How to pickle black milk mushrooms: home canning recipes. Salting black milk mushrooms in a hot and cold way Salting black milk mushrooms in a hot way for the winter

How to pickle black milk mushrooms: home canning recipes. Salting black milk mushrooms in a hot and cold way Salting black milk mushrooms in a hot way for the winter

Black milk mushrooms are a popular product that has been served on the table for a long time. They are mainly consumed in salted form. Mushrooms are very tasty and have many medicinal properties. Therefore, when the harvest season comes, lovers of this product are interested in how to pickle black milk mushrooms?

The black type of milk mushroom belongs to the 4th group of mushrooms: they are conditionally edible. They are often eaten salted after they have been boiled and soaked for a long time in fresh water. If you pickle it correctly and store it at the required temperature, the taste characteristics and elasticity of the mushroom will remain for 3 years or more.

The black milk mushroom has a large cap that can reach 30 centimeters. In color it can be dark brown, greenish-black, brown-olive. Dense structure, fleshy, slightly sticky, dark circles can barely be seen on it.

Young mushrooms, with a flat cap, a dent in the middle and a slightly curved edge, grow in mixed or deciduous forests.

The mushroom that grew in the spruce forest has a thin funnel-shaped cap with closely spaced plates.

There are 2 options for salting milk mushrooms:

  1. Hot.
  2. Cold.

This type of mushroom is well suited for any pickling. It can also be used to prepare other less delicious dishes(milk mushrooms in sour cream).

Black loading is salted using various containers, but it is best to use glass containers. It is recommended to remove the stems to make it easier to place the mushrooms.

Preparing for pickling

Many mushroom pickers and simply amateurs may not know that white milky juice appears at the break of the milk mushroom. It tastes bitter and can spoil the finished product. To eliminate this defect, it is necessary to prepare a bath for mushrooms, where they should stay for 2 - 3 days.

You will need cool water, which needs to be slightly salted and acidified. Per liter of liquid take 10 grams of salt and 2 grams of citric acid. The water should be changed at least 2 times a day.

Recipes and techniques for pickling mushrooms may vary.

There is another way to prepare for salting. The milk mushrooms are blanched for 5 minutes, after which they are cooled with water (10 grams of salt are required per liter of liquid).

Methods: hot and cold

1. Hot salting of black milk mushrooms

Hot salting of black milk mushrooms is one of the popular methods of preparing this product. This preparation option is quite simple and does not take much time. Despite the fact that the mushrooms need to be boiled, once they are cooked, they do not lose their elasticity and do not crumble.

Salted product for the winter in jars

To prepare salted milk mushrooms for the winter, you should take the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kilograms fresh mushrooms;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 6 tablespoons salt;
  • 15 black peppercorns;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 1 spicy clove;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 7 dill umbrellas;
  • 1 liter of water (for preparing brine);
  • 6 tablespoons salt (for brine);
  • 50 grams of vegetable oil.

Initially, you need to clean the mushrooms using all kinds of brushes. Leave the washed milk mushrooms in cool water for 3 hours.

Take a large saucepan, add water and boil it. Throw salt and mushrooms into boiling water. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat. The foam that appears during the cooking process should be removed.

At the same time, you can prepare the brine. To do this, put bay leaves, black and allspice, and cloves into a saucepan. When the water begins to boil, add salt and boil the broth for 5 minutes. Then add the dill and put out the fire.

Place the cooked milk mushrooms in a colander to remove excess water. Take a container for pickling milk mushrooms and put spices on the bottom, catching them from the broth. Place the mushrooms and pour in the prepared brine, which should completely cover the milk mushrooms.

Everyone knows that mushrooms are light and will float, so they should be pressed with a lid, placing a weight on top, and left in a cold place for 3 days.

After this time, place the spices in the jars and compact the mushrooms tightly, leaving no empty spaces. Pour brine almost to the top of the container and add vegetable oil. Close the container with nylon lids.

Cooked mushrooms can be eaten after 30 days.

How to salt black milk mushrooms correctly using the hot salting method?

Salting recipes

Pickling recipe No. 1. To salt mushrooms, you need to pour a little salt into the bottom of the container, add currant leaves, chop the horseradish, add garlic and dill. Next, place the milk mushrooms, caps down, not exceeding 6 centimeters, then sprinkle with salt again. For 1 kilogram of mushrooms you will need 50 grams of salt.

This way the entire container should be filled. At the end, add currant leaves, horseradish, garlic cloves, dill, cover with gauze and press down on top with a weight. After 3 days, when the milk mushrooms become compacted and the juice is released, fresh prepared mushrooms are added to the container, adhering to the same laying system with the addition of the same amount of salt.

This process is repeated until the compression of the milk mushrooms stops.

It is necessary to ensure that the mushrooms are always covered with the resulting brine.

If there is a shortage of it, it is necessary to add salt solution. A liter of water requires 20 grams of salt.

Salting method No. 2. For 1 kilogram of product you will need: salt - 40 grams, dill - 15 grams, onions - 150 grams, citric acid - 10 grams.

Method number 3. Per kilogram of product is taken: salt - 2 tablespoons, dill - 5 grams, 4 bay leaves, 2 currant leaves, 5 black peppercorns.

There is an opinion that pickling mushrooms should only be done using salt; sometimes you can add a little dill and garlic; cherry and oak leaves are added for concentration.

2. Cold cooking

How to properly salt black milk mushrooms using cold method?

Cold-salted black milk mushrooms are the best preparation option. Recipes using this method are also different. How to salt black milk mushrooms, everyone decides individually, choosing the most suitable option.

Before you start cooking, the mushrooms must be washed and placed in a container. Pour cold water and leave to soak for about 4 days. The water needs to be changed, otherwise it may become moldy.

After the soaking procedure, the milk mushrooms should be washed and placed in a container in layers, adding salt.

When the mushrooms are compacted, you should cover them with gauze, put a lid on top that is smaller than the size of the container you are using, and then place it under a load.

If pickling is carried out in jars, it is necessary to compress the mushrooms well so that there are no gaps left.

You need to send them into the cold for 40 days. During soaking, the unpleasant taste goes away, but you can finally get rid of it only after 40 days. Therefore, you should not eat mushrooms before this date.

When ready, remove the fabric. Before eating large milk mushrooms, it is better to cut them and add onion or garlic rings to them and season with olive oil.

Using black milk mushrooms for this method, you should be patient: salting, of course, will take a long time, but it’s worth waiting for an effective result. Mushrooms acquire good taste, crunch on the teeth.

How to make black salted milk mushrooms? We offer a cold recipe.

