Compote of plums and pears with cinnamon. Pear compote for the winter - recipes for preparations. Compote of pears and apples

Compote of plums and pears with cinnamon. Pear compote for the winter - recipes for preparations. Compote of pears and apples

Pears are used for making jam, marmalade, and marshmallows. But the easiest way is to prepare pear compote for the winter. The drink turns out to be very aromatic and tasty, but almost colorless. Various additives can be used to add color, such as plums or chokeberry. Here are several recipes for making pear compote.

Almost any variety of pear is suitable for making compote. The exception is winter varieties with thick skin; compote from such fruits will be tasteless.

For harvesting, you can use small-fruited varieties of pears; they are placed whole in jars. If the pears are large, then you need to cut the fruits into pieces and cut out the seed pods. The number of pears placed in jars is a matter of taste. If your family loves compote fruits, then you can fill the jars to the top, not packing the fruit too tightly. If your goal is to get a drink, then you need to fill the jars only a third.

Tip: Since pears are quite sweet fruits, the compote should be prepared with citric acid or lemon juice. You can solve this problem by adding sour fruits or berries to the pears.

You can prepare compote without sterilization; for this, the double pouring method is used:

  • The first time, the jars are filled with boiling water and left for about 20 minutes. Then the water is poured into a saucepan, sugar and citric acid are added to it, and brought to a boil.
  • The second time the jars are filled with boiling syrup, after which the container must be sealed hermetically.

Interesting facts: the ancient Greeks believed that pear was the best remedy for seasickness. They tried to take these fruits with them during sea voyages.

Pear compote for the winter - recipe for a 3 liter jar

The simplest version of compote is prepared only from pears. Here is a recipe for 3 liter jar.

  • 10-15 ripe pears;
  • 200-250 gr. Sahara;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.

We sort out the fruits, wash them and cut them into slices, cutting out the seeds. Place the chopped pears in a saucepan, add sugar and citric acid, and pour in cold purified water.

Bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. During the cooking process, you can gently stir the fruit once. There is no need to stir frequently, otherwise the pear slices will fall apart.

We wash and sterilize the jars. Pour the compote into prepared jars so that the liquid fills the jar completely. Immediately roll up the lids. Turn the jars over and place them on the lids. We wrap the top of the jars with warm blankets. After a day, we remove the jars and put them into storage.

Fragrant compote with lemon

You don’t have to add citric acid to the compote, but prepare it with lemon, the drink will be even more aromatic.

  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 1 lemon;
  • sugar at the rate of 250 gr. for a three-liter jar.
  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 1 kg plum;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 300 gr. Sahara.

Wash the fruit well. We cut the plums with a knife along the groove, divide them in half and remove the seeds. Cut the pears into four parts, removing the seeds. Place plum halves and pear quarters in jars.

Fill the jars with boiling water and cover with lids. Let stand for 20 minutes. Then pour the water into the pan and add sugar. Bring to a boil. Pour the boiling syrup into the jars, filling the jars to the top. Close the jars with boiled lids.

With peaches

Another version of the sweet drink is prepared with the addition.

  • 5 pears;
  • 6-8 peaches;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 250 gr. Sahara.

Scald the peaches with boiling water, cut them in half and remove the pits. Using a small knife, remove the skin from the peaches. Wash the pears well and cut into quarters, removing the seeds.

In three-liter jars, wash them well and scald them with boiling water. Place pear quarters in jars and place peach halves on top. Pour boiling water over and let stand for 20 minutes. Drain the water from the jars and boil, adding sugar to the water. Pour boiling syrup into the jars and immediately roll up the boiled lids.

Healthy drink with raspberries

Pear compote goes well with raspberries. The drink is not only tasty, but also very healthy. It can be used as an antipyretic for colds. For a liter jar.

  • 1 large pear;
  • 100 gr. raspberries;
  • 200 gr. Sahara.

We sort through the raspberries and discard the spoiled ones. Pour water into a large bowl and place the berries in it, stirring gently. You should not rinse delicate berries under running water; they may become wrinkled. Place the berries on a clean, dry dish and let dry.

Pour raspberries into the bottom of clean jars. Wash the pear and cut into small slices. There is no need to cut off the skin, but the seeds must be cut out.

Advice! Pears for making compote should not be overripe; you should choose fruits with dense pulp.

Place sugar in a jar and pour boiling water. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize the jar in boiling water for 15 minutes. Then we take out the jar and roll it up tightly with a tin lid.

Reading time: 7 minutes. Views 1.1k. Published 03/06/2018

Many people prepare compotes from various fruits for the winter; pears are also suitable for this purpose - they make not only a tasty, but also a healthy drink.

Using various additional ingredients you can get a variety of compotes to suit every taste, the most interesting recipes are discussed in detail in this article.

There are different varieties of pears, differing in shape, color, hardness of the peel, juiciness and taste.

Regardless of these features, they have the following useful properties:

  1. High content of vitamins of many groups, a large number of minerals and chemical elements necessary for the human body to function normally.
  2. Normalization of intestinal motility, thanks to the fiber content in fruits.
  3. Accelerates metabolism and removes excess fluid from the body.
  4. Prevention of cholesterol deposition in the lumens of blood vessels.
  5. Cleansing from toxins.
  6. Bactericidal effect.
  7. Improving the immune system.
  8. Normalization of the pancreas.
  9. Antipyretic effect.
  10. Increase in hemoglobin.

How to select and prepare fruits?

All varieties of pears are suitable for making compotes, but the selected fruits must meet the following requirements:

  1. Freshness of fruits: fruits should not sit for too long, then the drink will turn out tasty.
  2. No mechanical damage or rotten areas.
  3. Normal ripeness - overripe fruits can spoil the drink. When choosing autumn and winter varieties, it is recommended to take greenish fruits.
  4. The size should be small if you do not plan to cut the fruit into pieces.

Let's celebrate! Asian varieties are best suited for making compotes. If there is a hard and tough peel, it can be peeled off; first, the pears are filled with diluted citric acid to preserve their appearance.

How to prepare jars?

The use of unprepared cans does not in any way affect the taste or useful properties oh pear compote.

However, to increase the shelf life of the drink so that it remains in its original state throughout the winter, the jars must be pre-sterilized.

First, rinse them thoroughly and then use one of the following methods:

  1. Hot steam treatment for 5 minutes.
  2. Filling with water and processing in microwave oven within a few minutes.
  3. Drying in the oven at 180°C.

Pear compote for the winter - recipes

Pear compote without sterilization

The classic and easiest way to prepare pear compote is to avoid sterilization of other fruits in the composition.

The algorithm of actions that will need to be performed is described in detail below:

  1. The selected fruits must be pre-prepared: washed, peeled, cut into pieces; The pulp is divided into small cubes, the core must be completely removed.
  2. Place the pulp cubes in a pan filled with water and cook for 15 minutes over low heat.
  3. The cooked parts of the fruit are placed in jars to the very top.
  4. Citric acid and granulated sugar are added to the water used for cooking: the amount is determined individually depending on the desired taste and sweetness of the fruit. Typically, 1.5 kg of pears require about 700 grams of sugar.
  5. The syrup is thoroughly mixed and returned to the heat; after boiling, it is poured into the jars in which the pears were placed.
  6. All that remains is to roll up the jars, and after they have cooled, place them in the chosen storage location.

Pear compote with lemon and cinnamon

Lemon-pear compote with the addition of cinnamon will have a special taste, which can be prepared using the following recipe:

  • Add 4 cinnamon sticks to a liter of water, let the syrup sit for 20 minutes.
  • 2 kg of pears must be washed and cored.
  • Currants are used as an additional component; two glasses of berries, which are pre-sorted and washed, will be enough.
  • 1-2 lemons are cut into slices; no need to peel the zest.
  • Lemon, currants and pear are placed in jars to the middle, 400 grams of granulated sugar are added.
  • It is necessary to boil a pan of water and add infused cinnamon syrup to it, then bring it back to a boil.
  • Hot water is poured into jars with the main components.
  • The jars are rolled up and must be kept upside down and wrapped in a warm blanket until they cool completely.

Compote of pears and apples

Another common option is pear-apple compote, the recipe for its preparation is as follows:

  1. Pears and apples are taken in equal quantities - 6 kg of each fruit: they need to be washed, cored and cut into small slices.
  2. The slices are laid out in jars; they need to be filled to a third.
  3. Granulated sugar is added to a pan of water, the proportions are 100 grams per liter.
  4. The sugar syrup is brought to a boil and poured into jars with slices.
  5. The jars can be rolled up, turned over and wrapped in a warm blanket - they will remain in this state until they cool completely.

Compote of pears with rum

Unusual and delicious compote Pears, which will decorate any table, can be obtained by cooking it with rum.

The recipe is given below:

  1. 3 kg of pears need to be washed and peeled, then the core should be cut out and the fruits themselves should be divided into 4 equal parts.
  2. The slices are temporarily placed in acidified water, while they settle, you can prepare a syrup: add 1 kg of granulated sugar to 2 liters of water and bring it to a boil.
  3. The chopped slices are placed in hot syrup and boiled until softened to maximum, after which they are taken out and placed in jars.
  4. The syrup is brought to a boil again, half a glass of rum is added to it.
  5. The syrup, which has not had time to cool, is poured into jars, which are then immediately rolled up, turned over and wrapped in a warm towel and blanket; they should remain in this state until they cool completely.

Compote of pears and cherries

Another option for making compote is to use cherries as the second ingredient, the recipe is as follows:

  • All fruits are thoroughly washed; The pear is cut into slices after removing the core; cherries can be added along with the pits.
  • The slices are placed in a jar - one pear will be enough for a liter of compote; Several handfuls of cherries are poured on top.
  • Water is poured into the jars, brought to a boil, after which they need to be covered with lids and allowed to stand for 15 minutes.
  • After the specified period, the water from the cans is poured into the pan; for convenience, you can use special lids, the surface of which is equipped with holes.
  • 80 grams of granulated sugar are added to the water, after which it must be boiled until completely dissolved.
  • A pinch of citric acid is added to the jars and hot syrup is poured. Now they can be rolled up, turned over and insulated, waiting for them to cool completely.

Pear compote with rose hips

Compote made from pears with rose hips will be no less tasty. This drink acquires a number of additional beneficial properties; it is often used to prevent respiratory diseases and strengthen the immune system.

The recipe is below:

  1. Pour 2-3 handfuls of dried rose hips into a pan of water and bring it to a boil, then reduce the heat and continue cooking for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Wash 3-4 pears, remove the core, cut the fruit into slices.
  3. The slices are added to the rosehip broth, which will need to be brought to a boil again and cooked for another 8 minutes.
  4. The boiled fruits are placed in jars, syrup is poured into it - 300 grams of sugar is added to it, and if desired, you can add one spoon of natural honey.
  5. The jars are rolled up, turned over and insulated until they cool.

The variety of varieties of pears and methods of preparing compotes from them allows you to prepare drinks for the winter to suit every taste. To do this, it is not necessary to have culinary skills, just use simple recipes And step by step instructions given in the article.

You should not forget: about the preliminary preparation and sterilization of jars - this simple procedure guarantees that the prepared compotes will last the whole winter in a safe condition.

Pears contain relatively a lot of sugar and little acid, so it’s not always possible to keep them fresh. But in a city apartment this is completely unrealistic. Therefore, we will preserve pears! Pear compote for the winter is perhaps the simplest thing you can prepare. For compote, you should select unripe pears, with dense flesh, without blemishes or bruises. Small pears can be canned whole. It is better to cut large ones into 2 or 4 parts and remove the core. If the skin of the fruit is dense and hard, it needs to be peeled. This can be done with a special knife that does not destroy vitamins, or with a potato peeling knife, so the skin will be removed in a thin, even layer. To prevent peeled pears from darkening, they must be filled with acidified citric acid. cold water. Do not keep pears in water for a long time, otherwise a lot of vitamins from the fruit will go into it. Prepare the syrup for the compote, focusing on the taste of the pears - the sweeter they are, the less sugar is needed for the syrup, but at the same time you need to add a little citric acid to it.

