How to make ghee at home? Ancient recipes: how to make Ghee at home How to prepare ghee at home

How to make ghee at home? Ancient recipes: how to make Ghee at home How to prepare ghee at home

The benefits and harms of ghee have been known for a long time. This product has been used for several centuries in traditional cuisines some peoples. It differs from ordinary butter in its greater usefulness, improved properties and long shelf life. Its use is not limited to cooking: this oil is used in cosmetology and medicine.

What is ghee

Treatment with ghee

IN folk medicine Ghee is used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases:

  • Angina. Take 1 tbsp orally. l. every 2-3 hours with the addition of a small amount. It is strongly recommended to lubricate the outside of the throat once a day.
  • Flu. The oil is mixed with finely ground oil in a ratio of 1 to 30. Three times a day after meals, you need to slowly dissolve 1 tsp. mixtures.
  • Hypothermia. In this situation, in order to avoid illness, when you come home, you should rub oil on your back and feet.
  • Intestinal inflammation. Dissolve 1 tsp. pure oil half an hour before meals.
  • Constipation. Make a compress on the lower abdomen using melted butter.
  • Radiculitis. Heated oil with a temperature not exceeding +45 ° C (i.e., actually melted) is applied to the back in the lumbar area, where it is kept for up to 40 minutes. To prevent the liquid from spreading, “sides” should be made on the back in the lumbar area, for example, from dough.
  • For fractures. The product should be eaten mixed with cottage cheese in a ratio of 1 to 1 once a day, preferably for breakfast.
  • For bruises and sprains. The product in its pure form or mixed with rye and cinnamon is applied locally to the damaged area.

The use of ghee in cosmetology

In cosmetology, the oil is used to create masks for hair and facial skin. His beneficial features can moisturize the skin, prevent flaking, smooth out wrinkles and eliminate minor defects. Hair treated with it has a healthy appearance and becomes stronger.

Face masks

Preparation of a mask for dry and normal facial skin:

  • in a small container mix 1 tbsp. l. melted butter and 1 yolk;
  • mix thoroughly and wait 2-3 minutes;
  • apply to facial skin for 20-30 minutes;
  • rinse with warm water.

Advice! This mask can be used no more than once a week.

A mask for oily skin is made according to the following recipe:

  • 1 tbsp is steamed in water. l. with a slide oatmeal within 5 minutes;
  • the flakes are put into a separate container and 1 tbsp is added to them. l. product;
  • the components are thoroughly mixed;
  • in 1 min. half a tbsp is added to the resulting mixture. l. liquid honey, and the mixture is mixed again;
  • A pinch of turmeric is added to the mixture.

The mask is applied to the face, where it is kept for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. Repeated use of such a mask is allowed after 10-15 days.

Hair masks

The simplest recipe for a nourishing hair mask consists of simply applying the product to your hair and covering your head with a plastic cap for half an hour. After which the mask is washed off with shampoo. This procedure is not recommended to be done more than 1-2 times a week. If your hair is oily, you can add a few drops of eucalyptus extract to the mask.

A restorative hair mask is done as follows:

  • Ghee, olive oil and milk are mixed in equal proportions;
  • 2-3 drops of castor extract are added to the mixture;
  • the mask is applied to the hair and also rubbed into the scalp;
  • You need to leave the mask on your hair for 20 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

How to make ghee at home

For cooking you need butter 72% fat content. It is preferable to use homemade. It should be cut into pieces and placed in a dry container.

Heating begins over medium-intensity fire. As soon as the solid pieces melt, the intensity of the fire is reduced to a minimum. As foam appears, it should be removed.

Important! The resulting liquid must not be mixed!

As sediment appears, pour the liquid into a new container and continue the process. When there is practically no sediment left, the procedure can be considered complete. Cooking time for 1 kg of product is about 1-1.5 hours.

Is it possible to fry in ghee?

Ghee is ideal for frying. Its boiling point is +252 °C, while the first signs of evaporation appear only at a temperature of +205 °C. This means that you can fry any food in this oil and it will not burn.

Which is healthier: ghee or butter?

The structure of the product differs significantly from butter, and in general, from all fats of animal origin. Its main component is unsaturated fatty acids. Their share in the total mass can reach up to 35%, while in butter there is only 24%. Ghee has a higher content of vitamins A, D and E.

Otherwise, the products are similar and, one might say, identical.

However, given that the product contains only fat without impurities and water, it is cleaner. And only high-fat butter of very good quality can compete with it in terms of usefulness. The product also has a significant advantage - a shelf life that is almost an order of magnitude longer.

On the other hand, ghee is higher in calories, so if you consume the same amount of both products, the weight gain from it will be greater. But this factor is subjective, since some people should gain weight and others should lose it.

Harm of ghee and contraindications

This product has only one harm - extremely high calorie content. When this product is abused, fat reserves in the body increase, obesity and related diseases develop. First of all, these are diseases of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

The overwhelming majority of contraindications to the use of ghee relate not to any diseases, but to the volume of its consumption. In small quantities it has no harm and no contraindications. Since the milk components leave it when heated, even people with lactose intolerance can use it. Cases of allergies from this product are extremely rare and isolated in nature.

If we approach the issue of contraindications from a formal point of view, then use should be limited or used with caution by people who have the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • diseases of the immune system;
  • diseases associated with obesity (hypertension, ischemia, heart attack, arthritis, etc.)

However, there are several diseases that have direct contraindications that completely prohibit the consumption of ghee. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • obesity of internal organs.

How to store ghee

It is recommended to store the product in hermetically sealed containers (jars with lids, wide-neck bottles, etc.). At room temperature its shelf life is about 9 months. If stored in the refrigerator - about a year. If used for storage freezer, then it does not lose its beneficial properties for a year and three months.


The benefits and harms of ghee do not raise any questions now. This wonderful pure and natural product is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. Its only drawback is its high calorie content, which significantly limits both the volume of its consumption and its availability for certain groups of people.

Continuing the topic of ghee, today I will share with you recipes using it.
Ghee is very healthy and delicious product, dishes prepared with it differ unusually delicate taste and aroma. They give the body “solar” energy and vigor.

Real ghee is an environmentally friendly product.
you can read about the beneficial properties of ghee and learn how to prepare it at home.

The simplest and tasty dish, these are potatoes fried in melted butter. It turns out rosy and fragrant.

Ghee does not burn or foam when heated, which means it does not emit harmful substances.

Fry over low heat and the result is a healthy and tasty dish.

The maximum heating temperature for ghee is 190 degrees; at higher temperatures, the oil begins to burn. Vegetable oil begins to burn already at 100 degrees, becoming carcinogenic.

We can conclude that foods fried in ghee are much healthier. Although medicine recommends not frying...

Boil the chicken, cut into pieces. Roll the pieces in breadcrumbs, then dip them in beaten egg and fry in melted butter. Pre-heat the pan and oil before frying. The chicken turns out very tasty.

Fish fried in sour cream

Any fish is suitable for this dish; take navaga, cod or haddock.

We wash the fish, remove the fins and bones, cut into pieces, add some salt and leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Dredge the fish pieces in flour and fry in melted butter until half cooked. Add sour cream and bring to readiness.

There is a delicious article on the site “”, and if you do this with ghee, it will be a fairy tale.

Chicken giblets with mushrooms in melted butter

  • 500 grams of chicken offal,
  • 150 grams of fresh champignons,
  • 200 grams of white cabbage,
  • 200 ml chicken broth,
  • 1 onion,
  • 4 tablespoons ghee,
  • 4 tablespoons soy sauce,
  • Salt, sugar, herbs to taste

Cooking chicken giblets(stomachs, heart, liver). We remove the film from the stomachs, remove the vessels from the hearts, check the bile sacs from the liver and remove them. Wash and fry in hot melted butter.

Add the chopped champignons and fry along with the giblets.

In a separate pan, fry cabbage and onions in melted butter.

Combine cabbage and giblets, add chicken bouillon, soy sauce, salt and sugar, simmer for 3 minutes.

When serving, sprinkle with dill and parsley.

Sochni with ghee

  • 700 grams of flour,
  • 150 grams of sour cream,
  • 100 grams of sugar,
  • 150 grams of ghee,
  • 1 packet of baking powder,
  • a pinch of salt.

In a cup, mix sour cream, sugar, eggs, beat with a mixer. Add softened ghee and mix well.

Add flour, salt, baking powder. Knead the dough and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Roll out the dough and cut into flat cakes. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Sochni can be made with any filling, it turns out very tasty.

Add melted butter to porridge.

Puree with the addition of melted butter acquires a pleasant nutty flavor.

Pancakes baked in melted butter simply melt in your mouth.

There are many more delicious recipes using ghee, we will definitely return to them.

Remember, there must be moderation in everything. Ghee, although healthy, is a very fatty and high-calorie product. There are 900 calories per 100 grams of product.

Today we found out whether it is possible to fry in ghee. A couple of times a week you can indulge in delicious fried chicken or fish in sour cream. Unless of course you are on a strict diet.

Dear readers, I wish you Bon appetit and good mood!

We will talk about the use of ghee for the skin, for health, don’t miss it, the tips and recipes are working, they might come in handy.

I suggest you watch the video recipe for making ghee and chicken curry.

Ghee is very often used in cooking. It has a sweetish taste and a subtle nutty aroma. Ghee is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and medicine. And in India and Pakistan, this product, which is called ghee there, is generally a symbol of longevity and is used in many ritual events. Ghee was also very popular among the Slavs, but was undeservedly forgotten later. And it’s great that after many years its popularity began to increase.

Not only rural residents are returning to using this wonderful product in cooking, but city dwellers are also increasingly beginning to prepare ghee at home. Oil prepared with your own hands at home is strikingly different from that sold in supermarkets. The homemade product contains absolutely no additives or preservatives. And it is worth noting that properly prepared ghee can be stored for up to a year even without refrigeration. But few people have thought about what this product actually is and how it should be prepared.

What it is?

Ghee is pure 100 percent milk fat. This product can be prepared in several ways, but more on that later. In the meantime, let's look at its beneficial and harmful properties.

Ghee is made by melting butter over low heat for quite some time. Surprisingly, despite all the fat and calorie content, ghee is a very healthy product. Contains vitamins PP and A necessary for the human body. Microelements present in the oil improve heart function and give elasticity to blood vessels (potassium, magnesium). It also effectively rejuvenates the texture of the skin, saturates it with nutrients, which is why it is also used in cosmetology.

This oil has one more feature: when consumed, it becomes an antioxidant and removes free radicals from the body, which contribute to the occurrence of cancer.

But, unfortunately, there are also contraindications. People with liver diseases and pancreatitis should not overuse oil. Those who are overweight should also refrain from excessive consumption of this product. Still, it is very high in calories (more than 880 kcal per 100 g).

The process of preparing ghee is quite time-consuming, but not particularly difficult. There are several ways to prepare the product. And it turns out really wonderful, amber in color, with a slight nutty aftertaste and a sweetish tint. We'll tell you how to prepare ghee step by step.

How to melt butter in a saucepan?

You can get a quality product by melting the oil on a gas or electric stove.

  1. To begin with, choose from all the dishes the one whose walls will be the thickest (not made of aluminum, the oil will burn in it). This is necessary to ensure that melting occurs evenly.
  2. Then take butter of the highest fat content, ideally homemade (country) cow's butter. But if there are buffaloes, then it will do. Cut the butter into small pieces or pass, slightly frozen, through a meat grinder.
  3. Then put everything in a saucepan and place on low heat.
  4. When the butter begins to melt, a characteristic foam will begin to appear on the surface. It must be removed with a slotted spoon. This removes all harmful impurities and unnecessary waste (buttermilk). A sediment will form at the bottom, so stir carefully to avoid stirring.
  5. When the oil begins to lighten and become transparent, the work can be considered complete.

The whole process will take an hour or an hour and a half. Don't forget to constantly remove the foam. When it stops forming and the ghee turns amber in color, you can remove the pan from the heat. Let the oil cool slightly and carefully, being careful not to stir the sediment, pour the finished product into a clean storage container.

You can also melt the oil in a water bath on the stove

How to cook in a slow cooker?

