How to cook oysters at home in shells. How to eat oysters What can you eat in oysters

How to cook oysters at home in shells. How to eat oysters What can you eat in oysters

Many people have heard about the delicacy - oysters. But not everyone has tried it yet. Some are embarrassed to order them, only because they don’t know how to eat them correctly.. We will also tell you what to look for when choosing oysters in a restaurant.

How to eat oysters in a restaurant and how to choose them

It is best to order oysters in a restaurant; they are always cooked correctly, they are served fresh, and there is no danger of getting food poisoning. Some people eat oysters at home, but more often on holidays.

How to choose oysters

Usually, oysters, like other products, can be selected by quality and appearance. Opening a mollusk shell can cause difficulties. In such a sensitive matter, it is worth relying on the experience of specialists.

How to serve oysters

This seafood delicacy should be served on a large flat plate or tray with crushed ice. The oysters will be fresh with ice within half an hour. You will have to eat oysters in this short time. Lemon should be served with seafood. Lemon acid will add to the dish delicious combination and will make it safe to eat oysters. Citrus is cut into slices and placed on a plate next to the oysters. As an addition to the oysters, you can serve wine essence, sour Tabasco or the chef’s signature sauce. You can add black bread to serve.

How to eat oysters

Oysters served must be fresh. Drip lemon juice onto the body of the seafood delicacy; if you notice a small reduction, it means the product is alive and can be eaten.
Served with oysters as utensils - forks with wide and short teeth. Once you add juice to the clam, take the shell of the shell with your hand and a fork in your right hand.
Bringing your hands with the shell close to your mouth, use a fork to help the delicacy go into your mouth. You can also avoid using a fork and simply empty the oyster shell by suction. This must be done silently from the narrow side of the sash.
Now you can enjoy the taste of the delicate product. By the way, the pulp is not chewed, it is swallowed immediately. The juice that appeared after adding the lemon is poured out.

What's the best way to wash down oysters?

Wash down the oysters with chilled champagne or dry wine. Oysters in the restaurant are served as an appetizer, so you don’t wash it down with strong alcohol and don’t eat a lot.
In oyster bars, shellfish are served as the main course. The delicacy is washed down with light beer and lime.

Now everyone can order oysters in a restaurant and treat themselves to a delicious exotic dish. We invite you to watch a video on how to eat oysters.

Oysters are one of the most famous delicacies that everyone loves and hates at the same time. This is a product that has acquired a lot of metaphors, myths and legends. However, if taste is an individual matter, then the rule of consumption is the same for everyone. Let's figure out how to eat oysters: how to open an oyster at home and how to properly eat oysters in a restaurant.

Hemingway and Anna Akhmatova even enlightened the lines of their works with this product. Ernest Hemingway wrote: “I ate oysters that tasted strongly of the sea, cold white wine washed away the slight metallic taste, and then only the taste of the sea and the feeling of a juicy mass in the mouth remained.” Akhmatova’s lines were more poetic and soft, they smack of romance so much that you want to bother your man right now and go eat oysters with him: “The sea smelled fresh and sharp, On a platter there were oysters in ice...”.

However, as long as the sea doesn’t smell and the wine doesn’t wash away the metallic taste, you can and should learn the theory of how to properly eat oysters in a restaurant or just in the company of friends.

How to open an oyster?

It’s no secret that you need to be able to open real oysters, do it with special ease and grace, and not struggle with the “opener”, splashing shell fragments on the table and, God forbid, pieces of your finger.

In order to properly open an oyster, you need to learn special accessories for this noble activity. There is a special chainmail glove and a knife with a limiter. They are needed in order to easily open the oyster and not injure your hand on the shell in the process. This is quite expensive equipment and only the most inveterate gourmets will need it for home use. But it’s worth knowing that this exists.

In “field” conditions, a simple knife is also suitable, but with a wide, short and flexible blade so that you can open the oyster.

The clam needs to be taken in your left hand and held with the flat flap facing up. Place the knife where the shell flaps meet and turn it like a lever. Until the shell clicked. After clicking, we draw the blade in the center and cut the muscle that holds the shell flaps.

We remove the oyster from the shell using a fork with three prongs - small in size and with a convex shape. The shells should lie on ice; if they are not going to be eaten immediately, then cover the oysters with a towel.

How to eat oysters in a restaurant

If the story about how to properly open oysters is a skill necessary for general development, but rarely applicable in the life of a high society person, then how to correctly order and how to eat oysters in a restaurant is a mandatory “skill.”

A restaurant usually orders a dozen oysters. However, according to doctors, it is not recommended to consume such a quantity of oysters at one time - a rare stomach can withstand such a dose of protein (do not forget that shellfish are protein in its pure form).

Often the waiter opens the oysters right in front of the client and serves them open. If the oysters on your plate smell like the sea, then they are fresh.

And now an important point regarding how to eat oysters alive. After the oysters have been opened, they are usually flavored with lemon juice - a few drops from a lemon wedge. A live, fresh shellfish reacts to the acid and wrinkles slightly - this is the most common test for the freshness and authenticity of an oyster. What can I say, aristocrats know a lot about perversions.

According to etiquette, oysters are served on a round dish, in the center of which vinegar or wine essence, lemon slices and chef’s sauce are placed. The sauce can be sour or spicy (the sauce depends on the mentality of the country in which you are going to eat the oyster). Sometimes black bread toast is added to the serving.

How oysters are served in a restaurant

According to the standard, oysters are washed down with champagne - ideally it should be Brut or Prosecco. You can also sip a soft white wine, and in winter, drink a glass of vodka.

By the way, in the famous oyster bar Harrods (London) you will be served both champagne and vodka with your oysters. So the rules here are vague.

Some facts

It's no secret that oysters are very useful product. They are rich in zinc, which is very important for men. Did you know that men lose up to three milligrams of zinc (that's a lot!) during ejaculation? And they lose.

In addition, it is believed that 5 medium-sized oysters contain the daily requirement of iron, iodine, calcium, phosphorus and copper. There is also vitamin C, vitamins A, D and B.

Oysters are very dietary product, which contains 60 cal per 100 grams. But this does not mean that you can resist losing weight on them, but you are always welcome to arrange aristocratic evenings for yourself.

How to eat oysters in a restaurant video

Also watch our educational videos, which will show and tell you in detail how to eat oysters correctly.

The seafood delicacy often became the subject of attention and praise in the lines of famous poets and writers. Carroll, Hemingway, Chekhov, and also Akhmatova mentioned oysters.

Why is this specific dish popular and how to use it correctly? Let's find out!

A little history

Even 2,000 years ago, shellfish were part of the diet of the Romans, and in Ancient Greece, their shells were used as ballots for voting - the names of the figures against whom voters voted were written on them. Historians are of the opinion that it is from Greece that the term “ostracism” originates, which means exclusion, expulsion. Over time, oysters entered the diet of the French and British. They were imported from Greece. However, until the 19th century, shellfish were considered food for the poor. When their fishing became large-scale, and the number of catches decreased, the food began to be considered a delicacy.

The delicacy came to Russian territory thanks to Peter the Great, who, as they say, “opened a window to Europe” and borrowed a lot from European countries. At that time, up to 750 tons of fresh oysters were supplied to St. Petersburg every year.

If a few centuries ago oysters were a special delicacy, today everyone can taste them, you can even order them delivered to your home. The price per piece is approximately $1.5 - 4. The cost varies depending on their type.

Up to fifty species of oysters are found in nature, but 10–12 varieties are consumed as food. The main difference lies in the region where they live and the method of cultivation. The most popular oysters from the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Sea oysters are considered not as tasty due to the higher water temperature compared to the ocean.

This delicacy is distinguished by its form:

- deep - Croesus, Brittany, Fin, and Spezial;

Round and slightly flat – Belon, Bouzigues, Gravette, Marin-Oleron.

The delicacy has a marine taste, which may differ slightly depending on where the oysters live. They can taste like salt, iodine, metal, or even ripe melon.

It is worth noting that true connoisseurs of seafood delicacies prefer wild oysters. Their size is smaller, however, the taste is more intense, and the cost is more expensive.

When are oysters unsuitable for consumption?

Some people believe that shellfish are suitable for consumption all year round. However, there is an opinion that From May to August it is better not to eat them. During this period, they are in their breeding season - the oysters' bodies become softer, and milk is produced in the middle of the shell. Such features make the taste bitter.

How to choose the right oysters and how to open them?

As a rule, oysters are served in restaurants with all the necessary cutlery. At home, they are eaten infrequently, since not everyone knows how to choose them themselves. In addition, special cutlery is needed to use them.

We will look further at how to choose these mollusks correctly.

You can purchase them at shops specializing in seafood, markets, decent restaurants.

A good oyster is a must have weighty due to water content and with a tightly closed shell. It should just smell by sea. By knocking on the surface of the sink, it is important to hear thud, characteristic of objects with content inside. The sound should not be empty.

Quality and freshness are determined and so - it is necessary shake the oyster close to the ear. If there is a sound, then the shellfish is not the first freshness. Live oysters hold firmly to the inner walls of the shell, so there should be no sounds during shaking.

If the seller agreed to open one oyster, take a closer look at its appearance - it should be plump, not skinny.

How to open an oyster?

You also need to be able to open shellfish. For this they use chain mail glove(or a thick kitchen towel folded in several layers) and small non-flexible knife with blade stop. Such measures are necessary to avoid injury.

The oyster is taken to left hand(for a left-hander - on the right), on which the glove is first put on, it is laid so that the solid surface of the shell is on top.

The knife is inserted from the side at the junction of the valves and start turn like a lever until you hear a click. Next, you need to carefully move the blade of the knife in the center of the mollusk so that cut muscle, which holds the doors.

Then an oyster open in the same position(without turning over). You cannot turn it over, as the juice will leak out.

If, after opening, there are still pieces of shell, they are removed with a knife– this is a mandatory measure, because shell fragments can cause serious damage if they enter the esophagus. There is no need to rinse the delicacy. Separate the mollusk from his shell three-prong fork.

The opened shells are placed on ice. They can be stored in the refrigerator, covered with a kitchen towel, for up to 5 days. But it's better to eat them right away.

How to order the delicacy and consume it?

Traditionally, oysters are bought at 12 pieces (dozen). It is not recommended to buy more, as the stomach may “revolt” due to unusual food in large quantities. That's why It is better to order 12 pieces for two people.

It's better to have oysters opened directly at the table. But sometimes in restaurants they are brought already open. In this case, you need to evaluate their smell and condition (we wrote above about what fresh shellfish look like).

After separating the oyster from the shell with a special fork, you need to carefully pour lemon juice over it. Next, the shell is brought to the lips, and the contents are silently sucked out and swallowed without chewing. Remaining Withok drinks.

It is worth noting that fresh oyster reacts to lemon juice with which it is seasoned. It makes her wince a little.

What to drink with it?

Usually washed down with a delicacy champagne. An alternative is White wine, and in some restaurants they serve oysters champagne and vodka.

Oysters are a source of vitamins and sexual activity

Researchers have proven that oysters contain substances libido enhancing by stimulating the production of hormones responsible for sexual desire. Therefore, oysters are considered to be a natural aphrodisiac.

They are also leaders among products in terms of zinc content - 16 - 20 milligrams per 100 grams of product. This is especially important for men to know, since zinc strengthens and increases potency.

Everyone should try the exquisite taste of oysters. The process of eating this product has many nuances. It’s worth dealing with them before the dish is served, so as not to end up in an awkward situation.

Consider an example where oysters are served in a restaurant. You need to pay close attention to the condition of the shells; they should fit tightly to each other. A gap between the shells indicates that the product is spoiled. This poses a health hazard.

Important! Restaurants carefully check each dish before serving it to the customer's table. But people check them, the human factor is present. It’s better to play it safe and take a closer look at the sink.

It's not just the shell that's responsible for the freshness of oysters.

There are several signs responsible for the freshness of the product:

Having made sure that the served dish is fresh, we proceed to the fun part.

To eat an oyster correctly, you need:

  1. Take it with a napkin in your left hand.
  2. Insert a special knife between the doors and quickly open the sink. Keep the sink straight to avoid spilling juice.
  3. Using a knife, you need to cut the muscle that prevents the shell from opening.
  4. The clam is poured with lemon juice. This gives it an excellent taste.
  5. The shellfish is taken with a special fork and put into the mouth.
  6. You can simply suck it out of the sink, but this should be done silently.
  7. The juice from the shell is drunk over the edge.

The same rules should apply to oysters prepared at home. You just need to take a closer look at the product if it was purchased frozen.

A good cooking method is baking. Temperature treatment will give the dish an unusual taste.

Health benefits for women and men

Oysters were eaten long before the advent of a special knife and etiquette rules. In Rome, hetaeras consumed this product in an effort to increase their sexual capabilities in order to improve their performance. Casanova also knew a lot about seafood, eating thirty shellfish before dates.

The most important components of the dish are zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. Zinc promotes sexual desire and normalizes sperm composition in men. Its deficiency in the male body provokes the development of prostate adenoma.

For women, zinc is a source of beauty and youth. It is responsible for the condition of hair, nails and skin.

Oysters contain:

  • zinc;
  • omega-3 fatty acids;
  • selenium;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin PP;
  • B vitamins.
  • protein;
  • cholesterol;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;

A large amount of vitamins and microelements guarantees the health benefits of eating this dish. Eating them is prohibited if there are contraindications.

Harm and contraindications of seafood

Dead shellfish are harmful to the body. They cannot be used in any form. Therefore, the product should be carefully considered before you start eating. The signs of a spoiled shellfish were discussed above.

There have been cases when people received serious internal injuries when a piece of shell entered the stomach along with a mollusk. Since it is not chewed, it can be difficult to notice the broken shell. This rarely happens if the oyster is injured during transportation.

The dish will harm the body if:

  • consume it in large quantities;
  • there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • there is individual intolerance;
  • seafood allergy;
  • doctors diagnosed gout.

Important! Oysters are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Calorie content

Oysters count dietary dish, their calorie content is 60 kcal per 100 grams of product. This means that the dish is ideal for dietary nutrition. Nutritionists recommend consuming them after training. This will strengthen your muscles and help you lose extra pounds.

The taste of this dish is difficult to compare with other dishes. He is unique. It's worth trying it at least once.

In order to feel the taste of oysters, you must follow one rule: this dish is not usually eaten as a snack. The only thing that needs to be consumed with them is good dry wine. It is better to choose white wine. Lemon juice helps to reveal the delicate and subtle taste of this dish.

Interesting Facts! In France, oysters are served with toasted rye bread. The taste of the dish will not be affected by this. It is allowed to spread a piece of black bread with butter. But Americans eat them with cheese. They add a little ketchup. How many people - so many opinions.

Some people prefer to eat their dish with red caviar. Experts believe that this completely kills the taste. So does ketchup. Ideally, a combination of dry white wine, lemon and live shellfish. Adding black bread is allowed.

Some people consider oysters tasteless. Others say that they taste like fish soufflé. But such a comparison is not suitable for everyone. True connoisseurs are sure that there are no products that even remotely resemble the excellent taste of this exquisite dish.

Important! Eat oysters correctly. If you haven't tried them, be sure to do so. Start with one or two things to test the body's reaction and make sure there is no allergic reaction.

Observing simple rules etiquette and safety, you can enjoy the delicate and refined taste of this delicious dish both in a restaurant and at home. Bon appetit!

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Oysters are a rare guest in our house. Some people don’t understand their taste at all. But true connoisseurs of the taste of the sea, iodine with sourness and exotics will not skimp on the pleasure of eating an oyster. This mollusk was once brought to the Russian table by Peter the Great, since then it has been one of the most expensive and gourmet dishes, adopted from French cuisine.

There are several ways to cook oysters. Raw seafood is considered the ideal dish. The sink is opened using a special table knife, the valves are lifted, and the fastening muscle is cut off. A live oyster is sprinkled with lemon juice and swallowed without chewing.

Cooking with heat treatment happens in different ways, but here it is important to strictly follow the recipe. It is very easy to spoil a shellfish. The jelly-like product is fried, boiled, steamed, or baked in the oven. There are many recipes; the seafood delicacy is combined only with certain products, for example, vegetables and onions.

Seafood's constant friend is lemon juice. For cooking, you can use either fresh or frozen store-bought product.

Choosing a seafood delicacy

The taste of oysters is influenced by the time they were caught and their habitat. The tastier ones are those that live in the Northern Seas and are caught in winter.

Choose shells without damage or stains of unclear origin; good mollusks have closed shells.

The impact of two shells should resemble the sound of hitting stones.

The correct packaging is bags containing a small amount of shells or seaweed wrap.

Clean meat without casing is sold in a special marinade.

The body of the mollusk is transparent, white or cloudy, which means that the mollusk is dead and should not be eaten.

Move the flaps slightly live oyster will immediately slam them shut.

Clams in shells are defrosted at room temperature, but they are not stored for a long time, so they must be cooked immediately after opening. Frozen product in shells should be stored for no more than three days, clean meat with juice - up to three months at sub-zero temperatures.

You can cook oysters at home that have been frozen by any means that involve heat treatment. Bake, boil, fry, etc. One of the most famous recipes is called “Rider Angels”.

The seafood meat is taken out, peppered, wrapped in a slice of bacon and fried in a frying pan or grill.

How to drink oysters properly

Wine complements the taste of the delicacy. First of all, dry champagne. White wine with a faint bouquet. Some connoisseurs of this dish love seafood with vodka.

How to eat oysters

Squeeze lemon onto the body of the clam. With your left hand we take the flap with the contents, with your right hand we take a special fork with short and wide teeth. You pick up the contents with the device and put it in your mouth. If you don’t know how to eat oysters correctly or don’t know how to use a fork, you can suck the fish delicacy carefully from the sharp side of the sash. Enjoy unique taste clam, holding it in your mouth, and then swallow without chewing. Wash it down with the juice left in the sink.


How to steam oysters

The shells are brushed to remove dirt, and undamaged whole specimens are taken. The result depends on the taste of the steam. It is not water that is poured into the container, but a combination of beer and wine. This steam soaks the transparent meat. The seafood is cooked in a regular colander over boiling liquid under a closed lid. Cooking time – 5-10 minutes. Readiness is determined by the open doors.

Oysters are fried in a frying pan in oil along with straws bell pepper and onion rings. Spicy lovers can add a crushed clove of garlic. 7 minutes is enough. Don't forget to add lemon sourness.

If you want a pure taste, fry without vegetables, in batter. Dip each clam into the egg mixture, sprinkle with flour and deep-fry. This dish is best eaten hot.

You can also fry the delicacy on the grill. Either remove the seafood meat immediately or fry it directly in the casing. To add seasonings, you need to open the shell. For this recipe you need butter with garlic and soy sauce. It will take no more than 7-10 minutes. The juice will boil and the meat will shrink a little.

Popular recipes include California Baked Oysters, Seafood Chowder, and Honey Fried Shallots. There are many original recipes with this product; each chef prepares oysters with his own twist.

Baked oysters

  • 7 shells
  • Red salad onion – 1 pc.
  • Butter – 120 g
  • Goat or sheep cheese – 120 g
  • Dry white wine – 320 ml
  • Leek stem
  • Lemon juice - tbsp.

How to prepare a delicacy? We boil the contents of the shells in wine, remove the meat, and clean the hard shell itself from dirt.

Sauté both types of onions with a piece of butter and evaporate with a small amount of the remaining wine.

We put it in half an oyster shell, like in a boat. vegetable stew, put an oyster on top. Grate the cheese shavings on top, sprinkle with lemon and place in the oven until the cheese floats.

Harmful seafood and contraindications to its consumption

Poor quality or dead marine life can significantly harm human health. Therefore, it is important to choose your product carefully. If the shells do not open during heat treatment, it is better to throw them away.

Allergy sufferers are at risk. Marine inhabitants have a specific composition that affects immune responses and can cause swelling of some organs.

The large amount of protein contained in jelly-like seafood causes poisoning in large doses.

Pregnant, nursing mothers, children and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland are not recommended to eat marine inhabitants.



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