How to make wine from prefabricated jam. How to make wine from jam at home? Detailed Guide

How to make wine from prefabricated jam. How to make wine from jam at home? Detailed Guide

If there is extra sweetness from fruits or berries in the cellar, then this is a great reason to pamper yourself and cookWe will analyze the drink in detail in the current article. Wine can have a variety of flavor notes, depending on what kind of jam became its basis. In this regard, professionals do not recommend mixing different jams so that the drink does not end up with an unclear taste.

Features of making wine

The result of preparation will be a sweet and sour drink with a strength of 10–14%. If necessary, you can season it with vodka or alcohol and increase the value, but then it will no longer be wine. Even without additional fortification, the wine is not the weakest.

In order not to spoil the taste of the drink, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection and preparation of containers. Glass containers would be an ideal option. If it is not possible to use glass throughout the entire process, then you need to choose dishes from a material that has not oxidized (enamel, stainless steel). It is also undesirable to use plastic, as it reacts with alcohols and spoils the taste of the drink.

All containers used during the preparation process must be sterile. To do this, it is recommended to thoroughly clean everything with baking soda and then steam sterilize it. Sterile containers must be used at all stages of preparation, both during primary fermentation and when pouring the drink.

As for jam, you can use any jam from last year that has already lost its taste and aroma. If the preparation has already fermented, then this will not be an obstacle to cookinghomemade jam wine, simple recipe, described below, allows the use of such raw materials. But if there is mold in the jar, then such sweetness must be thrown away immediately; under no circumstances is it suitable for winemaking.

cooking recipes

Today there are several options for preparing a drink from jam. Despite the fact that professionals do not recommend adding yeast and speeding up the process, impatient home winemakers resort to this trick. Therefore, two preparation technologies will be considered. The first one is classic, without using yeast, but quite long. The second is fast, but uses non-recommended ingredients.

Traditional cooking method

This method is suitable for those who are willing to wait a considerable period of time in order to end up with a high-quality, tasty drink that can be stored for several years after production. The strength of the wine according to this recipe is 10-13 degrees. The drink itself is sweet, with a slight sourness and a pronounced taste and aroma of berries or fruits (depending on the raw materials).


  • jam - liter jar;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • raisins - 100 gr.

We pre-boil the water and cool it. If the jam is sour, then it is permissible to add sugar to make the drink sweeter. It is better not to mix different types of jam, but if this is necessary, it is better to combine sweet and sour preparations, for example, currants and raspberries.

Despite the simple recipe , requires a responsible approach, otherwise you can simply ruin the drink. Raisins can be replaced, a prerequisite is that neither one nor the other can be washed. These berries are needed to activate the fermentation process due to wild yeast on the surface of their peel. Fresh berries must be crushed before use.

Cooking steps

The first stage of preparation involves preparing the wort and primary fermentation.

  • Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly. If there is a need to prepare a larger quantity of drink, you can increase the volume in proportion to the specified composition.
  • We place everything in a container for primary fermentation and cover it with gauze to prevent the ingress of debris and insects. We place the container in a dark, warm place; if there is no such thing in the apartment, you can wrap the container with a thick blanket (it is important to prevent light from entering) and place it near the radiator.
  • Primary fermentation lasts 5 days, the first signs of the start of the process should appear after 24 hours. Once a day, the wort must be stirred and the crust of the pulp must be broken to avoid the formation of mold. It's better to use a wooden spoon.
  • After 5 days, the wort is filtered through cheesecloth and the spin is discarded. The wort is poured into a sterilized jar of the appropriate volume. You should not fill the container to capacity; you should leave about a quarter of the volume to form foam during the period of active fermentation.
  • The jar is closed with a water seal or a medical glove is put on with a finger pierced with a needle. If the glove hangs loosely on the neck, then you need to strengthen the connection by tying it with tape or covering it with dough. This is necessary to allow carbon dioxide to escape during the fermentation process, but at the same time prevent oxygen from entering the wine.

After no more than 4 days, the glove should be fully inflated; if this is not the case, something has gone wrong or there is an additional hole through which gas is escaping. If everything is fine, then leave the container for 3 months in a dark, warm place.

The active fermentation process may take less time (at least 1.5 months). The end of the process will be indicated by fallen gloves or the absence of bubbles in the water seal. The wine itself will become transparent and sediment will form. If everything is so, then it’s time for the second stage.

  • Drain the clear wine from the sediment into a new container. It is important not to disturb the cloudiness; its presence imparts bitterness to the drink, so it is better to do this using a hose or dropper.
  • We try the drink, if it seems that the wine is sour, then you can add sugar.
  • We pour the wine into bottles, cork it and send it to a cold place to ripen. This could be a cellar or a refrigerator.
  • The drink will ripen for about 2–3 months; if sediment appears again during the process, you need to repeat the draining.

The result is an excellent homemade jam wine that is as tasty as any fruit or berry drink.

Accelerated cooking method

This preparation method will take the home winemaker no more than 2 weeks.

The following components will be required:

  • jam – 1 liter;
  • water – 2 liters;
  • yeast, dry – 10 gr.

The cooking process is completely different from the one suggested above.

  • Mix water with jam and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and cool.
  • Strain the broth through cheesecloth to remove all pieces of berries or fruit.
  • Pour a small amount of the mixture into a cup and dilute the yeast in it, keep it in a warm place for 20 minutes to activate the process and pour it into the rest of the future drink.
  • Pour the wort into the fermentation container, leaving room for foam and, closing it with a water seal or putting on a medical glove, send it for active fermentation in a dark, warm place.

Yeast activates and significantly speeds up the fermentation process. After a week, the glove will fall off and the water seal will stop producing bubbles. The wine will form sediment and can be poured into a clean container.

Homemade jam wine, simple recipewhich contains yeast, it turns out sour and slightly carbonated. Unfortunately, this wine cannot be stored for a long time, so you should drink it in the near future.

Often, last year’s jam remains in stock, which you no longer want to eat - eat fresh, but it’s a pity to throw it away. Most often, craftsmen use old preparations to make moonshine or liqueurs, but not everyone likes these strong drinks. Is it possible to make wine from jam? Of course, homemade wine is a wonderful alternative to moonshine.

Features of the drink

To make wine, jam from any berries and fruits is suitable: apples, plums, raspberries, strawberries, currants, cherries, etc. However, it is not recommended to mix them - the individual taste of the fruit is lost. Therefore, if you want to try different options, you should prepare several servings of wine with the selected flavors.

For those who are just learning the art of winemaking, it will be useful to get acquainted with some of the nuances of the process:

  1. Candied jam should be slightly warmed up first so that it acquires a more liquid and uniform consistency.
  2. Water can be replaced with compote - it will enhance the richness of the taste.
  3. A small amount of yeast - wine or bread - will allow the wort to ferment faster.
  4. In some cases, mixing different types of jam can be useful: for example, add sour jam to very sweet jam, and the drink will be less reminiscent of compote. The technique works well with strawberry and raspberry jam - they are complemented by blackcurrant and gooseberry.
  5. Sometimes the taste of wine is well reflected by the addition of honey, especially for apricot, apple and plum drinks.
  6. It is recommended to store homemade wine in glass bottles - plastic deteriorates quickly and this can affect the taste.

As for the state of the jam, both fresh and candied, and even sour or fermented, are suitable. The main thing is not to use a product affected by mold, otherwise the wine will acquire its taste and smell.

Reference! If the fungi have settled only in the top layer, and the bulk has not had time to absorb the unpleasant aroma, then such jam can be used after first clearing it of plaque.

The simplest recipe

Today there are many instructions for making homemade wine from jam. However, there is a so-called basic cooking recipe, which is the basis of all the others and is easier to follow.


Wine must

  • Jam (any) - 1 l.
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Raisins (unwashed) - 100 g.
  • Sugar - 10-100 g/l (optional).
  • Alcohol (vodka) - 2-15% of the wort volume (optional).

Cooking process:

The required volume of water is determined by the amount of sugar in the jam (originally contained in the fruit and added during cooking). The optimal value is considered to be no more than 20%, therefore, if the “raw material” is too sweet, you should dilute it with water. And vice versa, if it is not sweet enough, add sugar.

  • Wash and sterilize the three-liter jar.
  • Pour the jam into it, add unwashed raisins or some fresh berries (the main thing is to crush them first) and mix until smooth.
  • Cover the jar with gauze, put it in a dark, warm (18-25°C) place and leave for 5 days, during which you stir the mixture daily with your hands or a wooden spatula. After the first day, fermentation should begin; it can be identified by hissing, bubbles on the surface and a sour smell.
  • Remove the pulp (pulp and skin of the fruit) that has risen to the surface, and strain the liquid (wort) through several layers of gauze.
  • Pour the future wine into a sterile container so that it fills approximately 75% of the volume - the liquid will actively foam.
  • Pull a clean rubber glove over the neck of the container, secure it with an elastic band or tie it with a rope, pierce one of the fingers or install a water seal.
  • Place the wort in a warm, dark place for a couple of months until fermentation stops. It can be determined by a deflated glove or the disappearance of bubbles in the water seal. By this time, the drink should become lighter and more transparent due to the sediment that has fallen.
  • Filter the wine and conduct an initial tasting. At this stage, you can add sugar for sweetness and alcohol (vodka) for strength (no more than 15% of the total volume).
  • Pour the young wine into sterile jars or bottles, filling them to the very neck, seal them and put them in the refrigerator or basement (optimal temperature 6-16°C).
  • Leave for a period of 2 months to six months - the longer the better. Regularly check the condition of the drink; if sediment forms, pass the wine through a filter, pouring it into a new container (about once a month).
  • Pour the finished wine into bottles and seal tightly.

Reference! If fermentation lasts too long (more than 50 days) from the moment the water seal is installed (putting gloves on the jar), the drink should be removed from the sediment and poured into a new container. Then start again from the 6th point of the instructions.

From fermented raw materials

Fermented jam will also be an excellent raw material for making wine - firstly, the drink will be tastier: the berries will give off more juice and aroma; secondly, it will reach readiness faster: the bacteria are already active. If the jam has fermented, then the step-by-step process of making wine from it looks like this:


  • Fermented jam (any) - 1 l.
  • Boiled water - 1 l.
  • Sugar - 200 g.
  • Raisins (unwashed) - 1 tbsp.

Making at home:

  1. Heat the water to 40°C.
  2. Mix water with jam, half the granulated sugar and raisins. If you use 1 jar, then its volume should be more than 5 liters, if there are several 3-liter jars, then they need to be filled halfway.
  3. Secure a rubber medical glove to the neck with an elastic band or rope and pierce 1 finger with a needle.
  4. Place in a dark, warm place for 2 weeks to allow the wort to ferment.
  5. Peel, pour into a clean, sterile container and add the second half of the sugar.
  6. Place in a dark, warm room for 3 months.
  7. Separate the wine from the sediment and bottle it.
  8. Seal tightly with stoppers.

The drink is ready for storage and consumption.

From old currant jam

The wine according to our recipe from old currant jam turns out to be very aromatic.


  • Currant jam - 1.5 l.
  • Sugar - 100g.
  • Water - 1.5 l.

Cooking process:

  • In a large enamel saucepan, combine the jam with warm (30-40°C) boiled water and 50 g of granulated sugar.
  • Mix thoroughly and put in a warm place.
  • Strain the liquid when the wort is ready (this can be determined by the floating pulp).
  • Pour into jars, add the remaining sugar, install water seals on the necks and transfer to a warm place for 3 months.
  • Remove the drink from the sediment when fermentation is complete.
  • Pour into sterile bottles and seal with stoppers.
  • Leave in a cool place for a day.

After 24 hours, you can try currant wine.

Important! Before you begin the process of infusing the drink, you should thoroughly rinse the container using baking soda and sterilize it. If the latter is not possible, simply pour boiling water over it.

From cherry

To make wine from cherry jam, it is better to choose something without seeds: when stored for a long time, they release poison - hydrocyanic acid. How to make wine from cherry jam - recipe:


  • Cherry jam - 1 l.
  • Boiled water - 1 l.
  • Raisins - 100-150 g.


  1. Combine warm boiled water and jam in a glass jar.
  2. Add unwashed raisins.
  3. Stir and cover with a lid.
  4. Place in a dark, warm place for 1.5 weeks.
  5. Collect the pulp that floats.
  6. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth or a strainer and pour into a clean, sterile container.
  7. Put a rubber glove with a pierced finger on the neck and secure it.
  8. Leave to ferment for 40 days in a dark, warm room.
  9. Wait until the glove “falls” on its side, the wine becomes transparent and remove the sediment from the drink.
  10. Pour into storage containers and put away for 2 months in a place without access to light.

A long wait will be rewarded with the enchanting smell of cherries and the light, pleasant taste of young wine.

Wines made with your own hands will never cease to be relevant. After all, this is not just alcohol - this is a real signature drink.

Crockery and equipment

To prepare wine you will need a large container (at least 5 liters). It should be made of glass, ceramics or wood. Metal utensils and utensils cannot be used - they oxidize, with the exception of enameled kitchen utensils.

Before you begin the process of infusing the drink, you should thoroughly rinse the container using baking soda and sterilize it. If the latter is not possible, simply pour boiling water over it.

You will also need gauze for straining the wort, a funnel and several sterile medical rubber gloves or a thin tube for a water seal.

Cooking technology

All jam wine recipes are based on a single technology, which consists of several stages.

Wort preparation

To prepare the drink, wild yeast is often used, which is found on unwashed raisins or other berries. However, sometimes this is not enough to start a high-quality fermentation process.

To ensure a good biochemical reaction, you can use a pre-prepared starter. It's easy to do:

  • Soak a handful of raisins in water.
  • Add some sugar.
  • Cover with gauze.
  • Leave for several days.

Reference! The resulting mixture contains more beneficial mushrooms than just unwashed raisins.

To get wort, you need to mix the jam with warm boiled water and raisins (or sourdough), and then leave for several days. In this case, the container must be covered with a nylon lid or gauze and placed in a warm place away from light sources.


After a couple of days, the wort will begin to bubble and sizzle. It is important to avoid temperature changes during this period, otherwise fermentation may slow down or stop altogether. It is optimal to maintain +25°C.