The compote made from pears alone is tasty, but looks a bit pale. To improve the appearance, you can add a handful of brightly colored berries to a jar of pears - rowan, viburnum, raspberry, chokeberry, black currant etc. Assorted compotes turn out to be very beautiful and tasty. “Culinary Eden” offers you several recipes for compotes made from natural pears or assorted compotes.

Pear compote without sterilization

1 kg 300 g pears,
110 g sugar,
3 liters of water,
citric acid - to taste.


Wash the pears and place in a saucepan. Pour in water, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over medium heat. Place the pears in a sterilized jar. Add sugar and citric acid to the pear decoction, stir until completely dissolved. Bring the syrup to a boil and pour over the pears in the jar. Roll it up and turn it over.

Compote of pears without sterilization in another way

Ingredients for filling:
1 liter of water,
200-300 g sugar,
4 g citric acid.

Fill jars up to the hangers with whole or cut pears. Boil the syrup (without citric acid), pour the pears to the very top, cover with lids and leave for 5 minutes. Then drain the syrup, bring to a boil and pour over the pears again. After 5 minutes, drain the syrup again, bring to a boil, add citric acid and pour the pears in the jars so that it slightly overflows the edges. Roll it up and turn it over.

Ingredients for filling:
1 liter of water,
400-500 g sugar,
1 lemon.

Peel large pears, cut into slices, remove the core and place in acidified water. Place the pears in sterilized jars up to their hangers, put a lemon slice in each jar, pour hot syrup and set to sterilize as usual (8, 12 or 15 minutes, depending on the volume of the jars). Roll up.

2 kg pears,
5 liters of water,
500 g sugar,
4 g citric acid,
1/3 tsp. vanilla sugar.

Cook syrup from water, sugar, citric acid and vanilla sugar. Place whole or cored pears into boiling syrup, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Then transfer the pears into sterilized jars up to their shoulders, strain the syrup, bring to a boil and pour into the jars. Sterilize for 20 minutes (1-liter jars), roll up.

1 liter of water,
500 g sugar,
50 g rum.

Cut the pears into quarters, remove the core and place in acidified water to prevent them from darkening. Boil syrup from water and sugar, put pears in it and cook until softened. Place the pears in sterilized jars, boil the syrup, combine with rum and pour over the pears. Roll it up, turn it over, wrap it up.

Pear compote with berry juice

Ingredients for filling:
1 liter of water,
200 g sugar,
juice of black or red currants, raspberries, etc.

Prepare the pears, place them in jars up to their shoulders and fill them with cold sugar syrup. For each liter jar, add ½ cup. berry juice. Let it sterilize for 8-10 minutes. Roll up.

Natural pears

5 kg pears,
6 liters of water,
6 g citric acid + citric acid for blanching.

Peel slightly unripe pears, cut into slices and remove the core. Dissolve citric acid in boiling water and blanch the pear slices for 5-10 minutes. Cool, place in sterilized jars, pour boiling water and add 0.5 g of citric acid for each 0.5-liter jar. Let it sterilize for 15 minutes. Roll it up and turn it over.

1 liter of water,
1 stack honey,
1 tsp citric acid.


Peel the pears (if the skin is tender, you can skip this step), cut into 2 or 4 parts and remove the core. Blanch hard pears in boiling acidified water for 5-7 minutes until they can be easily pierced with a needle. Place the pears in sterilized jars up to their shoulders and pour boiling syrup over them. Cover with lids and set to sterilize: 1-liter jars - 20 minutes. If the pears have not been blanched, then the sterilization time should be increased by 5 minutes.

Compote of pears stuffed with rose hips

2 kg pears,
750 ml water,
300 g sugar,
¼ tsp. citric acid,
large rose hips - according to the number of pears.


Peel the pears and immediately place them in water acidified with citric acid to prevent them from darkening. Using a paring knife, remove the core from the side of the cup and place the rosehip in the resulting depression. Place the pears in sterilized jars up to the hangers, fill them with syrup and set to sterilize: 0.5-liter - 30 minutes, 1-liter - 45 minutes, 3-liter - 60-70 minutes. Roll up.

Compote of pears stuffed with raspberries

1 kg of pears,
¾ stack. raspberries,
1 stack Sahara,
1/3 tsp. citric acid,
1 liter of water.

Cut the pears in half, remove the core and place raspberries in the resulting voids. Fold the pear halves and place them in jars. Boil syrup from sugar and water, add citric acid at the end. Pour hot syrup over the pears in jars and sterilize for 10-12 minutes. Roll up.

Compote of pears and apples

Cut large pears and apples into slices and remove the core. Prepare syrup based on 1 liter of water - 400 g of sugar, boil it. Place the fruits in sterilized jars, fill with hot syrup and set to sterilize: 0.5-liter - 15-20 minutes, 1-liter - 20-25 minutes, 3-liter - 30-40 minutes. Roll up.

Compote of pears and chokeberries

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:
1 kg of pears (more is possible),
200-300 g chokeberry,
1.5 stack. Sahara.

Place washed pears and berries in sterilized jars about half full, pour boiling water over them, cover with lids and let stand for 10 minutes. Then drain the water, add sugar and bring the syrup to a boil. Boil for 2 minutes, pour over the pears and let stand again for 10 minutes, covered. Drain the syrup, boil, boil for 2 minutes, pour over the pears and roll up immediately. Turn it over.

Compote of pears and olives

Cut the pears into slices, pour boiling water over them and leave to cool. Then place the bowl with pears on low heat, bring to a boil, remove from heat and let cool completely. Repeat this operation 5 more times, and after the last time, pour the hot compote into sterilized jars and put 10 black olives in each. Roll it up and turn it over. This compote is prepared without sugar, so choose the sweetest pears for it.

3 kg pears,
1.3 kg cherries,
syrup (at the rate of 280 g of sugar per 830 g of water).

Cut the pears into quarters and remove the core; remove the pits from the cherries. Place pears and cherries tightly in jars and fill with hot syrup. Cover with lids and set to sterilize: 0.5-liter - 10 minutes, 1-liter - 15 minutes. Roll up.

Compote of pears and plums

2.5 kg pears,
2 kg plums,
syrup (at the rate of 400 g of sugar per 1 liter of water).

Cut the pears and remove the core, cut the plums in half and remove the pit. Place in jars, fill with hot syrup and set to sterilize: 0.5-liter - 15-20 minutes, 1-liter - 25-30 minutes, 3-liter - 45-50 minutes. Roll it up and turn it over.

Assorted pear compote

Peel the pears; if they are hard, cut them into halves and remove the core. Take any berries and fruits to taste - plums, peaches, apricots, raspberries, gooseberries, rowan, viburnum, chokeberry, cherries, etc. - and place in prepared jars up to the hangers. The pears should be at least half the volume. Prepare syrup at the rate of 300-400 g of sugar per 1 liter of water, and if non-acidic berries and fruits are used in the assortment, then add citric acid (2-3 g per 1 liter of syrup). Pour hot syrup over fruits in jars and set to sterilize: 1-liter jars - 10 minutes, 3-liter jars - 20 minutes.

Compote of pears and cherry plums

2 kg pears,
1 kg cherry plum,
1 liter of water,
100 g sugar.

Cut the pears into slices, place in boiling sugar syrup, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Leave in syrup for 10 minutes. Throw the pears into a colander, put them in jars along with cherry plums, pour hot syrup and set to sterilize: 1-liter - 8 minutes, 2-liter - 12 minutes, 3-liter - 15 minutes. Roll up.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

; ;

  • Ingredients:
  • Pears - 2 kilograms
    Water - 4 liters
    Sugar - 320 grams
    Lemon - 2 pieces
    Cinnamon - 2 pieces

    Total number of servings: 8

On cold winter days, you just want to return home as soon as possible and enjoy something tasty, warm and at the same time reminiscent of warm summer days. And of course homemade compote of summer juicy fruits is best suited for this. After all, such a compote is aromatic and healthy in itself. And if you try to add a cinnamon stick to it, it will come out simply unique taste! Pear compote For this recipe, we suggest you prepare it without sterilization at all, but with the addition of a small amount of cinnamon and lemon juice. If you add ground cinnamon, the taste will not change, but the compote will turn out cloudy. Well, are you ready to get acquainted with the details of how you can quickly prepare a delicious pear compote for the winter with cinnamon.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare everything necessary ingredients. Wash the pears thoroughly. We sterilize four liter jars and their lids.

2. Cook the syrup. To do this, take water, add sugar and boil.

3. Place 0.5 cinnamon sticks at the bottom of each jar. Place the pears up to the hangers of the jars. Fill with hot syrup.

4. Cover the jars with lids and let stand for about 10 minutes. Pour the syrup into a saucepan, bring to a boil, and pour in the pears again. Leave for 10 minutes.

5. Pour in the syrup again, pour in lemon juice, bring to a boil, pour pears to the very top of the jar. If there is not enough syrup, add boiling water. Roll up the lids and leave to cool. Store in a cool place.

We are waiting for the winter days and trying it!

Bon appetit!

The process of preparing for the cold season begins with the appearance of the first fresh vegetables and fruits. It lasts until late autumn. Nowadays housewives put almost everything in jars: fruits, vegetables, berries and mushrooms. One of the cheap, but at the same time tasty, recipes is pear compote for the winter. We offer several simple and original recipes this drink.

It's the end of August, and this is the time to go to the market for ripe fruits. Prices have already dropped slightly at this time of year, and the range of varieties is the largest of the year.

To prepare compote, you can use fruits of any variety, with the exception of winter pears, which are collected while still “green” for long-term storage. The fruits can be any size (if they are too large, just cut them into slices).

Housewives often prepare this drink by combining them with other fruits or aromatic spices. This gives the drink a zest.

Preparing pears for the start of the process

The very beginning of preparing compote is peeling and cutting the fruit. If garden pears (especially hard, green varieties) have thick skins, it is best to carefully cut them off. Otherwise, the compote is made from the fruits in their peels. After peeling, cut out the core with seeds and stalks.

Attention! Pears tend to darken quickly, therefore, when preparing large quantities of these fruits, keep the peeled parts in a weak solution of citric acid (parameters: 1 liter of water per 1 gram of citric acid).

You can brew it with a large amount of fruit in a jar, or with a small one (for those who like the drink). The amount of added sugar will depend on the number of fruits in the compote.

Recipes for making pear compote at home

Each housewife has her own own recipe preparing the drink. Let's look at some of the most interesting types of pear compote that are prepared at home.

A simple way for the winter

The most simple option It is considered a recipe that requires only two ingredients for a 3-liter jar of water:

  1. A glass of sugar.
  2. Pears (1 kilogram).

We prepare the pears for seaming, as indicated above, and put them in jars. Then pour boiling water over them and leave for half an hour. Infused water is used for cooking sugar syrup. To do this, add sugar to the water and cook until it boils and the sugar is completely dissolved in the water. After the water has boiled, leave the syrup to simmer over low heat for another five minutes.

We pour this syrup over the fruit and close it with a metal lid. The resulting compote is covered with a blanket and left for 24 hours.

Without sterilization

Sterilizing jars is a troublesome task, so we offer a recipe for a drink that can be rolled into jars without prior sterilization.

To prepare you will need:

  1. Pears (1 kilogram).
  2. Sugar (0.1 kilogram).
  3. Water (2 liters).
  4. Citric acid (4 grams).

When choosing pears, try to keep them whole.

Peeled and chopped fruits are cooked in a saucepan until boiling and placed in a jar. Citric acid and sugar are added to the decoction. Stir until they dissolve in the water and bring to a boil. All that remains is to pour the syrup over the fruit, and then roll it up and cover it with a warm blanket.

From whole pears

Firm, whole fruits make an excellent compote. Ingredients:

  • four kilograms of pears;
  • one lemon;
  • teaspoon of citric acid;
  • a glass of sugar per 1 liter of syrup.

Before placing the fruits in the pan, rinse them thoroughly under the tap. Then boil a pot of water and pour it over the fruit. You need to cook them for 10 to 20 minutes (depending on size).

Wash and rinse jars and lids in boiling water before sealing.

Carefully place the fruits in a jar and add a slice of lemon to each. Then we prepare the syrup using the water in which the fruits were boiled (add a spoonful of sugar for each liter of water). When the syrup has boiled, pour it into a jar with pears.

It remains to sterilize for 15 minutes and close with lids.

With citric acid

The main difference in how to make compote with the addition of citric acid is that the fruits are poured with boiling water three times.

  1. After placing the fruits in the jar. Leave them for 10 minutes, drain the water, and boil.
  2. Pour in again for 10 minutes, then return the water to the pan, add one and a half tablespoons of sugar and a sprig of mint and boil again.
  3. Fill the jar with syrup for the last time and add a teaspoon of citric acid.

All that remains is to cover the compote with a blanket and let it brew for a day.

From wild pear

The fruits of wild pears also make an appetizing drink. The recipe for making it is simple:

  1. Fill a jar (pre-sterilized) with small fruits so that they occupy approximately two-thirds of its volume (approximately 1.5 kilograms).
  2. Bring water to a boil in a separate pan and pour it into the jar of fruit. Leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour over the fruits and add 4 grams. Citric acid, as well as 0.3 kilograms of sugar (refined sugar). Boil for 2-3 minutes and you are ready to roll.

After the jars have cooled, it is advisable to wrap them in warm cloth.

From Severyanka pears

Severyanka is a specific variety. The fruits are sweet and juicy, but highly susceptible to rotting. Therefore, compote is rarely made from such fruits. But advice still exists.

The main thing is to thoroughly wash, cut the fruits and remove the core. Before closing the Severyanka compote, drain the syrup three times and boil it.

With mint

For housewives who want to make pear and mint compote, the recipe is simple. All steps involve cooking with the addition of citric acid, plus, on the third pour, add mint.


The same advice and, if desired, cook compote with cinnamon. The only difference is that instead of mint, cinnamon is added. Some even combine the two.

With plums

Often other fruits are added to pear compote. We suggest you study the recipe with plums. You will need:

  1. Two large pears (preferably Duchess).
  2. One and a half liters of water.
  3. 50 grams of granulated sugar.

Wash the pears and plums, cut them and add sugar. Fill with water, boil and then let stand for 20 minutes.

With lemon

Lemon is a fruit with which you can make any of the above drinks. It will go best with mint compote. You can also add thyme.

With apples

To prepare this drink, cut the apples into slices, add sugar and citric acid. Then add water and boil for about 10 minutes.

We prepare pear compote in the same way.

All that remains is to mix everything and pour into jars.

With strawberry

This option is made according to the same principle, but with the addition of strawberries. Various fruits They combine well, so you can add strawberries to the apple-pear mixture.

From Siberian pear

This variety is small in size and has a sour taste. Therefore, they are added whole to the compote and the taste is diluted with apples or other fruits.

When preparing the drink, be sure to sterilize the jars.

Compote of pears stuffed with rose hips

The rosehip option is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. To prepare you will need:

  • Pears (1.5-2 kilograms).
  • Rose hips (one berry for each).
  • Water.
  • Sugar (tablespoon).
  • Citric acid 2 grams.

Peel the pears and place them in water with citric acid. We remove the core of the fruit and put rose hips there. Sterilize the jars, add the fruit and fill with syrup.

Roll up the compote.

How to store compote

The best storage conditions for the drink are to keep it in the refrigerator. Optimal temperature is 2-14 degrees. Canned compote Will be perfectly preserved on the balcony.

The main rule is to avoid direct sunlight, and the temperature should not exceed +20.



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