Lightly salted sprat at home. Spicy salted sprat - delicious recipes. Recipe for large fish

Lightly salted sprat at home. Spicy salted sprat - delicious recipes. Recipe for large fish

You can cook it perfectly at home sea ​​fish: salted, smoked, dried. It will be simply excellent in taste. It contains only natural preservatives: salt, vinegar, sugar, pepper, bay leaf. Choose ceramic, glass containers for marinating, or, as a last resort, cut off the top of a plastic bottle and salt the fish in this container. I really like this option, and lately I always use a plastic bottle.

This recipe is given for a small amount of fish, but the weight can be greater, therefore, more marinade is also needed. Make the correct calculations according to our recipe and cook any amount of fish.


  • sprat - 800 grams
  • salt - 50 grams
  • sugar - 25 grams
  • table vinegar 9 percent - 25 grams
  • peppercorns -
  • Bay leaf -
  • water - half a liter


  1. Thaw the sprat, rinse well with running water, place in a bowl for marinating, top with pepper and bay leaf.
  2. Prepare the marinade. Boil water with salt and sugar, cool, add vinegar and stir. Pour this marinade over the sprat and place covered in a cool place.
  3. After just one night, the sprat is ready to eat. Before serving, remove the heads and entrails, place on a plate, and decorate with rings onions and add vegetable oil.
  4. Ingredient preparation time: 1 hour.
  5. Fish marinating time—12 hours

    Pickling sprat yourself is quite simple; it will be no less tasty than store-bought, but at the same time fresher and prepared without the addition of any harmful preservatives.

    We will need the following ingredients:

    1 kg. sprat

    3 tbsp. spoons of salt.

    5 pieces of cloves.

    A pinch of ginger.

    4 pieces bay leaves.

    5 black peppercorns.


    First you need to rinse and clean the sprat well, separating the head and entrails. Then put the fish in a colander to drain completely. Then you need to grind the spices, but not very finely, and mix them with salt. You need to grate our sprat with this mixture and transfer it to an enamel bowl. Next, you need to put a weight on the fish and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After this time, the sprat can be served with freshly boiled potatoes.

    Due to the fact that the sprat fish is small, it salts very quickly and, most importantly, easily. Sprat is a very healthy fish, it contains a lot of useful microelements, and it is useful to eat during pregnancy and heart disease. Here is a recipe for how to pickle sprat.

    Take the sprat in your hands and wash it with water under the tap. Then place it in any saucepan. Add a little salt (about a couple of spoons per kilogram of sprat), of course, stir it in the saucepan and leave it to stand for a while. Add everything else to taste - whoever will like what ready in a few days.

    Sometimes I salt fish at home myself. Place the sprat in any container convenient for you, throw it at 1 kg. fish 2 tablespoons of salt, 7 peppercorns and a couple of bay leaves. For flavor, you can also sprinkle lightly with dried dill. You can serve with a light drizzle of sunflower oil.

    There are many recipes, but you can try it in a marinade, it turns out very tasty:

    1kg sprat

    For the marinade:

    To obtain salted sprat, you need desire and minimal conditions. First, the fish must be fresh, otherwise its taste will not be what is expected. Second, the fish must be thoroughly washed in running water. Third, you can choose any set of spices you want, but keep in mind that the spices are NOT SUITABLE for frying. But Provencal herbs are a very good option. Fourth, salt the fish well and keep in mind that without shingling it will not be salted evenly in the dish. Good luck and bon appetit!

    Sprat salts quickly. You can salt the peeled one, or you can salt the ungutted one. If you like spicy salting, buy spices for fish. Personally, I love Provençal herbs and add them to everything. For a kilo of fish, take two tablespoons, with a small slide, of salt and a teaspoon, without a slide, of sugar. Mix herbs, salt, sugar and coat the fish. Keep the fish under pressure for about five hours, then put it in the cold.

    For instant salting. Dip the frozen fish into boiling water and vinegar, leave a few drops for a minute, take it out and immediately add salt. After an hour, the fish is ready.

    wow - I did it...thank you honey

    To salt sprat, you first need to select the sprat itself, it must not be old, the carcasses are whole, otherwise it will affect the taste of the final result. Wash the fish. For 1 kg of sprat - 2.5 tablespoons of salt (not iodized), if you like it spicy, then add seasonings (any you like), or the most traditional ones are bay leaf, pepper, cloves. Place in a container, sprinkle with salt and spices, cover with pressure and put in a cool place for 12 hours.

Fish is a product that simply must be eaten due to the presence of a whole range of vitamins and minerals, without which normal functioning of the human body is not possible. You can find many varieties of seafood in various retail outlets. As a rule, the main attention is paid to salmon species of fish, but few people pay attention to sprat, but in vain.

Sprat is a small fish, which, in turn, is divided into 2 types. Sprat is characterized by an elongated body and the presence of small silvery scales. It is found in the Mediterranean and Northern seas. At the same time, it can be found in both salt and fresh water.

Sprat, like most seafood, is distinguished by the presence of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Due to the presence of useful substances, it can be included in the diet of people with health problems. This dietary product, since all components are easily absorbed by the body.

Sprat does not contain a large number of calories, but energy value can be increased by reducing it beneficial properties. IN in this case, it all depends on the method of its preparation. In addition, during the cooking process you need to be careful with the use of spices and sauces so as not to harm the taste characteristics of this small but healthy fish.

Despite its usefulness, it can harm the health of people who suffer from individual intolerance to seafood, as well as those who have impaired gastrointestinal tract functions. This is especially true when consuming foods spicy salting, contributing to irritation of the stomach and intestines due to the presence of seasonings.

Salty fish It has a unique taste, as anyone who has tried it can tell. Salted fish is suitable for making sandwiches or can be served with any side dish. Salted fish does not lose its beneficial properties, unlike other methods of preparing it. Its beneficial properties depend on what vitamins and microelements are in its meat. As a rule, fish is rich in sulfur, zinc, fluorine and a set of vitamins A, B, C, D and PP, which is very beneficial for the body.

Seafood can be cooked different ways. Fish can be fried, stewed, boiled, salted, baked, cooked into cutlets, marinated, etc.

Necessary seasonings

The main ingredient is salt, although you can add mustard, coriander, herbs de Provence, various peppers, bay leaves, pine nuts, rosemary, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, dill and others.

As a rule, the amount of spices is selected to obtain a piquant taste. As for salt, the longer the fish is salted, the saltier it will be. And again, everything is purely arbitrary and depends on the taste preferences of the person who salts the fish.

The task can be made easier if you purchase a ready-made package of spices for salting fish and try this recipe. Otherwise, you will have to rely on your intuition and recommendations.

As a rule, only rock salt is used as it soaks the fish well. Other types of salt, such as “extra” or “iodized” are not used.

Large fish are always filleted so that the salt is absorbed faster, but small fish do not need to be cleaned of their entrails. It is better to do this after the cooking process.

Only suitable for pickling fresh fish. Frozen, it is not recommended to use due to its specific taste. To store it longer, you need to increase the salt concentration. You cannot wash the sprat before salting.

You should never forget to add sugar to the recipe, which makes the fish more elastic. If you don’t have fresh sprat, you can add salt to frozen sprat. Only in this case it is necessary to organize a natural defrosting process.

It is not advisable to use plastic dishes, but give preference to glass or enamel ones.

If you don’t have fresh fish, you will have to use frozen fish. For pickling you need to prepare salt, peppercorns and bay leaf. For the best effect and speed of salting, all seasonings must be ground in a mortar. Put the water on the fire, add a few drops of vinegar and bring to a boil. Place the fish in a colander and immerse it in boiling water for one minute, after which it must be quickly salted. After a couple of hours, you can eat the fish. This salting option is suitable for fresh frozen products. It is not recommended to store such a product for a long time.

Recipes for spiced sprat at home

In supermarkets you can find quite large sprat, which you can buy and pickle. In addition to fish, you will have to buy other ingredients specified in the recipe.

Salting large sprat at home

To do this you need to have:

  • 1 kg fresh sprat (large).
  • Allspice 10 pcs.
  • 2 tbsp. l. coarse (rock) salt.
  • A couple of bay leaves.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar.
  • 3 pieces of cloves.
  • A pinch of coriander and cinnamon.

The fish is thoroughly washed and dried. All spices are thoroughly mixed. Purchased ground seasonings do not have such a rich aroma as those prepared independently. Finally, the sprat is mixed with seasonings and placed under pressure for 12 hours. After this time, the sprat can be eaten.

First you need to prepare the ingredients:

  • 1 kg of fresh sprat.
  • 50 g black pepper.
  • 75 g sea salt.
  • 2 pieces of dried cloves.
  • 30 g coriander.
  • 2 pcs bay leaves
  • A pinch of ground ginger.

The cooking technology is the same as in the previous recipe. The fish is washed and dried well. All the spices are mixed well, after which the prepared sprat is added to them and again mixed thoroughly. The fish is placed under weight for one day, after which it can be served.

Another recipe is offered, for which you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Fresh sprat – 0.5 kg.
  • Black peppercorns – 10 pcs.
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Dried cloves – 2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Cardamom – 1 pinch.

The sprat is prepared as follows. All spices are mixed, and some of them are poured onto the bottom of an enamel bowl. After this, a layer of sprat is laid out on top of the seasonings. And so on, layer by layer, until the fish runs out. At the same time, we must not forget to sprinkle each layer with seasonings. Place the fish under weight and place in the refrigerator for a day.

The simple method does not involve the use of spices. To do this, you need to take 2.5 tablespoons of salt and one teaspoon of sugar per 1 kg of sprat. First you need to mix salt and sugar, then add this mixture to the fish and mix thoroughly with the fish. For better salting, the fish is placed under pressure. After 2 hours, the sprat will be ready to eat. To obtain a more interesting taste, you can add a little allspice to the mixture of sugar and salt.

This is a simple and fairly quick way to get a tasty product.

    Now, knowing all the secrets, you can begin the cooking process.

    How to properly salt sprat using the dry method?

    This method does not involve long-term storage and after salting the fish should be eaten soon.

    So, we will need:

  • 1 kg sprat;
  • 2.5-3 tbsp. salt;
  • 1 tsp Sahara.

Stir all ingredients thoroughly so that the salt and sugar are evenly distributed. Pour into prepared dishes, cover with a lid (or a plate) and place the weight. We send it to the refrigerator. If the sprat will be salted without pressure, it must be stirred periodically. After 12 hours, the fish can be served.

If you are going to salt a large amount of sprat, then you need to put it in a bowl in layers, alternating with salt, and cover it with oppression on top. After 12-15 hours we will have lightly salted fish, and a day later salted fish.

How to properly salt sprat in brine?

To salt fish in brine, we take the same ingredients as for dry salting (sprat, salt and sugar). The only difference is that you need to prepare the brine. To do this, dissolve sugar and salt in hot water and cool. Then pour in the sprat and leave it under pressure. After 2-3 hours, you can try the product. If it seems like there is not enough salt, add it and put it in a cool place.

How to properly salt spiced sprat?

There are many options for spicy salted sprat, let's look at 2 of them.

For the first method we will need:

  • sprat (preferably fresh) – 1 kg;
  • black allspice – 10 g;
  • peppercorns – 5-6 pcs;
  • salt – 2.5 tbsp;
  • bay leaf – 4-5 leaves;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • cloves – 3-5 pcs.;
  • ginger – 1 pinch;
  • coriander – 1-2 pinches.

We wash the sprat well and leave to drain in a colander. Grind the spices and mix thoroughly. Pour some spices into the bottom of a dish (preferably enamel or wood), then lay out a layer of fish. We alternate until the ingredients run out. Cover, put pressure and send to a cold place.

If you need to salt a small amount of fish, you can simply mix it thoroughly with spices, cover it and weigh it down with something heavy. After 12-15 hours, the spicy-salted sprat will be ready.

For the second recipe, in addition to salt and sugar, you need to take ground red pepper to taste and dill seeds (or white mustard). We gut the sprat and rub it with spices. Then cook as in the first recipe.

How to salt sprat quickly?

To speed up the salting process, it is better to gut the fish and use the wet salting method. It is imperative to apply pressure so that the entire sprat is evenly covered with brine.

It is well known that fish should be included in your diet, as it contains many useful substances. In Soviet times, Thursday was considered a fish day. Then in all the canteens you could try different fish dishes. The choice of fish in the stores was quite rich. Wealthy citizens could buy herring or mackerel, but pensioners and students most often bought spicy salted sprat. Many housewives do it at home.

Useful properties of sprat

Sprat is a small fish that can be found in the seas of the Northern Hemisphere. It is distinguished by a small body and small scales. Some people confuse this fish with bleak and sprat, as they are very similar. Sprat, like other types of fish, contains a lot of protein and little fat. The calorie content of 100 grams of salted fish is less than 140 calories. Accordingly, it is suitable for people who watch their weight.

Meat contains vitamins B, PP, A, K and E. All of them are necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body. Sprat meat is rich in the following minerals:

  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • chlorine;
  • iron.

Salted sprat does not lose its beneficial properties and can be recommended to healthy people. But for people who suffer from seafood intolerance, it is better to avoid this fish. Salted sprat is not recommended for people who suffer from kidney disease. Spicy pickle can be harmful during an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

Little cooking tricks

Almost any housewife can salt sprat at home. If you buy fresh fish, you should not have any problems with salting. Of course, it is best to pickle freshly, but it can only be purchased in coastal cities. For people who live far from the seas, you have to be content with frozen raw materials. You need to carefully inspect the fish before purchasing. The scales of fresh fish should be silver, without rusty spots. Carcasses must be whole and even. If there is a large percentage of broken fish, then it is better to refuse the purchase.

You need to salt the sprat in glass or enamel containers, but it is better to avoid plastic. Before salting, the fish should be defrosted in the refrigerator. The longer it is defrosted, the stronger and more elastic it will be after salting. There will be no benefit from fish defrosted in a microwave oven.

To prepare salted sprat at home, you need to use coarse rock salt. But it is better to refuse salt of the “Extra” or “Iodized” varieties.

Most popular recipes

Spiced salted sprat can be prepared from ordinary products that any housewife has:

  • 2 kilograms of fresh fish;
  • a pinch of black pepper;
  • 400 grams of coarse salt;
  • 4 buds of dried cloves;
  • 4 peas of allspice;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 2 grams of coriander;
  • 2 grams of ground ginger.

First you need to defrost the carcasses and rinse them under cold water. Some housewives place them in a colander, while others dry them with a paper towel. The spices need to be mixed well. Place the fish in a wide bowl and mix with spices. If the bowl has a lid, you can close it and shake the bowl several times.

The bowl of fish should be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Place a small board on the sprat and place a jar of water on it. Time preparations tasty treat ranges from 12 to 14 hours. Then it can be eaten. Lightly salted sprat should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of about 0 degrees. The same recipe can be used for spicy salting.

At home, recipes can be modernized by adding your favorite spices. Some housewives, on the contrary, refuse seasonings that their family members do not like. Nowadays the recipe for sprat in marinade is very popular. It is very easy to prepare, as it consists of simple ingredients:

  • 500 grams of fresh or frozen fish;
  • 750 milliliters of water;
  • 100 grams of sea salt;
  • 50 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 2 grams of cloves;
  • 2 grams of coriander.

The fish must be prepared for salting. First, it is washed and then dried with a paper towel. There is no need to remove the head and entrails. Place a pan of water on the fire. After boiling, turn off the heat and add all the spices. The brine should cool to a temperature of 30−40 degrees. Only then can you fill the fish with it. It should marinate for 24 hours.

A simple recipe for dry salting is popular among young housewives. As a rule, it is used for cooking large fish. To pickle the sprat in a fast way , you need not only to wash the carcasses, but also to fillet them. Typically the following products are used:

First, prepare the fish fillet. The head and entrails must be removed and each fish cut lengthwise. Then mix all the spices. The peppercorns must be crushed with a knife so that they impart their aroma to the fish. To the bottom enamel pan sprinkle some spice mixture and lay out a layer of fish. Then alternate layers until the ingredients run out. You need to place a small wooden plank on the last layer of the fish. They put any pressure on it, weighing 500-700 grams. The fish will be salted very quickly, and after 4-6 hours it can be put on the table.

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