Cabbage salad with ham. Salad with cabbage and ham. How to make ham, cheese and cabbage salad

Cabbage salad with ham. Salad with cabbage and ham. How to make ham, cheese and cabbage salad

Let's introduce white cabbage salad, simple in composition and method of preparation, into your daily diet. To diversify a dish, turn it from banal into worthy of a dinner party and serve it instead of a side dish or as independent snacks, mix with delicious ham and canned olives

We advise you to season with spices carefully, since in coleslaw both ham and olives are products self-sufficient, fairly salted. Methane in the recipe can be replaced with mayonnaise, Greek yogurt, creme fraiche, and heavy cream.

Time preparing salad with cabbage and ham: 20 minutes / Number of servings: 3 -4.


  • white cabbage - 200 g;
  • ham - 150 g;
  • olives - 100 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 50 -100 g;
  • parsley - 2-3 branches;
  • hard-boiled egg - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 30 g;
  • grain mustard - 20 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


1 . In addition to white cabbage, the more delicate Beijing cabbage with a neutral aroma is suitable for salad - choose at your discretion. During the early vegetable season, young cabbage is good. So, after first washing it under cold water, drying it, chop a fragment of the head of cabbage into medium-thick strips. To soften the hard cabbage fibers, grind them with your hands with a pinch of salt (often add a little granulated sugar to the salt, thereby not only stimulating the release of juice, but also enhancing the taste).

2. For freshness and texture contrast, add a juicy and fragrant cucumber - if the peel is bitter, peel it. We chop it quite coarsely, for example, first into four longitudinal bars, then into transverse triangles.

3. Next, cut into slices of delicious ham, boiled and smoked boiled pork or balyk - a variety of meat products are appropriate here, including smoked, cold boiled or baked veal, bird grill, hunting sausages. Our step-by-step salad recipe with photos recommends separating the shell.

4 . At the same time, an egg boiled in boiling water for 7-8 minutes hard-boiled After cooling, peeling, crumble randomly, but not too small. You can easily mash it with a fork.

5 . We add parsley leaves or other greens to the cutting - we do not use the stems. Olives can be put into a salad either whole or cut into rings, halves or crushed into crumbs, do it yourself. Mix all layers.

6. Season the cabbage salad with ham and olives with thick sour cream, mustard beans, salt, pepper, and taste.

We serve assorted dishes: cabbage salad with ham and olives to the table. We recommend cooling the dish first.

  1. As a result, we will get a tasty, fresh and satisfying salad. Let's start by preparing the cabbage. Cut the cabbage into two parts and start chopping finely. We cut thinly and carefully. We crush the chopped cabbage a little and add salt, so the cabbage will not be so tough and will be more juicy.
  2. Wash fresh cucumbers under water and trim off the bitter part at the edges. Cut the cucumbers into thin half rings.
  3. Use smoked and good quality ham. Cut the ham into thin, long strips. Add more ham.
  4. Wash the chicken eggs in water, then put them in a saucepan and put on the fire, boiling until tender. The eggs are boiled quickly; they will be ready within 10 minutes. Cool the eggs in cold water and remove the shells from them. Cut the peeled eggs into small cubes.
  5. Bell pepper clean the inside of seeds. Then rinse well and cut into small strips. Sweet pepper gives the salad brightness, pleasant aroma, and excellent taste.
  6. Open the jar of corn and remove the liquid from it using a colander. Wash the corn under water. Be sure to only use sweet corn in the salad. It complements the whole salad wonderfully.
  7. Finely chop the dill with a knife; in addition to dill, you can also use other herbs, parsley, green onions.
  8. We also remove the liquid from the canned peas and rinse them under water.
  9. Cut the olives into two parts, or into thin rings. You can also add some olives to the salad.
  10. Chop the garlic and add it to the mayonnaise. We will also add some pepper and other spices to your taste. For acidity, add a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  11. So, we have prepared everything we need for the salad. We can put it together. Place all ingredients in a common container, mix and add salt. Season the salad with prepared mayonnaise and garlic. Mix thoroughly again and you can eat the salad. Add as additional ingredients crab sticks, marinated, or fried mushrooms. The salad is also dressed with sour cream.

In the summer, when early first vegetables appear on the beds and store shelves, you just want to quickly prepare a light and delicious salad. Fresh cabbage, young cucumbers - these vegetables will never be superfluous in your diet. The vitamins and beneficial elements they contain will fill the body with necessary and beneficial substances...


  • Young white cabbage – ¼ of the head__NEWL__
  • Fresh cucumber – 1 pc.__NEWL__
  • Ham – 300 gr.__NEWL__
  • Chicken eggs – 3-5 pcs. for salad, 1 pc. – for decoration__NEWL__
  • Mayonnaise “Provencal” - 4-6 tbsp. spoon__NEWL__
  • Greens – dill, parsley – bunch__NEWL__
  • Salt – a pinch__NEWL__
  • Salted cheese “Pigtail” for decoration and serving__NEWL__

In order to diversify the usual vegetable salad, I suggest adding boiled eggs and ham to it. These products go great together. Feel free to experiment.

Before we start cooking and chopping all the ingredients, we need to boil the eggs. To do this, place them in a small ladle or small saucepan. Fill with water. It is advisable to cover them by 2-3 cm with water. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. Cook for 10-13 minutes after boiling over medium heat. Eggs must be hard-boiled.

Rinse the cabbage under water and remove any damaged or slightly yellowed outer leaves. Cut the cabbage head into 4 pieces. For the salad we only need part of it. Using a sharp knife, chop into thin strips.

Peel the ham and cut into strips.

Cucumbers should be thoroughly washed and the tails removed from both sides. Cut lengthwise. Cut each half into strips.

Place all the chopped and chopped ingredients in a wide container (it will be convenient to mix the salad in it).

Cool the boiled eggs under cold running water and remove the shell. Cut into large cubes.

Wash the greens (dill and parsley) and wrap them in a napkin to remove and absorb water. Chop finely.

Place all ingredients in a mixing bowl. Add mayonnaise. Add some salt.

Stir with a large spoon to completely distribute all the mayonnaise among the salad ingredients. Taste during cooking. If necessary, add more salt and mayonnaise. The salad should not be dry. Ready salad Serve with cabbage and ham immediately after cooking in a separate plate or salad bowl. The salad can be placed on braided cheese braids. Garnish with a boiled egg cut into 2 parts. Bon appetit.

Cabbage, ham and cheese salad is a tender and delicious snack, which will come in handy more than ever festive table, and for a regular dinner with the family. You can make a salad from Chinese cabbage and ham, adding corn. In general, it all depends only on your imagination and desire to please your loved ones with a new dish.

First, let's get acquainted with a simple and easy-to-remember recipe for salad with ham, cabbage and cucumber. If desired, replace the corn with green canned peas. You can also diversify the salad with crispy, spicy croutons.

Salad with cabbage, ham and cucumber


  • fresh cabbage – 200 g;
  • fresh cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • ham – 300 g;
  • canned corn – 1 can;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • salt - to taste;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.


We peel the cabbage from the top leaves, chop it thinly, add salt and mash with our hands until the juice appears. Then wash the cucumber, cut into thin slices, and cut the ham into cubes or strips. Then mix all the ingredients, including a can of corn, from which we first drain the liquid. Next, season the dish with mayonnaise and, if desired, add fresh finely chopped herbs. Place the finished salad on washed and dried lettuce leaves. You can decorate our appetizer with lingonberries, avocado or dill sprigs.

We will prepare the next salad from Chinese cabbage and ham. However, you can vary the types of cabbage as desired, or mix, for example, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. Gourmets can also add a little to the dish smoked chicken or avocado.

Chinese cabbage and ham salad


  • Chinese cabbage – 1 pc.;
  • fresh cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • ham – 300 g;
  • hard cheese – 100g;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • salt and spices - to taste.


We wash and chop the Beijing cabbage, but not very thinly. We also wash the cucumber thoroughly and dry it. then cut into strips. We also cut the ham. If necessary, replace it with boiled sausage. Then mix everything and add salt to taste. In turn, grind the cheese using a medium grater and add it to a common bowl, then season the salad with mayonnaise to taste.

If desired and have enough time, add a couple of hard-boiled eggs to our salad. The dish will go well with seafood salads and hot side dishes. And for all those who are watching their figure, we can recommend dressing the salad olive oil, creamy, cheesy or .

This salad with cabbage, ham and croutons can be made from any, let's say, cabbage. From white or red cabbage - it makes no difference, but it is advisable to take both of them young. Now the first cabbage of this year has arrived - I’m making it from it. In winter, you have to take either cabbage with a sharp top, or, on the contrary, a very flattened one - those have more delicate leaves than the usual round white cabbage, they are also suitable for winter.

What, in general, is good about this salad with cabbage, ham and croutons? I use it when my husband suddenly decides to go on a fasting diet. He prefers low-carb, so he requires salads, whole grain bread and meat. But I know him low-calorie salads Out of habit, he doesn’t eat enough of just cucumbers and tomatoes and lettuce leaves, and then he walks around and gets angry, and everything is wrong for him. This is where this salad with cabbage, ham and croutons comes to my rescue from time to time.

The crackers are, of course, whole grain! By the way, the darker the bread, the tastier it is; gray bread is not as tasty. In addition to croutons, there is a lot, a lot of cabbage, it is coarse-fiber and low-calorie. And it fills the stomach very well. And ham - it serves as a wonderful trick for our senses! It is in this salad with cabbage, ham and croutons - a mere minuscule amount, only 5%! But the body still perceives a difference whether it ate only cabbage and cucumber, or whether there was some meat. The body likes ham better, it feels more full. In general, ham is a seasoning, it is meant to enrich the taste and to numb the taste buds.

Now why is there ham in the salad and not, say, sausage? It is important! Because the same ham you see has only 100 calories per 100 g of product. She is the absolute champion among low-calorie meat products.

To sum it up, I make this salad with white cabbage, ham and crackers, so that my husband and I are full and my nerves are intact.

Finely chop, chop or shred the cabbage.

Finely chop the ham.

Three cucumbers on a coarse grater. Cucumber is desirable, but not required. With it - more tender, without it - rougher and less juicy.

Add sour cream, salt and pepper, mix the salad. It’s too early to check the salinity level and add salt.

Cut the bread finely and finely.

Crackers can be dried in any way you like. I do this in the microwave. 1 minute at 800 W, then separate the sticky ones, another 1 minute at 800 W, a minute of pause with the door open and another minute at 800 W. After this they will be crispy.

Let the salad with cabbage, ham and croutons marinate for at least 2 hours, or better yet, all three. This long marinating time is especially important if you are making with red cabbage. Liquid will most likely form in the salad. Don't drain it, stir it into the cabbage to keep the salad juicy.

Well, just before serving, each of the eaters sprinkles the salad with croutons. Bon appetit!



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