Cultural code: the legendary Olivier. Olivier with black caviar Why is the salad called "Olivier"

Cultural code: the legendary Olivier. Olivier with black caviar Why is the salad called "Olivier"

In this recipe, as I remember, there was also pressed caviar. Olivier prepared it close to this recipe. Instead of hazel grouse, quail, instead of crayfish necks, crab meat, and instead of pressed caviar, red caviar, but lying separately from the salad. And yes, I added Worcestershire sauce to my homemade mayonnaise. Very, very tasty!!!

Here is another version of the Togo Olivier recipe
Kabul sauce (“Kabul soya” as it was often called in the 19th century) is made from flour sautéed in butter, broth (or water), grated horseradish, cream and salt. Ingredients: flour 20 g; butter 10 g; broth 50 g; horseradish 20 g; cream 20 g; salt - to taste.

Olivier salad, the way it should be.

The pre-revolutionary Olivier salad recipe includes hazel grouse and black caviar. It was invented in the second half of the 19th century by the Frenchman Lucien Olivier, who moved to Russia, one of the founders of the legendary Moscow restaurant “Hermitage”.
Interestingly, it was this salad that largely provided the restaurant with great fame. And both the richest merchants and industrialists and famous writers loved to gather at the Hermitage. For example, in 1879, a gala dinner was held at the Hermitage in honor of I.S. Turgenev, in 1880 - in honor of F.M. Dostoevsky, in 1899 - the famous celebration of the centenary of Pushkin’s birthday, which was attended by most of the most prominent cultural figures of that time. And, of course, all these feasts would not be complete without the original Olivier salad. True, by the end of the 19th century, different variations of its ingredients began to appear, including those that incredibly increased the cost of the already expensive salad. In Soviet times, on the contrary, the traditional list of ingredients became such that Olivier turned into a truly folk dish. And, nevertheless, it is not a sin to sometimes treat yourself to this salad, prepared in the traditions of Tsarist Russia. And we present one of the recipes from those years, not the most complex, but at the same time quite luxurious, and most importantly - tasty.

For this dish you will need (for 4 servings)

Hazel grouse – 2 pieces.
Calf tongue – 1 piece.
Black caviar – 100 g.
Crayfish – 25 pieces.
Pickles - 1/2 jar.
Fresh cucumbers – 2 pieces.
Quail egg – 10 pieces
Pickled capers – 80 g.
Provencal sauce – 1/2 jar.
Kabul sauce - to taste.

Cooking method

1. Fry the hazel grouse and chop the pulp.
2. Boil the tongue and cut into equal pieces.
3. Add boiled crayfish meat, pickle cubes, chopped eggs and cucumbers.
4. Gently mix the ingredients, put them in a salad bowl, add Kabul sauce, capers, Provencal sauce.
5. When serving, decorate the salad with caviar.

Important Additions

In the original recipe, Provencal sauce is not mayonnaise from the store, but 400 grams of olive oil, whipped with two fresh egg yolks, with the addition of French vinegar and mustard.
Kabul sauce (“Kabul soya” as it was often called in the 19th century) is made from flour sautéed in butter, broth (or water), grated horseradish, cream and salt. Ingredients: flour 20 g; butter 10 g; broth 50 g; horseradish 20 g; cream 20 g; salt - to taste.
Thus, preparing Olivier according to the pre-revolutionary recipe will require you to spend a little more time and much more costs than the Soviet version of this salad that is familiar and beloved by many. But the result is worth it!

It is known that the homemade Olivier salad recipe, which everyone loves, has been prepared for many years. The origin of Olivier salad dates back to France, the 19th century. Over the years, the history of Olivier salad’s creation and preparation has undergone enormous changes, and the dish has come to us in a modern, cheaper version. Today, in order to make even an analogue of an ancient recipe, you need to shell out a good amount of money, which many simply do not have enough money for. Therefore, people slightly changed the serving and cooking options in order to still plunge into the flavor of French cuisine, at least for a short time.

Who invented the Olivier salad - the history was accidentally preserved by a French chef, and the recipe came to us from the last century. You can only admire such a set of products, but if someone wants to feel like a bourgeois, then they need to spend quite a lot of time on preparation and money on purchasing all the ingredients.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • Tongue (veal) – 270 g;
  • Barrel cucumbers – 120 g;
  • Hazel grouse – 190 g;
  • Pajus caviar – 110 g;
  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • Crayfish – 140 g;
  • Capers – 80 g;
  • Salt – 6 g;
  • 3 yolks from a chicken egg;
  • Unscented oil – 55 ml;
  • Grape vinegar – 25 ml.

Olivier salad old recipe:

  1. The tongue needs to be boiled until tender. To do this, the offal must be thoroughly washed and soaked in water with added salt before cooking. Then boil in water, where you should put various spices for aroma. Cooking time is about two or three hours. After cooling, you can easily remove the top film and cut the meat into pieces.
  2. Boil fresh crayfish in boiling water until they turn red, this will take no more than eight minutes, because if you cook more, the meat will become tough. Separate the pulp from the shell and cut into cubes.
  3. Boil the whole hazel grouse with spices and salt, then cool, separate the meat from the bones and chop it into small pieces.
  4. Boil chicken eggs, then cool, peel and chop.
  5. Barrel cucumbers should be dense and crispy, with sourness. Cut vegetables into cubes.
  6. Mayonnaise sauce must be made at home; the one sold in the store will not work. You need to mix raw chicken egg yolks in a blender along with lean oil, preferably olive oil. Add vinegar, stir until thick.
  7. Place all the ingredients on a deep plate, add capers, caviar, add a little salt and season with homemade mayonnaise.
  8. You can decorate the appetizer with halves of quail eggs, removing the yolks and placing eggs in the cavities instead.

Ancient Olivier recipe

A slightly modified recipe, which is prepared according to the principle of the previous one, but has some amendments, which makes it a little similar to the modern version.

Olivier salad - ingredients:

  • Quails – 220 g;
  • Black caviar – 110 g;
  • Pork tongue – 240 g;
  • Crabs – 170 g;
  • Pickled cucumbers – 90 g;
  • Canned peas – 90 g;
  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • Capers – 130 g;
  • Mayonnaise – 85 g;
  • Salt – 8 g.

Step-by-step cooking:

  1. Wash the quail meat, cook in broth with a little salt and various aromatic spices. After finishing it, you can cut the pulp into pieces.
  2. Pork tongue cooks faster than beef tongue; to do this, you need to rinse the offal and boil it in water with spices. After cooling, peel off the film and cut.
  3. Boil fresh crab meat in boiling water. Then peel off the shell and cut into pieces.
  4. Boil chicken eggs hard for about 9 minutes. Once cooled, you can peel and chop.
  5. Cut pickled cucumbers into cubes.
  6. Combine ingredients with capers and green peas, add sauce and stir.
  7. Garnish the appetizer with black caviar and serve to guests.

Olivier salad recipes

This version of the salad is taken from ancient recipes, but updated in a new way. Preparing an appetizer is easier because the ingredients are more familiar to us than in the very first recipe.

Products for Olivier salad:

  • Chicken breast – 210 g;
  • Beef tongue – 180 g;
  • Red caviar – 80 g;
  • Crayfish – 170 g;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 180 g;
  • Green cucumber – 130 g;
  • Capers – 90 g;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 3 chicken yolks;
  • 160 ml sweat oil;
  • Mustard – 40 g;
  • Vinegar 3% - 45 ml;
  • Salt – 7 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash and cook chicken breast with spices. After cooling, cut the fillet into cubes or tear into small fibers.
  2. Beef tongue should be boiled for about four hours in salted water. Peel the finished offal from the film and cut into pieces.
  3. Crayfish meat needs to be cooked, waiting until the crayfish themselves turn red, then the meat is separated from the shell and cut. Don’t forget to add salt and bay leaf to the broth when cooking.
  4. Cook hard-boiled chicken eggs, pour tap water into the bowl with them, clean and chop the cooling area.
  5. Chop fresh and pickled cucumbers.
  6. The dressing for the dish is easy to prepare. Simply beat the chicken yolks with vinegar and mustard in a blender and add a little salt to the mixture. After the products are mixed into a single mass, you need to pour in a thin stream of vegetable oil, this will lighten the sauce and instantly thicken.
  7. In a large salad bowl, mix all the products, add capers and black caviar, season with homemade mayonnaise.

Olivier old in a new way

Everyone's favorite salad can be updated by adding some ingredients. This recipe will appeal to many for its unusual taste, which contains sourness and piquancy.

Ingredients of the dish (4 servings):

  • Potatoes – 270 g;
  • Smoked meat – 320 g;
  • Sour cucumber – 160 g;
  • Korean carrots – 260 g;
  • Canned peas – 190 g;
  • Mayonnaise – 90 ml;
  • Salt – 9 g;
  • Chicken eggs – 5 pieces.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash and boil the potato tubers in their skins, after cooling, peel the root vegetables and cut into cubes.
  2. Hard-boil chicken eggs, cool, remove shells, and chop with an egg slicer.
  3. Separate smoked meat from bones and skin, chop into pieces.
  4. Cut the pickled cucumber into cubes.
  5. Place the peas in a colander and wait until the marinade drains.
  6. Shorten strips of Korean carrots.
  7. Combine the ingredients, season with mayonnaise and mix.

Ancient Olivier with a modern twist

The well-known Olivier, which has been preparing for what seems like an eternity, has become boring to many. If you modify the dish a little, you get a new one. very tasty and original treat.

Products (for 4 servings):

  • Potatoes – 170 g;
  • Chicken eggs – 6 pieces;
  • Red fish – 230 g;
  • Carrots – 140 g;
  • Green cucumber – 170 g;
  • Green peas - 130 g;
  • Mayonnaise – 80 g;
  • Dill – 25 g;
  • Salt – 6 g;
  • Salmon caviar – 110 g.

Step-by-step cooking procedure:

  1. Wash root vegetables (potatoes and carrots) thoroughly to remove dirt and boil them, then cool and peel. Cut into pieces.
  2. Carefully remove the red fish from the skin, check to ensure there are no bones in the fillet, then chop the meat.
  3. Hard-boil chicken eggs, after cooling, separate the entire shell and finely chop.
  4. Fresh and young cucumbers work well; they add crunch and freshness to the dish. You need to cut off the edges of the vegetables so that bitterness does not get into the salad. Cut the fruits into pieces.
  5. Rinse the dill and dry with paper napkins. Shred.
  6. Drain the peas from the jar in a colander and wait until the excess marinade drains.
  7. Combine all ingredients, add mayonnaise and mix.
  8. Top the appetizer with red caviar and sprigs of dill. You can also use pieces of vegetables, olives and pieces of quail eggs for decoration.

The Olivier that we are used to seeing at festive feasts has nothing in common with the old recipe of European chefs. From the original dish, only a few products remain that have survived the century and are still available to us today. But this does not mean that the treat has lost its taste. On the contrary, the composition was improved and changed. Therefore, you can conduct an experiment in your kitchen, choose one of the original Olivier options we offer and add those ingredients that seem more tasty to you.

“Olivier” is the favorite salad of people living in the vast expanses of the former Soviet Union, and an invariable attribute of any holiday table, especially New Year’s. But the dish that we are accustomed to enjoying since childhood is by no means the Olivier salad that glorified the name of the chef who invented it. If you want to know the taste of the classic Olivier, prepared according to an old recipe, then we are happy to share it with you.

Original old recipe for Olivier salad

So, imagining ourselves as Lucien Olivier, let’s take the meat of two boiled hazel grouse and one boiled tongue. Let's cut it all into fairly small cubes.

Cut 200 grams of well-washed and dried fresh lettuce into thin strips.

Take the necks of 25 boiled crayfish (they can be replaced with 1 can of lobster) and 100 gr. black pressed caviar.

Prepare 100 grams of pickled capers by draining the liquid from them (capers are a prickly vegetable crop whose flower buds are pickled).

Boil, peel and finely chop five eggs.

Then Olivier took the kabul soy, and we will replace it with half a can of soy, canned without tomato, salt the liquid, grind it into a paste and add a little soy sauce to it.

Having prepared all the ingredients in this way, mix them and season with mayonnaise. Our original vintage “Olivier” is ready. Before serving, cool it and place it in a beautiful bowl, garnishing it with crayfish tails and herbs.

Boil about 300 grams until done. beef and, after cooling, finely cut into cubes.

350 gr. Wash the potatoes and boil them “in their jackets” until tender, then cool, peel and also cut into small cubes.

After boiling 4 eggs, finely chop them. To make it easier to peel boiled eggs, after removing them from boiling water, they should be quickly placed in cold water for a few minutes.

Finely chop 100 gr. pickled cucumbers.

Drain the liquid from 1 can of green peas.

Finely chop 150 gr. green onions.

All salad components are prepared. Now mix them in one bowl, add salt to taste, season with mayonnaise or sour cream (or you can take equal parts of both, it turns out very tasty), put them in a beautiful bowl and serve. One tip: It is common for salads to be cut in advance and kept in the refrigerator for several hours. In this case, it is better to chop the green onions and add them to our Olivier salad last, before dressing, then the salad will taste much better.

One more nuance: many people prefer Olivier not with meat, but with sausage. In this case, instead of boiled beef, you need to add 300 grams of boiled sausage (Doctorskaya, Molochnaya), cut into small pieces, to the salad instead of boiled beef. We advise you not to skimp on sausage, as it greatly affects the quality of the finished dish.

I would like to say a few words about the meat component of the salad, which is decisive in Olivier. Her choice primarily depends on the imagination of the cook. As we have already said, it can be beef, high-quality boiled sausage, chicken, both boiled and smoked, lean pork, tongue.

We also bring to your attention a few more Olivier salads that can diversify your holiday table and add originality to it, which will definitely be noted by your guests.

Vegetarian salad "Olivier"

It must be said that today there are a lot of Olivier recipes, sometimes the most unexpected. For example, for those who follow a vegetarian diet, we offer this recipe.

Steam 1 kg of potatoes and 0.5 kg of carrots, peel them and chop them into small cubes.

In the same way, chop pickled zucchini taken from a 1-liter jar and 2 fresh cucumbers.

Prepare the contents of 1 can of canned corn and 1 can of peas by draining the liquid from them.

Cut into cubes 300 gr. homemade cheese (can be a little larger than vegetables), and 1 avocado.

Prepare salad dressing: mix 400 grams of sour cream with 1 tbsp. spoon of mustard, add 2 tsp. salt, a third tsp. allspice, a quarter tsp. white pepper and turmeric. Mix everything, season the salad, add salt to taste and put it in a beautiful bowl, and decorate with herbs on top.

For lovers of unusual dishes, we suggest preparing these “Olivier” salads.

Olivier salad with pineapples

Boil 1 chicken leg in salted water and, after cooling it and freeing it from the skin, chop it finely.

Boil 100 grams “in their uniform.” potatoes, peel and cut into small cubes.

Peel the pineapple and chop it finely.

Olivier salad with salmon

To prepare it, cut 200 grams into cubes. lightly salted salmon, 1 apple, 10 boiled quail eggs, 300 gr. potatoes, boiled in their jackets, 1 carrot.

Chop 1 onion (small) and several gherkins (to taste).

Now prepare the dressing: mix mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice, white pepper, salt and sugar to taste.

Mix all the ingredients of our salad in one container, season, mix gently and serve.

Of course, such a salad can be called “Olivier” with a stretch, because it is traditionally considered meat. But I think that the main requirement for any dish is its good taste. Therefore, show your imagination, experiment, and may your Oliviers always turn out to be the most delicious!

The recipe for the traditional and beloved Olivier salad is most popular during the winter months. New Year, Christmas, February 23 - a huge number of our compatriots still prepare Olivier salad for these holidays. But did you know that this salad also has a summer version? And this is what the recipe for Olivier salad looks like if you cook it in the warm summer.

Salad “Tender Olivier” (summer)


  • 4 chicken fillets
  • 4 potatoes
  • 5 eggs
  • 3 carrots
  • 5 lightly salted cucumbers
  • 4 fresh cucumbers
  • 1 can of canned peas
  • 600 ml. mayonnaise 50% fat

Cooking method

    • Boil carrots and potatoes in their jackets. Eggs can be boiled together with vegetables. From boiling, cook the potatoes and carrots for 15-20 minutes (try it, you don’t want the vegetables to boil into mush). Boil the eggs from boiling for 5 minutes;
    • Cook the fillet in salted water for 40 minutes.
    • Clean vegetables and eggs; cut potatoes, eggs, carrots into cubes. Approximate size 6*6*6 mm, (not too small)
    • We cut each fillet crosswise into three parts and tear each part into fibers
    • We cut cucumbers in the same way as other vegetables; mix all ingredients, add peas, mayonnaise;
    • Let's serve!

Why does the name of the salad have the prefix “tender”? Firstly, in the recipe we used lightly salted cucumbers, not salted ones. Secondly, the salad contains plenty of fresh cucumbers. Thirdly, instead of sausage we have natural boiled chicken.

Regarding carrots - if you like them, add more, not three, but five.

If desired, add finely chopped onions to the prepared salad (preferably take white ones). Add onions before serving the salad.

Olivier salad is a popular New Year's dish in the USSR and modern Russia.

History of Olivier salad

The salad is named after its creator, the chef Lucien Olivier, who ran the Hermitage French restaurant in Moscow in the early 1860s.

In those years, it was considered special chic when dinners were prepared by a French chef, famous for the “Olivier salad” he invented, the secret of which he did not reveal to anyone.

Why is the salad called "Olivier"

It is obvious that the name of the salad comes from that same inventive French chef Olivier.

However, this name did not catch on immediately.

In the Soviet “Book of Tasty and Healthy Food” the name “Olivier” appears only in the 1948 edition. In other editions of this book (1939, 1952, 1961, 1988) the salad recipe is called “Game Salad” or “Meat Salad”.

In some foreign countries this salad is called "Russian"

Original pre-revolutionary Olivier recipe

In the pre-revolutionary recipe of 1894, the composition of the familiar “Olivier” includes:

  • 2 boiled or fried hazel grouse,
  • 5 boiled eggs,
  • 2 fresh cucumbers,
  • 100g pickled capers,
  • 200g fresh salad,
  • 25 boiled crayfish or canned lobster,
  • 100g black or red caviar,
  • 3-4 spoons of soybean paste,
  • 10-15 pickled cucumbers,
  • "Provencal" sauce
  • Kabul sauce.

Later, potatoes, olives, mayonnaise, and soy-kabul were added to the salad. Over time, hazel grouse was replaced by chicken meat, and then completely by boiled sausage.

The change in products was explained by the unavailability or shortage of certain ingredients.

Modern Olivier recipe

  • 3 potatoes
  • 3-4 carrots
  • 4-5 eggs
  • 350 g ham or doctor's sausage
  • 450 g canned green peas
  • 5-6 pickles
  • 5 green onions
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • 250 g mayonnaise
  • ground black pepper.

Potatoes and carrots need to be peeled and boiled. Boil the eggs separately, avoiding overcooking the yolk. Then peel and chop into cubes.

Also cut the ham or sausage into cubes.

Then all the ingredients must be mixed in a salad bowl, add finely chopped herbs and spices to taste. Season the resulting mass with mayonnaise and put it in the refrigerator.

Before serving, add peas and finely chopped pickles to the salad.

Do you know the secrets and legendary history of Olivier salad? How difficult it is to restore the exact recipe for the famous dish, which was created in the 1860s in Moscow, in house No. 14, on Trubnaya Square on Petrovsky Boulevard, corner of Neglinnaya, which is now occupied by the Moscow School of Modern Play theater. You will learn the secrets of the legendary Olivier recipe by reading our story about the most famous salad in Russia.

If you turn to some ancient recipes, you can find many interesting, and even legendary dishes among them. How do you like the ahaic “Cumberland sauce”, the name of which can be found in the book by A. T. Averchenko “Fragments of the Broken Pieces” and in the “Culinary Guide” of the king of French cuisine, Auguste Escoffier, from where we reliably learn that it was invented by cooks of Cumberland County, located in northern England, where it was served as a spicy seasoning for game dishes. Its recipe contains redcurrant jelly, port, shallots, orange and lemon zest, fresh orange and lemon juice, mustard, cayenne pepper and ginger powder.

What if you hear such a culinary name as “venison cheese”? Intriguing? And this recipe is common in European cookbooks and refers to cold appetizers made from fried game meat (partridge, grouse, hazel grouse, pheasant), from which minced meat is first made, wine, strong meat broth, butter, grated cheese are added, grated nutmeg, ground black pepper and salt - all mixed until smooth and served in portions in dough baskets or other molds.

Secrets of the legendary Olivier salad

According to lovers of secrets and mysteries, the famous author of the legendary salad, culinary specialist Lucien Olivier, whose grave is located in the former German, and now Vvedenskoye, Moscow cemetery, took away the original recipe for his culinary masterpiece.

During his lifetime, the famous Moscow culinary specialist Lucien Olivier, owner of the Hermitage restaurant, called his signature salad “Game Mayonnaise.” It was with the light hand of Moscow gourmets that the now popular salad was given the name of its creator, which stuck with it along with the wide distribution of this very spicy dish in Russian cuisine, which became one of the main attributes not only in Russia, but also for compatriots far beyond its borders

History of Olivier salad - Moscow, 19th century

In the book “Practical Fundamentals of Culinary Art,” published in 1889 and going through 12 editions, the last of which was in 1927 in the printing house of the Financial Department of the Leningrad Gubernia Executive Committee, you can find the exact legendary recipe for Olivier salad and its history. The author of this book, Pelageya Pavlovna Alexandrova-Ignatievna (1872-1953), a culinary teacher at the Imperial Women's Patriotic Society, created not just a thorough textbook on the art of cooking, but a real monument of the era, which brought to the modern and future reader the authentic recipe and professional techniques for preparing all kinds of dishes Russian cuisine.

The next time “Olivier salad” was brought to the wave of new popularity was by Soviet culinary specialists, when in the 30s of the last century it appeared on the menu of the Moscow restaurant under the name “Stolichny”, the cooks of which, it seems, still remembered the true taste of this famous salad, on which connoisseurs of haute cuisine of the time agreed, claiming almost complete similarity with its classic predecessor.

The “Book of Tasty and Healthy Food,” published in 1939, which became the first example of a large cookbook in the USSR, contains a recipe called “Game Salad,” which is the legendary “Olivier Salad.”

Over time, the multi-component recipe for the legendary Olivier salad “lost the ingredients”, narrowing down to 3 main components: boiled eggs, potatoes and cucumbers. As the popularity of the salad grew in popularity, many versions of “Olivier” emerged among the people, but the main 6 components somehow became established: potatoes; hard-boiled chicken eggs, boiled or semi-smoked sausage (optionally, boiled chicken); fresh, salted or pickled cucumbers; canned green peas, mayonnaise.

The author of the rumor about the mysterious disappearance of the original recipe for “Olivier salad” was the writer Vladimir Alekseevich Gilyarovsky, an expert on Moscow city life, who in the book “Moscow and Muscovites” noted: “It was considered special chic when dinners were prepared by the French chef Olivier, who was even then famous for what he had invented.” Olivier salad,” without which lunch would not be lunch and the secret of which he did not reveal. No matter how hard the gourmets tried, it didn’t work out: this and that.”

And so, the inappropriate use of the word “secret” by “Uncle Gilyay” (as his friends called him) and the enthusiastic opinion about the golden hands of Lucien Olivier became the beginning of the contrived mystery of the disappearance of the recipe for his favorite salad. This is confirmed by the prosaic fact that this legendary salad was served in the Hermitage restaurant for a long time even after his death. In addition, the recipe for “Olivier salad” was also known to the chefs of the St. Petersburg restaurant “Bear” on Konyushennaya Street; and the cooks of the famous Testov tavern in Moscow, as evidenced by Gilyarovsky himself, describing his lunch in a friendly company: “In front of me is the bill of the Testov tavern of thirty-six rubles... We started from scratch.” - For rhyme, as I. F. Gorbunov used to say: vodka and herring. Then, with Achuevskaya caviar, then with grainy caviar with a tiny pie of burbot livers, first a glass of cold white myrrh with ice, and then of the same, tinted with a little picon, we drank English with brains and bison with Olivier salad...”

For a more or less complete picture in this story, let’s add to the above versions of the Olivier salad several other interesting versions of it, which may push you to create similar dishes.

Olivier salad according to a recipe from the book “Practical Fundamentals of Culinary Art”, 1899

Necessary products and their proportions per person.

  • hazel grouse - 1/2 pieces;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • cucumbers - 1 piece;
  • salad - 3-4 leaves;
  • cancer necks - 3 pieces;
  • lanspik - 1/2 cup;
  • kaporets - 1 teaspoon;
  • olives - 3-5 pieces.
  1. Cut the fillet of fried good hazel grouse into blankets and mix with blankets of boiled, not crumbly potatoes and slices of fresh cucumbers, add caporets and olives and pour in a large amount of Provencal sauce, with the addition of soy-kabul.
  2. Once cooled, transfer to a crystal vase and remove with crayfish tails, lettuce leaves and chopped lancepick.
  3. Serve very cold.

According to the book “Practical Principles of Culinary Art” (1899), fresh cucumbers can be replaced with large gherkins. Instead of hazel grouse, you can take veal, partridge and chicken, but a real Olivier appetizer is always prepared from hazel grouse.

Interpretation of unclear words in Smirnova’s recipe:

  1. Blanquettes (from the French blanc - pure, white) are straight pieces of food cut into parallel lines, used as semi-finished products for making dishes and culinary products.
  2. Lanspik is chicken or meat broth boiled to a jelly state.
  3. Soya-Kabul or Kabul sauce is a once popular spicy seasoning brought from Afghanistan.
  4. Caporets - capers, pickled or salted flower buds of the prickly caper plant.

2. “Game salad” according to the classic recipe from “The Book of Tasty and Healthy Food” (1939)


  • hazel grouse (boiled or fried) - 1 piece;
  • boiled potatoes - 300 grams;
  • gherkins or pickles - 75 grams;
  • green salad - 75 grams;
  • boiled chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • mayonnaise sauce - 0.5 cups;
  • soy-kabul - 0.5 tablespoon;
  • table vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
  • powdered sugar - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • salt - to taste.

Prepare “venison salad” according to the classic recipe as follows:

  1. Cut hazel grouse fillet into thin slices, half a hard-boiled egg and gherkins, and dried lettuce leaves into 3-4 pieces.
  2. Place everything in a bowl, add salt, pour over mayonnaise sauce, add soy-kabul, vinegar or lemon juice.
  3. Place the seasoned and mixed salad in a heap in a salad bowl.
  4. Place lettuce leaves in the center of the mound, and around it in an oval, decorate with boiled eggs, cut into quarters, slices of fresh cucumber and pieces of pickles.

You can decorate the salad with crayfish necks, pieces of crab, and tomato slices. This salad can be prepared from various game or poultry, meat, veal and other things.

3. “Stolichny” salad according to a restaurant recipe from the times of the USSR

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • poultry or game (ready) - 60 grams;
  • boiled potatoes - 60 grams;
  • fresh, salted or pickled cucumbers - 40 grams;
  • green salad - 10 grams;
  • cancerous cervixes - 10 grams;
  • boiled egg - 2 pieces;
  • “Yuzhny” sauce - 15 grams;
  • mayonnaise - 70 grams;
  • pickles - 10 grams;
  • olives - 10 pieces.

The Stolichny salad is prepared according to a restaurant recipe as follows:

  1. Cut boiled or fried game or poultry, boiled peeled potatoes, fresh, salted or pickled cucumbers, hard-boiled eggs into thin slices (2-2.5 centimeters), and chop green salad leaves.
  2. Mix all the chopped products, season with mayonnaise sauce, add “Yuzhny” sauce for taste.
  3. Place the mixed salad in a heap in a salad bowl and decorate with mugs or slices of hard-boiled eggs, pieces of pickles, lettuce, thin mugs of fresh cucumbers.

On the salad you can put beautifully sliced ​​game fillets, crayfish tails or pieces of canned crab and olives

4. Homemade Olivier salad


  • boiled potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • boiled carrots - 2 roots;
  • cucumbers - 2 pieces (any);
  • boiled chicken egg;
  • canned green peas - 1 jar;
  • ham (sausage, boiled meat, smoked chicken fillet) - 300 grams;
  • mayonnaise - 100 grams;
  • salt - to taste.

Prepare Olivier salad according to a home recipe like this:

  1. Boil vegetables and eggs, cool and peel
  2. Cut all ingredients into equal small cubes and place in one large container.
  3. Add green peas without broth, mayonnaise and mix everything carefully. All that remains is to place it in mini salad bowls or bowls, decorate the top with a sprig of fresh herbs and be sure to let it brew in a cool place so that all its ingredients are saturated with a bouquet of joint aroma.

As you can see, the Olivier salad in this case does not have onions, although your salad and you can afford onions. If you are afraid of its harsh taste, scald the chopped onion with boiling water.

Lucien Olivier (French Lucien Olivier) - 1838 - 1883 - a cook of French or Belgian origin who ran the Hermitage restaurant in Moscow in the early 1860s - the author of the legendary Olivier salad, who took with him the exact secret of its preparation.



This is interesting: