Lightly salted pink salmon in pieces. How to pickle pink salmon at home. Let's get to the fun part

Lightly salted pink salmon in pieces. How to pickle pink salmon at home. Let's get to the fun part

There are several types of red fish, each of which differs from the other in size, weight, taste and fat content, as well as consumer class. Salmon is a luxury product, and pink salmon is a more popular red fish, for which there are many recipes. It is suitable for general consumption. Resourceful cooks know how to cook ordinary pink salmon so that the most picky people do not have the slightest doubt that this is real fatty salmon.

How is pink salmon different from salmon?

Before we start preparing pink salmon to give it the taste of another fish, we will look at its features and the main differences with salmon. It all starts with the territorial distribution of fish. Pink salmon is caught in Pacific waters (and sometimes even in fresh river water or lakes), and salmon is caught from the Atlantic Ocean. Both fish belong to the same salmon family. Pink salmon are much smaller in size than salmon, and there are noticeable differences in their appearance. Male pink salmon have a hump that becomes larger and more visible during spawning, and both males and females may have dark spots on the caudal fin. Salmon is a fish without a hump and without spots; during spawning, the color of the males acquires a reddish-brown tint.

From a culinary point of view, salmon meat, compared to pink salmon meat, is fattier and denser; it is much more convenient to cut it into thin slices, such that it can be used in sandwiches, rolls and sushi, and in classic deli cuts. These two types of fish also differ in color - salmon has a more saturated red hue (when cooked it is pale pink), and pink salmon is pink-orange. If we consider fish fillets, pink salmon has a uniform color and does not have light-colored veins; salmon, on the contrary, has many veins that diverge in different directions. As for the juiciness and toughness of fish meat, pink salmon is a little drier in taste than salmon, and tougher, its meat is not juicy, so pink salmon is often used for salting or stewing, and salmon for baking or frying.

The caviar of salmon and pink salmon also differs. In salmon it is smaller and brighter, and the shell of the eggs is thin and delicate, in pink salmon it is a little larger, the color of the eggs is pale orange, and the shell is dense.

How not to spoil the taste of pink salmon by cooking it “for salmon”?

Firstly, strictly follow the method of salting pink salmon you have chosen, and do not make mistakes in the proportions. And, secondly, do not overexpose pink salmon in dry salt or brine - otherwise it will become tough.

How to choose fresh or frozen pink salmon for delicious pickling?

If you purchase fresh fish in order to salt it, first of all pay attention to its flesh, it should be very dense and have a uniform color (as we already said, pink salmon is pink-orange). There should not be any spots on it that are too bright or, conversely, pale. Even when fresh, it should look “appetizing.” You can check the freshness of the fish in the following way - press on it with your finger, the hole that remains from the pressure should immediately recover, you also need to look carefully at the fish tail - in no case should it be too dry (this is a sign that it has been stored fish for a long time). If the fish you like has a head, look into its eyes. They should not be even slightly cloudy or bloody - choose fish only with transparent eyes.

For salting, you can use not only fresh fish, but also frozen fish. It’s better to take the whole thing, with the head on. The gills of the fish should not have a dark greenish tint (this is a sign that this fish will soon begin to rot), the shape of the fish should be correct (if the fish is curved, it means it has been defrosted and frozen more than once), and all fins and tail should be intact ( otherwise, the fish could also be frozen more than once, which would affect both its taste and health benefits). If the fish is frozen and gutted, look at its belly - in high-quality pink salmon it is pinkish in color, if you notice that yellowness begins to appear on the abdomen, it is better not to take such fish.

A must-have for both fresh and frozen fish is the smell. It should not give off a “smell.”

How to salt pink salmon for salmon?

When choosing any of the recipes, it is important to know that pink salmon is not salted whole, but in pieces, otherwise the salting will turn out to be too strong, “strong”.

For salting, both the fish and the brine must be chilled, this is an important rule, otherwise the fish meat will begin to fall apart, and pink salmon will not taste like salmon at all.

