How to make cheese fondue in a fondue maker. Fondue is the pride of Swiss cuisine. Special dishes for fondue

How to make cheese fondue in a fondue maker. Fondue is the pride of Swiss cuisine. Special dishes for fondue

Fondue is a delicious dish that will perfectly complement a romantic evening or a feast with friends. The article talks about how you can deliciously prepare cheese and chocolate fondue.

Fondue - a classic Swiss dish. It is distinguished not only by its originality and unusual appearance, but also by its incredibly delicate aroma. It is noteworthy that fondue has many interesting traditions of its origin and the meal itself. If you treat your guests to chocolate or cheese fondue, you can be sure that your loved ones will be delighted.

First of all, it is worth noting that the word “fondue” is translated from French as "melt" or "melting". In the original, the fondue must include two obligatory types of cheese - “Emmental” (spicy, sweetish, aromatic cheese with large holes), as well as “Gruyère” (yellow, hard cheese, which has a slightly sharp and slightly nutty flavor, the cheese does not have holes).

To prepare traditional fondue you must have special equipment e, in which you need to drown small pieces of cheese. However, this must be done in dry wine preheated in a bowl. There are a huge number of delicious recipes, who suggest mixing other additives into the cheese, for example, cherry vodka, from which the fondue only “benefits”!

INTERESTING: The history of fondue is very unusual. For the origin of the dish, we should thank the Swiss shepherds, who could graze their cattle in the valleys and mountains for several days in a row. They had only cheese, wine and crackers as provisions. Under the hot sun, the cheese melted and the shepherds came up with nothing else but to dip pieces of crackers into wine and liquid cheese.

Classic fondue

Fondue recipes for the fondue maker

Fondue "French":

  • You should have three types of different cheeses for such a dish.
  • Useful: Savoyard Comte cheese, Swiss classic Emmental and Beaufort. Add the quantity according to taste and the volume of the fondant.
  • Also use 100 ml. dry white wine
  • Wine can be replaced with milk if you do not drink alcohol.
  • Add to the mixture a small clove of garlic, passed through a crush and 1/3 tsp. ground nutmeg.

French fondue

Fondue “Italian”:

  • For this fondue you only need one type of soft cheese called Fontina. Use approximately 150-200 g. The quantity should be adjusted according to preference and the volume of the fondue bowl.
  • Add 100 ml. any milk (the fattier the better)
  • You will also need one egg, previously beaten and poured into the mixture in a thin stream.
  • For flavor, you can add 10-20 g of fresh truffles or 2 tbsp. truffle oil.
  • You can also add 0.5 tsp if desired. dried “Italian herbs”: oregano, basil, marjoram.

Italian fondue

German fondue:

  • Milk (preferably full fat) – 125-150 ml.
  • “Gouda” cheese - 100-150 g (add cheese in an amount preferable to the volume of the bowl).
  • Edam cheese - 100-150 g.
  • White gin – 2 tbsp. (can be replaced with vodka)
  • Corn flour - 1 tbsp. (can also be replaced with the same amount of cornstarch).
  • Pepper and nutmeg – a pinch each for flavor
German fondue

Fondue at home without a fondue maker

To prepare you will need regular Teflon-coated frying pan or heavy-bottomed cooking ladle:

  • Turn on the lowest heat on the stove and place the dishes.
  • Place a large spoonful of butter in the bottom of the dish.
  • Grate the chosen fatty aromatic cheese for fondue (any) into shavings.
  • Pour 100 ml into the oil. full-fat milk or cream, and gradually add cheese shavings.
  • Mix the mixture thoroughly
  • If the mass seems to you that the mass is liquid. You can add 1 tbsp. flour and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  • Place the hot fondue on the table immediately and serve it to your guests with ham or pieces of croutons.

Is it possible to prepare fondue without a special fondue maker?

Sweet fondue: recipe

Regular sweet fondue is very easy to prepare. You will need:

  • Cream as a base for fondue – 400 ml. (choose the fattest ones).
  • Vanillin – 1 sachet
  • Sugar – 150-250 g (according to your preferences)

IMPORTANT: As it boils, the cream will thicken. If the mass seems liquid to you, you can add 1 tbsp. corn starch. Fondue is suitable for dipping fruit, biscuits and pieces of crackers.

Chocolate fondue with fruits: homemade recipe

You will need:

  • Dry white wine – 100 ml.
  • A bar of chocolate (any: milk or bitter) – 100 g (approximately).
  • Butter – 50 g.
  • Cocoa – 1 tsp.

IMPORTANT: If the mass seems too thick and it burns in the bottom of the bowl, you can gradually add a small amount of wine or milk to it if you are making non-alcoholic fondue).

How to make delicious chocolate fondue?

Swiss fondue - Emmental: recipe

You will need:

  • Cheeses "Emmental" and "Gruyere" in equal proportions. Grind them into crumbs.
  • Add 1 tbsp. butter
  • Pour in 100 ml. full fat milk
  • A few tbsp. dry white wine, preferably French.
  • For thickness, you can stir in 1 tablespoon. regular flour.

Eggplant fondue recipe for the winter

Eggplant fondue– an unusual recipe that can be used to diversify your menu. You will need:

  • Ripe eggplants – 2 kg.
  • Vegetable oil – 500 ml. (use whatever you like).
  • Garlic – several pieces. cloves
  • Parsley – bunch (approximately 15 g)
  • Preferred spices (any spices you like).


  • Eggplants are peeled and finely chopped
  • They are soaked for half an hour in saline solution
  • After this, excess water is squeezed out
  • Oil is heating up in a frying pan
  • All eggplants are put into oil and fried there until they have a beautiful color, mix the mass thoroughly.
  • Add garlic and chopped herbs, as well as spices, to the mixture.
  • Wash glass storage jars with baking soda
  • Divide the hot mixture into jars, close the lids and after it has cooled, put it in the refrigerator.
  • This preservation can be eaten both cold and hot.

How to make cheese fondue at home?

Making fondue at home is quite easy and simple. To do this, you don't need to look for hard-to-find original European cheeses. You can use the ones sold in your store.

If you are looking for cheese for fondue, it is important to choose on aromatic and hard cheese.“Swiss” with large holes is suitable (often called “Royal” or “Emmental”). It’s good if you add this cheese in half with Parmesan or Grano Padano.

As a liquid base you can use white wine, not sweet and not too strong. For those who do not drink alcohol, you can use milk. It is poured into a bowl under a candle, wait for it to heat up and drop small pieces of cheese into the liquid one by one. As the cheese melts, stir the mixture, add spices to taste and a clove of garlic for flavor.

IMPORTANT: You can dip bread crumbs, chips, dried lavash sheets, salted crackers, boiled vegetables, pieces of ham, fried mushrooms and much more into this fondue.

How to properly prepare cheese fondue?

Cheese fondue: what do you eat it with?

Cheese fondue has several very successful flavor combinations and therefore is recommended to be eaten with products such as:

  • Bread croutons or crackers (slices of fresh bread are quite suitable).
  • Pieces of ham or smoked beef, chicken (not fatty, no lard). You can also use pieces of any boiled meat.
  • Boiled vegetables: potatoes, carrots, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bell peppers and others.
  • Fried mushrooms (preferably whole)
  • Crackers, chips, salty cookies
  • Nuts

IMPORTANT: You also need to eat fondue correctly. A piece of food should be picked up with a special fondue fork, dipped into the cheese and put into the mouth.

What should you eat fondue with?

Meat fondue: homemade recipe

Meat fondue involves pre-marinating pieces of meat so that, while dipping into the fondue bowl, it can be completely cooked before eating.

You will need:

  • Chicken or turkey fillet - 200 g per person.
  • Lemon juice – a few tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 cup
  • Soy sauce - to taste


  • The meat is cut into beautiful and neat pieces, approximately 2 cm.
  • A marinade is prepared from lemon juice and soy sauce, in which the pieces of meat should lie for about an hour.
  • Heat the oil in a fondue pot
  • Pieces of meat are pricked with forks and sent into oil for cooking, after which they are eaten when golden brown.

How to properly prepare meat fondue?

Chinese fondue: recipe

You will need:

  • Vegetable oil – 120-150 ml.
  • Soy sauce – 50 ml.
  • Grated ginger root – 5 g.
  • Garlic – several pieces. cloves to taste
  • Honey – 1 tsp.
  • Hot pepper or a mixture of peppers – 1 tsp.

The resulting mass should be heated in fondue and brought to a boil. After this, you can dip pieces of raw chicken, beef or shrimp on forks into it.

Video: “How to prepare fondue?”

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This unusual dish comes from Switzerland. According to legend, it was invented by shepherds who prepared this dish for themselves in the pasture from cheese and wine. They heated wine in a clay pot and added dried cheese to it. When the cheese melted and the brew became homogeneous, they dipped pieces of bread into this rich and tasty mass.
Oddly enough, the French came up with the name for this dish. According to historians, after fondue migrated from pastures to the table of aristocrats, at receptions it was served in special dishes - fondue dishes. And since Switzerland is located next to France in its location, it is not difficult to guess how it got to the French. That's where it got its name. Fondue is translated from French as melted.

You will need:

What you need to make fondue

We will proceed from the fact that we do not have a fondue maker. Although, if you are going to prepare fondue regularly, it is better to buy a special set.

First, we need a fireproof clay pot, in which you cook buckwheat, for example. It can be replaced with a tureen, but made of heat-resistant material. We also need a hot stand with high legs.

A microwave stand is what you need. And you will need an ordinary decorative small candle. Now we need the fondue itself.


Cooking fondue with ham. Prepare all the necessary ingredients in advance.

We will need two types of cheese (it should be different in taste - for example, Kostroma and Suluguni). If you have leftover cheese, you can make pizza at home. You will also need a glass of white wine (can be table), ham - about two hundred grams, one ripe tomato, two tablespoons of lemon juice, one and a half tablespoons of flour, a clove of garlic, a little pepper and nutmeg.

We prepare products

As in, grate the cheese on a coarse grater and mix.

Scald the tomato with boiling water and remove the skin. Then finely chop. Squeeze the juice from the lemon. Finely chop the garlic. Sift the flour and mix with a small amount of wine to obtain the consistency of liquid sour cream.


Pour the wine into a non-stick saucepan, add lemon juice and heat it over low heat. As soon as it gets hot, pour the cheese into it. Now you need to carefully stir the wine until the cheese melts and becomes soft.

Gradually, so that there are no lumps, pour in the flour and wine, constantly stirring the mass. In a minute the fondue will be smooth and beautiful. Now you can add ham, tomatoes, garlic.

Season the fondue with black pepper and nutmeg. You can put some greens. Mix everything and simmer for a few more minutes. That's all. Cheese fondue with ham is ready.

Now we need to serve the fondue correctly. Pour the fondue into a pot or tureen. Place it on a microwave stand. Place a candle under the pot and light it. The candle will heat up the bottom of the pot and prevent the fondue from cooling down.

Cheese is included in many recipes, but there is a dish where it is the main ingredient. And the name of this dish is cheese fondue; absolutely all ardent cheese fans love it. Cheese fondue takes little time to prepare and makes a great dinner, with just a glass of wine and crusty bread being the perfect accompaniment.

The most important thing in preparing fondue is choosing the right cheese. There are no specific rules or special cheese for fondue, the main thing is that the cheese must be hard. Below are the most delicious and healthy recipes for making cheese fondue.

Recipe 1. – Classic cheese fondue

  1. Five hundred grams of hard cheese, use at least three varieties;
  2. Three cloves of garlic;
  3. Dry white wine two hundred ml;
  4. Nutmeg, black pepper;
  5. Twenty grams of starch.


Rub the inside of the pan in which you plan to cook fondue with a clove of garlic. Leave the garlic clove itself at the bottom. Then pour wine into the pan, bring to a boil and reduce heat. Grate all the cheese, add it to the heated wine and heat, stirring regularly, until all the cheese has melted. Next, add starch diluted in cognac. Continue stirring vigorously and cook for another seven minutes, during which time the sauce should become thick and homogeneous.

Finally, remove the garlic from the sauce, add pepper and nutmeg. Remove the sauce from the heat and place it on a heating pad in the center of the table. Cut fresh bread into small portion cubes, and using a fork you need to dip it into cheese fondue and eat it with white wine.

Recipe 2. – Cheese fondue without adding wine


  1. Three hundred grams of hard cheese;
  2. Milk two hundred ml;
  3. Two egg yolks;
  4. Pepper and salt at your discretion.


Cut the cheese into small cubes and place it in milk for a couple of hours. Next, melt everything in a water bath, adding half the butter. Melt and stir regularly until the mixture is smooth and very sticky. Then carefully add the yolks without ceasing to stir. Do not forget that the mixture should not boil, as the yolks may curdle.

At the very end, add pepper, remaining oil, salt, and immediately place the fondue in the center of the table over a candle or on a heating pad. This fondue must be eaten with black or white bread.

Recipe 3. Simple cheese fondue

Required ingredients:

  1. Cheese four hundred grams;
  2. Dry white wine one hundred ml;
  3. Three cloves of garlic.


Rub the inside of the pan with garlic and leave it on the bottom. Grate all the cheese into it, when the cheese starts to melt, pour in the wine, warm it up a little so that it evaporates a little. Remove the fondue from the heat, place it in the center of the table to warm up, and you can eat it with croutons.

Recipe 4. Cheese fondue with herbs

If you are a fan of the combination of greens and cheese, then this recipe is just for you.

Required ingredients:

  1. Four hundred grams of hard cheese;
  2. Dry white wine two hundred ml;
  3. Calvados fifty ml;
  4. Mint, thyme, nutmeg and rosemary.


Pour the wine into a saucepan and heat. Grate the cheese on any grater and add it to the wine. Stir constantly and cook until all the cheese is completely melted. Then add Calvados, herbs and nutmeg. Dip pieces of black or white bread into the prepared fondue, and, if desired, pieces of smoked meat.

Recipe 5. – Cheese fondue with yogurt


  1. Fifty grams of butter;
  2. Flour fifty grams;
  3. Dry white wine three hundred ml;
  4. One hundred grams of grated Swiss cheese;
  5. One hundred grams of grated Parmesan cheese;
  6. Natural thick yogurt fifty grams;
  7. Dry basil five grams;
  8. Ground black pepper.


Melt the butter in a saucepan, add flour and sauté for one minute. Gradually add wine and bring the mixture to a boil. Cook and stir until the mixture becomes thick and smooth. Mix the cheeses and add them to the fondue. Stir until all the cheese has melted. Add yogurt, basil. Season with pepper and set on the table.

Recipe 6. – Italian Fondue

Required ingredients:

  1. Champignon mushrooms, cut into slices, seventy grams;
  2. One clove of garlic;
  3. Canned tomatoes three hundred grams;
  4. Grated fontina cheese three hundred grams;
  5. Corn flour twenty grams;
  6. Concentrated milk two hundred ml;
  7. Onion salt five grams;
  8. Dry oregano five grams.


Melt butter in a saucepan, add garlic and mushrooms. Sauté for two minutes, stirring regularly. Add tomatoes and bring to a boil. Mix cheese with corn flour. Add to the tomato mixture and stir until all the cheese is completely melted. Slowly pour in the concentrated milk, add oregano and onion salt. Bring to a boil and serve. Serve with Italian ciabatta bread with onions.

Recipe 7 – Worcestershire cheese fondue

Ingredients for four servings:

  1. Maolok three hundred ml;
  2. Grated smoked cheese five hundred grams;
  3. Corn flour sixty grams;
  4. Thirty grams of prepared horseradish;
  5. Mustard ten grams;
  6. Worcestershire sauce thirty ml.


Pour milk into the fondue pot and bring it to a boil. Add cheese, reduce heat and cook, stirring systematically, until mixture becomes smooth. Mix corn flour with prepared khoen, sauce and mustard. Add the mixture to the fondue, cook for five minutes until the fondue becomes thick.

Serve with boiled small sausages, white bread, apple slices, and meat products.

Recipe 8. – White fondue


  1. White vermouth three hundred ml;
  2. Fontina cheese three hundred grams;
  3. Liirdammer cheese three hundred grams;
  4. Corn starch twenty grams;
  5. Two yolks;
  6. Dry white wine three hundred ml;
  7. Tabasco sauce forty ml;
  8. Ground black pepper.


Pour vermouth into a saucepan and heat it gently. Mix cornstarch with cheese and add mixture to fondue. When the cheese is melted, beat the yolks with wine and add them to the saucepan. Continue cooking the fondue, stirring until it begins to simmer gently. Add pepper and Tabasco sauce.

Serve this fondue with breadsticks and stuffed olives.

Recipe 9 – Swiss cheese fondue


  1. Butter twenty grams;
  2. Grated Swiss cheese five hundred grams;
  3. Dry white wine four hundred ml;
  4. Kirsha sixty ml;
  5. Dry mustard five grams;
  6. Grated nutmeg ten grams.


Melt the butter in a fondue pot, add the cheese and stir until it is completely melted. Gradually add wine, stirring regularly. Mix dry mustard with kirsch. Pour into cheese and add nutmeg. Cook until the fondue is smooth. Serve the finished cheese fondue with slices of white or black bread with a crispy crust.

Recipe 10. Italian cheese fondue


  1. Garlic two cloves;
  2. Three hundred ml milk;
  3. Mozzarella cheese, cut into small cubes, five hundred grams;
  4. Cheddar cheese two hundred grams;
  5. Parmesan cheese one hundred grams;
  6. Corn starch forty grams;
  7. Dry white wine fifty ml;
  8. Finely chopped basil ten grams.


Rub the inside of the saucepan in which you plan to cook the fondue well with chopped garlic. Pour in milk and bring to a boil, reduce heat.

Add the grated cheeses and continue heating until all the cheese is melted. Mix wine with cornstarch and pour into cheese mixture. Cook for three minutes, stirring systematically until the fondue is smooth. Add chopped basil.

This ready-made fondue can be served with large pieces of bell pepper of different colors, olives and pieces of salami.

Recipe 11. – Homemade cheese fondue

Ingredients for cooking:

  1. Emmental cheese five hundred grams;
  2. Gruyere cheese two hundred grams;
  3. Dry white wine fifty ml;
  4. Fifteen grams of starch;
  5. Garlic two cloves;
  6. Freshly ground nutmeg twenty grams;
  7. Freshly ground fresh pepper.


Grate all the cheese in advance. Slice bread, prepare vegetables and other appetizers for fondue. Set the table.

Pour the wine into the fondue pot and place it on the stove over medium heat. Heat the wine, add the grated cheeses, stirring constantly until bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the cheese. Squeeze the garlic through a press into the pan, add nutmeg, pepper and mix everything thoroughly. Bring the fondue to a boil, and move the fondue pot to the table and place it over the burner.

Recipe 12 – Country cheese fondue


  1. Hard cheese Gruyère Emmy two hundred grams;
  2. Emmental cheese two hundred grams;
  3. Dry white wine two hundred ml;
  4. Cherry vodka thirty ml;
  5. Potato or corn starch ten grams;
  6. Garlic two cloves;
  7. Raw smoked ham fifty grams;
  8. Butter forty grams;
  9. Potatoes four hundred grams;
  10. Broccoli four hundred grams;
  11. Four sweet peppers.


Wash the potatoes thoroughly and boil them in their skins. Cut the ham into small cubes, blanch the broccoli, peel and chop the garlic, grate the cheese on a fine grater. We clean the sweet peppers from seeds, cut them into strips and fry them a little.

Grease the walls of the fondue pot with oil and place it on the stove. Fry the chopped ham in it. Add cheese, vodka and wine, add garlic and starch, mix thoroughly. Bring to a boil. We move the fondue maker to the burner. Separately serve peeled and diced potatoes, peppers and broccoli. Dip the pieces into cheese.

Recipe 13 – Blue Cheese and Beer Fondue


  1. Blue cheese with mold three hundred grams;
  2. Thirty grams of flour;
  3. Cayenne pepper thirty grams;
  4. Dry mustard five grams;
  5. Salt;
  6. Light beer one hundred and fifty ml;
  7. Cream one hundred ml.

Serving ingredients:

  1. Apple pieces;
  2. White bread cubes;
  3. Pieces of steamed vegetables;
  4. Salami pieces.


In a small bowl, combine blue cheese, mustard and pepper.

Pour the cream and beer into the fondue pot, place over low heat, and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring regularly. Carefully pour cheese mixture into simmering liquid. Add salt and cook until all the cheese is melted.

Place the finished fondue on the table on a stand with a burner so that the cheese fondue does not cool down during the meal. Serve with pieces of fruit, vegetables and bread.

Secrets of making delicious cheese fondue

  1. It is recommended to cook cheese fondue in special pots. If the fondue pot is made of cast iron or metal and has an enamel coating, then no additional processing is necessary. If there is no coating, then pour milk and water into a new container, one to one, and boil, so that during the cooking process the cheese does not stick to the bottom and walls of the pot.
  2. To prevent the cheese from sticking to the walls during cooking, generously grease the container with crushed garlic cloves diluted in a teaspoon of vegetable oil. This will make the dishes easier to clean, and the garlic will give the finished fondue an amazing and appetizing aroma.
  3. To ensure uniform mixing of the cheese varieties and other ingredients in the fondue, it is recommended to add one spoon of lemon juice. Lemon juice will give the dish a creamy, uniform color and help the cheese melt faster.
  4. During the preparation of cheese fondue, it must be stirred regularly with a wooden spoon, the movements should be similar to the figure eight.

F ondu is a famous Swiss dish. In Switzerland there is a legend about its origin. Late in the evening, a lone traveler knocked on a small private hotel asking for an overnight stay and dinner. The owner received the traveler, but refused dinner: the cook had long since left, and no one could cook for the traveler. Then the guest, hungry on the way, who was very, very hungry, began to beg the owner to at least let him into the kitchen and allow him to cook for himself. The owner said: “Okay, go to the kitchen and do what you want, and I’ll go to bed.” And by this time the fireplace in the kitchen had not yet cooled down. There was a pot of hot vegetable oil on it. The traveler found pieces of vegetables, some slices of meat and threw everything he found into hot oil. The food warmed up there and the traveler dined with pleasure.

Now let's talk about the modern version of fondue. So, to prepare it you need: a cast iron pot or a saucepan with very thick walls, small heat sources (electric stove, Taganka, alcohol lamp - to keep the pot warm), cups for sauces and a common dish for the main products, sticks or forks.
So, pour oil into the pot, and there should be more than half of the pot. Before serving a pot of oil to the table, it is first intensively heated on the kitchen stove until a slight haze appears. Then they are transferred to the table and placed on a heat source - to maintain the oil at the desired temperature and not allow it to cool.

The main products should be on the table on a large platter or individually on each plate of the eater. This could be: meat, cut into pieces and marinated, pieces of fish, shrimp, vegetables, etc. Other containers should contain sauces: tomato or ketchup, soy, sweet mustard, yogurt, etc.

Each participant in the feast, at his personal choice, pricks a piece of meat, fish on his fork or skewer... and puts it in hot oil in a pot. There, as in deep fat, the frying process goes on for some time. Taking out the fork and letting the oil drain so as not to drip onto the table, pieces of meat or vegetables are piping hot, not forgetting to dip into a container with sauce along the way, they are put into the mouth and they receive incomparable pleasure.

A traditional fondue pot is a saucepan placed over a candle or over an alcohol burner. You can also buy an electric fondue maker, but it will be more expensive! Clay or ceramic pots are often wide and shallow and are ideal for cheese or sweet fondues that require constant stirring. Cast iron or stainless steel pots are more popular for meat, fish or vegetable fondues that are cooked in hot oil or broth, as these pans retain heat better. But you can use both metal and clay pans.

If your meal consists of more than one type of fondue, such as a meat or vegetable fondue followed by a sweet fondue, borrowing a friend's fondue maker will make dinner planning much easier.

The fondue should be placed in the middle of the table so that every guest can reach it. Each guest is given a plate and two forks, usually of a fixed color (so that the guest can distinguish his fork in the fondue pot). One fork is for dipping and cooking, the other is for eating. All this is arranged not only for hygienic purposes: you can burn your mouth with a hot fork!

For cheese fondue, bread cut into cubes is placed in the center of the table, and each guest can take a handful of such cubes (or a small bowl of bread is placed next to each guest).

Guests prick a cube of bread on a fork, dip it into the hot cheese fondue, then turn the fork so that the cheese mixture stops dripping from it, transfer it to their plate, and then prick it with another fork and put it in their mouth.

For meat, fish and/or vegetable fondue, a fondue pot with hot oil or broth is placed in the middle of the table. Near each guest there is a plate with raw meat, fish or vegetables beautifully laid out on it. If you are preparing food in batter, place a bowl of batter near each guest.

Each guest pricks a piece of the product with a fork, dips it in batter (if necessary), and then places it in hot oil and cooks it to his or her own taste. After which the product is placed on a clean plate, and another piece is pricked on a fork and dipped into hot oil.

Sauces and seasonings are placed on the table. Each guest takes them in small spoons onto his plate. Usually, regular and garlic bread, as well as bread with herbs, are placed on the table. Finish the meal with a salad with dressing that matches the main dish.

Sweet fondues usually only need to be reheated. They are brought immediately after the table is cleared after the main course.
Each guest is either given a separate plate with beautifully arranged fruits/cookies/cakes/sweets, which are dipped into the fondue, or a large dish is placed in the center of the table, and each guest prepares their own fondue.

Traditionally, fondue is served with shots of kirsch or schnapps, and cheese fondue is served with hot tea. Dry white wine is also served with fondue, but never drinks with ice.

Red, white and rose wines, as well as chilled lager beer or cider, go well with meat and fish fondues.
Sweet sparkling wine is especially suitable for sweet fondues, and in winter you can add tiny glasses of peach, orange or coffee liqueur.

If you don’t drink alcohol, you can serve grape juice with cheese, meat, fish or vegetable fondue. Herbal carbonated drinks are especially good with sweet fondues.


Fondue is a native Italian dish. It is incredibly easy to prepare, but at the same time unusual and very tasty.

To prepare fondue, you need a special container called a fondue pot. But it can be easily replaced with a regular stainless bowl, which you will keep on low heat or in a water bath so that the fondue has a constant temperature.

How to make chocolate fondue?

There are several ways to prepare chocolate fondue - from the simplest to the most sophisticated.


  1. Bitter chocolate – 350 g
  2. Heavy cream – 220 ml
  3. Salt - one pinch
  4. Fruits


  • In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, heat the cream until small bubbles appear. But under no circumstances bring the cream to a boil!
  • Add the crushed chocolate and stir with a whisk until the mixture thickens.
  • Move the container over very low heat so that the mixture remains warm but does not boil or burn.
  • Place berries or pieces of fruit on small skewers, dip them in fondue and eat with pleasure!


  1. Dark chocolate – 500 g
  2. Heavy cream – 2 tbsp.
  3. Cinnamon – 1 tsp.
  4. Cayenne pepper – ½ tbsp. l.
  5. Strawberries, crackers, marshmallows


  • Crush the chocolate into small pieces or grate it, mix with cream.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly and heat until the mixture thickens.
  • After this, add the desired spices and leave on low heat to maintain a constant temperature.


  1. Heavy cream – 100 ml
  2. Black chocolate – 400 g
  3. Butter – 16 g
  4. Cocoa (regular, not a drink) – 3 tbsp.
  5. Vanillin – ¼ tsp.
  6. Cinnamon – ¼ tsp.
  7. Any coffee liqueur – 2 tbsp.
  8. Biscuit, marshmallows, fruit, soft waffles or soft cookies


  • The cream should be poured into a saucepan with a thick bottom, and the pan should be placed on very low heat. As soon as small bubbles appear in the cream, remove the pan from the heat, add the chocolate, broken into pieces, and leave for 5 minutes.
  • After the specified time has passed, thoroughly stir the ingredients with a whisk until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Then add butter, vanilla, cocoa, cinnamon and liqueur to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly again with a whisk.
  • Transfer the finished mixture into an enamel bowl and place on constant low heat.


  1. Dark chocolate – 225 g
  2. Whole condensed milk – 80 g
  3. Any fruits or berries – 250 g
  4. Liqueur - to taste


Mix all ingredients at the same time, then melt in a microwave oven or in a water bath. Then place the fondue container on a very low gas setting to maintain the required temperature.

The recipe for making this fondue is incredibly simple, isn’t it?

  • Fondue is not only chocolate. Cheese fondue will be no less tasty, especially if you prepare it according to all the rules. For cheese fondue, it is very important to purchase a good cheese of an expensive variety. The thing is that when heated, cheap cheese will separate into its component parts - vegetable oil and white grains. This mass looks unappetizing, and the taste leaves much to be desired.

  • Take an enamel saucepan with a thick bottom, grease the bottom and walls with garlic. This is necessary to give a piquant aroma to your dish, as well as to make the container easier to clean.
  • Pour the cream into a saucepan and heat it. Add grated cheese, white pepper and salt to warm cream. Stir everything well, but not in a circular motion, but from wall to wall - this way the cheese will dissolve better in the cream. A little later, add 1 tbsp to the mixture. starch diluted with water and a little white wine. Do not bring cheese fondue to a boil under any circumstances!
  • The mixture you prepare should become creamy. Once you have achieved the desired thickness, place the fondue container over low heat to maintain a constant temperature.
  • You can dip shrimp, ham, crab sticks, pieces of loaf, smoked meats, and croutons into the finished cheese fondue. Cheese fondue is best served with beer or white wine.



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