How to make popsicles from water. Ice cream or popsicles made from juice at home. The easiest recipe

How to make popsicles from water. Ice cream or popsicles made from juice at home. The easiest recipe

Raspberries, currants, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries... The harvest grown with difficulty and care must not only be harvested, but also properly preserved so as not to lose taste, aroma, and most importantly, vitamins. The most famous, healthy and simple way to store berries and fruits is to freeze them.

How to make fruit ice: preparation methods

You can easily make your own delicacy such as fruit ice, which will save you from the heat, giving you a little coolness. In addition, it is a champion in low calorie content, it contains neither fat nor protein, and along with the delicacy you will receive useful vitamins A, D, E, P, group B, as well as minerals.

  1. There are several ways to prepare fruit ice on one's own. The easiest way to prepare a treat is from juice, which is frozen in a special mold. After the liquid has frozen slightly, you can insert a wooden stick into the mold.
  2. The second method involves making fruit ice from berries with added sugar. to taste if sour berries are used. The resulting mass is poured into molds and then frozen.
  3. There is another cooking option, but it is a little more complicated than the previous ones. You need to grind 0.5 kg of berries in a blender or mash with a spoon. Add 2 teaspoons to the resulting mass. lemon juice. Add 100 g of sugar (at your discretion) to a saucepan with water, bring to a boil, then cool, and only then add to the berry mass. The resulting mixture must be poured into special molds, cooled, and frozen in the freezer.
  4. Independently besides fruit ice, you can prepare milky fruit ice. For this you will need natural yogurt and 0.5 liters of apple juice. Whisk 140 ml of yogurt and add juice to it. The resulting mixture must be frozen. Then pour blackcurrant juice onto the yoghurt layer, which has already hardened, and freeze again. Using a similar principle, you can prepare the famous traffic light ice: to do this, pour a new one onto each hardened layer, and so on until you get a real rainbow
  5. You can also use a blender to make puree from a wide variety of fresh fruits. They must be washed thoroughly, then cut into small pieces and washed again. Received fruit puree pour into molds or glasses, insert sticks and place in the freezer for 4 hours, after which the fruit ice is ready and easily separates from the molds.

This article does not list all the methods for making fruit ice; experiment, try and you will find your own individual recipe.

How to make delicious homemade popsicles?

However, let us finally give useful tips about how to cook better

  • Choose quality and fresh ingredients. The juice should be natural and slightly diluted with water. The most delicious is obtained from juice with highly concentrated pulp.
  • Fruit ice is an excellent substitute for a variety of cosmetic masks for the neck, face and tired eyelids. Pamper yourself and your skin with cryomassage sessions without leaving your home!
  • To ensure that your fruit ice always turns out beautiful and tasty, remember some rules. If the delicacy is stored in the freezer for a long time, it may harden excessively, so you should not cook it for future use.
  • Prepare juice and puree from berries and fruits immediately before freezing; they should not be kept in this form for a long time. Be sure to rinse all ingredients thoroughly. You can use ready-made fruit juices and purees.
  • More attractive and appetizing ice is obtained if you make it in 2 layers, for example, one of apricots and the other of strawberries, pouring them alternately into molds.
  • Fruit ice can be coffee or tea. If you replace the puree or juice in a recipe with strong black coffee or tea infusion, you can get coffee and tea ice, respectively. You can add lemon juice to it to taste.

When it's hot outside, all we can think about is relief from the body's debilitating thirst. There are many ways to do this, but one of the most successful among them is the use of fruit ice - ice cream made from fruit and berry juices.

Popsicles are one of the varieties of ice cream, the most refreshing and light. If, while looking after your figure, you deny yourself creamy ice cream, creme brulee, ice cream, popsicle, etc. then there is no reason to refuse fruit ice. The fact is that it will save you from the heat without loading the body with extra calories, because it contains neither proteins nor fats, only useful minerals and vitamins that are found in fruits and berries. But all this, of course, provided that such ice was prepared at home without adding various preservatives, from natural berries and fruits.

Store-bought fruit ice contains additives that are unnecessary for the body (especially children!), such as stabilizers, acidity regulators, dyes and other preservatives, etc.

How and from what you can make homemade fruit ice

Homemade popsicles can be prepared using different recipes various levels of difficulty. However, even the most difficult option can be mastered by cooks with little experience: just follow the recommendations and do everything according to the recipe.

By preparing this ice cream, you can fully experience all the benefits of homemade fruit ice: it not only refreshes without harming your figure and health, but also gives you great well-being and energy thanks to the beneficial substances contained in this wonderful delicacy.

Let's start from the very beginning simple recipe making fruit ice at home.

Fruit ice: the simplest recipe

You will need: freshly squeezed fruit or berry juice.

How to make homemade popsicles. To prepare such ice, you will need a mold in which you can freeze it: there are special molds, but you can also use regular yogurt packaging, etc. Fruit or berry juice should be poured into a mold and placed in the freezer; when the liquid freezes, insert a wooden or plastic stick into it, which you can then hold the ice cream with, and freeze the ice cream completely.

To easily remove ice cream from the mold, lower the mold into warm water for a couple of seconds.

Of course, such simple fruit ice will be the most delicious if you make it from freshly squeezed juice you make yourself, and not from store-bought juice. It is believed that fruit ice made from juice with pulp tastes best - try it!

The second recipe for making fruit ice, which is a little more complex, is that if the ice is made from berries, you need to add sugar to them, wait until the liquid comes out of them, mix everything and pour into molds, freeze. The more acidic berries you use, the more sugar you will need.

Fruit ice with syrup is a little more difficult to prepare.

Recipe for fruit ice with sugar syrup

You will need: 500 g of berries, 100 g of sugar (to taste), 2 tsp. lemon juice, water.

How to make fruit ice with syrup. Pour the sugar into a saucepan and dilute with a small amount of boiling water, prepare the syrup by bringing the sugar and water to a boil and the former is completely dissolved. Puree the prepared berries with a blender or mash with a spoon, add lemon juice and stir. Cooled down sugar syrup While stirring, pour into the berry mixture, pour the resulting mass into molds and put in the freezer.

Ice cream made from fruit and yoghurt ice is very tasty and just a little higher in calories.

Fruit and yoghurt ice cream recipe

You will need: 500 ml apple juice, 140 ml natural yogurt without additives, fruit or berry juices.

How to make yoghurt-fruit ice. Beat the yogurt, then add Apple juice and beat again, pour into molds, filling them completely, a third or half - depending on how many layers you want to make. If there are several layers, then each previous one must be frozen completely before adding the next one. You can combine yogurt layers with layers of juices only, or make all layers with yogurt.

You can make fruit ice from any fruit or berries, for example, strawberries.

Strawberry Popsicle Recipe

You will need: 500 g of strawberries, 120 g of powdered sugar and the same amount of ml of water, ½ lemon.

How to make strawberry popsicles. Puree the prepared strawberries with a blender, rub the puree through a sieve, add lemon juice. Pour water into the pan, add powdered sugar, stir, bring to a boil, boil for 2 minutes over low heat, remove the pan from the stove, let cool slightly, add to syrup strawberry puree, mix, pour the mixture into molds, let it cool completely and put it in freezer. When the ice cream has hardened a little, insert a stick into each mold.

When preparing fruit ice, you can use several types of juices or purees that are combined with each other, for example, strawberries can be combined with orange.

Another type of fruit ice can be prepared using such a popular culinary product as gelatin.

Recipe for fruit ice with gelatin

You will need: 400 ml of water, 300 g of sugar, 250 g of fruit puree, 6 g of gelatin, lemon juice to taste.

How to make popsicles with gelatin. Pour 3 tbsp gelatin. boiled chilled water, leave for 30 minutes. Add sugar to the rest of the water, bring to a boil, pour in gelatin and water, vigorously stirring the syrup, boil for 2-3 minutes with constant stirring, then add fruit puree, mix again and strain the resulting mass through a sieve or cheesecloth. Add lemon juice to the cooled mixture, mix everything again, pour into molds, and place in the freezer until hardened.

The subtleties of making delicious fruit ice

  • To prepare ice cream, use only fresh, high quality ingredients;
  • Do not dilute the juice with too much water; the more concentrated the juice, the tastier the ice from it will be;
  • Do not store popsicles in the freezer for too long - they will harden excessively;
  • Make puree or juice from fruits or berries just before making ice.

Making homemade ice cream like popsicles, as you can see, is not too tricky or time-consuming, and the delicacy ends up being much tastier than store-bought and does not harm your health. Want to cheer up even more? Replace juice or puree of fruits and berries with tea or coffee! In general, there are a lot of options for this refreshing delicacy, the main thing is to start trying them and choose the most delicious one just for you!

Both children and adults love Fruit Ice ice cream. This product is not only refreshing and tasty, but also healthy. After all, such ice cream is prepared from the juice and pulp of ripe fruits. All the charm of this dessert is felt in the summer, when it becomes hot and stuffy outside.

Store-bought “Fruit Ice” - benefit or harm?

Unfortunately, manufacturers are increasingly moving away from technologies using natural raw materials. Therefore, as strange as it may sound, store-bought ice cream is often a mixture of synthesized fruit-flavored syrup, artificial colors and chemical flavors. So it turns out that purchased frozen juice brings people not only harm, but also unnecessary calories.

So why pay for a useless product? Many housewives successfully overcome this situation. Because, knowing how to make homemade ice cream (fruit ice), you can please your household at least every day. Moreover, such a delicacy is prepared quite quickly, and absolutely any berries are suitable as starting ingredients.

DIY homemade ice cream: some useful tips

A lot has been said about the benefits of fruits and their value for our body. This means that a prepared dish from the frozen pulp of medicinal fruits will not only help you refresh yourself in hot weather, but will also provide you with all the beneficial micro- and macronutrients contained in them. Low calorie This kind of ice cream will be another positive point. It will take very little time to prepare such a healthy and refreshing delicacy. Just a few minutes - and delicious dessert almost ready. Now all that remains is to freeze it.

Today there are many ways to prepare this dessert. They may differ in ingredients and level of complexity. However, cooking homemade treats even by itself complex recipe will not cause much trouble if you follow a few recommendations and do not deviate from the proposed recipes. Although some improvisation, if it concerns the choice of fruits or their mixtures, is quite acceptable, because there are many options for making homemade ice cream, but there is no standard recipe for such a dessert.

There are several rules to follow:

Delicious juice dessert

The use of natural juices is one of the most fruit ices prepared using this method retain all the beneficial and nutritional properties fruits To prepare a tasty, refreshing and low-calorie product, you will need any natural juice and suitable forms. If desired, you can make a multi-colored rainbow by filling and freezing containers with various natural drinks from ripe berries and fruits. The only drawback is the increase in cooking time, because... Before pouring in the next juice, you must wait for the previous liquid to freeze.

If you involve children in the “production” process and jointly apply just a little imagination, you can get ice cream in the most unusual shapes: in the form of colorful animals, stars or all kinds of compositions.

Frozen berry mix

To prepare this dessert, any garden berries are suitable: raspberries, strawberries, currants, cherries and other fruits. Before cooking, you need to mash them a little so that the juice appears. If the berries seem sour, you can add a little sugar syrup prepared in advance. The resulting mass is filled into molds and placed in the freezer. Freezing time can be from 4 to 6 hours.

Very often they add to fruit puree. To do this, some of the berries are ground through a sieve, twisted through a meat grinder or crushed in a blender, a few drops of lemon juice, water and sugar are added. Bring the fruit-sugar mixture to a boil, cook until the sugar is completely dissolved and cool. The resulting syrup is added to the berry puree and mixed thoroughly. Then they are laid out in molds and frozen, not forgetting to insert wooden sticks 20 minutes after the start of freezing. With this ice cream recipe, fruit ice turns out very tasty and aromatic. The dessert freezes quickly, which is especially important when there are impatient children in the house.

Popsicles with yogurt

To prepare a delicious dessert, you need to stock up on a jar natural yogurt, preferably without additives, and any type of fruit juice - it can be apple, peach, orange, grape, etc. First of all, the yogurt must be thoroughly beaten. Then the juice is poured into the airy yogurt mass. The resulting mixture is laid out in molds and left in the freezer for about an hour until the mass hardens. After this, chilled juice is poured over the frozen yogurt mass and placed in the freezer again until the ice cream completely hardens. Fruit ice at home can be decorated with grated chocolate or coconut flakes.

A treat made from fruit puree

You can use any fresh fruit as the main ingredients for a frozen dessert. Washed and peeled apples, peaches, apricots, pears or plums are crushed until smooth using a blender. If necessary, you can add a little sugar syrup or a few drops of lemon juice to the resulting fruit pulp. The mixture is laid out in molds and placed in the freezer until completely hardened. By the way, the resulting homemade ice cream - fruit ice made from puree - is prepared and frozen no longer and no more difficult than other cooling desserts made from various ripe fruits. Its amazing taste will delight all household members.

Fruit pieces added to ice cream

Fruit ice with pieces of fruit is an unusual and very tasty dish. To prepare it you will need sugar syrup, which will speed up the hardening process of the fruit. To do this, add 4 tablespoons of sugar to 1 glass of boiling water and boil the syrup for 5 minutes. Pour the hot solution over the fruits and allow them to cool. Then the mass is laid out in molds and frozen for 2-3 hours.

Molds for making ice cream at home

There are many recipes for fruit ice, but how to prepare this wonderful dessert? Here, special molds bought in the store, various vases and bowls will come to the rescue. They can be found in almost all retail outlets that specialize in selling household goods or tableware. However, when going to these stores, we don’t always remember such a little thing as an ice cream mold. Therefore, instead of them, various plastic cups and trays for yoghurts and curds are often used. Many have adapted to using clean children's beads for playing in the sandbox instead of special forms. It's even fun to make colorful desserts in such forms. And for children, such a process is a real holiday!

When the sunny summer is in full swing, the body craves something cold, refreshing - and something that is very tasty. One of the best solutions to quench your thirst, hunger and desire to cool off is popsicle ice cream. Children and adults like it, so you can please your kids with a colorful dessert. It’s not at all necessary to run to the nearest store for ice cream (especially since there are no chemicals there) - we’ll do everything ourselves. We'll tell you how to make fruit ice at home in this article.

To make the dessert both tasty and healthy, you should follow a few rules:

  • If you choose juice as the basis for cooking, try to use as natural as possible. Think about what and how to make fruit ice in advance, buying, for example, oranges - you can squeeze concentrated vitamins from them, and even with pulp. Do not dilute the juice with large amounts of water.
  • Fruit ice is an ice cream that cannot be kept ready in the refrigerator for a long time. From prolonged freezing it loses its softness and taste. Remember that you are preparing the product at home without adding various preservatives to it.
  • For purees, from which you can also make popsicles, the same rule of freshness applies. It is better to prepare the puree immediately before freezing.
  • The ideal ice cream is combined fruit ice. It layers different flavors and textures. This way, your child will be more interested in enjoying your cooking, and the body will receive more useful substances.
  • Experiment! Don't limit yourself to just berries and fruits. You can please your child with fruit ice and milk, with mint added to berries or fruit juice. You can add crushed nuts, whole pieces of fruit (dried apricots, raisins, pitted cherries) or chocolate.

If you decide to make ice cream for yourself, then you can go further in your experiments - make fruit ice from brewed coffee, cocoa, tea, or your favorite cocktail.

How to make popsicles

There are several ways to make this simple and delicious ice cream. Here are a few options so you can find out how to diversify the treats for the kids.

  1. With juice. Nothing could be simpler. Pour any juice you have at home (preferably freshly squeezed) into an elongated form and place in the freezer. After 20 minutes, take out the frozen product and insert a wooden stick into it.
    If there are no special forms, you can use any cups. And then the sticks can be inserted in advance, fixing them with pieces of foil, in the center of which a hole is made, and the edges are pressed towards the edge. After freezing, place the glasses in a pan with warm water - there the walls will thaw a little, and the finished ice cream can be pulled out.
  2. With fruit puree. The washed fruits are thoroughly squeezed out of the remaining water. Then, using a blender, they are whipped until smooth. For sour fruits, you can add powdered sugar to the mixture. Next, the puree is sent to molds and frozen. It is in this version of making fruit ice that you can best experiment with layers. To do this, you need to pour the first layer into the mold to the required level, freeze it to a semi-solid consistency and then pour in the second layer, the third, and so on. Final freezing occurs after all layers have been poured in.

  1. With sugar syrup. Of course, you can’t get by with berries alone. Prepare 0.5 kg of any berries, 100 g of sugar and water. The latter is mixed in a small amount with sugar and heated in a saucepan until it is completely dissolved. Leave to cool. At this time, the berries should be chopped in any way: with a blender, fork, or meat grinder. Pour sugar syrup into them and stir. For those who like it, you can add a little cinnamon, mint or lemon juice - or all at once. Now distribute the resulting mixture into molds and freeze.
  2. With whole pieces of fruit. The above sugar syrup should be poured into a plate with fruits cut into pieces. After cooling, pour the resulting mixture into molds and leave in the freezer for 2 hours.

  1. Is it with milk or yogurt? Use as a fruit ice base homemade yogurt or natural without additives from those sold in stores. The yogurt is whipped with a whisk or fork, and warm fruit juice is added to it if desired. The mixture is then frozen in molds for several hours.
  2. With gelatin. The basis will be juice or fruit puree. But in order to make popsicle ice cream softer, gelatin diluted in warm water is added to it.

You can safely use seasonal fruits as optimal ingredients for yourself and your children, thereby delighting your household throughout the year. At different times and weather conditions, the question of how to make popsicles may arise. In the spring, you can try making fruit ice from persimmons, which are fibrous and sometimes viscous; in August, watermelon will be the ideal ingredient. Ice cream made at home can be a real highlight of a children's party or just cheer up on a cloudy day. Prepare popsicles with your child - let him see what happens to liquids at low temperatures and learn to use them with pleasure healthy fruits and berries.

Summer- it's time for fruits, and I really want the kids to eat more of them. Popsicles are a way to combine fruit and ice cream that kids just love. Any mother can cook it!

In this article we will cover the following recipes:

1. Ice "Strawberry".

2. Exotic pineapple ice.

3. Fruit ice "Schisandra".

4. Yoghurt-fruit ice cream.

5. Fruit ice “Fairy cherry”.

6. Fruit ice "Tender pear".

How to make homemade popsicles?


1 tbsp. warm water;

1/2 cup strawberry juice;

1/2 measuring cup Sahara;

2 pl. gelatin;

Disposable cups and ice cream maker.

1 .Leave the gelatin in the water for 15 minutes. You need very little water, 6 tbsp. spoons

2. Pour 250 grams of slightly heated water into a saucepan, add sugar and stir. Turn on low heat and boil. Now reduce the heat.

3 .Squeeze out the gelatin and leave it in the syrup. Boil the liquid for a couple of minutes, stirring vigorously.

4. Pour in the juice and boil for a couple more minutes.

5 .Pour the liquid into a plate and let cool.

6. Pour the syrup into the molds to the top.

7 .Transfer the ice cream maker to the freezer. Let him stay there for 8 hours. For those who don't have an ice cream maker, you can use regular disposable cups. If you took them, then dip a spoon into the cups, this will make it easier to get the ice cream out.

8 .Take it out of the freezer and help yourself!

There are many recipes for this delicious and low-calorie dessert; you can even add whole seasonal fruits to it. It will be more interesting! Here are a couple of interesting recipes!

Ice "Strawberry".


0.6 kg fresh berries strawberries;

2 measuring cups water;

1 cup granulated sugar;

3 teaspoons starch.


1 . Boil the water and add granulated sugar.

2. Wash the strawberries and add them to the syrup. Cook the berries for 15-20 minutes.

3. Blend the berries with the syrup in a blender.

4 . Dissolve starch in a small volume of water and stir.

5 . Pour the starch water into the syrup.

6. Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly again.

7. Now put everything into molds and refrigerate.

Exotic pineapple ice.


0.6 kg fresh or canned pineapples;

1/2 liter of water;

100 mg of fresh citrus juice, preferably lemon;

2 cups sugar;

Ice cream molds and sticks.


1. Prepare the syrup. Use sugar at your discretion.

2. Cut the pineapple.

3. Place the fruits in a blender.

4. Stir in syrup, fruit and lemon juice.

5. Pour the mixture into the molds.

6. Insert the sticks into the molds.

7. Place the ice in the freezer for 7-8 hours.

Fruit ice "Schisandra".


2 medium lemons;

2/3 tbsp. Sahara;

1/2 cup of water;

1.5 tsp. gelatin.


1. Grate the zest of one lemon on the finest grater.

2. Squeeze the juice from all the prepared lemons.

3. Prepare syrup from prepared sugar and water as described above.

4. Place the zest in the syrup and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes.

5. Wait until it cools down and strain.

6. Soak gelatin in water for 15 minutes.

7. Now put the gelatin into the syrup.

8. Stir everything until completely dissolved.

9. Pour in fresh lemon juice.

10. Wait until it cools down and pour into molds.

11. Place the molds in the freezer.

12. After 8 hours, the fruit ice will be ready.

Yoghurt-fruit ice cream.


0.5 l apple juice;

1/2 tbsp. natural yogurt;

Fruit and berry juices.


1. Blend the yogurt with a blender.

2. Add apple juice and beat again.

3. Distribute among the molds, but do not pour to the top, about halfway.

4. Place in the freezer.

5. When it hardens, pour another layer.

6. After this, you can make another layer of yogurt.

7. Freeze each layer sequentially and you will have beautiful multi-layer ice cream.

Fruit ice “Fairy cherry”.


1 package of cherry juice;

1 tbsp. water;

300 grams of granulated sugar.


1. Make syrup.

2 . When it cools down, pour in the juice.

3. Stir everything carefully and pour the liquid into the molds.

4. Leave in the freezer for 8 hours.

Fruit ice "Tender pear".


0.5 kg of pears;

1 tbsp. water;

1 glass of sugar;

A few grams of vanillin;

30 grams of lemon juice.


1. Wash the pears, peel them and cut them into cubes.

2. Boil the syrup and wait until it cools.

3. Add fruit to syrup.

4. Add vanilla.

5. Cook the sugar syrup until the fruit is completely softened.

6. Let everything cool and then blend with a blender.

7. Pour in a little lemon juice.

8 . Mix everything thoroughly and pour into molds.

9. Leave to harden in the cold.

As you can see, you can make popsicles from any fruit, just a little imagination and your children will be absolutely delighted!

Video. How to make popsicles?



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