How to make pea soup recipe. Step-by-step recipe for pea soup with photos. How to cook pea soup with smoked meats. Some historical facts

How to make pea soup recipe. Step-by-step recipe for pea soup with photos. How to cook pea soup with smoked meats. Some historical facts

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

How to make delicious pea soup?

First, decide on a recipe, because there are so many ways to prepare pea soup that it’s easy to get lost.

Now decide whether you will cook pea soup with meat or chicken broth, with smoked meats or lean, with vegetable broth.

A classic version of pea soup, which has been prepared in Rus' for a long time, is soup with dried peas.

You now have to choose a specific recipe and start preparing delicious pea soup.

Features of cooking delicious pea soup

It turns out that cooking delicious food is not so easy, because if prepared incorrectly, it will cook for too long, and besides, it will not have a very pleasant specific taste and smell.

First of all, you need to choose peas - shelled or whole and worry about this in advance, since before starting cooking, the peas should be soaked in water.

Peas are soaked for 5-7 hours. It is most convenient to leave the peas in water overnight. In the morning, the water is usually drained, the peas are washed, filled with fresh water and cooked until tender.

But if you forgot to soak your peas, don't despair! Many housewives use a special technique: prepared peas are placed in boiling water, boiled for 15-20 minutes, and then about 150 ml of cold water is poured into a pan with boiling peas. The peas will cook quickly and will be well cooked.

Classic recipe for delicious pea soup

The proposed recipe is the simplest; it will not pose any particular difficulties even for inexperienced housewives.

Products: 500g of meat (or 250-300g of smoked meats), 250g of peas, 2.5 liters of water, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons of butter, salt, spices and spices to taste.

Wash the peas, pour them cold water and cook over low heat, tightly closing the lid. After 1 hour of cooking, add chopped and lightly fried carrots and onions to the soup and continue cooking until the peas are completely cooked to a puree.

If you want to make delicious pea soup with meat or... mushroom broth, then first boil the peas in plain water (using about 3 cups), then, at the same time as the fried roots, transfer them into a pre-cooked boiling broth.

You can cook pea soup with potatoes - you need to peel them, cut them into cubes and put them in the broth along with peas and roots.

You can prepare delicious pea soup using smoked meats: smoked chicken, raw or smoked ham, as well as brisket, etc.

How to make delicious pea soup

Delicious pea puree soup can be prepared using either broth or vegetable broth. Peas for puree soup are boiled until fully cooked, and then rubbed through a sieve or passed through a meat grinder. To ensure that the puree is homogeneous and the mashed products do not settle to the bottom, but are distributed evenly in the broth, and to achieve the required thickness, you can add flour lightly fried in butter to the puree soup, which then needs to be boiled for 20-30 minutes.

To improve the taste of pureed pea soup, you can season it with butter. To do this, immediately before serving, remove the soup from the heat and add it, divided into small portions. butter, stirring well.

White bread croutons are usually served with creamy soup.

Bon appetit!

Many who are going to cook this first dish are puzzled by the question of how to cook pea soup so that the peas are softened. We will look at just such a recipe for homemade pea soup with step-by-step photos below.


  • Peas - 400 grams
  • 400 ... 500 grams of meat for broth
  • Potatoes - 3-4 pieces
  • One carrot
  • Onion
  • Smoked meats - 400 grams
  • Water, salt, sugar, spices


Tasty and proper homemade pea soup and just pea soup are, as they say, “two big differences.” Therefore, so that even a novice cook can hear a lot of flattering reviews, and not cook something unappetizing that vaguely resembles pea soup, we’ll try to tell you about all the “pitfalls” of this amazing dish. But at the same time, we will try to make the cooking itself as simple as possible and tell you how to cook pea soup so that the peas are boiled.

So the first thing you need to do in order to prepare a delicious pea soup is to soak the peas. In fact, there is nothing complicated about it, just 400 ... 450 grams of dry pea grains

fill with two liters of plain water room temperature and “forget” about him for eight... twelve hours. And although such preparation has little to do with how to quickly cook peas for soup, it is really necessary. But there is a little trick: if you forgot to do this in advance, it doesn’t matter. Fill the peas with boiling water, not room temperature. And then the peas will swell and become soft during cooking in just a couple of hours.

Now that the peas have been “pre-treated”, set them to boil. A liter of water (it’s better to leave the one in which it was soaked), one teaspoon of salt, the same amount of sugar, and on the stove. You need to cook it over low heat after boiling and under the lid until it becomes a homogeneous puree. Usually it’s an hour... an hour and twenty, no more. Yes, and it’s better to cook it immediately in a three-liter saucepan, which will then serve as a measure for pea soup, but more on that below.

However, what is pea soup without a tasty, rich broth. Therefore, 400 ... 500 grams of meat, one medium onion (put it directly in the husk, anyway, then the broth will be strained and everything will be thrown out of it), a teaspoon of salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf and two liters of water. After boiling - everything is as always, remove the foam, reduce the heat to low and cook our broth for pea soup for about an hour and a half.

While the broth and peas are cooking, peel and chop the other ingredients of the pea soup. Six - seven small (or three - four larger) potatoes,

cut into thin, short strips.

One large carrot

grate on a coarse grater.

Of all the soups that we prepare daily, only pea and bean soups cannot be prepared quickly; they require a lot of additional preparation. After all, every housewife knows that peas must be soaked for several hours before being added to soup. That's why this soup doesn't appear very often in home menu. Is it possible to quickly cook pea soup without soaking the grains for a long time?

Experienced housewives have found several ways to speed up the readiness of peas for cooking. Someone suggests boiling the peas in salted water for 10-15 minutes, then adding a glass of cold water to the pan, thereby speeding up the softening of the cereal. Some housewives advise making pea soup by replacing whole grains with pea flour. Our recipe will help you quickly complete the task and teach you how to cook pea soup in a short time.

What to take for soup

To make the soup tender, with a pronounced pea flavor, we will need:

The presented set of products is designed for a 3-liter saucepan. Yields 4 servings. Cooking time is about an hour.

Tip: To quickly prepare the dish, use polished split peas.

Food processing and preparation steps

In our recipe, you can refuse to prepare the broth in advance. Our task is to cook pea soup quickly, without leaving the stove.

First, you should prepare all the products for placing in the pan.

  1. Clean and wash the meat.
  2. Peel potatoes, onions and carrots.
  3. Pour water into the pan.
  4. Wash the peas several times under cold running water.

Now all the ingredients of the future dish are ready for cooking.

Important! We will need two 3-liter pans: one for cooking meat, the other for cooking peas and the soup itself.

  1. Pour 2 liters of water into the broth pan. We put it on the stove. Add meat and onion. Having brought the contents of the pan to a boil, reduce the heat and cook the broth. To cook the meat quickly, you can cut it into small portions.
  2. Take a cauldron or pan prepared for peas, pour cold water over the dishes, and pour the washed cereal into it.
  3. Fill the peas with cold water so that it covers the cereal one finger above its level, put it on low heat.
  4. Stirring occasionally, cook the peas until all the water in the cauldron boils away. This usually takes 7-8 minutes. Immediately pour more water to the same level. Cook again until completely boiled. Fill the water a third time and repeat the entire operation.
  5. The thrice-boiled peas must be thoroughly crushed directly in the cauldron. If you have a blender, use it. Place the cooked peas in a blender bowl and grind until pureed.
  6. We take out the meat and pour the remaining broth into the crushed peas.
  7. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, grate the carrots on a medium grater, and add the vegetables to the peas.
  8. Salt and pepper to taste. Cook until the potatoes are ready. Approximately 15-20 minutes.
  9. Turn off the heat and let the soup brew for half an hour.

For piquancy, pea soup can be supplemented with separately served rye croutons with garlic.

By the way, you can quickly make crackers yourself. Slice half the loaf rye bread small cubes, dry in the oven, grate with garlic - an appetizing addition to the first dish is ready.

It is not forbidden to decorate the soup poured into bowls with finely chopped herbs, if your household likes it that way.

In contact with

Pea soup wonderful homemade. Many people like the delicious savory taste of the soup, especially if it is boiled meat broth with smoked meats. This is probably the most popular and traditional recipe similar dish.

There are a huge number of options for preparing pea soup with different ingredients. The soup broth is prepared from beef, pork, chicken and other meat components. Of the vegetables, potatoes must be present in the soup, onion, spices and spicy seasonings.

Undeservedly, pea soup is rarely prepared for home kitchen. Many housewives believe that cooking peas for a long time will either burn or remain tough in the finished soup. We hope that the following recipes and tips on how to cook peas for soup and pea soup recipes will help you change this opinion. Cook it more often and pamper your household with a tasty, spicy and satisfying culinary dish.

Ways to cook peas

As a rule, today peas can be cooked in two main ways. In both cases, peas, whole or crushed, are recommended to be sorted and washed.

1 way to cook peas. This method is followed by those who believe that peas for soup must first be soaked in cold water. Let's take a closer look at it.

Peas are soaked in the evening, overnight. It should be taken into account that after about 6-8 hours the fermentation process may begin. Therefore, the soaking step is limited to this time. If for some reason cooking is postponed, the soaked peas are put into the cold or refrigerator. The old water needs to be poured out, refilled with cold water and placed on the stove.

Split and crushed peas cook slightly faster than whole peas, taking into account pre-soaking. Swollen whole peas are cooked for approximately 45 - 60 minutes, crushed cereals for 30 - 40 minutes. If you cook dry peas right away, the time increases, it is 2 - 2.5 and 1 - 1.5 hours, respectively.

Spices, salt, oil are added after the peas are ready; do not cook them in salt water or broth.

2 way to cook peas. Significantly speeds up the process of preparing pea soup. Time is spent as for ordinary cabbage soup or borscht. True, this method is not welcomed by supporters of the claim that baking soda is not very beneficial for the body and that when consuming the finished dish, harmful side effects are formed.

Such statements are not supported by anything serious, of course, when using baking soda within reasonable limits for culinary purposes. Half a teaspoon per glass of peas. In some recipes, the amount of soda is taken per liter of water, but are we going to cook peas and not boil water?

Cook peas in a slow cooker or pressure cooker

You can cook peas for soup using modern electrical appliances, for example, in a slow cooker. Or use a good old pressure cooker. In both cases, be sure to wash and sort the peas, removing defective peas and pebbles that may be accidentally caught.

Pressure cooker. With this method, you still have to soak the peas, but for a shorter time, about 2 hours.

Then pour water over the peas, close the lid, and place on the stove. Bring to a boil, after 20 minutes remove from heat. Do not open immediately, but let stand under pressure for about 10 minutes.

Multicooker. We prepare the peas as for a pressure cooker. The proportions with water are 1 to 2 (water). You must select the “stew” or “porridge” mode. Time for dry peas - 2 hours, soaked - 30-40 minutes.

Add salt and vegetable oil at the very end of cooking, 10 minutes before the peas are ready.

If you decide to immediately cook pea soup in a slow cooker, soak the peas in hot water for one hour. All soup ingredients are prepared and cut: potatoes, onions, carrots, smoked ribs or smoked meat products.

The products are placed in the multicooker bowl and water is added. Cooks in the “soup” mode for about one hour. For this option, take 300 grams of ribs, 100 grams of peas, carrots, onions and other ingredients specified in the corresponding recipes.

Cook broth and peas for soup separately

As already mentioned, many housewives rarely cook pea soup due to the prejudice that peas are a lot of hassle. Either the broth will cook faster and the peas will remain uncooked, or boiled peas have a tendency to settle and, if not constantly stirred, may burn.

Of course, it is advisable to prepare lunch or dinner for the whole family in one go, setting aside several hours of free time from your precious time. And devote the rest of the weekend to your favorite hobby, communicating with loved ones, and walking in the fresh air.

If you want to cook pea soup in which the pea grains are completely boiled, then the solution seems to be to cook the soup broth with meat and vegetable components separately from the peas.

The peas are sorted out, washed, filled with water, and the pan is placed on the fire. Add half a teaspoon of baking soda per cup of peas. Soda is used in many culinary recipes where nothing is said about its dangers, for example, when making baked goods.

Choose dishes with high edges relative to the weight of the peas and the liquid level. Foam will form as the pea porridge cooks. When the liquid boils away, add hot water. As the peas boil and the mass becomes thick, the peas may burn, so after the foam stops appearing, it is necessary to stir the pea mass. If the broth is cooked before the broth, remove from heat.

With this method, you can calmly cook without thinking about when to add salt, seasonings, vegetables, so that they and the peas are cooked at the same time. When choosing a pan, you just have to take into account the total volume of the finished pea soup after adding boiled pea puree.

Almost many culinary recipes A similar dish can be adapted to this method of preparing pea soup. All that remains is to add the pea mixture to the almost finished soup and bring it to a boil again. And delicious pea soup is ready in one go.

The choice of cereal comes first. As they say, the right pea soup is 70 percent or even more dependent on the right peas.

Whole peas vs. split peas take longer to boil. The duration of preparation (soaking) and cooking depends on this. But in any case, the peas must be of high quality and pre-washed and sorted.

If you don't have much time to spare and long soaking isn't an option, cook the peas separately from the soup and use baking soda.

Cook the peas over low heat. With intense boiling it can become hard and not tasty.

It is recommended to add salt at the very end of cooking. Peas do not cook well in salt water. When cooking separately, you can omit salt at all, and adjust the taste of pea soup after adding cooked peas, essentially pea porridge, to the broth with meat and vegetables. Moreover, the broth will already be salted.

Add a little butter or vegetable oil to boiling water. A bit controversial advice. It is believed that this way the peas will cook faster due to the oil film on the surface of the liquid.

Steam bubbles form at the bottom of the pan, rise to the surface and burst, breaking the film of oil. Moreover, it is customary to cook peas over low heat in ordinary dishes and the water temperature in this case will not exceed 100 degrees.

At the end of the article we provide a simple and delicious recipe preparing pea soup with smoked meats. Traditional option, it's easy and makes about 6 servings.


  1. Place the peas, sorted, washed, prepared, into a pan of boiling water (2-2.5 liters). Cook until half cooked.
  2. Smoked meats, ribs or pork belly, cut. Add to peas. Since smoked ribs take longer to cook, you can start cooking them along with the peas. Then take it out, cool it, remove the meat for soup, and remove the bones.
  3. Cut the potatoes into cubes and into the broth.
  4. Prepare the remaining vegetables. We cut onions and carrots. Fry in vegetable oil. Place in the soup, bring to a boil again and cook the pea soup for about 15 minutes until the ingredients are completely cooked. Add spices and taste the soup for salt.
  5. Prepare white crackers with garlic. Mix vegetable oil, salt, finely crushed garlic cloves. Mix diced White bread with the butter-garlic mixture and place in the oven to dry.
  6. When serving, pour the pea soup into bowls, sprinkle with chopped herbs, and add white croutons.


  • Smoked pork ribs ( smoked brisket) - 300 grams
  • Split peas - 1 cup (you can cook green pea soup - it is not pre-soaked), potatoes - 2 medium tubers, carrots - 1 carrot, onions - 1 medium head, vegetable oil for frying
  • Seasonings: salt, pepper, fresh herbs or dried (parsley, dill)
  • Optional: prepare and serve white croutons with garlic

We hope that the article will help change attitudes and take a fresh look at how to prepare pea soup. Prepare this delicious and healthy soup more often.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 120 min

Pea soup is a delicious and easy to prepare dish. His energy value is only 57 calories per hundred grams. The nutritional value for the same amount of product is 2.3 grams of protein, 3.0 grams of fat and 4.9 grams of carbohydrates. The dish is rich in vitamins A, C, E, PP, contains folic acid, as well as zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium and other nutrients.
Pea soup, a simple recipe for which we offer today - healthy and hearty dish, which will become an ideal component of your diet. Cooking time takes about two hours. We recommend watching another recipe for making pea soup

Required Ingredients(quantity for eight servings):

- meat (beef or pork) – 500 grams,
- one glass of peas,
- four small potatoes,
- onions – 1 pc.,
- medium-sized carrots – 1 pc.,
- three cloves of garlic,
- vegetable oil,
- dried herbs.
salt to taste

Recipe with photos step by step:

Pour one glass of washed peas into a small container, pour boiling water over it and leave for one hour.

Pour water into a deep saucepan and place it on the stove over high heat. Rinse under water and remove any film from the meat. After the water boils, add salt to taste and let the beef cook for one hour. Then peel and cut the potatoes into oblong slices.

Finely chop the onion. On coarse grater grate the carrots and finely grate the garlic.

Grease the frying pan vegetable oil, put onions, carrots and garlic in it. Fry the vegetables over low heat until golden brown for ten minutes, stirring them constantly with a spatula.

Remove the cooked meat and leave it to cool. Throw the peas into the pan and cook them for thirty minutes. After thirty minutes, throw the chopped potatoes into the pan and cook them for twenty minutes.

Cut the chilled meat into small pieces.

Add the chopped meat and vegetables from the pan to the pan.

After ten minutes, you can remove the soup from the stove. Add some dried herbs to the finished dish. Also goes great with pea soup.



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