housewife, because they are often used not only as a salad ingredient, but also as delicious side dish for meat and other dishes. While there are many store-bought options, homemade canned peas are a favorite. Today you will get acquainted with the best recipes that will tell you how to can peas for the winter at home (photo materials are attached).

About the benefits of green peas

Green peas are very popular among vegetarians and this is not surprising, because they are a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements important for the human body.

Peas are quite nutritious and very easy to process. At the same time, it contains a considerable amount of valuable vegetable protein. The nutritional value of protein can explain the ability of peas to quickly saturate the body and energize it for a long time.

In addition to protein, peas also contain a considerable amount of vitamins (especially B vitamins), sugars (about 6%) and fiber. Thus, in mature peas there is about 35% pure protein, and in terms of calorie content this crop is almost twice as high as potatoes.

Advice. Green peas are actually a battery for the body, especially in extreme or similar conditions. That is why it is recommended to take it on long hikes. Even if you are not an extreme sports enthusiast, but lead an active lifestyle, green peas are a product that should regularly appear on your dinner table.

Green peas are also known for their beneficial effects on skin and hair (thanks to the antioxidants they contain). In addition, it is capable (with regular use) of normalizing the functioning of the intestines and digestive tract organs.

Green pea

Unfortunately, like most garden crops, peas are seasonal, so it makes sense to stock up on them for the winter.

Selection criteria and features of preparing green peas for preservation

It is worth noting that not every variety of green peas is suitable for winter preservation, so the issue of choosing a suitable variety should be taken very seriously, so that you can then confidently enjoy the fruits of your labor.

So, for preservation you should choose only green peas that are still soft enough to be crushed with only two fingers (the so-called “brain” peas). Fully ripe or overripe peas are not particularly suitable as a product for canning, since during the canning process they will give the brine an unpleasant cloudiness, and the taste of the finished product will be too starchy.

As for processing peas before canning, it is quite simple and does not require special skills: just wash the peas thoroughly (if you plan to preserve peas separately) or pea pods if you want to pamper yourself with juicy sweet pea pods in winter.

The Best Canned Peas Recipes

Delicious and at the same time very simple recipes preserving peas for the winter.

Recipe No. 1. Canned peas with vinegar. To prepare canned peas according to the first recipe, you will need the canning product itself, as well as brine. Below are the main components for brine per 1 liter of water:

  • sugar – 1 teaspoon (full);
  • salt – 2 teaspoons (full);
  • vinegar (6%) – 2 teaspoons.

Milk peas must be sorted and washed thoroughly. Then add cold water and place on low heat. After the water boils, cook for about 20 minutes (until the water has almost completely boiled away). Transfer the boiled peas into pre-sterilized jars and fill with prepared brine (add salt and sugar to the water drained from the peas). Then pour vinegar into each jar.

Cover each jar with thick plastic wrap. Leave in a warm place, covered with a blanket. It’s easy to check the quality of preservation: just look at the film - it will be drawn into the jar. After this, you can move the jars to the refrigerator.

Recipe No. 2. Canned peas without vinegar. This option is suitable for those who do not like the sour taste in canned food or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. To cook peas, you only need water, sugar, and salt. For every liter of water it should take about 1 tsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.

Dissolve salt and sugar in water and put on fire. Bring to a boil. Pour the peas into the brine and boil them for about 3-5 minutes. Transfer to prepared jars, leaving about 2 cm to the edge. Sterilize the jars for about half an hour. Then leave to cool and, covering with plastic lids, place in the refrigerator. After 12 hours, place the jars in water again and sterilize for about half an hour. Roll up the jars.

Recipe No. 3. Pickled peas. Suitable for those who would like to enjoy the first days of December the most delicate taste green peas. Pre-selected green peas must be thoroughly washed in water. Then place in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Then transfer to sterilized jars.