After a week, the infusion must be filtered and poured into a sterile container so that ¼ of the volume remains free. The neck of the container should be covered with a medical glove or a water seal.

After some time, the wort stabilizes and brightens, sediment forms at the bottom, and the glove deflates and tilts to one side. This means that fermentation has come to an end.


Now the wine needs to be rid of sediment. To do this, place the container with the drink on a hill and lower a tube or a small hose into it, the second end of which is immersed in a clean container located below. This way all the liquid is poured out. At this stage, you should take a sample from the infusion. If it is sour, add sugar.

Aging and storage

You need to prepare containers suitable for storing wine. Then pour the drink over them, seal it tightly and put it in the refrigerator or basement for 2.5-3 months.

The resulting young wine will have an alcohol strength of approximately 10-13%. It can be stored for no more than 3 years at a temperature below 15°C in a horizontal position - it is important that the contents of the bottle touch the cork, otherwise it will dry out.

Not everyone who wants to try their hand at winemaking has access to a lot of grapes. But it’s difficult to be 100% sure of the quality of a drink from a store. But there is a way out - try to cook it yourself from what you have on hand. Such wine will not only replace a purchased surrogate, but will also save stale jars of jam.

Reference! The jam wine should be served slightly chilled.

Useful video

From this video you will learn in more detail how to make homemade wine from jam.

Almost everyone who has their own garden or vegetable garden makes home preparations for the winter. These are mainly pickles and jams made from all kinds of vegetables and berries. They are prepared in large quantities and are not always eaten until next summer. And jam tends to become sugary and ferment, losing its appetizing quality. In this case, it’s a pity to waste your reserves and you have to figure out how to use them.

A great way out is to make wine from jam. It can be cherry, strawberry, apple, currant and any other. All the preparations remaining after the winter will be used. Jam is an excellent raw material for wine. It already contains an important ingredient for fermentation - sugar. Due to this, the resulting wine will not have a sour taste, and preparation will proceed faster than from simple raw materials.

If your preparations have fermented, then do not rush to get upset and throw them away, since making wine from fermented jam is much easier and faster than from fresh one. This only requires a couple of additional ingredients. You can use any old jams and preserves from fruits and berries. The main thing is not to mix several types, but to cook from only one.

How to make wine from jam? To prepare one liter of raw materials, you will additionally need granulated sugar, raisins and warm water. To do this, it is pre-boiled and cooled to 30 - 40 degrees. In addition, you will need a large jar, about five liters, for infusion. The container is pre-prepared: cleaned and sterilized with boiling water. 3 - 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar and one raisin are added to the sour dough. The mixture is poured with warm water, closed with a prepared water seal or a glove with a hole in the finger and put into a warm, dark room. From this moment you can consider that homemade wine has been delivered.

How quickly it will be ready is determined by the degree of fermentation of the raw materials, but generally the aging takes at least two weeks. After this, the resulting drink is poured into a prepared sterilized container and mixed with two tablespoons of sugar. This mixture is sealed and matured for three months. The finished jam wine is carefully removed from the berry or fruit sediment. You can filter the drink through a sieve or use a tube to drain the liquid. The resulting wine can be stored for no more than three years in a cool place.

With yeast

Since you can make wine from old jam with yeast much faster than without it, this recipe is extremely popular. With the addition of this ingredient, the wort ferments much more actively and the wine is ready for consumption within a month and a half. Homemade wine made from jam with yeast is stronger, especially if you use one liter of wort to require the same amount of pure water, 20 grams of yeast and 200 grams of rice. Mix all the ingredients in a prepared sterilized container and place in a warm, dark place to ripen. The neck of the vessel is closed with a water seal or a medical glove. The wine ferments until gas formation is complete for about three weeks.

When the glove falls off or bubbles stop appearing, you need to separate the wine from the sediment, pour it into a container in which it will be stored and put it in a cool place. At this stage, the drink is immediately ready for consumption. But to obtain a more pleasant and rich taste, you need to keep it in the cold for another three weeks to one month.

Without yeast

Making wine from jam at home opens up scope for imagination. The choice of recipe depends on what kind of preparation is currently available, on the additional ingredients and the duration of production. You can make wine from jam without yeast. This process takes longer, but the finished drink is more tasty and rich.

In order to supply the wine, containers are prepared in advance. It must be washed and thoroughly sterilized. Jam with warm boiled water is poured into it in a 1:1 ratio and a handful of raisins or other fresh berries are poured in. They are not washed so as not to lose the natural yeast found on the peel. Fresh berries need to be crushed and mixed until smooth and thick. The mixture is covered with gauze and put in a dark, warm place for five days until pulp forms and fermentation starts. During this time, the liquid must be thoroughly mixed daily.

After the time has passed, you need to separate the solid part that has floated to the surface. To do this, the liquid is filtered through gauze or a sieve and poured into a new sterilized jar. It should not be filled to the brim. A fifth of the volume remains empty to allow the formation of foam and gas during the fermentation process. The neck is closed with a water seal and the container is left for further aging under the same environmental conditions for 2 - 3 months. An indicator of the completion of fermentation will be: cessation of gas formation, precipitation and clarification of the liquid.

Now the finished wine must be carefully removed from the sediment using a rubber tube. The finished product is poured into containers for storage. If the wine is sour, then additional sugar syrup is added until sweet. The spilled drink ripens in a cool place for another 2 – 3 months. The result is a dessert wine made from jam, with a strength of 9 to 13 degrees.

Drink recipes from preparations

It is impossible to obtain a product similar to what is on store shelves. But you can make excellent wine at home from jam. The simple recipe and availability of ingredients make this technology very popular. By choosing this method, you kill two birds with one stone: the preparations are not wasted, and you get a delicious alcoholic drink.

Jam wine can be prepared from only one piece, or fresh fruits and berries can be added to adjust the taste. It is not recommended to mix several types of jams, as you can lose the quality of the drink. The wine base is best made from strawberry, currant or raspberry jam. These drinks are the most delicious. Cherry jam wine perfectly retains the aroma of this berry. Apple is very light and fresh, while plum or blueberry is very rich and bright. Everyone decides for themselves which basis to choose. The main thing is to follow all the preparation technologies and then the resulting jam wine will delight you with its pleasant taste and good quality.

From raspberry jam

Homemade wine from raspberry jam, the recipe of which additionally includes only water and raisins, is prepared using standard technology and does not have any new features. In order to make something new, you will need additional ingredients:

  • Raspberry jam – 1.5 kilograms.
  • Fresh raspberries – 1 kilogram.
  • Warm water – 5 liters.
  • Sugar syrup - to taste.
  • Wine sourdough.
  • Ten liter container.

All ingredients except sugar syrup are mixed in a prepared, cleaned container. The temperature of the added water should be such that the resulting wort is at least 25 degrees. Fresh berries are crushed a little and mixed with the total mass. The entire mixture is placed in a dark, warm place and covered with gauze or cloth to prevent dust and dirt. The wort must be constantly stirred. A long wooden spoon is used for this.

After the start of fermentation, after about 5-7 days of infusion, the wort is poured into another clean container and tightly sealed with a water seal. In this form, the wort is kept until fermentation is complete. This process can take from two to three and a half months.

