How to cook semolina porridge with milk in a slow cooker. Semolina porridge in a slow cooker with milk. How to properly prepare chocolate semolina porridge in a slow cooker

How to cook semolina porridge with milk in a slow cooker. Semolina porridge in a slow cooker with milk. How to properly prepare chocolate semolina porridge in a slow cooker

The multicooker is ideal for preparing milk porridges. With it, you don’t have to watch and constantly stir the cereal, fearing that the milk will run away. At the same time, the porridge cooks perfectly and turns out delicious. Semolina porridge cooks very quickly in a slow cooker, which is good news!

List of ingredients:

  • Milk – 1 tbsp.
  • Semolina – 5 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp.
  • Butter - a small piece to taste.

Cooking semolina porridge in a slow cooker:

We prepared semolina porridge according to this recipe in the Polaris PMC 0527D multicooker.

Semolina porridge: recipe discussion and reviews

How to stir, if only at the beginning you mixed all the ingredients and set the mode, the lid can no longer be opened. Tell me, turn everything off - stop it - and turn it on again from the beginning?

“What could be simpler than cooking semolina porridge with milk?” - you might think, but for some reason unpleasant lumps of semolina and a burnt favorite pan come to mind. Liquid semolina porridge with milk in a slow cooker is a recipe for a familiar dish, striving for the ideal; we all ate such porridge in childhood, and if it is prepared correctly, without lumps, then we have pleasant memories.

Semolina contains mainly carbohydrates; its nutritional value and taste are enriched by the milk on which the porridge is cooked. Dried fruits, nuts and honey, which are added at the end of cooking, will help add vitamins and minerals to the dish. Delicious Guryev porridge, beloved by the Russian nobility of the nineteenth century, is semolina in milk, mixed with toasted nuts, layered with creamy foam and dried fruit, and baked in the oven over low heat.

There’s really nothing complicated about making semolina. The main thing is to know the correct ratio of water and cereal. For viscous porridge, which can then be baked in the oven, the ratio of water and cereal is 6 to 1 (100 grams of semolina are needed for 600 ml of water). For liquid porridge, as in our recipe, the ratio of water and cereal is 10 to 1 (for 800 ml of water - 80 grams of semolina). Using good quality products and simple cooking tips, you can easily get a tasty, satisfying and healthy dish.

We cook in a multicooker and mix the ingredients in multi-glasses, 1 multi-glass is 180 ml.


  • Water – 1 multi-glass;
  • Milk – 1.5 multi-cups;
  • Semolina – 55 g (2.5 tbsp without a slide);
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Salt – a small pinch;
  • Butter 1 tbsp.

How to cook delicious liquid semolina porridge with milk in a slow cooker

Pour water and milk into the multicooker bowl. If the milk is of medium fat content (2.5%), it does not need to be diluted with water. It is also necessary to take into account who the porridge is being cooked for - for an adult, you can cook it in milk without diluting it; for a child under three years old, dilute the milk with water, as in the recipe. To prevent the porridge from running away during cooking, grease the top of the bowl with butter. Turn on the multicooker for 5 minutes in any convenient mode (for example, “Milk porridge”) so that the milk boils. If you want to improve the cooking process and pour milk heated on the stove in a saucepan into the multicooker bowl, then do the right thing, but you can’t do the opposite (pour cold liquid into a hot multicooker bowl). Do not close the multicooker lid.

We measure semolina in advance in the amount required for the recipe, pouring it into a multi-glass. You can measure the cereal using tablespoons. One tablespoon with top contains 25 grams of semolina, and a full spoon without top contains 20 grams. Add semolina, pouring it in a thin stream, stirring the milk well all the time. It is necessary to stir with a wooden or silicone spatula so as not to scratch the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Add sugar and salt along with the cereal or shortly before the milk boils. For the specified amount of food, a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of teaspoon of salt will be enough. For a pleasant smell, you can add vanillin or vanilla sugar. If we add honey, we can do without vanillin. After the milk and semolina boil with constant stirring (a few seconds), switch the multicooker to heating mode and close the lid. Cook on the “Warming” mode for 20–25 minutes (it is not necessary to open the lid and check readiness). The heating operates at a temperature of about 40 degrees, so the porridge will not burn; you can only open the multicooker, stir the contents so that the cereal absorbs the liquid more evenly.

Add a tablespoon of honey (optional) and the same amount of butter to the finished porridge.

You can put butter on everyone’s plate, the liquid milk porridge from semolina is ready.

