Mamalyga made from millet cereals. Millet paste Corn paste recipe

Mamalyga made from millet cereals. Millet paste Corn paste recipe

Being in Moscow for a long time, sometimes moments of nostalgia for Nalchik arise, this is especially evident at this time of year, when it is cloudy outside, it is raining and there is nothing to say that it will become warmer. My hometown seems like a southern paradise, and I want to rush there quickly to catch the last warm days of the hot Indian summer, walk around the Atazhukinsky garden not in boots, but in flip-flops, swim in a clean river and eat khychin and kebabs in a cafe with a view of the mountains, which opens from anywhere in the city and from the window of your home.

But recently I learned that in the capital there is a place where the atmosphere of the native republic is recreated, any guests are welcome (especially from Kabardino-Balkaria) and, importantly, you can try dishes of your favorite Kabardian cuisine: lukaklibzhe, lyagur gazha with pasta, dzedlibzhe and lakums. The Akbash restaurant turned out to be such a corner of Kabardino-Balkaria in Moscow.

Visitors to the cafe are greeted at the entrance by a dancing couple in traditional attire. Previously, only Circassians of the upper classes could afford to wear white Circassian coats, so I will assume that this is a princely couple.

The entrance to the bar is made in an authentic, cowboy style, like the entrance to a saloon from the Wild West, but this does not spoil the picture at all. Despite the fact that previously a flimsy translucent gate most often led into the Adyghe courtyard, this improvement is, on the contrary, a plus, considering that there were no bars before :)

Above the comfortable sofas you can see bushes of grapes. Grapevines can be found in Kabarda not only in courtyards, but also on the balconies of five-story buildings in Nalchik and other regional centers. I remember we also had grapes growing behind our balcony, I even tried to make wine from them, and it worked)

Quite a cozy place. I was pleased with the ceiling, which depicts a sky with clouds, which visually adds space and brightens the bar room.

The Adyghe flag is embroidered on the pillow.

On the walls there are coins depicting dancing horsemen and scenes of folk festivals.

The eagle seems to be waiting in the wings to attack the chicken brought to the visitor.

We looked around a little, now let's start preparing the delicacies. This is a very simple dish, similar to pies, but without filling. Circassian celebrations (weddings, births of children, etc.), days of mourning and Muslim holidays are not complete without them. However, if desired, any mother will make lakums, no matter what day on the calendar.

Dilute the yeast in water.

Pour milk there.


Add salt and sugar.

Some eggs.

A little sunflower oil.

Well, the main ingredient is flour.

First add a little, stir...

Then again...

And add until you get a dough.

Now the hands come into play.

Leave the dough for several hours to rise.

Time has passed, the dough for lakoum is ready, you can heat the frying pan with sunflower oil.

Roll out the dough on the table.

Let's make these rectangles.

And deep fry it.

Five minutes and you're done.

Next up is djedlibzhe - chicken with sauce. First, prepare the chicken: cook it while the sauce is preparing.

Cut off excess parts from the chicken carcass.

And put it in boiling water.

Add salt.

Finely chopped onion is lightly fried in vegetable oil.

Then add salt and flour to it.

And some broth from the pan in which the chicken was cooked.


The chicken is already cooked, take it out and cut it into pieces.

At this time, add sour cream (preferably homemade) to the sauce, but you can also use heavy cream.

Stir and cover with a lid. In a few minutes, Shyps (Kabardian sauce) will be ready.

Add chicken to the sauce and now everything is ready.

On the plate and to the table! You will lick your fingers :) It is advisable to eat the sauce with pasta. I will tell you what Kabardian pasta is further.

Now I will show you how to make a dish called litsuklibje. This is finely chopped meat with sauce.

Cut the lamb meat into small pieces.

The dish consists of these ingredients. In general, ease of preparation and a minimum of products needed to prepare dishes is a feature of Adyghe cuisine, which is its advantage. You can cook any Kabardian dish no matter how far you are from home.

Pour oil into the cauldron...

And throw in the chopped lamb.

After it has fried a little, add water...

After some time, coarsely chopped onion.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Cover with a lid and wait until fully cooked.

The dish is ready, you can safely try it) Preferably with pasta.

And now let's talk about the second bread of the Circassians, although why about the second, about the first! Pasta is made from millet, and is a hard-cooked, lean, frozen porridge, with which all salty dishes of Adyghe cuisine are eaten. Millet, or millet, is even mentioned in the Nart epic, in the episode when the evil monster Emynezh stole millet from the Narts, given by the god of fertility Thagolej. By the way, the fact of robbery can be seen in the cartoon "Son of Stone".

The millet is first washed under water.

Then the millet is placed in boiling water and stirred from time to time so that there are no lumps.

When the millet has boiled sufficiently, add a little semolina to it.

Wait a little more, stir and remove from heat.

Place the mixture in a deep bowl.

Spread butter on top to prevent a rough crust from forming. In an hour the pasta will be ready.

The last dish in our story today is lyagur gazha, which translated from Kabardian means fried dried meat.
For this dish we use lamb loin, but I will add that dried meat can also be prepared from beef.

We prepare the meat this way, then it will be cut into strips.

Pepper and salt.

Millet made from millet has medicinal properties. It contains fats, large amounts of carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements.
Millet has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect and is used in the treatment of dropsy.
It helps strengthen broken and damaged bones and connect soft tissues, as well as heal wounds.
Millet gives strength, strengthens the muscular system, and treats liver diseases.

The ability of millet to remove residual antibiotics and their decomposition products from the body has been revealed (so, when taking antibiotics, it is recommended to eat millet porridge daily) and reduce the growth of tumors.
Millet porridge and kulesh are used for anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and nervous system.

If you are on a half-starvation diet and really want to eat, take half a glass of millet, rinse it, fill it with a glass of water in a jar and vigorously mash the grains with a spoon. The water will become white like milk. This “milk” perfectly reduces the feeling of hunger. You will lose 2 kg in a week.

Loose millet porridge is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes and liver diseases.
By the way, it does not make you fat - millet not only does not turn into fat, but even removes it from the body.

Rinse a glass of millet, dry it and grind it in a coffee grinder. Take half a teaspoon with warm milk 3 times a day before meals.
The course is a week, a break is two weeks, and repeat the course again.
You can take a tablespoon with a tablespoon of milk in the morning on an empty stomach. The course is a month.

Heat the millet over high heat, but so that it does not change its color. Rinse 1/3 cup of millet, add 2/3 cup of water and cook the porridge over low heat. You can add salt and sweeten it. Take daily.

In the morning on an empty stomach, after chewing well, eat a teaspoon of washed raw millet. It normalizes any pressure, be it high or low.

Sort three tablespoons of millet, rinse, crush in a mortar, dry and eat a day without drinking. This remedy is good for hypertension.

Rinse a tablespoon of millet, add a glass of water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Leave for two hours. Strain the resulting decoction and rinse your eyes 5-6 times a day. For young children, rinse their eyes before and after bedtime. Prepare the broth fresh every day. Keep clean.

If your eyes are watery, use this recipe:
Rinse 1 tablespoon of millet, pour half a liter of boiling water, cook for 5-7 minutes. Drain the broth, cool and rinse your eyes with it half an hour before bedtime. Before going to bed, place a tampon soaked in this warm broth on your eyelids for 5 minutes. You will sleep well, and after 7-14 days your eyes will stop watering. Prepare the decoction daily.

Rinse 1/2 cup of millet, pour into a liter jar, pour a glass of cold boiled water and rub for a long time with your hands or a spoon until the water turns white and foams. Drink in one go. Do this 4-5 times a day. Course - 2 weeks. When everything returns to normal, you can drink not 4-5 times a day, but once a day, but complete the course completely.

Millet can be used to make an ointment that is very effective for thrombophlebitis.
Take 200 g of laundry soap, old lard, good millet, and onions.
Grind everything and dilute with boiled water to the consistency of an ointment, leave for 24 hours. Apply the resulting ointment to the blood clot for 10 days, then take a 10-day break. Do at least 3 courses. Place the mixture on a linen cloth, place it on the sore spot, put cellophane on top and tie it with a woolen cloth. Do this at night.

From WART will help get rid of pollen from unwashed millet. Place the millet in a plastic bag and bathe the hand with warts in it for 1-2 minutes, so that the pollen covers the warts. Do this 2-3 times a day for a week.

To prevent STROKE:
Wash the millet in three waters. Pour boiling water for 2 minutes, then drain the water. Place the millet cereal in a saucepan and fill it with two parts water. Cook until done. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add peeled and chopped apples, raisins, dried apricots and any dried fruits you have to the porridge, stir.
There is NO NEED to add sugar, butter and milk to the porridge.

After the postponed Botkin's disease, at HEPATITIS It is useful to eat porridge, kulesh and cabbage rolls with millet. Pre-heat the millet in the oven for 30-40 minutes over very low heat, stirring occasionally.

There was a special UNESCO research program, the result of which was the conclusion that Adyghe paste (mamalyga) is the most useful product in the world.
Millet is potassium in its pure form, especially since the paste is prepared absolutely without salt and is very beneficial for the functioning of the heart. Also, UN researchers considered hominy to be one of the factors of longevity. You can safely eat pasta with any fatty food, as it neutralizes fats and converts “bad” cholesterol into “good” cholesterol.

Sent maarbolet , for which I thank her very much.
Unfortunately, I never found the ORIGINAL source - so many sites reprinted this information this way and that... There is no panacea for all diseases, so millet, but other remedies also sometimes help.
Health to everyone!

Cut the chicken into pieces and rub them with paprika. Heat a non-stick frying pan and fry the bird on both sides until slightly golden brown. You don’t need to pour any oil, just lightly grease the pan with a mixture of vegetable and butter (melted) oil. The bird does not need to be salted before frying, otherwise it will release juices. Once the chicken pieces are browned on both sides, cover the pan and continue cooking over medium heat for 5 to 7 minutes. Remove the browned chicken pieces from the pan and set them aside in a bowl.

Now prepare shchips - this is the Adyghe name for the national sauce, the main component of this dish. Add chopped onion to the same pan and fry it in the rendered chicken fat for 2-3 minutes. If there is not enough fat, add oil. Add paprika and flour, gradually mixing them into the contents of the pan, avoiding the formation of lumps. Cook for 2 minutes.

Stir sour cream into the broth, add salt and pour the mixture into the frying pan with fried flour, stir gently. The sauce should be smooth, a beautiful dark cream color and the consistency of thick cream.

Return the chicken pieces to the pan with the sauce. They should be 3/4 covered. If there is not enough sauce, add more broth with sour cream. Stir. Simmer the chicken in the sauce for 10-20 minutes, until golden oil spots appear on the surface of the sauce - this is the melting of the oil from the sour cream. Sprinkle with thyme, remove from heat, and let sit covered for 5-6 minutes.

For “pasta” (hard-cooked porridge), rinse millet or corn grits thoroughly and add to boiling water (water to grain ratio 4:1). Stir and cook over low heat. The cereal should boil and the moisture should evaporate. At the end of cooking, add semolina or corn flour in a thin stream. Increase the heat and cook, stirring with a wooden spatula, until the paste sticks to the sides of the pan and until the liquid has completely evaporated. Don't add salt! Place the pasta in a shallow dish, shaping it using a wooden spatula dipped in water. Cut the slightly cooled pasta into slices, like bread. Serve the Gedlibze in bowls: the chicken pieces from the main course with chunks of pasta, generously doused with the thick sauce. The paste is dipped into tongs and eaten hot.

  1. Millet (about 125 grams) - 1 cup.
  2. Water (proportion to millet 1:3) - 3 cups.
  3. Semolina (about 35 grams) - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook

Recipe from the magazine "Happy and Beautiful". Option for pasta with semolina, with step-by-step photographs. Ingredients (excluding water): Rinse the millet: Boil water in a saucepan and add millet to it: Cook over medium heat, stirring for about 10 minutes. When the cereal has absorbed all the water, add semolina.: Reduce heat and stir the paste for 2-3 minutes until cooked (the paste should come away from the walls of the pan). It turns out to be a sort of heavy mass: Place in a dish: Add butter to taste (I don’t add it). Nutritionist's comment: "This is a very healthy dietary dish that will improve the functioning of the heart. There is not a gram of salt in the pasta, and even the fattest meat eaten with it will be quickly absorbed." On a personal note, I would like to say that this pasta goes not only with meat, but also goes very well with salad. Delicious both hot and cold. Bon appetit!

Step-by-step recipe for Kabardian “pasta” with chicken with photo.
  • National cuisine: Caucasian kitchen
  • Type of dish: Second courses
  • Recipe difficulty: Simple recipe
  • Cooking technology: Cooking
  • Preparation time: 15 min
  • Cooking time: 45 min
  • Number of servings: 3 servings
  • Calorie Amount: 238 kilocalories
  • Occasion: Lunch

Kabardian or Caucasian pasta with chicken. This pasta has nothing in common with the Italian pasta that everyone is familiar with. The common pronunciation is "pasta". In essence, Caucasian pasta is a cool millet porridge, somewhat similar to hominy.

This pasta is served as a cold side dish with poultry in a creamy sauce, or with smoked meat. In the Caucasus, pasta is also served as bread with smoked cheese.

Ingredients for 3 servings

  • Water 600 ml
  • Millet groats 200 g
  • Chicken breast 300 g
  • Onions 2 pcs.
  • Corn flour 1 tbsp. l.
  • Ground sweet paprika 10 g
  • Salt with herbs 20 g
  • Garlic 1 head

Step by step

  1. To prepare the “paste” we will need; millet, water, corn flour and salt. For cooking meat; onion, garlic, meat, sour cream, water, salt, paprika.
  2. Rinse the millet well with cold water. Add water and set to cook.
  3. When the water boils, add corn flour and salt, then cook, stirring continuously, when the porridge begins to come away from the walls it is ready. The porridge should turn out very “cool”.
  4. Grease the mold with oil and place the hot porridge. We compact it well. Cool at room temperature.
  5. Peel the onion and garlic. Cut the onion into half rings.
  6. Cut the chicken into small cubes. I used chicken breast, but you can use any part of the chicken.
  7. Fry the onion and garlic with spices and a small amount of vegetable oil.
  8. Then add chopped chicken fillet. Simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  9. Then add water and cook with the lid closed.
  10. 5 minutes before the meat is ready, add sour cream or cream and let it boil. If the sauce seems runny, you can add a little flour.
  11. Remove the paste from the mold, then cut it with a knife moistened with water. Cold pasta cuts better.
  12. Serve the pasta along with the chicken.



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