Salting pink salmon in brine (photo)

Recipe 1, designed for 1 kg of frozen pink salmon:

  • Let the pink salmon defrost a little (not completely, because this will make it easier to clean the fish and cut it). You should defrost either at normal temperature - in the kitchen, or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator - it is cooler there than in the room, but much warmer than in the freezer.
  • We process the fish: cut off the head, remove the fins, get rid of the fish entrails, and thoroughly wash the belly.
  • Remove the skin from the fish and remove the bones.
  • We cut the fish into pieces that are convenient for salting them.
  • Take 1 liter of clean water (if the water is boiled, it should not be warm or hot, but completely cooled), dissolve 5 tbsp in it. spoons of salt.
  • Place fish pieces in salt brine for 20 minutes. Important: the longer the fish is in brine, the saltier it will be.
  • We take out the fish, place it on special paper towels or table napkins, and let the brine drain completely.
  • We transfer the fish into a glass or plastic bowl, pour it with vegetable oil, preferably refined (so that there is no smell of oil, and the fish smells only of fish). If you place the fish in several layers, pour oil over each layer (you just need to pour it in a thinner stream).
  • Place the fish under a press (a plate or saucer with a glass of water on top will do).
  • We wait 6 hours, and the pink salmon is ready.
  • You can add special seasonings and spices for fish to the brine, for example, parsley, red or black pepper, rosemary, fennel, and basil are often used.

    Pink salmon prepared in this way can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

    Recipe 2, with brine and freezing, for fresh fish

  • Dissolve in 1 liter of boiled water cold water 5 tbsp. spoons of salt and 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar, put in the refrigerator while we cut the fish.
  • We process the fish - get rid of the entrails, fins, skin, and wash it well.
  • This method is not suitable for small pieces, so we cut the pink salmon into two halves, each of which is cut in half (across).
  • Pour the pink salmon with brine in a short plastic container.
  • Place the fish in the freezer for 1 day.
  • We take the fish in brine out of the freezer and let it defrost completely.
  • Wash the fish with clean cold water and dry.
  • Cut into pieces and pour sunflower oil for 2–3 hours (you can do without this step).
  • Lightly salted pink salmon is ready.
  • This pink salmon can be stored for 6–7 days, always in the refrigerator.

    Recipe 3, the fastest, “in 5 minutes”

  • Cut pink salmon fillet into small pieces. If the fish is frozen, you should not defrost it completely, it will be more convenient to cut.
  • Prepare the most saturated saline solution so that a small potato (or a raw egg). The water should be boiled and cold.
  • Place the fish pieces in the solution for 7–8 minutes.
  • Drain the solution, rinse and dry the pink salmon.
  • Place in layers in a glass bowl, pouring oil over the layers.
  • Place the fish in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • Serve.
  • Keeps in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

    We salt fish using the “dry” method, without brine.

    Recipe 1, the simplest, with sugar:

  • Preparing the fish.
  • Mix in a separate bowl 1.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 3 tbsp. spoons of salt.
  • Place 1/2 of the resulting mixture in a bowl intended for salting our pink salmon.
  • Place pink salmon cut into pieces on top of sugar and salt.
  • Sprinkle the rest of the sugar mixture over the fish.
  • We leave the fish for 3 hours, do not cover it with anything, do not remove it anywhere.
  • We remove the fish “to dry” - blot it with dry paper towels, which will absorb all the excess salt that the pink salmon did not absorb.
  • As in previous recipes, put the fish in a plastic or glass bowl, with vegetable oil on top.
  • This method allows you to store salted pink salmon for up to 5 days in the refrigerator.

    Recipe 2, with lemon

  • We process the pink salmon and cut it into pieces.
  • Take 1 tbsp. spoon of salt, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar and a pinch of ground black pepper, mix everything.
  • Cut 2 lemons into slices, do not peel.
  • Rub each piece of fish with a mixture of sugar, salt and pepper.
  • Place fish and lemon in layers in a bowl in alternate layers.
  • Place the fish in the refrigerator under pressure for 9–10 hours.
  • We take pink salmon out of the refrigerator, remove the press, pour vegetable oil on it.
  • Let the fish brew for another 2-3 hours.
  • In the recipe for salting pink salmon with lemon, the step with sunflower oil cannot be neglected, since lemon contains acid, which removes excess fat in the fish and dries out the already not juicy pink salmon meat, so oil is an essential element of this method of salting pink salmon.