After gas formation is complete, the drink is poured into another container, removing the sediment, in which it will be clarified. To do this, use a rubber tube or simply carefully pour without the bottom grounds. The wine is aged in a new container for 3–4 days. As soon as the drink is completely clarified, prepared sugar syrup is added to it until the desired sweetness is obtained. The finished wine is tightly corked and stored in a cool place until fully matured. This process takes another couple of months, after which the drink is ready for tasting. This wine made from raspberry jam turns out to be more rich and tasty in comparison with the classic recipe.

From strawberry jam

Classically, the recipe for homemade wine from strawberry jam is also based on raisins. But to obtain a more aromatic and sweet dessert drink, technology with the addition of fresh berries is used. For preparation you will need:

  • Strawberry jam – 1 liter.
  • Water – 1 liter.
  • Fresh strawberries – 2 kilograms.
  • Sourdough – 30 grams.
  • Granulated sugar – 400 grams.

For cooking, you can use not only fresh berries, but also frozen preparations. They need to be thoroughly crushed and combined with water and jam. For this, water is first boiled and cooled to a temperature of 30 - 40 degrees, and the mixing container is sterilized with boiling water or in the oven.

Sourdough is added to the mixture and the jar is placed in a warm place, away from direct sunlight. The wort is infused until the first signs of fermentation appear. On average, this process takes about five days. During this time, the wort must be stirred periodically. As soon as gas formation begins, the liquid is poured into a larger container and sealed with a water seal. In this state, the wort ferments until the end of the process for approximately 2 - 3 months under the same environmental conditions.

After time, the water seal is removed, and the wine is separated from the formed sediment, eliminating mixing with it. The resulting drink is bottled and kept cool for three days. Due to this, the wine will be further purified and clarified. After this, sugar syrup is added to taste, and the drink is sent to a cool place to infuse until fully prepared. This will take 2 to 3 months.

Apple jam wine with rice

Apple jam is not often prepared, but those who have made it know that it is not as sticky as others and at the same time very fresh. Therefore, homemade wine made from old jam will have the same taste characteristics. For preparation you will need:

  • Apple jam – 1 liter.
  • Warm water – 1 liter.
  • Raw rice – 1 kilogram.
  • Wine yeast – 20 grams.

Rice-based apple wine follows the classic recipe. Only in this case the raisins are replaced with cereals. All ingredients are mixed and placed in a warm place. The wort is stirred every day to distribute the ingredients evenly. When the first signs of fermentation appear, the liquid is poured into a larger container and closed with a water seal. After the process is completely completed, after about a couple of months, the wine is separated from the sediment and infused for another couple of months in a cool place until it is completely ready.

Wine made from currant jam

To make wine from currant jam at home, use raisins or rice as a starter. In this case, it is better to additionally add fresh currants or grapes to enhance the taste and aroma. To prepare this wine you will need:

  • Currant jam – 1 liter.
  • Water – 2 liters.
  • Berries – 200 grams.
  • Rice – 200 grams.

Fresh unwashed berries are crushed. All ingredients are mixed in a prepared sterilized container and closed with a glove or water seal. In this state, the wort ferments in a warm, unlit place for 20 days. After gas formation is complete, the wine is removed from the sediment using a silicone tube and infused for another three days for clarification and purification. After this, the drink is removed again in the same way and poured into a sterilized container. It is infused in it until it is completely ready for 2 - 3 months.

Cherry jam wine

The cherry drink itself turns out to be very bright and rich. Therefore, the classic recipe for wine made from fermented jam using raisins is used. For preparation you will need:

  • Cherry jam – 1 liter.
  • Warm water – 1 liter.
  • Raisins – 200 grams.

All ingredients are mixed and left to ferment under a water seal for a couple of months. After the process is completed, the drink is carefully removed from the sediment and poured into a container for storage. The wine is aged in it until it is completely ready for another two months, after which you can begin tasting.

Wine from fermented jam is prepared at home in containers that are not in contact with the wort. Do not use metal or plastic containers. They can spoil the taste of the drink and form substances harmful to the human body. It is best to stir the wort with a wooden spoon. It will not affect the fermentation process.

All containers used during preparation must be thoroughly sterilized. In dirty dishes, wine will not last long or may not cook at all.

Wine is not prepared from different types of jam, as the taste may deteriorate. To enhance it, fresh mashed berries are added to the wort.

Making homemade wine from jam is half the battle. It is also important to store it correctly. Good wine can be stored for two to three years. To prevent it from fermenting, you need to choose the right ambient temperature. The most suitable is 15-16 degrees. But you can also store it on the refrigerator door. The longer young wine is stored, the richer its taste will be. Bottles should be protected from direct sunlight and shake as little as possible. Under such conditions, the shelf life will be maximum.

Homemade wine jam is very tasty, sweet and easy to prepare. It allows you not to lose the remaining preparations and please yourself and your guests with a pleasant drink. You won’t find such a bright and tasty drink in any store.

If there is extra sweetness from fruits or berries in the cellar, then this is an excellent reason to pamper yourself and make wine from jam at home; we will analyze a simple recipe for the drink in detail in the current article. Wine can have a variety of flavor notes, depending on what kind of jam became its basis. In this regard, professionals do not recommend mixing different jams so that the drink does not end up with an unclear taste.

The result of preparation will be a sweet and sour drink with a strength of 10–14%. If necessary, you can season it with vodka or alcohol and increase the value, but then it will no longer be wine. Even without additional fortification, the wine is not the weakest.

In order not to spoil the taste of the drink, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection and preparation of containers. Glass containers would be an ideal option. If it is not possible to use glass throughout the entire process, then you need to choose dishes from a material that has not oxidized (enamel, stainless steel). It is also undesirable to use plastic, as it reacts with alcohols and spoils the taste of the drink.

All containers used during the preparation process must be sterile. To do this, it is recommended to thoroughly clean everything with baking soda and then steam sterilize it. Sterile containers must be used at all stages of preparation, both during primary fermentation and when pouring the drink.

As for jam, you can use any jam from last year that has already lost its taste and aroma. If the preparation has already fermented, then this will not be an obstacle to making wine from jam at home; the simple recipe described below allows you to use such raw materials. But if there is mold in the jar, then such sweetness must be thrown away immediately; under no circumstances is it suitable for winemaking.

Homemade jam wine, recipes

Today there are several options for preparing a drink from jam. Despite the fact that professionals do not recommend adding yeast and speeding up the process, impatient home winemakers resort to this trick. Therefore, two preparation technologies will be considered. The first one is classic, without using yeast, but quite long. The second is fast, but uses non-recommended ingredients.

Traditional cooking method


  • jam - liter jar;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • raisins - 100 gr.

We pre-boil the water and cool it. If the jam is sour, then it is permissible to add sugar to make the drink sweeter. It is better not to mix different types of jam, but if this is necessary, it is better to combine sweet and sour preparations, for example, currants and raspberries.

Wine made from jam at home, despite the simple recipe, requires a responsible approach, otherwise you can simply ruin the drink. Raisins can be replaced with grapes; a prerequisite is that neither one nor the other should be washed. These berries are needed to activate the fermentation process due to wild yeast on the surface of their peel. Fresh berries must be crushed before use.

Cooking steps

The first stage of preparation involves preparing the wort and primary fermentation.

  • Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly. If there is a need to prepare a larger quantity of drink, you can increase the volume in proportion to the specified composition.
  • We place everything in a container for primary fermentation and cover it with gauze to prevent the ingress of debris and insects. We place the container in a dark, warm place; if there is no such thing in the apartment, you can wrap the container with a thick blanket (it is important to prevent light from entering) and place it near the radiator.
  • Primary fermentation lasts 5 days, the first signs of the start of the process should appear after 24 hours. Once a day, the wort must be stirred and the crust of the pulp must be broken to avoid the formation of mold. It's better to use a wooden spoon.
  • After 5 days, the wort is filtered through cheesecloth and the spin is discarded. The wort is poured into a sterilized jar of the appropriate volume. You should not fill the container to capacity; you should leave about a quarter of the volume to form foam during the period of active fermentation.
  • The jar is closed with a water seal or a medical glove is put on with a finger pierced with a needle. If the glove hangs loosely on the neck, then you need to strengthen the connection by tying it with tape or covering it with dough. This is necessary to allow carbon dioxide to escape during the fermentation process, but at the same time prevent oxygen from entering the wine.

After no more than 4 days, the glove should be fully inflated; if this is not the case, something has gone wrong or there is an additional hole through which gas is escaping. If everything is fine, then leave the container for 3 months in a dark, warm place.

The active fermentation process may take less time (at least 1.5 months). The end of the process will be indicated by fallen gloves or the absence of bubbles in the water seal. The wine itself will become transparent and sediment will form. If everything is so, then it’s time for the second stage.

  • Drain the clear wine from the sediment into a new container. It is important not to disturb the cloudiness; its presence imparts bitterness to the drink, so it is better to do this using a hose or dropper.
  • We try the drink, if it seems that the wine is sour, then you can add sugar.
  • We pour the wine into bottles, cork it and send it to a cold place to ripen. This could be a cellar or a refrigerator.
  • The drink will ripen for about 2–3 months; if sediment appears again during the process, you need to repeat the draining.

The result is an excellent homemade jam wine that is as tasty as any fruit or berry drink.

Accelerated cooking method

This preparation method will take the home winemaker no more than 2 weeks.

The following components will be required:

  • jam – 1 liter;
  • water – 2 liters;
  • yeast, dry – 10 gr.

The cooking process is completely different from the one suggested above.

  • Mix water with jam and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and cool.
  • Strain the broth through cheesecloth to remove all pieces of berries or fruit.
  • Pour a small amount of the mixture into a cup and dilute the yeast in it, keep it in a warm place for 20 minutes to activate the process and pour it into the rest of the future drink.
  • Pour the wort into the fermentation container, leaving room for foam and, closing it with a water seal or putting on a medical glove, send it for active fermentation in a dark, warm place.

Yeast activates and significantly speeds up the fermentation process. After a week, the glove will fall off and the water seal will stop producing bubbles. The wine will form sediment and can be poured into a clean container.

Homemade jam wine, a simple recipe for which contains yeast, turns out sour and slightly carbonated. Unfortunately, this wine cannot be stored for a long time, so you should drink it in the near future.

How to make delicious wine from jam at home

Very often, housewives during the summer season cannot get enough of the rich harvest and make an incredibly large number of twists, including jam. As a result, all this is not used during the winter and remains to pollinate on the pantry shelves.

How to make homemade wine from jam

Frankly speaking, perhaps everyone feels sorry for their work and delicious jam. But what to do then? There is a great way to turn it into a delicious wine that is appropriate for the holiday table in every home. In this case, the condition of such a delicacy does not matter. Even when it has already fermented or candied, you can still make homemade wine from it.

So, our article will help answer the following questions:

  1. How to make wine from jam?
  2. How to make wine from raspberry jam?
  3. Is it worth making wine from jam with yeast?
  4. How to make wine from old jam?

Necessary supplies for making homemade wine from jam

If you decide to turn homemade jam into wine, you should be properly prepared for this procedure. Those who have at least once been involved in making wine should know their way around well. For beginners, we will now look at everything in detail.

Required for cooking home wines from old jam will be:

A container, preferably made of glass. Indeed, during the fermentation process, a reaction occurs as a result of which it can acquire the smell of metal or plastic. It is also important to choose the right bottle size. Focus on the calculation of one liter of jam + one liter of water. In addition, there must be a place with a reserve, because foam forms during fermentation.

A water seal is a mandatory attribute in the process of aging homemade nectar. Its function is that it:

  • Removes carbon dioxide;
  • Does not allow the passage of oxygen;
  • With its help, it is easy to understand the moment of completion of the fermentation stage.

Such responsibilities attribute It’s not difficult to make it yourself or buy it ready-made in a store. In particular:

The simplest shutter technique. It is enough to put it on the neck of the container and make one hole with a needle. During the fermentation process, gas comes out of it. During this time (fermentation process) it will be puffed up. When the glove-shaped shutter falls, it will mean that fermentation completed.

  • A ready-made shutter that can be purchased in a store.

It looks like a regular nylon cover. Its special feature is a container (recess) in the middle where water should be poured. During fermentation, carbon dioxide escapes through the water. It is necessary to observe when the bubbles stop appearing, this means ending of this stage.

  • Homemade from a cap and tube.

This could often be seen in home winemakers. The essence of such a shutter is the same as in previous versions. Expel carbon dioxide during the fermentation process. To do this, a hole is made in the plastic lid and a tube is inserted, which is attached to a jar of water. Thus, one end of the tube is in water, and the other is inserted a couple of centimeters into the wine preparation. During the fermentation process, bubbles appear in the water, and after they disappear, the process is complete.

How to make wine from jam and what containers are needed for this

It is better to pour the finished drink into glass bottles. You can also put it in properly prepared wooden barrels, however, this is quite a troublesome task. It is better to seal the nectar with wooden stoppers. This will give the emu the opportunity to breathe. Therefore, take care of them in advance.

How to make wine from jam at home

Not taking into account the required equipment, basic- this is jam. It doesn’t matter at all what berries it comes from, whole or ground. The main criterion for the raw material itself is the absence of mold. And so, any will do. You can even combine several types. Even experienced winemakers often do this. All leftover jam from last year is turned into the “drink of the Gods.”

So, let's look at several recipes for preparing the “drink of the Gods” from old jam at home conditions, you will need:

That's the whole procedure. Nectar reserves are already ready. Such homemade wine is often supplied abroad as very valuable and expensive.

Homemade jam wine recipes

Let's look at popular recipes for homemade wine made from jam. The procedure for making wine is already clear. However, from which jam is the wine delicious? Here, of course, everyone's tastes differ. However, the undeniable fact is that such a drink made from cherry jam will be incredibly tasty. Traditional is the use of apple and strawberry delicacies for homemade wine. Let's take a closer look at their recipes.

Cherry jam wine recipe

To prepare it we use the following proportions:

Mix all ingredients and place in a three-liter container (jar). We put a medical glove on the neck of the container. Leave in a dark, warm place for 10 days.

By expiration After some time, the wort should be strained into another jar. And put on again, but with a new medical glove. Make one hole in it with a thin needle. And again we hide the wort in a dark place where it will be warm. It should be kept for approximately forty days.

After the time has passed, carefully, trying not to touch the sediment, pour the finished wine into bottles and seal it hermetically.

Apple jam wine (the most popular recipe)

Apple jam tends to ferment. If you find exactly this, then you definitely don’t throw it away. The wine it will make is incredibly refined. True, the process of making it is somewhat long and will take 4-5 months. The peculiarity of this nectar is that it can be prepared with or without yeast.

To make wine from old jam at home, you will be needed:

In a three-liter bottle, put one liter of jam and add a liter of warm water. Add raisins (100g) and mix everything together. This time we seal it with a lid and keep it in a dark corner at a temperature of 25 degrees.

After ten days, strain into a clean container. We put on the same glove over the neck and pierce one hole in it. And leave the liquid for forty days. You should be guided by the glove, which should fall at the end. And after that, the wine must be poured into prepared containers and kept for about 70 more days.

Strawberry jam wine

By the way, sparkling strawberry wines are very popular now. Therefore, do not regret the old jam and make masterpiece on your own.

Choose a large glass container. Mix the proportions: one liter of jam with two and a half liters of water. Mix very thoroughly and add raisins (up to 150 g). We put all this in a warm and dry place. We are watching fermentation process. After this, strain and place again in a clean container. The drink is almost ready. Bottles of wine should be corked and left in a cool place for three days. After this time, the wine is ready to drink. Imagine how fast and easy it is!

Of course, making homemade wine is possible from other types of jam, which will become no less wonderful drinks. A particularly tasty drink is made from raspberry jam. You can experiment with additional ingredients (for example, yeast), but only if you know a lot about it or use the tips of professionals. In any case, the choice of raw materials is a personal matter. We found out the basics and subtleties of cooking. Wine according to this recipe was supplied even to the Queen of Great Britain herself.

Homemade wine from old jam

Every year, thrifty housewives have at least a few jars of last year's jam left over. I don’t want to eat it anymore, since a new one has been prepared, and it’s a pity to throw away a natural product, the preparation of which took effort and money. I suggest the next solution is to make homemade wine from jam. We will consider the recipe and technology further.

I advise you to find in advance a three-liter jar, a nylon lid, gauze and a medical rubber glove (you can install a water seal instead). In this recipe we will do without yeast, since wine yeast is difficult to get, and ordinary pressed or dry yeast is not used in winemaking, turning the wine into an ordinary mash. The role of yeast will be played by raisins, on the surface of which the necessary fungi live.

Jam made from apples, currants, raspberries, strawberries, plums, cherries and other fruit crops is suitable for making homemade wine. But I do not recommend mixing different types of jam in one drink: the unique taste of each berry is lost in the mixture. It's better to make several separate servings.

  • jam – 1 liter;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • unwashed raisins – 100 grams;
  • sugar – 10-100 grams per liter of water (optional).

The amount of water depends on the sugar content in the jam (natural in the raw material and added during the cooking process). We must strive to ensure that the sugar content in the wort does not exceed 20%. If necessary, dilute with more water. If the jam is not initially sweet, you can add more sugar.

Recipe for wine from old jam

1. Wash a three-liter jar with soda, rinse several times with warm water, then sterilize by pouring a little boiling water. This will kill pathogens that could spoil the wine.

2. Transfer the jam to a jar, add water and sugar (if necessary), add unwashed raisins. Stir until smooth. Instead of raisins, you can use any unwashed fresh berries that need to be crushed first.

3. Cover the jar with gauze to protect against flies, transfer to a warm (18-25°C) dark place or cover with a thick cloth. Leave for 5 days, stir once a day with a clean hand or a wooden tool. After 8-20 hours, signs of fermentation should appear: hissing, foam and a slight sour smell. This means that everything is going fine.

4. Remove the pulp (floated pulp) from the surface and strain the contents of the jar through gauze folded in several layers. Pour the filtered wort into a clean jar, previously washed with soda and boiling water. The container can be filled to a maximum of 75% of the volume, so that there is room for foam and carbon dioxide that will appear during fermentation.

5. Make a hole in one of the fingers of the medical glove with a needle, and then put the glove itself on the neck of the jar. To ensure that the structure holds better and does not fall off during fermentation, tie the neck with a rope over the glove.

Fermentation under the glove

An alternative way is to install a water seal. There is no difference between these two options. If you make homemade wines all the time, it is better to build a water seal; it is universal; in other cases, a glove (a new one each time) will do.

Attention! If fermentation does not stop after 50 days from the moment the water seal is installed, the jam wine must be drained without touching the sediment at the bottom. Then put it under the water seal again to ferment. If this is not done, the drink may taste bitter.

7. Drain the fermented young wine from the sediment. Taste, if desired, add sugar for sweetness or vodka (alcohol) to increase the strength (2-15% of volume). Fortified wine made from jam stores better, but is not as aromatic and has a harsher taste.

Pour the drink into clean containers, preferably filling them up to the neck so that there is no contact with oxygen. Close tightly and transfer to the basement or refrigerator. Keep for at least 2-3 months (preferably 5-6). The optimal temperature is 6-16°C.

The strength of the prepared wine is 10-13%. Shelf life when stored in a basement or refrigerator is up to 3 years.

Homemade wine from jam: a simple recipe

Almost everyone who has their own garden or vegetable garden makes home preparations for the winter. These are mainly pickles and jams made from all kinds of vegetables and berries. They are prepared in large quantities and are not always eaten until next summer. And jam tends to become sugary and ferment, losing its appetizing quality. In this case, it’s a pity to waste your reserves and you have to figure out how to use them.

A great way out is to make wine from jam. It can be cherry, strawberry, apple, currant and any other. All the preparations remaining after the winter will be used. Jam is an excellent raw material for wine. It already contains an important ingredient for fermentation - sugar. Due to this, the resulting wine will not have a sour taste, and preparation will proceed faster than from simple raw materials.

How to make homemade wine from fermented jam?

If your preparations have fermented, then do not rush to get upset and throw them away, since making wine from fermented jam is much easier and faster than from fresh one. This only requires a couple of additional ingredients. You can use any old jams and preserves from fruits and berries. The main thing is not to mix several types, but to cook from only one.

How to make wine from jam? To prepare one liter of raw materials, you will additionally need granulated sugar, raisins and warm water. To do this, it is pre-boiled and cooled to 30 - 40 degrees. In addition, you will need a large jar, about five liters, for infusion. The container is pre-prepared: cleaned and sterilized with boiling water. 3 - 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar and one raisin are added to the sour dough. The mixture is poured with warm water, closed with a prepared water seal or a glove with a hole in the finger and put into a warm, dark room. From this moment you can consider that homemade wine has been delivered.

How quickly it will be ready is determined by the degree of fermentation of the raw materials, but generally the aging takes at least two weeks. After this, the resulting drink is poured into a prepared sterilized container and mixed with two tablespoons of sugar. This mixture is sealed and matured for three months. The finished jam wine is carefully removed from the berry or fruit sediment. You can filter the drink through a sieve or use a tube to drain the liquid. The resulting wine can be stored for no more than three years in a cool place.

With yeast

Since you can make wine from old jam with yeast much faster than without it, this recipe is extremely popular. With the addition of this ingredient, the wort ferments much more actively and the wine is ready for consumption within a month and a half. Homemade wine made from jam with yeast is stronger, especially if you use one liter of wort to require the same amount of pure water, 20 grams of yeast and 200 grams of rice. Mix all the ingredients in a prepared sterilized container and place in a warm, dark place to ripen. The neck of the vessel is closed with a water seal or a medical glove. The wine ferments until gas formation is complete for about three weeks.

When the glove falls off or bubbles stop appearing, you need to separate the wine from the sediment, pour it into a container in which it will be stored and put it in a cool place. At this stage, the drink is immediately ready for consumption. But to obtain a more pleasant and rich taste, you need to keep it in the cold for another three weeks to one month.

Without yeast

Making wine from jam at home opens up scope for imagination. The choice of recipe depends on what kind of preparation is currently available, on the additional ingredients and the duration of production. You can make wine from jam without yeast. This process takes longer, but the finished drink is more tasty and rich.

In order to supply the wine, containers are prepared in advance. It must be washed and thoroughly sterilized. Jam with warm boiled water is poured into it in a 1:1 ratio and a handful of raisins or other fresh berries are poured in. They are not washed so as not to lose the natural yeast found on the peel. Fresh berries need to be crushed and mixed until smooth and thick. The mixture is covered with gauze and put in a dark, warm place for five days until pulp forms and fermentation starts. During this time, the liquid must be thoroughly mixed daily.

After the time has passed, you need to separate the solid part that has floated to the surface. To do this, the liquid is filtered through gauze or a sieve and poured into a new sterilized jar. It should not be filled to the brim. A fifth of the volume remains empty to allow the formation of foam and gas during the fermentation process. The neck is closed with a water seal and the container is left for further aging under the same environmental conditions for 2 - 3 months. An indicator of the completion of fermentation will be: cessation of gas formation, precipitation and clarification of the liquid.

Now the finished wine must be carefully removed from the sediment using a rubber tube. The finished product is poured into containers for storage. If the wine is sour, then additional sugar syrup is added until sweet. The spilled drink ripens in a cool place for another 2 – 3 months. The result is a dessert wine made from jam, with a strength of 9 to 13 degrees.

Drink recipes from preparations

It is impossible to obtain a product similar to what is on store shelves. But you can make excellent wine at home from jam. The simple recipe and availability of ingredients make this technology very popular. By choosing this method, you kill two birds with one stone: the preparations are not wasted, and you get a delicious alcoholic drink.

Jam wine can be prepared from only one piece, or fresh fruits and berries can be added to adjust the taste. It is not recommended to mix several types of jams, as you can lose the quality of the drink. The wine base is best made from strawberry, currant or raspberry jam. These drinks are the most delicious. Cherry jam wine perfectly retains the aroma of this berry. Apple is very light and fresh, while plum or blueberry is very rich and bright. Everyone decides for themselves which basis to choose. The main thing is to follow all the preparation technologies and then the resulting jam wine will delight you with its pleasant taste and good quality.

From raspberry jam

Homemade wine from raspberry jam, the recipe of which additionally includes only water and raisins, is prepared using standard technology and does not have any new features. In order to make something new, you will need additional ingredients:

  • Raspberry jam – 1.5 kilograms.
  • Fresh raspberries – 1 kilogram.
  • Warm water – 5 liters.
  • Sugar syrup - to taste.
  • Wine sourdough.
  • Ten liter container.

All ingredients except sugar syrup are mixed in a prepared, cleaned container. The temperature of the added water should be such that the resulting wort is at least 25 degrees. Fresh berries are crushed a little and mixed with the total mass. The entire mixture is placed in a dark, warm place and covered with gauze or cloth to prevent dust and dirt. The wort must be constantly stirred. A long wooden spoon is used for this.

After the start of fermentation, after about 5-7 days of infusion, the wort is poured into another clean container and tightly sealed with a water seal. In this form, the wort is kept until fermentation is complete. This process can take from two to three and a half months.

After gas formation is complete, the drink is poured into another container, removing the sediment, in which it will be clarified. To do this, use a rubber tube or simply carefully pour without the bottom grounds. The wine is aged in a new container for 3–4 days. As soon as the drink is completely clarified, prepared sugar syrup is added to it until the desired sweetness is obtained. The finished wine is tightly corked and stored in a cool place until fully matured. This process takes another couple of months, after which the drink is ready for tasting. This wine made from raspberry jam turns out to be more rich and tasty in comparison with the classic recipe.

From strawberry jam

Classically, the recipe for homemade wine from strawberry jam is also based on raisins. But to obtain a more aromatic and sweet dessert drink, technology with the addition of fresh berries is used. For preparation you will need:

  • Strawberry jam – 1 liter.
  • Water – 1 liter.
  • Fresh strawberries – 2 kilograms.
  • Sourdough – 30 grams.
  • Granulated sugar – 400 grams.

For cooking, you can use not only fresh berries, but also frozen preparations. They need to be thoroughly crushed and combined with water and jam. For this, water is first boiled and cooled to a temperature of 30 - 40 degrees, and the mixing container is sterilized with boiling water or in the oven.

Sourdough is added to the mixture and the jar is placed in a warm place, away from direct sunlight. The wort is infused until the first signs of fermentation appear. On average, this process takes about five days. During this time, the wort must be stirred periodically. As soon as gas formation begins, the liquid is poured into a larger container and sealed with a water seal. In this state, the wort ferments until the end of the process for approximately 2 - 3 months under the same environmental conditions.

After time, the water seal is removed, and the wine is separated from the formed sediment, eliminating mixing with it. The resulting drink is bottled and kept cool for three days. Due to this, the wine will be further purified and clarified. After this, sugar syrup is added to taste, and the drink is sent to a cool place to infuse until fully prepared. This will take 2 to 3 months.

Apple jam wine with rice

Apple jam is not often prepared, but those who have made it know that it is not as sticky as others and at the same time very fresh. Therefore, homemade wine made from old jam will have the same taste characteristics. For preparation you will need:

  • Apple jam – 1 liter.
  • Warm water – 1 liter.
  • Raw rice – 1 kilogram.
  • Wine yeast – 20 grams.

Rice-based apple wine follows the classic recipe. Only in this case the raisins are replaced with cereals. All ingredients are mixed and placed in a warm place. The wort is stirred every day to distribute the ingredients evenly. When the first signs of fermentation appear, the liquid is poured into a larger container and closed with a water seal. After the process is completely completed, after about a couple of months, the wine is separated from the sediment and infused for another couple of months in a cool place until it is completely ready.

Wine made from currant jam

To make wine from currant jam at home, use raisins or rice as a starter. In this case, it is better to additionally add fresh currants or grapes to enhance the taste and aroma. To prepare this wine you will need:

  • Currant jam – 1 liter.
  • Water – 2 liters.
  • Berries – 200 grams.
  • Rice – 200 grams.

