How to deliciously cook herring with potatoes. Boiled potatoes with pickled herring How to cook herring with potatoes

How to deliciously cook herring with potatoes. Boiled potatoes with pickled herring How to cook herring with potatoes

    You can prepare many different dishes from herring, but it is also very tasty with potatoes and onions, it is a very popular and simple dish, and also very satisfying, it is prepared very, very simply, and disappears from the plate instantly...


  • Lightly salted herring (3 pcs.)
  • Potatoes (9-12 pcs.)
  • Onions (3 pcs.)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Lemon (1 pc.)
  • Vinegar (to taste)
  • Greenery

***Products serve approximately three servings

How to cook herring with potatoes and onions, step by step recipe with photos

1. Wash and let the potatoes boil in their jackets, cook until tender, then drain and place under cold water to cool faster (if you want, you can peel them and cook them in the usual way).

3. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings.

4. Peel potatoes in their jackets.

5. Cut the lemon into slices.

6. Now beautifully place the chopped fillet of one herring on a flat plate on one edge, decorate with onion half rings, if you like, pour a little vinegar or lemon juice (1 tsp).

On the other edge of the plate we put three lemon rings and put 3-4 peeled potatoes in their jackets or just boiled potatoes, pour a little vegetable oil, decorate with herbs, you can sprinkle with chopped green onions and serve.

7. You can also serve herring with mashed potatoes.

8. You can also lay it all out in layers and let it sit until it soaks in. Place in a deep plate (I make it for home, for myself in a container, it’s more convenient) a layer of boiled potatoes, cut into slices, then a layer of onion in half rings, pieces of herring on top and the rest of the onion on top of the herring and sprinkle with herbs.

Next, you need to pour plenty of vegetable oil, if you like, add vinegar to taste (1-1.5 tsp). Place in the refrigerator and let it brew for a couple of hours. By the way, when we marinate herring in vinegar, the small remaining bones soften and are less noticeable.

Here are some more interesting options:

*** Sandwich snack. Grease black bread with mayonnaise, put a few slices of boiled potatoes, a little onion and pieces of herring on top, decorate with herbs:

*** We put a long feather of green onion, a tall slice of potato on the onion, a piece of herring on it, a ring of onion on top of the herring and tie each feather of the onion on top of a knot, put the resulting snack-knot on a plate and so on with each knot:

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

I learned to cook this simple recipe back in school. We can say that this is where my culinary journey began. I remember that in our home library there was a large cookbook, in which many recipes had photographs of ready-made dishes. I really liked the presentation of the appetizers - they were, in fact, complex cuts of vegetables, a prototype of modern carving techniques. I enjoyed studying the recipes, tried to prepare simple salads, and every time I did it better and better.
And when we took home economics and cooking classes during labor lessons, we brought food to class and immediately prepared our culinary “masterpieces.” Of course, these were simple dishes, but how nice it was to make them with your own hands and then treat them to our boys, who at that time were learning carpentry or plumbing.
This salad of herring with potatoes and onions is really so simple that it can be prepared by a culinary beginner, and consists of only a few ingredients: boiled potatoes in their skins, onions and lightly salted herring cut into slices. Oh, how delicious it is, let me tell you! And if you top the appetizer with delicious oil, such as pumpkin or sesame oil, and add spices to taste, you’ll get an excellent simple dish.
It is only important to buy a good herring, so that it is not very salty, has elastic flesh and an appetizing smell, because the taste of the entire dish depends on this. If desired, you can also add finely chopped parsley, dill and green onions. You can also prepare one similar to this one.

- potato tuber – 3-4 pcs.,
- lightly salted herring – 1 pc.,
- onion – 1 pc.,
- salt - to taste,
- spices to taste,
- fresh herbs (optional),
- vegetable oil - for dressing.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

First, boil the potato tubers directly in their skins. To do this, first select undamaged tubers of the same size and thoroughly wash them to remove sand and other contaminants. Then fill them with hot water, add salt (a little more than usual) and cook until tender, but do not overcook. Then drain the hot water and place the potatoes in cold water for a couple of minutes - this way the tubers cool faster and the skin is easier to remove.
Cut the peeled potatoes into strips or cubes.

Now let's deal with fish. We cut off the head and tail, be sure to cut the tummy and select the insides. Then we remove the backbone from the carcass and carefully, and most importantly, thoroughly, remove all the bones.
Cut the herring fillet into small slices.

Finely chop the peeled onion.

Finely chop the greens.

Season the herring salad with potatoes and onions with oil, add spices and mix. Salt to taste. But it is worth remembering that the herring is already quite salty. Try making this one again.

Bon appetit!
One of the simplest and fastest dishes in Rus' - salted herring with crumbly boiled potatoes seasoned with butter and flavored with dill. This dish is not only tasty, but also healthy. Herring is rich in amino acids and vitamins A, D, PP, contains unsaturated fats omega-3, omega-6, omega-9. So, by preparing such a dinner you will not only save time, but also get a storehouse of vitamins and microelements for your body. To prepare you will need:
  • 0.5 tsp mustard;
  • pinch pepper mixtures;
  • half bunch dill;
  • 15–20 ml. lemon juice;
  • 1 head onions;
  • 1–2 pieces herring salty;
  • 50 grams butter;
  • 5–6potatoes medium size;
  • salt taste.
Preparation: Wash the potatoes in running water to remove any stuck soil. Peel off the peel and rinse again. Cut each potato in half lengthwise, place in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Let the potatoes cook until done. While the potatoes are cooking - cut the herring. Cut off the head, cut off any existing fins, cut open the belly and remove the entrails. Separate the intestines from the milk and caviar. Throw away the intestines, and transfer the milk and caviar to any bowl where the herring will be marinated. From the tail, cut the fish along the ridge. To remove the skin, pick it up from the tail with a knife and slowly pull it towards you. Remove all bones and spine. Cut the herring into small pieces and also place in a bowl. Preparing the marinade. Mix lemon juice, mustard, and a mixture of peppers in one bowl, then pour this marinade over the herring pieces. Leave the fish to marinate for 15 minutes. Drain the water from the finished potatoes, season with a piece of butter, sprinkle with salt and tightly close the pan with a lid, shake it several times, not too much, so as not to turn the potatoes into mashed potatoes. Finely chop the dill and cut the onion into rings. Place potatoes on a plate, sprinkle with dill, place pieces of marinated fish separately in a herring bowl, and garnish with onion rings. We serve the finished dish to the table. Bon appetit.

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Herring, potatoes and onions are a classic combination in cooking. Even if you just boil the potatoes, cut the herring into slices and pour in fragrant oil, you already get a tasty dish. But this is for every day, and for the holiday table it is still better to prepare something special from the same products. For example, make a portioned appetizer of herring with potatoes and onions.


  • lightly salted herring – 1 piece;
  • salad red onion – 2 pcs;
  • potatoes – 6-8 pcs;
  • leek – 1 piece;
  • apple cider vinegar 6% – 3-4 tbsp. l;
  • greens for decoration.


1. Cut the onion into slices 0.5 cm thick. For this appetizer, it is better to take red Crimean onion (or purple) - it is not as spicy as other varieties, and the finished appetizer with it will look brighter.

2. Place the onion in a deep salad bowl, pour in a mixture of vinegar and water (proportions to your taste). There is no need to stir; the onion should remain whole. Leave to marinate for 20 minutes. Then place in a colander to drain the liquid.

3. While the onions are pickling, boil the potatoes in salted water. Cool, cut into 1.5 cm thick slices. To prevent potatoes from crumbling when slicing, it is better to take varieties with a low starch content (such potatoes do not boil soft).

4. Divide the herring into fillets, remove all small bones. Cut into thin slices, about 1.5 cm thick. You may find the instructions for cleaning herring useful.

5. Place potato circles on a plate close to each other.

6. Place an onion on each potato circle.

7. Cover the onions with potatoes. Try to select potatoes and onions of the same diameter, then the appetizer will turn out neat, and it will be convenient to take it from a common dish.

8. Place a slice of herring on the potatoes and place leeks on top. Garnish the appetizer with any herbs (parsley, dill, green onions are suitable). Before serving, you can sprinkle the herring with oil, but only a little, so that there are no oil stains on the dish.

Is it possible to make a potato and herring salad?

You can make a very tasty salad from the same products. Boiled potatoes are cut into small pieces, herring into cubes. The onion is cut into half rings and marinated in vinegar. All products are carefully mixed and placed in a heap in a salad bowl.

To make the dressing, you need to mix a little vinegar (apple vinegar is better) with vegetable oil and add ready-made mustard. Lightly whisk everything and pour the dressing over the salad. When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped green onions.

Today I have three in one. This note is not for experienced housewives. I’ll tell you a little about how to choose a herring, and I’ll tell you in detail how to clean it. And I’ll give you the simplest recipe for a completely royal dinner - herring in mustard sauce with hot potatoes, aromatic sunflower oil and onions.

How to choose lightly salted herring

I don’t like buying herring fillets in plastic containers or vacuum packaging. I once read that they almost soak it in formaldehyde to get rid of small bones. I prefer herring salted in barrels. In our beautiful country, such herring is sold in fish aisles, the most varied, from Atlantic and Ivasi to Don. You need to take a herring that is straight, plump, without damage to the skin or rusty spots. It should be very elastic and dense. If it has reddish eyes, then it is very lightly salted, very tasty, but I am afraid to buy one. I choose medium-salted herring, with whitish eyes, then soak it until lightly salted, and put the whole herring in cold water for a couple of hours. And look at the back! The wider the back, the fattier and tastier the herring.

Lightly salted barrel herring

And of course, such herring needs to be cleaned.

How to easily peel lightly salted herring from skin and entrails

In the meantime, I set the potatoes to boil. Everything is as usual, peel, if large, cut, put in cold water, bring to a boil and cook until tender (about 20 minutes). I don't add salt. If a knife or fork pierces the potato without effort, drain the water.

Boil potatoes without salt

I cover the entire table with cling film and cut the herring on thick paper. Cut off the head, cut the abdomen with a sharp knife and remove the entrails. Don't cut off the tail! Rinse the inside of the herring under running cold water.

Make an incision along the back of the fish, along the dorsal fin.

Gently pry up the skin at the cut and peel the skin off the herring. Here, in the photo you can see how round and fat she is.

Now take the herring by the tail with both hands and pull it in different directions. The herring will begin to separate into three parts - the lower two, with a cut along the abdomen, and the back.

Split the herring using the tail fin

Here's how it happened. The backbone remains.

Divide the dorsal part along an incision made near the fin, and remove the spine along with large bones. Now cut off the tail fins.

From one herring we got four neat fillets.

How to clean herring

All that remains is to cut each fillet, removing small bones along the way.

How to clean lightly salted herring

How to prepare mustard sauce for herring, sandwiches with herring fillet, Borodino bread and onions and herring with potatoes

The potatoes are boiled, there are green and regular onions, fresh herbs, Borodino bread, mustard and the most aromatic sunflower oil made from fried seeds, bought there, at the Old Bazaar. For herring you can quickly prepare mustard sauce, the mustard you need is spicy, homemade, here’s how to prepare it. And making the sauce couldn’t be easier: mix a tablespoon of ready-made mustard with a level teaspoon of sugar, add a tablespoon of aromatic sunflower oil purchased at the market. Stir everything well until the sugar dissolves and add a couple of tablespoons of water. Place pieces of herring in this sauce for a few minutes, mmmmmm! Yummy... But just spread mustard on fresh black bread, put a piece of herring on top and sprinkle with onions - it won’t be any worse!

Mustard sauce for herring, herring with potatoes

My husband and I are having a royal dinner today! You can’t get this in any restaurant at any price! Hot potatoes, aromatic sunflower oil, mustard, Borodino bread, onions and fresh herbs are the ideal company for lightly salted herring.

Herring with potatoes, mustard sauce, herring fillet sandwiches

Can I not write anything else? I’ll just post the last photo and go... While the potatoes are hot...

Lightly salted herring in ideal company

Bon appetit!



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