Honey is both tasty and healthy. Delicious and healthy honey - against all diseases. Honey with myrrh

Honey is both tasty and healthy. Delicious and healthy honey - against all diseases. Honey with myrrh

Honey is a storehouse of vitamins. It is difficult to find a more affordable, versatile product. Its use in a variety of fields (medicine, body care, hair care), not to mention cooking, has been known since ancient times. What explains the effectiveness of this bee product? First of all - the composition. Honey contains more than 300 useful organic substances, vitamins, and minerals. Among them:

  • microelements (iodine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc);
  • organic acids;
  • bifidobacteria;
  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • polyphenols;
  • natural antibiotics;
  • mineral salts;
  • maltose;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamins B, PP, C, H.

The benefits of honey for the body

It acts on the body as a general tonic, tones, improves sleep (for insomnia or restless sleep), reduces aggressiveness, is effective for depression, headaches (migraines), increases resistance to various diseases (primarily colds), and has an antiviral and antibacterial effect. Also helps with minor burns or wounds, and is useful for high cholesterol. Consuming honey is recommended for problems with the digestive system; it improves blood and the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and reduces the risk of cancer cells. The diet of people suffering from diabetes cannot do without it (replaces sugar in almost all products).

For heart

In order to strengthen the heart, increase the tone of the body, and improve the functioning of the organs of the circulatory system, the human body needs glucose. In this case, the beekeeping product is simply irreplaceable - it dilates blood vessels, improves blood composition, thereby improving blood flow.

For people with weakened heart muscles, honey is a way to “saturate” the body with the energy necessary for normal functioning. In addition, it helps reduce swelling and lower blood pressure.

For the liver

Nowadays, it is difficult to meet a person who has not had liver problems at least once. There are many reasons for this: poor environment, unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition. The liver is the first one in the body to take the blow and is the only organ that is able to recover. Regular consumption of honey and other bee products also helps. This is possible due to the presence of a large number of active components in its composition, which helps remove toxins and improve bile production.

For hair and face

The effectiveness of using honey for hair and face is explained by its composition and practically healing effect on the human body. Various masks are made on its basis - moisturizing, improving skin tone, refreshing, rejuvenating.

The microelements contained in honey help:

  • give hair shine, silkiness, softness;
  • accelerate hair growth, make it thicker;
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • get rid of dandruff;
  • stop excessive hair loss.

This product helps in combating facial skin problems such as:

  • dryness – honey moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • dullness – makes the skin smoother, softer, gives a healthy appearance;
  • various inflammations (irritation, acne, rashes) - masks based on this product easily eliminate inflammatory processes and the effect remains for a long time.
  • small (first) wrinkles – rejuvenates the skin.

In addition to the above, honey masks (in combination with other products) help improve blood circulation, speed up the processes of regeneration and cell restoration.

Contraindications for use

Despite the many advantages and enormous benefits for the body, honey, like any other product, has a number of contraindications.

  1. First of all, it should not be used by people prone to allergies, because it is a very strong allergen (which is why it is not recommended to be given to small children - up to 2-3 years old).
  2. Since this product contains a lot of fructose, it can have a bad effect on the pancreas. For people with such problems, it is better to limit its amount in the diet.
  3. At high temperatures (with diseases of the respiratory tract), it is not advisable to take honey - this can cause a deterioration in the body’s condition.
  4. If consumed in excess, it can lead to metabolic disorders and further obesity or, in the worst case, to diabetes.
  5. This product can be stored for a year - after which it cannot be consumed.

Despite the fact that many people prefer to drink tea with honey when they have a cold, this is not recommended - adding honey to hot water (tea), it loses its properties and becomes poisonous.

The most valuable and delicious varieties of honey

It is impossible to say exactly which of the varieties (and there are many of them today) are the most delicious or healthy. But among the most popular and frequently used are the following:

Lime Its main effect is antibacterial. It is effective for various colds, weakened immunity, and decreased body tone. Recommended for problems with the digestive and genitourinary systems.
Buckwheat According to many experts, this variety is one of the most valuable. This is due to the fact that it is used for the prevention and treatment of the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels), hypertension, anemia; helps with a weakened body (lack of vitamins).
Acacia This type - unlike the others - is the least allergenic, therefore it is allowed for consumption even by small children and people with diabetes.
Donnikovy has a wide range of applications. It is recommended for wound healing (cuts, burns), spasmodic pain; has an anti-inflammatory, calming effect; Recommended even for use by nursing mothers (to increase milk supply).

Beneficial properties for men

The positive effect of consuming bee products for males has long been known. Honey helps with problems with potency, normalizes the functioning of the male reproductive system, and reduces the risk of such an unpleasant phenomenon as impotence.

The following types of product are considered the most effective and beneficial for men's health:

  • chestnut – helps eliminate various inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  • floral – helps normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • so-called Turkish honey (product of Marmaris);
  • Jasmine, marjoram, and orchid are also recommended for use.

For women

This product is widely used in cosmetology (for wraps, masks, creams), medicine (in the treatment of gynecological diseases, diseases of the nervous system), and dietetics. The following varieties are considered the most beneficial for women's health:

  • clover - effective in the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system (fibroids, erosion, mastopathy); it also moisturizes well and saturates the skin with nutrients;
  • mountain - used in the treatment of colds, in case of malfunctions of the endocrine system; removes toxins and harmful substances from the body well, restores the functioning of the nervous system (in case of exhaustion, excessive fatigue);
  • cellular – increases immunity, tone, resistance to infections and diseases; used in masks with a rejuvenating effect.

For children

For children under 2-3 years of age, eating honey is not recommended, since this product is quite allergenic. But further introducing it into the diet (in reasonable quantities) is only beneficial. The most suitable varieties for children are considered to be acacia (due to the minimal risk of allergic reactions and beneficial properties) and linden (to strengthen the immune system, eliminate symptoms of colds) varieties. It is also good to give children Forbs (based on various wildflowers and herbs).

Health Recipes

There are many recipes (known for a long time and modern) based on honey. They have proven their effectiveness and efficiency. Such recipes are used for treatment together with medications. They are often used as additional means or at the final stage of treatment. The most popular are the following recipes.

Honey with cinnamon and lemon for myocardium

For this recipe you need the following ingredients:

  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 0.5 tsp;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • cinnamon - half a stick or a quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

To prepare, pour hot water over the cinnamon, let it cool to 40 degrees, then add the rest of the ingredients and mix everything well. Take half a glass of the drink on an empty stomach (in the morning) and before bed (an hour after meals).

It is not advisable to take the medicine for those who have stomach problems, exacerbation of hypertension, or allergies to bee products.

Ischemia mixture

The following mixtures can be used to treat ischemia:

  1. Mix one glass of honey and rose hips well, consume 3 times a day (30 minutes before meals), a teaspoon.
  2. Honey with garlic - for this, take 300 grams of liquid honey, 200 grams of garlic (chopped and crushed), mix the ingredients and leave for 10 days. Regularity of administration: one teaspoon before meals (3 times a day).

Composition for angina pectoris

In order to prepare the medicine, you will need:

  • honey - 0.5 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs;
  • aloe - 3 leaves.

Rosehip decoction

To prepare the decoction, you should take:

  • rose hips - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey - 3 spoons;
  • boiled water - 1 l.

Boil water, add berries, boil for 20 minutes. Then strain the broth, squeeze out the fruits, leaving to infuse for a day. Add honey before use. Drink three times throughout the day.

Nuts with honey

One of the most useful mixtures. To prepare, take nuts (you can have different types), grind them in a blender, add honey (any kind to your taste). Mix well and you can use it.

There is another recipe - take shelled nuts and mix with honey in a 2:1 ratio. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon three times a day (30 minutes before meals).

Face mask recipes

Honey-based face masks make the skin more elastic, soft, moisturize it, add shine, and help with inflammatory processes.

These types of masks are considered the most popular.

With aspirin

  1. Take one aspirin tablet, a teaspoon of honey, a little water (about 30 grams). Everything is mixed and applied to the skin. The result is a calming effect, skin dullness is eliminated, and tone increases. It can be used as a scrub.
  2. 3 tablets, a teaspoon of honey, water (50 grams). The ingredients are mixed. The mixture is applied to the face with light movements and left for 15 minutes. This mask is good for acne and redness.


The following recipes are widely used in practice:

  1. Squeeze lemon juice and mix with 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply to a napkin and apply to your face. Duration - 20 minutes. Then wash with warm water. The mask helps with blackheads, acne, and redness.
  2. Take a lemon (twist together with the peel), add honey (1 tablespoon). Apply to skin for 15 minutes. Rinse everything off with water. This mixture improves skin tone, gives it a healthy color and blush.

Hair masks

Such masks are effective for dandruff, dull hair, excessive dryness, and brittleness. They help make strands thicker and more voluminous. They have a good effect on hair growth and scalp condition.

Based on honey and eggs

To prepare you need to take: one spoon of honey, an egg, mix everything well, apply to your hair. Wrap in a towel. Leave on the strands for half an hour. Wash your hair.

With yeast

Take 2 tablespoons of dry yeast, half a glass of milk (to pour the yeast), a teaspoon of any liquid honey. Everything is mixed and applied to the strands (for 45 minutes). Then the hair is washed with warm water.

Cognac based

For this mixture you will need 0.5 cups of cognac, one tablespoon each of honey and salt. Mix all ingredients and place in a dark place for 2 weeks. Apply to the hair and scalp and leave the mask on for one hour. Then the hair is washed.

Mustard-honey mask for hair growth

For the recipe, take 2 tablespoons of mustard, honey, and olive oil. Everything is mixed, applied to the hair (duration - from 20 to 40 minutes - depending on the sensations). At the end, wash your hair well.

Honey plus onion to strengthen hair

For this recipe you will need 2 or 3 tablespoons of honey and onion juice; The ingredients are mixed, then the mixture is rubbed into the scalp. Duration - 20 minutes, after which the hair is rinsed with warm water.

With added egg

Such mixtures are good in the fight against the first wrinkles. Popular recipes:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of honey and one egg and apply to the face for 15 minutes. Then it is washed off with warm water.
  2. Egg white, honey (tablespoon), 2 tablespoons of plain flour - mix, apply to face and neck (for 20 minutes). Then wash with warm water. If desired, you can apply a light nourishing cream.

Honey is one of the most ancient remedies for beauty and health. It is used in medicine (for the prevention and treatment of diseases of almost all body systems), cosmetology (hair, face, body), dietetics (allowed even in the diet of people on a diet). There are many varieties of it, each of these types is useful and effective. The healing properties of this bee product for women's and men's health are known. Even children are allowed to eat honey. But, in addition to its positive properties, it has contraindications, which must be taken into account before starting treatment or using it as a prophylactic agent.

In contact with

The natural diversity of nectar-bearing plants is a stumbling block for connoisseurs of beekeeping products. In an attempt to determine the best honey for themselves, they often become victims of counterfeits or unscrupulous sellers selling non-existent exclusive varieties. It is impossible to insure against this, even when purchasing the most expensive honey. After all, often the high price, rarity and ability to cure all diseases turn out to be a marketing ploy to promote ordinary, unremarkable honey. Therefore, when purchasing unusual honey, for example, from New Zealand, it is worth thinking: is it really from there, and is it honey?

After all, such well-known varieties as, or, despite their prevalence, combine all the necessary beneficial properties and have a well-recognized taste and aroma.

Is there a most useful one?

It is impossible to single out the most useful variety: each has a unique combination of properties, provided it is natural.

Of course, the collection region also greatly influences the quality and usefulness: the cleaner the environment and the less human intervention in the nectar processing process, the tastier and healthier the honey.

In this regard, Altai and Siberian apiaries are deservedly valued in Russia. The high culture of beekeeping in these regions guarantees compliance with quality standards, and the ecology provides the products with healing properties. Such honey is unlikely to contain unpleasant impurities in the form of heavy metal salts.

Well-recognized and deservedly famous beekeeping products from these regions will satisfy the most sophisticated taste. In terms of usefulness, the forbs of these places can outshine any monofloral variety, but they should not be underestimated:

  • the healing properties of linden blossom embodied in honey are indispensable for colds;
  • sunflower will help cope with any skin problem and radiculitis;
  • buckwheat will compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals, tones the body;
  • acacia will cleanse blood vessels and the liver, help with blood pressure and nervous disorders; with such a variety of beneficial properties, the choice becomes even more difficult.

The shocking truth about honey.

Does appearance matter?

When choosing this or that variety for themselves, some are guided by taste and aroma, while others need a certain consistency or color.

Preference for liquid honey does not always play into your hands when trying to purchase the best variety. Yes, all varieties immediately after pumping have a liquid consistency. But as winter approaches, almost all of them change their structure: the current season’s produce necessarily thickens. If jars of uncandied honey appear on store shelves in the fall, this means that it has been subjected to heat treatment, and in this case it is no longer suitable for treatment. Although there are exceptions, for example, acacia, it also thickens throughout the year.

But by the color of honey you can definitely tell about the richness of the mineral composition: dark, from dark amber to brown, the product in the jar most likely has a solid list of micro- and macroelements in its composition and a rich pollen content. This is not necessarily buckwheat; mountain and forest polyfloral varieties are often of this color.

They are distinguished by a large number of active compounds, and, therefore, a great influence on the human body. But they have a significant drawback - they provoke the occurrence of individual intolerance more often than light ones.

Light transparent honey often settles into an almost white mass and has fewer contraindications for use. For example, acacia is considered to be hypoallergenic. However, you still shouldn’t abuse it.

Deciding what kind of honey must be available for the winter must be done individually. The usefulness of dark buckwheat may not coincide with taste preferences: not everyone will understand its special tart taste with a pleasant bitterness in the aftertaste. Especially when it comes to small patients: they would rather prefer the sweet taste of linden.

When choosing the best type of honey for yourself, you need to rely on your own taste: no advice or description can replace personal tasting. Only after trying and comparing, you can choose from a huge variety the only one that you want to have in your constant reserves.

Of course, this can hardly be done in a retail sales network. Honey fairs or a trip directly to the apiary are good for this. However, even in this case, you need to carefully study the certificate of medicinal products so that they bring not only pleasure to the taste, but also benefits to the body.

3 years ago


Honey is a fragrant and healthy delicacy from nature

Honey has been known to mankind since ancient times - our distant ancestors knew how to extract wild honey from tree hollows. Rock paintings have been preserved that depict the process of human honey extraction. In ancient civilizations, honey was considered a divine product, and the one who owned an apiary was considered a wealthy and respected person. In the countries of the ancient East, honey and bee products were used to treat various diseases; in Ancient Egypt, it was widely used in the embalming process. Archaeologists have found sealed jars of honey that are estimated to be several thousand years old. In India, bees were considered companions of the gods, and honey and wax were used in magical and divine rituals throughout the world. Wax served as a material in demand among artists, sculptors and monks; it played an important role in the development of writing and culture. Almost every Christian monastery had its own apiary and workshop for making candles from natural beeswax.

Honey is a unique product created by bees

In terms of taste and nutritional qualities, honey has no equal among other sweets. The basis for honey production is flower nectar collected by worker bees. To collect a liter of nectar, bees need to fly around about a million flowers. As a result of the evaporation of moisture from a liter of nectar, 300 grams of honey are obtained. After arriving at the hive, the bees give the nectar for processing. As a result of natural fermentation, complex sugars break down into simple sugars - glucose and fructose. In mature honey, the moisture level does not exceed 18-20%. Honey also contains many microelements, vitamins, natural enzymes and other biologically active substances necessary for the body.

Honey in Rus'

The ancient Slavs used honey to prepare a wide variety of dishes and drinks. Our ancestors not only collected honey from wild bees, but also settled them in borti - tanned wooden logs. The history of beekeeping in Rus' goes back more than one thousand years. In the Middle Ages, Russia actively traded honey and wax with other countries - it was one of the most important export products. Neither everyday nor holiday table could do without honey - it was added to porridge, poured over pancakes and pies, turnips were steamed with it and apples were baked with it. The secrets of making jam, alcoholic drinks with honey, infusions and sbitney were passed down from generation to generation. Russian low-alcohol drinks have become famous throughout the world - berry meads, liqueurs, sbitny and mead, healthy, refreshing and pleasant to the taste.

Whichthere are types of honey

Depending on the type of flowers from which the nectar is collected, honey can have different taste, color and aroma. The best honey plants are linden, buckwheat, acacia, sunflower, fireweed, alfalfa, sweet clover, rapeseed, and sainfoin. When honey is produced from the nectar of one plant species, it is called monofloral. There are buckwheat, linden, rapeseed, sunflower, acacia, melilot, sainfoin, etc. honeys. If honey is obtained from nectar of different species, it is called polyfloral. The most common polyfloral honeys are meadow, mountain, forest and field. The color of honey can vary from pale yellow to dark brown. Any natural honey is tasty and healthy, but each variety has its own characteristics.

What are the benefits of honey for the human body?

Natural honey serves as an irreplaceable source of carbohydrates, mineral salts, organic acids, vitamins and enzymes. Its composition is close to blood plasma and is quickly absorbed by the body. Honey is very useful for schoolchildren, students, athletes, elderly people, and people engaged in intellectual work. A few teaspoons of honey a day will give you energy and help relieve fatigue. Honey promotes strengthening the immune system. Honey and beekeeping products are recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory and digestive organs, sleep disorders, metabolic disorders, and as a preventive measure for the appearance of malignant tumors. Natural honey perfectly removes toxins, radionuclides, heavy metal salts from the body, and neutralizes alcohol. Thanks to the content of natural phytoncides, honey effectively heals wounds and accelerates tissue regeneration. It should be remembered that only natural bee honey has healing properties. When heated to more than 50 degrees, its beneficial properties disappear.

How to choose honey

Bee honey is presented on the shelves of markets and shops at any time of the year. To buy quality honey, you should definitely try it. During the summer months, freshly extracted honey is sold in markets - it has a viscous consistency and a floral aroma. Natural mature honey does not drip when twisted onto a spoon. When rubbed between your fingers, it is absorbed into the skin, and when swallowed, you feel a characteristic sore throat. Be sure to smell and taste the honey before purchasing. It is better to “stock up” with honey from familiar beekeepers who are not too lazy to take the hives to the fields and sell fragrant flower honey. A few weeks after pumping out, the honey crystallizes - this is a natural process, and all the benefits of the product are retained even after sugaring. It is important to observe the storage conditions for honey - it is packaged in glass containers with a tight-fitting lid and stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

How and how much honey should you eat per day?

Read more about how to use honey. For an adult, the approximate daily intake of honey is 80-100 grams per day, that is, 2-3 tablespoons in several doses. Honey is best absorbed in the morning on an empty stomach or 2-3 hours after a meal. So it's good to eat a spoonful of honey in the morning and drink a glass of warm water. It is important not to heat honey above 40 degrees. You can eat a couple of spoons of honey just like that, add it to cottage cheese or fruit salad, or pour honey over pancakes or pancakes. A glass of cool water with a dissolved spoon of honey on an empty stomach enhances metabolism and helps cope with excess weight. Tea or warm milk with honey at night is very useful - this is a real elixir for nervous disorders and insomnia.

Mothers often ask: is it possible to give honey to a child? The product should be introduced into the children's diet after a year in small portions. If there is no allergy, you can give little ones with a sweet tooth up to 2-3 teaspoons of honey per day. Partial replacement of sugar with honey in the diet helps improve health, normalize weight and increase resistance to infections. Just a couple of spoons of natural honey a day - and you will forget about lethargy, colds and insomnia! Is honey healthy? Definitely yes!

P.S. For those who are allergic to bee products, it is better give up honey or consult your doctor about possible correct doses.

Honey in cooking

In cooking honey is used quite often and this is quite justified. After all, this wonderful product not only enhances dishes with its aroma, but also improves taste. Honey is widely used in the preparation of cakes, desserts, salads and main courses. On our website you will find recipes that contain honey. Here are some of them:


Bee honey is a medicine that is both ancient and modern. Despite the thousand-year tradition of observations, for many people the beneficial effects and benefits of honey for the body are a mystery, and its use is a matter of taste.

Increasingly, a huge selection in retail chains, markets and fairs is the result of a well-organized advertising campaign, and a truly high-quality product can only be found through an acquaintance, from a “trusted” beekeeper.

The benefits and harms of honey collected by bees have nothing to do with synthetic and “complicated” varieties that can be offered to uninformed buyers under the guise of a “cure for all diseases.”

Only real honey collected by bees can have healing properties, prolong youth and improve health: it is known that beekeepers and their relatives predominate among long-livers over 100 years.

Only honey that is collected in its native region will bring true benefits to the body. How not to make a mistake? Let's start with the fact that there are varieties that are positioned as, for example, “Bashkir honey”, which cannot be produced on the territory of this republic (chestnut, acacia, angelica, buckwheat). Next come honey products with an “exotic” accent, the origin of which is very questionable in the conditions of our country (camel thorn, eucalyptus). But there are also such “miraculous” species that cannot exist in nature, for example, ginseng, celandine, boron uterus, hazel, rose hips, agrimony, juniper, Far Eastern lotus, etc. Unscrupulous traders “attribute” the medicinal properties of medicinal plants to such varieties of “honey”. This is how specialized products “for the liver”, “for the heart” and many others appear - for almost all diseases. Moreover, this has already become a kind of tradition - at any honey fair, wherever it is organized, wide display cases with buckets of “honey” are necessarily decorated with informative signs describing the healing properties of these “achievements” of pseudo-beekeeping.

What is honey?

In order to be able to understand why honey is useful, you need to get an idea of ​​what kind of product it is, how it is produced, and what are the features of its use.

  • Honey is a sweet, sticky product collected and partially processed by honey bees.
  • Honey is a combination of carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, maltose, sucrose, etc.), pollen and water, which ranges from 13 to 20% and actually affects the thickness of this sweet nectar.
  • Flower honey obtained from a certain plant is called monofloral, and the pollen content of this plant in the final product, according to the current GOST, must be at least 46%. Only such a product can be called, for example, linden or buckwheat.
  • Nectar collected from many different plants turns into polyfloral honey (mixed, floral, herbal).
  • Bee honey is a fairly high-calorie product (330 kcal), so adults are recommended to consume 100-150 g of this delicacy per day, and children - up to 50 g.

Advice: When purchasing this medicinal delicacy, you should ask the seller if there are protocols for analyzing the pollen content in honey for each type of product - this way you can catch unscrupulous traders or find a truly high-quality product.

Honey is your best friend and healer

The main beneficial property of honey is to improve metabolism in the body, break down “excess” fat, and prevent its deposition in “problem” areas of the figure. It is on this feature that all other healing qualities are based - to help with diseases, strengthen the immune system, promote weight loss. What exactly is honey good for?

  • This sweet product contains almost the same trace elements as human blood, so it is useful for anemia.
  • Vitamins, organic acids, biogenic stimulants, which natural honey is rich in, have a beneficial effect on the vital functions of the body: bactericidal effect, restoration of strength, reduction of pain, counteracting colds and inflammatory diseases, rejuvenation of the skin, internal organs and systems.

Features and contraindications

Eating honey is a delicate and individual process. It can harm the body only in cases where there are contraindications to the use of honey:

  • there is an allergy to pollen and, therefore, to all bee products;
  • abuse sweet treats, for example, with diabetes;
  • the product is initially of poor quality, for example, containing mechanical or biological impurities and allergens, overheated in the sun, fermented due to non-compliance with storage conditions;
  • bees created “poisonous” honey (another name is “drunk”).

Attention: Honey can harm your teeth, like all sweets. If you are prone to caries and other dental problems, you should rinse your mouth with water after drinking honey.

The benefits of certain types of honey

The use of this healthy delicacy for medicinal and preventive purposes can help solve several problems at once, since the key effect of honey on the body is to restore the normal course of metabolic processes. Different types of honey do not have a clear therapeutic specialization; there are individual features and recommendations, so you can focus on your own taste preferences - after all, the treatment should be tasty.

Name of honeyCharacteristicsUseful properties of honey
LimeSweetish, fragrant aroma of linden, color from whitish to pale yellow; matte, crystallized.
  • antibacterial and antiseptic properties;
  • expectorant effect for sore throat, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis;
  • treatment of runny nose, flu;
  • tonic for inflammatory diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys;
  • anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of wounds and burns.
AcaciaSubtle aroma, pleasant taste; the color is transparent, light with a golden tint - in liquid form; white matte - in crystallized form.
  • tonic;
  • sedative for insomnia;
  • anti-inflammatory effect in gastrointestinal, biliary, renal diseases.
SunflowerPleasant soft taste, faint aroma; golden color in liquid consistency, yellow in crystallized form, large crystals.
  • bactericidal properties;
  • tonic.
BuckwheatStrong aroma and specific taste, brownish color with a reddish tint in liquid form, light brown in crystallized form. Higher content of proteins and minerals compared to other types of honey.
  • high content of proteins, minerals (iron), useful for anemia;
  • immune booster;
  • used in the treatment of digestive organs, liver;
  • preventive effect against atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
DonnikovyA specific aroma reminiscent of vanilla, taste with a hint of bitterness; the color is light amber, sometimes white.
  • tonic;
  • kidney treatment;
  • sedative effect for nervous tension.
ChestnutAroma of horse chestnut flowers, thick bitter taste; color dark brown.
  • antimicrobial properties;
  • treatment of digestive organs, kidneys.
CloverColor – light, transparent, when hardened – white.
  • prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency;
  • an effective remedy for diseases of the digestive system;
  • increased lactation.
LugovoiBright aroma of honey flowers, color from light to bright yellow.
  • antibacterial, analgesic, softening effect.

Which honey is the healthiest? Traditional medicine recommends honey from herbs - meadow, forest, mountain, steppe, etc. - as the most multi-component, with a wide range of therapeutic effects. This sweet nectar is collected by bees from dozens or even hundreds of plants, including many medicinal ones. In addition, dark honey, containing more iron, copper, and manganese, is extremely useful than light honey.

Honey as a dietary product

Losing weight with honey is a fairly popular, healthy and simple way to tidy up not only your figure, but the entire body as a whole. Here are several options for the “honey” diet.

Recipe 1. 1 tbsp. Stir honey in 200 ml of warm drinking water. Take on an empty stomach (especially useful in the morning!), 20 minutes in the afternoon. before meals. All other sweets are excluded. It is advisable during this period not to eat flour, fatty foods, semi-finished products, and to establish a drinking regime - this will make it easier for the body to adapt to a “healthy way”, and a weight loss course with honey will be more effective. It is recommended to carry out such a course for up to three months.

Recipe 2. Add lemon juice (1 tbsp) or grated ginger (0.2 tsp) to honey water prepared according to the previous recipe. You need to focus on your taste and individual preferences, since with a pleasant drink there will be a completely different motivation to achieve an ideal figure. Also take on an empty stomach, but not the same number of glasses every day, but gradually increasing the daily dose to a volume of 2.5-3 liters.

Did you think you could only bake gingerbread with it? Our honey selection includes first, second, salad, sweets and even lemonade!

Ancient doctors called honey a medicine that prolongs life. Therefore, if you want to be healthy, use this magical delicacy in your cooking.

Carrot-honey cream soup


  • Honey - ¼ tbsp.
  • Carrots - 1 kg
  • Heavy cream - 1/3 tbsp.
  • Vegetable broth or water - 1.5 l
  • Thyme, parsley, salt, pepper - to taste


Wash the carrots, peel and cook with thyme in vegetable broth or water for 55 minutes. Grind it in a blender, melt the honey in a water bath. Add honey, cream, salt and pepper to the carrots, mix everything well. Pour into plates and garnish with sprigs of herbs.

Wings in honey-mustard marinade


  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Chicken wings - 1 kg
  • Mustard - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sweet paprika - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil, salt, pepper - to taste


Melt the honey in a water bath and mix well in a bowl with mustard, paprika, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, salt and pepper. Wash the chicken wings and marinate in the sauce for 30 minutes. Fry in a frying pan in olive oil until golden brown, or bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 200 °C

Mushroom salad with honey and oranges


  • Champignons (canned) - 200 g
  • Apples - 200 g
  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Honey - 3 tsp.
  • Mustard - 1 tsp.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Natural yogurt - 150 ml
  • Vegetable oil - to taste


Cut the champignons into strips and simmer for 5 minutes in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Wash and peel the apples, peppers and oranges. Cut the apples into cubes, the pepper into half rings, and the orange into slices. Grate the hard cheese. Combine honey, mustard, lemon juice and yogurt for the sauce. Mix orange, pepper and apples in a beautiful salad bowl, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Baked apples


  • Honey - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Apples - 4 pcs.
  • Almonds - 80 g
  • Raisins - 50 g
  • Cinnamon, powdered sugar - to taste


Fry the nuts in a frying pan and grind in a blender. Melt honey in a water bath, mix with raisins and nuts, add cinnamon and mix the filling thoroughly. Wash the apples, remove the core and fill the cavity with the filling. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 180°C. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Honey cake with sour cream


  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 3.5 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Sour cream - 500 g
  • Soda - 1 tsp.
  • Gelatin - 1 tsp.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Water - 50 g


Beat eggs with 1 tbsp. sugar, add honey, butter and soda. Mix everything and place in a water bath for 15 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, add flour, knead the dough and divide it into 8 equal parts. Roll each of them into a thin crust and bake separately for 5-7 minutes in the oven at 180°C. Beat sour cream and remaining sugar in a blender. Dissolve gelatin in warm water and mix well with sour cream. Brush each cake layer with it and place on top of each other. Trim the edges of the cake so that the layers are even. Chop the trimmings and sprinkle on top of the cake.

Honey-ginger lemonade


  • Honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Ginger root - 3 cm
  • Lemons - 3 pcs.
  • Water - 2 l


Wash the ginger, peel and grate. Wash the lemons and grate them together with the zest, do not discard the juice. Combine ginger, lemon, lemon juice, honey and stir. Fill everything with water and close the lid. Leave for 6 hours, serve in beautiful glasses, decorated with lemon slices.



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