How to properly prepare mushroom julienne. The best recipes for cooking julienne with mushrooms

How to properly prepare mushroom julienne. The best recipes for cooking julienne with mushrooms

What to cook quickly and tasty for dinner

To prepare classic julienne there are no mystery ingredients or tricks needed with mushrooms and chicken. One hour, regular ingredients, a couple of frying pans - all ready

1 hour 30 minutes

150 kcal

4.93/5 (14)

It is a mistake and extremely unfair to gastronomy to believe that julienne or julienne (but not julienne) are mushrooms with cheese and mayonnaise. The dish owes its delicate and refined French taste to Bechamel sauce, which, by the way, can be prepared in a matter of minutes at home in an ordinary Russian kitchen.

WITH French julienne translated as "July". This culinary term was first heard from chef François Massialo. He used it to refer to cutting fresh July vegetables for seasonal dishes. Why in Russia they called “julienne” what in France is called “cocotte” (translated from French as “rooster”) still remains a mystery. However, the latter name is also used in our country when talking about this dish. “Cocotte makers” are special portion forms (with a capacity of 100 grams) in which julienne is prepared; accordingly, we sometimes hear a variant of the name - julienne. In it, julienne is not only made, but also served on the table.

Julienne can be prepared in one form - for the whole company at once, and then divided into deep portioned plates and served immediately, without hesitation. And in portions - in disposable foil forms. But you shouldn’t cook it for future use - julienne cannot be called a “second day dish”. Let's figure out how to properly cook julienne with mushrooms and chicken!

What you need for julienne

So, let's prepare julienne with mushrooms and chicken. In front of you - classic recipe!


If you don’t have portioned baking pans, use shortbread pans. tartlets-cooking also allows this option. Julienne in tartlets looks very original and aesthetically pleasing. You can also cook julienne in pots in the oven. This will keep the dish warm longer.

Stage 1: prepare the filling

  1. The dish cooks very quickly, so prepare everything at once necessary ingredients and kitchen utensils.
  2. Cut the chicken fillet into large pieces, but thin flat slices, salt. You will need to chop it into small pieces after frying.
  3. Chop the mushrooms immediately small cubes.
  4. Chop the onion very thinly and finely.
  5. Heat the frying pan well over high heat, add vegetable oil. Fry the chicken about golden brown crust(2 minutes is enough for each side). Set it aside to cool slightly.
  6. Now fry the onion until golden brown and place it in a separate bowl.
  7. Heat the pan again, add a little oil and fry the mushrooms at maximum temperature. Place them in a bowl with onions.
  8. Cut the cooled chicken small cubes, combine with mushrooms and onions.

To prevent the mushrooms from releasing juice, throw them in small portions - in 1 layer - onto a hot frying pan and be sure to cook at maximum temperature. This way they will not give water, but will get a golden brown crust.

Stage 2: preparing the famous Bechamel

  1. Heat a clean, dry frying pan slightly without oil. Add the flour and fry it until light brown, stirring constantly. baked milk.
  2. Add butter and immediately mix the ingredients vigorously until the mass is homogeneous, without lumps.
  3. Continuing to stir vigorously, pour in the cream.
  4. Add salt nutmeg and prepare the sauce over medium heat until it thickens. The julienne dressing is ready!

Stage 3: final

  1. Turn off the stove, but do not remove the sauce from it. Add the filling to it, mix well, leave for a few minutes. Taste for salt and pepper.
  2. Turn on the oven 180 degrees for preheating.
  3. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  4. Divide the filling and sauce into cocotte makers or place in one large mold. Sprinkle cheese on top.
  5. Place in preheated oven for 15 minutes.
  6. The julienne must be served immediately. The hot handle of the cocotte maker is often beautifully wrapped in napkins. The dish itself is decorated with parsley sprigs. It is better to place it on the table on special stands. Can you offer it for julienne? fried toast with garlic and a glass of dry white wine.

If you want to submit mushroom julienne during a party, you should not prepare it before the guests arrive. Divide the filling with cheese into the molds and place in the oven immediately before serving.

Cooking, saving time

This three-step recipe may seem complicated, but it actually takes you no more than an hour, 20 minutes of which the julienne will be baked in the oven. We will leave 7-10 minutes for chopping onions, chicken and mushrooms, plan another 15 for frying vegetables, 7 for preparing the sauce.

Want to buy time? Arm yourself with three frying pans and fry chicken, mushrooms and onions at the same time. But you shouldn’t combine all the ingredients in one bowl - you’ll end up with a watery stew.

Thanks to its simple ingredients and quick cooking time, julienne is ideal for dinner. It will cheer you up after a busy work schedule, and a small portion will not allow you to put on extra pounds! So even those who adhere to pp will be able to occasionally treat themselves to this delicious dish.

Which can also be used as a light dinner. There are many recipes for making julienne, and of course julienne with champignon mushrooms is considered classic. It is prepared simply and quickly, despite its seemingly beautiful and mysterious name - julienne.

For julienne, it is best to purchase fresh ones; they will suit any size, but they will still need to be cut. If not fresh mushrooms, then frozen or canned in its own juice are also suitable.

To prepare this wonderful snack, classic mushroom julienne in the oven, you use a special cocotte maker. It is usually made of high-temperature ceramics or food-grade aluminum. Personally, I prefer ceramic ones, as they are less likely to cause the finished dish to burn.


Fresh ones need to be washed off the ground. Just wash without completely and permanently immersing the mushrooms in a bowl of water or under running water. Mushrooms are like a sponge. They already have enough of their own liquid, so they also very quickly absorb additional water. We don't need this, since watery mushrooms are very difficult to fry.

Cut into thin slices or small cubes. Peel the onion, rinse with cool water and cut into medium-sized cubes. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater.

Place a piece of butter in a slightly heated frying pan and let it melt. Place the chopped ones in it and fry for three to four minutes. Then add chopped champignons onion, salt, pepper and simmer, stirring occasionally for seven to eight minutes, trying to evaporate excess liquid. At the end of frying, add flour, mix thoroughly and remove from heat.

Place the fried ones in the cocotte makers, filling them to about half or two-thirds of the volume. Pour one, maximum two tablespoons of cream into the cocotte makers. Unfortunately, I poured too much and the julienne had to be kept in the oven longer than necessary. Sprinkle the julienne with grated cheese on top, place the cocotte pans on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven for fifteen to twenty minutes, until the cheese has melted and fried to a beautiful crust.

So, the classic mushroom julienne in the oven is ready. , placing the cocotte maker on a plate and covering its handle with a napkin so as not to get burned. Bon appetit!


  • 300-400 g – fresh champignons;
  • 2-3 pcs – medium-sized turnip onion;
  • 100 g – cream;
  • 1-2 tbsp – flour;
  • 200-300 g – hard cheese.

In general, julienne with mushrooms is included in the list of favorite snacks. This nutritious dish has recently been increasingly served by Russian housewives as an unusual hot dish. Especially if the recipe involves the use of meat.

Ingredients: onion, 120 g cheese, 60 g full-fat butter, salt, 330 g champignons, 40 g white flour, 1.5 cups full-fat milk, a pinch of nutmeg.

  1. Thin slices of washed and peeled mushrooms are fried along with onion cubes until all the released juice has evaporated from the pan. The mass is immediately salted and sprinkled with nutmeg.
  2. Melt the butter separately and mix with flour until smooth. Milk is poured here in portions. There should be no lumps in the liquid.
  3. Mushrooms and onions are placed in cocotte makers, and a handful is poured on top. grated cheese. Everything is mixed and poured with sauce.

Prepare the classic julienne with mushrooms in a well-heated oven for 17-20 minutes.

Recipe for cooking chicken in a frying pan

Ingredients: 420 g chicken fillet, 330 g mushrooms, a large spoon of flour, a full glass of full-fat sour cream, 3 tbsp. spoons of grated hard cheese, 5 tbsp. spoons of butter, a glass of milk, salt, a mixture of peppers.

  1. For the sauce, flour is fried in half the butter. Milk is poured here, and after the liquid boils, sour cream and salt are added.
  2. Separately, chicken pieces are fried in the remaining oil. Then plates of mushrooms are laid out on top of the whitened meat. The ingredients are salted, peppered and simmered until cooked.
  3. The contents of the frying pan from the second step are filled with creamy sauce.
  4. Grated cheese is poured on top.

After another 6-7 minutes, the julienne with mushrooms in the frying pan is baked for half an hour at 180 degrees.

How to make a dish in the oven?

Ingredients: 420 g of champignons, onion, half a glass of sour cream, 170-190 g of hard cheese, salt, a bunch of parsley.

  1. Onions and mushrooms are cut into small cubes. Next, they are fried in well-heated fat until fully cooked. The mixture is immediately salted. You can use any aromatic herbs.
  2. Place sour cream in a frying pan. The mass is mixed, covered with a lid and simmered for 17-20 minutes.
  3. The contents of the frying pan are transferred into special molds.

Julienne is cooked at 180-190 degrees for about half an hour. All that remains is to decorate it with chopped parsley.

In tartlets with mushrooms and chicken

Ingredients: a full glass of medium fat sour cream, the same amount of milk, 320 g chicken fillet, 180 g champignons, 90 g cheese (hard), a large spoon of wheat flour, 15-17 tartlets, 40 g butter, table salt, seasonings.

  1. Thin slices of mushrooms are fried over moderate heat until golden brown. All moisture released from the pan should evaporate.
  2. Chicken is boiled in salted water until cooked. When it has cooled, the meat is cut into strips or simply disassembled into fibers, after which it is laid out with the mushrooms. The products are sprinkled with salt and selected seasonings.
  3. To make the sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan and gradually add flour while stirring constantly. The mixture should be homogeneous. When it boils, you can pour the ingredients with milk. After the next boil, the sauce is removed from the heat and cooled slightly. Then sour cream is added to it.
  4. The mixture of mushrooms and chicken is distributed among the tartlets. The sauce is poured on top. Sprinkle the pieces with grated cheese.

Bake julienne in tartlets with mushrooms and chicken in the oven for 15-17 minutes.

With added potatoes

Ingredients: 10-11 boiled potatoes, 470 g champignons, 220 g hard cheese and 130 g processed cheese, 4-5 garlic cloves, 2 onions, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of butter, salt.

  1. Thin slices of mushrooms are fried along with onion cubes until cooked.
  2. Boiled potatoes are cut into small cubes.
  3. Fry the flour in a dry frying pan for a couple of minutes until golden. Next, butter is added here. Frying continues until the flour absorbs it.
  4. While stirring, pour a little hot water into the pan. When the liquid boils, add it processed cheese. The mixture is salted and removed from the heat. When it cools down a little, you can add raw eggs here. The sauce is well mixed until smooth.
  5. Pieces of potatoes and mushrooms, fried with onions, are placed in equal quantities at the bottom of the pots. The components are poured with sauce on top.
  6. All that remains is to sprinkle the pieces with grated cheese and place them in a preheated oven for 25-35 minutes.

You can prepare the same julienne with chicken and mushrooms. In this case, along with the potatoes, pieces of boiled chicken are simply added to the bottom of the pot.

In a slow cooker

Ingredients: half a kilo of champignons, onion, 120 g of cheese, a full glass of heavy cream, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of butter, a large spoon of white flour, a mixture of colored peppers, fine salt. How to cook julienne with mushrooms in a slow cooker is described below.

  1. In the “Baking” program, randomly chopped onions are fried in butter and fresh mushrooms. If you are using forest champignons rather than champignons, you will need to boil them in a separate bowl in advance. Cook mushrooms and onions for 20-25 minutes.
  2. When all the excess liquid from the bowl has evaporated, you can add flour to it and cook the mixture for another 6-7 minutes.
  3. Next, cream is poured into the container, the ingredients are mixed, the “smart pan” is closed, and cooking continues for another 10-12 minutes.
  4. All that remains is to pour the cheese on top of the treat and place it on heat for 10 minutes.
  1. Small pieces of mushrooms and onions are fried in any fat. When all the liquid released from the products has evaporated, you can add small pieces of chicken to them.
  2. Immediately add sour cream and salt to the frying pan. You can use any aromatic herbs. The mixture is fried until the meat is completely cooked.
  3. The “caps” of the buns are cut off and the pulp is removed from the middle. The blanks are filled with filling and generously sprinkled with grated cheese.

This unusual julienne with mushrooms and cheese is baked in the oven for 10-12 minutes.

With smoked chicken

Ingredients: 440 g of champignons, 25 g of flour, 180 g of cheese (hard), half a glass of full-fat sour cream and the same amount of cream, 40 g of butter, onion, 380 g of smoked chicken breast.

  1. Pieces of mushrooms are fried until the liquid released from the pan evaporates. Then onion cubes are sent there, which are cooked until golden. The mass is salted to taste, and the breast torn into fibers is added to it.
  2. At this stage, flour is poured into the frying pan. After a couple of minutes, you can pour cream over the ingredients and add sour cream. The dish simmers under the lid for another 10-12 minutes.
  3. Lastly, the dish is sprinkled with grated cheese.

Until fully cooked, you need to keep it for another 10 minutes on low heat.

When the year turns out to be particularly mushroom-filled, and nature pleases us with a variety of mushrooms, we want to please our loved ones with a variety of mushroom dishes.

I recently discovered a new dish for myself, “mushroom julienne.” The recipe for mushroom julienne is not at all complicated; anyone, even a novice housewife, can easily cope with it.

Mushroom julienne. Ingredients

Mushroom julienne can be prepared from champignons or honey mushrooms. Moreover, you need to take twice as many champignons as honey mushrooms. This is due to the fact that the champignons become very fried due to their high liquid content.

So, to prepare mushroom julienne you need to take:

  • 300 grams of honey mushrooms or 600 grams of champignons, fresh or frozen
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tablespoon wheat flour
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup cream
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 200 grams of hard cheese
  • salt to taste

Mushroom julienne recipe

First, remove excess liquid from the mushrooms. Cut large mushrooms into pieces, place them in a frying pan and, stirring, wait until all the liquid has evaporated.

Now you can add vegetable oil and finely chopped onion to the mushrooms in the pan, stir and add salt to taste. Fry the mushrooms and onions for five minutes.

The onions should turn golden and the mushrooms should be lightly fried. Now add flour to the frying pan, sprinkle the mushrooms and onions with flour and thoroughly mix the contents of the frying pan, leaving it on the fire for another minute.

Now put the mushrooms in a baking dish; it is better if the form is shallow and large in diameter.

Pour cream over the mushrooms, grease with sour cream, and sprinkle with cheese, chopped on a coarse grater, on top.

The final step in preparing mushroom julienne is baking the mushrooms in the oven. The oven should be preheated to 220 degrees. Bake the mushrooms for 15 minutes, until a golden brown crust forms.

Mushroom julienne is ready to eat. It is served hot. Mushroom julienne goes very well with potatoes or rice.

Other mushroom julienne recipes

To diversify a simple recipe for mushroom julienne, you can add tomatoes or tomato paste. To prepare mushroom julienne with tomatoes, add the tomatoes while frying the onions and mushrooms, and you can add the tomato paste before sprinkling the cheese on the mushrooms.

You can change the boring recipe, prepare mushroom julienne with cauliflower or broccoli. Add these ingredients to the mushrooms while frying with onions in a frying pan. And before transferring the mushrooms to the baking dish, add vegetables a raw egg and mix everything well, and then put it in the mold.

Mushroom julienne with chicken and ham

This dish differs from the above recipe for mushroom julienne only in that it is added boiled chicken and ham. You can take chicken breast or fillet with chicken legs. The meat is boiled for half an hour, then cut into small pieces. To prevent the dish from becoming too dry, add ham, also cut into small pieces. Add these ingredients to the dish while transferring the fried mushrooms to the baking dish.

Whatever recipe you choose, you will definitely enjoy the mushroom julienne dish, both tastefully and aesthetically.

Today we’ll talk about how to cook julienne with mushrooms according to the classic recipe, as well as with squid, shrimp and mussels. In Soviet times, foreign words were rarely found on the menus of restaurants or cafes, and especially canteens, except for the Olivier salad. An exception to the rule were juliennes, for which the buffet of the Palace of Congresses and several Moscow cafes were famous.

In, and even in pre-revolutionary Russia, this word (from the French julienne - July) denoted a method of cutting summer vegetables into very thin strips. Subsequently, salads and soups with these vegetables began to be called this. However, domestic julienne does not correspond to international terminology. We have it hot snack or a second course of fish, vegetables, mushrooms and cheese. Julienne is prepared and served in portioned metal or ceramic cocotte makers, or in their absence - in small clay pots or glass vases.

Ease of preparation, availability of products, spectacular appearance of the finished dish ensure the popularity of julienne as an element holiday menu. Most recipes contain the same ingredients. By the way, they have long been cut not into thin strips, but into small slices:

  1. The richest and most fragrant julienne is made from, but you can also use champignons, it’s easier and cheaper. Chanterelles are good during the harvest season.
  2. Onions add brightness to the taste of julienne, but gourmet dish It will work without it.
  3. Sour cream should have a fat content of at least 30%, otherwise it may separate during baking. When using low-fat sour cream (15-20%) in julienne, it must be heated with flour.
  4. Only hard cheese is added to julienne. Emmenthaler, Comte or Gruyère can give a beautiful golden brown crust with bubbles. In the Soviet past, julienne was sprinkled with Soviet or Swiss cheese.

In addition to the main products, fillet, mussels, squid and shrimp are put into julienne with mushrooms. It can be flavored with white wine, add spinach or leeks, and replace the sour cream with heavy cream.

Serve julienne in cocotte makers hot (immediately from the oven). The cocotte makers are placed on a small plate covered with a paper napkin. The napkin should be slightly smaller than the plate. A special ambiance is given to this dish by papillottes made from napkins, which are placed on the handle of the cocotte maker, and the table is set with coffee spoons, which are very convenient and elegant for picking out small pieces cheese crust.

Classic recipe for julienne with mushrooms

INGREDIENTS for 6 servings:

  • 500 g of fresh porcini mushrooms;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 300 g cheese (preferably hard);
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable deodorized oil;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Wash the mushroom caps thoroughly, peel and wash the stems. Cut the mushrooms into large pieces and simmer in a heated frying pan for 10 minutes in 2 tbsp. l. oils Carefully pour the resulting broth into a bowl, leaving the mushrooms in the pan.
  2. Add finely chopped onion and 2 tbsp to the mushrooms. l. oil, simmer over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  3. During this time, you need to beat the sour cream with flour, salt and pepper so that there are no lumps, add to it mushroom broth and mix everything. Pour this mixture into the frying pan with the mushrooms and simmer everything together for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Rub the inside of cocotte bowls or julienne pots with garlic, place the mushrooms in them sour cream sauce, carefully sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  5. Pour a little warm water into a baking sheet or mold with high sides (their height should be slightly less than the height of the cocotte maker), place the cocotte makers with julienne in it and place everything together in an oven preheated to 200 °C for 15 minutes. When a golden crust appears on the cheese, the dish is ready.

NOTE! If desired, before stewing, the mushrooms can be boiled for several minutes at intense boiling.

Video recipe

Julienne with mushrooms and squid

INGREDIENTS for 6 servings:

  • 300 g champignons;
  • 300 g squid;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 300 g cheese;
  • 200 ml cream with a fat content of more than 20%;
  • 2 small or 1 large onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable deodorized oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped dill;
  • salt pepper.


  1. We begin preparing julienne with squid carcasses, which should be placed in boiling water for 1 minute, then rinsed cold water and remove the outer film and plates.
  2. Then place the squid in boiling salted water and cook for 3 minutes. After cooling, cut the squid into thin strips or rings and place in a bowl.
  3. Finely chop the onion and fry in a heated frying pan in oil for 5 minutes. Add washed and cut mushrooms into small pieces. Fry, stirring for 6 minutes.
  4. Grate the cheese and divide in half. Place onions with mushrooms and half the cheese in a bowl with squid, mix everything carefully and thoroughly.
  5. Mix cream with sour cream, dill, salt and pepper. Fry a little in a dry frying pan, pour in the remaining ingredients for the sauce and, stirring, bring to a boil. There should be no lumps in the sauce. Pour the finished sauce into the mushroom mixture, mix everything, spread the mixture into cocotte bowls and sprinkle cheese on top.
  6. Place the julienne molds on a baking sheet with high sides, with warm water poured into the bottom.
  7. Place everything in an oven preheated to 180°C and bake for 20 minutes until golden brown.

Video recipe

Julienne with mushrooms, shrimp and mussels

INGREDIENTS for 6 servings:

  • 200 g champignons;
  • 200 g canned mussels;
  • 200 g canned shrimp;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable deodorized oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 300 ml cream (fat content 9%);
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 100 g Swiss cheese;
  • Salt.


  1. Let's start preparing julienne by frying in vegetable oil finely chopped onion in a preheated frying pan for 4 minutes.
  2. Add washed, dried and sliced ​​mushrooms to it, fry for another 6 minutes.
  3. and remove the mussels from the sauce and dry a little on a paper towel.
  4. Prepare the julienne sauce by frying the flour in a dry frying pan for 1 minute, adding butter and frying for another 2 minutes, then pour in the cream, add salt, stir, bring to a boil and quickly remove from the heat.
  5. Add mushrooms and onions to this pan with the sauce and stir.
  6. Arrange shrimps and mussels in cocotte bowls and pour on top mushroom sauce without mixing it with seafood.
  7. Sprinkle everything with grated cheese and bake the julienne in an oven preheated to 190-200 °C for 5-7 minutes.

Similarly, you can make julienne with boiled mussels. To do this, mussels, mushroom sauce with sour cream, mayonnaise and grated cheese are placed in a cocotte maker in layers. It is baked in the oven for 10 minutes at 180°C.

Video recipe

Which julienne recipe do you choose?



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