Semolina: benefits and harm. Calorie content of semolina porridge Semolina composition per 100 grams

Semolina: benefits and harm. Calorie content of semolina porridge Semolina composition per 100 grams

Nutritional value and chemical composition semolina

Depending on the type of wheat used, it is divided into three brands:

  • From soft wheat– M.
  • From soft wheat with an admixture of 20% durum - MT.
  • From durum wheat - T.

Semolina contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and phosphorus, as well as starch and proteins. It cooks quickly, so all the beneficial substances contained in the cereal are preserved.

100g of semolina contains:

  • Water – 14.
  • Proteins – 11.3.
  • Fats – 0.7.
  • Carbohydrates – 73.3.
  • Kcal – 326.

Beneficial properties of semolina and porridges prepared from it, as well as contraindications

  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and after operations on the intestines and stomach. It is the only one absorbed in the lower intestine, cleanses the body of mucus and removes fat.
  • Semolina has nutritional value, high calorie content and digestibility.
  • The cereal is enriched with gluten, a protein called gluten, which some people cannot tolerate. Gluten intolerance is a hereditary disease called celiac disease. Gluten can cause allergies, manifested by stool disorders.
  • Phytin and glyodine contained in semolina bind calcium salts and prevent them from entering the blood. It is therefore not recommended to give young children their first complementary foods in the form of semolina porridge, since frequent feeding of semolina porridge can lead to spasmophilia and rickets.
  • Semolina porridge is a high-calorie product in itself, so those who are watching their figure must remember that this delicacy may add weight, especially since it is prepared with milk with the addition of butter, jam and condensed milk.
  • Porridge is useful for a weakened body suffering from chronic fatigue, as well as for people with kidney failure.
  • It is better not to feed children semolina porridge before school, and in the future they should not get carried away with it, so as not to harm their health.

Semolina porridge on water

Semolina porridge with water is a dietary product that contains 70% starch, proteins, minerals and vitamins. There is little fiber in porridge, so it is recommended for chronic kidney failure, after surgery and for exhaustion.

This porridge is not recommended for small children. Mucopolysaccharide - glyodine, contained in the shell of cereals, causes necrosis of the intestinal villi that absorb nutrients. When used, iron absorption deteriorates. Therefore, preschool children are not recommended to include semolina porridge on the water.

100g of semolina porridge with water contains:

  • Proteins – 2.5.
  • Fats – 0.2.
  • Carbohydrates – 16.8.
  • Kcal – 80.

Cooking semolina porridge in water. At a temperature of 90 degrees, semolina swells and boils within 30 seconds. When brewing porridge, you need to pour it into hot water and stir evenly. Add salt and sugar to taste, remove from heat and let steep. Porridge is served with jam, butter, fruits.

Semolina porridge with milk

Cooked semolina porridge with milk is a nutritious and dietary product for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, kidney failure, it is useful for a depleted body. The porridge cooks quickly, so all the vitamins, microelements and proteins contained in the cereal are preserved. Semolina porridge with milk is not a product for daily consumption. When properly included in the diet, it will bring benefits and health.

100g of semolina porridge with milk contains:

  • Proteins – 3.
  • Fats – 3.2.
  • Carbohydrates – 15.3.
  • Kcal – 98.

Cooking semolina porridge with milk. For getting delicious porridge the proportion must be observed: 0.75 cups of semolina and 500 ml of milk. Bring the milk to a boil and gradually add the semolina, stirring all the time. Boil for 2 minutes, then remove from heat and let sit for 15 minutes. After this, add butter, raisins and dried fruits.

Semolina is used to prepare not only porridges, but also soups and salads (catalyst). Wonderful casseroles, puddings, cakes, dumplings, etc. are prepared from it. National semolina dumplings are also prepared from semolina. Ready porridge can be flavored with cinnamon, honey, vanilla and not deprive the pleasure of pampering delicious food yourself and your household.

Watch the video below to prepare semolina porridge with milk:

We traditionally eat semolina, without even thinking about what it is made from. In previous articles, we found out whether children can eat semolina and what harmful properties hidden in it for adults. It's time to look inside the wheat grain and find out what semolina is and what its chemical composition is.

What is semolina (semolina)

Semolina is a product of grinding, long-term processing of wheat grains, and in its composition it is similar to wheat flour. During processing, dietary fiber disappears, so semolina contains virtually no fiber. But free sugars are present in excess, which increase the glycemic index and cause the release of insulin. Therefore, semolina should be consumed in moderation.

Video: how to make semolina

Composition of semolina (semolina) in tables

It is believed that semolina is pure carbohydrates, and it contains small amounts of beneficial substances. Here are tables that allow you to compare the composition of semolina with other cereals and draw conclusions about its nutritional value.


Dietary properties:

Semolina is one of the most common and popular cereals. Who among us has not heard of semolina porridge or soup? And she's interested in energy value primarily those who are struggling with extra pounds or are simply accustomed to monitoring their weight and counting calories in food products.

So, let's look at a few simple questions: what calorie content does semolina have, what are the benefits of semolina and does it have any dietary properties. After all, there are rumors that semolina is part of a very effective diets for weight loss. So, let's start with the benefits of semolina.

Semolina (or, as we used to call it, semolina) is Wheat groats coarse grind. The average sizes of its particles range from 0.25 to 0.75 mm in diameter. It is used in the preparation of a large number of different dishes, in particular - semolina porridge and semolina dumplings. It boils well, is easily digestible, and contains very little fiber (0.2%). Liquid semolina porridges are included in individual species diets prescribed for diseases of the digestive canal and during the recovery period after operations on the stomach and intestines.

Semolina is the only type of cereal that can be digested by the lower intestine and only there is it absorbed by its hairs. It gives the body a boost of strength. Semolina is used as a remedy for intestinal diseases; it cleanses the body of mucus.

With a low fiber content, semolina is, at the same time, rich in vegetable protein and starch. But the content of vitamins and minerals in this type of cereal is significantly less than in other cereals.

Semolina contains protein substances, starch, B vitamins, vitamin E, mineral components, such as potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. This composition largely determines beneficial features, which semolina possesses.

Semolina has a high gluten content. This protein is also known as gluten. Many people are intolerant to gluten and it causes celiac disease, a severe hereditary disease that affects approximately one in 800 Europeans. In addition, some of the people are allergic to gluten.

It is believed that semolina makes people more beautiful and removes fat and mucus from their bodies. Porridge is rich in starch and vegetable protein. Semolina contains significantly less minerals and vitamins than any other cereal.

But this miraculous porridge is not useful for everyone. For example, it should not be consumed by people intolerant of the protein gluten (also called gluten), for whom semolina contains large quantities. It is also a well-known fact that cereal leaches calcium from the body. Semolina contains phytin, which, in turn, due to the phosphorus it contains, prevents calcium salts from entering the blood. Other cereals also tend to bind calcium, but not to the same extent. Children who consume several servings of semolina per day are at risk of developing rickets or spasmophilia.

You shouldn’t make semolina the basis of a child’s diet, but this cereal is ideal for adults and especially older people.

Most often, porridge is made from semolina. Manniki (pies containing semolina) and semolina dumplings are also quite popular.

How many calories are in semolina?

Here's how much:

The calorie content of semolina, per 100 grams, is:

328 kcal.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) in gr. per 100 grams:

Proteins - 10.3

Fats – 1.0

Carbohydrates – 73.3

But a little clarification is needed here. Dry cereal has this calorie content. But the energy value of porridge prepared from it will be several times lower (of course, in the absence of other high-calorie additives). There are hardly any lovers of raw cereals among us.

What is the calorie content of cooked semolina? different ways? And here it is:

Calorie table for semolina, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of semolina prepared in different ways is as follows:

Table of nutritional value of semolina (BJU), per 100 grams of product:

Effective diet for weight loss:

Is it possible to lose weight with this cereal? Yes, you can. After all, the calorie content of semolina porridge cooked in water is only 80 kcal per 100 grams. These properties of semolina porridge are used in weight loss diets. Maybe this diet will help you too, if, of course, you love this product and your body tolerates it well.

And the simplest diet is that you just need to eat semolina porridge for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Moreover, for breakfast, you can add some fruit to the menu, and for lunch you can treat yourself to a small amount of dried fruit. Only fruits, preferably not very sweet ones. And so for 7 days... But, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice. It is recommended to use such a diet for weight loss no more than once a month.

Well, what can you cook from semolina at home, just like that, without a diet? Yes, a lot! Here is one of the recipes:

Semolina porridge with carrot juice:


  • Semolina porridge
  • Eggs (egg yolks) - 1 piece
  • Cream – 50 gr.
  • Carrot juice – 20 gr.

First you need to cook thick semolina porridge in milk. This is the basis of our dish. For each serving of hot porridge, take one egg yolk, 50 gr. cream, 20 gr. carrot juice. Add these products to the porridge, stirring quickly. Mix it all well and bring the porridge to a boil. That's all! Eat for your health, and the relatively low calorie content of semolina, or rather semolina porridge, will not spoil your figure.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Semolina porridge cooked on is the traditional breakfast of several generations of our compatriots. Unconditional love or categorical dislike for the dish was most likely based on the skill of those who prepared the porridge - with or without lumps. One way or another, many families had semolina porridge for breakfast (calorizator). is a specially ground wheat, both durum and soft varieties. Semolina porridge with milk is prepared liquid, medium or thick, depending on consumer preferences, so the average calorie content of the product is taken.

Calorie content of semolina porridge with milk

The calorie content of semolina porridge with milk is 98 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Semolina porridge with milk contains simple carbohydrates, which provide quick satiety and a burst of energy that does not last long. Semolina porridge is absorbed almost completely, does not injure the walls of the stomach, as it contains a minimal amount of fiber - about 2%, so the product is recommended for use by people who have suffered serious illnesses and complex operations during the recovery period. Semolina porridge with milk contains a poor vitamin-mineral complex; the product contains: vitamins, as well as,. Milk has the ability to reduce the glycemic level of semolina porridge, so the GI of semolina porridge with milk is lower than that cooked with water.

Harm of semolina porridge with milk

The product is not recommended for use by persons intolerant to lactose, because there is a high probability of allergic reactions. Modern pediatricians advise refraining from introducing semolina porridge with milk in children's menu up to one year, up to three years of age, limit yourself to one or two servings of semolina porridge with milk per week. The substance phytin contained in the product noticeably slows down absorption, which has negative consequences for the human body.

Semolina porridge with milk for weight loss

Despite the high percentage of simple carbohydrates in the product, semolina porridge with milk sometimes becomes an ingredient in diets, one of which is a mono-diet with milk semolina porridge. The only food for 5 days will be semolina porridge with milk, cooked without adding and. Like any method of restrictive nutrition, this diet requires a preliminary visit to a specialist to identify contraindications and side effects. An option for those who are not ready to eat only semolina is to replace part of the flour in baking with semolina or milk semolina porridge, then you don’t have to add flour at all.

Semolina porridge with milk in cooking

There are several options for preparing semolina porridge with milk - pour the cereal into cold or boiling milk, dilute the milk with water or pre-mix the cereal in a small amount cold water. The proportions of cereal and liquid remain unchanged - 1:4 and constant stirring of the porridge is mandatory to avoid the appearance of lumps. For better swelling of the porridge, it is recommended to close it with a lid and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. You can add, or, jam, dried fruits or fresh berries to semolina porridge with milk.

For more information about semolina porridge with milk and its benefits, see the video clip of the TV show “About the Most Important Thing.”

Especially for
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Small white or milky cereal, which is made from wheat grains with a grain diameter of 0.25 to 0.75 millimeters.


Semolina is divided into brands depending on the type of wheat from which it is produced:

    “T” - from durum wheat, more suitable for preparing liquid and viscous milk porridges, cutlets, pancakes, casseroles, minced meat

    “M” - from soft wheat - for soups and sweet dishes

    "MT" from their mixture.

Calorie content

100 grams of product contains 333 kcal.


The composition of semolina includes starch, saturated fatty acids, mono- and disaccharides, fiber, gluten, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, E, PP, as well as mineral elements (nickel, titanium, tin, cobalt, aluminum, vanadium, silicon, molybdenum, boron, manganese, fluorine, chromium, zinc, copper, sulfur, iron, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, potassium, calcium).

How to cook

Semolina porridge is prepared using water or milk. For one part of semolina take 10 parts of liquid. Semolina is poured into boiling or just starting to boil liquid in a thin stream so that lumps do not form. Also, to prevent them, it is recommended to mix semolina with salt and sugar before adding it to the liquid.

Semolina porridge is cooked with continuous stirring. When it is ready, it is recommended to season the semolina with butter and leave it to “cook” for 10 minutes.

Semolina porridge is used as independent dish, various ingredients are added to it: honey, jam, jam, dried fruits, cinnamon, berries, nuts.

Semolina is also used to prepare soups, sauces, casseroles, pancakes, cutlets, meatballs, puddings, mousses, soufflés, minced meat, pies.

Beneficial features

Semolina porridge is digested in the lower intestine, it contains little fiber, so it is recommended to be consumed in the postoperative period and in case of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Semolina has a high nutritional value and good digestibility, cleanses the intestines of mucus, removes fat and harmful substances from the body, successfully restores vitality, and fills the body with energy.

Restrictions on use

Doctors do not have a clear opinion regarding the harms and benefits of semolina porridge. It contains gluten, which can cause allergic reactions and is therefore not recommended for children under one year of age. At the same time, some doctors, on the contrary, recommend including semolina porridge in the diet of children, since it is easily digestible.

In addition, semolina contains phytin, which interferes with the absorption of calcium by the body. That is why it should be used with caution by children and people over 45 years of age.

Long-term cooking of semolina porridge destroys almost all useful elements, so it must be prepared correctly.



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