How to make delicious kefir cakes. Kefir flatbreads are a hearty and golden-brown pastry for a delicious breakfast. With ham and cheese

How to make delicious kefir cakes. Kefir flatbreads are a hearty and golden-brown pastry for a delicious breakfast. With ham and cheese

If you don’t want to bother with the oven, but have an incredible desire to enjoy yourself and please your loved ones with hearty and tasty baked goods, just make kefir flatbreads in a frying pan. They can be very different: flat or curvy. But the versions with various fillings deserve special attention from gourmets: potatoes, cheese, cottage cheese, ham, mixed vegetables, mushrooms. There are a great many variations here, and each of them is good in its own way. So experiment a lot in the kitchen, looking for the perfect recipe for your family, or get creative yourself, coming up with new solutions.

Fried kefir flatbreads with original filling

If you don’t want to make the simplest and most banal pastries, then prepare original flatbreads with kefir, but not in the oven, but in a frying pan filled with a mixture of vegetables. Believe me: you haven’t tried this before, but it’s definitely worth it!

Cooking time – 1 hour.

Number of servings – 10.


To enjoy this delicious dish, you need to prepare the following:

  • baking soda – 1 tsp;
  • kefir – ½ l;
  • premium flour – 600 g;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.

These products will be used to prepare the dough, but for the filling you will need:

  • pasteurized milk – 100 ml;
  • potatoes – 6 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • pickles – 5 pcs.;
  • butter – 50 g + for greasing (optional);
  • salt – 1/3 tsp;
  • onion - 1 head.

On a note! In fact, these kefir flatbreads in a frying pan can be made without filling, but with it the dish will turn out not only more satisfying, but also original.

Cooking method

There are a variety of recipes using kefir in a frying pan that allow you to deliciously fry flatbreads. But this solution is special, as it is simple, unpretentious and fast.

  1. If you decide to make baked goods strictly according to the recipe with filling, then first you need to prepare the filling. Want to just fry the tortillas? Then skip the first few steps. So, first peel the potatoes. Rinse. Place in a saucepan. To fill with water. Put on fire. Add salt and cook until tender.

    Peel and finely chop the onion.

    Peel the carrots. Rinse the vegetable. Coarsely grate.

    Grate the pickled cucumbers using a large-hole grater.

On a note! To prevent the filling from being too liquid, squeeze the brine out of the pickles.

    Heat the frying pan. Pour in vegetable oil. Heat it up. Place the onion slices into the hot oil. Bring it until soft.

    Add carrots to the onion fry. Simmer it in a frying pan for 7 minutes and add shavings of pickled cucumbers. Mix everything and fry until the carrots are completely cooked.

    Meanwhile, return to the potatoes. Drain the broth from it. Add butter. Mash with a masher. Pour in the heated milk. Stir.

    Add the fried vegetable mixture to the mashed potatoes. Mix the mixture thoroughly and the filling is ready!

    You can start preparing the dough for kefir cakes in a frying pan according to the recipe with photo. Everything is simple here. Pour room temperature kefir into the mixing bowl. Add baking soda to it.

On a note! There is no need to extinguish the baking soda. Kefir will “do” this itself.

    Pour salt into the preparation. Pour in vegetable oil and break a raw chicken egg. Mix everything.

    Sift the flour and gradually add it to the dough for kefir flatbreads. Knead the dough.

    Cover the dough with kefir cakes in a frying pan and set aside for half an hour, then divide the entire mass into portions.

    Roll out each fragment with a rolling pin up to 5 mm thick. Place the filling in the center of each specimen. Close it. Turn the workpiece over, seam side down, and lightly press the flatbreads with your hands.

    Pour refined vegetable oil into the frying pan. Lay out the flatbread. Close the container with a lid and fry the delicacy until golden brown on both sides.

    If desired, grease the finished dish with a piece of butter to give the baked goods an amazing taste.

Lush kefir flatbreads in a frying pan

These fluffy kefir flatbreads, cooked in a frying pan according to a recipe that has been tested by time and several generations of cooks, are very simple, but incredibly tasty.

Cooking time – 55 minutes.

Number of servings – 12.


To prepare such delicious, tall, fluffy kefir flatbreads in the most ordinary frying pan, you need to prepare the following simple set of ingredients:

  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • wheat flour – 600-700 g;
  • baking soda – 1 tsp;
  • kefir – 500 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l. + for frying;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • butter – 50 g (for greasing if desired).

Cooking method

Even a novice cook can fry delicious and fluffy kefir cakes using a recipe in a frying pan with step-by-step photos. Believe me: it's much easier than it seems.

  1. Prepare all the components listed in the list above.

    Break a chicken egg into a bowl for mixing kefir dough into flatbreads in a frying pan. Add salt, sugar and baking soda to it.

    Pour odorless vegetable oil into this mixture.

    Add kefir (it should be slightly warm or at room temperature).

    Using a kitchen whisk, beat the resulting mixture. Sift the flour and add it to the mixture in several additions, kneading thoroughly.

    Knead the dough by hand on a work surface previously sprinkled with flour. During the kneading process, which should not be too long so that the cakes do not turn out hard, you should not add flour. Cover the mixture with a lid or an inverted deep bowl. Leave for 20-30 minutes.

    Divide the finished dough, which turns out soft and sticks to your fingers just a little, into portions.

    Roll out each piece of dough and lightly beat it with your fingers to knock off excess flour. In a frying pan, heat refined vegetable oil to a sufficient level. Place the pieces in it and fry on each side until golden brown.

On a note! How to check the readiness of the oil? Just literally throw a pinch of flour into it. If it starts to foam, it means the composition has warmed up enough.

    Transfer the finished kefir dough cakes to paper towels to remove excess fat.

    If desired, melt the butter and brush the finished cakes with it using a pastry brush.

All! Bon appetit!

The simplest kefir flatbreads in a frying pan

If your financial situation leaves much to be desired, you can always fry delicious kefir flatbreads in a frying pan. They require the most modest set of ingredients.

Cooking time – 1 hour.

Number of servings – 3.


So what will we use? The simplest, cheapest and most affordable products that are always at hand:

  • kefir – ½ l;
  • baking soda – 1 tsp;
  • premium flour – 600 g;
  • salt – 1 tsp.

On a note! Please note that the recipe for kefir cakes does not include oil. The whole point is that such baking is done in a dry frying pan.

Cooking method

The essence of preparing such simple and inexpensive kefir cakes is incredibly simple - even a schoolchild can figure it out. But the baked goods turn out airy, spongy and will be an excellent analogue to ordinary bread.

  1. Pour warm, but not hot kefir into the bowl for kneading the dough. Pour baking soda into the fermented milk product. Stir and the reaction will immediately begin: the kefir will begin to bubble. This is what makes the finished baked goods fluffy.

    Add salt. Stir.

    Sift the flour. Add it to the kefir mass in several additions and mix. The dough should be soft and very sticky to your hands. That is why it is worth adding flour in portions to achieve the required consistency of the composition.

On a note! To get a guaranteed delicious result, it is recommended not only to take the highest quality flour, but also to sift it twice. This technique will enrich the flour with oxygen, and it, in turn, will give it to the dough. As a result, the baked goods will turn out very tender and fluffy.

    Sift some flour onto your work surface. Place the dough in it and lightly roll in flour.

    Knead the mixture a little; you don’t need to do this for too long. Cover with a cup and leave for half an hour.

    Divide the mass into 3 equal parts.

    Sprinkle each piece with flour at the cut points, spread it a little with your hands to a thickness of 3 to 5 cm and place in a well-heated dry frying pan. Cover with a lid. Fry on both sides for 6-7 minutes.

Video recipes

The suggested video recipes will help you find your own version of kefir cakes in a frying pan:

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

It happens that when I look into the bread bin, I find only crumbs at the bottom. Trouble is approaching, but I just don’t want to go to the store. But I don’t have time to bake homemade bread. Then I remember that you can cook kefir flatbreads in a frying pan. I just prepared the recipe with the photo on one of these days. I hope it will help you get out of a similar situation. Moreover, the flatbreads turn out no worse, and even better, than bread. Be sure to try it!


- wheat flour (highest grade) – 300-350 g;
- low-fat kefir – 200 ml;
- granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
- chicken eggs – 1 pc.;
- baking powder – 1/2 tsp;
- salt – 1/2 tsp;
- vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l. (for dough) + 50 ml (for frying).

How to cook with photos step by step

1. Pour kefir into a deep bowl. If you take it out of the refrigerator, do it in advance so that it is not cold. Or warm to room temperature (maybe a little warmer). But be careful because kefir is easy to overheat, and then it will separate into whey and curds. You can heat it in a thick-bottomed saucepan over low heat, stirring. Or microwave on medium power for 30-60 seconds. By the way, kefir can be used to make these flatbreads even if it has expired by several days. A tasty and simple way to recycle an “illiquid” fermented milk product.

I also suggest you cook it and tells you how to use stale fermented milk product.

2. Beat a large chicken egg into kefir.

3. Mix thoroughly with a whisk or fork.

4. Add half a teaspoon of salt. With this amount of salt, the cakes will turn out bland; if you want a richer taste, double the amount suggested.

5. Add granulated sugar. It slightly compensates for the acidity of kefir.

6. Pour in vegetable oil. It is advisable to use deodorized one so that the specific smell of homemade oil is not felt in the cakes. This component will make the dough more elastic and soft, the cakes will not go stale for a long time.

7. Stir again so that the oil “adheses” to the kefir.

8. Add baking powder to flour. Stir thoroughly.

9. In portions, sift the flour and baking powder into the liquid ingredients.

10. Stir with a whisk at the same time.

11. Gradually knead the dough. If it sticks too much to your hands, add a little more flour. But the dough should not be too steep, as the cakes will turn out tough and hard. If the dough is a little sticky, it is better to grease your hands with vegetable oil and work on a floured surface. If you have time, let the dough rest for 20-30 minutes under a waffle towel or cling film. Or immediately start forming the cakes and baking them in a pan.

12. Divide the dough into 6-8 equal pieces.

13. Roll each piece into a round cake (you can make the size of the cakes at your discretion, but it is advisable that the thickness be no more than 0.5 cm).

14. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and place the tortillas in it.

15. Bake on both sides until a golden, appetizing crust forms.

16. After frying, place the tortillas on a paper towel or napkins to get rid of excess oil.

You can serve hot cakes for tea with jam or condensed milk. Very tasty with squash caviar or some kind of pate (meat, fish, mushroom). You can also eat them instead of bread with hot dishes - feel free to serve them with fresh soup or borscht.

We also invite you to try it, which is very simple and affordable.

- You can change the amount of sugar to your taste. If you plan to serve the flatbreads with the first and second hot courses, then add very little sugar and more salt. If you plan to drink tea, add more sugar and the cakes will be sweet;
- the thinner you roll out the dough, the more airy the kefir cakes in the frying pan will be. I hope you find the recipe with photos useful.
Bon appetit!

In just 10-15 minutes you can prepare incredibly appetizing crispy cheese cakes with kefir, frying them in a frying pan or making them in the oven. And this is not an exaggeration. In fact, it takes longer to tell than to cook. Tender, golden pancakes are a wonderful breakfast, light snack with a cup of tea. Great idea for a picnic.

The beauty of a cheese snack is that the simple dough can be filled with various fillings - ham, sausage, herbs. Advanced housewives prepare a dish with potatoes. The flatbreads come out with a delicious crust, are tasty and filling.

Interesting! Did you know that entire national cuisines have emerged based on a simple flatbread recipe? Offhand you can remember lavash with its various fillings. In Eastern countries they bake pita with a pocket for meat and salad. Flatbread is the oldest type of bread, and was baked by different peoples, from the Indians to the peoples of the Caucasus.

How to cook cheese cakes with kefir in a frying pan

Keep the simplest recipe for making flatbreads from the original cheese dough.


  • Egg.
  • Kefir – 200 ml.
  • Flour – 320 gr.
  • Cheese – 200 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - a tablespoon in the dough, plus for frying.
  • Flour baking powder - a small spoon.
  • Salt – ½ small spoon.

Recipe with photos step by step

Beat the egg into the bowl, add salt, and beat with a whisk.

Add kefir drink and whisk again.

Pour flour into a separate deep container, immediately add baking powder, stir.

Add whipped kefir with eggs. Stir. You may need a little more or less flour. After stirring the dough, adjust the quantity.

While kneading the dough, pour in a spoonful of sunflower oil. There is no need to knead the mixture for a long time. Once the ingredients are combined, gather the dough into a ball and transfer to a work surface.

Sprinkle the table with flour and roll out a thin flat cake. Grate the cheese with coarse shavings. Scatter it over the surface of the tortilla.

Roll the flatbread into a roll.

Cut the roll into equal pieces. Dust the table with flour again.

Another option: roll out the dough into a thin cake with a rolling pin. Then, when fried, the cake will turn out crispy. I like this method much better.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and add a portion of flatbreads. After frying on one side, turn over. During frying, do not reduce the heat to warm the oil. Turn the heat to medium, or slightly above medium.

Recipe for cheese cakes with ham and kefir

Quick pancakes with a hearty ham filling, in just 5-10 minutes. As a rule, they are fried in a frying pan.

You will need:

  • Flour – 2 cups.
  • Cheese, already grated shavings - 1 cup.
  • Ham – 250 gr.
  • Low-fat kefir - a glass.
  • Baking soda – ½ small spoon.
  • Sugar - the same amount.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.

How to cook:

  1. Chop the ham into cubes or thin strips.
  2. Pour the kefir drink into the bowl, add dry spices, stir well.
  3. First add flour, stir, then add cheese, continue stirring the contents. The result should be a soft dough suitable for modeling.
  4. By pinching off pieces from the test ball, form koloboks. Roll each into a flat cake and place the ham in the center.
  5. Bring the edges together, secure, press with your hands, forming fluffy round pancakes.
  6. Fry in a frying pan until browned on both sides.

Quick cheese cakes with sausage on kefir dough

The recipe's cooking technology is similar to the previous one. The sausage filling can be placed inside the flatbread, or inserted into the dough. The variety and type of sausages does not matter; take boiled, semi-smoked sausage; sausages and sausages are good. You can fry a pile of delicious flatbreads in literally 5-10 minutes.

You will need for a glass of kefir:

  • Sausage – 150 gr.
  • Russian (Dutch) cheese – 80 gr.
  • Sausage cheese – 100 gr.
  • Flour – 200 gr., plus a spoon for sprinkling.
  • Soda, granulated sugar, salt - half a teaspoon each.


  1. Add salt, soda and sweetener to kefir. Stir, add finely grated cheese. Stir the liquid again.
  2. Add flour, knead soft elastic dough.
  3. Chop the sausage into cubes, grate the sausage cheese coarsely, and mix.
  4. Form a flatbread the size of your palm and place the sausage and cheese filling in the middle. Close the cake and roll it out a little.
  5. Fry until crusty in oil over moderate heat.

Flatbread with cheese on kefir in the oven

The flatbreads in the oven turn out fluffy, soft, and cook quickly, in a quarter of an hour, no more. The recipe is dedicated to those who are wary of fried foods and are watching their weight.

  • Flour – 350 gr.
  • Kefir – 250 ml.
  • Baking powder - small spoon.
  • Cheese – 300 gr.
  • Oil – 50 gr.
  • Sugar – ½ teaspoon.
  • Salt.


  1. Warm the drink a little, add sugar, mustard, and salt. Stir.
  2. Finely grate the cheese, pour half of it into kefir, then add the flour. Knead the dough.
  3. Make traditional flatbread shapes and fill with remaining cheese. Secure the edges, press the workpiece a little, forming a rounded cake.
  4. Place on a greased baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes until crusty. Oven temperature 200 o C.

Potato cakes made from cheese dough

The shape resembles pancakes, the taste is like potato pies. The dish has a special feature - the flatbreads are fried in a frying pan without oil.

For the dough:

  • Kefir – 250 ml.
  • Cheese – 250 gr.
  • Sugar, salt - ½ small spoon each.
  • Baking powder – 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Flour – 250 gr., plus a couple of spoons for further work.

For the filling:

  • Bulb.
  • Potatoes – 5-6 pcs. medium size.
  • Butter – 50 gr.
  • Dill - a couple of sprigs.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Sunflower oil.

How to do:

  1. Boil the potatoes, turn them into puree, adding butter and adding a little salt.
  2. At the same time, chop the onion and fry until transparent. Finely chop the dill sprigs.
  3. Add greens and onions to the puree. Mix thoroughly and leave to cool.
  4. For the dough, pour kefir into a bowl, add salt and sweeten. Add baking powder. Stir, let stand for a couple of minutes.
  5. Grate the cheese and add it to the kefir starter. Add flour in small portions, kneading each portion thoroughly.
  6. Knead the dough. Roll into a sausage, divide into proportional parts.
  7. Make cakes from the preparation. Place the potato filling in the center. Secure the edges, flatten it a little, turning it into a flat cake again.
  8. Fry for 2-3 minutes in hot oil on each side.

Kefir flatbreads stuffed with cottage cheese and herbs

A savory version of kefir cakes with a delicious filling.


  • Fermented milk product – 250 ml.
  • Flour – 300 gr.
  • Sugar, soda, salt - 0.5 small spoons each.
  • Cheese – 100 gr.

For the filling:

  • Cottage cheese – 400 gr. (fat content no more than 5%).
  • Butter – 50 gr.
  • Yolks – 3 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper, herbs.
  • Oil for frying.
  1. For the filling, mash the cottage cheese with a fork and add the butter, softened in the microwave. Enter the yolks. Stir thoroughly.
  2. Add spices to the dough, mix the mass again.
  3. Keeping the filling aside, make the dough. To do this, combine kefir with sugar and salt, add baking soda, and stir the liquid. Leave it alone for 5 minutes.
  4. Grate the cheese into crumbs and add to the kefir. Mix in the flour in small portions.
  5. When the dough is kneaded, roll it into a thick rope and divide it into equal parts.
  6. Make a flat cake from each piece and put the filling in the middle. Fasten the edges to the center, press the workpiece a little with your palms.
  7. Fry over moderate heat for 3-4 minutes on both sides.

Video with a recipe and a detailed story about making stuffed cheese flatbreads. May it be delicious for you!



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