Potato babka with chicken. Potato babka with chicken in a slow cooker REDMOND Babka with chicken in the oven recipe

Potato babka with chicken. Potato babka with chicken in a slow cooker REDMOND Babka with chicken in the oven recipe

Do you like potato pancakes? But the desire to cook them disappears immediately, you just have to think about how much time you need to spend on preparing them? There is a solution: I suggest you try potato babka. I'm sure you'll like it. Potato babka with chicken If we were to make a rating of the most popular dishes of Belarusian cuisine, then potato babka would definitely take an honorable second place after the popularly loved pancakes, of course. This is an incredibly easy to prepare dish, the history of which dates back to the distant past. Many nations have dishes that are very similar in nature to potato babka. For example, in Jewish culinary tradition You can find a dish called “kugel”, which is made from grated vegetables, usually carrots, pumpkin or zucchini, with all sorts of additions. In Lithuania, a similar dish was called “kugelis”. The basis for babka is always potatoes - it can be either grated raw potatoes, and what was left after dinner mashed potatoes. The refrigerator will tell you what to cook the babka with. You can add whatever your heart desires to the potato babka - meat or chopped meat, poultry, mushrooms. You can mix several additives, each time getting new taste. The scope for creativity is incredible. Today we will cook potato babka with chicken. Ingredients: Potatoes - 5 pcs. Chicken breast - 200 g Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. Butter - 1 tbsp. Sour cream - 2 tbsp. + to taste for serving Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. + a little for sprinkling the mold Onions - 2 pcs. Spices - to taste Preparation: 1. Peel the potatoes and onions. Grate the potatoes and one onion on a fine grater. You don't need to squeeze the potatoes too hard, otherwise the babka will be very dry. Place both masses in a plate and mix. Grated onion will prevent the potatoes from browning. 2.Cut the chicken breast into small cubes and sprinkle with your favorite herbs and spices so that the taste of the babka becomes even more intense and the chicken does not get lost in the potato mass. 3. Peel the second onion and chop finely. Heat in a frying pan vegetable oil and fry the onion until translucent and lightly golden. 4.Add marinated chicken breast. Mix everything well. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the whole chicken is slightly browned. This will take approximately 5 minutes. 5.Combine the potato mixture with chicken and onions. Add 1 tbsp. flour, sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly. 6.Grease the mold generously butter and sprinkle with flour. The flour will help create a crispy crust on the babka. By the way, you can also play with the babka baking pan. You can bake them in a duck pot or pots, but in this case it is better not to cover them with a lid so that a golden brown crust appears on the surface of the babka. Or cook it in ramekins - portioned soufflé cups that are very convenient to serve. 7.Pour the potato mixture into the mold and smooth the surface with a spatula. Cook in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40-45 minutes. The babka should be lightly browned on top and a stick inserted into the center should be dry. Potato babka is best served with sour cream.

November 23, 2017 No comments

Diversify your diet simple dishes Grandma potato helps. It can be prepared with mushrooms, chicken, beef, pork and even rabbit. The main thing is to properly prepare the potatoes before cooking.

Required ingredients:

Potatoes, chicken, hot milk, onions, vegetable oil, salt, spices.

Everything here is simply outrageous! First, peel the potatoes. Wash and dry slightly. Leave in cold water.

Preparing meat frying. To do this, cut the chicken into cubes (use meat from the legs, thighs and back, and not just from the breast). We send it to the frying pan. Add chopped onion there. Fry until a beautiful golden brown crust forms. We add salt only at the very end! To make the taste even brighter and the finished dish to gain additional flavor, add 5-6 champignons or the same number of hangers.

Place milk on low heat to warm up.

Three potatoes. In fact, you can rub it on fine, and on coarse grater. I chose the medium one - it’s tastier and more convenient. If it's shallow you can hurt your hand! But I didn’t want to take out the food processor.

In general, I grated the potatoes using a carrot grater. Now it is important to quickly add salt, pour in hot, or better yet almost boiling, milk, fry and mix everything well.

Hot milk makes the potatoes soft and tasty. The meat also acquires an exquisite taste and softness. Moreover, grated potatoes doused with hot milk do not darken as quickly. If you cook without milk, the taste will be completely different. Moreover, the taste of potatoes that have lain in basements and storage facilities all winter deteriorates. Hot milk brightens up the taste!

Pour the mixture into a greased mold and place in the oven for about one hour. The easiest way is to take a piece of cold butter and gently coat the entire mold with it. No need to heat it! The oven needs to be preheated to 220 degrees. It is important that the form is deep, otherwise the babka will turn out to be dry.

For 1 kg of potatoes you will need 200 g of boiled milk and 350-400 g of meat, 1 large onion. Add salt and spices to taste.

Potato babka with chicken tastes better if you add small pieces of fried unsalted lard.

All is ready! Serve with sour cream. Bon appetit.

Do you like potato pancakes? But the desire to cook them disappears immediately, you just have to think about how much time you need to spend on preparing them? There is a solution: I suggest you try potato babka. I'm sure you'll like it.

This is an incredibly easy to prepare dish, the history of which dates back to the distant past. Many nations have dishes that are very similar in nature to potato babka. For example, in the Jewish culinary tradition you can find a dish called “kugel”, which is made from grated vegetables, usually carrots, pumpkin or zucchini, with all sorts of additions. In Lithuania, a similar dish was called “kugelis”.

The basis for babka is always potatoes - it can be either grated raw potatoes or mashed potatoes left over from dinner. The refrigerator will tell you what to cook the babka with. You can add whatever your heart desires to potato babka - meat or minced meat, poultry, mushrooms. You can mix several additives, getting a new taste each time. The scope for creativity is incredible.

Today we will cook potato babka with chicken.

Total cooking time – 1 hour 5 minutes
Active cooking time – 0 hours 20 minutes
Cost - very economical
Calorie content per 100 g - 137 kcal
Number of servings – 6 servings

How to cook potato babka


Potatoes - 5 pcs.
Chicken breast - 200 g
Vegetable oil- 2 tbsp.
Butter - 1 tbsp.
Sour cream - 2 tbsp.
+ to taste for serving
Onions - 2 pcs.
Spices - to taste


Peel the potatoes and onions. Grate the potatoes and one onion on a fine grater.

You don't need to squeeze the potatoes too hard, otherwise the babka will be very dry.

Place both masses in a plate and mix.

Grated onion will prevent the potatoes from browning.

Cut the chicken breast into small cubes and sprinkle with your favorite herbs and spices so that the taste of the babka becomes even richer and the chicken does not get lost in the potato mass.

Peel the second onion and chop finely. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion until translucent and lightly golden.

Add marinated chicken breast. Mix everything well. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the whole chicken is slightly browned. This will take approximately 5 minutes.

Combine potato mixture with chicken and onions. Add 1 tbsp. flour, sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly.

Grease the pan generously with butter and sprinkle with flour.

The flour will help create a crispy crust on the babka.

By the way, you can also play with the babka baking pan. You can bake them in a duck pot or pots, but in this case it is better not to cover them with a lid so that a golden brown crust appears on the surface of the babka. Or cook it in ramekins - portioned soufflé cups that are very convenient to serve.

Pour the potato mixture into the pan and smooth the surface with a spatula. Cook in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40-45 minutes. The babka should be lightly browned on top and a stick inserted into the center should be dry.

Potato babka is best served with sour cream.

IN Belarusian cuisine potato babka takes pride of place - the dish has been respected for many generations. And this is not without reason. Potato casserole turns out very tasty, filling and aromatic. Over many centuries of love for potatoes, the inhabitants of Belarus have made them the main ingredient of most dishes - so their vegetable and meat casserole was transformed into “babka”.

With all its advantages, it is also a cost-effective dish. Grated potatoes are used as the basis for the dish. And you can use whatever your heart desires as a filling. Our recipe today calls for chicken. Alternatively, the bird can be replaced pork belly– it will come out a little fattier, but just as tasty.


  • flour – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken breast – 0.2 kg;
  • butter – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • spices;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • potatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion – 150 g.

Potato babka recipe

Let's start with the filling first - chicken breast. Wash the fillet and cut into cubes. Season the bird with your favorite spices. This way it will reveal its taste even more and enrich the “bouquet” of the finished dish.

Peel one onion and finely chop it. Fry chopped onion in hot vegetable oil.

Add chicken pieces in spices to the frying pan where the onions are fried. Fry chicken fillet together with the onion for approximately five minutes, remembering to stir.

Cleaning onion and potatoes. The onion (one piece) and all the potatoes must be grated on a grater with fine holes. The juice released during rubbing should not be squeezed out too much. The babka should be juicy, not dry.

Mix potatoes with onions. Onions play an important role here. It not only complements the taste of potatoes, but also protects them from darkening.

Mix grated vegetables with fried onions and poultry. Add two tablespoons of sour cream and one tablespoon of flour to the mixture.

The form in which you plan to bake potato babka must be greased with butter (preferably butter) and sprinkled with flour. Flour is needed to ensure that the dish has an appetizing crust.

After all the preparations, put the prepared potato mixture into the mold. Smooth the surface and place in the oven at 200 degrees.

The dish will bake for 40-45 minutes - it should be covered with a golden brown crust. You can check whether the casserole is baked inside by sticking a stick into it. If the splinter remains dry, the delicious and nutritious potato and chicken babka is ready!

Serve the casserole warm or cold. If desired, our Belarusian dish can be greased with sour cream on top and sprinkled with herbs.

Bon appetit! Starinskaya Lesya.

If you have a multicooker “living” in your kitchen, give it a chance to work - it’s even easier to prepare a casserole using this miracle device than in a conventional oven. I pour vegetable oil directly into the bowl (or put pieces of lard), add chopped onion and meat. I turn on the “fry” mode and bring the ingredients to a golden state. After this, I put the potato base directly into the onion and meat frying, mix, and smooth with a spoon. I close the lid and turn on the “baking” mode.

The timer is set for 45 minutes - after this time the dish is ready. You can call your household to the table!

Try cooking a similar dish -. Do you know what potato pancakes are? So this is their substitute in an enlarged form!



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