Semolina cake cream. Homemade sponge cake with semolina cream. Recipe for cream with semolina for cake

Semolina cake cream. Homemade sponge cake with semolina cream. Recipe for cream with semolina for cake

To cook at home a delicious cake, it’s not enough to know the recipe and make the dough correctly. The basis of such baking is cream. This component of sweets plays a big role in how exactly the cake, roll or pastry will taste. Therefore, every housewife should have recipes for good creams in her arsenal. We will talk about one of them in this article. After studying the information presented below, you will learn how to prepare a delicacy made according to the following descriptions, which turns out to be tasty, aromatic, and nutritious. It can be used not only to fill baked goods, but also as an independent dessert.

Semolina cream for cake (classic recipe)

To prepare this dish you need the following products:

  • 300 grams of milk;
  • 3 large spoons of semolina;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 4 large spoons of granulated sugar.

Cooking method

Pour semolina and sugar into cold milk and mix. We put this preparation on the fire. Cook the mixture until it becomes thick. Remove the saucepan with the cream from the heat and leave to cool. When the mixture reaches room temperature, gradually add softened butter and beat. This can be done with a mixer or blender. The cream of semolina and butter is ready. It can be immediately applied to baked goods. Interesting fact: this delicacy contains the same products that are used to prepare porridge, but the cream does not taste like it at all, that is, the semolina is not felt here.

Semolina cream with lemon and nuts

This blank, made according to the following recipe, is prepared. The consistency of the cream after hardening is elastic and dense. For work, prepare the ingredients indicated in the list:

  • two and a half glasses of milk;
  • 3 large spoons of semolina;
  • 300 grams of butter;
  • 1 cup (200 g) sugar;
  • half a lemon;
  • 6 pieces of nuts (more to taste).

How to prepare semolina cream for a cake, read in the description. We cook porridge from milk and cereals. Mix it very well so that no lumps form. Leave the workpiece to cool. Beat the butter, heated to room temperature, with granulated sugar. Pass the lemon through a grater or grind it in a blender. Finely chop the nuts. Add all these products to the porridge and mix thoroughly. If desired, you can add a few drops to the cream. Apply the delicacy to the baked goods. You can cool this sweet mass in the refrigerator and then eat it as a dessert.

with semolina (recipe)

This version of the sweet mass for decorating baked goods has an excellent taste and aroma. It is an excellent filling for tubes, puff pastries, and rolls. To prepare this dish, you will need the following food set:

  • 90 g of premium wheat flour;
  • 750 g milk;
  • 390-400 g sugar;
  • 5 items chicken eggs;
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar;
  • 25 g butter.

Instructions for making custard

In a saucepan, bring the milk to a boil. Separate the yolks and grind them with sugar. Add flour here and heat it in a frying pan until it starts to smell. We also combine this mixture with the yolks. Mix the ingredients, adding milk in small portions. Simmer the cream over low heat for 10 minutes. To prevent the workpiece from burning, we beat it all the time. Remove the sweet mass from the heat and add butter. Ready custard Cool with semolina in a cool place.

This delicacy cannot be stored for a long time, since the products included in its composition quickly deteriorate under the influence of heat. Therefore, we keep the cream itself and the baked goods decorated with it in the refrigerator until use.

This custard sweet mass can also be prepared in microwave oven. When all the products are mixed, place the saucepan in the unit for 5 minutes. At the same time, every 60 seconds we take out the container and mix the cream.

Semolina plus condensed milk - you'll lick your fingers!

Very tasty treat obtained according to the following recipe. This cream is ideal for biscuits and honey cakes. Let's learn how to cook it from the following products:

  • 400 grams of whole milk;
  • 3 large spoons (heaped) of semolina;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 1 jar of condensed milk;
  • 2 small spoons of fruit or chocolate liqueur;
  • walnuts to taste.

We prepare this semolina cream for the cake according to the further description. Cook a thick mixture with milk semolina porridge. Cool it a little and add butter. Then pour in the condensed milk. Mix the mixture thoroughly. Chop the nuts into small pieces and pour them into the sweet mass, and pour in the liqueur. Whip the cream and use it for If it will be used as an independent dessert, then pour the delicacy into cream cups, decorate with a mint leaf and a berry (raspberry, strawberry, blackberry). Leave the dish in the refrigerator to harden for an hour.

Semolina cream soufflé

This dessert can be a good breakfast. It contains foods that are nutritious and beneficial to the body. How to prepare a soufflé, we will learn from the recipe.

From 50 g of semolina and 205 g of milk, cook porridge and cool it slightly. Grate the lemon zest and squeeze out the juice. We add these products to the semolina. Soak 2 sheets of gelatin in water. After swelling, combine it with the porridge. Beat 2 chicken egg yolks with 40 grams of sugar. We introduce this mixture into the semolina preparation. Mix the sweet mass thoroughly. Pour 200 grams of cream into a separate bowl and whisk it with a whisk. Combine this mixture with semolina and mix until it reaches a uniform consistency. Place the soufflé on ice cream bowls. Melt a chocolate bar (100 grams) in a water bath and pour it over the top of the dessert. Transfer the containers to a cold room and let cool for 2 hours.

When making this dish, the yolks can be replaced with egg liqueur. For this recipe, 50 grams will be enough. If you want to use this cream to decorate baked goods, then coat it as soon as you prepare it, without allowing it to harden.

Now you know how to make your own semolina cream for cakes and other types sweet pastries. We hope that these recipes will become “on duty” in your notebook, and you will often use them to create confectionery treats.

To prepare a delicious cake at home, it is not enough to know the recipe and make the dough correctly. The basis of such baking is cream. This component of sweets plays a big role in how exactly the cake, roll or pastry will taste. Therefore, every housewife should have recipes for good creams in her arsenal. We will talk about one of them in this article.

After studying the information below, you will learn how to prepare semolina cream. A delicacy made according to the following descriptions is tasty, aromatic, and nutritious. It can be used not only to fill baked goods, but also as an independent dessert.

Semolina cream for cake (classic recipe)

To prepare this dish you need the following products:

  • 300 grams of milk;
  • 3 large spoons of semolina;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 4 large spoons of granulated sugar.

Cooking method

Pour semolina and sugar into cold milk and mix. We put this preparation on the fire. Cook the mixture until it becomes thick. Remove the saucepan with the cream from the heat and leave to cool. When the mixture reaches room temperature, gradually add softened butter and beat. This can be done with a mixer or blender.

The cream of semolina and butter is ready. It can be immediately applied to baked goods.

An interesting fact: this delicacy contains the same products that are used to prepare porridge, but the cream does not taste like it at all, that is, the semolina is not felt here.

If you are planning a holiday, then it’s time to prepare a delicious cake. But what to do if everyone is tired of the family dessert? We suggest preparing semolina cream for the cake. It will help turn an ordinary sponge cake into a work of culinary art. None of the guests will guess that the filling is prepared on the basis of semolina porridge.

The basic preparation option is great for all types of biscuits: dry and wet.

For cooking, use high quality and only natural oil. The product must be removed from the refrigerator in advance.

  • sugar – 140 g;
  • milk – 520 ml;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • vanillin - sachet;
  • semolina – 100 g.


  1. Pour the dairy product into the container. Boil. Add sugar (half the norm). Mix. Wait for dissolution. Pour in the cereal. Add gradually with one hand and stir vigorously with the other. Cook for three minutes. Cool.
  2. Pour the remaining granulated sugar into the butter. Beat. The crystals should all dissolve.
  3. Continuing whisking, add in small portions ready-made porridge. The main thing is that the products have the same temperature. Then the ingredients will not separate into cream.
  4. Soak only the cooled biscuit. Use the cream immediately.

Semolina cream with lemon is an amazing impregnation that will turn an ordinary cake into amazing dessert, capable of conquering everyone without exception.


  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • semolina – 90 g;
  • milk – 480 ml;
  • butter – 170 g;
  • sugar – 110 g.


  1. Pour granulated sugar into the dairy product. Warm up. Cut the zest from the lemon and chop. Squeeze a large spoonful of juice from the pulp.
  2. When the milk mass boils, gradually add the cereal. Boil the porridge while constantly stirring. Place the zest. Add a couple of tablespoons of oil. Stir and set aside until completely cooled.
  3. When the porridge reaches the same temperature as the remaining oil, combine the products. Turn on the mixer and beat the mixture. Pour juice. Mix.

An interesting variation that will replace whole milk. The sweet mass with semolina and butter is ideal for puff pastries.


  • powdered milk – 50 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • water – 420 ml;
  • butter – 210 g soft;
  • semolina – 80 g.


  1. Pour milk powder into granulated sugar. To fill with water. If you want to save time, pour boiling water. Boil. Pour in semolina. Boil. The porridge needs to be thick. Cool completely.
  2. Beat the butter. Pour in the cream. Beat.

Lenten cream for cake

During Lent, you often want to enjoy some tasty treats. We offer Lenten option preparing the cream.


  • strawberries – 0.5 cups;
  • water – 480 ml;
  • blueberries – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • semolina – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla sugar - packet.


  1. To boil water. Pour in granulated sugar. Dissolve. Fall asleep semolina. Boil for seven minutes. During cooking, it is necessary to stir constantly.
  2. Cool. Place blueberries. Add vanilla sugar. Chop the strawberries and add them to the prepared mixture. Mix.

With condensed milk

Cream made from semolina and condensed milk has a special taste. It's quick and easy to prepare.


  • vanillin - pack;
  • condensed milk – 0.5 cans;
  • sugar – 110 g;
  • semolina – 100 g;
  • water – 400 ml;
  • butter – 230 g.


  1. Pour condensed milk into the water. Mix. Boil. Add sugar. Dissolve completely.
  2. Pour in semolina. Cook a thick porridge while stirring. Add vanilla sugar. Stir and cool.
  3. Cream the butter. It will take 6 minutes. Add semolina porridge with a spoon. Beat.

Vanilla cake layer

The mass is suitable for all lovers of vanilla flavor and aroma. The cream comes out soft and fluffy.


  • milk – 520 ml;
  • vanilla – 1 pod;
  • semolina – 4.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter – 190 g;
  • sugar – 1 cup.


  1. Cut the pod lengthwise. Remove seeds. Place in milk. Boil.
  2. At the first sign of boiling, remove the vanilla products. Pour in granulated sugar. Add semolina. It is necessary to stir constantly.
  3. Cool the mass. Add soft butter. Beat until the mixture becomes fluffy enough.

Custard with semolina

The custard version of preparing the cream will help make the mass thick and quickly harden. Thanks to the resulting cream, you can easily prepare favorite treat- "bird's milk".


  • gelatin – 15 g;
  • semolina – 110 g;
  • milk – 540 ml;
  • butter – 230 g soft;
  • sugar – 160 g.


  1. Add gelatin to milk (70 ml). Set aside. The gelatin should swell.
  2. Pour sugar into the remaining dairy product. Boil. Pour in the cereal and boil the porridge. It will take about 5 minutes to cook. Cool.
  3. Turn on the mixer. Beat the butter. It should become foam.
  4. Place gelatin in the microwave oven. Pulse melt. Pour into the porridge. Beat.
  5. Add oil. Beat lightly. Immediately apply to the crust.
  6. Set aside for three hours. This time is enough for the mass to harden.

Only soft butter is added to the porridge. If you melt it, the cooled cream will not harden. This will disrupt the consistency, which will not the best way will affect taste.

Chocolate flavored

Thanks to the chocolate bar, the delicacy will turn into an amazing souffle that can turn any cake into an amazing dessert.


  • semolina – 85 g;
  • milk – 430 ml;
  • sugar – 160 g;
  • butter – 240 g soft;
  • cocoa – 2 teaspoons;
  • chocolate bar.


  1. Pour milk over granulated sugar. Warm up. At the first sign of boiling, pour in the cereal. Boil. The porridge must be thick.
  2. Break the tiles and throw the pieces into the hot porridge. Dissolve while stirring constantly. Pour in cocoa. Mix. Set aside for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Add oil. Beat.

If the butter is not soft enough, grains will form when whipping. The finished cream will turn out to be heterogeneous, which will affect the taste of the dessert.

The recipe for this simple homemade cake, as well as how to make it delicious cream for semolina cake, our reader Elena Lebed shared:

Recipe from old notebooks. The cake is very simple but delicious. Great for tea drinking at home.

“Homemade” cake with semolina cream


baking tray – 26 x 36 cm
glass – 200 ml

For the chocolate sponge cake:

  • 3 cups flour (sifted)
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 teaspoon soda
  • 1 package baking powder
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 cup boiling water

For semolina cream:

  • 800 ml milk
  • 6-7 tbsp. spoons with a small heap of semolina
  • 150 g sugar
  • a pinch of vanillin
  • 200 g butter
  • juice of 1/2 lemon

For the glaze:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • 2 teaspoons cocoa powder
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • 50 g butter


  • 1/2 cup any thick jam(preferably with a sour taste)

How to make a cake with semolina cream:

  1. Bake a chocolate sponge cake. Mix all dry products.

    Flour mixture

  2. Add milk (warm or room temperature), stir. Then add oil and mix again. You will get a thick dough. Pour boiling water and carefully beat with a mixer (it is convenient to do this in a tall bowl) to obtain a homogeneous mass.

