How to dry pumpkin seeds. Methods for frying seeds

How to dry pumpkin seeds. Methods for frying seeds

Gone are the days when seed traders sat near shops and at bus stops, pouring them into a paper bag for everyone who wanted them.

Now in almost every grocery store you can buy a tightly sealed bag of any seeds: black, white, striped, with or without salt, peeled. But it is not possible to look into it to find out the quality of the product due to the packaging made of opaque foil.

Of course, storage conditions require that the seeds should not be exposed to light, otherwise they will become rancid. But because of such secrecy, the buyer buys a pig in a poke, hoping that the seeds will be tasty.

However, sometimes the seeds are impossible to eat, since they are not only empty, but also rotten, rancid, and wormy.

Therefore, some housewives buy raw seeds at the market and fry them at home, thereby saving a certain amount of money and preparing the seeds to their liking. But it turns out that many... don’t know how to do this!

How to choose the right seeds on the market

Before you make a purchase, you need to pay attention to the conditions under which the seeds are stored.

Those that lie in the open air (even under a canopy) most often turn out to be rotten due to excess moisture and rancid due to the abundance of light and sun.

If the seeds are sold indoors and everything is in order with the storage method, proceed with a visual inspection.

The seeds must be clean. The abundance of husks indicates that these seeds are the remains of a large batch, since all the garbage in the bag gradually settles to the bottom.

Their size must correspond to the variety. They should be plump thanks to well-ripened kernels.

You need to take a few seeds in your hand and feel them. High-quality seeds will be dense, there will be no voids in them. You should not buy seeds that are too small, which may be unripe, or very long, since they are also often empty.

You need to taste a few seeds. Of course, raw seeds cannot be compared with fried ones, but if you feel bitterness or an unpleasant aftertaste, then you should refuse to buy them.

Preparing seeds for roasting

Prepare enough seeds to cover the bottom of the frying pan with a layer of no more than 1-1.5 cm. Then they will be easy to mix and will fry evenly.

Before putting the seeds in the frying pan, they must be washed. By the way, many housewives deliberately skip this process or are not aware of it at all. But if you imagine what conditions the seeds were in before they were purchased, it becomes clear: the seeds are very dirty!

Therefore, they need to be poured into a colander and placed under running warm water. When sorting the seeds with your hands, you need to rinse them thoroughly.

You should not wash them in a bowl, as dirt and dust dissolve in water and settle on the surface of the seeds.

Then you should place the seeds on a cloth or paper towel and dry a little.

While the seeds are drying, you need to prepare a frying pan. This can be a frying pan made of cast iron or other metal, but with thick walls, since in other frying pans the seeds will burn and high-quality frying may not be possible.

How to fry seeds

  • Place the seeds on a hot frying pan. Stirring, fry over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. As long as the seeds inside are moist, they will not burn.
  • When the hissing stops due to moisture in the seeds, reduce the heat by half. From this moment they will begin to fry.
  • As soon as you hear a slight crackling sound, reduce the heat again. Taste one or two seeds to determine the degree of roasting. The shell should crack easily. The nucleoli themselves will become slightly yellowish. The main thing is not to overcook the seeds.
  • Pour the finished seeds onto a tray covered with a towel, cover with the edges of the same towel, and leave for 10-20 minutes. During this time, the seeds will finally dry out and reach their proper condition. You should not leave the seeds in the same pan in which you fried them, because in a hot pan they will continue to fry and may burn.

How to fry seeds with salt: method one


  • raw seeds – 0.5 kg;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water.

Cooking method

  • Pour the seeds into a colander and rinse under running water.
  • When the liquid has drained, place them in a frying pan. Add a spoonful of salt and pour in enough water to lightly cover the seeds.
  • Keep the seeds on the highest heat for about a minute. Then drain them in a colander and wait until all the water has drained.
  • Return them to the pan and sprinkle in the remaining salt. Stirring constantly, cook over medium heat until the seeds are completely dry.
  • Reduce the heat to low and continue frying the seeds until they begin to crackle. Take a sample. If you are satisfied with the degree of roasting, pour the seeds onto a tray or flat dish and cover with a light cloth. In 10-15 minutes they will be ready.

Advice: 1-2 minutes before readiness, you can add a teaspoon of sunflower oil, quickly mixing it with the seeds.

How to fry seeds with salt: method two


  • raw seeds – 0.5 kg;
  • salt;
  • water.

Cooking method

  • Place the seeds in a colander and wash thoroughly under running water. Leave them in a colander.
  • Dissolve enough salt in water to make the liquid sufficiently salty.
  • When the seeds are a little dry, place them on a hot frying pan. Pour in approximately 100 ml of salted water. Stir until the moisture has completely evaporated.
  • Fry over medium heat for about five minutes. As the seeds dry, reduce the heat. When the seeds begin to crackle, the heat should be minimal. Determine the degree of roasting of the seeds based on the taste and color of the grains.
  • Pour the finished seeds onto a tray and leave until completely cool.

Note to the hostess

Adjust the amount of salt to your taste.

According to many recipes, sunflower oil is added to the seeds. There is no need to pour it in large quantities, otherwise the seeds will turn out greasy. Just sprinkle them with oil at the very end of frying. If you add oil at the beginning of frying, it will start to burn and the seeds will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste.

The seeds are first fried over medium heat, then the heat is gradually reduced. Finish frying over low heat.

Clicking fried sunflower seeds is a great activity that you can devote time to in any season of the year and with great pleasure. Probably everyone knows how to fry seeds in a frying pan, because this is a very simple culinary procedure, but it has its own nuances and features.

To make a naturally healthy product also tasty, you need to choose the seeds correctly, process them well and fry them well, only then the pleasure from the “sun grains” is guaranteed.

Classic recipe for frying seeds in a frying pan

Deliciously frying sunflower seeds is not a problem if you have a simple recipe and a quality product on hand. For frying in a frying pan, it is better to use large (“pot-bellied”) seeds, although this is not necessary. You can use medium and even small grains as you like, but the technology for processing them at home is strictly the same for everyone.

How to fry seeds in a frying pan

  1. We wash the grains in their husks in cool water to wash away dust, debris, and dirt, which often remain after transportation and processing.
  2. Heat the frying pan, pour the wet seeds into it, and cover them with a lid. It is better to use a cast iron vessel with a thick bottom.
  3. Evaporate the moisture from the seeds over high heat under a closed lid for 1-2 minutes.

Do not fry a lot of seeds at once, lay out a thin layer, spread it evenly so that every single grain can be thoroughly fried.

  1. After the liquid has evaporated, open the lid, reduce the flame and fry the seeds until tender, stirring them constantly.

That's the whole secret to successful frying of sunflower seeds. Their taste is amazing; it cannot be compared with the seeds that are sold in pre-packaged packages in the store.

How to fry salted seeds with butter

For those who love salty foods, there is a special recipe - frying the seeds with butter and salt. The preparation is not particularly different from the classical technology, but the taste is completely different, which will significantly please gourmets who love the unusual in the simple.


  • Seeds – 2 tbsp. 200 ml each;
  • Salt – 1 tsp;
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking seeds in a frying pan with salt

  1. Wash the seeds in cold water, place them in a colander to drain excess liquid.
  2. Heat a cast iron frying pan over medium heat, pour wet seeds into it, and distribute them evenly (in a thin layer) over the entire surface.
  3. Fry for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly to evaporate excess moisture.
  4. After that, pour vegetable oil into the frying pan, add salt, and mix everything thoroughly. Fry the grains over medium heat, stirring constantly with a spatula.

How many minutes does it take to fry the product for the white seeds to turn pale yellow? On average, this takes about 12-15 minutes. You can tell that the seeds are ready by the slight crackling sound of the seeds in the pan. Also, the readiness of sunflower grains is indicated by their color shade and pleasant crunch.

  1. After frying, cover the pan with a paper napkin and leave on the turned off stove for 10 minutes.

This completes the preparation of salted seeds. Using a similar technology, you can roast the seeds in the oven, microwave or slow cooker. But remember that salted seeds, and even more so fried in oil, will be of little use. After frying, they form carcinogens that are harmful to human health.

If you want to fry white (hulled) sunflower seeds, then the cooking recipe can be used the same as for frying the grains in the husk. Pumpkin seeds are prepared using the same technology, however, as you know, they are healthier in their raw form.

These are, perhaps, all the secrets of how to fry seeds in a frying pan. If cracking sunflower or pumpkin seeds in the evenings is your favorite pastime, then you will find time for home frying, especially since it is not at all difficult and does not take much time.

Some people eat pumpkin seeds for health purposes, while others crack them for fun while watching TV or reading.

Some people buy them already dried, while others, having learned how to dry pumpkin seeds, prepare and dry them themselves. Having received a decent harvest of pumpkins, or having bought them at the market, you can easily dry or fry the achenes at home using kitchen appliances.

How to dry pumpkin seeds at home

There are several ways to dry or roast pumpkin seeds: outdoors, in the microwave, electric dryer, oven, electric grill and in a frying pan.

Before drying or frying, remove the seeds from the fruit, peel the pulp, wash and dry with paper towels. Now they are ready for drying, all that remains is to choose the appropriate method.

Frying in a pan

How to fry pumpkin seeds in a frying pan without burning them? We fry them using the following technology:

  • Place the seeds in the pan in a thin layer.
  • Turn on low heat and fry the contents without covering the pan with a lid.
  • Stir the seeds regularly, avoiding burning.

How long to roast pumpkin seeds? About half an hour. As soon as they turn golden, remove the pan from the stove, pour its contents onto a baking sheet or dish, and wait until they cool. If the achenes remain in the pan, they will dry out.

Drying outside

To dry pumpkin seeds in the fresh air, dry sunny weather is necessary: ​​it will prevent damage to the raw materials.

How to Dry Delicious Pumpkin Seeds Outdoors

  • Spread them in a single layer on trays or baking sheets, placing paper towels first.
  • We put the dishes in a sunny place and let them sit for 2-3 days (we bring them into the house at night so they don’t get damp).
  • When the seeds have hardened but are still brittle and easily crack when pressed with your fingers, they are ready.

If after three days the achenes have not dried, dry them to the desired condition. To prevent insects from landing on them, we cover them with gauze or tulle.

Oven drying

How should you dry pumpkin seeds in a regular oven? There are a couple of proven methods depending on the type of oven.

Drying in an evenly heated oven (where you cannot turn on the upper heating element separately):

  • Preheat the device to 200°C.
  • Place baking paper on a baking sheet.
  • Sprinkle a thin layer of pumpkin seeds.
  • Place the baking sheets in the oven on low heat.
  • Dry the raw material for about half an hour, stirring it every 10 minutes. and regularly testing for readiness.
  • As soon as the seeds acquire a brownish tint and become hard, we finish drying, take out the baking sheets and pour the achenes onto dishes: let them cool.

If they have not hardened properly, turn off the device and dry the pumpkin seeds for 10 minutes.

Oven drying with adjustable heating modes (when you can turn on the upper heating element separately):

  • Turn on the upper heating element (frying mode) at 150 degrees.
  • Before you start drying pumpkin seeds yourself at home, lay out the paper on a baking sheet.
  • Cover with a thin layer of seeds.
  • How to roast pumpkin seeds in a simple oven? Place the baking sheet in it for 10-15 minutes.
  • We monitor the condition of the seeds, preventing them from burning. Have they turned brownish? We take them out, stir, turn off the device and dry for ten minutes.

Pour the dry seeds onto a plate and leave to cool.

Drying in an electric grill

Although the electric grill is not intended for drying seeds and other products, housewives have gotten used to drying seeds in it.

How to dry pumpkin seeds in an electric grill:

  • Heat the grill to 60 degrees.
  • Spread the seeds in a single layer on the surface of the container.
  • Place it in an electric grill and dry the achenes for 20-30 minutes, regularly checking them for readiness. They can dry and acquire a golden hue much faster, since the device is equipped with a fan.

After drying, pour them onto a dish and wait to cool.

Drying in an electric dryer

How else can you dry pumpkin seeds at home? Using a special electric dryer. Usually berries, mushrooms and fruits are dried and dried in it, but it is also suitable for drying seeds:

  • Preheat the device to 70 degrees.
  • Scatter the pumpkin seeds into the containers in a single layer.
  • Before drying pumpkin seeds, you will have to wait more than one hour, since at low temperatures drying occurs slowly, but, unlike frying, it retains all the beneficial substances.

Every hour we change the containers and mix the seeds. They are considered ready when they become hard and darken.

Microwave drying

Many people are interested in how to roast pumpkin seeds at home in the microwave. It’s not difficult, the main thing is to follow the step-by-step instructions for drying seeds:

  • We cover the bottom of the glass plate from the device with baking paper.
  • We spread a thin layer of seeds on it.
  • Place it back and turn it on at maximum power for 2 minutes.
  • Mix the raw materials, set for another couple of minutes, but at medium power.
  • How long should I roast pumpkin seeds? We repeat the procedures, leaving medium power, until the seed hardens and turns brownish.

Cool the finished treat on another plate and put it away for storage.

Storing Dried Pumpkin Seeds

Having learned how to fry pumpkin seeds in a frying pan, in the microwave, or dry them in another way, we will find out where and how to store them so that they do not become damp and spoiled.

Storage conditions for pumpkin seeds

  • Dry dark place;
  • Glass container;
  • Unclean storage.

We pour the unpeeled seeds into the jars, close them and store them in a dry, lockable cabinet.

If salt or spices were added during frying, we try to eat this delicacy early, since the seeds are not stored for a long time in this form. Regular, dried achenes can be stored for a year.

Now it’s clear how to dry pumpkin seeds in the fresh air, in a frying pan and various kitchen utensils. The main thing is to properly prepare the seeds for drying and carefully follow the drying or roasting technology.

Sunflower seeds are a delicacy that helps brighten up the evenings in front of the TV, and they are also a healthy product that includes a lot of microelements. Let's learn how to fry sunflower and pumpkin seeds correctly.

Roasting pumpkin seeds

Many people know how to fry pumpkin seeds, but it’s not that simple. Let's look at some of the secrets and features of preparing this healthy delicacy:

In the microwave

It's quicker and easier to cook pumpkin seeds in the microwave. It will take a few minutes and minimal effort.

Step by step guide:

  • From a pumpkin you grow yourself or buy at the market, first of all, take out the seeds, wash off the pulp and lay them out on paper in a dry place. When the seeds are dry, we start cooking. If you don’t want to wait a long time, just buy the finished product at the nearest market;
  • Place pumpkin seeds on a flat dish in one layer and place in the microwave for 1-1.5 minutes. for high power;
  • Turn off the oven, remove the product and stir;
  • After the seeds have stood, place them in the microwave again for the same amount of time. And so - three times;

It is difficult to determine the cooking time down to seconds, so control the degree of readiness yourself. Try it!

When you hear a distinct crackling sound from the microwave, it’s time to take out the treat;

  • Wait until the seeds have cooled down and start eating the treat.

Ready-made seeds are used in delicious salads or just for a snack.

In the oven

The seeds turn out tastier in the oven, but here it is important not to “lose the moment” and strictly monitor the time and temperature. Pumpkin seeds are best prepared with the following ingredients:

  • Olive oil;
  • Water;
  • Salt or seasonings.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • First, cut the pumpkin. We do this carefully so as not to cut ourselves;
  • We remove the pulp from it (with a spoon or by hand) along with the seeds. Throw away the pulp, transfer the seeds to a colander and rinse under the tap;
  • Pour half a glass of seeds into a medium saucepan, pour in two glasses of water and add one and a half tablespoons of salt or spices;

If there are more seeds than half a glass, add plenty of water and add salt and spices.

  • Bring the mixture to a boil and then reduce the heat to low. Cook for about 10 minutes. Pour the prepared ingredient into a colander;
  • Turn on the oven at 200 degrees, let it warm up;
  • Lightly grease a baking sheet with oil (if you don’t have olive oil, use another one, but olive oil will be healthier);
  • Arrange the seeds in one layer and place in the oven. Baking time takes 5 - 20 minutes, depending on the oven power and the size of the product. When the ingredient begins to brown and crackle, remove the baking sheet and pour the seeds into a bowl;
  • Let cool and start eating the treat.

In a frying pan

Roasting pumpkin seeds in a frying pan is more difficult. All you need for this is spices and, of course, pumpkin.

    You will also need a cast iron frying pan, a bowl to pour the finished product into, and a wooden spatula for stirring.

    How to cook:

    • First of all, place the product in a colander and rinse;
    • To make the finished seeds easier to clean, soak them in water at room temperature for 15 minutes;
    • After they have steeped, drain the water and dry;
    • Place the frying pan on the fire and heat it well;
    • Fry over low heat until done. Readiness is determined by a clearly defined crackling sound;

    It’s better to remove the pan from the heat a little earlier, since the seeds will still “reach” after frying is finished.

    • Place in a clean, dry bowl and let cool.

    How to roast sunflower seeds

    Sunflower seeds are no less healthy than their pumpkin counterparts, so you should eat them often. Let's take a closer look at the cooking methods:

    In the microwave

    With the popularization of the microwave, housewives not only heat it up, but also cook some of their dishes with it. Sunflower seeds are no exception.

    How to cook:

    • First of all, prepare the product. To do this, place in a sieve or colander and rinse;
    • Dry the seeds with a napkin or simply leave for a while to remove excess liquid;
    • Now take a flat microwave dish and pour in the seeds. It is important to distribute them evenly, in one layer;

    You should not cook in small or excessively large portions, this complicates the cooking process: the product will burn or remain raw at the same cooking time.

    • Now about the preparation itself. Turn on the oven to maximum power and place the seeds there for 1 minute. After that, turn off and stir;
    • Do this two more times. If the seeds are large, then three times will not be enough. In this case, increase the cooking time by 2-3 minutes;
    • Pour the finished product into a clean, dry bowl, let cool for 15-20 minutes and you’re ready to eat!

    In the oven

    Roasting seeds in the oven is not difficult, just follow our instructions and everything will work out.


    • The first thing we do with the seeds, as with any other purchased product, is rinse it under running water;
    • Next, place on a napkin to remove excess liquid;
    • The product is now ready to use. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the treat in a single layer on a baking sheet;
    • Place the baking sheet in the oven, but do not go far, take out the baking sheet every 3-4 minutes and stir the seeds so as not to burn. Cooking time varies depending on oven power and seed size. More often it is 15-20 minutes;
    • When you hear a slight crackling sound, remove the baking sheet and pour the seeds into a bowl. Leave for 20-30 minutes to cool and enjoy eating! .

    Do not leave the ingredient to cool in a baking sheet that remains warm for some time, as the seeds can simply burn even outside the oven.

    On a frying pan

    There is nothing difficult about frying seeds in a frying pan, but there are some secrets here. First of all, prepare everything you need:

    • Frying pan (with lid);
    • Wooden spatula;
    • Sunflower seeds;

    Buy only a quality product. To be on the safe side, look at the shell, which is slightly shiny and smells pleasant. It is better to buy treats at the market. It is advisable to try before buying.

    • Water;
    • Deep bowl;
    • Colander or sieve;
    • Good mood!

    Step by step guide:

    • First, rinse the seeds under running water;
    • Place the still wet product in a heated frying pan, cover with a lid for 3 minutes (to evaporate the moisture);
    • Remove the lid, set the heat to medium and fry for 10 minutes (15 minutes if the seeds are large), stirring constantly with a spatula;
    • When you hear a characteristic crackling sound, remove from the stove and pour into another dry container to cool for 10-20 minutes.

    Roasting sunflower seeds in shell

    For some people, the process of peeling seeds is even more enjoyable than eating them. Therefore, many are wary of buying and frying an already peeled product. Indeed, there is something soothing about peeling each seed. If you agree, then this cooking option is for you.

    How to cook:

    • Rinse the product and place in a preheated cast iron frying pan for a few minutes. Cover with lid;
    • Then remove the lid and place on low heat;
    • Stir the seeds constantly, otherwise they will burn.
    • Fry in small portions so that each seed is roasted evenly. Cooking time is 10 minutes, but it all depends on the stove, the chosen frying pan and the size of the ingredient. It is better to focus not on time, but on the appearance of the product and the crackling sound that you will hear when the product is ready.
    • Immediately pour the finished treat into a bowl and leave for a while (15-20 minutes).

    If you want to cook faster, use a microwave oven. Fry for 5-7 minutes at maximum power, stirring occasionally. The taste will be a little different, but no worse.

    How to fry peeled seeds

    This cooking variation is suitable for those who like to enjoy the taste rather than cleaning the sunflower seeds. To prepare peeled seeds deliciously, you will need:

    • Water;
    • Fine salt;
    • Pan;
    • Seeds;
    • Sunflower oil;
    • Wooden spatula.

    Step by step guide:

    • First, clean the seeds;
    • Rinse and leave in water for 15 minutes;
    • Sprinkle the wet product with salt;
    • Add a couple of drops of sunflower oil and stir;
    • Place the frying pan over medium heat, wait until it heats up, and then add the product;

    It's better to choose low heat. It will take more time, but you definitely won’t spoil the ingredient and will get a delicious treat.

    • Fry until the seeds change color slightly. Stir constantly;
    • Pour into a bowl. Let cool for at least 15 minutes. Enjoy the taste.

    What spices to use when preparing seeds

    Most often, only salt and a little pepper are added to the seeds. But to make the taste of the delicacy rich and piquant, add spices or your favorite seasoning. You can also prepare sweet seeds by adding honey or caramel to them. There are more than enough options. You just need to give free rein to your imagination.
    We hope our tips were useful and you learned how to prepare this delicious delicacy for yourself and your loved ones. Bon appetit!

Each of us has the right to choose: go to the store and buy a pack of ready-made roasted seeds or spend a minimum of time roasting the seeds yourself.

How to fry seeds in a frying pan

There are several ways to fry sunflower seeds: the standard one is in a frying pan, in the oven or in the microwave. All methods are good, you just need to know some tricks to make the product tasty and healthy.

It's easy to fry the seeds because you just need sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds, a frying pan and a stove. And, of course, a little patience.

Frying method:

  • It is best to choose seeds that are oily, not spoiled, plump and small in size.
  • Place the cast iron frying pan on the stove and turn on low heat. Let the pan heat up.
  • In the meantime, while the frying pan is heating up, you can just sort out the seeds, and best of all, wash them. Some housewives advise doing this without fail, especially if the seeds were purchased at the market.
  • When the frying pan is hot, pour in the seeds (it is advisable to drain the excess water by discarding the seeds in a colander).
  • Distribute over the pan and cover with a lid. Turn on maximum heat - leave under the lid for literally 1-2 minutes.
  • For everything to work out, you shouldn’t pour a lot of seeds into the frying pan at once, because they won’t have time to fry evenly.
  • After a couple of minutes, remove the lid, reduce the heat on the stove and, stirring constantly, continue frying the seeds until tender.

There is another way to fry seeds:

  • Heat a frying pan with thick walls, pour in dry seeds, pour just a little water, approximately 60-100 ml.
  • We fry, or rather, at the first stage we steam the seeds until all the moisture has completely evaporated.
  • Next is the standard frying process until the characteristic crackling occurs. The heat is minimal, the seeds need to be stirred constantly.
  • After 15 minutes of standing at the stove, the seeds will be ready. You can determine the degree of readiness by taste. Each housewife has her own opinion on this matter: some people like almost raw seeds, while others like them with golden kernels.
  • The stove must be turned off, and the seeds must be immediately poured into a deep plate covered with a clean towel. You should not leave the prepared seeds in the frying pan, because they may overcook.

How to fry salted sunflower seeds

Some people like the taste of salted seeds:

  • Pour the seeds into a frying pan, add a pinch of fine salt, stir and continue the frying process until cooked. The method is fast, but it is very difficult to guess the salt ratio.
  • The second method of frying sunflower seeds with salt takes longer, but the result will be as desired: pre-prepared (sorted or sifted sunflower seeds) are poured into a frying pan with thick walls, and salt is stirred in a separate bowl. For 100 ml, take 1/3 teaspoon of fine salt. The ratio of salt and sunflower seeds is as follows: 3 tsp per 0.5 kg of sunflower seeds. fine salt. The seeds are poured with salt water, steamed, and fried until tender over medium heat.

How to roast seeds in the oven

A quick and easy way to roast seeds in the oven.

How it's done:

  • The oven heating temperature is 180 degrees.
  • Prepare a baking sheet and line it with parchment.
  • Place the seeds in one layer.
  • Place the baking sheet with the seeds in the oven. Drying time – 20 minutes.
  • The seeds turn out to be not so much fried as dried, which doesn’t suit everyone.

How to roast sunflower seeds in the microwave

It is not possible to fry a lot of seeds in the microwave at once, so the proportions must be observed:

  • Place 300 g of raw seeds into a medium bowl.
  • The dishes must be special for cooking in a microwave oven.
  • Set the power of the device to 750 W.
  • Place the container with the seeds in the microwave cabinet and turn on the heat for 2 minutes.
  • Time is up: stir the seeds several times, heating again for 2 minutes and so on 4 times for 2 minutes.
  • The roasting time depends on the size of the seeds, so after 4 minutes of roasting it is advisable to taste the seeds. If you are ready, leave it in the oven for a few minutes to “cook”.

How to fry seeds on sand

An interesting way to fry seeds on sand:

  • You will need a thick-walled frying pan and fine sifted sand.
  • You need to pour sand into the frying pan and turn on medium heat on the stove.
  • When the sand warms up, pour out the seeds (rinsed, allow excess liquid to drain).
  • The seeds need to be thoroughly mixed with sand, put on moderate heat and that’s all.
  • After a while, you need to try the seeds - if you are ready, turn off the stove, leave the seeds in the sand in the frying pan until they cool completely.
  • Pour the seeds into a sieve and sift.



This is interesting: