How to make tortilla shawarma. Delicious shawarma with Korean carrots and french fries just like in the tents. Yogurt recipe

How to make tortilla shawarma. Delicious shawarma with Korean carrots and french fries just like in the tents. Yogurt recipe

Bread is the head of everything. People have been baking it since the beginning of time. Particularly popular are different kinds flatbreads, recipes for which can be found in any kitchen in the world:

Shelpek is an Asian flatbread.

Khachapuri is a Georgian flatbread with cheese.

Tortilla is a Mexican flatbread.

Focaccia is a flatbread from Italy.

Lavash is a flatbread of oriental cuisine.

Thin flatbreads are used as the basis for many dishes.

Let's look at how to prepare shawarma flatbread at home.

Armenian lavash

To make thin flatbreads according to this recipe, you will need only three products: wheat flour (300 g), clean water (170 g) and salt (half a teaspoon).

Cooking process:

1. Boil water, add salt and let cool (five minutes is enough).

2. Sift the flour.

3. Pour hot water into the flour in small portions, kneading a thick dough. You can use a mixer at first, but at the end you will still have to work with your hands. Ready dough must be very cool.

4. Cover the base with film or a towel and let it sit for half an hour.

6. Each part must be rolled out very thin.

7. The prepared flatbreads are placed in a dry, hot frying pan and fried on both sides.

8. The finished products are laid out on a damp and well-wrung out towel. After cooling they will become very plastic.

Shawarma in Armenian

An Armenian recipe for shawarma in a flatbread (see photo of the finished dish below), which will not leave anyone indifferent.

1. Take 400 g chicken meat, salt and fry.

2. Mix 6 large spoons of mayonnaise and ketchup.

3. Add crushed garlic clove and black pepper (ground).

4. Cut the round cake into two parts.

5. Lubricate both halves with sauce and start adding the filling: Korean pickled carrots (100 g), cucumbers, tomatoes (2 pcs.), one onion, meat, any greens.

6. Wrap it like an envelope.

The indicated quantity of products is designed for two shawarmas.

Georgian lavash

This recipe will allow you to prepare flatbreads with a special taste. The pita bread will turn out fluffy, very soft, a little salty.

For the test you need:

300 g flour;

A teaspoon of dry yeast;

A teaspoon of sugar and salt;

Glass of water.

Mix bulk products well. Heat the water slightly and combine with the mixture of dry ingredients. Knead the dough and cover it with a cloth. It should sit for an hour. Tear small pieces from the dough and make round cakes. There is no need for a rolling pin here, since it is better to work with this dough by hand. Bake pita bread in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

The finished cakes must be covered with a towel and cooled.

Georgian lavash on the grill with cheese

1. Cut the tortilla into several corners. Carefully divide each portion into upper and lower parts.

2. Take any processed cheese, for example "Yantar". Add crushed garlic and herbs to taste. Stir everything well.

3. Spread the filling on the bottom halves and cover with the other half.

4. Place the finished triangles on the wire rack.

5. Fry on the grill for no more than 2-3 minutes.

6. Serve the dish hot. You can chop cucumbers and tomatoes. They go very well with this pita bread.

Recipe for shawarma in Georgian flatbread

Any meat is suitable for this option: chicken, beef, lamb, pork. It's better to choose chicken. It makes the shawarma not very greasy. And the preparation will take very little time.

The meat is fried in a frying pan. Onions, cabbage, lettuce, bell pepper and cucumbers are sliced ​​and combined with fried meat. They need to be saturated with the meaty smell, so let the finished filling sit for at least half an hour.

Choose the sauce to your taste:

Mayonnaise with ketchup, herbs and garlic.

Mayonnaise with sour cream, herbs and garlic.

Ketchup with pepper and garlic.

Grease the flatbread with sauce, add the filling, wrap it in an envelope and put it in the refrigerator. Reheat before serving.

How to make flatbreads in Uzbek

Uzbek flatbreads are traditionally prepared in the oven.


A glass of wheat flour;

Water and milk 80 g each;

2 large spoons of oil;


A teaspoon of yeast;

A little salt;

Sesame optional.


1. Mix all bulk products thoroughly.

2. Pour water and milk into a saucepan and heat a little. Then, stirring continuously, add flour. When the dough is almost ready, add butter.