    Cake dough

  3. Pour the dough onto a baking tray lined with baking paper and place in an oven preheated to 190 ºC for 15-20 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden stick.

    Baking a sponge cake

  4. Cool the biscuit and cut into 2 layers, and then each in half. You will get 4 cakes.

    Cut into cakes

  5. Preparing semolina cream for the cake. Add semolina, sugar, vanillin to the milk and cook thick semolina porridge. It is convenient to stir with a whisk during cooking. Cool completely.

    Semolina porridge for cream

  6. Cut the softened butter into cubes.
  7. Then proceed as follows: add butter to the semolina porridge in small portions, whisking thoroughly each time. At the end, add lemon juice and beat again. You will get an airy cream.

    Semolina cake cream

  8. Collecting the cake. Place the crust and spread with jam.

    Spread jam on the crust

  9. Place cream on the jam. Then the next cake layer, topped with semolina cream. And so all the cakes. We coat only two of the four cake layers with jam!

    Apply semolina cream

  10. Refrigerate the cake.
  11. Cook the glaze. Mix all ingredients in a small saucepan, place on the stove and simmer briefly until smooth. Cool.
  12. Apply cooled but still soft glaze on top of the cooled cake. You can only apply glaze on top. The cake is homemade, it is characterized by some carelessness in decoration.

    “Homemade” cake is ready

  13. Refrigerate for two hours. Serve the cake chilled.

Cake with semolina cream

P.S. so you don't miss new recipes!

Bon appetit!

Julia author of the recipe

Craving something sweet? I suggest you prepare a delicious homemade cake, and to grease the cakes, make semolina custard.

This composition will provide a special taste for baked goods. This cream is universal. It can be used not only for cakes, but also pastries.

All recipes are easy to prepare, and therefore each of the readers can try them in practice!

Light semolina cream


3 tbsp. milk; 200 gr. sl. oil; 1.5 tbsp. Sahara; 300 gr. semolina.

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. I pour milk into a bowl. I add semolina and sugar.
  2. I send the mixture to the fire and cook until the semolina porridge is ready. It is important to constantly stir the mixture so that the porridge cooks well.
  3. The container with the porridge must be removed from the heat and left aside for a while to allow the mass to cool.
  4. Sl. I give oil when room temperature soften.
  5. I put the next oil in the cream composition. I mix it with a mixer; you can also use a blender to prepare the layer.

Another recipe for semolina butter cream

Try making it at home too.


500 ml milk; 250 gr. sl. oil; 150 gr. semolina; half a lemon; 1 tbsp. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I put the cereal in a metal saucepan. I pour in the milk.
  2. I stir the mixture and cook over the fire until fully cooked. During cooking, you need to stir the porridge mixture so that there are no lumps. The mixture must be made thick.
  3. I remove from the stove and let the mixture cool.
  4. Sl. The butter should be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it softens thoroughly. Mix sugar and butter. I'm interrupting the masses.
  5. I peel the lemon and grate the zest using a grater.
  6. I mix everything together and beat with a mixer into a homogeneous creamy composition.

Now you know how to prepare semolina cream for a cake. simple recipe, but that's not all.

You can decorate the cake and layer it well with custard. Its recipe is presented below.

Semolina cream for Bird's Milk cake

Dessert " bird's milk"is one of the most popular among those with a sweet tooth. Therefore, I decided that this recipe would be useful for you too.


0.5 liters of milk and half a tbsp. for beating with chickens. egg; 3 tbsp. semolina; 2 pcs. lemon; 1 PC. chickens egg; 300 gr. sugar and sl. oil.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I cook semolina in boiled milk. I constantly stir the porridge. You need to cook the cereals over low heat. Having eliminated all the lumps and brought the porridge to a thickness, remove it from the heat and let it brew.
  2. I scald lemons with boiling water. I remove the zest and rub or cut it with a knife, but very finely.
  3. I kill chickens. egg in a bowl, add half the specified portion of sugar. I beat it with a mixer to get a thick foam.
  4. I add sugar and milk (0.5 tbsp.) to the previous mass.
  5. Cook over low heat for 2 minutes. I put it in the refrigerator. This will help the mass turn into something similar in appearance to condensed milk.
  6. I put slurry in the milk mass. oil. Beat with a mixer until the mixture becomes fluffy.
  7. I mix all the ingredients together. I beat with a mixer until the cream becomes homogeneous.

Semolina custard for homemade cake

Custard homemade cream from semolina for the cake will be aromatic, because for taste and freshness you will need to add a little citric acid and vanillin.


200 gr. man. cereals; 750 ml milk; 1 tbsp. Sahara; 5 pieces. chickens eggs; 150 gr. oil; 1 tsp citric acid and 2 packs. vanillin.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I add sugar and vanillin to the semolina. I pour in boiled milk. Cook over low heat in a saucepan. I stir constantly to remove all lumps from the mixture.
  2. Remove the prepared semolina porridge from the heat and let it cool. It should be homogeneous and thick in consistency.
  3. I separate the yolks and whites. I put the yolks in the porridge, as well as the yolks. oil in soft form, citric acid. I beat the custard using a mixer.

That's all, the cooled custard can be used to layer the cake. The result will be finger-licking good!

Condensed milk cream


0.5 l of milk; 250 gr. sl. oil; 150 gr. semolina; 1 can of condensed milk; half a lemon.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. The condensed milk needs to be boiled. You need to put it in a tin can in a saucepan with water and cook for 2 hours. As a rule, many housewives simplify the process by buying boiled condensed milk in stores. It's everyone's choice.
  2. I cook semolina with milk. When the milk boils, you need to add the cereal. I constantly stir the porridge so that there are no lumps.
  3. I remove the thick porridge, homogeneous in consistency, from the stove and let it cool.
  4. I add condensed milk to the semolina. I mix the mixture with a mixer.
  5. Pre-softened at room temperature sl. I mix the butter with a mixer along with the cream. I make the mass homogeneous in composition.
  6. I remove the zest from the lemon with a knife. Grate it or you can cut it with a knife, but very finely. I put it in the cream.

That's all, you can layer the baked cakes and invite your family to the table for tea!

And now I suggest you find out how to cook home cake With lemon cream based on semolina.

Delicious cake with lemon cream and semolina

Test components:

3 pcs. chickens eggs; 150 gr. sl. oil; 300 gr. sugar and flour; 0.5 tsp soda; 30 gr. cocoa powder.

Components for glazing:

50 gr. sl. oils; 120 gr. Sahara; 30 gr. cocoa.

Ingredients for the cream:

100 gr. semolina; 300 gr. sl. oils; 1 PC. lemon; 0.5 l of milk; 0.5 tbsp. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I'm baking cakes. Sl. I put the butter in a saucepan and put it on the fire to melt the product.
  2. In baked sl. butter I add sugar. I mix the composition. I remove it from the fire.
  3. I break chickens into a cup. eggs and beat with a mixer. I introduce the mixture into the first composition.
  4. I extinguish the soda with vinegar and add it to the main mass.
  5. I add sifted flour. Mix the dough well. I divide the batch into 2 parts. I add cocoa to one.
  6. Pour the white mass into the mold and bake for 10 minutes at 180 degrees. Then I proceed in the same way to bake the chocolate cake.
  7. I cut the cakes lengthwise. As a result, you should have 4 cakes on the table.
  8. I'm making cream. I cook semolina with milk. I stir so that there are no lumps.
  9. I take it off the fire. I let the mass of the future cream cool.
  10. I rub the words. oil with sugar sand.
  11. I mix creamy composition with semolina.
  12. I grate the lemon, but only the zest. I put it in the cream. I beat the mass with a mixer. Let it sit for 20 minutes in the refrigerator.
  13. Each cake needs to be thoroughly greased with cream. Be sure to grease the sides of the dessert and the top.
  14. I'm making frosting for a cake. Sl. I melt the butter and mix it with milk, cocoa and sugar. sand.
  15. Cook the mixture for 2 minutes over low heat. The glaze is ready. You need to pour the warm mixture over the cake, generously covering the sides and top of the dessert.

This was a simple recipe for a delicious cake with semolina cream. And now I’ve come to please all Honey cake lovers!

Chocolate cake Honey cake with semolina custard

Homemade dessert Honey cake with custard is perfect in taste. The cream will penetrate perfectly chocolate cakes, it will be tender and taste like ice cream.

This cream can be used for sponge cakes and also honey cakes, baked according to a classic recipe.

Test components:

10 gr. honey; ¾ tbsp. Sahara; 1/3 tsp. salt; 40 gr. cocoa; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 350 gr. flour; 1 tsp baking powder; 100 gr. sl. oils; 12 gr. soda

Components for impregnation:

2 gr. vanillin; 3 tbsp. sah. powders; 250 ml of milk or you can take cream with a fat content of 12%.

Ingredients for cream:

1 liter of milk; 120 gr. semolina; 400 gr. sl. oils; 1 tbsp. Sahara; 1 tsp van. powder; 1 PC. lemon.

Ingredients for fudge:

3 tbsp. Sahara; 80 ml milk; 40 gr. sl. oils; 3 tbsp. cocoa.

Components for decoration:

white marshmallows without additives.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I take a dry large bowl, mix salt, cocoa, flour and baking powder in it. I mix and sow the composition using a sieve. I return it to the bowl and set it aside.
  2. Sl. I cut the butter into pieces and put it in a saucepan. I add sugar and honey. I heat it over low heat. I stir until all the components dissolve thoroughly, but keep in mind that the composition should not boil!
  3. I put the chickens into a bowl. eggs and whisk them with soda. I pour the mixture into the melted ingredients. I mix and wait for the composition to begin to foam. I remove from the heat, pour the mixture into the dry mixture and stir with tbsp. I knead by hand so that the mass becomes uniform in consistency.
  4. I place the warm dough on the table, sprinkle its surface with flour. I form a sausage. I cut it into 8 pieces and roll it into balls. I put it in a bowl with a deep bottom. Cover with a bag and let stand for 30 minutes. Then I put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour, but know that you cannot put the dough in the freezer. The dough can be stored for up to 3 days, but it is better to use the batch every day.
  5. I'm baking cakes. First, I make layers of 2 mm from the balls, no more. I collect the remaining dough into a ball and leave it aside. The cakes need to be pricked with a fork so that they do not bubble while baking in the oven. The oven needs 6 minutes at 180 degrees. You should have 9 blanks. The last cake is the collected scraps.
  6. I put the blanks in a stack and do the impregnation.
  7. Pour milk (cream) into a saucepan, mix with sugar and vanilla. I let the mixture come to a boil and let it cool. It is necessary that there are no sugar crystals in the impregnation. You need to constantly stir the mixture while cooking on the stove.
  8. I start making semolina cream with lemon juice. Sl. I soften the butter.
  9. Pour the milk into a saucepan, add sugar and place on medium heat. At the first signs of boiling, I introduce semolina in a thin stream. You need to stir all this time. Cook over low heat for another 2 minutes and remove from the stove. I pour the juice into the mass and blend with a blender. That's all, the mass needs to be allowed to cool.
  10. I add soft softened slurry. oil in a deep bowl. Using a mixer, I beat the product, it will become a couple of times larger. I introduce semolina in portions, about 3 tbsp. for 1 time. The cream will be oily and airy, but will not float. Just don’t overdo it, because the mass may begin to flake. This cannot be allowed.
  11. I'm putting together a cake. I soak 8 pcs. impregnated cake layers, then spread them with cream and place them on top of each other. I also grease the barrel of the cake with cream. I turn the 9th cake into crumbs and sprinkle. I put the dessert in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  12. I'm making the glaze. Mix sugar and cocoa in a small saucepan. oil. Cook on the stove over medium heat. I bring the mixture to a boil and boil until the glaze becomes as thick as condensed milk. I let it cool a little and cover the cooled cake with an even layer. You need to pour over the entire surface of the cake, except for the sides.
  13. Now let’s turn on our imagination and use white marshmallows, broken into halves, to decorate our delicious cake. I let the homemade culinary masterpiece sit for at least 4 hours, or even better, put it in the refrigerator overnight so that the cake is thoroughly soaked.
  • You need to cook semolina, stirring constantly. Otherwise, the cream composition will be spoiled by a mass of lumps.
  • Lemon should be added to the cream. This citrus fruit can give unusual taste and a pleasant aroma.
  • The custard layer for cakes does not last long, and therefore it is worth eating the dessert in the near future. Well, I believe that you will not have problems with this.
  • Can be supplemented semolina cream nuts, fruits or berries, grated chocolate.
  • Better to use homemade milk or a proven product from the store.
  • It is worth buying high-quality condensed milk; it must have the GOST marking. If the composition of condensed milk is made from dry dairy product, this option is not suitable for a cream layer.

My video recipe



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