How to prepare shawarma filling. Very tasty homemade shawarma. Shawarma: origin story

How to prepare shawarma filling. Very tasty homemade shawarma. Shawarma: origin story

3 recipes

There is hardly a person who has not tried or at least heard of shawarma. The fact is that this dish is simple, but remarkable in its satiety and taste, and is widely distributed throughout the world. The Middle East is considered the generally accepted homeland of shawarma, but you can also find analogues of shawarma in Germany, Mexico, and Africa. Of course, in different countries This dish has different names, but the essence of shawarma always remains the same - it is a thin flatbread (lavash or pita) in which chopped vegetables and meat are wrapped. Shawarma is also served with various sauces, which can either be placed inside the flatbread or served separately. Shawarma is an excellent alternative to a sandwich, which is why it has become the No. 1 dish for lovers of outdoor recreation, tourists and business travelers. It is prepared in an elementary way, which I invite you to verify.

Classic shawarma


    How to prepare flatbread (lavash) for shawarma

  • The vast majority of people who start reading my recipe, having reached this point, will exclaim: “I don’t understand why you fool yourself and prepare lavash, it’s sold in all stores?!” That's right, I also think that it is faster and more practical to use store-bought Armenian lavash, especially since it is much larger than what we can prepare at home, and therefore it is more convenient to wrap the filling in it. But I’ll tell you a terrible secret: this world is still full of places where people have never heard of supermarkets and Armenian lavash, but they also want to know the taste of shawarma, and with this I simply have to help them.
  • Let's start preparing the lavash by pouring the flour into a small bowl. Then add water little by little (about 2/3 cup) and mix the flour at the same time. Add a spoon sunflower oil. If desired, you can add a pinch of salt.
  • When we have formed a homogeneous mass, place our workpiece on a table sprinkled with flour and continue kneading it for at least another 5-7 minutes. All oriental bakers do this, because only thoroughly kneaded dough produces thin flatbreads.
  • Wrap the kneaded dough in cling film or a plastic bag and leave for 15-20 minutes so that the gluten softens and swells. After this, the dough will become even more plastic and pliable.
  • As you can see, the dough for pita bread is very, very simple. From ready dough Roll out a thick sausage, divide it into 6 parts.
  • Sprinkle the table with flour, place a cut piece of dough on it and roll it into a thin flat cake. The thickness of the cake should not exceed 3 millimeters, and the diameter should correspond to the bottom of the pan in which you will bake it.
  • It’s convenient to stack raw flatbreads. So that, God forbid, they do not stick together, you should generously sprinkle them with flour or line them with parchment.
  • Place the frying pan on the fire and heat it well. To bake flatbreads, it is better to use a thick cast-iron frying pan, as it heats up evenly over the entire area, and the flatbread is baked without burning anywhere.
  • Shawarma flatbread is prepared without any oil or fat. So we place it directly on the heated metal and bake for half a minute on one side, then turn it over and bake for the same half a minute on the other. We remove one cake from the frying pan and immediately place a second one in its place.
  • You should be careful not to let the flatbread dry out in the pan, otherwise it will become brittle and it will be impossible to wrap the filling in it.
  • Place the finished cakes in a pile and cover with a towel so that they do not dry out and remain warm.
  • How to prepare shawarma filling

  • For the filling, first prepare the meat. We will use chicken, although theoretically the shawarma recipe allows for lamb, beef, turkey, and even pork (in non-Muslim countries).
  • The best way to use chicken is to use the legs. They are much juicier than brisket, which means the shawarma will be tastier.
  • Since it is not possible to use a spit at home, we will cook the meat in a frying pan. Remove the skin, cut out the bones and veins from the legs, and flatten the meat. Fry the chicken in a small amount of vegetable oil until cooked.
  • Literally a few seconds before the heat is turned off, add salt and sprinkle the chicken with spices (personally, I use the usual set of spices for chicken). This should never be done before, as the spices will simply burn in the frying pan.
  • While the chicken is cooling, we begin making the vegetable part of the filling. To do this, wash the cucumber and tomatoes, peel the onions and carrots. For shawarma, it is best to use blue onions; they are more fragrant and not so bitter. Of course, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get some sweet Crimean onions, but they can’t always be found on the market.
  • When the vegetables are washed and peeled, they should be cut. Tomatoes are cut into thin slices, onions into half rings, carrots and cucumbers into thin strips. Yes, we have completely forgotten about cabbage! The cabbage is finely chopped, as for frying or pickling. Here's another little secret: to make the chopped cabbage more juicy, sprinkle it with salt and lightly knead it with your hands.
  • For real shawarma, sauces are also very important. Our most common sauces are mayonnaise and ketchup. Of course, they can be used directly, without any improvements, but to make our shawarma more tasty, I suggest adding finely chopped garlic to the mayonnaise, and mixing ketchup in a 1:1 ratio with homemade adjika.
  • The last preparatory stage is cutting the chicken, which has already cooled by this time. I suggest cutting it into thin strips. You've probably already noticed that all the ingredients of the filling are cut this way whenever possible. This is done so that they do not fall out of the shawarma while we are devouring it with appetite.
  • How to make shawarma