We decorate the top of the porridge with fruit jam, steamed dried fruits or toasted nuts.

You can put slices of banana or apple on top of the porridge - the Ligold or Grushovka varieties - and pour over honey or condensed milk. Someone can sprinkle the porridge with sweet coconut flakes, this is also very useful. Don’t hold back your culinary imagination, then semolina with milk in a slow cooker will become a desirable dish not only for children, but also for your entire family.

How to cook semolina porridge in a slow cooker

One of the most popular porridges, semolina, can be prepared in several ways. This is very easy to do using a slow cooker. Just a few minutes - and a nutritious breakfast is ready.

General cooking principles

It is better to take semolina grade T. This means “Durum wheat”; lumps form from it much less often. There is also a brand “M” - “soft wheat” and “TM” - a mixed version. However, any cereal will make delicious porridge.

Porridge is usually prepared using a mixture of milk and water and sugared to taste. It is necessary to add salt to the semolina to balance the taste, otherwise the dish will turn out cloying.

Tip: if you want to make a thinner porridge, just cook it for twenty minutes.

Semolina porridge with milk in a slow cooker

Porridge prepared with milk always turns out tastier than the one prepared with water. But you don’t need to give up water completely.

How much time - 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 117 calories.

  1. Sift semolina through a sieve, preferably twice. This will help avoid lumps.
  2. Pour the cereal into the multicooker bowl. Select the “Baking” or “Frying” program and fry the semolina for two minutes. This will remove future mucus.
  3. Pour water into the cereal, stir, cook for three minutes. You will get semi-finished porridge.
  4. Add a piece of butter here, and then pour in milk (at any temperature). Salt and sugar. Mix.
  5. Close the lid of the device and change the program to “Milk porridge” with a timer for half an hour.
  6. Sometimes you need to open the lid and stir the contents of the bowl with a spatula, preferably a plastic or wooden one.
  7. When the signal sounds about the end of the program, open the multicooker lid and add salt if necessary. Close the lid, let stand for another ten minutes, and then serve.

Tip: after the porridge is ready, you can add vanillin to it for flavor. It will be enough on the tip of the knife.

Simple semolina porridge on water

A very simple recipe for cooking in water with the addition of dry cream.

How long is it - 20 minutes?

What is the calorie content - 74 calories.

  1. Grease the multicooker bowl with a piece of butter. This not only improves the taste, but also prevents the porridge from burning during cooking.
  2. Pour the sifted cereal into the bowl. Start pouring water in a thin stream so that the porridge does not form lumps. Stir a little.
  3. Stir all the sugar and dry cream here.
  4. There is no need to cover the device with a lid. Install the "Porridge" program. Time - twelve minutes. For greater thickness, you can increase the time to fifteen minutes, and for a thinner consistency, ten is enough.
  5. During cooking, the porridge needs to be stirred quite often.
  6. Next, pour into plates and serve.

Tip: if you don’t have dry cream, you can replace it with either dry milk in the same proportion, or pour in 30 ml of liquid cream. If confectionery cream is used, there is no need to add sugar.

How to cook semolina with berries in a slow cooker

Incredibly vitamin porridge with pleasant shades. Great summer breakfast.

How much time - 25 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 99 calories.

  1. Place the bowl in the device and select the “Frying” program with a timer for ten minutes.
  2. Pour semolina into the bowl and fry it, stirring. This will prevent lumps from forming later. You need to stir almost constantly.
  3. Heat the milk a little in a saucepan or in the microwave.
  4. Pour it into the semolina and immediately add a piece of butter and all the sugar. Stir until all the grains dissolve and the butter melts.
  5. Reset the program to “Milk porridge” and cook for just five minutes.
  6. Clean the berries from debris and stalks. It is not advisable to wash them, but if they were bought in a store and not homemade, then you need to rinse them under a thin stream of water. Then use paper towels to remove all moisture.
  7. Add some of the berries to the porridge and stir. They should let out the juice. Then cook for another five minutes.
  8. Serve, garnish with remaining berries.

Tip: sugar can be replaced with honey. Then the porridge will turn out more flavorful and tender, and also healthier.

Tender porridge with raisins

The amazingly delicate consistency of this porridge instantly captivates children. And the raisins make it much sweeter.

How much time - 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 124 calories.

  1. Place the bowl in the multicooker and pour all the milk into it.
  2. Set the “Extinguishing” program, time – fifteen minutes. During this time the milk should boil.
  3. In a small bowl or directly in a glass, mix semolina with sugar and salt.
  4. Rinse the raisins thoroughly and blot off all the water with napkins.
  5. When the multicooker beeps, it’s time to pour the semolina into the boiling milk. In this case, the milk must be stirred constantly, and the cereal must be added in parts.
  6. Next add raisins. Close the device cover.
  7. Let the porridge boil for two minutes, then open the lid and stir. Close again, wait two minutes, stir. Repeat until the porridge is completely ready. If left undisturbed, the semolina may stick to the bowl.
  8. Next, serve. Can be done with melted butter.

Tip: it’s better to take golden, seedless raisins. There is no need to steam it in advance, as it will swell with the milk in the porridge and become even tastier.

Most often, semolina is served only with butter. You can sprinkle cocoa on top. But in fact, this dish can be supplemented with a variety of ingredients after cooking: nuts, fruits, dried fruits, jam, toppings, caramel, marmalade, chocolate drops, nut chips, almond flakes, etc. Children really like this, because then the presentation looks much brighter and in fact turns out much sweeter.

The dish does not have to be made sweet. It can be salted and served with cheese and herbs. Such breakfasts can often be seen among Italians. It turns out very unusual. You can adjust the taste with spices; nutmeg is often used.

Semolina porridge is tasty, simple and nutritious. It is useful at any age, and delicious according to any recipe!

In a slow cooker, Semolina porridge

In childhood, many people associated semolina porridge with a bland taste and lumps. Modern semolina porridge in a slow cooker- a completely different matter! More details about semolina porridge in a slow cooker .

Recipes for main courses → Porridge → Semolina

In a slow cooker

Semolina porridge is prepared quickly in a slow cooker, so it retains many useful substances. And so that the children eat it with pleasure, I add ripe, aromatic strawberries from the garden to the prepared semolina porridge.

Semolina porridge has been familiar to us since childhood. It’s easy to prepare semolina porridge in a slow cooker, and if you do everything correctly and decorate the porridge with berry syrup, you will get a real dessert that all your loved ones will enjoy.

Always and everywhere, but especially in Russian cuisine, semolina porridge was considered a very healthy and even necessary porridge for children. It was always prepared for breakfast, sometimes for lunch, and in kindergartens it was a mandatory program. Without a doubt, semolina porridge is a healthy and nutritious breakfast that will fill our body with energy for the whole day.

There are no miracles in preparing semolina porridge. Everything is very simple, you just have to choose what suits you best today: semolina porridge in a slow cooker with milk or semolina porridge with water in a slow cooker. In the first case, this is a richer option that is suitable for baby food. The second one is a little lighter, more suitable for a diet breakfast.

Another indicator is consistency. You can get a thinner semolina porridge in a slow cooker if you add more liquid, water or milk. Not for everyone. The recipe for semolina porridge in a slow cooker is simple, and you can choose the listed qualities according to your taste. Spices, mainly salt and sugar, are also added at your discretion. That's all the wisdom. But still, the recipe for semolina porridge with milk in a slow cooker is more preferable. It is more rich and useful.

How to cook semolina porridge in a slow cooker so that the whole family can eat it with pleasure? There are recipes for this, as well as photographs and illustrations of dishes. Semolina porridge in a slow cooker is no exception. A photo of this porridge will help the hostess correctly assess her intentions regarding the upcoming breakfast. Rated? Do you want semolina porridge in a slow cooker? A recipe with a photo is your main assistant in the kitchen! They will tell you how to cook semolina porridge in a slow cooker.

Now - some tips on how to cook semolina porridge in a slow cooker:

– if you are preparing semolina with milk, pour some water into the bottom of the bowl. This will prevent the milk from burning;

– if you plan to make porridge with milk with the addition of water, then the best proportion is considered to be equal parts of water and milk. This way we will reduce the calorie content of the porridge without compromising the taste;

– the ratio of liquid to cereal may vary. The classic version is 7 teaspoons of cereal per 1 glass of liquid. The choice of this proportion determines the thickness of the porridge;

– the cereal should be slowly poured into the boiling liquid, stirring vigorously to achieve uniform distribution of the cereal, without those lumps;

– before the end of cooking, add salt or sugar, and at the end – a little fresh butter;

– porridge will look better and be more readily eaten, even by those who don’t really like it, if you add a little chopped fresh fruit to the plate.

Everyone is very familiar with semolina porridge. A light and healthy dish is introduced into complementary foods for infants from ten months: it helps the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is rich in minerals and vitamins. Semolina porridge in a slow cooker with milk is an excellent opportunity not to waste extra energy on cooking.

When using a multicooker, you need to choose the right operating mode. Although most models have a “Milk porridge” setting, semolina particles are boiled much better and the dish is obtained without lumps when the “Stew” mode is set.

There are several delicious recipes, and we will look at especially interesting options.

Main ingredients, sugar and salt - optional:

  • half a glass of semolina;
  • two tablespoons of oil;
  • one multi-glass of water;
  • three multi-glasses of milk.

Liquid semolina porridge will be ready in half an hour if you carefully follow a certain algorithm of actions:

  1. Dry semolina is poured into a multicooker container and sugar is added to it. Add a piece of butter. You can coat the sides of the bowl with oil and add salt.
  2. Milk is poured in, the mixture is mixed, thoroughness is important here.
  3. The multicooker is closed and the “Quenching” mode is set. If the multicooker timer only allows you to set it for an hour, no less, you need to time it yourself.
  4. It is recommended to stir the food being prepared periodically, this will help prevent the particles from sticking together. In half an hour everything will be ready.

With added raisins

It’s also very simple to diversify your morning menu - cooking semolina in milk with dried fruits, for example, adding raisins. In addition, raisins significantly increase the benefits for the body, as they are a source of essential substances.

Main ingredients, sugar and salt are added as desired:

  • half a glass of semolina;
  • one multi-glass of water;
  • three multi-glasses of milk;
  • half a cup of dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots or prunes.

Preparation proceeds as follows:

  1. The raisins are thoroughly washed and then left in warm water.
  2. Milk is poured into the multicooker, after which the “Stewing” program is set. It will take a quarter of an hour.
  3. In a separate bowl, semolina is mixed with sugar and salt is added.
  4. When the milk begins to boil, carefully add the mixture with semolina. It is necessary to stir constantly to prevent the formation of sticky particles.
  5. Dried fruits (raisins) are added. The lid is closed, after a couple of minutes the dish is mixed for the first time. You need to stir regularly throughout the half hour of cooking.

With pumpkin

Everyone has heard about the benefits of pumpkin, but it itself is not as tasty as we would like.

You can guarantee that the dish will be free of lumps if you first sift the cereal and fry it for a couple of minutes until golden brown.

Main ingredients:

  • half a glass of semolina;
  • one multi-glass of water;
  • three multi-glasses of milk;
  • 100 g pumpkin;

The procedure for preparing pumpkin semolina is as follows:

  1. The pumpkin is cleared of seeds, the pulp is grated - it is better to choose a large grater, or cut the vegetable into small cubes.
  2. The multicooker container is coated with butter, milk and water are poured.
  3. Semolina is poured in - constant stirring is required, along with salt and sugar, and pumpkin is poured in as well.
  4. The “Porridge” program is selected, the timer is set for half an hour.
  5. During cooking, you need to stir the dish periodically.

It will be especially tasty if you add honey instead of sugar.

Cooking from powdered milk

Main ingredients:

  • half a glass of semolina;
  • five tablespoons of milk powder;
  • four multi-glasses of water;
  • two tablespoons of oil;
  • sugar and salt are added as desired.

Execution technology:

  1. Coat the walls of the multicooker container with oil.
  2. Pour dry milk into a multicooker bowl and add semolina.
  3. You can add sugar and salt.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture with water and mix thoroughly.
  5. Close the lid and set the “Stew” with the timer for half an hour.

You can completely avoid the possibility of lumps appearing by stirring the prepared dish periodically.

How to cook porridge without lumps

Sticky particles can ruin any recipe for semolina porridge in a slow cooker, but they can be completely avoided if you follow certain recommendations:

  • Be careful when choosing cereals in the store. It should have a delicate cream or snow-white color; sticky grains are unacceptable. If the semolina does not seem to be free-flowing, this product is not worth purchasing;
  • you should add the cereal, stirring constantly or in small pinches;
  • low-fat milk makes the dish especially tender; water is added in a ratio of three to one;
  • Coating the walls of the multicooker container with oil will help prevent burning.

Liquid semolina porridge with milk in a slow cooker

Ingredients needed for four servings:

  • no more than sixty grams of semolina (about three tablespoons);
  • one multi-glass of water;
  • three multi-glasses of milk;
  • two tablespoons of oil.

Small children need a very liquid consistency for complementary feeding.

To ensure that semolina porridge in a multicooker with milk turns out exactly like this, cook it as follows:

  1. Milk and water are poured into a container coated with butter (basic proportion: three to one).
  2. The “Milk porridge” mode is set.
  3. For cooking, the timer is set to half an hour (if you have to set the hour, you need to time it yourself).
  4. While the milk is boiling, the semolina is mixed with sugar; ten minutes from the start of cooking, the mixture, stirring gently, is poured into the milk.
  5. In twenty minutes the dish will be ready. It needs to be stirred periodically.

The multicooker is ideal for preparing milk porridges. With it, you don’t have to watch and constantly stir the cereal, fearing that the milk will run away. At the same time, the porridge cooks perfectly and turns out delicious. Semolina porridge cooks very quickly in a slow cooker, which is good news!

List of ingredients:

  • Milk – 1 tbsp.
  • Semolina – 5 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp.
  • Butter - a small piece to taste.

Cooking semolina porridge in a slow cooker:

We prepared semolina porridge according to this recipe in the Polaris PMC 0527D multicooker.

Semolina porridge: recipe discussion and reviews

How to stir, if only at the beginning you mixed all the ingredients and set the mode, the lid can no longer be opened. Tell me, turn everything off - stop it - and turn it on again from the beginning?

“What could be simpler than cooking semolina porridge with milk?” - you might think, but for some reason unpleasant lumps of semolina and a burnt favorite pan come to mind. Liquid semolina porridge with milk in a slow cooker is a recipe for a familiar dish, striving for the ideal; we all ate such porridge in childhood, and if it is prepared correctly, without lumps, then we have pleasant memories.

Semolina contains mainly carbohydrates; its nutritional value and taste are enriched by the milk on which the porridge is cooked. Dried fruits, nuts and honey, which are added at the end of cooking, will help add vitamins and minerals to the dish. Delicious Guryev porridge, beloved by the Russian nobility of the nineteenth century, is semolina in milk, mixed with toasted nuts, layered with creamy foam and dried fruit, and baked in the oven over low heat.

There’s really nothing complicated about making semolina. The main thing is to know the correct ratio of water and cereal. For viscous porridge, which can then be baked in the oven, the ratio of water and cereal is 6 to 1 (100 grams of semolina are needed for 600 ml of water). For liquid porridge, as in our recipe, the ratio of water and cereal is 10 to 1 (for 800 ml of water - 80 grams of semolina). Using good quality products and simple cooking tips, you can easily get a tasty, satisfying and healthy dish.

We cook in a multicooker and mix the ingredients in multi-glasses, 1 multi-glass is 180 ml.


  • Water – 1 multi-glass;
  • Milk – 1.5 multi-cups;
  • Semolina – 55 g (2.5 tbsp without a slide);
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Salt – a small pinch;
  • Butter 1 tbsp.

How to cook delicious liquid semolina porridge with milk in a slow cooker

Pour water and milk into the multicooker bowl. If the milk is of medium fat content (2.5%), it does not need to be diluted with water. It is also necessary to take into account who the porridge is being cooked for - for an adult, you can cook it in milk without diluting it; for a child under three years old, dilute the milk with water, as in the recipe. To prevent the porridge from running away during cooking, grease the top of the bowl with butter. Turn on the multicooker for 5 minutes in any convenient mode (for example, “Milk porridge”) so that the milk boils. If you want to improve the cooking process and pour milk heated on the stove in a saucepan into the multicooker bowl, then do the right thing, but you can’t do the opposite (pour cold liquid into a hot multicooker bowl). Do not close the multicooker lid.

We measure semolina in advance in the amount required for the recipe, pouring it into a multi-glass. You can measure the cereal using tablespoons. One tablespoon with top contains 25 grams of semolina, and a full spoon without top contains 20 grams. Add semolina, pouring it in a thin stream, stirring the milk well all the time. It is necessary to stir with a wooden or silicone spatula so as not to scratch the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Add sugar and salt along with the cereal or shortly before the milk boils. For the specified amount of food, a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of teaspoon of salt will be enough. For a pleasant smell, you can add vanillin or vanilla sugar. If we add honey, we can do without vanillin. After the milk and semolina boil with constant stirring (a few seconds), switch the multicooker to heating mode and close the lid. Cook on the “Warming” mode for 20–25 minutes (it is not necessary to open the lid and check readiness). The heating operates at a temperature of about 40 degrees, so the porridge will not burn; you can only open the multicooker, stir the contents so that the cereal absorbs the liquid more evenly.

Add a tablespoon of honey (optional) and the same amount of butter to the finished porridge.

You can put butter on everyone’s plate, the liquid milk porridge from semolina is ready.

We decorate the top of the porridge with fruit jam, steamed dried fruits or toasted nuts.

You can put slices of banana or apple on top of the porridge - the Ligold or Grushovka varieties - and pour over honey or condensed milk. Someone can sprinkle the porridge with sweet coconut flakes, this is also very useful. Don’t hold back your culinary imagination, then semolina with milk in a slow cooker will become a desirable dish not only for children, but also for your entire family.

How to cook semolina porridge in a slow cooker

One of the most popular porridges, semolina, can be prepared in several ways. This is very easy to do using a slow cooker. Just a few minutes - and a nutritious breakfast is ready.

General cooking principles

It is better to take semolina grade T. This means “Durum wheat”; lumps form from it much less often. There is also a brand “M” - “soft wheat” and “TM” - a mixed version. However, any cereal will make delicious porridge.

Porridge is usually prepared using a mixture of milk and water and sugared to taste. It is necessary to add salt to the semolina to balance the taste, otherwise the dish will turn out cloying.

Tip: if you want to make a thinner porridge, just cook it for twenty minutes.

Semolina porridge with milk in a slow cooker

Porridge prepared with milk always turns out tastier than the one prepared with water. But you don’t need to give up water completely.

How much time - 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 117 calories.

  1. Sift semolina through a sieve, preferably twice. This will help avoid lumps.
  2. Pour the cereal into the multicooker bowl. Select the “Baking” or “Frying” program and fry the semolina for two minutes. This will remove future mucus.
  3. Pour water into the cereal, stir, cook for three minutes. You will get semi-finished porridge.
  4. Add a piece of butter here, and then pour in milk (at any temperature). Salt and sugar. Mix.
  5. Close the lid of the device and change the program to “Milk porridge” with a timer for half an hour.
  6. Sometimes you need to open the lid and stir the contents of the bowl with a spatula, preferably a plastic or wooden one.
  7. When the signal sounds about the end of the program, open the multicooker lid and add salt if necessary. Close the lid, let stand for another ten minutes, and then serve.

Tip: after the porridge is ready, you can add vanillin to it for flavor. It will be enough on the tip of the knife.

Simple semolina porridge on water

A very simple recipe for cooking in water with the addition of dry cream.

How long is it - 20 minutes?

What is the calorie content - 74 calories.

  1. Grease the multicooker bowl with a piece of butter. This not only improves the taste, but also prevents the porridge from burning during cooking.
  2. Pour the sifted cereal into the bowl. Start pouring water in a thin stream so that the porridge does not form lumps. Stir a little.
  3. Stir all the sugar and dry cream here.
  4. There is no need to cover the device with a lid. Install the "Porridge" program. Time - twelve minutes. For greater thickness, you can increase the time to fifteen minutes, and for a thinner consistency, ten is enough.
  5. During cooking, the porridge needs to be stirred quite often.
  6. Next, pour into plates and serve.

Tip: if you don’t have dry cream, you can replace it with either dry milk in the same proportion, or pour in 30 ml of liquid cream. If confectionery cream is used, there is no need to add sugar.

How to cook semolina with berries in a slow cooker

Incredibly vitamin porridge with pleasant shades. Great summer breakfast.

How much time - 25 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 99 calories.

  1. Place the bowl in the device and select the “Frying” program with a timer for ten minutes.
  2. Pour semolina into the bowl and fry it, stirring. This will prevent lumps from forming later. You need to stir almost constantly.
  3. Heat the milk a little in a saucepan or in the microwave.
  4. Pour it into the semolina and immediately add a piece of butter and all the sugar. Stir until all the grains dissolve and the butter melts.
  5. Reset the program to “Milk porridge” and cook for just five minutes.
  6. Clean the berries from debris and stalks. It is not advisable to wash them, but if they were bought in a store and not homemade, then you need to rinse them under a thin stream of water. Then use paper towels to remove all moisture.
  7. Add some of the berries to the porridge and stir. They should let out the juice. Then cook for another five minutes.
  8. Serve, garnish with remaining berries.

Tip: sugar can be replaced with honey. Then the porridge will turn out more flavorful and tender, and also healthier.

Tender porridge with raisins

The amazingly delicate consistency of this porridge instantly captivates children. And the raisins make it much sweeter.

How much time - 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 124 calories.

  1. Place the bowl in the multicooker and pour all the milk into it.
  2. Set the “Extinguishing” program, time – fifteen minutes. During this time the milk should boil.
  3. In a small bowl or directly in a glass, mix semolina with sugar and salt.
  4. Rinse the raisins thoroughly and blot off all the water with napkins.
  5. When the multicooker beeps, it’s time to pour the semolina into the boiling milk. In this case, the milk must be stirred constantly, and the cereal must be added in parts.
  6. Next add raisins. Close the device cover.
  7. Let the porridge boil for two minutes, then open the lid and stir. Close again, wait two minutes, stir. Repeat until the porridge is completely ready. If left undisturbed, the semolina may stick to the bowl.
  8. Next, serve. Can be done with melted butter.

Tip: it’s better to take golden, seedless raisins. There is no need to steam it in advance, as it will swell with the milk in the porridge and become even tastier.

Most often, semolina is served only with butter. You can sprinkle cocoa on top. But in fact, this dish can be supplemented with a variety of ingredients after cooking: nuts, fruits, dried fruits, jam, toppings, caramel, marmalade, chocolate drops, nut chips, almond flakes, etc. Children really like this, because then the presentation looks much brighter and in fact turns out much sweeter.

The dish does not have to be made sweet. It can be salted and served with cheese and herbs. Such breakfasts can often be seen among Italians. It turns out very unusual. You can adjust the taste with spices; nutmeg is often used.

Semolina porridge is tasty, simple and nutritious. It is useful at any age, and delicious according to any recipe!

In a slow cooker, Semolina porridge

In childhood, many people associated semolina porridge with a bland taste and lumps. Modern semolina porridge in a slow cooker- a completely different matter! More details about semolina porridge in a slow cooker .

Recipes for main courses → Porridge → Semolina

In a slow cooker

Semolina porridge is prepared quickly in a slow cooker, so it retains many useful substances. And so that the children eat it with pleasure, I add ripe, aromatic strawberries from the garden to the prepared semolina porridge.

Semolina porridge has been familiar to us since childhood. It’s easy to prepare semolina porridge in a slow cooker, and if you do everything correctly and decorate the porridge with berry syrup, you will get a real dessert that all your loved ones will enjoy.

Always and everywhere, but especially in Russian cuisine, semolina porridge was considered a very healthy and even necessary porridge for children. It was always prepared for breakfast, sometimes for lunch, and in kindergartens it was a mandatory program. Without a doubt, semolina porridge is a healthy and nutritious breakfast that will fill our body with energy for the whole day.

There are no miracles in preparing semolina porridge. Everything is very simple, you just have to choose what suits you best today: semolina porridge in a slow cooker with milk or semolina porridge with water in a slow cooker. In the first case, this is a richer option that is suitable for baby food. The second one is a little lighter, more suitable for a diet breakfast.

Another indicator is consistency. You can get a thinner semolina porridge in a slow cooker if you add more liquid, water or milk. Not for everyone. The recipe for semolina porridge in a slow cooker is simple, and you can choose the listed qualities according to your taste. Spices, mainly salt and sugar, are also added at your discretion. That's all the wisdom. But still, the recipe for semolina porridge with milk in a slow cooker is more preferable. It is more rich and useful.

How to cook semolina porridge in a slow cooker so that the whole family can eat it with pleasure? There are recipes for this, as well as photographs and illustrations of dishes. Semolina porridge in a slow cooker is no exception. A photo of this porridge will help the hostess correctly assess her intentions regarding the upcoming breakfast. Rated? Do you want semolina porridge in a slow cooker? A recipe with a photo is your main assistant in the kitchen! They will tell you how to cook semolina porridge in a slow cooker.

Now - some tips on how to cook semolina porridge in a slow cooker:

– if you are preparing semolina with milk, pour some water into the bottom of the bowl. This will prevent the milk from burning;

– if you plan to make porridge with milk with the addition of water, then the best proportion is considered to be equal parts of water and milk. This way we will reduce the calorie content of the porridge without compromising the taste;

– the ratio of liquid to cereal may vary. The classic version is 7 teaspoons of cereal per 1 glass of liquid. The choice of this proportion determines the thickness of the porridge;

– the cereal should be slowly poured into the boiling liquid, stirring vigorously to achieve uniform distribution of the cereal, without those lumps;

– before the end of cooking, add salt or sugar, and at the end – a little fresh butter;

– porridge will look better and be more readily eaten, even by those who don’t really like it, if you add a little chopped fresh fruit to the plate.

Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

First, we put the necessary products on the kitchen table: small bowls with butter, sugar, semolina and, of course, whole pasteurized milk; if you want to use unfiltered milk, only from the cow, it is better to boil it in a separate bowl before doing so.

Step 2: prepare semolina porridge in a slow cooker.

When all the ingredients are prepared, pour the required amount of semolina into a clean and dry multicooker bowl. Then fill it with milk, add sugar, salt and half the butter.
Mix everything thoroughly with a silicone or wooden spatula, close the kitchen appliance with a tight-fitting lid, select the function "Milk porridge" or, if there is no such thing, "Rice", and turn on the button "Start".
After 10 minutes open the lid, add the remaining butter to the finished porridge, mix everything again, place the finished dish on plates and serve.

Step 3: serve semolina porridge in a slow cooker.

Semolina porridge in a slow cooker is served hot as a main course. If desired, each serving can be supplemented with jam, jam, dried fruits, fresh berries, chocolate chips or condensed milk, it all depends on your taste and desire. Enjoy healthy, instant food!
Bon appetit!

There is another way to cook semolina in a slow cooker! Pour the milk into the bowl and add all the butter. Turn on the “Paste” mode for 5–8 minutes and close the lid. In a separate bowl, mix sugar, salt and semolina. After the sound signal from the kitchen appliance, pour the resulting mixture into hot milk, mix everything thoroughly, cover again and cook the dish until the end of the program;

An ideal replacement for butter is high-quality milk margarine with a low water content;

Porridge can be prepared using a mixture of water and milk in a 1:1 ratio;

This recipe is suitable for all types of multicookers - Philips, Redmond, Scarlet, Panasonic, Polaris, Moulinex and others;

The amount of sugar and salt can be adjusted to taste.

Everyone has known it since childhood. Some people don’t like it at all, while others consider it an excellent delicacy even in adult life. More than one generation of children has grown up on this product, but modern doctors are convinced that semolina poses a lot of harm to the child’s body. But is this really so? But what about the almost 100% digestibility and high dietary indicators of the product?

Indeed, semolina, offered to a child early and in large quantities, can cause irreparable harm to an unformed organism. However, if you introduce porridge on time and in reasonable quantities, it will not only diversify your baby’s diet, but also give his body many useful vitamins and minerals.

As you can see, the main thing that young mothers should remember is that you should not introduce semolina porridge if your child is under 1 year of age. During this period, the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready to digest such complex food and semolina can cause digestive system disorders.

And in the future, you should not oversaturate the child’s body with this product. Since semolina porridge is difficult to digest, it will be enough to pamper your child with it once a week, alternating with the rest.

How to properly prepare delicious semolina porridge in a slow cooker without lumps for a child? In order to get a fragrant, homogeneous semolina, you will not need any tricks, and the whole process will take a matter of minutes.

To prepare semolina porridge in a slow cooker you will need:

  • Semolina - 0.5 cups
  • Milk - 2 cups
  • Vola - 1.5 cups
  • Butter - 30 grams
  • Sugar - 1 or 1.5 tablespoon

Semolina porridge in a slow cooker without lumps for a child - recipe with photo:

1. First, I poured the semolina into the multicooker container. Added sugar and thoroughly mixed the dry ingredients with a spatula.

2. Then poured milk

3. and added butter.

4. I have a Polaris 0517 multicooker, which has a “Multicook” mode. It was in it that I prepared the porridge. Set the temperature: 90 degrees, time: 20 minutes.

If there is no such program, then select the “Milk porridge” function in the multicooker (if this is not available, the “rice” function will do) and wait 10 minutes until the porridge is cooked. You can also add a little butter at the end.

5. This was the first time I cooked semolina porridge in a slow cooker using this recipe, and I was very worried that lumps would not form. Therefore, without waiting for the end of the program (about 5 minutes after the time countdown), I opened the lid and, just in case, stirred it with a whisk.

6. After finishing the program and stirring with a spatula, the semolina porridge in the multicooker looks like this. There is not a single lump in it.

7. Semolina porridge without lumps for the child is ready.

Bon appetit!

Another method is suitable for preparing semolina porridge in a slow cooker:

1. Pour milk into the multicooker container, add butter and turn on the “Pasta” mode for 8 minutes.

2. At this time, mix the cereal with salt and sugar, and when the beep sounds, pour the semolina into the hot milk in a thin stream.

3. Having carefully mixed the contents, press the “start” button and wait, without opening the lid, for the end of the program.

As you can see, preparing porridge according to our recipes is a quick and tireless process.

And to compensate for some of the shortcomings of semolina porridge, serve it with berries and dried fruits! This will improve the taste and saturate your body with the necessary vitamins.



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