Vermicelli porridge with milk. Recipe: Milk porridge from pasta - Tasty and healthy porridge from shell pasta How to cook porridge with vermicelli

Vermicelli porridge with milk. Recipe: Milk porridge from pasta - Tasty and healthy porridge from shell pasta How to cook porridge with vermicelli

Milk porridge with vermicelli rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B12 - 11.1%, phosphorus - 13%, selenium - 20.5%

What are the benefits of Milk porridge with vermicelli?

  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and transformation of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interconnected vitamins that are involved in hematopoiesis. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Beck disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.

You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

Vermicelli milk porridge is considered an ideal option for breakfast. The grain that makes up vermicelli is rich in fiber and B vitamins, vegetable protein and carbohydrates.

It is worth noting that pasta contains about 70% carbohydrates, and they are complex, so they are absorbed slowly, maintaining a feeling of fullness for a long time. A 100g serving of pasta will provide 30% of your daily carbohydrate intake.

Fat in pasta is only 1.1 - 1.3%, and its calorie content is on average 150 kcal per 100 grams of the finished product - this is especially important for those who are watching their figure. A large amount of vitamin B1 allows you to stay in good shape for a long time, and the amino acid tryptophan will maintain a good mood. “Slow” sugars in noodles completely replenish the glycogen supply in the muscles.

If you add to all the benefits the ease of preparing milk porridge with noodles in a slow cooker and the wonderful taste, then it is not surprising why the dish will take pride of place on the family table. As a rule, even children do not refuse such a breakfast. By the way, this breakfast can be offered to children already in the second year of life.

Cooking method

To prepare vermicelli porridge in a slow cooker, you will need the following ingredients:

  • You can also boil milk in a slow cooker. The “Steaming” mode is suitable for this; the time is set to 1 minute. The lid does not close. If there is a “Multi-cook”, then set the temperature to 160? and time 3 minutes.
  • To prevent the milk from “running away” in the multicooker, grease the edge of the bowl with butter, or place a steaming rack on top - it “quenches” the foam.
  • Pasta made from durum wheat takes longer to cook (3 minutes with “Steaming”, or 7 with “Milk porridge”, “Multi-cook” - 10 minutes, 110?).
  • Porridge will become even healthier if you add your favorite fruits to it. They are prepared diced in a steaming rack. After cooking, combine everything and mix.
  • Try using other pasta or dumplings instead of vermicelli - you will get a completely different dish.
  • To prepare a more dietary dish or porridge for children, half the amount of milk is replaced with water.
  • Using the same principle, milk soup with noodles is prepared in a slow cooker. In this case, you need to add more liquid - 5 multi-cups per 1 multi-cup of noodles.

    Buckwheat porridge with milk

    In my opinion, buckwheat porridge with milk is quite different from regular buckwheat, because it has a milder taste, and the porridge itself, prepared in this way, turns out to be much more nutritious and satisfying.


  • Buckwheat 1 Cup
  • Milk 3-4 glasses
  • Water 300 Milliliters
  • Butter 50 grams
  • Sugar 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. We wash the buckwheat several times and pour it into boiling water, cook for about 10 minutes until the buckwheat absorbs the liquid.

    Then pour the buckwheat with milk and continue to cook it over low heat until fully cooked.

    The finished buckwheat porridge should be a little liquid, remove it from the heat, add butter, salt and sugar to the porridge. Mix everything and leave the porridge to steep under the lid for 10 minutes.

    Serve the porridge with fresh fruit or just as is, without additives. Bon appetit everyone!

    Buckwheat porridge with milk

    How to cook buckwheat porridge with milk so that it is tasty and healthy? Step-by-step recipes with photos and videos will tell you about this in detail. By the way, they will be useful not only for mothers, but also for those who practice a dietary nutrition system and a healthy lifestyle.

    The benefits of buckwheat milk porridge

    Recently, one can increasingly hear the opinion that eating buckwheat porridge with milk is not so healthy. These conversations are related to the discovery of the fact that completely different conditions are required for the digestion of milk and buckwheat itself. However, this does not at all make milk buckwheat porridge harmful, because when properly prepared, it brings exceptional benefits to the body, especially children.

    Buckwheat milk porridge is a dietary, but at the same time highly nutritious product. Which is due to the use of two, of course, useful products.

    Properly prepared porridge retains almost all the original components, including organic and folic acids, fiber, microelements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus), as well as vitamins of groups B, E, PP.

    Regular consumption of buckwheat-based milk porridge promotes:

    1. Pour the indicated amount of water into the saucepan and bring the liquid to a vigorous boil.
    2. Sort the buckwheat, wash it in several waters and put it in boiling water.
    3. Cook for about 10 minutes at a low simmer, covered, until the cereal has absorbed all the liquid.
    4. Add salt, pour in raw milk and after boiling, cook on low gas until fully cooked.
    5. The milk porridge should be quite liquid, but at the same time homogeneous. Finally, add sugar and a piece of butter to taste.
    6. Stir, cover with a lid, top with a towel and let sit for another ten minutes.
    7. Buckwheat porridge with milk in a slow cooker - step-by-step recipe with photos

      Milk buckwheat porridge is a great option to start the day. Moreover, in a slow cooker the dish will be prepared almost independently. At the same time, there is not the slightest risk that the porridge will burn or run away without supervision. Smart technology will monitor this. The best part is that you can cook milk porridge in this way right in the morning. While you are doing your morning toilet and waking up your household, the porridge will be ready.

    • 1 multi-cup buckwheat;
    • 4 multi-glasses milk;
    • 1 tbsp. butter;
    • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
    • about 1 tsp. salt.
    • Rinse buckwheat thoroughly, remove black particles and bad grains. Place in a multi-cooker bowl.
    • 2. Add salt, sugar and a piece of butter.

      3. Pour in cold milk.

      4. Set the “Milk porridge” program and close the lid. This mode has one very useful feature - it alternates periods of active boiling and simmering. This allows the cereal to cook well.

      5. As soon as the signal sounds about the end of the process, do not rush to take out the porridge. Let it rest for another ten minutes in the “Warming” mode. By the way, the specified program of some multicookers already includes the time required for simmering. Therefore, it is not necessary to do this additionally.

      6. The final thickness of the porridge can be varied as desired. To get a more liquid dish, take 5-6 multi-glasses of milk. And if you dilute it with water, the porridge will turn out more boiled.

      How to cook buckwheat with milk - a very tasty recipe

      The following recipe will tell you in detail how to cook especially delicious milk buckwheat. At the same time, it is prepared exclusively with milk, without adding water. But there are a couple of secrets here that make the finished dish especially rich and appetizing. To get started, take:

      • 1 tbsp. buckwheat;
      • 4 tbsp. milk;
      • Sort the buckwheat, wash thoroughly and add an arbitrary amount of cold water. Let the buckwheat brew and swell a little for about two hours.
      • Drain the water, add raw milk and bring to a boil on the stove.
      • After five minutes of active bubbling, reduce the gas to the minimum possible and, covering with a lid, simmer for about 30–40 minutes.
      • At first, be careful not to let the milk run away. To avoid this problem, open the lid slightly.
      • Once the porridge has completely reached the desired state, add salt and sugar to your taste, throw in a piece of butter, stir and serve.
      • Buckwheat porridge with milk for children. The most delicious and tender buckwheat with milk

        Some children don’t really respect milk porridge, but they definitely won’t refuse milk buckwheat cooked according to the following recipe. After all, this method was developed specifically for capricious little ones, and the finished porridge turns out to be especially tender and appetizing.

        • 0.5 tbsp. pure buckwheat;
        • 1 tbsp. water;
        • 1 tbsp. milk;
        • salt, sugar and butter to taste.
        • Pour cleanly washed buckwheat with water and place on high heat. As soon as it boils, immediately turn off the heat, but do not remove from the stove, just cover tightly with a lid.
        • After 10–15 minutes, pour a portion of milk into the steamed cereal, add salt and bring to an active boil again. Turn off the gas again and leave the porridge until ready.
        • Before serving, add butter and sugar to taste. If the porridge is being prepared for infants, grind it with a blender or rub through a sieve.
        • Buckwheat with milk - dietary recipe

          By the way, buckwheat with milk is an ideal option for dietary nutrition. But to get a particularly healthy dish, the porridge should not be boiled, but steamed. This method involves minimal heat treatment and allows you to preserve all the original elements. The original milk dish is recommended for anyone who is planning to lose a little weight, cleanse the body, or is simply trying to make their diet as healthy as possible. Take:

          • half a half-liter can of cereal;
          • 0.5 l milk;
          • salt.
          • Rinse the cereal thoroughly beforehand and place it in a small saucepan.
          • Bring the milk to a boil, salt it and pour in the buckwheat.
          • Close the lid tightly, wrap it in a towel and leave for at least a couple of hours, or better yet overnight.
          • There is another way to steam buckwheat. To do this, place the washed cereal in a cold half-liter jar, add strictly cold milk almost to the top and place in the microwave for 2-3 minutes.
          • As soon as the milk boils (do not miss this moment), remove the jar, cover with a plastic lid, wrap well in a terry towel and leave in this form for about 20 minutes.
          • Calorie content of buckwheat porridge with milk

            People who monitor their weight and pay attention to the amount of calories they consume are certainly interested in the question of how many calories buckwheat porridge contains. It is worth noting that 100 g of raw product contains about 300 kcal.

            However, during the cooking process, buckwheat grain absorbs water or milk and increases significantly in volume. Therefore, the calorie content of the same amount of finished dish, depending on various factors, can vary from 87 to 140 kcal. The final calorie content depends entirely on the type of milk chosen and the presence of additional components (sugar, butter, honey, cream, etc.).

            For example, buckwheat porridge cooked with store-bought milk with a fat content of no more than 3.2% (only with salt) has a calorie content of about 136 units. If homemade cow's milk is used for preparation, this figure may be slightly higher.

            However, it is in the latter case that the nutritional value and value of the finished dish is many times higher. In addition, a homemade product can be diluted with purified water and achieve a lower calorie content if all the necessary substances are present.

            Milk porridge in a slow cooker

            A multicooker is an ideal device for cooking milk porridge. Judge for yourself: porridge in a slow cooker does not run away, does not burn, does not cool down and is always ready at the right time. This is especially important for those mothers who try to feed their household a hot breakfast. Milk porridge in this regard is an excellent breakfast option for children, because it is a classic, and the classics, as we know, are eternal.

            Milk porridge in a multicooker is easy to prepare, even if the multicooker does not have a special mode. The “Stewing”, “Soup” or “Simmering” modes are suitable for this. Resourceful cooks also offer this method: place a heat-resistant container in the multicooker bowl, put all the ingredients for the porridge in it, pour water into the bowl. height of the container and set the “Stew” mode (or select the “multi-cook” function and set the temperature to no higher than 100°C) - you will get porridge cooked in a water bath. And for those who want to cook porridge without leaving the pan, in the old fashioned way, we can recommend the “Steam” mode - the milk in this mode boils in the same way as on the stove.

            Manufacturers of multicookers swear that milk does not escape when cooking porridge. He runs away, and how! To prevent a similar incident from happening to your porridge, grease the edges of the bowl with butter before putting the food into it. Poorly washed cereal often contributes to milk boiling through the valve. Be sure to rinse the cereal thoroughly before cooking! Rinse the cereal in several waters until the water becomes clear. After washing, millet cereals must be additionally scalded with boiling water to remove the characteristic bitterness. Semolina and oatmeal, of course, do not need to be washed. Another reason your porridge may leak is whole milk. Sometimes it is enough to dilute the milk a little with water to stop attempts to escape.

            Another question that is often of interest to potential buyers of multicookers is why the milk does not sour when milk porridge is cooked on a timer (say, overnight)? Let's be honest, this kind of embarrassment happens. But the issue here is the quality of the milk. If you decide to treat your family to milk porridge for breakfast by cooking it on a delayed start, be sure to use ultra-pasteurized milk. Concentrated milk from cans will not let you down, just don’t forget to dilute it with boiled water. Powdered milk, diluted according to the instructions, is also perfect for cooking porridge in delayed start mode. Milk with a short shelf life is certainly healthier, but that is why it is not suitable for cooking porridge in this mode - the bacteria remaining in the milk after gentle pasteurization regularly do their job and ferment the milk in a few hours. But even in this case, Russian owners of multicookers have surpassed the whole world in terms of invention. Just think how simple it is: pour pasteurized milk into ice cube trays and freeze, and then just put some of the milk in the form of ice in the bowl, and the milk will definitely not curdle until the morning! The same can be done with village whole milk by boiling it first.

            The milk may also curdle due to the addition of dried fruits to the bowl. In order to avoid milk souring, place thoroughly washed and chopped dried fruits not in the bowl with the rest of the products, but in the steamer basket - during cooking they will boil perfectly, and they can be added to the porridge before serving.

            Sometimes the cause of milk curdling may be insufficient care washed bowl. If you prepared a dish with a pronounced sour taste in a slow cooker before porridge (meat in tomato sauce or hodgepodge, for example), be sure to wash the bowl with a sponge and laundry soap, rinse and pour boiling water over it. Or pour some water into the bowl, close the lid and set the “Steam” mode for 3-4 minutes. After scalding, dry the bowl with a towel. If milk porridge is prepared quite often in your family, it makes sense to buy an additional bowl and cook porridge only in it.

            There are not many recipes for milk porridge. They differ only in the type of cereal and the amount of milk: some like it thicker, while others prefer thin porridge with cereal boiled to death - here, focus on the tastes of your household. “Culinary Eden” offers you several recipes for milk porridges that you can use.

            Milk porridge in a multicooker “Universal recipe”

            ? multi-cup of cereal,
            1.5 multi-cups of boiled water,
            2-4 multi glasses of milk,
            sugar, salt, butter - to taste.

            Grease the multicooker bowl with oil. Place the washed cereal in it. Pour in milk and water, salt to taste, add sugar and close the lid. Set the “Milk porridge” mode. If there is no such mode, set the “Quenching” mode for 1.5-3 hours.

            Buckwheat milk porridge

            1 multi-cup buckwheat,
            2 multi glasses of milk,
            2 multi glasses of water,
            1-2 tbsp. Sahara,
            50 g butter,
            a pinch of salt.

            Place all the ingredients in the multicooker bowl, stir and set the “Stewing” (“Simmering”) mode for 5-6 hours. The porridge comes out like it came out of the oven!

            Rice milk porridge in a slow cooker

            1 multi-cup short grain rice,
            2 multi-cups boiled water,
            3 multi glasses of milk,
            50 g butter,
            4-5 tbsp. Sahara,
            ? tsp salt.

            Rinse the rice thoroughly under running water. It is better to take round grain rice, because... It makes milk porridge tastier. Drain the rice well, place it in a bowl, add the remaining ingredients and stir. Set the “Milk porridge” mode. After the signal about the end of the mode, simmer the porridge in the heating mode for about 15 minutes.

            Millet-rice porridge with pumpkin

            ? stack round grain rice,
            ? stack millet,
            2 stacks milk,
            2 stacks water,
            1 stack chopped pumpkin
            50 g butter,
            salt, sugar, white sesame seeds - to taste.

            Fry the pumpkin in butter in the “Baking” mode for 4-5 minutes, add sesame seeds and stir. Continue stir-frying. In the meantime, rinse the cereal, add the pumpkin to the multicooker bowl, add salt, sugar, milk, water and a little more butter, close the lid and set the “Milk porridge” mode.

            Pumpkin milk porridge (with millet or rice)

            100-200 g pumpkin (to taste),
            1 multi-cup of cereal,
            3 multi glasses of milk,
            30-40 g butter,
            salt, sugar - to taste.

            Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, place in a multicooker bowl and add a little water. Close the lid, set the “Extinguishing” mode for 1 hour. Leave in the multicooker until the morning, then add the rest of the ingredients, stir and turn on the “Milk porridge” mode.

            Semolina porridge in a slow cooker

            ? stack semolina,
            ? stack water,
            3 stacks milk,
            1 tbsp. butter,
            salt, sugar - to taste.

            Mix semolina with cold water and pour into the multicooker bowl. Add milk, salt and sugar, add butter and close the lid. Set the “Steam” mode for 5 minutes. Do not leave the porridge unattended, stir occasionally. Semolina in a slow cooker turns out without lumps.

            Semolina in a slow cooker in another way

    Step-by-step recipe for milk porridge with vermicelli with photo.
    • National cuisine: Russian kitchen
    • Type of dish: Hot dishes, Porridge
    • Recipe difficulty: Very simple recipe
    • Preparation time: 17 minutes
    • Cooking time: 15 minutes
    • Number of servings: 2 servings
    • Calorie Amount: 43 kilocalories
    • Occasion: For breakfast

    This milk noodles will be an excellent breakfast or afternoon snack for children of primary and school age. Serve the dish hot with a piece of butter and a cheese sandwich, and drink cocoa!

    Serve milk vermesheli porridge with butter. Place the butter into a plate for each person. It is not recommended to boil butter, as it loses vitamin A. The amount of milk and noodles can be adjusted to your taste, depending on the desired thickness. Good luck!

    Number of servings: 2

    Ingredients for 2 servings

    • Cow's milk - 500 Milliliters
    • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
    • Vermicelli - 100 Gram

    Step by step

    1. Prepare milk, vermicelli and sugar. Add the amount of sugar to taste.
    2. Bring the milk to a boil on the stove, add sugar. Stir. Add the vermicelli and, stirring so that it does not immediately stick to the bottom, bring to a boil again. Cook for 5 minutes over low heat.
    3. Milk porridge with vermicelli is ready. Bon appetit!

    Porridge with milk, as well as milk soup with pasta, are dishes that are very familiar to us all from childhood. However, despite their simplicity, novice housewives are not always able to cook them. What's the secret?

    The fact is that rice, millet and others, as well as pasta, do not boil well in milk. Therefore, they are first boiled in salted water, and only then milk is added. It is with this method of cooking that porridge with milk and milk soups turn out very tasty.

    So, let's try to cook the following dishes together:

    Millet porridge with milk



    Place the washed millet into a saucepan with a thick bottom and a tight lid. Fill with a glass of water, add salt and put on fire. Bring to a boil over high heat and immediately turn the stove to low. If you use an electric stove, it would be ideal to use two burners to simply move the boiling cereal to low heat. The lid must be tightly closed. Under no circumstances should you stir the porridge!

    When all the water has boiled away, add hot milk to the half-ready porridge, add sugar and butter, close tightly again and continue to simmer over low heat until the milk is completely absorbed.

    Only when the porridge is completely ready, stir it.

    Try to prepare millet porridge with milk according to this recipe, and you will see: it will turn out crumbly, tender, tasty and will be appreciated by any picky eaters.

    Rice porridge and buckwheat are cooked in the same way. If you like porridges that are not crumbly, but more boiled, add more liquid.

    Milk soup with pasta


    • noodles or vermicelli (“spider web”), horns, shells or other pasta;
    • water for cooking pasta;
    • milk;
    • salt and sugar, vanilla sugar;
    • butter.

    The amount of products depends on the desired number of servings and the pan in which the soup is cooked.

    Under no circumstances should you use an enamel pan: the milk will certainly burn in it.

    A recipe from our childhood, a delicious and healthy breakfast.


    First, boil in water until half cooked. Add salt and a little vegetable oil to the water so that the pasta does not stick together. Then we put them in a colander and let the liquid drain. At this time, bring the milk to a boil. Dip the pasta into it, cook, stirring, for a few minutes, adding sugar to taste. At the very end, add a little butter and stir until completely dissolved.

    Serve the milk soup immediately after cooking, otherwise the pasta will become soggy and lose its shape. You can add chopped fruits, nuts, honey to the soup - this will make it even healthier and tastier.

    Bon appetit!

    Hello dear cooks and guests of the PhotoRecipe site!

    I am one of those people who don’t really like milk porridge. But still, because of its beneficial properties, I still decided to start cooking it for breakfast from time to time.

    Photo of the finished porridge.

    For preparation you will need 1 liter of water. Pour it into a saucepan.

    We also collect a liter of milk. I had homemade cows (we bought them from friends), but store-bought ones would also do just fine. Although homemade porridge turns out to be richer in taste.

    Now weigh the pasta, it should be about 200 grams. for this amount of liquid. Don’t forget to reset the tare weight before weighing.

    As soon as the milk boils, you can pour the pasta into it and literally add a pinch of salt. Now the main thing is not to forget to stir the pasta, as it very quickly sticks to the bottom of the pan.

    The pasta is still cooking for me and hasn’t had time to swell, but you can already pour in the sugar and stir.

    As soon as the sugar is sent to the pan, set it to 7-8 minutes (so that it boils).

    Check the pasta after time has passed. If they are ready to taste, then turn off the porridge. The pasta should be chewy, but not soggy. It is best to follow the recommendations on the packaging.

    Throw the butter into the porridge and stir until it is completely dissolved.



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