Fresh unwashed berries are crushed. All ingredients are mixed in a prepared sterilized container and closed with a glove or water seal. In this state, the wort ferments in a warm, unlit place for 20 days. After gas formation is complete, the wine is removed from the sediment using a silicone tube and infused for another three days for clarification and purification. After this, the drink is removed again in the same way and poured into a sterilized container. It is infused in it until it is completely ready for 2 - 3 months.

Cherry jam wine

The cherry drink itself turns out to be very bright and rich. Therefore, the classic recipe for wine made from fermented jam using raisins is used. For preparation you will need:

  • Cherry jam – 1 liter.
  • Warm water – 1 liter.
  • Raisins – 200 grams.

All ingredients are mixed and left to ferment under a water seal for a couple of months. After the process is completed, the drink is carefully removed from the sediment and poured into a container for storage. The wine is aged in it until it is completely ready for another two months, after which you can begin tasting.

Wine from fermented jam is prepared at home in containers that are not in contact with the wort. Do not use metal or plastic containers. They can spoil the taste of the drink and form substances harmful to the human body. It is best to stir the wort with a wooden spoon. It will not affect the fermentation process.

All containers used during preparation must be thoroughly sterilized. In dirty dishes, wine will not last long or may not cook at all.

Wine is not prepared from different types of jam, as the taste may deteriorate. To enhance it, fresh mashed berries are added to the wort.

Homemade wine jam is very tasty, sweet and easy to prepare. It allows you not to lose the remaining preparations and please yourself and your guests with a pleasant drink. You won’t find such a bright and tasty drink in any store.

On the eve of the next berry season, you should not dispose of sweet reserves that, for some reason, remained dormant in the cellar.

Even if your favorite twist has become very old, you can try yourself as a home winemaker and make delicious wine from fermented raspberry jam. As a result of minimal effort and expense, we will get a magnificent intoxicating drink that will retain all the vitamin riches of the main garden berry!

Winemaking from jam: main principles

The wine made from raspberry jam, beloved by many ladies, will turn out tasty and healthy from almost any raw material. So, in home winemaking, raw materials with an expired shelf life - one or even two years ago - are useful!

  • Raspberries, ground with sugar, which have not stood the test of time and have fermented, will also work. Experienced home winemakers claim that wine made from sour raspberry jam is no worse than from fresh berries.
  • If even the slightest hint of mold appears on the jam, it must be disposed of without regret and immediately. Working with such risky raw materials is a thankless task that may not be successful. Plus, mold is dangerous to your health, so don't take the risk.
  • All utensils and instruments that we will use to make homemade wine from fermented or sour raspberry syrup must be sterile.
  • In the absence of professional water seals, it is quite possible to use rubber medical gloves to control the fermentation process, but be sure to use new ones.
  • To make raspberry jam wine tasty and healthy, you need to strictly adhere to temperature recommendations. But the amount of sugar suggested in recipes can be varied based on your own taste preferences.

Raspberries are a rather sweet berry, so to obtain a dry variety of homemade wine drink, you can add a little more sour jam, for example, cherry or currant, to the wort at the fermentation stage.

We will get an incredible aroma and a very pleasant, unsweetening taste!

In home winemaking, any utensils are used except metal ones, since they are prone to oxidation.

Raspberry jam wine: step-by-step recipe


  • Old raspberry jam- 1 kg + -
  • — 1 l + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • Unwashed raisins - a handful + -

How to make wine from fermented raspberry jam

  1. First, mix the jam and water at room temperature, then add the raisins (you can’t wash it - the natural yeast will be washed off).
  2. The next step is to add half a serving of sugar. We completely dissolve it.
  3. Having filled the glass container to 2/3 of its volume, put on a medical glove on top. We make a small hole in one of the fingers - gases will escape through it during fermentation.
  4. Place the wine bottle in a warm place (average temperature - 25 o C) away from direct rays of the sun. The mash stays in a secluded place for several weeks. When the top fermentation is over (we recognize this by the glove lowering and the berry base rising to the surface of the mash), we will move on to the next stage.
  5. We strain the fermented wort through cheesecloth, taste it and, if it is not sweet enough, add more sugar.
  6. Having sweetened the drink a second time and poured it into a clean bottle, put on a glove and again place the semi-finished wine from fermented raspberry jam in the heat.
  7. When the lower fermentation stage is completed, and we will know this by the appearance of thick sediment at the bottom of the bottle and the drink becoming clearer, you will need to use a flexible tube to pour the drink into smaller portioned containers.
  8. We seal the bottles, filled almost to the top, tightly and this time send them to a cool, dark place for maturation.
  9. Occasional sedimentation is completely normal. As soon as it appears, the almost finished drink will need to be poured into clean containers and placed again in a cool, dark place.
  10. The ripening period for homemade wine made from fermented raspberry jam is on average 2-3 months. Its duration depends on the sweetness of the drink, the quality of the berry raw materials, adherence to technology and many other factors.

An indicator of the readiness of homemade raspberry wine is the absence of sediment, transparency, rich taste with a strength of around 10%.

Wine made from jam with wine yeast


  • Raspberry and currant jam – 1.5 l.
  • Warm boiled water – 1.5 l.
  • Sugar – 2.5 cups.
  • Homemade wine yeast – 2-3 tbsp.
  • Dark unwashed raisins – 1 handful.
  • Clean water - 1 glass.
  1. First, let's “grow” homemade yeast. To do this, slightly heat half the water, dissolve sugar in it, cool, and add the rest of the water.
  2. Pour unwashed raisins into a sterile wide-necked bottle and fill with sweet water. The total volume of the mass should not exceed 2/3 of the capacity of the vessel.
  3. Having sealed the bottle with something that allows air to pass through well, place the container in a fairly warm place. You can place it on a sunlit windowsill (in summer) or closer to the radiator (in winter).
  4. During the day, the contents of the jar need to be shaken - this way the floating raisins will always be moist and will not become moldy. After 4-5 days, vigorous fermentation will be completed - the yeast is ready. The unused part can be stored for no more than 10 days and only in the cold.
  5. Now let’s start making wine with raspberry jam. Mix water at room temperature and jam, add half the sugar. When the grains dissolve, add the yeast and stir. Cover the bottle with gauze and put it in a warm place for a couple of weeks.
  6. When bubbles stop forming in the container and the smell of mash disappears, and the pulp (berry pulp) rises to the top, you can filter the semi-finished drink.
  7. We taste it and add, if necessary, more sugar, dissolving some of the expressed liquid, and then pour it back.
  8. We put on a glove and send it out into the warmth to wander some more. The glove is deflated - fermentation is over.

We pour the almost finished homemade wine into bottles, leaving the sediment in a large container, close it - and ripen in the dark and cool! During the process, we will periodically drain the wine from the sediment into fresh, clean containers.

The strength of the finished wine can be increased by adding alcohol in an amount from 2 to 15% of the total volume of liquid.

The drink is fixed before it is sent for aging. It should be borne in mind that the more alcohol in the wine, the harsher its taste will be.

Any product made with your own hands usually turns out not only tasty, but also healthy. The same can be said about wine made from raspberry jam, if you know how to prepare it at home and store it correctly.

No store-bought drink can compare with its unsurpassed taste and delicate aroma! So don’t rush to throw away your old twists - they may still come in handy...



This is interesting: