How to use soy sauce correctly. Soy sauce: uses, benefits, homemade recipes. To prepare you will need

How to use soy sauce correctly. Soy sauce: uses, benefits, homemade recipes. To prepare you will need


It's hard to imagine an amateur's condiment shelf Japanese cuisine, wherever soy sauce takes pride of place - its properties, composition, benefits of natural recipes and the harm of its chemical substitutes are covered in detail in this publication site. There are so many types of this sauce that it's easy to get confused. In this guide, you will learn which soy sauce is the best, what it is made from, what it is eaten with, and much more.

What is soy sauce?

Soy sauce is a salty brown liquid made by fermenting soybeans and toasted wheat grains and used as a seasoning in Asian cooking. It originated in China and is now popular in many countries.

Soy sauce has many uses and is a versatile seasoning. It enhances the meaty flavor in salty dishes, adding color and enhancing flavor. It brings together the flavors of spices in marinades and softens the harshness of vinegar in salad dressings.

What does soy sauce look like - photo

Composition of soy sauce

The four main ingredients in natural soy sauce are:

  • soya beans;
  • wheat;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • fermenting agents (mold or yeast).

Different types of soy sauce may have different amounts of these components, which create different colors and flavors.

Soya beans

The benefits of soy sauce come mainly from the proteins found in soybeans. The soybeans are first soaked in water for an extended period and then steamed at high temperatures.


Salt and water

The salt is dissolved in water and this brine is used to control the spread of bacteria during the fermentation process. Salt also acts as a preservative.

Fermenting agent (Aspergillus)

Aspergillus is a type of fungus that causes Koji mold to spread. It is one of the most important elements when making soy sauce and plays an important role in the fermentation of the ingredients. This is the key to the special taste of soy sauce.

Nutritional value of tamari soy sauce per 100 g.

NameQuantityPercentage of daily value, %
Carbohydrates4.8 g
Sugar1.7 g
Protein10.5 g
Fats0.1 g
Dietary fiber (fiber)0.8 g 4
Vitamin B60.2 mg 16
Calcium20 mg 2
Iron2.4 mg 30
Magnesium40 mg 12
Manganese0.5 mg 25
Phosphorus130 mg 13
Zinc0.4 mg 3
Copper0.1 mg 7
Selenium0.8 mcg 2
Thiamine0.1 mg 4
Riboflavin0.2 mg 9
Niacin4 mg 20
Folate18 mcg 5
Kholin38.4 mg 7

How to make soy sauce

There are two methods for making soy sauce:

  1. Traditional - Requires several steps and can take anywhere from a few days to a few months, depending on the recipe.
  2. Chemical is a quick and less expensive method of producing soy sauce that uses acid-hydrolyzed vegetable protein.

Traditional soy sauce production

Traditional soy sauce is made by mixing soybeans, roasted wheat, special molds and salt water, then aging for five to eight months. The resulting puree is then pressed and the soy sauce liquid is pasteurized and bottled.

Soy sauce production technology:

  1. Soybeans and roasted and shredded wheat are mixed with a certain type of fungal culture - aspergillus (Aspergillus) and leave for two to three days to ferment.
  2. Water and salt are then added and the entire mixture is left in the fermentation tank for five to eight months, although some sauces may take longer. Salt is an important component in the production of soy sauce as it acts as an antimicrobial agent.
  3. During fermentation, enzymes from the mold act on the soy and wheat proteins, gradually breaking them down into amino acids. Starches are converted into simple sugars, then fermented to lactic acid and alcohol.
  4. After the process is completed, the resulting puree is placed on a cloth and the liquid is squeezed out. It is then pasteurized to kill any bacteria and filtered. And finally, it is bottled.

High quality soy sauce is made only through natural fermentation. It is often labeled as “naturally fermented.” The ingredient list usually only contains water, wheat, soy and salt.

Chemical production

Chemical production is a much faster and cheaper way to make soy sauce. This method is known as acid hydrolysis, and it can produce soy sauce in days rather than months.

The resulting soy sauce tastes worse, contains harmful substances, and has dyes and flavors added to it.

In this process, soybeans are heated to 80˚ C and mixed with hydrochloric acid. This destroys the proteins in soy and wheat.

The resulting product is less attractive in terms of taste and aroma, since many substances formed during natural fermentation are absent. Therefore, additional dyes, flavors and salt are added.

This method is also bad because some undesirable compounds are formed, including carcinogens that are harmful to health.

In Japan, soy sauce that is made chemically is not considered soy sauce and cannot be sold under that name. However, sometimes it is mixed with natural to reduce cost.

In other countries, chemically produced soy sauce can be sold as is. You will find this type of soy sauce in any grocery store and you can immediately recognize it at a low price.

The ingredient label will say "hydrolyzed soy protein" or "hydrolyzed vegetable protein" if chemically made.

So, naturally fermented soy sauce takes about 18 months to make and is healthy and nutritious. Using a chemical method, it takes only two to three days to produce, and this product can be potentially harmful to your health.

Types of soy sauce

There are literally hundreds of types of soy sauce. The varieties depend on the ingredients used, the method used to create the sauce, and the region in which it is produced.

Most often in our grocery stores you will see such soy sauces as:

  • light;
  • dark;
  • low sodium;
  • tamari.

Light soy sauce- this light, but not transparent brown liquid. This is the type that most people call "regular" soy sauce. This is a good all-purpose seasoning.

Dark soy sauce– caramel (sugar color, E150) is added to it after a longer fermentation process, this slightly thickens the sauce and gives it a slightly sweet taste and complex aroma.

Low Sodium– is produced mainly by a chemical method that does not use bacterial and fungal cultures and therefore requires less salt.

Tamari - This Japanese form of soy sauce is made only from soybeans, without wheat or other grains. Tamari has a very clean taste and is preferred by those who need a gluten-free diet.

What does soy sauce taste and smell like?

Differences in production give each sauce its own unique flavor. For example, tamari has a darker color and richer flavor than regular Chinese soy sauce. It also has a more balanced and less salty flavor than the harsh taste of regular soy sauce.

Where to buy and how to choose soy sauce

Finding soy sauce is not difficult, it is available in many grocery stores and supermarkets, but choosing a quality natural product is not so easy.

Read the label carefully before purchasing soy sauce. The composition should not contain E220 (sulfur dioxide) or E200 (sorbic acid), vinegar, yeast, sugar or anise, or preservatives.

Real soy sauce is made from wheat, soybeans and salt. The percentage of protein should not be less than 7%. Dark Chinese soy sauces also contain sugar.

How to know which soy sauce is the best

  • The label should indicate “naturally fermented.”
  • Low-quality soy sauces produced by chemical hydrolysis contain "E" additives in the ingredient list, such as E621 (monosodium glutamate as a flavor enhancer) and E211 (benzoic acid as a preservative).
  • The color of the liquid should be brown or light, but always transparent (without turbidity). If the color is dark brown or even black, then this is not a natural product.

Among the best are Kikkoman brand soy sauces. They are made the traditional way, have a balanced flavor and are actually very versatile.

How and how long to store soy sauce

The shelf life of soy sauce varies depending on the type and even the specific brand, so look for this information on the label.

Unopened soy sauce can be stored in a cool, dark place and, once opened, in the refrigerator. The natural product has a limited shelf life since no preservatives are added. For example, uncorked Kikkoman brand sauce should be used within a month.

Refrigeration helps the flavor and quality characteristics remain at their peak for a longer period. Most natural soy sauces will not spoil unless refrigerated, but the quality will deteriorate more quickly.

A fresh bottle of soy sauce should have a tangy aroma and a reddish-brown color. When opened and exposed to air, the naturally fermented sauce darkens and becomes stronger in flavor and aroma over time. This is the result of oxidation. While this is not harmful in any way, it will reduce the taste.

Low-quality chemical soy sauces do not deteriorate in flavor when stored at room temperature.

Use of soy sauce in cooking

You probably know about the use of soy sauce in many Asian dishes and what it's usually eaten with, but it can be used in so many different (and delicious) ways. Here are just a few of them.

What do you eat soy sauce with?

