Chicken thighs fried in breadcrumbs. Boneless chicken thigh breaded with starch How to cook chicken thighs in breadcrumbs

Chicken thighs fried in breadcrumbs. Boneless chicken thigh breaded with starch How to cook chicken thighs in breadcrumbs

Chicken thigh is an ideal object for culinary imagination. Like the rest of the poultry carcass, it is also dietary product, which contains many vitamins and minerals beneficial to the human body. To do the process culinary processing as convenient as possible, this meat is sometimes removed from the bone. The result is very tender fillet The preparation of such a semi-finished product is usually characterized by both simplicity and variety. But in any case, this meat always remains juicy and very tasty.

Simple option

An experienced housewife knows that chicken thigh fillet is suitable for any processing option. It can be boiled, fried, stewed or baked in combination with any other products. What is the best way to cook chicken thigh fillet? Recipe in in this case can be considered the most simple option. To work, you will need very few products: 3 chicken thighs, removed from the bone, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of flour, spices (rosemary, marjoram and thyme), salt, a glass of breadcrumbs and freshly ground black pepper.

Once all the ingredients are assembled, you can start preparing the chicken thigh fillets. The recipe includes the following steps:

  1. Unroll each piece of meat along its entire length and form it into a cutlet. Using a sharp knife, you need to trim the tendons in several places so that the chops do not shrink and lose their shape when frying.
  2. Cover the meat and pound it lightly with a flat mallet.
  3. Rub the prepared pieces with spices, salt and sprinkle with pepper.
  4. Beat the egg with pepper and salt into a thick foam in a separate bowl.
  5. First roll each piece of meat in flour, then immerse it in the egg mixture, and then bread it in breadcrumbs.
  6. After this, fry the pieces in a frying pan in boiling oil for 6-7 minutes on each side.
  7. Place the finished chops on a napkin to remove excess fat.

After this, the breaded bread can be served in portioned plates along with a side dish of vegetables.

Technology to help

Modern housewives find it easier to handle meat in the kitchen. To do this, they have many technical innovations that take on all the most difficult work. With such devices it will not be difficult to prepare chicken thigh fillets. A microwave recipe, for example, allows you to cope with this task in a matter of minutes. True, it’s still better to keep the meat in the marinade for several hours beforehand. This will allow it to be more tender, juicy and aromatic. According to the recipe for the special filling, you will need the following ingredients: 1 tablespoon each of honey, lemon juice and mustard seeds, 2 cloves of garlic, a little salt, Provençal herbs and ground black pepper, a teaspoon of turmeric and vegetable oil.

The entire cooking process includes three stages:

  1. First you need to make the marinade. To do this, you need to mix all the ingredients, after chopping the garlic.
  2. After this, coat the washed and dried fillets with the prepared mixture and leave them in a cold place for 6-10 hours.
  3. Place the pieces in the fragrant filling on a plate, and then place it

Baking at maximum power will take only 10-12 minutes. Any vegetables or salad are suitable as a side dish for this dish.

Grilled meat

What other recipes suggest cooking chicken thigh fillet? Every caring housewife knows how to cook such meat deliciously. For example, it can be fried on a grill pan. To do this, you will need the following ingredients: boneless, salt, spices, pepper, dried ground garlic.

This method involves performing the following actions:

  1. First of all, you need to beat the meat with a flat hammer, after wrapping it in cling film. The thickness of each piece should be slightly more than 1 centimeter. This will allow the product to cook well and remain soft at the same time.
  2. In a separate bowl, dilute the salt with water, and then put the meat in this solution for 30 minutes.
  3. Sprinkle the pre-salted pieces with pepper and rub with garlic and seasonings.
  4. Coat the grill grate with vegetable oil and heat to 290 degrees.
  5. Carefully place the prepared pieces of meat on it and fry them for 3 minutes on each side. The dark stripes that will appear on their surface as a result will noticeably decorate the finished dish.

Such original pieces will look impressive on a plate along with herbs, sauce and almost any side dish.

Meat with gravy

So that a novice housewife can do the job correctly, she can be advised to use chicken thigh fillet recipes with photos. For example, from tender and juicy meat This will make an excellent goulash. To do this you will need the following set of ingredients: 0.6 kilograms of meat, 1 carrot, a little salt, 2 onions, 1 tablespoon each of flour and tomato paste, one and a half glasses of water, 50 grams of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, a couple of cloves of garlic, ground pepper and 2 bay leaves.

The preparation process should take place in stages:

  1. First, the meat needs to be cut into small pieces, and the remaining products should be chopped randomly.
  2. Lightly fry the fillet in boiling oil in a heated frying pan.
  3. Add chopped vegetables and mix everything well. Fry the products in this composition for another 5-6 minutes.
  4. After this, you need to reduce the heat, and put the remaining ingredients (flour, sour cream and pasta) into the frying pan. Let the meat simmer for another 5 minutes.
  5. Then fill the contents with water, add salt and leave the food in this position for another 20 minutes. And spices and bay leaves should be added only at the very end.

Suitable as a side dish for this dish boiled rice, potatoes or fresh vegetables.

Stuffed product

There are still quite interesting recipes dishes. Chicken thigh fillet can be stuffed very easily using the most different products. As a rule, this is cheese, vegetables, butter or all sorts of juicy herbs. A positive result will be guaranteed in any case. As an example, you can consider the option for which you will need: 1 kilogram chicken fillet thighs, salt, 3 cloves garlic, cheese, 1 pod bell pepper, 50 grams of vegetable oil and 3 tablespoons of sweet chili sauce.

The cooking method will be as follows:

  1. First, the meat must be marinated for 30 minutes in a sauce with salt, butter and garlic.
  2. Then each piece of fillet must be unwrapped and a little cheese and a few cloves of pepper placed in the middle.
  3. After this, the structure must be twisted into a roll and secured with a toothpick if necessary.
  4. Place the pieces on a baking sheet coated with oil and place them in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour.

This dish can be eaten without a side dish. The filling itself can quite cope with its role.

In many national cuisines for preparing original and delicious dishes Chicken thigh fillet is used. Oven recipes allow you to better reveal all the positive qualities of this meat. The beauty is that it is almost impossible to dry it out. In any case, it will always remain soft and tasty. This can best be seen in the example of a dish called “Meat in French”. For work you will need: thigh fillet, salt, seasonings, onion, ground pepper, fresh tomato, mayonnaise and cheese.

The technique for preparing this dish is very simple:

  1. First, the meat should be beaten a little, and then several punctures should be made on its surface. This will allow it to maintain its shape while frying.
  2. Place each piece on a baking sheet coated with oil, so that the skin is at the bottom.
  3. Next, the workpieces should be sprinkled with salt, seasonings and pepper.
  4. Then put onion, cut into half rings, and a slice of tomato on top.
  5. Finally, the structure should be coated with mayonnaise and sprinkled with grated cheese.

Baking must be done in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for about 35 minutes. The signal for the end of the process will be the moment when the cheese on the surface is completely melted and lightly baked.

I like chicken in breadcrumbs in the oven because of its ease of preparation. The chicken turns out to be simply delicious; when you see the golden crispy crust, you forget about it. proper nutrition, but you remember that you need everything in moderation. More rich taste Season the chicken with your favorite seasoning. I give my preference to seasonings that include coriander, ginger, nutmeg they add a delicious aroma to the dish.

Chicken thigh - 1 kg. Seasoning for chicken Breadcrumbs Garlic - 3-4 cloves Mayonnaise Salt


You can use any part of the chicken; in this recipe we use chicken thigh. Cut the thigh in half, add chicken seasoning, mayonnaise, finely chopped garlic, and a little salt.

Stir and marinate for 2-3 hours at room temperature.

Pour crackers into a plate.

Cover the baking sheet with foil, just the bottom is enough. Roll each piece of chicken in breadcrumbs on all sides and place on a baking sheet.

In fact, instead of thighs, you can use legs, it will also be very tasty. But it is much easier to sear flat thighs on all sides than sculpted drumsticks, so I chose them. And I just love hips more. First you need to wash them well and dry them with a paper towel, removing all the water to the last drop. Then trim off excess fat and skin and salt on both sides. For the batter, take three components. Pour flour and breadcrumbs into different large plates, break the egg into a deep bowl and beat well. It's okay if there is some unbeaten egg white left in it, it won't affect the cooking.
Now take the thigh and roll it in flour first. The flour should cover the chicken in a very thin layer, so any excess should be skimmed off. Make sure there are no “bare” spots anywhere.
Then dip the thigh in the egg.
And the last thing - in crackers. You can add a lot of crackers, but the extra ones won't stick. Now heat the frying pan, pour just a little vegetable oil, lay out the thighs, cover with a lid and reduce the heat.
Cook the thighs covered for about 20 minutes, then turn them over and add a little heat. Fry until golden brown.
Chicken thighs, fried in breadcrumbs can be served with various side dishes. I offer to your attention

What have I not cooked from thighs? It would seem that something new could be invented. But, if you are not lazy, you can please your family! Chicken especially gives us these opportunities, doesn't it?

What does it mean in Chinese? Nothing. I just found a recipe on the Internet, as always, changed it a little, and that’s it. What surprised you about the dish? Because I would never have thought of making such breading. Meanwhile, the taste is more than ordinary. But the dish itself is unusual. So I’m sharing. I can only say that it goes very well with vegetables. Not even with puree. After all, the chicken is fried...

Cooking time: 20 minutes, this is for one serving, and you add according to the number of eaters

Complexity: usual, but when it comes to hitting, you need to be more careful


    starch for breading

    vegetable oil for frying

    salt and sugar for soaking


And so, I soaked the chicken, adding a little salt and sugar to the water. I recently read that in this way at least a little of the nastiness that may be in it can come out of the meat.

By the way, about meat. It is not necessary to cook only the thigh in this way. I'll definitely try to fry everything. But I think there is no need to remove the bones from the wings. But let's take it out of the thigh. Carefully cut along the sides and remove this greasy skin.

To make the fillets cute, it is advisable to cut them into even pieces. What I was convinced of later, after frying. You can also leave the bone, as in the restaurant version. But I didn’t have guests, so I removed the bones and then beat the meat in plastic.

Beaten off - that's a loud word. I tapped it very lightly with a hammer, because the fillet turned out tender and thin. I lightly salted the pieces, added a drop of soy sauce, lemon juice - just a few drops. And left it to marinate while the pan was heating up. You can leave it for a couple of hours. But I didn’t dare.

The egg plays the same role here as in the case of ordinary chops. I didn't beat it too much.

Pour starch into the second bowl. It will be like breading. Is the pan hot? Pour in some oil, don’t be sorry, and dip the pieces in the egg.

Then dip them in starch. I regretted dipping it lightly. After all, for the first time, starch acts as a breading for me; I was afraid to overdo it. And then I realized that I could have dipped it more boldly.

In short, we put them in the oil one by one. By the way, I can imagine how delicious it would be with lard or butter... I fried it on both sides for several minutes until the pieces were browned. At the end I experimented - I cut it into even pieces, trimming the meat around the edges. But, as you know, from rearranging the terms... It’s delicious - and that says it all!

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