    Fish with lemon can be stored for a week.

    Recipe 3, in a plastic bag (1 option)

  • Rub prepared pink salmon (whole, with skin) with fine salt, 2 tbsp. spoons - on the sides, and 1 tbsp. spoon into the belly, grind the salt both outside and inside.
  • Wrap the fish in a plastic bag, then in newspaper, then in a towel.
  • Place in the coldest place of the refrigerator (at the back wall) for 1 day.
  • We take out the fish, peel it, remove the bones, and cut it into pieces.
  • Add vegetable oil and before serving - onion, cut into half rings.
  • You can store it for a week.

    If you know how to properly salt pink salmon at home, it can become an alternative to other red fish, which many people cannot afford nowadays. The fish has many advantages, but there is one significant drawback that needs to be eliminated - it is a bit dry. To get a real delicacy, it is important to choose the right method, to maintain the proportions of salt and water, then it will be difficult to distinguish the appetizer from salmon, which is considered the standard of taste.

    As a result, a treasured jar of appetizer will appear in the refrigerator, which can be served to guests without having to admit what kind of fish they eat or praise. The proposed recipes have long been tested in my family and received the highest rating.

    How to pickle pink salmon at home

    In most parts of the country it is impossible to find fresh red fish. Fishermen freeze it immediately upon catching. Professional quick freezing does not spoil the quality of pink salmon. But improper defrosting at home can negate the benefits and taste.

    • To properly defrost a carcass, place it on the refrigerator shelf or place it on the kitchen counter. Thawing should take place in natural conditions. Microwave oven and hot water, which speeds up the process, say a resounding “no.”
    • I advise you not to thaw the carcass completely; it’s easier to cut a slightly frozen carcass.
    • Remove the head, fins, entrails, and if you decide to fillet the fish, remove the backbone. As a rule, fish is salted in pieces, steaks, and thinly sliced ​​fillets. The thinner they are, the sooner you will receive the finished product.
    • To improve the taste of the snack, you can add spices. Pepper and its varieties are traditionally placed. You can add coriander, dill, mustard seeds, parsley, bay leaf.

    How much salt do you need

    The taste of the snack is made by correctly selected proportions. The ideal ratio is: 2 tablespoons of salt per kilogram of fish.

    If you decide to make lightly salted fish, halve the amount of salt. But keep in mind that over time, even the lightest salted fish becomes saltier.

    How to deliciously pickle whole pink salmon

    Ideally, chilled fish is taken, but if you “catch” frozen carcasses, there will not be a big problem. Be sure to read above how to properly return pink salmon to its natural state.

    1. Cut the carcass by removing the entrails, cutting out the fins, tail, and central ridge. Cut off the head. These parts will go to your ear. You don't have to remove the skin.
    2. Next, I advise you to divide the fish into pieces or fillets. I don’t see a single reason to salt pink salmon whole; you’ll waste time and the result won’t be better.
    3. Personally, I cut several steaks from the best part of the fish and bake them in the oven. And I salt the rest, because if you do it correctly, even a dry tail will turn out appetizing.

    Dry salting of pink salmon - quick recipe in pieces

    I recommend this method to beginning salters. It is simple, the result is always pleasing, the fish will be salted very quickly, after a day you can try it. I suggest salting large steaks.


    • Pink salmon – 1 kg.
    • Salt – 2 large spoons.
    • Granulated sugar - large spoon (full).
    • Allspice – 4 peas.
    • Bay leaves - a couple.
    • Crushed black pepper – 4 peas.

    How to salt:

    1. I recommend cutting the carcass into pieces; the whole fish will take longer to salt.
    2. Crush the peppercorns and tear the bay leaves into small pieces. Place in a bowl, add salt, sugar, and mix the contents.
    3. Pour into a bowl with fish steaks, stir thoroughly, distributing the spices evenly among the pieces.
    4. Press down with pressure, move it to a cool place (you can’t think of a better place than a refrigerator shelf).
    5. Be patient for exactly one day. Set aside the pieces that will be eaten immediately, hide the rest in a bag and place in the freezer.