Of course, with the advent of technological progress in our kitchens, the multicooker has become the main assistant of the housewife. This wonderful unit can also cook ghee. You just need to follow a certain sequence of actions, which we’ll talk about now.

  1. We take a bowl from a multicooker, finely chop butter with a high percentage of fat content into it.
  2. Set the multicooker to stewing mode and heat the oil. Do not close the lid under any circumstances.
  3. After the oil has melted, reduce the setting to 100 degrees. We need to melt it completely, for this we simmer for two to two and a half hours. Regularly skim off the foam using a slotted spoon.
  4. When the oil turns a honey-yellow color, this will signal that it is completely ready. Carefully remove the bowl without shaking the sediment and strain our oil through a colander covered with a layer of gauze. We do everything extremely carefully, not forgetting that this is boiling oil and burns can be very painful.
  5. Pour into a clean, dry container with a wide neck so that it is easy to remove when the oil hardens.

Oven recipe

The process of preparing ghee in the oven is not much different from other methods. But there is a significant advantage: you do not need to be nearby all the time, watching so that the oil does not start to burn (as is the case with a saucepan). And you don’t need to skim the foam all the time (as is the case with a multicooker). But still, this method also has its downside. It is very time consuming. It may take three, four hours.

  • preheat the oven to 150 degrees, at this temperature we will heat the product;
  • Finely chop the butter into pieces; after slightly freezing, you can grate it on a coarse grater;
  • lower into a wide bowl (heat-resistant glass or clay dishes are suitable);
  • close the oven;
  • it is necessary to ensure that the temperature in the oven is stable;
  • We wait three hours.

When the oil acquires the shade of burnt amber and becomes transparent, the product can be considered ready. Remove from the oven, again carefully, as the dishes become greasy and slippery. We remove the foam, which looks more like a crust. Pour the product into a dry container.

How to make it in the microwave?

The process of preparing ghee in the microwave is different from the previous ones and occurs in two stages. First you need to decide which of the kitchen assistant modes is responsible for maintaining a 100-degree temperature. Many units have different names for temperature categories. Most likely, this will be “defrosting”.

Further everything follows a constant pattern. You need to take the product with the highest percentage of fat, cut it into pieces and place it in a microwave-safe bowl of the appropriate size. Taking into account that there is a margin of two to three centimeters to the top edge. The dishes must be made of heat-resistant glass.

Select the 100 degree mode and turn on the microwave for five minutes. Let's open it and take a look. If the ghee begins to heat, then continue the procedure; if not, then you need to increase the temperature. When you find the right mode for cooking in this way, things will immediately go faster. Once you have decided on the temperature, set it for 30 minutes. And you will need to approach when the oven beeps.

When the product has cooled to room temperature, place the bowl in the refrigerator without shaking. Then carefully make a hole in the oil and drain the liquid from the bottom of the bowl without stirring the product. Repeat these steps several times until liquid stops flowing from the bottom of the pan. When not a drop of sediment comes out, the ghee is ready.


Preserving ghee for a long time is not difficult. Properly prepared in a sealed container, that is, without protein foam and with well-evaporated water, without sediment, it can be stored for more than nine months at room temperature in a dark place. And it can be stored in the refrigerator for more than a year, or even two. In India it is even believed that the older the ghee, the healthier it is.

Application and reviews

There are several national Indian ways of preparing ghee with the addition of various spices. And these additives already indicate where to use this miraculous remedy. In combination with various spices, flavoring and healing properties oils are changed. Thus, the presence of almonds and cardamom has a very positive effect on the nervous system. Ginger has long established itself as a powerful aphrodisiac. Peppers of different varieties give ghee its warming properties.

Ghee has always had a lot of fans, although at some point it was undeservedly forgotten and replaced by newfangled imported trans fats. And it’s good that everything useful comes back. Now you can find many positive reviews about ghee, as more and more people are inclined to consume natural products. According to reviews from people who replaced vegetable fats with ghee in their diet, their health improved significantly.

Many people had massage sessions using the melted product and also noticed significant improvements in their health. This massage increases the elasticity of the skin, restoring its radiance, youth and shine. The same miracle happens with hair follicles. If you rub a little ghee with white pepper into your scalp at least once a month, your hair will become healthy and shiny.

Compresses for joints, which are very simple to use but effective, relieve pain and increase mobility. In order to make a compress, ghee should be slightly warmed and applied to the sore spot, covered with a layer of gauze and wrapped in cling film. It is better to do the procedure at night. By morning the oil will be absorbed and you will feel significant relief. For a lasting effect, sessions of such procedures must be carried out for at least ten days.

This is how you can significantly improve your life with regular ghee.

To learn how to make ghee at home, watch the following video.

This irreplaceable product is quite widely used for preparing certain dishes, for medicinal purposes, and in cosmetics. People have long been attracted to its qualities. Ghee at home lasts much longer than regular butter. It contains useful substances and microelements, for example, magnesium and zinc, which are so necessary for the proper functioning of the body. And if many nutritionists consider ordinary butter to be harmful, then with ghee the situation is completely different. Some doctors even recommend it. How to prepare ghee at home will be discussed in our article.

What does it consist of?

In India and Pakistan, where this product is especially common, they say that according to the rules, the prepared melted butter should have a subtle aroma of nuts. What does it actually represent? This is nothing more than 99% butter fat obtained by dehydrating the usual raw material - butter. This is a slightly cloudy product of golden and yellow color, very high in calories. When consuming, you should not forget that 892 kcal per 100 grams is no joke for those on a diet!

A little about the benefits

But, oddly enough for such a high fat content, this oil is perfectly absorbed in the stomach and helps to absorb other foods, having a beneficial effect on the processes of food digestion. Nutritionists say that it has protective properties: it increases immunity and protects the stomach from harmful substances, and rids the body of free radicals.

Ghee, prepared at home, is a wonderful and inexhaustible source of fatty acids, the constant consumption of which in food has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole (this is best seen in the hair and nails). A is a “visual” vitamin. E - antioxidant. Vitamin D is used to prevent rickets. In this regard, ghee obtained at home can be considered not only very useful product, but also a real natural medicine that tones, rejuvenates, strengthens immune defense, and normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system.

And about the harm

Only excessive consumption of this product can harm the human body. If you overeat this animal fat, there is a risk of harm to the heart and blood vessels. People who are on diets and counting calories should be more careful when consuming oil, since there are about 900 of them in 100 grams. Otherwise, there are no special contraindications - well, of course, if consumed in moderation.

How to make ghee at home

In what ways can this product be prepared? There are several options. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

On fire

You will need half a kilo of butter with regular fat content (72-82%) and a saucepan with a dense bottom, preferably non-stick.

In the oven

How to make ghee at home in the oven? This is also quite simple to do; the main thing here is to observe the temperature regime.

  1. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees. Place a kilogram of chopped unsalted butter in a saucepan. The dishes should be chosen in such a way that the oil can be placed freely, and there is still up to 10 centimeters left to the edges.
  2. Ghee at home in the oven is prepared at a temperature of just under 150 degrees (constantly monitor the temperature - it should not boil and burn, but rather heat) for one and a half or two hours.
  3. Do not stir the oil. The result should be a golden product with a thin film on the surface and flakes of sediment at the bottom. We remove both from the mass. Remove the film with a slotted spoon. And to get rid of sediment, we express the product through gauze into a jar. Typically, two to three centimeters of sediment remains at the bottom of the pan, which can also be used for culinary purposes, for example, for baking.

In a slow cooker

How to make ghee at home using a slow cooker? This can be done as easily as possible. Take half a kilo of unsalted butter of medium fat content, cut it into pieces and put it in a multicooker bowl. To melt the butter, turn on the “Baking” mode for five minutes. Then select “Stew” from the menu and leave the product for an hour and a half. We don’t close the lid and for the first ten minutes we constantly skim off the foam that forms, which is quite loose. In this way, the oil is freed from some of the impurities and additives. At the end of the multicooker operation, pour the melted butter, obtained at home, through cheesecloth into a jar so that no sediment gets in (it can also then be used for culinary purposes). And some people prefer to simply pour this sediment out.

Ghee: homemade ghee recipe

When preparing ghee (or ghee, as this product is called in South Asia), water, milk proteins (and milk sugar) are removed from the oil, which allows it to be consumed even by people whose bodies cannot digest lactose. Traditionally in India, to produce ghee in the amount of 1 kilogram, 1.7 liters of heavy cream are taken (which, in turn, is obtained by separation from 30 liters of milk). The cream is then whipped into butter. After this, the product is heated in small portions (1 kg each) over low heat over wood. On average, preparing ghee at home requires about an hour of time for each serving. Ghee is usually produced on small farms using this age-old method. It differs from industrial production by prolonged boiling of the oil, which cleanses it of casein and milk solids. As a result, the product becomes caramelized and acquires a nutty flavor. For medicinal purposes, oil is used that takes longer to “ripen” in its already prepared form.


And when oil is reheated, its shelf life increases significantly. People knew about this even in ancient times - after all, there were no traces of refrigerators then. As a result of its composition, at room temperature, ghee can retain useful qualities within 9 months. And left in a closed jar at the bottom of the refrigerator - even 15.

Use in cooking

IN national cuisines In Pakistan and India, ghee is traditionally one of the most common dietary fats. Dishes like dal, roti, sabji, puri, samosas, ladoo, halwa are incomplete without it. By the way, such oil is not toxic when exposed to temperature, and begins to smoke only at 250 degrees and does not burn.

In our latitudes they flavor various kinds of porridges. Various foods are also fried on it (as it has non-stick properties). Oil is used when roasting meat and fish. And pilaf with melted butter is a rare delicacy! It is also customary to add it to some types sweet pastries, which improves its taste. Now, knowing how to make ghee at home, you can prepare many delicious and original dishes. For example, pilaf according to the following recipe.

Pilaf with vegetables in a slow cooker

You need to take half a kilo of ribs, two glasses of long rice, a couple of tablespoons of melted butter, a mixture of spices for pilaf, onions, bell pepper and tomatoes (2 pcs. each). First marinate the meat in spices, and boil the rice separately until half cooked. Next, place the chopped ribs, butter, vegetables and rice on the bottom of the multicooker container. Pour in half a glass of water. Cook in the “Stew” mode for 40 minutes with the lid on. Ghee gives the dish a unique nutty aroma and bright taste.

Chicken tabaka (tapaka) with ghee

We will need a small chicken, a head of garlic, two large spoons of ghee, ground black pepper, and sea salt.

The most important thing is that the main semi-finished product is flattened. To do this, you need to find either an old cast iron iron, or a small weight or dumbbell. A brick wrapped in polyethylene will also work (to prevent crumbs and sand from getting in). We cut the chicken along the belly and give it a characteristic flat shape. Coat a large, thick-bottomed frying pan with melted butter and place the chicken there, salted and peppered. Fry under pressure for 15 minutes on each side. Finally, season with crushed garlic and herbs (in the Imeretian version - blackberries mixed with cilantro and garlic).

Has ghee amazing property– Can stay fresh for months if kept cool. After proper processing, this fat became much healthier than creamy fat; it is used to treat colds, coughs, sore throats, wounds and burns, gastrointestinal diseases, and to relieve radiculitis and migraines.

Ghee - what is it?

Researchers have determined where these miraculous properties come from and what ghee is in its composition. It was used for treatment and used in cooking not only in Russian, but also in Indian cuisine. After heat treatment, ordinary butter changes its properties, leaving less healthy milk fat, water, some of the milk components, and various impurities.

High-quality ghee retains the composition:

  • vitamins PP, D, E, B5;
  • sodium, phosphorus;
  • zinc, copper, iron;
  • potassium, calcium;
  • provitamin A.

What is the difference between ghee and butter?

As you know, the quality of ghee depends on the melted butter; you can buy it in a store, but it is much better to make it yourself; at home it is not at all difficult. In fact, butter is a combination of protein, water and fat; if it is separated, the remaining fat will be the desired product.

Researchers have determined how ghee differs from regular butter:

  1. Can be heated to almost 200°C.
  2. Does not produce foam or smoke when frying.
  3. Does not form carcinogens, does not go rancid.
  4. It can be stored much longer because it contains no proteins.

What is the difference between ghee and ghee?

It has been proven that many centuries ago, Indian healers knew and used ghee very well, and now Indians continue to use the beneficial properties of this product in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. In this country they call it “ghee” or liquid gold for its very valuable properties. Despite the fact that the product is the same, the preparation technologies in Russia and India are completely different.

Preparing butter according to the Indian recipe is also simple, but first you need to understand what ghee is. They melt it in small portions, over low heat, on wood; this is also done on small farms.

Cooking features:

  1. Before heating, leave in a warm place for 2 hours.
  2. Add Indian spices for spiciness.
  3. Remove from heat when the mixture becomes clear and begins to crackle.
  4. Boil for at least an hour to remove milk residues; this oil acquires a nutty taste.
  5. For treatment, mixtures that are still infused are used.

What ghee is, the benefits and harms of this product are known to doctors. In fact, it is creamy, from which milk proteins, water and lactose have been removed, so it can be consumed by people who do not digest lactose. It contains more vitamins, but also more calories, the main component is unsaturated fatty acids, their share is 35%, whereas in butter it is only 24%.

This fat is not used in traditional medicine, but doctors recognize its effectiveness in:

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • dystrophy;
  • loss of strength.

High-quality ghee is a source of antioxidants, neutralizes free radicals, its beneficial properties:

  • improves digestion;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves headaches;
  • strengthens bones and joints;
  • improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • helps metabolism;
  • prevents atherosclerosis, diabetes;
  • helps overcome colds and sore throats;
  • treats radiculitis, rickets, osteoporosis;
  • fights anemia and anemia;
  • restores skin;
  • helps with bruises:
  • prevents varicose veins;
  • improves memory and nervous system condition.

Ghee - benefits

It is also worth considering the benefits of ghee during pregnancy. Doctors advise that you definitely use it, especially in the first 2-6 months, since the mixture contains a lot of calcium, which is necessary for the formation of the child’s skeleton. The only negative is the extra weight for the mother, so since the product is very high in calories, you should not get carried away with it.

A separate question: is it possible to give ghee to children? Doctors respond positively because:

  • vitamin A – responsible for color perception;
  • vitamin B2 – for hair growth, good skin and healthy nails;
  • Vitamin D – protects against rickets.

You should start giving to babies with portions on the tip of a teaspoon, age depends on the condition:

  • with normal weight – from 5-6 months;
  • with low body weight – from 4-5 months;
  • overweight – from 7-9 months.

Ghee is harmful

For many years, doctors have been discussing the dangers of fatty foods, but at the same time they agree that they cannot be completely abandoned. The harm of ghee, like butter, is due to its cholesterol content, which increases the risk of heart and vascular diseases. The daily norm for a healthy person is 10 g.

But since ghee is a high-fat product, it is prohibited to use it for diseases such as:

  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • obesity of internal organs.

Eat with extreme caution when:

  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • problems with the immune system;
  • hypertension;
  • ischemia;
  • arthritis;
  • gout

How to make ghee at home?

For those who decide to make ghee themselves, the recipe is very simple - in the oven. Any fresh butter is suitable, salted is also possible. The reaction happens like this: foam from milk protein forms on top, water with impurities falls down, and the desired fat remains between them, in the middle.

  1. Heat the oven to 150°C.
  2. Place 1 kg of butter in a pan.
  3. Heat without stirring for 1.5-2 hours.
  4. Remove the film with a slotted spoon, strain the mixture through cheesecloth to remove sediment.

Ghee at home on the stove

The method by which ghee was made at home survived until the 20th century. Mix 1 kg of oil with 10 glasses of water and keep it on low heat until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Then they put it in the cold, when the oil hardened, the water was drained through the hole. The procedure was repeated until clear water began to flow out. Then the fat was laid out in pots, covered with a wet cloth and filled with brine. Such a stock was easily stored in cellars for up to 4 years.

But there is a third, simpler way to make ghee from butter on the stove:

  1. Cut 0.5 kg of butter into pieces.
  2. Place in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  3. Melt for 20 minutes, skimming off the foam; it should not boil.
  4. When it turns amber, pour into another bowl without touching the sediment.
  5. Heat without boiling for another 15 minutes, until it turns amber and transparent.

Ghee at home in a slow cooker

Many housewives pour out the sediment that remains after heating, but it can be used for cooking. Using the same principle of rendering, you can actually prepare reserves of healthy fat using kitchen appliances. In practice, culinary experts have determined how to prepare ghee in a slow cooker.

  1. Take 0.5 kg of butter, cut into pieces.
  2. Place in “baking” for 5 minutes.
  3. Switch to “quenching” for 1.5 hours.
  4. Without closing the lid, the first 10 minutes. remove foam.
  5. Strain the finished mixture through cheesecloth.

How to use ghee?

While many housewives add this fat to their dishes, not everyone knows how to use ghee for medicinal purposes. In India today, many ailments are treated with ghee oil, but in Russia this practice has hardly taken root. But the recipes are very simple. If you lubricate the nasal mucosa in cold weather, you can protect yourself from flu or colds.

How to use ghee medicinal oil:

  1. Angina. 1 tbsp. spoon every 2-3 hours, you can sprinkle with turmeric.
  2. Flu. Mix 1 to 30 with ground black pepper, dissolve 1 teaspoon of the mixture three times a day, after meals.
  3. Hypothermia. Rub your back and feet.
  4. Intestinal inflammation. Dissolve 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals.
  5. Constipation. Make a compress from the melted mixture on the lower abdomen.
  6. Radiculitis. Heat, apply to the lower back, hold for 40 minutes.
  7. Fractures. Mix 1 to 1 with cottage cheese, consume once a day.
  8. Bruises, sprains. Lubricate sore spots.
  9. Migraine. Before going to bed, rub onto your temples, palms and feet until completely absorbed.

Ghee for cough

If you have a weak immune system, you can mix ghee with nuts, dried fruits and honey, and add cardamom, saffron and fennel. Take a few spoons instead of breakfast. This fat heals well and the easiest way is to dissolve 1 tbsp. spoon of oil on an empty stomach. If it comes to bronchitis, it is recommended to prepare a medicinal mixture.

Recipe for a mixture for bronchitis


  • ghee - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • aloe juice – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • cocoa powder – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation, use

  1. Melt the melted butter and mix with cocoa and aloe.
  2. Cool, transfer to glass.
  3. Take 1 teaspoon, dissolved in hot milk, 3-4 times a day.

Ghee for gastritis

The properties of ghee in treatment are clearly manifested; they have been used by Indian healers since ancient times. This fat not only restores immunity and improves metabolism, but also heals, softens and soothes. After all, it contains components with enveloping and anti-inflammatory effects. Should not be used during an exacerbation; it helps more with high acidity.

Important things to consider:

  1. Ghee helps relieve pain, but is not a cure.
  2. Take no more than 30 g per day.
  3. Single dose at a time – up to 15 g.

Ghee for joint pain

This fat should be stored in a closed jar; it can be stored in a room for 9 months, in the cold for a year. It is used for healing ointments; if mixed with streptocide, it makes an excellent medicine for wounds; a mixture of oil, calendula, chamomile, flowers and acacia helps with inflammation. Ghee is very useful for joints, it warms sore spots perfectly; it can be cured with an ointment in which this fat is diluted in half with bodyaga.

Recipe for ointment for joint tumors


  • ghee - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • aloe leaf – 1 pc.
  • cocoa powder – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • beeswax - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Preparation, use

  1. Melt the melted butter and wax.
  2. Grate the onion and garlic, finely chop the aloe leaf.
  3. Mix the preparations, boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Cool and use for compresses.

Ghee for constipation

Ghee also helps when problems arise with going to the toilet “in a big way.” The body absorbs the product well, thanks to the fatty acids in the composition, which represent a balanced complex. The oil softens stool and relieves pain when it comes out, but it is important to take into account that it will be possible to cope with the problem in the initial stages.

Recipe for constipation


  • ghee – 1-2 teaspoons;
  • milk – 1 tbsp.

Preparation, use

  1. Heat milk, melt butter.
  2. Drink the entire portion.
  3. Take 2 hours after meals.

Ghee for hemorrhoids

Recipe for a mask against puffiness of the eyelids and wrinkles around the eyes




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