Separately, boil the water for the marinade. Then add salt (1 tablespoon), vinegar (3 tablespoons) to it. The figures are based on 1 liter of water. Pour the hot marinade over the peas and sterilize the jars in hot water for about 20 minutes. Roll up the jars.

Canned peas

Recipe No. 4. Pickling green peas. Salted snow peas are an ideal side dish for meat dishes. Now you can enjoy the taste of your favorite dishes in tandem with the most tender peas, even in winter.

Pea pods should be carefully sorted, removing hard and damaged ones. Then the pods need to be thoroughly washed and placed in boiling water. Boil for about 10 minutes, let the product cool. Then you need to distribute the peas into jars and fill them with prepared brine (300 g of salt per 1 kg of product). Roll up the cans.

Advice. If you like spicy, slightly spicy preserves, you can add a couple of cloves of garlic, cut into several pieces, and a little peppercorns, red and any other into each jar.

This concludes our review best recipes preserving peas for the winter. Bon appetit!

Canned peas are quite common in winter salads, which includes everyone’s favorite “Olivier”. When the budget is limited and food prices rise, summer residents and owners of household plots benefit, because they have the opportunity to grow an excellent harvest of green peas on their land and provide for themselves and their families canned peas for the whole year. There would be a desire.

If you decide to start canning green peas for the first time, you should know several important rules and techniques that will allow you to preserve your harvest in full and without danger to health.

  • Firstly, you need to understand that the canning of vegetables and fruits that do not have sufficient intrinsic acidity, which includes green peas, should take place in conditions close to the sterile cleanliness of operating rooms - this is the only way that pathogens of a terrible disease called botulism will not develop under rolled-up lids ;
  • For the same reason, sterilization of canned food for such products takes much longer than usual. Or the sterilization process should be done twice. Since we are unlikely to see an industrial autoclave in an ordinary kitchen, the process of heating canned food should be lengthy;
  • Up to 30% of ordinary table salt can be added to the water in which sterilization occurs; the water temperature will be higher;
  • You can add some vinegar or citric acid to the canning brine, but the taste of the finished product will change somewhat. If you are satisfied with everything, add acid, such canned food almost does not spoil, and you can store it in a cool place, like ordinary homemade “twists”, and not in the refrigerator;
  • Any peas of milky ripeness are suitable for canning, but it is best to choose brain peas. Such peas have a very indirect relation to the brain: simply because of the large amount of sugar, when dried, the peas become covered with wrinkles, the surface of the peas becomes similar to the cerebral cortex;
  • Brain varieties are also good because they last longer at the stage of technical maturity without overripening (up to 5-6 days, unlike ordinary ones, which become overripe on the second or third day);
  • Peas should be harvested on the 8th day after flowering, as experienced summer residents and gardeners recommend;
  • It is advisable to can freshly picked peas on the same day, as they quickly lose their tenderness, and the brine becomes cloudy due to the increased content of starch in such grains;
  • When storing, keep an eye on the marinade in the jars - if it becomes cloudy or changes color, the peas should not be eaten.

So, are you ready to harvest green peas on an industrial scale or are your plans just to save a couple of jars of peas for the winter holidays? Choose any recipe and get to work!

Natural canned green peas

Ingredients for filling:
1 liter of water,
½ tsp. salt,
½ tsp. Sahara.

Place the sorted, washed peas in a saucepan, cover with cold water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes, then place hot in sterilized jars, fill with filling (boiling with a spring), roll up, turn over, wrap. Store in the refrigerator.

175 ml marinade.
For the marinade:
1 liter of water,
3 tbsp. Sahara,
3 tbsp. salt,
100 ml 9% vinegar.

Blanch the peas in a marinade made from water and half the amount of salt and sugar for 3-4 minutes, then plunge them into ice water. Place the peas in sterilized jars. Strain the marinade, add the remaining sugar and salt, boil, pour in vinegar and fill the jars. Cover with sterilized lids and place for sterilization (boil for 15-20 minutes from the moment of boiling). Roll it up, turn it over, wrap it up. After the jars of peas have cooled completely, leave them indoors for a couple more days to check the quality: if the marinade has not changed color or become cloudy, the jars can be stored in a cool place.