  • Assembling the shawarma begins by applying a thin layer of mayonnaise with garlic to the central part of the flatbread. A little mixture of ketchup and adjika is spread over it.
  • Next is a layer of onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots and cabbage. The order of these layers does not matter at all, but there is one exception - traditionally the last layer in shawarma is meat.
  • After all the layers have been laid, roll the cake into a tight roll. It turns out this is such a very beautiful and appetizing homemade shawarma.
  • If you used a large and thin pita bread, then the filling is swaddled tightly in it: both ends are tucked in, and the pita bread itself wraps the filling in two layers. So you can safely take this shawarma with you on the road.
  • If you prepared the flatbread at home, then naturally it turned out small, and therefore at the first opportunity it will strive to unfold. To avoid this, I suggest a few tricks. Firstly, each roll can be half-wrapped in a separate paper napkin. It will even turn out beautifully, and besides, your hands will remain clean. Secondly, you can tie the rolls with green onion feathers, as I did in cucumber rolls. Well, thirdly, you can stab the shawarma with a wooden skewer. Only in this case, do not forget to warn your household and guests about this not entirely edible detail.
  • Yes, I almost forgot, pour the remaining mayonnaise with garlic and ketchup with adjika into sauce boats and also serve. Suddenly someone has a desire to dip shawarma in the sauce. By the way, cooled shawarma can be reheated in a dry frying pan without any problems. That's the whole shawarma recipe, Bon appetit for you and your guests!
  • Shawarma with chicken and pepper

    Here is another recipe for shawarma filling. Unlike the first recipe, the vegetables are fried here, so the shawarma turns out more satisfying and spicy. This filling goes especially well in the cool season, when you want something hot and filling.


    • 2 chicken breasts or 2 chicken legs
    • 3 pcs. salad pepper
    • 2 pcs. Luke
    • 1 glass of tomato juice
    • 2-3 cloves of garlic
    • salt to taste
    • red hot pepper seasoning
    • ground black pepper
    • vegetable oil
  1. Cut the onion into rings, cut the lettuce into strips. I had different colored peppers, so I used one red, one yellow and one green pepper. The shawarma turned out very tasty and beautiful. We do not cut the pepper very thinly.
  2. First simmer the onion in a small amount of vegetable oil, then add the salad pepper. Simmer for 6-7 minutes over medium heat.
  3. Add a glass of tomato juice or a glass of tomato sauce.
  4. Stew vegetables in tomato. When the pepper becomes soft, add the fried chicken meat. The pepper should be soft, but not fall apart. By the way, for this filling you can also use canned pepper, in this case heat treatment pepper is reduced to a minimum.
  5. Add chopped garlic, salt and pepper to taste. It is important to make the filling sufficiently salty and spicy. Just without fanaticism))).
  6. Simmer for another minute and remove from heat. When the filling has cooled a little, roll up the shawarma.
  7. Place a few tablespoons of filling in the center of the flatbread. Fold the bottom edge.
  8. We wrap one side and then the other to make an envelope. To prevent the shawarma from opening, you can pierce it with a wooden skewer.
  9. We wrap the rest of the cakes in a similar way. Since the filling is hot, this shawarma can be eaten right away.

Lenten shawarma

And this is a shawarma recipe for those who fast and cannot eat meat. The filling is vegetable with the addition of beans. It turns out nourishing and tasty!


  • 3 pcs. fresh or canned salad peppers
  • 2 pcs. Luke
  • 1 glass of tomato juice
  • 1 cup boiled beans
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • salt to taste
  • red hot pepper (seasoning)
  • ground black pepper
  • vegetable oil (optional)
  1. We prepare the flatbreads as usual, without eggs, or even without vegetable oil. If desired, add seeds to the dough.
  2. We make the filling almost as in the previous recipe: simmer the onion, add lettuce and tomato juice. When the pepper becomes soft, add a glass of boiled beans. Salt the filling and season with spices to make the filling piquant. Simmer everything together for 5 minutes and remove from heat.
  3. Roll up the shawarma and enjoy the delicious and healthy dish! The result is a complete dish, it contains not only vegetables and carbohydrates, but also vegetable protein, which beans are rich in.

Real, classic shawarma is quite fatty fried meat ( chicken thighs, pork or lamb) with the addition aromatic sauce, vegetables, special sauce and fresh herbs. They are wrapped in thin pita bread, which is then fried in the fat that was rendered while frying the meat until crispy and golden brown. In some cases, pita is used to prepare shawarma - oriental bread with a cavity inside in which to place delicious filling. But you can’t always trust street vendors, and sometimes you can’t trust restaurants, but home-cooked shawarma will be one hundred percent under your control. You are using fresh ingredients, favorite types of meat and vegetables, and even prepare the sauce to your liking.

Homemade shawarma it is entirely the fruit of your labors and the quintessence of your preferences. In this version it will be difficult to talk about harmfulness; shawarma will be no more harmful than salad. I often, especially in the summer, prepare homemade shawarma and consider it an excellent and quick snack for the whole family. An easy way to feed your household and fresh vegetables and healthy proteins from meat. If you don’t get carried away with sauces or prepare it not from fatty mayonnaise, but from sour cream, for example, then the usefulness of the dish will not raise any questions.

Features of cooking meat, sauce and vegetables

Dairy products are used as shawarma sauce - sour cream, kefir or mayonnaise, with the addition of fresh herbs, spices, and chopped garlic. It is the sauce that makes a simple dish, convenient for eating “on the go” and quick snack original and juicy.

In addition to traditional vegetables – crispy fresh cucumber and juicy tomato, fresh or sauerkraut, Korean carrots, French fries and many other ingredients.

Thin pita bread or flatbread, and for those who know how to masterfully bake baked goods, can be prepared at home, this requires a minimum of products, and the cooking process is simple.

Delicious homemade shawarma with chicken, cucumber and Korean carrots

In fact, initially only lamb was used to prepare shawarma, but later the recipe was modified, and now chicken meat from the legs and thighs of chicken is increasingly used. You can also take chicken breast, but then you need to be careful not to dry out the meat when cooking. Shawarma with chicken is one of the most popular now in home cooking, because it is very simple, inexpensive, and the result is very tasty.

  • Korean carrots – 100 gr.;
  • Fresh cabbage (Beijing) – 100 gr.;
  • Fresh cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • Some fresh herbs;
  • Chicken meat from legs or fillet – 300 gr.;
  • Thin Armenian lavash – 2 pcs.;
  • Tomato paste – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Mayonnaise 0 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • A pinch of curry seasoning;
  • A little vegetable oil;
  • Coarse salt and black pepper - to taste.


1. Cut the chicken into medium-sized pieces, season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with curry spice. Rub the spices well into the meat and fry it until golden brown in a small amount of oil. The chicken should be fully cooked. Transfer the fried chicken to a bowl to cool.

2. Finely chop the washed fresh herbs and chop the cabbage into thin slices, cut the cucumber into thin strips without removing the core.

3. Mix good mayonnaise with regular tomato paste; to taste, you can add garlic or a little hot chili pepper to the sauce.

4. Coat part of the pita bread with sauce, lay out pieces of meat, vegetables and herbs, add Korean carrots, add more sauce on top and wrap in a roll.

5. Form the required number of servings and fry, heating the shawarma until golden brown on all sides.

When serving, cut the shawarma in half, making an oblique cut, add fresh lettuce leaves and, separately, an additional portion of sauce.

Juicy homemade shawarma (shawarma) with minced meat and mushrooms

Very tasty and incredibly juicy shawarma is obtained according to this recipe, because instead of pieces of meat it is used homemade minced meat with seasonings and spices. In addition, mushrooms mixed with processed cheese are used. Believe me, such shawarma at home will turn out no worse than in street cafes and restaurants. The combination may seem unusual to some, but I highly recommend trying to make shawarma with this set of ingredients.

To prepare you will need:

  • 250 gr. homemade minced meat;
  • 280 gr. any mushrooms, such as fresh champignons;
  • 2 small onions;
  • A little soft processed cheese;
  • Fresh Chinese cabbage;
  • 1 chili pod;
  • Thin pita bread;
  • A little vegetable oil;
  • Dry herbs, salt and pepper - to taste.


1. Cut one onion into small cubes, wash the mushrooms and cut into small pieces.

2. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the mushrooms first to remove all the liquid. Add salt and spices to the mushrooms and processed cheese, stirring constantly to ensure that the cheese melts and turns into a thick sauce.

3. Separately, fry the chopped onion and place in a frying pan. chopped meat. Bring all the ingredients on the stove until fully cooked, not forgetting to season with salt, spices and black pepper.

4. Cut the second onion into thin half rings, salt well and pour boiling water or a small amount of apple cider vinegar. If regular onions are suitable for frying, then it is best to marinate red varieties.

5. Grind the chili pepper, removing the hot seeds first.

6. Place on pita bread mushroom sauce, add minced meat fried until cooked, cabbage, prepared chili and pickled onions on top. The final layer is made of mushroom sauce.

7. Now wrap the filling tightly in pita bread, trim off the excess flatbread and fry until golden brown in a dry grooved frying pan.

Well, you can serve the dish to the table by decorating it with sprigs of lettuce leaves or fresh herbs.

Delicious homemade shawarma with turkey - revealing the secrets of cooking

Delicious and at the same time very unhealthy food for a quick snack if you decide to buy shawarma on the street. But if you have fresh shawarma on your table, prepared at home, then you know all the products and methods of storing them, you fried the meat yourself, and added spices to your taste. There will be much more benefit and pleasure in such shawarma. For example, turkey shawarma will not be too fatty, like pork shawarma. After all, the turkey fillet that is used is lean and healthy enough meat that the finished product can be considered almost dietary. The calorie content will depend on how much sauce you add and oil you use to fry the meat. Everything is in your hands here.

To prepare you will need:

  • Beijing cabbage - a small head;
  • 1 red onion No.
  • 2-3 pickled cucumbers;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 100 gr. Korean carrots;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard;
  • 2-3 sweet tomatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream and mayonnaise;
  • 85 gr. processed cheese;
  • 300 gr. turkey fillet;
  • Spices - salt and black pepper, sweet paprika and curry, Provencal herbs - a pinch;
  • A little vegetable oil.


1. Cut into thin half rings onion, transfer to a bowl and either scald with boiling water or marinate in salt, sugar and apple cider vinegar.

2. For the sauce, mix melted cheese, soy sauce, sour cream and mayonnaise, and mustard. Add salt and season with spices, and mix thoroughly. You can add a couple of cloves of garlic to taste.

3. Cut the turkey into small pieces, season with salt and spices and fry until cooked.

4. Cut cucumbers, both fresh and salted, into thin strips, and chop tomatoes into cubes. Chop the cabbage and mash it with your hands.

5. Place pita bread on the work surface of the table, coat it with sauce, lay out meat, cucumbers and tomatoes, Korean carrots and cabbage, add more sauce and pickled onions, roll into a tube.

6. Fry on all sides in a clean, dry frying pan, and for those who are not afraid of extra calories, the frying pan in which the turkey was fried will come in handy - you can fry the tortilla in it with the remaining oil.

Bon appetit!

You can pleasantly diversify the taste of shawarma by replacing the meat with good ham or any other smoked meat, and a large number of vegetables will make the dish juicy and healthy.

To prepare you will need:

  • Thin lavash – 1 piece;
  • 350 gr. good ham;
  • Any hard cheese– 200 gr.;
  • A large bunch of greens and lettuce leaves;
  • 150 gr. Korean carrots;
  • A little mayonnaise;
  • 2 juicy tomatoes;
  • Red bell pepper- 1 PC.


1. Cut the ham into thin strips.

2. Grind bell peppers and tomatoes, cutting them into small cubes.

3. Chop fresh herbs as finely as possible and mix with mayonnaise, add black pepper.

4. Place lavash on the work surface of the table, coat with sauce, lay out ham with vegetables and lettuce leaves, add Korean carrots and roll well so that the shawarma does not fall apart when frying.

Warm up, frying the sides of the flatbread until golden brown and serve hot. Delicious, crispy and healthy shawarma at home is ready!

When preparing shawarma according to this recipe, you should pay special attention to the taste of the meat; perhaps it should be marinated for a short time for juiciness and softness, giving additional taste. A special place here will be occupied by Suluguni and Adjika cheese. True Caucasian taste. If you've never tried this, I highly recommend it.

To prepare you will need:

  • Sauerkraut with beets (Gurian style) – 150 gr.;
  • Juicy lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Not very salty cheese or suluguni – 200 gr.;
  • A bunch of cilantro and basil;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of adjika;
  • 1-2 juicy tomatoes;
  • Thin pita bread;
  • 300 gr. lamb pulp;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 150 gr. Greek yogurt;
  • Favorite spices and seasonings - to taste;
  • 1-2 red onions.


1. Chop the onion, add salt and mash it slightly with your hands so that it releases the juice. Peel and chop the garlic, add to the onion along with spices and seasonings. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and the purple basil leaves.

2. Cut the lamb into large pieces, salt well and mix with onion and seasonings. Leave to marinate for a couple of hours. To make the spices better absorbed into the pulp, you can add a little vegetable oil to the meat.

3. Add chopped garlic, salt, pepper, a little lemon juice, cilantro to the yogurt and mix well.

4. Cut large pieces of pickled cabbage into thin strips.

5. Fry the pieces of meat in a hot frying pan with oil until cooked, then cool and chop into pieces of a convenient size for eating.

6. Spread a small amount of adjika on the pita bread, add a layer of cabbage, then pieces of meat, chopped tomatoes and cheese, and a generous portion of sauce.

7. Wrap the filling in a tortilla and fry in a frying pan or grill until crispy. You can serve it in any convenient way, for example, by making a wrapper out of baking paper.

Any part is suitable for cooking chicken meat, but it will turn out better and juicier with thigh fillet; it must first be cleaned of fat, skin and cartilage. Mushrooms can also be any kind, but the easiest way is to take tender champignons.

To prepare you will need:

  • 1 sweet onion;
  • 200 gr. any mushrooms;
  • 250 gr. chicken meat;
  • Salt pepper - to taste;
  • A couple of cloves of garlic;
  • Thin pita bread;
  • Fresh herbs;
  • 2-3 juicy tomatoes;
  • 85 gr. mayonnaise.


1. Chop the onion, garlic and mushrooms and fry until the liquid evaporates.

2. Cut the chicken into thin strips, add to the mushrooms and fry with salt and spices.

3. Cut tomatoes and fresh herbs. Lay out the pita bread, coat it with mayonnaise with salt, pepper, garlic and herbs, place meat and vegetables on top and add more sauce.

4. Wrap and fry in a dry frying pan, but slices of fried potatoes are perfect as an addition to this shawarma.

Bon appetit!

Delicious and simple pork shawarma at home

And of course, you can’t ignore the traditional and familiar look homemade shawarma with pork. This is the most common meat in our latitudes and can be cooked very tasty. Pork shawarma may seem a little fatty to you, but the whole point is what kind of meat you use for it. If you don’t like fatty foods, use lean pieces of ham or shoulder. Neck for those who are not afraid for their figure. By the way, you can also wrap shish kebab in shawarma; you just need to lightly cut it into pieces when finished. But in this video recipe you will see how to cook a simple but very tasty homemade shawarma with pork.

It is believed that shawarma is national turkish dish, however, in fact, it is prepared in almost all cuisines of the world, especially in Arab countries. Classic recipe the Turkish one includes well-done lamb, but there are many other variations. If you are a fan of this dish, then you should definitely figure out how to cook shawarma at home. Choose your recipe - and then you will always be able to please yourself and your family with this hearty delicacy.

Step-by-step homemade shawarma recipes

Absolutely anyone can make this dish. The cooking process does not require special culinary skills and takes a minimum of time. Homemade shawarma with chicken in pita bread is especially popular, as well as options with pork or vegetables. As for the cooking method, you can bake the dish in a frying pan or in the oven.

  1. For this dish, it is recommended to use only very fresh lavash or pita bread.
  2. To make shawarma juicy at home, first pour the marinade over the meat. It is best to fry on a regular cast iron frying pan, practically without adding oil. This will simulate the effect of a vertical grill.
  3. If the pita bread doesn't wrap well, try sprinkling it lightly with water. Lemon juice will be even more effective.
  4. The most delicious shawarma homemade comes with garlic, hot sauce or a mixture of both.
  5. To make a spicy dressing, use regular sour cream as a base, adding garlic, green onions, salted or pickled gherkins to taste.
  6. For cooking hot sauce use mixture tomato paste, cilantro, olive oil, lemon, pepper.
  7. Any shawarma dressing is best prepared in a blender.

With Chiken

Ingredients for two servings:

  • chicken – 400 grams (preferably fillet);
  • fresh Armenian lavash – 2 sheets;
  • Korean carrot– 150 g;
  • tomato – 1 large;
  • cabbage (white, red) – 150 g;
  • pickled gherkins – 2-4 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • favorite type of sour cream – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • spicy mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • citrus juice (lemon, lime) – 20-30 ml (fresh or canned);
  • water – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • refined oil (olive) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • curry – 2 tsp;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Make a marinade for the meat. Mix lemon juice, water, olive oil and spices.
  2. Keep the chicken in the marinade for a quarter of an hour, after cutting it into thin strips.
  3. Chop the cabbage. Cut the tomatoes and cucumbers into small cubes.
  4. Make the sauce. To do this, you need to mix sour cream with mayonnaise and add garlic. It can be crushed or simply finely chopped. It wouldn’t hurt to add a little cucumber to the sauce to release the juice.
  5. When the chicken is ready, fry it in a practically dry and well-heated frying pan.
  6. Place the pita bread on the table and brush it with sauce.
  7. Lay out the meat, and then layers of vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, Korean carrots. Top with sauce again.
  8. Roll the shawarma and fry on both sides.
  9. Serve warm. You can decorate the open part with sauce and sprigs of herbs.

With pork

Ingredients for two servings:

  • lavash – 2 pcs.;
  • pork pulp – 300 g;
  • cucumber – 1 large;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • cabbage – 200 g;
  • sour cream – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • low-fat mayonnaise – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • dill, parsley, cilantro - a small bunch;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • salt and pepper mixture - to taste.

Recipe step by step:

  1. First, you need to know how to grill pork deliciously. First, it must be washed, dried and cut into small strips. Then the meat is marinated for two hours in 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise with salt and pepper. To make it even softer, you can add a few drops of lemon juice.
  2. Fry the marinated pork in a frying pan in a minimum amount of oil over high heat.
  3. Prepare the sauce. Wash all the greens and chop them thoroughly. Mix dill, parsley and cilantro with the remaining mayonnaise, sour cream, and crushed garlic. Add a little salt, blend everything with a blender and leave the sauce in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  4. Wash the vegetables. Chop the cabbage, cut the cucumber into strips and the tomato into pieces.
  5. Brush the pita bread with sauce. Place meat, tomato, cucumber, cabbage on it. Add sauce on top again.
  6. Fry the shawarma on both sides in a frying pan. It turns out not only to taste amazing, but also to look very appetizing, which is clearly visible in any photo. Serve it warm, garnish with a little sauce.

Stuffed with vegetables

For those who do not know how to prepare vegetarian shawarma at home, you will need the following ingredients for three servings:

  • lavash – 3 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumber – 1 large;
  • tomato – 1 large;
  • Chinese cabbage – 300 g;
  • fresh cheese(best Adyghe) – 250 g;
  • sour cream or fermented baked milk – 150 ml;
  • ketchup – 150 ml;
  • vegetable oil - a tablespoon;
  • ground coriander, curry, salt and pepper - to taste.

How to cook shawarma with vegetables at home:

  1. Make a sauce from dairy products, salt, curry, pepper, coriander.
  2. Cut the washed cucumber into strips.
  3. Cut the tomato into cubes.
  4. Chinese cabbage cut into small strips. Try to use mostly white parts.
  5. Adyghe cheese mash with a fork and fry in a frying pan with coriander and a little oil.
  6. Pour a little sauce onto the pita bread and spread.
  7. Distribute the vegetables evenly, then the cheese.
  8. Roll the shawarma tightly and then heat it on both sides in a frying pan without oil. Serve in portioned plates, garnish with herbs.

How to properly wrap shawarma in pita bread

If the shawarma is rolled incorrectly, it will become soggy from the sauce and the filling will simply fall out. This point plays a very important role, so adhere to these rules:

  1. To learn how to roll a dish, place pita bread on the table and sprinkle with water or lemon juice.
  2. Start spreading the sauce by stepping back a few centimeters from the edge.
  3. Shawarma will be denser if the meat is placed between two layers of vegetables closer to one of the short sides.
  4. When the filling is in place, cover the pita bread with a small edge, then the sides, and then wrap everything in a long one.
  5. Always reserve some of the sauce to pour on top of the filling.

Video recipes: how to cook shawarma at home

Have you already realized how popular this dish is? However, if you are not yet sure that you know how to cook real shawarma at home, watch the following videos. Thanks to these recordings, you will learn how to make an amazing dish for yourself and your loved ones, which will perfectly diversify both everyday and festive table. Homemade shawarma is a chic alternative to the one that people are forced to buy at kiosks. Eating it is not only incredibly tasty, but also absolutely safe, and cooking it is absolutely a pleasure.

Delicious recipe in the oven

In pita

Shawarma with chicken and vegetables

Hi all!

Probably everyone has tried store-bought shawarma at kiosks at least once. Yes, delicious. But it’s better to cook it yourself at home than to buy it from unknown people every time and be afraid of getting spoiled. This is the first time I’ve made my own homemade shawarma from flatbreads, not lavash. Why? Because pita thin, breaks and quickly gets soaked in sauce and swells.

Quite by accident I found out that in the store FIX PRICE you can buy Mexican wheat tortillas "Tortillas". And from that moment on I use only them! Below is required I will share a RECIPE for homemade SHAURMA.

Mexican flatbreads packed in a translucent bag, in some parts you can see the cakes themselves.

Immediately on the front side the manufacturer applied clear expiration date labeling. No need to look for somewhere in small print:

On the back there is all the following information about the manufacturer (Russia) and much more:

They crammed everything possible and impossible into the composition! A bunch of E-shek, palm oil, flavorings. If you use them not so often, then I think there will be no great harm to the body. This is perhaps the only disadvantage of this bakery product:

There are even options for preparing dishes from these flatbreads:

The package contains 4 leshyoshki. They differ slightly in diameter from each other. On average 23-24 cm.

Form round.

Color cream.

Thickness The flatbreads are exactly what you need. Somewhere 1.5-2 mm. When preparing shawarma, the filling is securely hidden, the sauce does not leak. Everything stays inside and does not become soggy like Armenian lavash.

Smell vigorous. Smells like something vinegary or citric acid. Apparently here we need to say “thank you” for the composition.

Taste There are practically no flatbreads. After all, they are needed for preparing any dishes to which they add their own “zest”.

  • 12 flatbreads(3 packs of original Mexican tortillas);
  • 900 gr. chicken meat (I have chicken fillet);
  • 300 gr. fresh white cabbage;
  • 1 large tomato;
  • 1 large cucumber;
  • 1 medium onion (I only had 3 small ones);
  • 2 garlic clove;
  • 8 tbsp. spoons of ketchup;
  • 8 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt.

1. Let's prepare chicken fillet. Wash, peel and cut into small cubes:

2. Then you need to fry in a frying pan in a small amount of vegetable oil. The chicken meat must be salted first:

3. Preparing the sauce. Mix mayonnaise with ketchup. We get “ketchanez”, as Kuzya from the TV series “Univer” said. Add crushed garlic, mix:

4. Cleaning onion. Cut it into four parts and then cut into thin slices:

5. Shred into thin strips fresh white cabbage. “Mash” a little and lightly salt:

6. wash. Cut the tomato into thin slices. You can also cut it in half. Cut the cucumber into strips. I got a cucumber with a thick peel, so I had to peel it additionally:

All ingredients for our shawarma are prepared:

You can start collecting.

1. We lay out the Mexican tortilla on the kitchen table. And the first layer on it add a little fried chicken fillet and brush with a small amount of sauce. You need to spread it from the edge of the flatbread:

2. Then we post cabbage and cucumber:

There is no particular importance in the order in which the chopped vegetables are laid out. So feel free to improvise.

That's all!

In total there were 12 pieces of finished and O-H-E-N-L delicious homemade shawarma!

Perfect for snacking (at home, at work) or if you go on a long trip. Why? Yes, because the sauce does not leak and the flatbread retains its original appearance for a long time (again, in comparison with Armenian lavash). I simply wrap each “shavukha” separately in food paper and it’s ready for transportation.

I cooked it in the evening. Shawarma was stored in the refrigerator. The next morning, my husband took the treats with him to work for a snack. Everything was perfectly preserved and did not lose its taste.

Bread is the head of everything. People have been baking it since the beginning of time. Particularly popular are different kinds flatbreads, recipes for which can be found in any kitchen in the world:

Shelpek is an Asian flatbread.

Khachapuri is a Georgian flatbread with cheese.

Tortilla is a Mexican flatbread.

Focaccia is a flatbread from Italy.

Lavash is a flatbread of oriental cuisine.

Thin flatbreads are used as the basis for many dishes.

Let's look at how to prepare shawarma flatbread at home.

Armenian lavash

To make thin flatbreads according to this recipe, you will need only three products: wheat flour (300 g), clean water (170 g) and salt (half a teaspoon).

Cooking process:

1. Boil water, add salt and let cool (five minutes is enough).

2. Sift the flour.

3. Pour hot water into the flour in small portions, kneading a thick dough. You can use a mixer at first, but at the end you will still have to work with your hands. Ready dough must be very cool.

4. Cover the base with film or a towel and let it sit for half an hour.

6. Each part must be rolled out very thin.

7. The prepared flat cakes are placed in a dry hot frying pan and fried on both sides.

8. The finished products are laid out on a damp and well-wrung out towel. After cooling they will become very plastic.

Shawarma in Armenian

Armenian recipe shawarma in a flatbread (see photo of the finished dish below), which will not leave anyone indifferent.

1. Take 400 g of chicken meat, salt and fry.

2. Mix 6 large spoons of mayonnaise and ketchup.

3. Add crushed garlic clove and black pepper (ground).

4. Cut the round cake into two parts.

5. Lubricate both halves with sauce and start adding the filling: Korean pickled carrots (100 g), cucumbers, tomatoes (2 pcs.), one onion, meat, any greens.

6. Wrap it like an envelope.

The indicated quantity of products is designed for two shawarmas.

Georgian lavash

This recipe will allow you to prepare flatbreads with a special taste. The pita bread will turn out fluffy, very soft, a little salty.

For the test you need:

300 g flour;

A teaspoon of dry yeast;

A teaspoon of sugar and salt;

Glass of water.

Mix bulk products well. Heat the water slightly and combine with the mixture of dry ingredients. Knead the dough and cover it with a cloth. It should sit for an hour. Tear small pieces from the dough and make round cakes. There is no need for a rolling pin here, since it is better to work with this dough by hand. Bake pita bread in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

The finished cakes must be covered with a towel and cooled.

Georgian lavash on the grill with cheese

1. Cut the tortilla into several corners. Carefully divide each portion into upper and lower parts.

2. Take any processed cheese, for example “Yantar”. Add crushed garlic and herbs to taste. Stir everything well.

3. Spread the filling on the bottom halves and cover with the other half.

4. Place the finished triangles on the wire rack.

5. Fry on the grill for no more than 2-3 minutes.

6. Serve the dish hot. You can chop cucumbers and tomatoes. They go very well with this pita bread.

Recipe for shawarma in Georgian flatbread

Any meat is suitable for this option: chicken, beef, lamb, pork. It's better to choose chicken. It makes the shawarma not very greasy. And the preparation will take very little time.

The meat is fried in a frying pan. Onions, cabbage, lettuce, bell peppers and cucumbers are chopped and combined with fried meat. They need to be saturated with the meaty smell, so let the finished filling sit for at least half an hour.

Choose the sauce to your taste:

Mayonnaise with ketchup, herbs and garlic.

Mayonnaise with sour cream, herbs and garlic.

Ketchup with pepper and garlic.

Grease the flatbread with sauce, add the filling, wrap it in an envelope and put it in the refrigerator. Reheat before serving.

How to make flatbreads in Uzbek

Uzbek flatbreads are traditionally prepared in the oven.


A glass of wheat flour;

Water and milk 80 g each;

2 large spoons of oil;


A teaspoon of yeast;

A little salt;

Sesame optional.


1. Mix all bulk products thoroughly.

2. Pour water and milk into a saucepan and heat a little. Then, stirring continuously, add flour. When the dough is almost ready, add butter.

3. Cover the finished base with a cloth and place in a warm place for half an hour.

4. You can start sculpting. Tear off portions of the dough, using your fingers to form round cakes. At the same time, their middle should be thin, and the edges should be slightly thickened.

5. Cover the bottom of the pan with foil, placing a tortilla on top. Pierce it in several places with a knife or fork, and then cover with a napkin. In this form, the cake should stand for at least half an hour.

6. Before putting into the oven, brush the base with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

8. After this time, remove the lid and fry for a few more minutes until lightly browned.

9. Once the tortilla is well-fried, remove it from the pan and cover with a napkin. Let her lie there for another 15 minutes.

This pita bread will turn out fluffy and soft. It can even be used instead of bread.

Homemade shawarma in Uzbek flatbreads

The cakes in this recipe should be thin.

Coat each base with mayonnaise and ketchup. To reduce the fat content of the dish, you can leave only ketchup.

Cover the tortilla with a leaf of lettuce and add vegetables: fresh tomatoes, pickled cucumbers, pre-fried chicken, herbs.

Wrap the filling in pita bread and keep it for a while in the pan where the meat was cooked. You can also use the grill.

Thin flatbreads made from yeast dough


  • flour (400 g),
  • glass of water,
  • yeast and salt (teaspoon each),
  • butter(50 g), can be replaced with margarine.


Heat water, add salt and yeast. Take one glass from the total amount of flour, pour heated water into it and shake well. Leave the dough for 15 minutes. Melt the butter, cool, add to the total mass and mix. Pour in the remaining flour, knead and cover the dough. It should stand for about half an hour. Divide the finished base into 6-7 pieces. Form into balls and let sit for 10-15 minutes. Roll out very thin flatbreads. Fry in a frying pan without oil.

Cover the finished products with a towel until completely cooled.

How to make flatbreads with kefir

You will need:

  • a glass of kefir,
  • one tablespoon of any vegetable oil,
  • flour,
  • a teaspoon of soda and salt.

To make shawarma cakes with kefir, you need:

1. Add salt, soda and oil to kefir. Stir everything.

2. Gradually add flour and knead the dough. It should be cool.

3. Cover the base with cling film and leave for half an hour.

4. Form small pillows and roll them out into thin flat cakes. You should get about 5-6 pieces. They should be baked in a dry frying pan. If desired, you can add a little oil. It will be tastier, but higher in calories.

5. Cover the finished cakes with damp cloths and leave for 10 minutes.

Salmon shawarma recipe

Very tasty fish shawarma, which is definitely worth trying.


  • salmon fillet - 4 pcs.,
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 onion,
  • 1 chili pepper,
  • 1 bell pepper,
  • vinegar and vegetable oil 1 tablespoon each,
  • salt and black pepper.
  • For the sauce:
  • cilantro or parsley,
  • mint,
  • natural yogurt.

1. Salt and pepper the fish and sprinkle with oil. Then fry for 5 minutes on the skin-covered side, turn over to the other side and turn off the heat.

2. Chop the greens, add yogurt and stir.

3. Place chopped onion and cucumber in a bowl and pour vinegar, add sugar and salt.

4. Spread the flatbread with sauce, distribute the chopped fish and vegetables in an even layer. Add sauce and herbs on top. Garnish with lime slices if desired.

5. You don’t have to wrap the shawarma, but serve it open.

Vegetable shawarma

Recipe for vegetarians and those on a diet.


  • 2 tomatoes
  • 2 carrots,
  • 150 g fresh cabbage,
  • 1 large firm pear
  • 50 g processed cheese,
  • mint, cilantro or parsley.
  • half a teaspoon of mustard,
  • 5 tablespoons natural yogurt,
  • 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and a little of any vegetable oil (preferably olive).


1. Chop the pear, tomatoes, carrots and cabbage.

2. Add finely chopped greens to the vegetables.

3. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

4. Grease the flatbread with sauce, place vegetables on top and add more sauce. Sprinkle with cheese and wrap in an envelope.

Many people consider shawarma to be unhealthy food. This stereotype has developed due to the fact that, as a rule, we buy it in dubious places like tents at train stations and bazaars. It’s hard to even guess what they cook from there. There is no question of compliance with sanitary standards. At the same time, the products used are far from being the freshest.

Prepare this dish at home or outdoors. Experiment with fillings and sauces. And you yourself will be surprised at how quickly this delicious, aromatic snack will enter the list of your favorite dishes.



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