  • Try cooking Chinese food at home. It's healthier than ordering it and a great opportunity to experiment with new ingredients in the kitchen. Chicken in soy sauce – excellent dish to start.
  • It balances the taste sweet and sour sauce for barbecue.
  • Add it to noodles or spaghetti by cooking mushrooms and onions with soy sauce.
  • Try delicious ribs at honey-soy sauce, cooked on the grill.
  • Crispy and slightly sweet fried shrimps with garlic in soy sauce taste delicious and the recipe is very simple.
  • Chicken wings in honey soy sauce are easier to make than you think. Find yellow wheat noodles to go with them in specialty Asian stores, or replace them with egg noodles.
  • Your children will love chicken breast in soy sauce and you'll love the fact that you're feeding them fresh, healthy food.
  • Chicken in soy sauce in a frying pan or in the oven has an ultra-thin, crispy crust and super juicy meat.
  • Fish in soy sauce is a quick and easy cooking method that does not require any special culinary skills. Try roasted salmon with brown sugar glaze with vegetables and rice.

Health Benefits of Soy Sauce

Soy sauce contains many different types of antioxidants. Studies have shown that it has higher phytonutrient concentrations of antioxidants than red wine.

It is a good source of the antioxidant mineral manganese and also contains valuable amounts of antioxidant phenolic acids, including vanilla, syric, coumaric and ferulic.

Soy sauce is rich in the amino acid tryptophan, vitamin B3 (niacin), and protein.

The current research into whether soy sauce is healthy seems promising, but it is too early to say whether it provides truly significant health benefits.

Contraindications (harm) and side effects of soy sauce

Whether soy sauce is harmful depends on what product you purchased - natural fermentation and chemical production. the site strongly recommends looking for a product that is made the traditional way.

But even if you have natural soy sauce, use it in moderation, otherwise you will experience not only the benefits, but also the harm.

It is contraindicated for diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • stones in the kidneys.

People who are allergic to wheat or those who are gluten intolerant should avoid soy sauce. There are types of sauce made from rice rather than soy - these are suitable for those who cannot eat gluten.

Soy sauce often contains high amounts of sodium per serving. Its use is harmful if you have high blood pressure, kidney disease or diabetes. Sodium increases blood pressure, which can damage blood vessels and increase the risk of heart disease.

Use soy sauce in small quantities and not often so that only it appears beneficial features, and do not use it at all if you have any contraindications.

Soy products in Asian and Eastern countries they have become a cult - not a single self-respecting gourmet from Japan or Korea will sit at the table if it does not have their favorite dressing on it. In the 21st century, the use of soy sauce in cooking has ceased to be a privilege of the Land of the Rising Sun, since this seasoning has become familiar to the culinary cultures of all countries.

They say that soybeans were first cooked in China, when Buddhist monks decided to become vegetarians - this is how the world introduced tofu, soy milk, cottage cheese and bright, rich, thick and aromatic sauce. For Easterners, soy is as important as bread is for us - according to statistics, the average Japanese consumes about 13 liters of soy sauce per year. We should pay tribute to the Dutch, who improved the preparation of the sauce and made it more “digestible”. Let's talk about what this product contains and how best to use it to improve the taste of dishes.

The benefits and harms of soy sauce: The East is a delicate matter

The benefits for the body are undeniable- it contains a record amount of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and 20 amino acids, thanks to which soybeans are equal in nutritional value to meat. Soy sauce contains ten times more antioxidants than red wine, so we can say with confidence that soy prolongs youth and prevents the growth of malignant tumors. The high concentration of phytoestrogens in soy is very beneficial for women, since natural hormones alleviate the symptoms of PMS and menopause, strengthen bones and joints, and prevent the development of osteoporosis and arthritis. Doctors recommend consuming soy sauce for patients with heart and vascular diseases, as well as for patients who have had a heart attack.

Despite the benefits of soy sauce, it is not recommended for some diagnoses.- this applies to kidney diseases, hypertension and allergies, and pregnant women should pour sauce over their dishes in moderation to avoid swelling.

Soy sauce and its use in cooking

Not all people are puzzled by the question of which dishes to use- they add it to any food except desserts and enjoy a savory taste that is difficult to obtain in other ways.

There are two types of soy sauce- light and dark, which differ in the fermentation period. Dark sauce is aged longer, it is hotter, thicker and sharper, so it is used to marinate meat and served with sushi. A saltier, lighter sauce, light and pleasant in taste, is used to season salads, pour over meat and fish dishes, seafood, rice, pasta and vegetable stews.

It is difficult to say which soy sauce is the most delicious, since everyone has their own preferences, the most important thing is- choose quality and healthy sauce, not a fake. It is enough to remember a few rules - good soy sauce is sold only in transparent glass bottles, and the product must contain the following ingredients: soybeans, wheat, salt, sugar and vinegar. If you see a whole list of all kinds of additives on the label, put this surrogate back on the shelf without regret. Health is more valuable!

Real soy sauce is brown and clear at the same time, there is no sediment, and the protein content is approximately 6-8%. Good sauce does not cost less than 100 rubles, and a bottle of a more expensive brand will cost you 300–500 rubles.

So imperceptibly the exotic sauce became one of the favorite seasonings all over the world, and low calorie content turned it into a popular dietary salad dressing instead of butter, sour cream and mayonnaise. This is probably why Easterners do not suffer from excess weight and live happily ever after- Let's follow their example!

Explain to me, comrades, what is the essence and beauty of soy sauce/marinade. This sauce is some kind of profanation, worse than Coca-Cola. I read the ingredients - except for salt, water and dye (soy, apparently, should also be there, but it’s all GMO) there is nothing in it. There is no taste (tasty, from the word “taste”) at all. Why do people buy it and what do they do with it. I marinated the chicken in soy marinade and cooked it *** Topic moved from the conference “About my own, about my girlish”


Salt, water and soybeans are what should be in soy sauce. It tastes great and is almost perfect for pickling.
There are no genes in the sauce, if anything.

We love. Well, we actually live in Asia. Goes very well with dumplings. Baking fish in soy sauce is delicious.

For (2 servings):
Crab sticks– 200 g,
boiled eggs – 3 pcs.,
mustard – 1 tsp,
cottage cheese 0% – 50 g,
kefir 0% – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Boil the eggs “steep”. Finely chop the crab sticks, eggs and parsley and mix.
Then we make the dressing - grind cottage cheese, mustard and a tablespoon (or maybe a couple) of kefir in a bowl.
Dress the salad and you're done! Very tasty and very filling.

Girls, do you give your children dishes with soy sauce? Of course there is not a lot of it, but you can feel the taste. Had it for dinner today glass noodles with vegetables in soy sauce... I don’t remember my daughter asking for more at all...))) but maybe it’s too early?

I bought Heinz soy sauce for sushi, and it’s sickly sweet, like this: [link-1] and before that I bought Heinz like this: [link-2] Question: where to put the sweet soy sauce? It’s impossible to eat sushi with it, my husband even diluted it with water, or something else(((

Do we have the items needed for procurement? homemade sushi - a special mat, what else is there... Girls, please share what I need to buy to make sushi at home? Thank you


I buy at Golden Babylon, the supermarket is OK.
I really like it with red fish, cucumber and cream cheese.

So this means: nori sheets are seaweed in which rolls are wrapped; wasabi - powder or paste; You can have Japanese rice, or you can have our round grain rice; soy sauce; Well, what will you cook with - eel, shrimp, fish (I make it with raw tuna and salmon baked in the oven). A rug is a must.
Mouse has all this in her “food products”.

Girls, I want to order a canister of soy sauce for sushi from Mouse, does anyone want to join the company? The cost of the canister is 1650 rubles + 15% The canister is 19 liters, we take 5 for ourselves, the remaining 14 liters can be bottled and distributed in Yasenevo morning/evening (my husband drives the car to work from work) or from my work in Teply Stan weekdays from 10 to 17. If anyone is interested, sign up for the subscription, redemption is already on Friday.

Please help me learn how to make sushi. Tell me where all this is sold (products and napkins with which they are wrapped). There are a lot of recipes on the Internet, but I would like a proven one for “dummies.” I want something simple - fish, rice, avocado - what else do you need? And is it possible to buy all this in one place? And how to choose fish (and what kind) so as not to get poisoned))) Thank you)))


I bought everything and did it. Only the first tube turned out unsuccessfully.
Then I got the hang of it, and it turned out great.
Mine decided that they brought it to me to order)))
Thank you all very much!

take the simplest rice. winged in a transparent bag. fish - just lightly salted. leaves - I found them at the market in a stall with all sorts of “healthy” products. There is a little more water in the rice than normal and it will be just what you need. and how to wrap it - there are a lot of tips on the internet :) everything is very simple. I did it several times. try it, and then you’ll be chasing raw fish...

I AM ALSO COLLECTING SAUCE: 18 liters DROP - 3 liters Yulya-5 liters koshkat-2 liters alenakrs-3 l Dorofey-1 l Sl@sten@-2 l lenana-1 l dusja1-1 l ************* *******-*******************-****** From Little Mouse. Last year we took a 10 kg bag - it was enough for just a year The bag now contains 22.6 kg PRICE with org% - 2.92 dollars turns out I think we will pay in rubles, according to the exchange rate on the day of buying rice (Masha will tell you exactly how much for the bag, but I'll divide by weight - we'll get the price per kg) I can hang it - I have an electronic...

Soy sauce is also excluded from children's diets due to its high salt content. In addition, it often causes allergic reactions, since its “ferment” requires the addition of special microorganisms. Soy flour can be included in a child’s diet only after 5 years, since this product contains a substance that inhibits the activity of one of the enzymes that digests protein in the duodenum. During heat treatment, this substance is destroyed, but still, porridge based on such flour should not be given to children. Flour contains carbon...

SOY SAUCE and RICE. VINEGAR for SUSHI, JSC There is a reserve for soy sauce and rice vinegar for sushi, we’ll pick it up from Myshenka on Saturday morning, you can pick it up on the weekend at JSC (I’m in Krylatskoye, there’s a girl on Mozhaika). The price is about 85 rubles. per liter, if I counted correctly. For this money, “K**ikk**om***an” can be bought at retail for 4-5 times less volume (in our country, 250g costs more than 120 rubles), at least at the prices of local stores - VERY profitable. SOY SAUCE: 5l. - ES 5l. - ES (?) 5l. - DROP 2l. - ES 2l...

Virgos, I really want soy sauce for sushi and other things, really. And he is 19l. packaged. Let's gather him in a closed joint-stock company (I'm in Krylatskoye, there's a girl in Mozhaika). I think it’s 5 liters each, but if someone needs less, write just in case :). Now I’ll ask Myshenka where it can be stored and how much. The price is about 85 rubles. per liter, if I counted correctly. For this money, “K**ikk**om***an” can be bought at retail 4-5 times less in volume (in our country, 250g costs more than 120 rubles), at least...

A neophyte's impressions of Japanese cuisine. Actually, it’s been about 2 years since my eldest daughter has become an ardent adherent of this very Japanese cuisine and periodically agitates me. I’m a curious person, but honestly, for 2 years I’ve been gathering the strength to taste something Japanese. And today I wandered into a chic shopping center that opened next to my work, where, as usual, there is a Japanese restaurant. They say, and we are not born with bast. Well, I drank coffee there (I mean, next to the Japanese restaurant), and... I made up my mind. After all, you...


pinkish type of flower - it was probably ginger. The most indelible impression on me was the grass, well soaked in cologne. the clumpy cold rice wrapped in seaweed that smelled like stale fish skin was also unforgettable. I even tried eating sushi and sushi 3 times, in different places. the result was the same - I couldn’t even swallow a piece, my body doesn’t accept it :)
and here Japanese noodles or rice with vegetables I really, really respect it.

01/15/2007 14:56:17, ALora

:) On New Year's Eve, on the last working day, slightly warmed up with office champagne, my husband and I for the first time ventured into the Japanese restaurant "Two Sticks". We couldn’t get around to sushi, so we ordered a salad with chicken and beef (I can’t remember the name of the dish). They brought something finely planed, generously seasoned with soy sauce. You can eat it, but it didn't excite you. In short, we grieved that we didn’t go to our favorite Mexican place, ordered tequila each and decided that we don’t come here anymore, the cuisine is alien to our taste buds. By the way, the first visit to the same Mexican tavern at one time caused a storm of delight :)

“snake soup” Boil 700 grams of water. Throw in a few handfuls of very good thin noodles. Add a couple of handfuls of frozen peas. Throw in a mushroom cube. Throw in a couple handfuls of frozen green beans. The same amount of frozen baby carrots and the same amount of frozen mussels. Taste - spicy adjika. It should be very thick. A little lemon juice and soy sauce - and go ahead. I prepared it out of desperation, emptiness in the freezer and hunger, and it turned out delicious. Bon appetit.


atets... tell me, don’t send me, I’m gray...
and what is this - it really can be prepared from cubes, vegeta and with the addition of mixed seasonings, which include sodium glucomate and some preservatives...
For some reason, I immediately have associations with doshirak and so on.
To be fair, I’ll say that I can quite easily eat a can of Rollton pasta and mashed potatoes, but that’s just at work, when there’s nothing else.
But at home, why use a mushroom cube if you can use mushrooms?..