Canned peas without sterilization “Like store bought”

green peas, shelled and sorted.
For the marinade (per 1 liter of water):
3 tbsp. Sahara,
3 tbsp. salt,
1 tsp citric acid.

Sort the peas thoroughly and rinse. It is better to discard cracked peas, as they burst during cooking and the brine will turn out cloudy. Pour sugar and salt into the water, boil, add peas and cook for 15 minutes after boiling. Add citric acid, stir and use a slotted spoon to place the peas into sterilized jars without removing the container in which the peas were cooked from the heat. Pour the peas into the jars, not reaching the top by about 1.5 cm. Pour the boiling marinade over the peas in the jars and immediately roll up with sterilized lids. Turn it over, wrap it up. Keep refrigerated. The specified amount of marinade is enough for three 0.5-liter jars.

Canning green peas using double sterilization method

green pea.
For the marinade:
1 liter of water,
1 tbsp. (with top) sugar,
1 des.l. salt.

Pour the washed, sorted peas with boiling marinade (make sure that all the peas are covered with liquid) and boil for 3 minutes. Transfer to 0.5-liter sterilized jars, not reaching the top 3 cm. Boil water in a wide saucepan, cover the bottom with a towel or place a wooden stand, place the jars with peas (the water should not be lower than the level of the contents of the jars) and boil from the moment of boiling , covering with lids, for 30 minutes. Cool covered. The next day, put the pan with the jars on the fire again, bring the water to a boil, sterilize the jars for 20 minutes and roll up. Turn over until cool. Store in a cool place.

Canning green peas using long-term sterilization

Ingredients for one 0.5 liter jar:
650 g prepared peas,
1 liter of water,
1.5 tbsp. salt,
1.5 tbsp. Sahara,
3 g citric acid.

Dip the sorted and thoroughly washed peas into boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then drain through a colander and place directly in ice water (it is advisable to add ice cubes to the water). Place the peas in jars and pour boiling marinade over them. Cover the jars with sterilized lids, place in a saucepan with hot water (place a towel or stand under the bottoms) and sterilize from the moment of boiling for 3 hours. Add boiled water if its level drops below the level of the contents of the jars, but do not pour cold water under any circumstances, only boiling water! After sterilization, roll up the jars, turn them over, and wrap them until completely cooled.

Peas canned in tomato juice

2.5 kg peas,
2 liters of tomato juice,
salt - to taste.

Place the prepared peas in boiling salted water and boil for 3-4 minutes, then immerse them in ice water. Place the peas in sterilized jars and pour boiling water over them. tomato juice. Cover with sterilized lids and place in a wide saucepan of hot water. Sterilize for 1 hour, roll up and turn over.

Pickled green peas

Ingredients for a 0.5 liter jar:
peas (can be in pods),
2 black peppercorns,
2 buds of cloves.
For the marinade:
1 liter of water,
40 g sugar,
salt - to taste,
citric acid - for blanching.

Soak peeled green peas or peas in pods in cold water for 2-3 hours. Then drain the water and put the peas in boiling water with citric acid diluted in it (about 2 g per 1 liter of water), blanch for 1-2 minutes and place in jars. Add peppercorns and cloves to the jars and pour boiling marinade over them. Place for sterilization (boil 0.5-liter jars for 15 minutes), roll up, and turn over.

Canned green peas with vinegar

500 g peeled peas,
500 ml water,
10 g salt,
10 g sugar,
25 ml 9% vinegar.

Pour boiling water over the prepared washed peas and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat. Place the finished peas in ice water for 2-3 minutes. Place in sterilized jars, pour boiling marinade and roll up. Place the jars in a pan of hot water and sterilize for 40 minutes. Turn over, wrap and cool. Store in a cool, dark place.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina



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