How to make banana ice cream at home recipe. How to make banana ice cream at home Banana ice cream recipe without cream

How to make banana ice cream at home recipe. How to make banana ice cream at home Banana ice cream recipe without cream

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Few of us would refuse a portion of cold, delicious ice cream, especially on a hot day. Today there is a huge amount of this delicacy with different flavors and aromas, but why pay extra money if you can cook it at home? Making banana ice cream is easy, the process takes little time, and its taste will pleasantly surprise you.

Banana Ice Cream Recipe

It’s very easy to prepare delicious banana ice cream at home, and the set of ingredients for it is minimal. The main ingredient was not chosen by chance, because bananas after freezing and pureeing do not become a shapeless mass, but acquire a creamy consistency due to the large amount of protein and do not contain ice crystals, which are present in many types of regular ice cream. You can diversify the taste of banana delicacy by adding nuts, syrup, chocolate or coconut chips, honey, fruit, cocoa, jam, etc. to the recipe.

Homemade banana ice cream

  • Time: 35 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 95 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The easiest to prepare is ice cream made from frozen bananas. They must first be peeled by removing the peel, cut into pieces of approximately 1 cm, put in a container and placed in the freezer. Freezing time will depend specifically on your refrigerator. On average - 2-3 hours. The advantage of this recipe (with photo) is that the fruit can be prepared in advance and the ice cream can be prepared at any time.


  • bananas (cut, frozen) – 3-4 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Place frozen bananas in blender jug.
  2. Beat until you obtain a homogeneous consistency. Pause the process occasionally to mix the mixture by hand and remove the bananas from the sides of the blender bowl.
  3. Transfer the mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  4. Serve as is or sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Banana ice cream with milk

  • Time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 122 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Making ice cream from banana and milk is recommended for those for whom the presence of a creamy taste in this delicacy is essential. There are two recipes for banana milk dessert. The first is the simplest: you need to mix the pulp of 3 bananas with 3-4 tbsp. l. milk and additives (fruits, nuts), puree the mass, and then put it into molds and freeze. The second is a little more complicated, contains more components and involves heat treatment of some components.


  • bananas (fresh) – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – ½ tbsp.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • milk (low fat content) – 2 tbsp.;
  • vanilla 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine all the dry ingredients (except vanilla) with milk in a small saucepan and mix thoroughly.
  2. Place the container on the stove, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for about a minute, remembering to stir.
  3. Remove the pan from the stove, add vanilla, stir again.
  4. Place banana slices (without peel) in a blender and pour in ½ of the milk mixture. Puree until smooth.
  5. Add the rest of the milk mixture, stir with a spoon, pour into molds and freeze.

With cream

  • Time: 35-40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 128 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Banana cream ice cream has a very rich creamy taste and a very thick creamy consistency. In addition to the stated ingredients, you can add a little cinnamon or vanilla to the treat.. They will add an amazing aroma. Fans of spicy notes should try enriching the taste and smell of ice cream with cardamom or ginger. When serving, add syrup, pieces of fresh fruit, berries.


  • bananas – 4 pcs.;
  • lemon juice, sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cream – 0.25 l;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 package.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the bananas, cut into small pieces, place in a blender bowl and puree until smooth.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients, beat with a blender again.
  3. Place in bowls and freeze.

With yogurt

  • Time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 82 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Banana-yogurt ice cream is more nutritious and has a slight piquant sourness, characteristic of fermented milk products. If you are against sweeteners, use regular granulated sugar. Yogurt in ice cream should be natural, without additives, sweeteners or flavors. It is better to prepare it yourself from milk and special starter cultures.


  • banana – 0.15 kg;
  • yogurt (natural) – 0.12 l;
  • sugar substitute – 2 tablets;
  • vanillin.


  1. Dissolve sweetener in ½ tbsp. l. hot water.
  2. Combine all ingredients and puree using an immersion blender until smooth.
  3. Divide into ice cream molds, insert wooden sticks, freeze.

With cocoa

  • Time: 35 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 116 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The presence of bananas in this ice cream is difficult to determine at first glance. You can feel them by taste and light aroma. This recipe is one of the simplest because it does not require a lot of time and a large number of ingredients. You can serve the delicacy immediately after pureeing, but experienced chefs advise freezing it first, then using a spoon to make balls and sprinkle them with coconut or chocolate chips.


  • bananas – 2 pcs.;
  • cocoa – 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the peeled bananas into small slices, place in a container, and freeze.
  2. Combine with cocoa and puree using an immersion blender. If desired, cocoa can be replaced with coffee.
  3. If the bananas are difficult to puree, add a little ice water to the mixture.
  4. Serve in portions.

With cottage cheese

  • Time: 35 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 162 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Banana-curd ice cream is very tasty, light, and even small children are allowed to eat it. The main condition is to rid the fermented milk product of excess liquid, which will spoil the taste and consistency of the dessert. To do this, place the cottage cheese in cheesecloth, hang it over a bowl and allow excess moisture to drain. It is recommended to replace sugar with honey, but only if you are not allergic to it.


  • banana – 3 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese – ½ kg;
  • sugar (powdered sugar) – 0.1 kg.


  1. Place all stated ingredients into a blender bowl and blend until smooth.
  2. Distribute into molds and freeze for 30-40 minutes. Or place the container with the whole mixture in the freezer (for 2-2.5 hours), and then use a spoon to form ice cream balls.

With kefir

  • Time: 2 hours 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 106 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Banana kefir ice cream also doesn’t require many ingredients. If you do not like the honey listed in the product list or are allergic to it, replace it with regular sugar. Juice or lemon zest and mint leaves will help make the delicacy taste refreshing. To ensure that the mass is as homogeneous as possible, without large pieces, it needs to be whipped several times during the freezing process.


  • kefir – 0.3 l;
  • bananas – 3 pcs.;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla - to taste.


  1. Puree peeled and chopped bananas in a blender for 3 minutes.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients, beat again until smooth.
  3. Transfer the kefir-banana mixture to a container and place in the freezer.
  4. After an hour, take it out, put it back in the blender, beat it and put it in the freezer again.
  5. After 30 minutes, repeat the procedure again and freeze for another 40 minutes.

Secrets of making delicious banana ice cream

The process of creating this dish is simple, but to make the delicacy much tastier and more aromatic, follow these recommendations:

  1. By and large, there is no difference in which bananas to use - fresh or frozen, but the latter become more fragrant after artificial cooling.
  2. For any banana ice cream recipe, it is best to use very ripe or even slightly overripe fruit, but not blackened fruit.
  3. Various additives will help make ice cream tastier: nuts (walnuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts), berries, fruit slices, orange, lemon zest, chocolate or coconut chips, whipped cream.
  4. It is not advisable to use regular sugar for banana treats. It is better to replace it with brown or sweeten the dessert with other ingredients: jam, preserves, syrup, honey, condensed milk.
  5. Additional aroma will be given to the dish by spices - vanilla, cinnamon, and mint.
  6. If you want to change the color of your banana ice cream, puree some spinach or lettuce with the fruit. This will not change the taste of the dessert.
  7. Make the dish more interesting by serving ice cream on sticks rather than in molds. Divide the banana mixture into glasses (not glass), insert wooden sticks and place in the freezer. To remove the treats, dip the glasses in hot water for a couple of seconds. You can make popsicles from bananas in another way: cut the fruit in half crosswise, insert sticks into the cut side, pour over melted chocolate, sprinkle with chopped nuts, coconut flakes and freeze.


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Homemade banana ice cream

If you're tired of store-bought delicacies and want a homemade dessert, but don't want to spend half a day in the kitchen, try making banana ice cream. You will spend a minimum of effort, while the sweetness is suitable for both a festive table and an everyday one.

Why bananas

Once frozen, mashed bananas taste creamy. The consistency of the delicacy is creamy, without the characteristic ice crystals that are often present in ice cream made from other fruits.

This ice cream can also be given to children from the age of two, while regular ice cream is not recommended until the age of three.

Basic recipe

Bananas are being prepared. It is advisable to take very ripe or slightly overripe fruits. You need to peel them and cut them into slices about a centimeter thick. Small pieces are easier to chop.

Place banana slices in the freezer. How long it takes to freeze depends on the capabilities of your refrigerator. If you like this dessert, then it will be convenient to stock up on frozen fruits so that you always have “raw materials” for ice cream.

After freezing, all you have to do is take out the slices, put them in a blender and blend at maximum speed for a few minutes. Stop the blender periodically and manually stir the mixture, skimming it off the sides.

You can eat it right away, but it’s better to put the mixture in the freezer for a while and then serve!

Flavoring additives

It is recommended to grind frozen fruits, since then the banana ice cream has a richer aroma. But below we present recipes for which this rule is not critical, since many other ingredients are added.

In fact, you can come up with your own recipe. Feel free to add to the banana mixture everything you like to eat regular ice cream with - nuts (almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts), honey, condensed milk, berries and pieces of fruit, coconut flakes, chocolate chips, honey, whipped cream, syrups, spices ( vanilla, cinnamon).

To make the treat even healthier, you can add greens to it. For example, lettuce or spinach. This will not spoil the taste and will not change at all, and the ice cream will acquire a greenish tint and absorb all the beneficial properties of greenery.

Banana and yogurt ice cream

You can enhance the flavor of ice cream and make it more nutritious by adding yogurt. Take a jar of thick yogurt, 3-4 bananas and 4 tablespoons of sugar (cane sugar is fine).

Combine yogurt, bananas and sugar in a blender. Pour the mixture into molds and place in the freezer until frozen.

If desired, at the whipping stage, you can add orange juice, cinnamon, lemon zest, jam, condensed milk, cottage cheese to the banana and yogurt ice cream - whatever your imagination allows.

You can even make it simpler: layer bananas and yogurt in a transparent container, sprinkle with sugar and put in the refrigerator. Before serving, decorate with berries or nuts, pour over jam or condensed milk. This, of course, is not quite ice cream, but it is also delicious.

Milk banana ice cream

If you perceive ice cream solely as a dairy dessert, then you can make ice cream from banana and milk.

Take half a glass of sugar, preferably brown. Pour it into a saucepan, add 2 tablespoons of starch and a pinch of salt. Pour in 2 cups of low-fat milk, stir, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for just a minute. Be sure to stir.

Then remove the mixture from the heat, add a couple of teaspoons of vanilla and stir again. Pour half of this mixture into a blender, add two bananas cut into pieces and blend until smooth. After this, add the rest of the milk mixture and freeze the resulting mass.

If you don’t want to bother for a long time, then there is milk ice cream that allows you to do without heat treatment. Just mix 3 bananas and 3-4 tablespoons of milk in a blender. Then add any flavoring additives (spices, berries, fruits, nuts, condensed milk), mix with a spoon and put it in the freezer.

The proportions are relative. If you want banana-milk ice cream rather than banana-milk ice cream, then add a glass rather than three spoons of milk.

Curd banana ice cream

For those who are tired of eating regular curd mixtures, we will tell you how to make ice cream from banana and cottage cheese. Take half a kilo of homogeneous cottage cheese, 3 pieces of ripe, but preferably not black banana, 100 grams of sugar or powdered sugar. You can add less sugar or not use it at all - a matter of taste. We also don’t see anything criminal in replacing it with jam or honey.

Grind bananas into puree. You can use a blender, or you can use a fork. If you do this with a fork, it will look like you have ice cream with pieces of fruit. Add cottage cheese and sugar to the banana mixture, mix thoroughly and freeze.

There is one peculiarity here: for the first three hours it is better to take out the ice cream every hour and stir so that the mixture hardens evenly.

Kefir-banana ice cream

As we have already said, when creating this dessert, your imagination is practically unlimited. If you like fermented milk products, then why not use kefir to make ice cream?

Grate the bananas on a coarse grater. Add a glass of kefir with a fat content of 2.5% and a couple of tablespoons of honey. Blend with a blender until smooth. All. All that's left to do is freeze it.

You can add a little lemon juice (or lemon zest) and mint to this ice cream. The result is a very refreshing dish that will save you in the summer heat. The taste is somewhat reminiscent of the Snowball drink.

Advanced Banana Ice Cream Recipe

Not limited in time? Then try making this ice cream from banana, milk, cream and eggs.

Bring 2 liters of milk to a boil over low heat, then cool. Puree 6 bananas using a blender, add 2 cups of cream and chilled milk, mix well.

Beat 2 eggs, pour into the milk-banana mixture and add 4 tablespoons of sugar. Stir thoroughly again. Add fruit and nuts if desired, then freeze the mixture.

on a stick

There are several ways to serve banana popsicle ice cream. The first is to use special ice cream molds, small glasses or small glasses. Place in containers, stick wooden ice cream sticks into the mixture and place in the freezer.

To make it easier to remove the treat, lower the molds into hot water for a couple of seconds and carefully remove the ice cream. Don't do this if you use glass molds - they may crack due to temperature changes!

The second method is even simpler. Cut the bananas into two halves, insert a stick into each piece from the cut side and place the fruits in the freezer. To keep this dessert from looking too simple, cover it with frosting. For example, quickly dip bananas on a stick in melted chocolate, sprinkle with shavings and chopped nuts, and freeze again.