Take a glass of rice and fill it with a large amount cold water and rinse very thoroughly. Drain the water and repeat this operation several more times until the water becomes completely clear. Drain the rice in a colander and let it dry for 30-60 minutes. Place the rice in a saucepan, pour a glass of cold water over it, cover with a lid and place on high heat. When the rice boils, slightly reduce the heat and cook for 20 minutes without opening the lid. Then remove the rice from the heat, cover the pan with a towel and let...

A friend was puzzled to prepare a Japanese lunch:) Sushi, sashimi, something like that (I say the names, but I don’t even really know how one differs from the other), so please, advise what recipes there are, just so that the products are not They were very exotic. Thank you:)


Sashimi is pieces raw fish. Served without rice. I wouldn’t risk cooking at home; the fish goes through quick freezing, etc.
Sushi is very easy to prepare. There are also varieties of nigiri, maki, and futomaki.
Makisushi recipe:
Buy white rice, rice vinegar, seaweed special for making sushi (Roasted sea weed). Also seasonings such as ginger, wasabi and of course soy sauce.
Cook the rice until cooked and add vinegar, it makes the rice sticky.
I use a special reed mat, approximately 15 by 15 cm in size.
Lay a thin layer of rice on it (you can skip the layer of rice and start with seaweed), place a sheet of seaweed and another layer of rice on top of the rice. Place fish in the center, thinly sliced ​​cucumbers, cream cheese if desired, caviar, shrimp. In general, you can diversify each individual sheet according to your taste. You wrap everything using a mat and you get a roll. Cut the roll into equal six or eight pieces and serve with seasonings.
I usually make a big dish with different types sushi and nigiri. I use it for sashimi salted fish. The fish is cut into thick rectangular pieces. Use your imagination and you will get a great dish.
On this site you will find information on serving.
Yes and more. Soy sauce can be served in a special container, but wasabi should be served separately. I don’t know if you have sushi utensils, but wasabi and ginger are served separately and everyone mixes wasabi with soy sauce to taste. To do this, each guest should have a special tiny cup.
You also need chopsticks. It’s not very good to eat sushi with a fork.

Here interesting recipe with good-cook
Cooking method
This is a Japanese dish and it is served in a sushi restaurant.
I will offer this recipe, in Japan it is called chawan mushi. Very tasty, reminiscent of pudding, it turns out 100%, never falls off

The calculation is as follows: for one egg (large) - 150 ml of water or broth. If the eggs are medium, then 130 ml.

In a bowl, beat the eggs (for example 2) and add 300 ml cold broth, no broth, just water, salt to taste and be sure to strain through an iron or simple sieve, this is necessary so that our omelette is smooth and beautiful.

In a bowl, a small pot, a mug (about 150 ml volume) on the bottom we put pieces of ham, boiled chicken breast, mushrooms, shrimps, whatever you like and fill the bowl not to the brim with the egg mixture, wrap the top of the bowl with foil Place the bowls in pan and pour water into the pan so that the water covers the bowls by about half. If you have a special stand with holes, then put it on it. Cook for 15 minutes on high heat (steam), and then 10 on the weakest. Open the foil and look , if the egg mass is hard, it means it’s ready. The structure resembles pudding, it never falls off and can be calculated according to the number of eaters. If desired, you can decorate the top with pieces of broccoli and tomato. Eat straight from the bowl.

please enlighten those who know (if it doesn’t take you much time, because by searching I’ll find something myself later): Soybeans. My mother-in-law’s opinion is to take the imported one, it says right there that it is unmodified, here is the soy sauce, for example, never “Bamboo Stem” for 13 rubles, take the 100 ruble one, imported, it’s good. I ate soy schnitzel - it’s very tasty and healthy, there’s a lot of fiber there - it’s healthy, and imported soybeans are healthy, unmodified. Mother-in-law is very smart and very...

Who can recommend delicious store-bought sauces? I only know "Baltimore" so far - at least it's not tomato juice, brewed with starch. And the tomato sauce from this company with a white label is generally up to par.

Can a pregnant woman eat soy products?

In addition, lecithin is a means of combating cellulite. Soy products are rich in vitamins (groups B, D, E), contain micro- and macroelements (iron, calcium, phosphorus and others). Therefore, soy products are useful for anemia and decreased immunity. In addition, when consuming soy, the risk of developing osteoporosis - softening bone tissue. Soy contains dietary fiber that can remove heavy metals, in particular radionuclides, from the body. Having an anti-carcinogenic effect, soy reduces the risk of developing cancer. And for patients with type 1 diabetes, soy is simply a godsend, as it can reduce blood glucose levels. Isn't it true, notice...
...Fifthly, soy products are often genetically modified, and in the medical world, as is known, there are many opponents of the use of such products. Of course, negative aspects can be found in any food product. This is all true... But not everything we eat affects pregnancy. And if you are already pregnant, then the combination of all the negative effects can have a negative impact on the fetus. But if you really want to eat some kind of soy dish, then you shouldn’t deny yourself. Just always remember the principle of reasonableness and do not overuse this product. Galina Tereshchenkova, obstetrician-gynecologist, category I doctor,...


But still, how much soybean do you need, excuse me, to eat for all of the above to happen? or pouring sauce over spaghetti is also tantamount to a crime against the child and will affect pregnancy?

08/06/2004 08:45:17, A.N.

Yes, the sauce is not scary if you don’t overuse it. You just shouldn’t eat soy product substitutes - all soybeans used for industrial food production are genetically modified (do you need it?..) And unmodified soybeans are so well clogged with weeds and devoured by pests that it is simply unrealistic to grow them in large quantities ala nature.

I bought soy sauce for the first time in my life. I read that many people use it here. Guys, please tell me where you use it and in what quantity. For example, in rice... for a cup of rice (about 3 servings) how much sauce do you need and when to add it? Where else can it be used? If for salads, then which ones? In a fresh cabbage salad with plant. Will it work with oil or not? And then there is no need to add salt at all? Thank you

You can also germinate them. We also soak it for 5 hours and then in a wet cloth, wetting it so that it does not dry out and it turns out from 1 part beans to 5 parts sprouts. in 2-3 days. Eat it, or even fry it.
You can make catfish fish with sprouts. You need to throw them in foil and top this fish, season it as you want and bake. Then the juice of this fish will not be wasted.

05/24/2000 10:27:37, Marishka

Oh, soybeans are so bad that they need to be cooked for a long time, tediously, but poetically - I offer a choice of "oriental" soup, oyster mushrooms (or champignons) with soybeans, soy in sour cream (or with cream). What are you interested in?

05/16/2000 20:18:37, Nyusha

Natural soy sauce comes in two types - light and dark. It takes a lot of time to prepare it - from several months for a light sauce to two to three years for a dark sauce. Not only the color, but also the taste of soy sauce and, accordingly, its use in cooking depend on the exposure and fermentation time.

Dark soy sauce is a longer-aged product; it has a thick consistency, a pronounced, rich aroma, but at the same time it is less salty than light-colored sauce. Dark sauce is used mainly as a seasoning for meat dishes and for preparing meat marinades. Light sauce does not have a characteristic aroma; it has salty taste, lighter consistency and this makes it an excellent salad dressing. Its use in cooking is wider than that of dark sauce - rich taste and dark color can spoil both the appearance of the finished dish and its taste. Each of the two types of soy sauce is good in its own way, and it is advisable to have both sauces at home.

Most often in cooking, soy sauce is used as a base for the preparation of other well-known sauces.– shrimp, fish, mustard, mushroom. Additives include a variety of herbs and spices - ginger, cinnamon, mustard, garlic, anise. To soy sauce add sesame oil, honey, tomato paste, lime and lemon juice, powdered sugar. Soy sauce can also act as an independent seasoning for ready-made dishes, for example, at the last moment it is added to chicken or meat cooked in a wok.

What can you cook with soy sauce? It is used as a marinade for cooking chicken fillet, pork or beef, pre-cut into small narrow strips. The meat is marinated in soy sauce with wine and spices and then fried with onions, carrots and peppers. Soy sauce is mixed with ketchup and marinated in it. chicken wings or chicken gizzards(they need to be cleaned) and then fried over high heat or stewed with the addition of broth or water. Adding a little honey to dark soy sauce makes an excellent marinade for shrimp or salmon.

Prepared with the addition of soy sauce original dish"Shanghai style pork" A piece of pork is boiled with seasonings, then fried over high heat until dark brown and then stewed with soy sauce, sugar and garlic. There is also a recipe for cooking duck unusual sauce. Soy sauce and vodka are added to the dill broth and the duck is cooked in this broth. Soy sauce improves the taste of soups; it is recommended to add it to mushroom and meat soup. Soy sauce will add a piquant taste to your usual cabbage salads or bell pepper, will highlight the taste fish cutlets, various types noodles

Soy sauce is considered a completely balanced product, combining beneficial properties and excellent taste. Of course, if it is prepared naturally and from natural products. A surrogate product cannot be useful; it contains a minimum of natural ingredients and a maximum of all kinds of chemical additives.

Soy sauce is often used in cooking to prepare variety of dishes. We learned about it thanks to Asia, where it has been used since ancient times as a salt substitute. Which is already a good indicator. This soy seasoning is rich in protein and microelements. But many housewives avoid using it because they don’t know where to add it. But it perfectly replaces mayonnaise and vegetable oil.

This product contains a small amount of calories, so it is often used during dieting periods. It is added absolutely everywhere, except for desserts.

Soy sauce and main course

To choose the right sauce, first decide what you want to cook. So, this dark-colored product is more rich and thick. Great for making sushi and meat dishes. Often used for marinade. But the light one, on the contrary, has a milder taste and contains more salt. It will be just the perfect dressing for soups, salads and vegetables. It is often used as the main ingredient, which is complemented with different flavors - mushroom, garlic, ginger.

So, if you want to give shrimp or fish a special piquant taste, use dark soy sauce and honey for the marinade. To do this, mix 6 tablespoons of sauce with 2 tablespoons of honey; it wouldn’t hurt to add a few drops of fresh lemon juice. Soak seafood in this mixture for literally 15 minutes. This will allow you to absorb all the flavor and the necessary salt. If you prefer meat, in particular pork, use this recipe for marinating it with soy sauce:

  • 4 spoons of soy brine;
  • 1 slice of ginger;
  • 2 cloves of squeezed garlic;
  • 4 tablespoons rice vinegar;
  • salt and pepper to your taste.

After soaking meat steaks in this brine, they become very soft and cook quickly with excellent frying. Eating them is a pleasure. And to make soup, there simply cannot be a special recipe. Add one or two spoons to any first dish instead of salt. If you choose the classic version, without any flavoring additives, it will be practically inaudible in the dish.

Soy sauce and side dishes

A variety of side dishes are often prepared with soy sauce. And its use with rice is very popular not only in Asia, but also in our countries. This dish just needs to be sprinkled with it after fully cooked. Potato lovers can also improve the taste with it. This seasoning gives fries a special richness. For people on a diet, a recipe for baked vegetables is perfect: mix the vegetable mixture with chopped onion, add a spoonful of starch, grate a small piece of ginger. A few spoons of sauce will add the right level of salt to the dish. Add a couple of glasses of water and place in the oven to simmer. As we see, all the ingredients are low in calories, so they are suitable for people with various problems and diseases.

From the experience of many people, it is worth noting the effective preparation pasta with soy marinade. And its combination with grated cheese will open up new taste sensations for you. I would like to mention great recipe Cooking broccoli with soy sauce:

  • A couple of heads of broccoli;
  • A small spoon of grated ginger;
  • Soy sauce and vegetable oil 2 tablespoons each;
  • Corn starch 1 spoon;
  • One spoon of sugar;
  • Sesame to taste.

The preparation is very simple: just combine all the ingredients and just put it in the oven for 15 minutes. The only thing is that the cabbage inflorescences should be boiled first.

Using soy marinades in salads

As for this category of dish, absolutely everything goes with the sauce. It is even used in such simple salad, as in "summer". The main condition is your personal imagination. We can give several examples of these dishes, which are less popular and less often found on our tables. Here is one of them: salmon salad. Boil three potatoes and cut them into cubes. Grind 150 grams of salmon fillet in the same way. Peel one tomato and chop it too. It wouldn't hurt to tear up a few lettuce leaves. Now let's move on to preparing the dressing for it. 150 grams of sour cream, or better yet, mix with a spoon of mustard and olive oil. Add a few drops of lime juice and a pinch of curry. The ingredient in the form of soy seasoning is added to taste. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and served.

It is perfect for salads that use any type of meat, and for seafood it is simply irreplaceable. Among these is the most famous salad with shrimp and squid. They are boiled and the squid is cut into thin strips, but the shrimp remains whole. Some people add cucumber to soften the seafood flavor. And all this is seasoned only with this Asian sauce.



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