    Salting pink salmon in brine - a quick recipe

    Another simple option quick salting fish that is preferred by fishermen. They do this in brine, a rich salt brine. Take the steaks, they will be ready very quickly, but the speed will increase if you fillet the pink salmon.

    Take for 1 liter of water:

    • Pepper, bay leaf.
    • Salt – 2 tablespoons.
    • Granulated sugar - spoon.
    • Steaks or fillets.


    1. Boil water, add spices, wait until sugar and salt are completely dissolved.
    2. Cool the brine and pour over the cut fish. You only have to wait 2 hours if you chose filleting. For pieces with bone, the cooking time increases to 4 hours.

    Home-salted pink salmon caviar – video recipe

    On another page of the site you will find several ways to quickly get your favorite fish. Here I give recipes quick salting, the author of the video claims that this is the best option.

    Lightly salted pink salmon in oil with lemon - a very tasty salting

    The appetizer will be lightly salted, tender, and good with vodka. Great option dry salting.


    • Fish - kilogram.
    • Salt – 2 tablespoons.
    • Granulated sugar - a small spoon.
    • Lemon.
    • Oil – 150 ml.

    Salting method:

    1. Divide the gutted fish into thin fillet pieces.
    2. Combine salt and sugar, mix. Pour over the fillet and mix thoroughly.
    3. Place the slices in layers into a jar, interspersed with slices of very thinly sliced ​​lemon.
    4. Fill with oil and refrigerate. After a day, start pleasing your darling.

    How to deliciously pickle pink salmon for salmon

    Having salted pink salmon at home “for salmon”, you will not regret that you chose more budget fish. Very tender, juicy, it will not yield to its dear “friend” in taste. When purchasing, try to find chilled fish; when frozen, pink salmon loses some of its benefits and taste. For speed, we will do it in brine, in small pieces.


    • Chilled carcass.
    • For 1.5 liters of water.
    • Salt – 5 tablespoons.
    • Bulb.
    • Lemon – 0.5 fruits.
    • Oil – 100 ml.
    • Dill, parsley.

    Salting salmon:

    1. Pour salt into the water, stir until completely dissolved. It is not necessary to boil the water.
    2. Place the pieces in the brine and hold for 10 minutes. Take it out, place it on a paper napkin, and wait for the pieces to dry.
    3. Transfer the blanks to a jar or container and fill with oil. Place in the refrigerator for 50-60 minutes.
    4. When serving, sprinkle with onion rings, herbs, and add a slice of lemon.
    5. It is important to observe the shelf life; if you eat the fish right away, store it with onions for no more than 3 days. For longer storage, place pink salmon in a jar, fill with oil, and cover tightly with a lid.

    Salting pink salmon with cognac - it can’t be faster

    Another interesting option salting fish for salmon, which will eliminate the main disadvantage of pink salmon - dryness. The slices will be one to one, strong, very tender.

    Required for 1 liter of water:

    • Sugar – 2 large spoons.
    • Black pepper – 5-6 peas.
    • Cognac - a tablespoon.
    • Salt – 5 large spoons.
    • Vegetable oil, ground pepper.
    • Whole fish carcass.


    1. Cut the carcass into medium-sized fillets, 1-2 bites.
    2. Boil water, add salt and sugar. Wait for them to dissolve, turn off and cool.
    3. Pour cognac into the chilled brine and pour into a bowl with the slices. Pause for 20 minutes.
    4. Drain the marinade and dry the pieces with napkins. Place the slices in a container in several layers, sprinkling with pepper and pouring oil.
    5. Hide in the cold for an hour, then take a sample - the fish will be ready.

    Quick recipe for lightly salted pickled pink salmon

    In 1.5-2 hours you will make a great snack, worthy festive table. It will turn out no worse than salmon.


    • Fish - kilogram.
    • Water – 0.5 liters + glass.
    • Oil – 50 ml.
    • Salt – 2 large spoons.
    • Bulb.
    • Pepper – 6 peas.
    • Laurel - a pair of leaves.
    • Vinegar 9% - tablespoon.

    Pickling technology:

    1. Cut the fillet into strips no thicker than a finger.
    2. Dissolve salt in water, pour pink salmon. Press down with pressure, leave at room temperature for 1.5-2 hours.
    3. After the specified time, drain the brine. Pour vinegar into a glass of water and pour into the fish.
    4. Marinate for 5-7 minutes, drain again.
    5. Cut the onion into half rings and add to the cut. Crush the peppercorns, break the bay leaves, and sprinkle the dish. Pour in the oils and mix well.
    6. Be patient for 15-20 minutes, then try and admire.

    How to quickly salt pink salmon at home with vodka

    Thanks to alcohol, the pieces will turn out dense and strong. The secret was told to me by fishermen who know a lot about cooking any fish.

    • Pink salmon - kilogram.
    • Salt - a tablespoon.
    • Vodka - the same amount.
    • Coriander - a pinch.
    • Sugar – 2 spoons.
    1. Pour spices into a bowl, stir, pour in alcohol.
    2. Rub the pieces, press down well with pressure. the fish will release juice that needs to be drained.
    3. Wait 2 days and start tasting. If there is any left, put it in a jar and pour oil on top. Keep the snack refrigerated.

    How to salt milk - a simple home recipe

    Many people can cook pink salmon caviar; the milk is usually thrown away. And they are no less tasty, but only if you take them from fresh fish.


    • Milk – 400 gr.
    • Salt - spoon (20 g).
    • Sugar - half a spoon (20 g).
    • Pepper, mustard seeds, dill.

    How to do:

    1. Rinse the milk, put it in a container, sprinkle with seasonings, salt and add sugar.
    2. Mix carefully so as not to damage.
    3. Place in the refrigerator for 2 days.

    Marinated pink salmon milk

    At home, milk is not only salted, but also pickled. To tell you the truth, I can’t decide which tastes better.

    • Milk – 400 gr.
    • Vinegar 3% - 150 ml.
    • Salt - a large spoon.
    • Bulb.
    • Ground pepper - a pinch.


    1. Place the milk in a bowl, add salt, pepper, and sprinkle with onion half rings. Mix thoroughly, distributing the spices.
    2. Pour in vinegar. Pay attention to its concentration; a weak solution is taken. Don't pour it all in at once.
    3. Place the milk on the refrigerator shelf. After 8-9 hours, try again. If you decide that there is not enough acid, add a little more.

    Video recipe for delicious salted pink salmon

    Pink salmon belongs to the salmon family and is a valuable commercial fish. Tender pink salmon meat can be boiled, salted, fried and proper preparation This fish tastes great. Particularly popular salted pink salmon. Salting pink salmon at home is quite simple. I offer a simple pickling recipe.


    For salting we need:
    pink salmon carcass;
    Bay leaf;
    black pepper.

    Cooking steps

    First you need to cut the fish. Cut off the head, tail and fins. Gut all the insides and rinse.

    Remove the backbone and large rib bones.

    Let's prepare a mixture for pickling pink salmon. For a medium carcass (1 - 1.5 kg), mix one and a half tablespoons of salt with one tablespoon of sugar. Add some black pepper to taste.

    Salt the two halves of pink salmon with the mixture. Place a bay leaf and wrap the pieces as shown in the photo. The bay leaf will add flavor to the pink salmon.

    Place the salted fish pieces in a bowl and cover with a lid. Leave the fish to cure for 24 hours. Cut into portions and you can serve.

    Salted pink salmon is perfect for making delicious sandwiches, delicious salads and many other dishes that, thanks to the taste of red fish, can become your signature recipes.

    Pink salmon is a fish from the salmon family, the meat of which has an excellent taste. The taste of pink salmon is better revealed when salted, so the question: how to salt pink salmon worries many housewives. The fact is that pink salmon meat is a little dry, especially after boiling or frying. But when salting, this drawback is not felt at all.

    How to prepare fish for salting

    To pickle pink salmon, you first need to select the fish itself. Fresh fish is checked not only by the appearance of the scales. The main feature is a “clean” look and pink-red gills. Frozen fish can be checked by certificate or after defrosting.

    The next step after selecting the fish is cleaning and cutting. If the fish is frozen, it will need to be defrosted. This stage should proceed smoothly. To preserve the taste, the temperature is lowered gradually.

    It is best to transfer the pink salmon from the freezer to the refrigerator the day before cooking, and leave it in the kitchen a couple of hours before salting. Never defrost it hastily under running hot water or in the microwave. This will “kill” the taste.

    Even if the question: how to salt pink salmon requires an immediate answer, do not resort to speedy methods, because this will affect the quality of the fish. It's better to cook something else. The fish is sold mostly gutted, so after defrosting you need to separate the head and tail.

    The head, tail and fins can be used to make a rich broth for soup. It will also make delicious cabbage soup!

    And cut the rest of the fish into pieces, approximately one or two fingers or a couple of centimeters wide. Thinner ones will salt out faster. But some people prefer solid pieces, even if they take a long time to cook. We have done half the work to get the recipe for pickling pink salmon.

    How to get a tasty snack

    There are many recipes for salting pink salmon at home. Each woman has her own signature secret, thanks to which the fish turns out to be much tastier than store-bought ones. How to achieve this? Add your favorite spices, observe the salting time - these are the main tips.

    Let's learn together how to pickle pink salmon at home deliciously. In order to please your loved ones with a variety of dishes from this fish, it is enough to know 4-5 recipes and cook them one by one.

    Do not use iodized salt to pickle pink salmon!

    An easy way to pickle


    • chopped fish;
    • salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons “without top”;
    • sah. sand - 1.5 tbsp. spoons “without top”;
    • olive oil - 2-3 tablespoons.

    This is the simplest and, at the same time, the most delicious way pickling pink salmon. If you are salting fish for the first time, we advise you to pay attention to the fact that the pieces are approximately the same thickness; there is no need to remove the skin. The fish is cut crosswise.

    This simple recipe is also suitable for those who are busy with work and don’t have time, or if you want to pamper your loved ones or guests with something delicious. Salt pink salmon a day before you plan to serve it. Better yet, a little more, then the fish will turn out more tender and tastier.

    First, prepare the dishes for pickling. Aluminum or metal will not work. You can take a tray made of food-grade plastic or ceramics. Another option is enamel cookware, but the enamel should not be damaged. Place the pieces in one layer and sprinkle with a thick layer of pre-mixed salt and sugar.

    Before putting it in the refrigerator, just let the pink salmon sit in the kitchen for a couple of hours. Then place a not very heavy weight on the fish and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

    Remove after 24 hours, wash with clean water, dry on a napkin and coat with oil and put in the refrigerator for a while. You can cook pink salmon in advance and store it in a little oil in the refrigerator. Place the pieces first in a glass jar. This method is called dry.

    Spicy with lime


    • fresh pink salmon - one kilogram;
    • lime - 1 piece;
    • salt - 1 tbsp. heaped spoon;
    • sugar - 1 heaped teaspoon;
    • ready - 2 tbsp. spoons.

    How to deliciously pickle pink salmon? Seasonings are very important. Everyone notes the harmony of flavors of fish and lime (or lemon). Let's try pickling according to this recipe. Also, as in the previous one, we will cut the pink salmon. Cut the lime into thin slices just before cooking.

    Lubricate the pink salmon with a thin layer of mustard and arrange in layers. Sprinkle a mixture of salt and sugar between the layers, and also place thin slices of lime. In a day, the delicious fish is ready. You can grease it with a little vegetable oil and leave it for another hour or two.

    Or you can serve it by washing off excess salt and sugar and drying it a little. You can cook fish without mustard, only with lime or. If desired, add some herbs or spices. For example, dill, which combines with citrus fruits, would be appropriate here.

    When experimenting, do not forget that you cannot add too much spices and pepper. Firstly, they may not be combined, and secondly, they may “overwhelm” the taste of pink salmon.

    How to salt pink salmon for salmon


    • fresh pink salmon - 1 kilogram;
    • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • 1 laurel sheet;
    • 1 tbsp. spoon lemon juice;
    • black peppercorns - 10-15 pieces;
    • olive oil - 2 tablespoons.

    In order to successfully salt pink salmon for salmon at home, several conditions must be met. The fish should be fresh, preferably fillets. The color of pink salmon should be uniform.

    Thinly slice the fillet to make the fish more tender. Place the slices in the container in which you will salt it. Squeeze a little lemon juice into it and mix everything well. Sprinkle salt, sugar, pepper and crushed bay leaf on top.

    Do not use too much bay leaf for salting any fish; it is good only in small doses.

    Place the dish with the fillet in the refrigerator for a day, after pressing it with a small weight. After a day, the fish can be greased with oil and served.

    Video recipe for salting pink salmon in brine

    Fresh fish is the key to success for anyone fish dish. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of having markets with fresh seafood nearby. Large hyper- and supermarkets and small shops come to the rescue. The former can offer us chilled fish, both whole and in steaks of various sizes, while small retail outlets mainly specialize in selling frozen products.

    Of course, it is ideal to use freshly caught pink salmon, but you have to be content with chilled or frozen specimens. In this case, chilled fish are undoubtedly preferable.

    How to determine freshness:

    • fish should smell raw fish, without a hint of rottenness or mustiness;
    • the skin of chilled fish should be shiny, without damage or dry spots;
    • frozen pink salmon should be covered with a minimum amount of ice;
    • the abdomen and fins should be light, without “rusty” yellow spots;
    • Those specimens whose fins are broken and clearly look dry can also be classified as stale.

    As for whether to take gutted pink salmon or not, decide for yourself. Of course, paying for giblets is not very advisable, but whole carcasses are less weathered in stores, and, moreover, can contain a bonus in the form of tasty and healthy caviar. Caviar is also salted. You can find out more details.

    Fish processing

    So, the fish is bought. First of all, it is defrosted. The ideal defrosting option is in the refrigerator. Place the fish on a plate and put it in the plus compartment of the refrigerator for a day. Do not under any circumstances attempt to place the carcass in the microwave. The fish will be spoiled for salting purposes, and boiled pink salmon awaits you for dinner.

    Transparent scales are removed from thawed pink salmon with a sharp knife or a special tool. The carcass is rinsed. The head, fins and tail are cut off. At the final stage, the fish is thoroughly washed again and left to flow around the grill.

    If the recipe requires the use of fish fillet, then the bones are removed from the pink salmon and the skin is removed. You can learn all the intricacies of this process by watching a video from Alex Raigorodsky

    Options for salting pink salmon

    Dry method

    Pink salmon freed from bones (no need to remove the skin) is cut into strips 3-4 centimeters wide.

    In a separate plate, prepare a salting mixture of 1.5 tablespoons of coarse salt, 1.5 teaspoons of sugar and chopped bay leaves. If desired, add a few black peppercorns. There is no need to crush it.

    The spicy mixture is poured over the pieces of fish and mixed so that all the slices are evenly covered with it. The bottom of the container or plate is generously greased with vegetable oil (it must be refined). The pieces are placed skin side up quite tightly. If all the fish does not fit in one layer, it is placed in the second layer, greasing the pieces of the first layer with oil.

    Cover the bowl with a lid, keep it on the kitchen table for 2-3 hours, and then put it in the refrigerator. After 24 hours, red fish can be served.

    You can find another method of dry salting in.

    The “Delicious Cooking” channel offers a video version of a recipe for salting fillets with skin

    In brine

    You can salt pink salmon in brine using a deep enamel or plastic bowl, but the best option is a glass jar.

    First of all, cook the pickling base. To do this, boil spices in a liter of water for 5 minutes: salt (3 tablespoons), sugar (1 tablespoon), bay leaf and 5-6 grains of black pepper. The boiled liquid is cooled.

    The fish is gutted, skinned and filleted. The width of the pieces is 3-4 centimeters. Pieces of pink salmon are placed in a plate or jar of a suitable size without compacting them. The fish is poured with saline solution on top and left at room temperature for a couple of hours. Then the container with fish is put into the main compartment of the refrigerator for three days.

    You can read about salting fish in parchment paper with dill.

    Spicy pink salmon in marinade

    This recipe differs from the previous one in the large number of spices. In addition to the main products, add 1/3 teaspoon of coriander grains, the same amount of cumin and sweet paprika flakes if desired. The amount of sugar, salt and water does not change.

    Quick way “Salmon”

    Making pink salmon into something like an expensive fish is quite simple. First, prepare the so-called brine - a very concentrated saline solution. To do this, dilute 5 tablespoons of coarse rock salt in a liter of cold water. Some people recommend using sea salt, but, in our opinion, this ingredient is completely unsuitable for salting fish.

    You can check the salt concentration in water using potatoes. A potato the size of egg peeled and dipped in brine. If the root crop stays on the surface without sinking to the bottom, everything is fine!

    Freed from bones and skin, pink salmon is cut into 2-3 centimeter slices. After the grains of salt have completely dissolved, add the fish. Usually there is enough water for the pieces to float freely in the brine. There is no need to put additional weight on top; pink salmon is already well salted. Exposure time 40-50 minutes. Don’t worry, this time is enough for the pink salmon to eventually “turn” into wonderful lightly salted salmon.

    The salted pieces are removed from the solution and lightly dipped with a paper towel. Pour 2-3 tablespoons into the bottom of the container vegetable oil odorless, fish slices are placed tightly on top. Pour another 2-3 tablespoons of oil on top of the pink salmon, and, if necessary, lay out a second layer. The top of the fillet must be seasoned with oil.

    After 5-6 hours, the fish will be completely ready for consumption, and it is unlikely that anyone will distinguish it from expensive salmon.

    In a jar of oil

    This is another salting option that will make dry fish fatty and juicy. It involves the use of an oily saline solution.

    So, the fish is cut into small boneless pieces as usual. The skin here will also be superfluous. A large juicy onion is peeled and cut into half rings.

    Combine 1.5 tablespoons of salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar in a plate. A large bay leaf is broken into several pieces. The fish is thoroughly coated in this mixture. Next, take a clean liter jar and begin collecting layers. A little oil (necessarily refined) is poured onto the bottom, a layer of fish and onions are placed. Oil is poured again, and all steps are repeated until the main products run out. The top layer is oil. Seal the jar and put it in the refrigerator for 2 days.

    With lemon

    Use the previous recipe for the base, only replace the onion with a large lemon. The final layer in the jar is citrus.

    Important note: it is necessary to ensure that the pink salmon with lemon slices is completely covered with oil. After just 24 hours, a sample is taken from the fish!


    This method is the least time-consuming, as it allows you to do without first filleting pink salmon. The fish is simply cleaned, the skin and the inside of the belly are thoroughly washed. After cutting off the head, the carcass is cut into pieces 4-5 centimeters wide. Each slice is generously rubbed with a sugar-salt mixture. The amount of salt and sugar is 2:1. That is, for two tablespoons of coarse salt, take a tablespoon of granulated sugar. The fish is sprinkled with chopped bay leaves (2 pieces) and peppercorns (4-5 pieces) on top.

    Place the pieces in a container of a suitable size in one layer, quite tightly to each other. In this form, the pink salmon is sent to the plus section of the refrigerator. After 12 hours, the pieces are turned over and left for another 12 hours. Ready lightly salted pink salmon is served with fresh lemon slices and parsley sprigs.

    The “Know and Be Able” channel offers you a recipe for salting uncut pieces of fish in brine with dill

    How to store lightly salted fish

    A prerequisite is coolness, so you can’t do without a refrigerator. If pink salmon has been salted in brine, then after 3 days it is best to transfer the pieces to a container and cover with oil. Oil, as a natural preservative, prevents food from spoiling. The maximum shelf life is 7 days, but usually delicious fish home salting eaten much faster.



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