This is how you can quickly and easily treat yourself to something delicious or offer your guests a non-trivial dessert. And banana ice cream, the recipe for which varies endlessly depending on the budget and the amount of free time, can easily be classified as a lifesaver dish. So take note!

In summer, cooling and light dishes and desserts are more relevant than ever. That is why many people who lose weight in the summer easily give up fatty and sweet desserts and switch to light and low-calorie ones. Of course, the best dessert for summer is ice cream. Well, what could be better than a cold portion of ice cream in the midst of a hot day, especially since the choice of this dessert is so wide that your eyes widen and you want to try absolutely all types and varieties. But are they all so harmless for your figure and is it possible to eat all types of ice cream? Let's find out!

If you are following a diet and your goal is to lose extra pounds, then you should not forget that ice cream is a high-calorie product. Certain types of ice cream can contain up to 300-350 calories per 100 grams, depending on various additives, which, of course, cannot lead to excess weight loss.

If you are already buying ice cream, it is best to know which type of ice cream contains the most calories:

  • popsicle. The high calorie content of this ice cream is achieved due to its chocolate coating. As a result, you get about 270 calories per 100 grams.
  • cream. This is perhaps the most favorite type of ice cream, but, alas, the fattest and highest in calories. The percentage of fat can reach 20 grams, so you need to be extremely careful when including ice cream in your diet. On average, the calorie content of this variety is about 227 calories.
  • Ice cream. Lovers of delicate flavors also cannot relax, because this ice cream contains about 11% fat. Calorie content: 188 calories.
  • Milk ice cream. Here the percentage of fat content and, accordingly, the percentage of calories decreases. About 7% fat, and 100 grams already have about 130 calories!
  • fruit icecream. This type of ice cream can already be safely included in your diet, because its calorie content can be about 100 calories!
  • Fruit ice. The most harmless ice cream for your figure. Only about 70-80 calories per 100 grams.

When buying ice cream, it is also important to understand that various additives add additional calories - chocolate, caramel, nuts, honey, syrups, etc. That's why it's best to buy ice cream without any additives or make PP ice cream at home.

PP banana ice cream

If you love this delicious exotic fruit, which has long become a familiar guest on our table, then you can try banana ice cream, which is very easy to prepare at home. To do this you only need two things:

  • These are bananas, of course. We take exclusively ripe fruits so that the dessert turns out sweet and we don’t have to add various sweeteners. Peel the bananas and cut into slices. Now you need to place the bananas in the freezer and let them harden. Here you will have to wait at least a couple of hours, or better yet, as much as 5. After the bananas have frozen, take them out again and now let them thaw a little. 10 minutes is enough for the bananas to acquire the desired consistency.
  • blender. When our bananas have thawed a little, place them in a blender and blend until smooth. Our ice cream is almost ready.

All you have to do is put this dessert in a cream pan and you can even add a little cocoa on top or a drop of honey. But this is at your request. This is the easiest and fastest way to prepare this dessert.

If you prefer to tinker a little more, you can try banana and milk ice cream:

  • 2 ripe bananas. We do the same with them as in the previous recipe - freeze and beat in a blender.
  • 50 ml milk. You can use regular cow's milk, or you can take coconut milk, then your ice cream will have a pleasant coconut aroma.
  • 1 tablespoon of sour cream. 10-15% fat sour cream is perfect.
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice. This ingredient will enhance the taste of our pp ice cream.

Now mix the whipped bananas with the rest of the ingredients and beat in the blender again. Pour the resulting mixture into molds and place in the freezer.

How to make PP ice cream from cottage cheese

And here is a recipe for a dessert that can easily replace lunch or even dinner, because it is based on cottage cheese! This product is indispensable for weight loss, as it contains a lot of proteins and few calories. And ice cream made from cottage cheese turns out no worse than the notorious ice cream itself, but at the same time it contains several times fewer calories and is absolutely harmless for your figure.

So, you will need the following ingredients:

  • cottage cheese. Take about 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. The main thing is that the cottage cheese is not sour, because we are preparing a sweet dessert. The cottage cheese can be of any consistency, since we will still beat it in a blender.
  • natural yogurt. We will need about 4 or 5 spoons of yogurt.
  • 2 bananas. These fruits add a certain sweetness to our dessert and you don't have to use a sweetener. Choose only ripe fruits.
  • 1 peach or handful of berries. Peel the peach and cut it into small cubes; we will add it to the whipped mixture. Instead of peaches, you can use any berries.

Now beat cottage cheese, yogurt and bananas in a blender. If the mixture turns out to be too viscous, you can add just a little mineral water. Place berries or peaches into a homogeneous mixture and pour into molds.

100 grams of this dessert contains about 90 calories, so you can safely dine on this ice cream and not worry about your figure.

PP strawberry ice cream

And here is pp ice cream for lovers of fruit dessert. This is the perfect option for cooling off on hot summer days, and it's also low in calories. The base of this ice cream is strawberries! This berry contains only 44 calories per 100 grams, but is rich in fiber, which is very useful for losing weight. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 400 grams of strawberries. If you don’t have fresh strawberries, then you can also use frozen ones, the main thing is to defrost them a little before cooking, if you don’t have a very powerful blender.
  • 2 bananas. By tradition, we choose only ripe fruits so that the ice cream turns out sweet without adding sugar.
  • 180 grams of yogurt. We take only natural yogurt without adding various additives. Greek yogurt or regular Activia are fine.

Place all our ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Now all that remains is to pour into molds and defrost. You can freeze ice cream in small molds, then it will harden much faster, or you can take one larger mold. If you are freezing in one form, it is better not to make a layer too thick, otherwise you will have to wait a very long time for freezing!

How to make your own fruit ice - recipe

One of the most favorite desserts, which contains the least calories and is very easy to prepare. The good thing about fruit ice is that it can be made from almost any fruit and berries, as well as juices. There are many options for preparing this ice cream, but we offer the simplest and most popular ones. The most important ingredients of this dessert are berries, fruits and juices! From available means you will need a blender and molds. The best popsicle molds are popsicle molds!

To make this juice dessert you will need:

  • any juice. Take your favorite juice. It could be fresh juice, or it could be store-bought juice. Of course, it’s best to use sweet varieties of juice, then the ice cream will taste better.
  • any fruit or berries. Wash, clean, cut into small pieces. Peaches, apricots, pineapple, and mango are ideal fruits. Berries: strawberries or raspberries.

Place some chopped fruits or berries in a popsicle mold and fill with juice. Do not add about 1-1.5 cm to the top. Place in the freezer and wait until the ice cream hardens. The finished ice cream should be kept a little under hot water for 10 seconds so that it is easy to get out.

If you want to get a richer fruit ice, then you need to prepare pp ice cream from fruit pulp. For such ice cream, you can use several types of fruit pulp and make multi-layer ice cream. In this case, each layer of pulp must be applied in stages:

  • 1 layer of pulp and freeze for 30 minutes.
  • 2nd layer of pulp and freeze for 30 minutes.
  • 3 layers of pulp and long-term freezing for 5 hours.

PP sherbet

This ice cream is truly unique - it does not contain dairy products, which is important for people with lactose intolerance, it does not contain sugar and is very easy and quick to prepare.

You can prepare pp sorbet from any frozen fruit. and it doesn’t matter at all whether you already bought frozen fruit in the store or froze it yourself. This dessert is also good because you can constantly experiment and mix different fruits to get a new and refined taste. Here is a list of the best fruits for making this dessert: watermelon, banana, lemon, blueberry, peach, apricot, strawberry, raspberry, mango, melon, orange. All you need for cooking:

  • Prepare fruits for freezing - wash, peel and cut into small pieces.
  • freeze fruit.
  • grind them in a blender.

Here are a few variations of pp sherbet:

  • 3 cups of strawberries + 1 tablespoon of honey + 1 teaspoon of lemon juice + 50 ml of warm water.
  • 4 medium peaches+1 tablespoon honey+1 teaspoon lemon juice+50 ml warm water
  • 4 cups watermelon + 1 teaspoon lemon or lime juice + 1 tablespoon honey (if the watermelon is not very sweet)
  • 2 ripe mangoes + 1 teaspoon lime juice + 50 ml warm water.

In order for the PP sherbet to completely harden, it should take at least 4 hours, ideally about 5-6 hours.

Chocolate PP ice cream

Chocolate ice cream lovers can always prepare this dessert at home using very simple ingredients. For this ice cream you will need:

  • 3 bananas. We choose very ripe fruits. Peel and cut into small circles. Freeze them in the refrigerator for 5 hours. Let them thaw a little before making the ice cream.
  • 3 tablespoons of milk. We take 1% milk, you can use any vegetable milk.
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa. Be careful, as the cocoa must be natural without various additives and sugar.
  • 1 teaspoon honey.

Place all the ingredients in a blender and beat until smooth, then place in molds and place in the freezer for 30-40 minutes.

PP ice cream from fermented baked milk

If you are a fan of creamy ice cream, then the recipe with fermented baked milk is ideal for you. This fermented milk drink has a pleasant creamy caramel taste, and in combination with fruits or berries it will become a real dessert! You will need:

  • 200 grams of fermented baked milk.
  • 400 grams of any berries.
  • 1 tablespoon honey.

Mix all ingredients and beat in a blender. Pour the finished ice cream into molds and put it in the refrigerator.

PP ice cream with protein

If you need a boost of protein, then you can add a protein dessert to your protein lunch or dinner! You will need:

  • 300 grams of milk. You can use regular cow's milk, or you can use vegetable milk.
  • 1 protein.
  • 20 grams of protein.
  • Any sweetener to your taste.
  • Vanilla extract.

First, mix all the ingredients except the protein. Mix thoroughly and put on fire. Bring to a boil, stir for 1 minute and remove from heat. Now you need to cool this milk mixture to room temperature.

Beat the egg whites to white peaks and carefully add them to the cooled mixture, put on the fire and cook until thick. Remove from heat, cool and place in the freezer for several hours.

Such simple and dietary ice cream recipes will definitely help you survive hot days and not gain weight while enjoying your favorite dessert! Save these pp recipes and lose weight easily!

It's summer, which means it's time to make homemade ice cream. Nobody wants to spend a lot of time and effort on this, much less purchase an ice cream maker on purpose. I'll show you how easy it is to make ice cream at home. To prevent the formation of large crystals, I will add a spoonful of strong alcohol, and rum will add flavor. If you are cooking for children, do not add alcohol.

To make soft banana ice cream, we need bananas, cream, a little yogurt and condensed milk.

Peel and cut bananas. Place in a bowl.

Whip the cream in a separate container with condensed milk until soft peaks form. Do not whip the ice cream cream too much; it should flow.

Add banana puree, yogurt to the cream, pour in a spoonful of rum. Mix.

Place the mixture in a plastic, or preferably metal, container and place in the freezer for 30 minutes. Every 30 minutes, remove the ice cream from the freezer and stir with a fork, mixing the frozen layer on the sides with the soft mass in the middle. Stirring will also allow the ice cream to stay at the desired consistency rather than become a frozen rock. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times. Then place in the freezer and remove the ice cream before serving.

Use an ice cream scoop to form into balls and serve. You can serve soft banana ice cream with chocolate chips like I did. I also added a chocolate ball for decoration. You can serve ice cream with fruit or jam.

Homemade banana ice cream- This is one of the easiest types of ice cream that can be prepared at home. Rich in starchy substances, they are ideal for ice cream. You can find many banana ice cream recipes on the Internet. Almost all of them recommend grinding already frozen bananas with other ingredients. I tried making ice cream from fresh and frozen bananas.

I can say with confidence that pre-freezing them does not affect the taste of the ice cream. As for other ingredients, you can also use cocoa or chocolate for banana ice cream, then you will get chocolate-banana ice cream; if you use cream or sour cream, you will get creamy banana.

In addition, ice cream may include other berries and fruits. Today, various berry and fruit ice cream mixes are widely popular, for example, strawberry-banana ice cream, banana-currant ice cream, orange-banana ice cream and others are very tasty. How to cook homemade banana ice cream we'll look at it now. All you need to make it is some milk, bananas and sugar.


  • Bananas – 4 pcs.,
  • Sugar – 0.5 cups,
  • Milk – 0.5 cups,
  • Half a lemon

Homemade Banana Ice Cream – Recipe

Peel the bananas. Cut them into small pieces.

Place bananas in blender bowl. Grind until puree. The puree should be of a uniform consistency and airy.

Add sugar to banana puree.

Pour in cooled milk.

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon. Lemon juice will not only add sourness and flavor to the ice cream, but will also prevent it from quickly darkening. Stir.

Pour the banana ice cream into a plastic tray.

In addition, you can transfer it into special portioned molds for ice cream on a stick. Place in the freezer. To make banana ice cream tasty, without large luda crystals, it must be stirred every hour with a spoon.

You can do it differently. After four hours, take out the ice cream, beat it with an immersion blender and put it in the freezer for another hour. In total, the ice cream should stand in the freezer for at least 5 hours. Ready banana ice cream place in a bowl, garnish with chocolate chips, mint or banana slices and serve. For adults, ice cream can be topped with cognac or liqueur. Enjoy your meal.



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