To prepare milk mushrooms for the winter using the cold method, the following components are required:

  • 1 kilogram of product;
  • horseradish;
  • 40 grams of salt;
  • sprigs of dill;
  • garlic.

Before you start salting black salted milk mushrooms for the winter season, you should prepare them. You need to sort through the mushrooms and cut off the stems. Fill with water for 12 hours. Clean them under the tap, removing any remaining dirt from the caps. Next you need to soak them again.

To make the preparation, all the spices are placed in a container. The jar is filled with milk mushrooms, sprinkled with salt.

At a temperature of 23 degrees, wait 3 days. During this time, the mushrooms should release juice and become smaller. Then you need to transfer them to a cold zone for 50 days until they are completely ready.

Recipes that can be selected for pickling milk mushrooms are presented in different variations. However, what method to pickle black milk mushrooms, how best to do it is everyone’s decision. Regardless of which method was chosen for pickling, these delicious snacks good for every day.

Most foreign reference publications classify these mushrooms as inedible. Domestic mushroom pickers do not share the opinion of foreign experts and go to harvest black milk mushrooms in shaded areas of birch and mixed forests from the beginning of August until the end of October. In winter, salted crispy mushrooms have not only excellent taste, but also medicinal properties, are able to compete with the best restaurant dishes. All that remains is to choose the appropriate recipe and figure out how to pickle black milk mushrooms for the winter.

The taste qualities of black milk mushrooms are well known to those lovers of these mushrooms with slightly coarse flesh and a specific, slightly resinous aroma, who have mastered the secrets of their proper preparation. Nigella are pickled, boiled, fried, used as a side dish, added to stews, and used as a filling for pies. But the most common method is salting black milk mushrooms, during which each salted mushroom changes its black color to purple-burgundy. Mushrooms prepared in this way not only have an amazing taste, but also successfully replace meat, provided that the milk mushrooms are properly prepared for cooking.

From collection to processing

Demonstrate the wonders of dexterity by looking for nigella tubercles under the forest floor? that's only half the battle. Having delivered the collected mushrooms home, you will have to work hard before remembering your favorite recipe for preparing milk mushrooms for the winter.


To make the finished treat really tasty, it is better to divide the milk mushrooms. Small and strong mushrooms are prepared separately from mature specimens with a large cap. This is how the taste qualities of the future snack are fully revealed. In addition, young specimens are more aromatic and crunchy. Sorting by type requires special attention. You can follow the example of some housewives and cook, for example, white milk mushrooms together with black ones. However, in this case the one will be lost unique taste and the aroma inherent in each type of mushroom, since it is carried out differently than black ones.

Cleaning up debris

Using a hard, wide brush, it is necessary to remove accumulated debris and needles. The caps usually collect more, so the brush is replaced with a knife, with which the debris is scraped off from each fruit. The cleaning process is one of the most important, since any foreign matter can cause poisoning.

Removing softened and darkened areas

A sharp knife is used to free healthy pulp from damaged areas.


Running water will help completely remove all debris. Each mushroom is washed with special care and placed on a sieve.


This procedure is included in all existing pickling recipes, as it eliminates bitterness and acrid taste. The milk mushrooms, cleared of debris and washed, are placed in a wide container and filled with water at room temperature with the addition of salt. The amount of salt is 1 tbsp. l. for 2 liters of water, which needs to be changed every day. The soaking time for nigella is from 3 to 7 days. If the milk mushrooms are mature with large caps, then the water must be changed at least twice a day. After soaking is completed, the nigella are washed and placed on a sieve to remove excess liquid.

Basic rules for salting

When all the necessary requirements for preparing mushrooms have been met, you can begin pickling black milk mushrooms at home. For the best result, you will need to carry out a kind of test: cut off a piece of mushroom with a sharp knife and taste the cut. The absence of unpleasant bitterness will be a signal to start salting nigella for the winter.

Intermediate steps, such as the correct choice of salt (it is better to use ordinary table salt, without any additives or flavor enhancers), determining the salting method, as well as the place where the nigella will be located until serving, must be completed by the time the process is completed soaking.

Choosing the appropriate salting method

For those for whom mushroom harvesting and preparation have already become a family tradition, there is no need to find an answer to the question of how to pickle black milk mushrooms for the winter. Each of these families has its own special recipes. But beginners have to act by trial and error, because different ways and even the most insignificant nuances can change the taste of the finished product in one direction or another.

The main task is to choose the most suitable salting method. Here it is necessary to be guided by individual requirements. For example:

  1. It is more convenient to prepare a large number of nigellas using the cold salting method.
  2. For those who don’t like to wait, the hot method is more suitable, since the soaking time for milk mushrooms in brine will be only one month.
  3. More patient people will like it cold method. If there is storage space in the cellar, the aging time of milk mushrooms falls within the range of one and a half to two months.
  4. Mushroom pickers who are undemanding about the appearance of the finished product will prefer the hot salting method, since with the cold method each mushroom must be whole and placed in the brine strictly with the cap down.
  5. For pickling, there is a wooden tub specially designed for this purpose, as well as a cellar where the pickled mushrooms can spend a long time. In this case, the cold salting method is ideal.
  6. You can also salt nigella in a glass container, and wait for the preparation to ripen, placing it for storage in the house. In this case, simply hot-salting black milk mushrooms for the winter turns out to be the best choice.
  7. High demands are placed not only on taste and aroma, but also on the degree of softness of the finished milk mushroom. Prefer crunchy mushrooms over soft and pliable ones? Then you need to salt only cold.

The best recipes for the owner's piggy bank

Let's look at several recipes that are suitable for pickling a delicious mushroom.

Hot salt: recipe No. 1

This is the simplest option for preparing hot salted black milk mushrooms for the winter.

  • Peeled, washed and soaked mushrooms are brought to a boil.
  • Then the milk mushrooms are removed from the boiling water using a slotted spoon, and the water and foam are drained.
  • The nigella are returned to the container and filled with clean water again. The required amount of rock salt without additives or flavor enhancers is also added to the pan. The brine should be saturated.
  • In the resulting salt solution, nigella is boiled for an hour.
  • After cooking is completed, a bay leaf is placed in the pan, allspice peas and clove buds are added.
  • After this, the mushrooms are left alone until they cool completely.
  • Next, the bay leaf is removed. The mushrooms are removed and placed in glass jars.
  • The brine from the pan is added as the mushrooms are placed. For those who like a more piquant taste, it is recommended to add finely chopped dill and garlic to each jar.
  • The finished product is placed in a cool place.

After about 5-7 days, the mushrooms can be served.

Hot salting: recipe No. 2

The second option, which describes how to pickle black milk mushrooms in a hot way, is no less simple than the previous one. The nigella are boiled, placed on a sieve, and then laid out in layers in an enamel bucket or pan, sprinkled with rock salt at the rate of 2-3 tbsp. l. for 1 kg of black milk mushrooms. A large plate with pressure is placed on top. You can try the results of your work in just a couple of weeks.

Cold method: recipe No. 3

To salt black milk mushrooms in a cold way, you will need an enamel container (bucket, pan, tank). In it, currant leaves are located at the bottom, and then mushrooms are placed in layers, positioned strictly with their caps down. Each layer must be sprinkled with rock salt. The amount of salt is 2-3 tbsp. l. per 1 kg of nigellas that have already undergone the soaking procedure.

You can simultaneously add spices such as dill, garlic (optional), cloves, allspice peas. However, there are connoisseurs of salted mushrooms who prefer the product to be completely free from any spices. The main thing is that they are crispy and retain their unique aroma.

The last layer is covered with a clean cloth. Next, a plate and pressure are placed. Gradually, brine begins to appear in the container. It is necessary to carefully ensure that the milk mushrooms are completely immersed in the salty liquid. If it is not enough, add brine prepared from 1 tbsp. l. salt per 0.5 liters of water. Be sure to keep an eye on the fabric on the surface. If traces of mold appear, the fabric should be washed and washed more often. Salting time is 40 days.

Another option for cold salting: recipe No. 4

The traditional cold pickling of black milk mushrooms is still practiced in villages. The washed nigella are soaked for only 7 hours, and then placed in layers in wooden tubs. Dill, garlic are also added there. currant leaf and salt at the rate of 60 g of salt per 1 kg of black milk mushrooms. A clean cloth is placed on top and oppression is placed. The salting period is from two to three weeks. Large tubs are not filled immediately, but as fresh mushrooms arrive.

By choosing a way to prepare black milk mushrooms for future use, and spending very little time processing the harvest, in winter you can get excellent snack not only for the holiday table. Salted mushrooms will especially please you during a long fast, since they replace meat with great success.

How to pickle black milk mushrooms in a cold and hot way, what recommendations should be followed, and you will also learn secrets and pickling recipes from this material? In Western countries, this type of mushroom is not eaten: they are considered not tasty and not edible. And since past centuries, our people have valued milk mushrooms, considered them one of the best and tried to collect as many as possible in order to stock up on fleshy milk mushrooms for the winter. It’s not for nothing that the proverb appeared: “If you call yourself a load, get into the back.” The love for these mushrooms is still relevant today.

The peculiarity of the black milk mushroom is that it is never wormy: insect larvae do not like its pungent-smelling, pungent juice.

Features of black milk mushrooms

From July to November in the forests you can meet mushroom pickers who “hunt” for milk mushrooms. The mushroom grows on a low stalk and has a fairly wide cap that resembles a funnel. The flesh of milk mushrooms is dense, and their smell is similar to fruit. In native forests you can find yellow milk mushroom, alder, black, white, as well as raw and pepper. The most popular are black and white milk mushrooms.

Before salting, milk mushrooms should be cleared of soil, leaves and insects.

We will talk about nigella, this nickname is popularly given to the black milk mushroom, because this species is ideal for pickling. Today there are hundreds of different methods for salting black milk mushrooms. But they all come down to three main methods: cold, hot and in brine. If you pickle nigella using the hot method, the mushrooms will become soft and tender, literally melting in your mouth. Cold pickling and brining makes the mushrooms sad and maintains their shape. If you love crispy mushrooms, get ready to write down the recipe.

But first you need to properly clean the mushrooms from the dirt brought along with the mushrooms from the forest. Don’t pull the cat’s tail and just as you brought the mushrooms home, start processing. Mushrooms very quickly become unusable, because they harbor harmful bacteria. Sort the product, discarding old and wormy ones, remove large debris from the nigella and soak in cool water. Let the nigella sit for several hours, changing the water every half hour. This way you will not only clean the food from small adhering debris, but also wash out the bitter juice from the mushrooms. Next, if you don’t want crispy milk mushrooms to be associated with the crunch of sand, take a brush and brush each mushroom with it under running water. Using a knife, carefully cut off the stems (do not throw them away, you can prepare a separate dish from them) and place the caps of the nigella in a clean bowl.

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Basic rules for cold salting

The cold method of pickling mushrooms involves prolonged soaking in water, and not everyone decides to use this method of pickling. Some people simply don’t have enough space to keep a container of milk mushrooms for several days, others want to quickly put fragrant mushrooms on the table and are not ready to wait that long. However, the crispy, savory mushrooms are worth the trouble.

Horseradish leaves placed in mushrooms will not only give them a spicy pungency, but also protect them from souring and spoilage.

Place the washed mushrooms, caps down, in a wide container and fill with ice water. Press down the nigella with a slight pressure and place the container in a dark, cool place for three days. Don’t forget that you need to change the water every 5-8 hours so that the bitterness and toxic substances are completely gone. In ancient times, nigella was salted in wooden containers, but now such a tub is difficult to obtain, so it is best to use sterilized glass jars.

For a kilogram of milk mushrooms you need to take a tablespoon of salt, a few cloves of garlic and horseradish leaves. We put seasonings on the bottom of the jar, mushrooms on top, salt them, cover them with horseradish leaves and garlic, put the mushrooms again. We form layers in the jar until we fill the container to the top. Cover the mushrooms with a cloth or gauze, put herbs and horseradish on top, and cover with a plastic lid. If you use a wooden or clay dish for pickling, press the mushrooms down with a slight pressure. Place the container with nigella in the refrigerator or cellar for 3-4 weeks. After about 30 days, it will be time to serve the fragrant crispy mushrooms.

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How else can you salt such products?

There is another method cold pickling milk mushrooms For a kilogram of mushrooms you will need only 40-60 grams of regular table salt. Place the washed mushrooms in a suitable container, fill with cold water and press down with slight pressure. This is necessary to ensure that the mushrooms are constantly under water. Place the container in a cool place and watch the mushrooms; foam will appear in the container within 24 hours. You will need to rinse the nigella, wash the container and re-fold the mushrooms and fill with cold water. This procedure will need to be repeated for six days as soon as you notice foam on the surface. Don't worry if the mushrooms become smaller during this time - this is a normal reaction. We take out the milk mushrooms, cut them into several parts, put them in a clean container and cover them with salt. Cover the nigellas with a cloth and press them down with heavy pressure. Place the container in a cool place for three days, stirring the mushrooms in the container once a day.

To pickle mushrooms you will need 40-60 grams of salt per liter of water.

Now take sterilized jars and fill them tightly with nigella. Cover with nylon lids and store in a cool, dark place. In one and a half or two months the mushrooms will be ready.
You can pickle nigella with onions, you get a very interesting taste. For a bucket of mushrooms you need to take 3-5 onions and 1.5-2 cups of salt. Soak clean mushrooms in cold water for three days. Place onions and mushrooms cut into rings in layers in a bucket or basin, seasoning each layer with salt. Cover the milk mushrooms with gauze, press down with pressure and put them in a cool, dark place for a month. After this, place the nigella into sterile glass jars, cover with plastic lids and refrigerate for three weeks.

Pickling black milk mushrooms in brine involves heat treatment, but due to the fact that the mushrooms will be in the brine, the product will turn out crispy, as if salted using the cold method. True, you need to be prepared for the fact that nigella will take about two months to prepare. Take mushrooms, salt, pepper, vegetable oil, and also garlic, horseradish and bay leaf. Boil water in an enamel container, add salt at the rate of 1.5 tablespoons per liter of liquid, add nigella and cook them for a little less than half an hour. Pour water into another container, add salt and other seasonings. Boil the brine for 10 minutes, add the cooked mushrooms from the first pan to it, continue boiling for another 15 minutes. Remove the brine from the stove, add horseradish and garlic cloves to it and press down with something heavy.

Home canned food always has a more balanced taste and lower content of harmful substances. You can read about how to pickle black milk mushrooms on this page, where the most various recipes. Every housewife should have information on how to properly pickle black milk mushrooms and get an excellent snack with a delicate taste and original aroma. Before pickling black milk mushrooms, we advise you to look through all the proposed recipes and decide on the method of processing the raw materials. In some cases, mushrooms are boiled, and in others they are salted raw. From added aromatic herbs and spices can also result in a completely unexpected taste. Therefore, you need to follow the layout of the products. So, get acquainted with ways of how to pickle black milk mushrooms at home, learn the intricacies of this process.

Although the black milk mushroom is not a little-known edible mushrooms, but salted with garlic and spices it is in no way inferior to, for example, yellow milk mushroom. When salted, the mushroom acquires a beautiful dark cherry color. A characteristic feature of black milk mushrooms is that they are very stable when salted and can be stored for years without losing their strength and taste.

The hot salting method is used during the period of mass processing of mushrooms to speed up salting. Before you properly hot pickle black milk mushrooms, you need to choose a recipe with a layout of aromatic herbs that you like.

The essence of how to pickle black milk mushrooms in a hot way is as follows: clean and sorted mushrooms are blanched for 5–10 minutes in clean or lightly salted water (2–3% solution of table salt); honey mushrooms, violins and valui are boiled for 25–30 minutes; saffron milk caps are scalded 2-3 times with boiling water. (To bleach the mushrooms, you can add 3 g of citric acid.) The heat-treated mushrooms are thrown onto a sieve and, to give firmness and elasticity, doused with cold water several times, allowed to cool. Next, the mushrooms are salted in the same way as in the cold way, and the barrels are sealed. The fermentation process in black milk mushrooms lasts (in days) 30–35. Before deliciously pickling black milk mushrooms in a hot way, select the necessary spices, for example, add spices (bay leaf, black pepper, dill, garlic, and blackcurrant leaves) to add aroma and improve taste. Mushrooms are ready to eat in 25–30 days.

For hot salting, per 1 kg of prepared mushrooms:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 3 pcs. peppercorns
  • 3 pcs. carnations
  • 5 g dill
  • 2 blackcurrant leaves

The main changes in carbohydrates and the accumulation of lactic acid during salting occur in the first 15 days of fermentation, so post-fermentation of mushrooms should be carried out at a lower temperature. Salted mushrooms in barrels are stored at a temperature of 0–2 °C for no more than 8 months, although milk mushrooms under these conditions can be stored without noticeable deterioration in quality for up to two years. During storage, check the filling of the barrels with brine at least once a week. If the top layer of mushrooms is not covered with brine, the barrel is supplemented with a 4% solution of table salt.

Methods for hot pickling black milk mushrooms in jars for the winter

Hot pickling of black milk mushrooms begins with soaking the mushrooms for 24 hours in cold salted water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). During this time, change the water twice. To pickle black milk mushrooms using a hot method, rinse the mushrooms in jars and boil for 5 minutes. After cooking, let the mushrooms cool and place in a bowl, sprinkling with salt at the rate of 45–50 g per 1 kg of mushrooms. Place blackcurrant leaves and spices on the bottom of the dish and on top of the mushrooms

According to the following recipe, hot salting of black milk mushrooms for the winter allows you to get a crispy snack that is absolutely safe for health.

  • 1 kg boiled milk mushrooms
  • 50 g salt
  • spices to taste
  1. Soak the mushrooms, cleared of soil, leaves and needles, for 24 hours in salted water (30–35 g of salt per 1 liter of water), changing it twice. Then wash them in running water, immerse them in boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Drain in a colander and cool. Place in a container in layers, sprinkling with salt and arranging with spices, horseradish and black currant leaves.
  2. Also place leaves on top of the mushrooms. Cover with gauze and place under light pressure so that within a day the mushrooms will be immersed in brine. If there is no immersion, the load should be increased.

There are other ways to pickle black milk mushrooms, most of them are presented on this page, but for now let’s move on to the cold recipe for preserving this valuable product.

Cooking black milk mushrooms with cold pickling at home

Cold-salted black milk mushrooms have a crispier texture and a pleasant color. Do you want the secret of how to pickle black milk mushrooms coldly in Belarusian style: before salting (and they are salted raw), the mushrooms must be soaked for 2 days in cold water, changing it several times.

Before you properly pickle black milk mushrooms in a cold way, you need to know that there are 7 ways to process the raw materials:

  1. In Vyatka style: black milk mushrooms are soaked for 5 days.
  2. Moscow style: pickling black milk mushrooms at home begins by soaking the mushrooms in slightly salty water for 3 days.
  3. In the Volga style: mushrooms are never soaked, as they are considered to lose their taste. They are only washed well and immediately salted. The bitterness will go away on its own.
  4. Orlov style: just don’t salt the mushrooms raw! Be sure to boil it first. They become more fragrant, more tender, and easier on the stomach.
  5. Universal pickling of black milk mushrooms. Before salting, the mushrooms are boiled.
  6. In Belarusian: 5–8 minutes.
  7. In Moscow: 5 minutes

When preparing black milk mushrooms by salting, the brine turns out to be slightly cloudy and viscous. The taste and smell are pleasant, characteristic of this type of mushroom with the aroma of spices, without bitterness. The color is uniform, close to natural color this type of fresh mushrooms. The exceptions are black milk mushrooms and smoothies, which significantly change color.

How to quickly pickle black milk mushrooms for the winter

Here is one way to pickle black mushrooms for the winter; for this you can use only spices that are suitable for your family. Determine their composition yourself.

For 10 kg raw mushrooms from 450 to 600 g of salt (2-3 cups).

Before quickly pickling black milk mushrooms, mushrooms collected in dry weather are cleaned, removing all damaged parts, then mushrooms with more delicate pulp are quickly washed with cold water, bitter mushrooms are soaked for several hours or the whole night.

Allow the water to drain and layer, sprinkling each layer with salt, place in big banks or a barrel.

The bottom is covered with salt, the mushrooms are placed (caps down) in a layer of 5-6 cm and again sprinkled with salt.

The top layer is sprinkled with more salt, covered with a clean napkin, and a wooden circle with pressure is placed on it.

After a few days, the mushrooms will settle.

Add a new portion of mushrooms or fill with mushrooms that were previously salted in another small bowl.

The resulting brine is not poured out, but is used together with mushrooms or even without them - it gives a pleasant taste to soups and sauces.

Mushrooms salted in this way are salted and become suitable for consumption after one or two months.

Now let’s learn how you can pickle black milk mushrooms using the dry method without first boiling the raw materials.

  • Prepared mushrooms – 10 kg
  • Salt – 500 g

Peel and disassemble the mushrooms, cut off the stem, place in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, cover with a napkin, place a circle and a weight on top. Pickled mushrooms, separating their juice, noticeably thicken. As they settle, you can add fresh triba, sprinkling them with salt until the dish is full and the settling stops. Mushrooms are ready to eat after 35 days.

How to pickle black milk mushrooms in jars so that they are crispy

Before pickling black milk mushrooms in jars, prepare all the necessary spices. For 10 kg of boiled mushrooms, 450–600 g of salt (garlic, onion, horseradish, tarragon or dill stems).

Clean and washed mushrooms are boiled in lightly salted water. The cooking time depends on the type of mushroom. Cool in cold water. Let the water drain on a sieve. Then the mushrooms are placed in a jar or barrel, mixed with salt, covered with a cloth and a lid with pressure. After a few days, the mushrooms will settle and you need to add more mushrooms with the appropriate amount of salt. The amount of salt depends on the storage location: in a damp and warm room there is more salt, in a well-ventilated room - less. Seasonings are placed at the bottom of the dish or mixed with mushrooms. After a week they become suitable for consumption. The brine must completely cover the mushrooms throughout the storage period to avoid mold. And now main secret How to pickle black milk mushrooms so that they are crispy: if there is not enough brine and it does not cover the mushrooms, you should add chilled salted boiled water (take 50 g per 1 liter of water, i.e. 2 tablespoons of salt). During storage, mushrooms should be checked from time to time and mold should be removed. The lid, oppression stone and fabric are washed from mold in soda water and boiled, the inner edge of the dish is wiped with a napkin moistened with a solution of salt or vinegar.

A quick recipe for pickling black milk mushrooms using the hot method

For 10 kg of raw mushrooms 400–500 g

  • salt (2–2.5 cups)
  • (garlic, parsley, horseradish, dill or celery stalks).

Peeled and washed mushrooms are blanched: placed on a sieve, poured generously with boiling water, steamed or dipped in boiling water for a short time so that the mushrooms become elastic. Then quickly cool, fill with cold water or keep in a draft. Salted in the same way as fresh mushrooms. This is very quick recipe pickling black mushrooms using the hot method: after 3–4 days, blanched mushrooms are ready for consumption.

Hot pickled black milk mushroom recipe

This recipe for hot pickling of black milk mushroom is suitable for special connoisseurs of delicate taste. Many lamellar mushrooms have a bitter, pungent or unpleasant taste and odor. These shortcomings are eliminated if you soak the mushrooms in water for 2-3 days or boil them thoroughly. Place the mushrooms in a bowl and pour cold salted water (1 liter of water per 5 kg of mushrooms). Cover with a napkin, then with a wooden circle, with a weight on top. Place the dishes with soaked mushrooms in the cold, preferably a refrigerator, so that they do not sour. Depending on the type of mushroom, the soaking time is from 1 to 3 days. The water is changed at least once a day. Milk mushrooms and podgruzdi are dipped in boiling water and cooked for 5 to 30 minutes. The water must be thrown away after each cooking or scalding. After cooking the mushrooms, the pan should be thoroughly wiped with dry salt, washed thoroughly and wiped dry.

Recipe for hot pickling of black milk mushrooms in Altai style

  • Mushrooms – 10 kg
  • dill greens – 35 g
  • horseradish root – 20 g
  • garlic – 40 g
  • allspice – 35–40 peas
  • bay leaf – 10 sheets
  • salt – 400 g

According to the recipe for hot pickling of black milk mushrooms in Altai style, the mushrooms are sorted, cleaned, the stem is cut off and soaked in cold water for 2-3 days. The water is changed at least once a day. Then the mushrooms are thrown onto a sieve and placed in a barrel, layered with spices and salt. Cover with a napkin, place a circle and a weight. Brine should appear above the circle. If the brine does not appear within 2 days, it is necessary to increase the load. The barrel is filled with new mushrooms, as the volume of mushrooms gradually decreases by one third. After 20 days, the mushrooms are ready to eat.

Recipe for cold pickling of black milk mushrooms for the winter

  • 1 bucket of milk mushrooms
  • 400 g salt
  • onions to taste

According to this recipe for pickling black milk mushrooms for the winter, wash the mushrooms and soak for 2 days, changing the water every day. Place the prepared mushrooms in a container in layers, sprinkle with salt and chopped onions. Press down on top and keep in a cool place for 1.5–2 months.

Salting black milk mushrooms for the winter with dill can be done according to the following recipe:

  • 1 bucket of small milk mushrooms
  • 400 g salt
  • dill to taste

Select small milk mushrooms, rinse thoroughly, but do not soak. Dry on wire racks. Place the prepared mushrooms in large jars in layers, sprinkling with dill and salt. Sprinkle salt on top and cover with cabbage leaves. Do not put oppression. Store in a cool place for 1–1.5 months. Soak the mushrooms before eating.

To cold pickle black milk mushrooms for the winter, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 10 kg milk mushrooms
  • 400 g salt
  • garlic, horseradish root, dill, bay leaf, allspice to taste

Clean the mushrooms and cut off the stems. Soak prepared mushrooms in cold water for 2–4 days. Change the water at least once a day. Then place the mushrooms in a colander and let the liquid drain. Place the mushrooms in a container in layers, sprinkling with salt, spices, chopped garlic, horseradish root and dill. Press down with a weight on top. If brine does not form within 24 hours, the load should be increased. After the mushrooms have settled, add fresh ones to the container (after salting, the volume of the mushrooms will decrease by about a third). Mushrooms will be ready for consumption 20–25 days after the last batch is planted.

Recipe for cold pickling of black milk mushrooms

This recipe for salting black milk mushrooms in a cold way recommends taking 1 kg of milk mushrooms:

  • 50 g salt
  • Bay leaf
  • Dill seeds
  • black pepper to taste

Soak the milk mushrooms in cold water for 7–8 hours. Then rinse, put in another bowl, add fresh water, add salt, bay leaf and leave for another 3 days. Soak the milk mushrooms for the specified time in brine and place them in sterilized jars in layers, sprinkling them with salt, dill seeds and pepper. Close the jars with a lid and store in the cellar or refrigerator. The mushrooms will be ready to eat in 10 days.

Spicy black milk mushrooms

  • 1 kg milk mushrooms
  • 50 g salt
  • garlic, dill, currant and cherry leaves, bay leaf, cloves, black pepper to taste

Soak the milk mushrooms in cold water for 7–8 hours. Then rinse, put in another bowl, add fresh water, add salt, bay leaf and cook for 15 minutes, skimming off the foam. Cool the milk mushrooms in brine. Place garlic, cloves, and pepper at the bottom of sterilized jars. Then lay out the cooled milk mushrooms. Place dill, currant leaves, cherries and 1 tbsp on top of each jar. l. salt. Pour brine over the mushrooms and close the jars with lids. Store in a cellar or refrigerator. The mushrooms will be ready to eat in 10 days.

Mushroom platter

  • 10 kg mushrooms
  • 150 g salt
  • 150 g sugar

Peel mushrooms with dense pulp, rinse and blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Place in a colander and let the liquid drain. Place the mushrooms in layers in a suitable container, sprinkling them with a mixture of salt and sugar. Pour chilled boiled water and leave for 14–15 days at a temperature of 15–18 °C. Add mushrooms from time to time so that the dishes are always full. Store in a cool place.

Black milk mushrooms with citric acid

  • 10 kg mushrooms
  • 5 liters of water
  • 350 g salt
  • 35 g citric acid

Blanch the mushroom caps in salted boiling water for 2 minutes, drain in a colander, and cool. Place mushrooms in prepared dishes in layers, sprinkling with salt. To make the brine, bring water to a boil, add salt and citric acid, cool. Pour brine over the mushrooms, cover the jars with parchment paper and place in a cool place. The mushrooms will be ready to eat in 20–30 days.

Pickling black milk mushrooms

You will need:

  • milk mushrooms – 10 kg
  • salt – 500 g

Blanch the milk mushrooms soaked in water in boiling water for 3 minutes. Then cool and cut into medium-sized pieces. Place the mushrooms in layers in a glass jar or barrel, add salt and spices; there is no need to add water, since the mushrooms themselves will give juice.

Horseradish leaves and roots placed in mushrooms not only give them a spicy pungency, but also reliably protect them from souring. Green blackcurrant sprigs add flavor to the mushrooms. Cherry and oak leaves – appetizing fragility and strength. Most mushrooms are best salted without onions. It quickly loses its aroma and sours easily. Chopping onions (you can also use green ones) is recommended only for salted mushrooms and mushrooms, as well as for pickled honey mushrooms and boletus mushrooms.

Salted mushrooms should be stored in a cool place and at the same time ensure that mold does not appear.

From time to time, the fabric and the circle with which they are covered must be washed in hot, slightly salted water. Store salted mushrooms at 2-10 °C. At higher temperatures they sour, become soft, even moldy, and cannot be eaten. For rural residents and owners of garden plots, the problem of storing pickled mushrooms is easily solved - a cellar is used for this. City dwellers must pickle exactly as many mushrooms as can be placed in the refrigerator. They will freeze on the balcony in winter and will have to be thrown away.

Other recipes for cold pickling of black milk mushrooms (with video)

There are other recipes for preparing similar preserves for the winter. Let's take a look at them.

Black milk mushrooms with garlic

  • 1 kg mushrooms
  • 100 g salt
  • Garlic, dill, parsley, blackcurrant and cherry leaves, horseradish leaves, pepper to taste

Wash the mushrooms, dry them, cut large ones into pieces. Finely chop the garlic and herbs. Place a few leaves of horseradish, blackcurrant and cherry on the bottom of the pan, then a layer of mushrooms, caps up, sprinkle with chopped garlic and herbs. Arrange all the mushrooms in this manner, sprinkling the layers with salt and pepper. After filling the pan, place a flat plate on top and press down with pressure. Place in a cool place for 2 weeks.

Salted milk mushrooms (an old recipe)

Select small milk mushrooms, do not soak them, just wash them, let them dry on wire racks, then put them in large jars, sprinkle them with dill, lightly sprinkle every two rows of milk mushrooms with salt, do not put pressure on them, but sprinkle more salt on top, cover with a cabbage leaf. Soak the mushrooms before eating.

Salted black milk mushrooms (method 1)

For 1 bucket of milk mushrooms, take 1.5 cups of salt. Soak the washed milk mushrooms for 2 days in cold water, changing the water every day. Then place them in rows in a non-resin wooden bowl, sprinkling them with salt. You can sprinkle them with chopped white onions.

Salted black milk mushrooms (method 2)

Do not wet the washed small milk mushrooms, just let them dry on a sieve after washing. Then place in large jars, sprinkle with dill, and lightly sprinkle with salt every 2 rows of milk mushrooms. Sprinkle a fair amount of salt on top and cover with a cabbage leaf. There is no need for oppression.

You can fill the barrel with new mushrooms, since after salting their volume will decrease by about a third. Brine should appear above the circle. If the brine does not appear within two days, the load should be increased. 30–40 days after pickling, the mushrooms are ready to eat.

Turshiya (pickle) from black milk mushrooms

This dish is very tasty and stimulates the appetite. It is very important not to over-salt the mushrooms: there should be no more than 5% salt. A higher salt concentration has an adverse effect on the fermentation process: at a concentration of 10%, fermentation slows down, and at a concentration of 20% it stops altogether. Mushroom turshia is prepared as follows. Peeled and washed mushrooms are blanched and placed in a suitable container, and each row is sprinkled with salt and sugar - for 10 kg of mushrooms you need to take 150 g of salt and 150 g of sugar. Then fill with water. Fermentation lasts 14–15 days at a temperature of 15–18 °C. During this period, the container with mushrooms should always be full. After fermentation, the mushrooms are stored in a cool place.

Watch the cold salting of black milk mushrooms in the video, which shows the basic technology.

Pickling mushrooms at home:

“Get in the back!”

Salted milk mushrooms, milk mushrooms and russula with garlic, horseradish, parsley root, dill, currant and cherry leaves

  • 5 kg of milk mushrooms, fried mushrooms and russula
  • garlic, parsley and horseradish root, dill, currant and cherry leaves - to taste
  • 200-250 g salt

Dip the peeled and washed milk mushrooms, milk mushrooms and russula in a colander for 5-8 minutes in boiling water, then quickly cool under running cold water. Place the prepared mushrooms in a bowl and add salt. Add chopped garlic, parsley and horseradish root, dill, currant and cherry leaves. Mix everything thoroughly, cover and place in a cool place. Mushrooms are ready in 7-10 days.

“Grandmother’s Solyuki for Intercession Day”

Salted milk mushrooms, nigella, volnushki and duplyanka with garlic, currant leaves, cherries and dill umbrellas

  • milk mushrooms, nigella, volnushki, hollow mushrooms, etc. mushrooms
  • chopped garlic, currant leaves, cherries, dill umbrellas and coarse salt - to taste

Clean the mushrooms, nigella, volnushki, hollow mushrooms, etc. from leaves and needles, place a large saucepan and fill with cold water. Cook for at least 1 hour over medium heat, constantly skimming off the foam. Readiness is determined by the fact that the mushrooms begin to settle to the bottom. Remove them using a colander and rinse thoroughly under running water. Place the prepared mushrooms in layers in a container, generously sprinkled with coarse salt, chopped garlic, currant leaves, cherries and dill umbrellas. Place a linen rag or gauze on top, then a flat plate and place the weight. Place the container with the prepared mushrooms in a cool place, checking the cleanliness of the cloth from time to time. If it becomes slippery, rinse and place weight again. The mushrooms will be ready by Intercession Day.

Look at some ways to pickle black milk mushrooms in the video, which shows all the stages of preparation for canning.

Black milk mushrooms are mushrooms that have been known since ancient times. They are very popular in Russia, especially in Siberia. As a rule, they are served salted. These mushrooms not only have an amazing taste, but also have a number of medicinal properties.

For lovers of original and delicious preparations we have also prepared other options for preparing twists, such as, for example, and.

Hot salting of milk mushrooms is one of two popular ways of salting this product. This preparation method is relatively simple and will not take much of your time. Despite the fact that milk mushrooms are boiled in water using this method, later, in their finished form, they remain quite elastic and do not fall apart. The proposed salting method is very good for mushrooms of the conditionally edible category, which includes milk mushrooms.

Need to:

  • fresh black milk mushrooms - 1.5 kg;
  • plain water (for boiling) - 4 liters;
  • non-iodized salt (for boiling) - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • black polka dots pepper - 15 pcs.;
  • allspice peas - 5 pieces;
  • cloves (spice) - 1 pc.;
  • laurel - 1 leaf;
  • dill umbrellas - 7 pcs.;
  • clean water (for brine) - 1 liter;
  • non-iodized salt (for brine) - 6 tbsp. l. per liter;
  • vegetable oil - 50 gr.

How to salt black milk mushrooms in a hot way:

  1. Milk mushrooms are mushrooms that not only hide from the eyes of seekers, but also like to hang a bunch of forest debris on their hats. Their further cleaning takes a long time and is probably the most tedious task. Wash the indicated number of black milk mushrooms thoroughly, removing all dirt on the mushrooms; when cleaning the caps, you can use a small brush or just a toothbrush.
  2. Pour the washed mushrooms with cold water and soak for three hours; in principle, you don’t have to do this step, since with the hot pickling method, the main thing is to boil the mushrooms, and pre-soaking is not necessary.
  3. Pour four liters of plain water into a large saucepan (the milk mushrooms will be cooked in it), boil, pour coarse salt into the bubbling liquid according to the recipe and add all the mushrooms. Boiling will take a little time - only 20 minutes (stove heat is medium). The foam that appears during the cooking process must be removed.
  4. Place a separate pan of water on the stove, this is where the brine for the milk mushrooms will be prepared. Add bay leaf, two types of peppercorns and cloves. Wait until the water boils, then add non-iodized salt and boil the brine for five minutes. Throw in the dill umbrellas next and turn off the heat.
  5. In the meantime, place the boiled mushrooms in a colander, leave to drain the excess liquid, and pour out the very water in which the milk mushrooms were boiled; it will no longer be needed.
  6. Prepare any container where the milk mushrooms will begin to be salted (for example, a wide container or bowl), place the caught spices and herbs from the brine on the bottom. Next, put all the milk mushrooms and pour hot brine over them, so that it completely covers the mushrooms.
  7. The milk mushrooms will float, since they are lighter than water, so their area must be pressed down with some object of the same size (board, plate, pan lid, etc.), and a press must be placed on top.
  8. Place in any cool place and wait three days.
  9. After time has passed, pack the mushrooms into jars, place the milk mushrooms tightly enough so that there are no voids, and evenly distribute the herbs and spices at the bottom of each container.
  10. Fill the mushrooms with brine almost to the edges of the jar, leaving a couple of millimeters, and distribute the brine to the very top. oil.
  11. Close the jars with non-metallic lids and put them in the pantry or cellar.
  12. Hot-salted black milk mushrooms will be ready in a month.

How to salt black milk mushrooms in a cold way

This pickling recipe will require quite a lot of time, but the result of painstaking work will definitely please everyone. Despite the lengthy process of soaking mushrooms, most housewives choose this method of pickling. Black milk mushrooms cooked using the cold method are very healthy, as they retain all natural microelements and vitamins.

List of ingredients:

  • freshly picked milk mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • coarse salt - 50 g;
  • dill umbrellas with stems - 5 pieces;
  • peppercorns (black) - 7-10 pieces;
  • large currant leaves - 10 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves (or bay leaves) - 10 pieces;
  • horseradish - 10 leaves;
  • garlic - 3 large cloves.

Cold salting of black milk mushrooms:

  1. Rinse freshly picked mushrooms in running water, clearing them of forest debris, separate the stems from the caps. For preservation, we only need the caps; if desired, the legs can be boiled separately and used at your discretion (for soup, fry, freeze).
  2. Prepare a wide and deep container, for example, an enamel basin or pan. Place the mushroom caps in the selected container and fill with cold water. In this state, the milk mushrooms should stand for 1 to 3 days, and the water is changed 2-3 times a day so that foam does not form and the mushrooms do not sour. During the long soaking process, toxins that might have been absorbed by the milk mushrooms come out of them, and the bitterness also goes away.
  3. Further salting will take place in other containers: wooden tubs, clay or glass containers, to choose from.
  4. Wash and dry all dill leaves and umbrellas. Peel the garlic and cut into arbitrary pieces.
  5. Place some of the leaves (cherry, currant and horseradish), chopped garlic cloves, peppercorns, dill stems on the bottom of the container selected for pickling. Cherry leaves are often replaced with bay leaves without sacrificing flavor.
  6. Place a layer of mushrooms, but not all of them, and add salt. Then the process is repeated: leaves, milk mushrooms, salt, until the ingredients run out. If the caps are very large, they can be cut into several parts; small and medium ones can be left whole.
  7. Be sure to cover the last layer of mushrooms with horseradish leaves, then cover with gauze or white cotton cloth folded in several layers.
  8. Press down with a flat board or plate and place the weight. The caps will produce juice that should cover them.
  9. Leave them in a cool place for 1 month or 40 days, make sure that the top layer is always covered with mushroom brine, otherwise the caps will become moldy.
  10. After this time, the mushrooms will be well salted and become suitable for consumption. Pack in pre-sterilized jars and store in the refrigerator (other options, basement, cellar).

Salting black milk mushrooms recipe without spices

Delicious black milk mushrooms, cooked without any spices, despite the minimum ingredients, are in great demand. Having tasted these salted milk mushrooms, you will be able to enjoy the pure taste of mushrooms, not seasoned with extraneous tastes.


  • milk mushrooms (fresh) - five kilograms;
  • coarse salt (without adding iodine) - 250 grams.

How to pickle black milk mushrooms for the winter:

  1. Clean fresh mushrooms from dirt, cut off all suspicious areas. Rinse thoroughly in water.
  2. Place clean and processed milk mushrooms in any enamel container, pour here cold water, press down with a press, so the mushrooms are immersed in the liquid.
  3. Soak for 2 to 5 days, remembering to change the water every time foam appears.
  4. After 5 days, the mushrooms will definitely be ready for pickling, as the pulp will no longer be bitter. The total volume of milk mushrooms will be significantly reduced. Cut large specimens into smaller pieces.
  5. Place soaked and prepared mushrooms in a wide, deep container (for example, a basin), and sprinkle with salt every 3-4 cm.
  6. Place a flat object (for example, a board, lid, plate) on top of the last mushroom layer so that it completely hides them. Place a heavy load. Thus, the milk mushrooms should stand for three days, and every day you need to carefully knead the mushrooms in the container.
  7. After time, place the salted preparation into prepared jars. Mushrooms should be laid in very dense layers. Milk mushrooms will be stored without brine. Lids for jars should not be metal.
  8. Place the filled jars in a cold cellar (refrigerator) for a couple of months, during which time the mushrooms will cook and be edible.

How to pickle black milk mushrooms for the winter in cabbage leaves

An interesting recipe for this preparation will show how tasty and relatively quickly you can turn bitter milk mushrooms into an excellent salty snack, which is always one of the first dishes eaten with a bang. The mushrooms will absorb the juices of the salted cabbage, thanks to which they will acquire an original taste.

You will need (for five kg of black milk mushrooms):

  • cabbage - 8 large leaves;
  • salt (not iodized) - one glass (220 g);
  • large horseradish root - 1 piece;
  • old dill (with umbrellas) - 20 pcs.;
  • cherry - 20 intact leaves;
  • garlic head - 1 piece;
  • black currant leaves - 20 pcs.

Salted black milk mushrooms recipe:

  1. Sort the mushrooms, wash and pour salted water for 3 hours (concentration - 170 grams of salt/10 liters of plain water). In the process, all the living creatures that were in the mushrooms will emerge.
  2. Next, pour out the salt water, thoroughly wash the mushrooms and cover with plain water for five hours.
  3. Wash all the leaves well, cut the cabbage leaves into large pieces.
  4. Peel the horseradish root and cut into rings.
  5. Rinse the dill under cool water.
  6. Divide the head of garlic into cloves, peel them and cut into slices.
  7. Place the soaked mushrooms evenly in layers in a basin as follows: mushrooms with salt, dill umbrellas, chopped garlic, horseradish rings and leaves (each layer of milk mushrooms two caps thick) and so on.
  8. Be sure to cover the last layer of mushrooms with cabbage leaves, place a wooden circle or lid on them, and place any heavy press on top of everything.
  9. Leave the basin with milk mushrooms at room temperature(from 20 to 25° Celsius) for 1.5 days (from 30 to 40 hours). While salting in the basin, the mushrooms must be stirred at least 2 times.
  10. Next, transfer the milk mushrooms into jars of any size, the main thing is that the mushrooms fit tightly to each other, place the containers in the refrigerator, wait two months, after which you can eat.

How to pickle black milk mushrooms with onions

Milk mushrooms salted with onions, delicious salted preparation, in which there is nothing superfluous. Onions go well with any mushrooms and milk mushrooms are no exception.

What do you need:

  • milk mushrooms - 1 bucket (volume 10 l);
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. (330 g);
  • onions - from 5 large heads.

How to salt black milk mushrooms recipe:

  1. In this preparation, the amount of onion is placed from 5 heads, that is, you can add more at will.
  2. Prepare mushrooms for pickling: peel, rinse and soak in water (3 to 5 days). Change the water every time foam begins to appear on the surface, otherwise the milk mushrooms will simply deteriorate and turn into poison.
  3. Cut the onions into rings.
  4. Place the soaked milk mushrooms in a large container, alternating as follows - mushrooms, salt, onion rings, and so on.
  5. Place the contents of the container under heavy pressure and leave for 30-45 days (the place should be cool).
  6. When the time comes, place the mushrooms in jars and store in the refrigerator.

Salted black milk mushrooms are undoubtedly an excellent appetizer for a variety of table treats, as well as for alcoholic strong drinks. In addition, they are used as one of the ingredients in various dishes, so harvesting black milk mushrooms for the winter is a very profitable business.

Also great for festive table, and preparing it will not take you much time.



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