3. Cover the finished base with a cloth and place in a warm place for half an hour.

4. You can start sculpting. Tear off portions of the dough, using your fingers to form round cakes. At the same time, their middle should be thin, and the edges should be slightly thickened.

5. Cover the bottom of the pan with foil, placing a tortilla on top. Pierce it in several places with a knife or fork, and then cover with a napkin. In this form, the cake should stand for at least half an hour.

6. Before putting into the oven, brush the base with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

8. After this time, remove the lid and fry for a few more minutes until lightly browned.

9. Once the tortilla is well-fried, remove it from the pan and cover with a napkin. Let her lie there for another 15 minutes.

This pita bread will turn out fluffy and soft. It can even be used instead of bread.

Homemade shawarma in Uzbek flatbreads

The cakes in this recipe should be thin.

Coat each base with mayonnaise and ketchup. To reduce the fat content of the dish, you can leave only ketchup.

Cover the tortilla with a leaf of lettuce and add vegetables: fresh tomatoes, pickled cucumbers, pre-fried chicken, herbs.

Wrap the filling in pita bread and keep it for a while in the pan where the meat was cooked. You can also use the grill.

Thin flatbreads made from yeast dough


  • flour (400 g),
  • glass of water,
  • yeast and salt (teaspoon each),
  • butter(50 g), can be replaced with margarine.


Heat water, add salt and yeast. Take one glass from the total amount of flour, pour heated water into it and shake well. Leave the dough for 15 minutes. Melt the butter, cool, add to the total mass and mix. Pour in the remaining flour, knead and cover the dough. It should stand for about half an hour. Divide the finished base into 6-7 pieces. Form into balls and let sit for 10-15 minutes. Roll out very thin flatbreads. Fry in a frying pan without oil.

Cover the finished products with a towel until completely cooled.

How to make flatbreads with kefir

You will need:

  • a glass of kefir,
  • one tablespoon of any vegetable oil,
  • flour,
  • a teaspoon of soda and salt.

To make shawarma cakes with kefir, you need:

1. Add salt, soda and oil to kefir. Stir everything.

2. Gradually add flour and knead the dough. It should be cool.

3. Cover the base with cling film and leave for half an hour.

4. Form small pillows and roll them out into thin flat cakes. You should get about 5-6 pieces. They should be baked in a dry frying pan. If desired, you can add a little oil. It will be tastier, but higher in calories.

5. Cover the finished cakes with damp cloths and leave for 10 minutes.

Salmon shawarma recipe

Very tasty fish shawarma, which is definitely worth trying.


  • salmon fillet - 4 pcs.,
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 onion,
  • 1 chili pepper,
  • 1 bell pepper,
  • wine vinegar and vegetable oil 1 tablespoon each,
  • salt and black pepper.
  • For the sauce:
  • cilantro or parsley,
  • mint,
  • natural yogurt.

1. Salt and pepper the fish and sprinkle with oil. Then fry for 5 minutes on the skin-covered side, turn over to the other side and turn off the heat.

2. Chop the greens, add yogurt and mix.

3. Place chopped onion and cucumber in a bowl and pour vinegar, add sugar and salt.

4. Spread the sauce on the flatbread, distribute the chopped fish and vegetables in an even layer. Add sauce and herbs on top. Garnish with lime slices if desired.

5. You don’t have to wrap the shawarma, but serve it open.

Vegetable shawarma

Recipe for vegetarians and those on a diet.


  • 2 tomatoes
  • 2 carrots,
  • 150 g fresh cabbage,
  • 1 large firm pear
  • 50 g processed cheese,
  • mint, cilantro or parsley.


1. Chop the pear, tomatoes, carrots and cabbage.

2. Add finely chopped greens to the vegetables.

3. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

4. Grease the flatbread with sauce, place vegetables on top and add more sauce. Sprinkle with cheese and wrap in an envelope.

Many people consider shawarma to be unhealthy food. This stereotype has developed due to the fact that, as a rule, we buy it in dubious places like tents at train stations and bazaars. It’s hard to even guess what they cook from there. There is no question of compliance with sanitary standards. At the same time, the products used are far from being the freshest.

Prepare this dish at home or outdoors. Experiment with fillings and sauces. And you yourself will be surprised at how quickly this delicious, aromatic snack will be included in the list of your favorite dishes.

By 10/20/2015

If, for some reason, you are afraid to buy shawarma at the market, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of trying this interesting Middle Eastern dish. I bring to your attention a recipe for shawarma at home. There are many cooking options. Typically, shawarma is chopped fried meat, fresh vegetables and sauce, wrapped in pita bread. Easy recipe easy to implement and does not require much time. The dish is suitable for quick snack during the day, and for friendly gatherings with company.

The key to successful preparation of shawarma is sauce and spices; pay special attention to this. Use a variety of seasonings (black pepper, coriander, cumin, dill, basil, cilantro and others to taste) - this will give the dish an oriental taste and aroma.


  • Lavash - 4 pcs.
  • Chicken fillet - 400 g
  • Peking cabbage - 1/2 pcs.
  • Cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g
  • Sour cream - 200 g
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Spices, dried herbs - to taste
  • Sunflower oil for frying

Step-by-step cooking process at home

  1. Prepare the necessary products, wash the vegetables, remove the top leaves of cabbage.
  2. Cut the meat into oblong pieces. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice. Marinate it for 15 minutes. (if you have time, leave the meat with spices for an hour).
  3. Fry the fillet in a greased frying pan until done. It is important not to overcook the brisket over the heat, as it will lose its juiciness.
  4. Cut the cucumbers into strips.
  5. Chop the tomatoes in the same way.
  6. Chop Chinese cabbage (you can replace it with white cabbage).
  7. The next step is preparing the sauce. To do this, mix sour cream with mayonnaise in a 1:1 ratio, add ground black pepper, a tablespoon of lemon juice, dried herbs (dill, basil), squeeze two or three cloves of garlic.
  8. Spread about 2 tablespoons of sauce on the pita bread (closer to the edge from which you will start wrapping).
  9. Spread a quarter of the cooked meat over the sauce.
  10. Add vegetables on top of the fillet - cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage.
  11. Pour the sauce over it and wrap it in a tube, carefully folding the edges at the top and bottom. Make sure that the lavash is fresh, because dried lavash is difficult to roll without tearing.
  12. Before serving, heat the shawarma on both sides in a dry frying pan with a lid. You should not do this in the microwave, as the pita bread may not dry out, but rather become soggy.
  13. Shawarma at home is ready. Bon appetit!
3 stars - based on 1 review(s)

Shawarma (shawarma) is a dish based on fatty meat. It is fried with vegetables and sauce. After this, spices are added. The mixture of meat and salad is traditionally wrapped in pita bread. In some regions, pita is used as a wrapper.

A traditional shawarma recipe should be made from lamb or chicken. Other types of meat are used much less frequently for these purposes.

The process of frying meat takes place on a vertical spit; the finished meat is cut off at the edges in small portions and placed in shawarma.

A little history

People have many options for preparing this dish. The most similar recipe to the original is considered to be the method of preparation from the Turkish military campaigns.

There is a legend that says that for the Turks, meat was an integral product that they loved to eat daily. During the war, it was extremely dangerous to stop, so they decided to wrap the cooked meat so that it could be eaten on the go.

This is one of the most truthful versions of the origin of shawarma. There is a very similar version in which Arab nomads take part.

For Russian people, we call this dish by the same name. In other countries, shawarma was given a different name. For example, the Lebanese call this product “kubba”, in France the meat wrapped in dough is called “kebab”, for Azerbaijanis it is “deneur”.

Features of sauces and vegetables

The classic shawarma recipe includes a sauce made from dairy products. To prepare it you need to stock up on the following elements: kefir, tahini and various spices. For those who don’t know, tahini is a paste made from sesame seeds.

Seasonings play a key role in shawarma; they add a special flavor to the meat dish.

Israel is a country where they do not like to combine meat and dairy products in one dish. There, a special sauce is made for shawarma, which is made from chickpea puree.

Pepper is the most popular seasoning for the dish. Garlic, sesame or nutmeg. You don't often see shawarma with cinnamon or marjoram.

In some countries they use olive oil, rub the meat with it before frying and add a little to the sauce. The aroma of this dish is more intense.

Vegetables provide many nutritional benefits to the body, which is why they are always accompanied by meat. Tomatoes and cucumbers are most often used with meat; cabbage is added to pita bread a little less often. Alternatively, you can make shawarma with mushrooms. Everything here is according to your own tastes.

If there is no fresh vegetables, then use conservation.

You can add French fries to the meat, but then the shawarma will be too fatty, which not everyone can eat, and besides, such shawarma will be harmful to the body.

Homemade lavash recipe

It is impossible to make shawarma without lavash at home. Lavash is a fairly simple dough that does not have a strong taste.

In some countries, pita bread is used together with bread every day. It fits well meat dishes, vegetables and several sweets. The basis for lavash is wheat flour.

Often, lavash is made according to two main recipes: from Georgia and Armenia. Georgian lavash has a thick appearance, soft consistency, and is a good substitute for bread. This dough is universal and is used for making pizzas and pies. These are not all dishes with lavash, because it is very popular in Georgia.

The Armenian lavash version will be more successful for shawarma, as it has a thin layer of dough.

Our shawarma wrap is made in the oven; there are also special ovens for this. Sometimes a non-stick frying pan is used for these purposes. This condition is simply necessary, because oil is not used when preparing pita bread.

To make lavash according to the Armenian recipe, we will need:

  • flour 300-350 g.
  • water 90-100 degrees 75 ml.
  • salt 0.5 tsp

Amount of ingredients for 6 servings.

Take a bowl, preferably a deeper one, and pour all the flour into it. We make a small depression into which boiling water will be poured later. The water must be salted in advance. Next, you need to use a mixer to mix the finished mass.

After these procedures, you need to leave the dough in a warm place. It should brew completely within an hour.

The dough is rolled out into a thin layer and fried over medium heat. 15 seconds will be enough for each portion. If the pan is not as hot as possible, fry for about 20 seconds.

How to cook classic shawarma at home?

The classic shawarma recipe includes only the most necessary ingredients, which make this dish very tasty. When preparing this dish, you need to focus on its quality and taste, and the quantity of shawarma is a secondary matter. As you can see, there are no additions to the traditional recipe that will add volume to the dish. These are carrots, cheese and others.

Classic shawarma has been quite popular for many years. Now let's look in detail at what ingredients are needed to prepare it. The recipe is for 3 servings.

  • thin lavash 3 pcs.
  • white cabbage about 200 g.
  • sour cream, mayonnaise 4 tbsp. everyone.
  • lamb 600 g.
  • tomato and cucumber 2 pcs.
  • garlic 4 cloves.
  • seasonings to your taste. You should not put a lot of spices so as not to spoil the taste.

Everything you need is already on the table, now you can start cooking tasty dish. We have prepared a recipe with photographs for you.

  1. First we fry our lamb in a frying pan or grill.
  2. It is recommended to cut the finished meat into small pieces; the shawarma will turn out tastier this way.
  3. Vegetables need to be chopped into small pieces or strips, then lightly mashed with your hands.
  4. Take sour cream and mix it with kefir and mayonnaise. Chop the greens into small pieces and add to the mixture. Our sauce is ready.
  5. Spread the sauce in a middle layer on the pita bread, then lay out the vegetable layer. Place pieces of lamb on top.
  6. Wrap the dough and place it in the pan.
  7. Fry for about 2 minutes only.

You can also watch the video recipe:

Bon appetit!!!

I think you liked the recipe!

Shawarma with chicken

If you love shawarma very much, but you have no desire to buy it at the market, then this is not a problem, because we have a wonderful solution to this problem. We have prepared a special recipe for making shawarma at home; you are sure to get great pleasure from this oriental dish. IN traditional recipe includes fried meat, vegetables and sauce, all components are wrapped in pita bread. The preparation is not difficult, it will take no more than 30-40 minutes. This dish is perfect for a lunchtime snack.

To make shawarma very tasty, you need to pay a lot of attention to the choice of spices. Various seasonings: coriander, cilantro, basil, black pepper and others will give the dish a special aroma.



  1. The first step is to wash all the vegetables and peel the top leaves from the cabbage.
  2. Chicken fillet should be cut into long pieces, then add seasonings with lemon juice. Let the meat marinate for about an hour (if time allows).
  3. Fry the meat after greasing the pan. Monitor readiness and turn off the heat immediately after cooking. The brisket should remain juicy.
  4. Cut the cucumbers into long pieces.
  5. We do the same with tomatoes.
  6. Now you need to chop the cabbage.
  7. It's time to make the sauce. The first step is to combine mayonnaise and sour cream; there should be equal amounts of these products. Next, add pepper to the mixture and lemon juice. Choose the herbs you need and add them to the sauce too.
  8. Grate the garlic and also add to the sauce, mix the mixture thoroughly.
  9. Apply about 2 tablespoons of sauce to the edge of the pita bread. Smear the place where you will begin to wrap the pita bread.
  10. Divide the meat into 4 equal parts and place one of them on the sauce.
  11. Next next on top of the meat will be vegetables. Lay out all the cuttings.
  12. Spread the sauce over the vegetables again, then wrap everything inside the dough. The pita bread must be fresh, otherwise it may crack when wrapped.
  13. It is recommended to serve the dish hot, so heat the shawarma in a frying pan before serving. It is better not to use a microwave - the pita bread will become soggy there.
  14. Our dish is ready! Bon Appetit everyone!

Shawarma with pork

I admit, honestly, that I have loved shawarma for a very long time, I eat all the components that are part of this dish with great pleasure. The taste that the mixture of vegetables and meat gives is quite pleasant. Previously, I always ate only store-bought shawarma, which was made in ordinary kiosks. A friend of mine became the owner of such a kiosk. His shawarma turned out to be incredibly tasty, although in addition to it, he had several other delicacies, but the most delicious, of course, was shawarma.

Having delved a little into my friend’s work, I was very surprised. I was confused by what products were selected for cooking, their quality and the cooking process itself. Honestly, I regretted how much of this stuff I had eaten before.

I completely lost the desire to buy this dish, since the quality control is simply terrible in such kiosks. I found a way out of the situation - to cook shawarma at home.

So here is the list of ingredients:


  1. Cut the pork fillet into small pieces and quickly fry in a frying pan, no need to grease it. Fry the meat for 7 minutes, stir it. Of course, this is not vertical frying, but something similar.
  2. Our sauce will be made from mayonnaise, herbs and grated garlic. Mayonnaise can be replaced with other products, for example, kefir or matsoni. The latter takes a lot of time to prepare, but then decide for yourself.
  3. Place the meat and sauce on the table
  4. Roll the meat in our sauce.
  5. Let our pork absorb all the flavors of the seasonings and garlic. In the meantime, you can finely chop the cabbage.
  6. Cucumbers and cheese can be grated; tomatoes should be finely chopped with a knife. I used cherry tomatoes, but absolutely any variety will do.
  7. Now we begin to “pack” our dish. Personally, I take a couple of layers of pita bread so that all the contents don’t spill out. From my experience, I will say that the pita bread cracked quite often and all the vegetables were scattered on the table. First, I put cabbage on the pita bread, and a layer of meat on top.
  8. Place cucumber on top of the meat to make the shawarma more juicy. Next is cheese and tomatoes.
  9. Wrap the dough. Our shawarma is completely ready, all that remains is to warm it up. You can do this in a frying pan, one minute each side. Now the dish will be much tastier.

This is the kind of wonderful piece you should get. So there is nothing complicated about making shawarma at home. Now it won’t be difficult for you to prepare a delicious and satisfying lunch!

Bon Appetit everyone!

Cooking shawarma at home has one undeniable advantage. When shawarma is prepared at home, you are confident in the quality of the products from which it is prepared. You don’t have to ask a street vendor how to make shawarma, because we will be happy to share with you the best recipes and tell you how to cook shawarma at home quickly and tasty.

1. Shawarma with sausage


  • Lavash - 2 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Korean carrots - 200 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Sausage - 400 gr.
  • Leaves Chinese cabbage- 5-6 pcs.
  • Cheese - 150 gr.
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise - to taste
  • A bunch of fresh herbs - 1 pc.


  1. Cut the sausage into small cubes and fry in a frying pan for 10 minutes. You can add seasonings to taste.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices.
  3. Cut the cucumbers into thin strips.
  4. Finely chop the cabbage.
  5. Chop the greens.
  6. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  7. First, place the sausage on the pita bread.
  8. Add tomatoes and cucumbers.
  9. Add cabbage and greens.
  10. Then lay out a layer of Korean carrots, cheese, add mayonnaise and ketchup.
  11. We bend the edges of the pita bread and roll it up.
  12. Heat the shawarma in a frying pan with a thick bottom. Fry over medium heat on both sides until golden brown.

2. Quick shawarma

I really love shawarma - and you? I immediately stop the possible flow of indignation regarding the popularization of fast food - I don’t consider shawarma “fast food”, because I cook it at home, carefully and thoroughly. It’s an excellent thing, I must say. I'm sharing.

I must warn you right away - I won’t give specific recommendations on the quantity of products - I do everything by eye. Moreover, some people like there to be more meat, while others like salad.

So, main ingredients:

  • thin Armenian lavash
  • chicken thighs (flesh)
  • cabbage
  • Korean carrot
  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • ketchup
  • mayonnaise


  1. Cut the flesh from the thighs, chop finely and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  2. We chop the cabbage and mash it with our hands, cut the cucumbers and tomatoes into slices (or whatever you like). Place cabbage on pita bread and fried chicken on top (I put 3 tablespoons per serving).
  3. Sprinkle with ketchup. Next, add cucumber and tomato slices and cover Korean carrots and finish with mayonnaise.
  4. Let's wrap it up.
  5. We heat it in the microwave.

That's all. As easy as pie.

3. Chicken shawarma recipe

Ingredients for 4 shawarmas:

  • 300 grams chicken fillet (half)
  • 2 small tomatoes
  • 1 cucumber
  • 5 tablespoons ketchup
  • mayonnaise
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 200 grams of white cabbage
  • 4 tablespoons kefir
  • 1 small onion
  • Armenian lavash 1 pack.
  • vegetable oil for frying


  1. Wash the chicken fillet under running water and cut into small pieces.
  2. Finely chop the onion and fry it in a small amount of vegetable oil
  3. When the onion becomes transparent, add fillet pieces to it, add salt and pepper, mix and leave to fry.
  4. We wash the cabbage under water, chop it finely and put it in a bowl. Salt, pepper, mix, add a small amount of mayonnaise. Salad ready.
  5. Transfer the finished chicken with onions (it cooks very quickly - 5-7 minutes) to a clean plate.
  6. We prepare sauces. Take two small bowls. Squeeze 5 tablespoons of ketchup into one and add a teaspoon of your favorite seasoning (I used khmeli-suneli).
    Mix well. Pour 5 tablespoons of kefir into the second bowl, add mayonnaise (4 tablespoons per eye) and squeeze out two garlic cloves. Mix well.
  7. We cut tomatoes and cucumbers, cut them thinly into slices and place them on a plate.
  8. We place all the ingredients for shawarma next to each other on the table so that it is convenient to lay them out right away.
  9. We take a large board and place half of one sheet of pita bread on it. We spread it well with two sauces, place the chicken closer to the right edge in a row (it will be more convenient if the chicken on the plate is divided into 4 parts at once). Place cabbage in a row next to the chicken. Place tomatoes and cucumbers on top of the cabbage.
  10. We roll the finished shawarma so that one edge is folded so that the filling does not leak out.
    We make the other 3 shawarmas using the same principle.
  11. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Fry the shawarma on both sides until golden brown. If there are any sauces left, place a spoonful of sauce in the open part of the shawarma before serving.

4. Delicious homemade shawarma - quick and easy to prepare!


  • thin Armenian lavash (can be replaced with pita bread)
  • meat component
  • young cabbage
  • red salad onion
  • young fresh cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • yellow bell pepper
  • parsley
  • good sour cream
  • white wine vinegar
  • garlic
  • salt, sugar, pepper + any spices to taste
  • vegetable oil


  1. First, prepare the sauce so that it sits for a while and all the flavors combine well.
  2. To do this, add chopped parsley, garlic, salt and pepper to the sour cream, mix everything well.
  3. Then marinate in salt, sugar and wine vinegar finely chopped red salad onion.
  4. Chop vegetables.
  5. Cut strips of pita bread to the required length and spread half of them with sauce, place vegetable filling on top.
  6. The meat component can be boiled chicken breast, cooked in advance and cut into small pieces. Fry the breast in hot vegetable oil, stirring constantly.
  7. Roll the pita bread with filling neatly and tightly, starting from the right side, into a tube and quickly fry on a grill pan that is as hot as possible on both sides.

5. Homemade shawarma


  • Lavash – 3 large sheets
  • Meat (pulp) – 400g
  • Fresh white cabbage – 200 g
  • Cucumbers – 4 pieces
  • Tomatoes – 2 pieces
  • Mayonnaise - to taste
  • Ketchup or sauce - to taste
  • Salt, pepper, curry seasoning
  • Garlic – 2 cloves


  1. Let's start preparing shawarma by preparing the ingredients for the filling. Wash the meat, dry it slightly and cut into small strips.
  2. Place the chopped meat in a heated dry frying pan, add curry seasoning and fry until golden brown. At the end of cooking, add salt and pepper.
  3. Cut the cabbage into thin strips and press a little with salt.
  4. We will also cut the cucumbers into thin strips.
  5. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices.
  6. Now let's start adding the filling. Unwrap the pita bread and grease it with mayonnaise and ketchup, add some chopped or squeezed garlic.
  7. Place the meat on one side of the pita bread and carefully sprinkle cabbage on top.
  8. Then arrange the cucumbers in a herringbone pattern.
  9. Place a few tomato slices on top.
  10. We first fold the long edges of the pita bread, and then completely roll it into a roll.
  11. Heat lightly in a dry frying pan on both sides.

Homemade shawarma is ready! It is better to eat it right away. If you leave the shawarma in the refrigerator, you should reheat it in the microwave or in a frying pan before eating.

6. Shawarma in pita bread


  • thin lavash 2 pcs
  • pork (you can also use chicken) 350-400 g
  • Chinese cabbage 100 gr
  • tomatoes 2 pcs
  • cucumbers 2 pcs
  • onion 1 piece

For the sauce:

  • sour cream 3 tablespoons
  • mayonnaise 2 tbsp
  • garlic clove 3 pcs
  • bunch of dill


  1. Salt the pork, fry and chop finely, pepper. Finely chop the tomatoes, cucumbers, chop the cabbage. Cut the onion into half rings.
  2. For the sauce, mix all the ingredients, finely chop the dill, pass the garlic through a press and add to the sauce.
  3. Spread a little sauce on the pita bread, add the filling, add more sauce and wrap it in a roll (the edges should also be closed).
  4. The finished shawarma can be grilled if desired to form an appetizing crust.

Bon appetit!

Shawarma is a popular oriental dish of Arab origin. It's very well prepared delicious food from pita bread, which begins minced meat, grilled, with the addition spices, sauces and salad made from fresh vegetables.

Now this dish occupies a leading position among fast, satisfying “street” food and not everyone can pass by the aroma fried meat. Shawarma can be bought not only in street stalls, it is served in cafes and even restaurants.

Meat can be lamb, chicken, veal, turkey; in non-Muslim countries, pork can also be found.

The advantages of shawarma are that it is quick and easy to prepare, it turns out to be very satisfying, and more and more housewives are trying to cook it at home.

An electric grill, offered by manufacturers of household appliances, will help us cook meat. We will also make thin flatbreads - lavash - with our own hands, although supermarkets now offer them in a wide range.

Shawarma recipe

for the test we need:

  • flour - 360 gr
  • salt - 1/2 tsp.
  • vegetable oil - 20 gr.
  • hot water - 200 ml.

step by step preparation:

We prepare lavash - flatbreads for shawarma. Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt, stir. Make a depression in the flour and pour vegetable oil and hot water into it (temperature - 80 degrees), and knead the dough.

Then place the dough on the table and knead some more, do not add any more flour. The dough was kneaded well, it became smooth and does not stick to your hands. Let the dough rest for 20 minutes, wrapped in cling film.

Roll the dough into a sausage and cut into six equal parts. Grease the table and rolling pin with oil and roll out the dough very thin.

Fry the rolled out dough until completely dry and hot frying pan on both sides.

Place the finished hot pita bread on a cutting board, and so that it does not dry out and is soft, sprinkle with water and cover with a towel.

Lavash prepared according to this recipe turns out soft, thin and smells wonderful. Delicious!

To prevent the finished pita bread from getting too dry, store it in cling film.

To prepare the filling you will need the following ingredients:

for the sauce:

  • unsweetened yogurt
  • garlic
  • black pepper
  • dried herbs: coriander, dill, parsley, cumin, hops-suneli, curry
  • greenery: green onions, dill, parsley, basil, cilantro


We will fry the pre-marinated meat in a vertical grill. We string pieces of meat onto vertically located skewers; they will rotate around their axis and relative to the heating elements.

Fry the meat for about 10 - 15 minutes. When the meat is browned, turn off the grill. Chop the meat pieces further. The advantage of grilling meat is that during frying, excess fat drains into special cups.

Other options for cooking meat - simmer the meat in a frying pan, or boil it in broth, cook in the oven, or in a slow cooker (for 1 hour, “Baking” mode).

Chop the cabbage and carrots into very thin strips, chop the tomatoes and cucumber, chop the parsley. In a large bag, mix cabbage, carrots and add chopped parsley, add salt, sugar and just a little vegetable oil. Tie the bag and shake well several times and leave for a while.

preparing white garlic sauce

Add finely chopped garlic clove with cumin to the yogurt, salt and black pepper to taste. Let the sauce sit for 20 minutes.

Sauce by classic recipe goes well with any type of shawarma.

Grease the baked flatbread with sauce, then lay out cabbage salad with carrots, fried meat, cucumber ribbons, tomato slices, wrap everything up and... Bon appetit!

Delicious shawarma with chicken and Korean carrots

Shawarma using chicken meat is the most common variant of this dish. Chicken meat has delicate taste, is well fried and goes well with various vegetables and sauces.


  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg
  • fresh cabbage – 300 gr.
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • fresh cucumbers – 2 pcs.
  • Korean carrots 100 gr.
  • salt and pepper, sauce - to taste
  • vegetable oil - for frying chicken
  • onion – 1 onion

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Thinly slice the onion into half rings and start frying in a frying pan in a small amount of oil. Then add the onion, chopped into small pieces chicken fillet, add salt, you can add spices to taste. When meat is fried on onions, the juice does not leak out, and the meat turns out juicy.
  2. Try to chop the white cabbage as thinly as possible, place it in a deep bowl, add salt, sugar, a drop of vegetable oil and vinegar, mix gently with your hands, do not crush it too much.
  3. Chop cucumbers and tomatoes into strips. Korean-style carrots can be purchased in advance from salad vendors at the market.
  4. Lay out the pita bread and layer all the ingredients, starting with the cabbage. Top with homemade ketchup and wrap. Shawarma is ready. Bon appetit!

An appetizing shawarma prepared according to this recipe will turn out juicy, and the carrots will add a touch of spicy flavor.

Appetizing shawarma with sausage and cheese

As a rule, shawarma is prepared with meat, but it can be replaced with boiled meat, smoked sausage or ham. It will turn out no less tasty and very quickly.

Cut vegetables, sausage and cheese into thin slices. It is better to take sausage without fat, and cheese durum varieties, it will melt better and the taste will be completely different. Grease a sheet of lavash with white sauce, lay out vegetables, sausage and cheese. Pour on top tomato sauce, wrap, and fry in a dry frying pan until lightly browned, so that the filling is well heated.

We have already learned how to prepare white garlic sauce, now we will prepare tomato sauce. Its taste is much superior to regular ketchup. You can add fresh vegetables to it.

Making red tomato sauce

We will need the following ingredients:

  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
  • tomato – 1 pc.
  • bell pepper - pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt, sugar
  • ground red pepper, cilantro


Cut the onion and tomato into cubes and sauté in a frying pan.

Take a blender and put in it - chopped bell pepper, sauteed tomato and onion, ground red pepper, salt, sugar, tomato paste, cilantro. Grind everything to a consistency thick sour cream. Let it brew for 20 minutes. It turned out tomato spicy sauce with a sweetish-sharp taste!

Shawarma in St. Petersburg at home

The homemade version of shawarma is very masculine, plentiful and tasty!!!

The main criterion by which shawarma differs from shawarma is the shell. Used for shawarma thin pita bread, and for shawarma - half a pita.

Hearty vegetarian shawarma with mushrooms

Vegetarian shawarma is an unusual and very tasty dish. If you do not eat meat, it is very easy to replace it with mushrooms.


  • champignons or any Forest mushrooms— 250 grams
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • tomato - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • lettuce leaves
  • tomato sauce - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Sort the mushrooms, wash them thoroughly, cut into slices. Place them in a frying pan, add salt to taste and fry in vegetable oil.
  2. Wash, peel and cut the onions into rings. Add it to the pan after about 15 minutes from the start of cooking. Fry the dish for about 10 minutes until the onions acquire an appetizing golden color.
  3. Tear lettuce leaves with your hands, and cut tomatoes and cucumbers into cubes.
  4. Grease the lavash with white garlic sauce, post it lettuce leaves, tomatoes cucumbers, fried mushrooms. Top everything with red tomato sauce. Roll the shawarma into a roll or envelope.

Video. How to wrap shawarma in pita bread

Shawarma is not only a hearty meal for the whole family. This dish may become a favorite among your friends. The male part of the company will appreciate this shawarma served with beer. And although it is called a man's dish, I think women will like it too!

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